We Have r ' ood Assortment Of (G)(9) Summer Coats and Vests, ee ur Corner ; it.. Suitable f o r tlie PRESENT WEATHER. Vj. all goods Marked x 7 IN PLAIN FIGURES. Pease 8c Mays, rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. Bituri'd ii ttiti I'liHtolllci! lit Tins DhIIun, Oregon ah ht'L'oiid-iMiiHN mutter. Local A(l vfitNliii;. f JU (.'unit )ur lino fur llrnt Insertion, mid li Cunts er unu or cucn hit win cui mnmnm. Ry,;yr.HiiL'iiliil rates fur lium tlmu nntlcen. iS-ratAll Iih'ii. nntlci'.s rc'elvwl later tlmu :t o'clock ffm W l mmi'iir t!io followiiiir day. Woutlmr PorcciiKt. Mat iirwiii! Jor twcnty-Jimr himm rnillnii at , p. wi. (finmrniiii P'WudncHtluy tirnl TlmrHiliij', fuir and lightly wjiriner. I'ACUIK. weatiiuk Maximum tmujioriituru, 87. Minimum temperature, 51. Itivor. -8.0 feet above zero. Wind, calm. WEDNESDAY JULY 10, 18911 tThe Daily and Weekly Chronicle may ifound on sale at J. C. Nir.kelwn' ntore. JULY JULEPS. 1 Iiiicitl iwh J-lulu JOHK. lu Hoiituipatlilc Mo .5! omiui, dour woimm, the enwe of our wooh, ey wriir rlnitH tin their llni;ern, they're liellew f on our tms, ruciirer tiiim linen, eiirh one Ik u row, IKetH the more thorny the older oho (?row. in. IIurnt gave bondH today iu the of $500 in JuHtice .Davis' court for MMIo Htealing. Sbo Hentence of It. C. Curter of Mt. him been commuted to -'." fmrti imprisonment. Tie wn arrested EtiHt. Portland under tho iinme of Ioho luHt upring 'or the murder of one Irockott in Mititiouri in 1880. irW. J. Ilurriman, neur Endersbv, wed outH and wheat on high hUl hind o i!7th of April, und mini plus iniiy be n ut this office. It has attuiued a owth of ubout four feet, with u lurtre utility of grain upon it. A lawn nieial will he given ut the rqai- nce of Mra. C. I.. Schmidt by tho onien'H lhriHtian atiHociation. for ritablo purposes. Tho programme il lie vocal und inHtruinentul niuaic bv PeinberH of the Gemini Vetein. Ad- WfflilifiHlon 'JZ centH und children lOcentH. SXffiaililclllllliiii. ritfniul m u aP' w it .i . I, . Hi ui uiniM iiiit.N Tifir iirnimuii r " 'iwfviiiv iu K.ovo uacic into tlie W iimottu nn chh iomcthing pretty good iH ollcred. JIo frill probably move ii in tilatit to Port. land, and put it in Htorngo until notne Boiiiiuunity iH found willing to pro perl v tuppoit u bright, iiowey little countrv lieet. Tho water Hiipcriiitoiidont certaiulv fciemiB buaineBM, an he biiyH iiiiIchh witter loiiHiinierH obnervo tho Iiouih for irrifa- iiuion, winch mo from 0 to 8 o'clock in u evening nd from 0 to 7 o'clock in I'u tnorning, i,0 will bo compelled to do lo next beHt thing, and Hint will bo to nforco the rules to the letter. Thin in fol an udvurttNoinont, but an item of pojiaUo many, includlntr oumelveH. Poddler went till over town ,..miiv Wiling U imtOIlt lirtlclo. Amoni'llin imu.v who jmrclutaod was u inor.'l.imt'H jlf )no day uh he wont homo to dinner hiH wife informed him what u nlco tiling alto had bought. Shu thon learned her hus band had them in his Hloro for sale for a year at half the price nho paid for hor'H. When told of thin Hhe mild: 'w,ll. whv doit't you advortiho thorn. Nobody known T5d. Ciibaon wuh urrested on comnlnlnt of JJ. I). Garrleon for numuilt in Skibbo'a bar room und the trial came otf this uf. ternoon before the recorder. There was quite a crowd in attendance, but there was little to excite the curiosity of the morbidly-inclined. There lire no marks on the person of Garrison and a witness swore that he had no weapon and did not even strike him, that his hands were upon Garrison's coat collar, but no violence was attempted, Garrison hav ing been talking about gypsies. A Gila monster is on exhibition in a McMinnvillc Hhow window, which was sent to a lady residing there by her son, at present in Arizona. It is described as being a spotted and scrofulous-looking lizard, with it 'long, forked tongue, which it tliriiKts forth in a startling manner. Those acquainted with the little quadruped sav there is no known antidote for its venom, and for deadly poison Hie rattlesnake is not to be com pared witli it. It was shipped in a box, without directions for bundling, and it is regarded us luck thut no one was bit ten in opening the box. A Jun;eroUK Wound. liobert, a 17-year old son of Mr. Al lien v aitner, oi government riat near this city, hud the misfortune to split his left foot with an ax last Thursday. Not "Knowing how to treat a bad wound and care for it, mortification set in, and the young man was brought to this city this morning and hud Dr. Doane remove the decaying portion nnd dress tho foot, so that a healing procesH will restore it The wound was carelessly bound, the doctor, in washing it, finding dirt and fir needles which had adhered to it when it was first made. Tliln Nevdlui;. Frank Leo, iu the Pacific Farmer, re lutes an experience that ought to be vnl uablo to farmers throughout this coun try. lie says: "The experience of this writer is the itune us that of many wheat growers of Eastern Oregon and Washington. Tlie best wheat wo ever saw ruihcu in Klickitut county, Wash., was with tlo pounds of seed. Thin seed ing is the thing when ground is thor oughly cultivated in this section. As heavy seeding takes too much moisture from the ground early iu the season so none 1h left to support the plant later. On tho other hand where the ground is poorly cultivated there must bo an ex tra allowance of mud to take the place of that which fails to germinate." A Hondiiy ut the Seahltle. During tho Hummer season the Dalles. Portland & Astoria Navigation o. will maku u rate of Dalles to Astoria and return, and i. Dalles to Jlwaeo mid return. Tho above rates will ho in ell'oct on Sundays only. Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. Dalles City will arnyo at Portland in time to con- tied with tho Lurliue for Astoria and Jlwauo. The Lurlinu will leave 11 waco Sunday evening and will connect with tho Dalles City Monday morning for Tho JJUIIOH, Tho abovo tickets will be limited to thruu days from date of sale. W. 0. Airway. G. A. Tho Dalles, Portluml & Astoria Co. will inako u rate of ift; for tho tound trip to Portland, und return on Saturday tho U2d inst., good to return on Mon day, Ulth inst. This will givo an oppor tunity of visiting the battle-ship Mon terey now in Portland. W. C. Ai.i.away, G. A. Tho Dalles City will connect with either Ocean Wuvii or Lurlinu ovury evening for llwnco and Long Beach. Tho D. P. und A. N. Co,, will sell round trlj) tickets at reduced rates on and af ter today. Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish, AN OUTING. Ilefci ijit Ion ot n Trip to Lordly Mount AdaiiiH. Wednesday morning, July 12th, two parties, one consisting of Messrs. Haight, Branner, Ed French, Burnhatn and Garretson, the other consisting of Messrs. Uurget, Haines, Sechler and Prof. Brown, left The Dalles on the good steamer Regulator for Trout lake. After a pleasant sail of about two hours we landed at White Sulinon, from which, after seeing that our camping outfit was safely lashed to our wagons, wo pro ceeded toward our destination. About two hours of beautiful road and pictur esque scenery bringB us to the White Salmon river, where we rested and took lunch. The latter part of our journey took us through u portion of country whose timber excels anything we have ever seen. We arrived at the lake about 4 o'clock, and after selecting a place to pitch camp, some oi us went to eaten some trout for supper, while others saw to unpacking our outfit. We found the fish so plentiful that long ere supper time enough fish had been caught to satisfy twice our number. We retired early, one party sleeping in tents, but the other iu u hay mow. Tho next day was spent fishing in Trout river, mainly because boats were secured by other parties. J-riuuy morning both our parties visited the ice cave, about six miles from tlie lake. The drive was delight ful. On either side of the road for al most the whole distance is found verv fine green grass about 7 or 8 inel.es high, most ot which is unused because the tract is unsnrveyed government land. The whole of this reirion is cavernoiiB. j but the ice cave proper is situated right in the midst of a level tract of land, and irom tlie surfuce appears no more than THE BLACK VEIL. Tim Klnnl Tnl Kntnrril Ifpon liy Kono , llettltiffpn. Tomorrow marks an era in tho life of Sister lio-e I'.ettingon, who will undergo the ceremony of tho black veil at St. Mary's academy, Portland. For the first time she will take solemn vows, binding for five years, when if she re main steadfast and satisfied in the life of heroic self-mcrillco to which she will pledge hertelf, she becomes n sister for tho remainder of life. A seven Years novitiacy is required before this last step. The first year as a postulant, at tne bcmnning of which she is vested with a holy drcs and the white veil During tlie second veartho black veil is worn. 1 wo years having been served, the beginning of a five year term is marked by the vows consecutively of "poverty," by which is meant tho re linquisliinent of property, the vow of chastity, renouncing marriage, and the vow ol obedience to superiors. With the donning of the black veil, the name is given up, and Miss Bcttingen will henceforth be known as Sister Mary Alberta. Four others will take similar vows with her. At the same time, also, two will take final vows, and seven will take the white veil. Of tho latter is Miss Margaret Daley, of The Dalles. A novitiate is not allowed outside of the convent walls only under extraor dinary circttnntariccs, but after the seven years novitiate her field is broad ened, so us to comprehend all the duties of life. Mr. A. Bettingeri, Mrs. T. Baldwin, Mary Mclnerny, Rose May Baldwin and the Misses Le Due of Kingsley left on the Regulator today to be present at the ceremonUs tomorrow. FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT. Let It Ite Held in The IlallcK tho Com ing September. Something New.... if Wo tiro determined to make large sales, therefore wo will make cuts in prices that will surprise you. Here are a few prices to suit tho hard times for tho present: a "hole in the ground." All of us pro vided ourselves with torches and de scended tho ladder. Wo no sooner reach the bottom than wo feel we are in a new und freezing atmosphere, although but fifteen or eighteen feet below the surface. Mr. llalght led tho party to tho further end of the cave, took his seat iu such u place that the seven pris matic colors could not have niin.ir..il more beautiful to the rest of the nartv had they been inado to order und blended together. Asido from the&o phenomena tho appearance of the stalac tites and stahicniites of ie hk ilmv stand there liko so iiuinv nillm-H m'n beautiful beyond description. We now chopped out from tho bottom of the cave, ubout I IJOO pounds of ico; drew it ...:u. . ..i i i, uui. mi lujien ; juiiceu it in 0111' WIlgOIlB and returned to tho lake feeling we had gained much more than wu can express. lho next day was spent iu fishing, chielly on tho lake. Mr. Williams' party from The Dalles and Mr. Moore's party from Moro having gono, wo hud all tho boats we needed. It is also ar ranged today that tomorrow our genial host, James lloag, guide a party to Mt. Adains' Minimit. Tho party made up of Mr. Haight, Mr. Buriiliani, Prof. Brown and Mr. Branner, but for Ins adverse premonitions of tho previous night, started at .r :'J0 in (he morning, riding each a cayuso. Wo had not ironu tnoru than four miles before Mr. Houg des cried a black bear about !I50 yards ahead, We had no guns and no dogs but Bingo, but thinking wo might havo soino fun with bruno wu started for hiiu at full speed. Ho wutehed us for about a min ute, and mampered oil" to a largo canyon list ahead of him. Wo could find no Coiitlniu.il on rii'iioua nue, A communication was received by Chief Jud Fish, asking about what facilities could be offered for a firemen's tournament on the first Monday in Sep tember. There is a disposition on the part of the fctate to hold it in The Dalles, and in view of the small sum required for that pnrpo-e 'only $150) we should lack a great deal in courtesy not to show ourselves responsive. Besides that, the benefit to be derived is inestimable from an educational standpoint alone. "With a number of competing teams here an enthusiasm would be generated amo:.g our younger men, which is tlie founda tion for effective service in case of fire. The Dalles had no celebration as a city the fourth of July. By all means let us have a tournament in September that will be a source of pride for a long time to come. In connection there should be races of various kinds, a good ball game, etc. Our visitors would return pleased with their entertainment and The Dalles would thereafter be a point of consider ation, in which she has failed in part during the last few yews. Moitier's Weather Today. Mosieh, Or., July 19, 10 a. m. Spe cial telephonic message to The CimoNi clk. Nice stiff breeze coining from the west. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. C. AV. Harris of Denver called on this office today. J. W. French and Smith French re turned from a flying trip to Ilwaco today. Dr. Eshehnan returned today from Hood River, where lie had been called to attend Mrs. 11. A. Pratt. J. W. Wilson, who has been an em ploye of J. 0. Mack for a number of vears. i in tho city again, havintr re turned from Snohomish. Mrs. (-'eo. A. l.iebe left for Portland last niuht to be with her sister. Mrs. Theo. Liebe, who was injured in a run away near Portland a few days ago. Mrs. Chas. Adains, Miss Adams. Miss Bcf-sie French and Master Paul French left this morning by Regulator for Lour Beach wheie they will remain for the summer. Mrs. II. Heppner, who has been visit- niL' witli .mis. i,. . iteppuer ami Mrs. J. U. llhtkenev for the past week, de parted fur her home in Album this morning. Mr. A. W. Mohr and familv, and Hugh ('hriVnmn and family will leavo for Trout lake by Regulator in tho morn ing, on a mountain outing, to bo absent about a couple ol weeks. Ile-ci'ving 1'1'uIkii, Wo desiie to say to our citizens, that for vears we havo been selling Dr. King's New Di.-covory for Consumption, Dr. King's Sow Life Pills, Hucklen's Arnica Salvo and Kleetrle Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that havo given such univeiral satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, as wo stand leadyto refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. There remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Snipes fc Kinersly's druggistB. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and roup Cure, is for alo by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only &e. Children lovo it. Sold by Snipes it Kinersly. Karl's Clover Root, t'uo new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 25c, Mo. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes A Klnersly, druggists, Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. 20 yards Print Calico, for zc:-$1.00 3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for .25 2 36-inch Linen Towels, for 25 3JBathingwels (Turkish), for 25 2 Fancy Tidies, for .25 Parasols, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c. Everything in proportion. Save money while you have tho opportunity. TThis sale is good for 30 days only. Come and bring your friends. Yon won't regret it. ft Cor. conn and second sis. Tie Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. 1 IsTEW oiii ill mm Dn H, Fancy Goods and Notions, (Jepts' ptirr;i5i7ir;5 (Jood$, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Term, Cask. JJ. Hearing. J. H. CROSS. At the Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. J-iay, Graii?, peed apd plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. CDet&lx jestSL for Elgaro stxxX DEoxiltry- fill goods delivered Free and Promptly. The California Winehoase, A Is now open, and its L. produced wine at prices T Also, best Peanuts to be 4 to be Pure and First-Class Thompson's Addition. proprietor will sell his home- in the reach ol everybody. found. Goods guaranteed in every respect. C- BECHT. O-f- IVl BURHAM tSc Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand tho finest. Livery iu hiastorn Oregon, and can accommodate patrons Avith oithor Single or Double Ttigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. more: room. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teuinsteis with freight or driving teams, having added to their stables largo feeding and wagon room. in Tin (111 Have You Seen T H E Spring Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE I IN B-O-O-K-S. I. C. NICKELSEN'S.