The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'AVKlt OF IU1.I.KS OITY. AND WAfCO COUNTY. Entered nt the I'oatoBlce nt The Dulles, Oregon as aecoiul-cla's mutter. auuscHirTioN katks. BY MAIL (FOSTAGK VBKrAID) IS ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 year... 1 59 ' C. months II U WJ IHlly.lycnr ' 6 months Vf. " per " 0 M Address nil communication to" THK 01IKON- ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. 'nt-(mre. OFF1CK HOURS ttencntl Delivery Window . . ,8n. m rfoncv Order " . in, Sunday li 1) " 9 a. m ci-OJiso or MAILS trains polng Kast 9 v. m. and " " West ,.u p. m. and Stage for Ooldendale " " I'tlncvillo ... " "Dufnrand Warm Springs " (leaving for l.yle llartland " " (Antelope . Kxcept Sunday. , fTrl-weckly. Tne'day Thursday and j " Monday Wednesday and to 7 p. m, to I p. m, to 10 a. in. 11 Mo n. in. fiHM p. in. .TiSOii. til. .fi:S0 a. m. .Sift) it. m. .AtSCin. m. .3:n0n, m. Saturday. Friday. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1S93 Kailroad stocks keep on tumbling down bill. Union Pacillc ia reported 18, Northern Pacific 7 S., Central Pa cific IS, Oregon Railway and Navigation 50, Missouri Pacific 251,,, and Short Line ll1. Among the few which are still above par is the Pullman company, easily leading witli IAS, then Lacka wanna 1.3S34, Canadian Express 1.09, and Wells Fargo 1.30. It is not to be Bupposed that these figures represent anything like actual values. Stocks are Belling at figures which will lead many to wish a few months hence that they had not neglected a golden opportunity. Still this takes a good deal of courage. Panic lias followed panic and failure has Bucceeded failure, until it looks as if there was an end to all things stable. But better times are dawning. The re ports from the crop-growing diotricts could not possibly be better. There is no doubt that we will harvest an im mense corn crop, and the prospect for wheat is unequalled. There is little danger that wool will be placed on the free list, with the author of the "Mills" bill, who is interested in sheep, against it. Cotton has shown a disposition to recover, and the special session of con gress may be relied upon to steady silver. We may soon expect a period of small fluctuations around fixed values, and it ia needless to say, they will be at much higher points than now quoted. It is in times like these that the out lay of a few thousand dollars establishes the foundation for monumental fortunes. One requires nerve, of course, to buy properties when everybody looks for blue ruin and chaotic conditions, but on the principle that majorities are always wrong, those who have the courage of their convictions, and the wherewithal to back them, cannot do better than place their money in some of the bar gains that are now generally available all over the countrv. RN OUTING. routined from Third page ! further trace of him, but had a very ! trying task of going up a precipitous ' portion of the journey for going out of ! our way. For the next three hours the ' trail was not disputed but we soon ! found that the snow was much lower ' than usual and wo wore compelled to tie ' up our ponies and proceed on foot with ! pikes and lunch, coats and vests being left with our ponies. Wo soon found a place to eat our lunch and black our , faces, thence wo proceeded with slow ' step, but ero we bad gone more than ' half the distance, one ol our party said , he knew when he bad enough, and, hav j ing some heart trouble declined proceed 'ing further. He rented for some time I and then went back to the horses and , 1 built a lire. The rest of us went on en joying much the evidences of volcanic action depicted in the two red moun tains, the lava beds, as well as the im mense glaciers with their terminal, medial and lateral moraines. We umuI j these moraines of rock much for ascent, j because when we sank to the knees or deeper in the snow, it was too exhaust 1 ing. At a point about two thirds of the 1 wav up, Mr. liurnlium found a coffee lean containing the names of a party 1 from Arlington. Soon afterward Prof. ' , Brown was on the pointof giving up the I work, but a rest of a few minute--, an I egg sandwich Mr. Tloag had, and a j draught of the cnalybeate water found all the way up ttic mountain, t-o revived him that he went on. Mr. Hoag, Mr. Jiurnham, and Prof. Brown reached the summit at about 0 o'clock; found the records sent by the ( Alpine club of Portland, except the cop-, per box. The view from the top of Mt. Adams can never be effaced. Standing ' with your face toward Mt. Hood, you may see the three sisters, Mt. Tacoma, the two red mountains befon-inen-' tioned, two beautiful little lakes near j these mountains, the large prairie in the distance, Trout lake, etc. Mr. Burnham furnished a rubber tobacco pouch in which our records, consisting ! of names, date, ages, two bits each, etc.. securely wrapped in six plies of canvas made from our lunch bag, were , placed and securely fixed under a pile of j stones. We came down to the horses in ' about one third of the time it took to go j 1111, reaching the ponies about S o'clock ' p. m., and arriving at Mr. Hoag's at 12 j o'clock p. in. After eating lunch Mrs. ' Hoag prepared, of bread and milk and , wild strawberries, we retired, very, very , weary. The journey home was a quiet one, and but for Captain Haines' lapsus pedis in the ice cave and the nnsoi' Sol, we all came oil' without being dis figured. Hoii.u'. William Tell Your Father that, wo null Ifs a sign that voti need help, when pimples, blotches, and eruptions begin to ap pear. Your blood needs looking after. You'll have graver inatteni than pimples to deal with, if you neglect it. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery prevents and cures all diseases and disorders caused by impuro blood. It invig orates the liver, purifies the blood, and promotes all the bodily fune tions. For all forms of scrofulous, skin and seal) disease, and even Consumption (which is really hmg serofula ) in all its earlier stages, it is a certain remedy. It's the only one that's guaranteed, in every case, to benefit or cure, or the money is refunded. It's a matter of confi dence in one's medicine. It is the cheapest blood -purifier sold, through druggists, because you only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more ? The "Discovery" act equally well all the year round. thk Dalles AND Prineville Stage SWEET. ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, j Easy-fitting Pants, Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s Line f CLOTHING H In every size, style and price. Go to N. Harris for line vards for $1. print'!; 20 'v., 'O vf . vt. Dr. Walter Kempster, who has been in Europe making a study of the chol era, b.ivr ! "Tli nrovpnttvn nf plmlorn , . ' j is not a theory, but an absolute sci-1 entific ertainty." Now if the doctor J will cut ofT the last two or three figures 1 from the dailv reported death rate in the ! old countries he will be of some benefit. EIhc we will have to think bo has found the Irishman's cure death. While the price of wheat is so low, would it not be well for the farmers to think about mixed farming. Supposing ' the grasshoppers came along, which ! they are likely to do at any time, and ' destroy tho grain, where would the 1 farmers be in the hole. In any country 1 mixed farming is the thing. Genesee News. The Victoria disaster and tho more1 recent engagement between tho French ' and the Siamese, lead to a suspicion that the country without a navy is safer than tho country which ban one. The Iowa editor who was unable to' find more than two places at tho world's fair where liquor could be had, doubt less tarried too long nt the first bar ho came to I nnf4l JUT w T COcis., a: 51X0 per voMe'gBgjgg Cures Conulu, IIoar.-enrhs,!sori Thtoat, Croii. promptly: re"ovcfl WhuopiriK Condi and At;im:;. I' t Consumption (t has no rival; has cured UioiimuuK whcicull others fulled; will conr. you it taken In tltr.c. Sold by Druiurists on n ciiaruntee. For Lome Back or Chest, use HUILOU'S I'LAHTKU. acta mLOHVtlATARRH RflVfi Villi ( JltMrhV Thfo ..rnrul. I ---- - - .... ... t .--11 KUUIUI1- teed to cure you. l'rice Mets. Injector trwt 1'or sule by Snipe Klnernly. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c. J.D. PARISH, Prop. Le.ivei Tin- Dalk'K at 6 11. in. every dm. and nr- 1 rive" nt l'rinevlllu In thirty-six hmir Iauvi' ! I'rliievUe at 5 11. m. ever- day, and arrive-) at , ' Tho Dalles In thirty-.six lionrs- ' Carlifs the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express j 1 Connects at l'riiiwlllo with j Stages from Eastern and Southern Or- epon. Northern California and all Interior Points. Aln. ! .iilif.t clote connection at The Dalles with fni', from l'ortland and ha.itern points ccarieaas Myers, i;ccil accommodations along He road. First-class Coacbes and Horses used. . Express matter handled witn special care, stage omens: M. Slcli-1 A- ,'i. 'k Store, llimitlllii IIimihh, I'rliK-vlllti. riw llullim. 0 m wii 1 lams m ;r. -v mm fRxn ' ....... fr 1 1 Ti ,1 T -j-1 li I 1 11 ki .,- x n title in t he a airs or men lanic i. iat;cn at its m VIIIIK 14 1 I Tit I II 111 " v J J fi! xuun 111 ibiiiivii . leads on to jovtunc. CLiflfl STORY, Art Teacher Is uallud to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, J'hiHter, Cement and Building Material of till kimln. Carrln th Fluimt I.lnr nf Picture Moaldinss The poet unquestionably had roforenco to tho iuliii-Oit Salmi Room 3, Ikttiiujen JSuildimj, Will Rive Ia'ohs Mondays and Thnrnlny uich week, or oltener if dcirtil of W. E. GARRETSON. Leading - Jeweler.; l O I, K Al JK N t rot t T 1 1 K To Db foand in the City. 72 CXJashington Street. The Dalles Gigar : factory PIEST BTEBBT. FACTORY NO. 105. 1 w n in pTri- a p i f t,,! j!uHt jri XvXxvXiilO niiuiiifiietnred, antl orderu from all jmrtHof tlie country tilled on the HliorteHt notice. Oscar Neolw, nardoned by Gov. Alt geld after eight years imprisonment, h Bfjain booked for a life sentence. That is, he is enRaged to be married. A comet was formerly considered the forerunner of disaster. The one in Cas-1 eiopia may mean a new novel by Hack- j yard Stripling. ' B3. SAHDEH'S EUCfWJJ BELT With Electro-Wlasrvetlc SlTsPEHSORY. wn, UUc'i I'uKnU! lle-t ImgrnvettftilU ! iMIIt irv without m u a, ai.liCT, ovewaiatic, (f tram ' - -v I . ; crcnan, as ti-rvoos C-1, jr. w m. M , .. J'. ', . ia.m' ! k-, JiimLaso, icut ri tm v r n Tn- OaiJrrfct Ui,r'riiiKU oy-T a. e'E"-p nrri.- , tt tiiiioimUiiitOiii;ianr9)TMbBriL.t uuu,!u- IwilVj 1 'i,"1 V."'i,.h ' " L T II I n Cite hilars fciuUlorliiuva I'ampuiet. nuiii.l.eall,irec SANDUN ELECTRIC CO., fto. 111! flint -Slrcet, M'UWWXSU OIIK. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAK Iiiih become firmly e,itabliHhed,and the demand for the home maiiufactured article in. inereiiHiim every day. A. ULRICH & SON. W. r. WINKJIA.N, ', MitlllltlllN. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order, j TT ii C K I I I W, H. BUTTS, Prop. j No. 90 Second Sroot, Tho Ikllos Or. This well known Htand, kept by the , well known V. II. IttittH, lonn a rem i dent of Vun:o county, Iiiih an extraordi 1 nary flnu Htoek of I Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Uisturbnnc In fact, all tho leading braudH of fin Willl'H. I.imidru nml flli.iiru (livo tli old man a call and you will come auin i:)H Sim;. mil St.. Th Ititl!. Or. A. WESOLO, The Boston Tailor, , East End Second St. Siiits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I l'irf.'i:t I'll (liutnuittMHl. at CRANDALL $ BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rate MICHELHACH JIHICK, UNION BT. T n pp Pi 1 rfpi i n r Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your "bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. . 5at'sfa(;tior Ouarar?teed t MINHNS A $7,000,000 fire ia ronorted from Lou. don, England. A Million Friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colda.Jf you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, ono trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lung. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottjea free at Snipes & Kineraly's j arug atore. Largo bottles 50c and $1.00. AVuntml. A girl to do general housework. Good wages. Apply at this office. tf ! TH F J,':".1' lielB Chronicle lx rccou'iiird I 1 I I L IIS I'M-LMltfflllv tu, tif.iiw ......... i cilizonL1,0';!0 HOMEsi'l? .vf ,ui,'i a'..,1" watch tho coiiiiiniH ui in , n n nn n dailyfor the M.iclct lo'..l m.- . it PA P RR fnCwT,,.li1"1.,!lu""l."!? 1,10 tM KlTlvU in iiiuhirlty and importititr Tako it invliiio you who don't, try mine ont, preiiiliim X,s. 1 J. F. FORD, GHflS. flDflHS, Shoemaker No Fit, No Pay. Union St., opp. European House. Oi lit, Jlriliiti, ,vilj ,vrtes UMlvT ()llt(, )( Miirch !, jsyri: fi. 15. Mi:n. Mm. Co., . , Dufur, Oregon. 'lentlemtn : On arriving homo last week, I found y' wl ,ii anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-balf years old, who had wasted away to H8 pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. .S. It. Cough Curo has done ts work well. liotli of the children like It. ) our ti. It, Cough Curo has cured and Kept away all hoarseness from me. t n 0 ,.., !)Vory 0,1,' witl Kreetlngs lor ail. Ishirig you prosperity, wo are ouih, Mit. & Mas. J. F. Foiiu. for'th sV!rf!,',!.0(t,cl f1,' 'tii'tcliwrlul.Hii.l remty tii.i 1 1 u i I , . clw'e "iir yxtcw with ihwa'sM" (:te, u tnli",K' twow' Sold under u iionittvoKUarHiitcu. SO tenth pur bottle by all drugKil. Uliseman & Marders, Saloon nml Wine Rooms 11 : tV'w. ',(n'N, ,"IK I1'""'-'!"" tin' old ciuiii Kround. ut the I'iicIm mid j Jwillo oMIood riVLT. with Iiiruv.nlBlltl) lotH.limnd Mn ctsHinl iillmi-. tiood Mill itnd iiiri!viit(!r,w!tliHliiid.'lii iiriilmfmi, imrfecl druliiiiKo.dnliclitiiil iiinuutiilli eliiniitv, tlicccntriil iittriictloii iih a Iikiimi tain mhiuimt ii'Mirt fur nil Ouiruli. IxdiiK tho noiiri'Hl limn to .Mt. Hood. It d, iiiiuiri.llok.- iih m luiMinfuclnrlm: I i-r, ho in; tho imtiirii i fiit.'r fnv jf-o niimc iiUIch tin- lunt irdiirimd lit V ,Y n r'"K '"" ""?.!!r 1""V I'""'"1' ''I U" iliiil.llii: HticmiiH mid vitt fnlln, wiMlj hiiriii'Mifl. hrrf oliriii ninth,, putter cxIkIh, thete the nittin fnolorli'S will ceiili'Mdirriiuiidiil by hull nnd I'lliimlo thnt (miiiiut bo Mill TITLE PERFECT mini' ...,nd ........ . ' i-IIIIIIUU llllll iriUlllUl lllr A. , w , Vii .,r 1 "'J',1 "f"'i'IH'"'. H"I with tr.iiiM'orlntloii iilrcml" i"",1"' (ili will 1 1 1 1 (1 tliih the .liMf to niiiKeii jierfeot hoiiieor 11 juiylni' nm'Wfl r -'-' u..v y.' " w"i Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. Tho Dalles, Oregon. Northwest corner nf Keemul nnd Court Htreots. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. 13 eggs. '-'0 cbbh. . Address : Chilli ,?2.00 il.00 K. M. HAUKIMAN, J-Indersby, Or, D. BUNNELL, Pipe Won, Tin Repairs ana Boolia MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESBUBE. Shop on Third Street, next dour weBt of Young JiJuekBuutli bhop.