The Dalles Daily Chronicle. II1K DAl.l.KN OltttflON LLrU uioL ONfc. Ill the Dil) s Vlivirtli- .Itfr CrriiXf Itolnol nt m:ir. The mania fov oolleetiiifr boci-mups, in c.-Vaf.sar pirl .-ays, according to the Sew York World, is an old Vassar custom rediviva. "Koarly every tflrl in Vassar. in my time,-" she explained, "had among her college properties an immense glass beer-mug, the larger the better. How the custom originated i cannot say, but the glass beer-mug was then con .sidered an indispensable adjunct to ovcrv stylish young woman's education because it looked 'weird.' I presume. You remember at one time the Vassar craze for pronouncing everything weird' from a comic opera to n mid night lunch on pretzels and lemonade. " 'What use did the beer glass serve?' Oh, dozens of uses; we used them to drink from in our rooms, to keep llow crs in. to concoct the hot lemonade po tions for bad colds, to carry to picnics, to smuggle ice-cream in and for lots of other interesting affairs. Of course jiost, of the girls bought their beer mugs, but the girl who was so fortun ate as to have one given her by a mas culine admirer one who was a trille wild preferred was a person of great consequence among her mates. One fortunate girl, I remember, had a 'lUack .lack' from Heidelberg, with heavy old silver mountings. .She was the most envied girl in college. "I confess to attaching some senti mentality to my beer-mug," concluded the ex-Vassar girl with a deprecatory laugh. "It is still among my cabinet treasures at home and is really a high ly cultured mug, having gone through four college courses at Vassar with myself, two younger sisters and n girl friend. 1 have often wondered if the beer-mug fashion still reigns in Vas-s-ar's classic? halls." m-v ! IMPERSONAL BREVITIES. A cor.onni) woman in Holly Springs, Miss., has hair eight feet six inches in length. A convict in the Vermont state prison received 12,000 for a piece of real estate a few day ago. A woman1 in Allentown, Pa., is re ported to have been shot at three times, and each time her life was saved by her corset. - 't jh. jiotiici: at Pemiscot, Mo., has four "daughters who bear these euphonious foamus: lloulah May, Ivy Itoso, Iteoda Alwilda and Greta Alileta. "It will cost you fifteen cents just the same," are the reported words of a New York druggist when hi: was told that the use of his telephone was. de sired in a ease of life or death. Of .. course the fifteen cents was paid. 'r!rMy little boy was very bad off for two monlii3 itli iliarrliuoa. We used var ious medicines, also culled in two doc tors, but nothing done him any good un til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed? , which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the best medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to all who need a dinrrhcoa or colic medicine. .7. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 2o and 50 cent bottles for sale by Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. Elder S. S. Weaver, of McAllisterville, Juniatta Co., Pa., says his wife is subject to cramp in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for it, and was much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. She lias since used It when ever necessary and found that it never fails. For sale by Ulakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Notice. All city warrants registered prior to July '2d, 1891, will be paid on presenta tion of the same at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. liujiGKT, Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., July 3th, 1893. Get your bathing pants from S. & N. Harris. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. liest grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer- eon streets.) KOOMS TO KENT. lHirniHlied rooms to rent. Applv at iuu rcsiufiicu oi airs. u. i. morn miry fit-cond street, The Dalles, Or. tt iooil Jul, rriiitinc If you have your job printing done at U IK Uiito.N'icu: you will have the ad- vantage of having it done witli the most modern and approved type, with which v.e keep continually surmlied. All iobs under the direct supervision of ono of the most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. I''or lleut. Rooms to rent at Itev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. C-23daw. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. .Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COR. SKCONI) AND WASHINGTON. THH PALLKS, OR. HOESES HORSES J. S. COOPER, . .Vomer Jtarn, UXIOX STOVK YAHD8, Chicago, lib.. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will 'hold his 4th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on WEIDIsrESIDY, CTTJTSY 19. Entries should be made at once. HORSES 51;, HORSES J. O. MACK, f FlfllE Hlftm? and LIQUOR OOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PADST DEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OR. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Th Corrugated Itullriiiif; next Dour ti tlnurt Homo. Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, WecK or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAG-E SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. :. J? MrLjaLSJbJ JrL, Proprietor. TheDhlles Wasco County, Oregon, The Dalles Daily Gimmick HAS A PAMILY OP 2000 K1IADERB. They iwtf Tne CntuiUcIo to get tho latent mid j.i(t jellublo i etc .iil tiiuy read every lino la iu the imjw. That Is whut wake tho chr-nlr-le nil invnlunble mlvortHiij; medium. 'Hi.- liMkuwiie.- Unit - K to tho family !nc.-iuti is tho ono (0) tint tho mlvertlH'H . . I.way S wj,cn they tleWro to luun tie pooplc. When they want your trade 'Tir Hunouiitoiin'iits ill bo found Jn tho paper. 1iok n or our columns and ohservo tho vorlllc.i Ui.n of Uio liuth ot this iisk'iIIoii. Itememher, i. ti.iiloutii Jiinill) of tivo th' umuid (vi)) i-M-orlu i'i.nt; fur tlirouiih tlic-o dlnuliy, c-pd-dly mi lit our very Tlie Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated ut tho head of navigation on the iddlc Columbia, and is ti thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply oity for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country; its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping pomt in America, nbout 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be moro than doubled in the near future. The products of tho Iwautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and tho country south and east lias this year filled tho warehouses, and all available stonige places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these eorner stones she stands. THE DALLES CHRONICLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purposo of faithfully representing The J)allon and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying ofTeet of its mission is ovorywhoro apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as woll as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. Tho Daily Chronicle is published every o ve iling in tho week Sundays excepted at 0.00 per annum. Tho Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each wcok at $1.50 por annum. For advertising rales, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE' FUBLISHN5G C Tli xmiXoa, Oroson. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. on 5b UeeKiy roijiel AT $2.25? PER ANNUM. ffV-llv Socl,l nrninKomciitx with tn- publish. of ono ut tho In-t Mulnrs umv ,mhlM.,,l uoiiroiMiiilili'd ti nmlioa most o.xeei'Uo'wl uIUm to umiU McCLURE'S MAGAZINE CTJSriE "Y" IE -A- IRj to everyone wlw (tils out tho MllmvlUK l.l.iuh form. m-ioIIuk it m us, thorohy .-uhM-rlhlnK fo The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO Ut5. I1 ll Viiblish ers CH RON I CI ti, The .Dalles, Or.: You. will send lo mtj address Hie IVl 1 L " CB IIONJ'CL K for 12 modhs from dale, for wliieli ' agree lo pat 00 els. a mtmllt, il being tutderslood , that tiott, are lo Imve sent to mtj a.aaressjor . iim.r, i ' .. ... n i' ir ii inn ir .11 ' I A' rJ exlrtt, charge, .Jv( u.n u . ii.v i i- mi Hi oat commeneinJ with the ear rent iiambet Name. 5 D Thi: Is the Season Of theYeatr vc: XXlhen 3 Judicious Q. Advertising Pays. Kit, . A. NEW Date. ...Address CALL AT OUR OFFICE ami sco the entertaining nnil tlnoly llluttrntiil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, ( llJIIUCriMlf l-MIIIHIMIlin, a A A a I which husninonK it." ('ontrll)iitor.i Uio mott f.inumi mithoM In Mioli writers as tho follmvliij; R. L. StuvciiHun, Ruilyard Eijiliiii:, A. Conaii Doylu, Octavo Tiiamit, William Dean llowdla, Rrut Jlurte, Clark Rtiell, Joel Chandler HarriH, TlniinaH I lard v, .1. T. Trovl)rii(ni), .leiDiuu R. Jerome, EraneeH IlndHon liuriu'tt, Tlieotloro Roosevelt, Joaquin Miller, Oilbart Parker, John wiirroncliH, AuierUvi mill Ihiitliillil, IliclmlliiK Iliimlin (iarland, I'rof. E. S. Ilolthm, l'rof. C. A. Voiiiik, H. H. HoyeHen, Robert llarr, Ilunry .M. Stanley, Arehibald Forbes), Andrew Lane;, Sarah Orne .lowott, Dr. J. K. llilliiiKH, W. E. Henley, dipt. Cbarlew Iving. Alphoni'e Daudet, (hunilel'lammurion, Edward Everett Huh), l'rof. Graham Hull. Mrn. Robt. LouiH.Stovensoii, Camilo I'lammiirion, K. Marion Crawford, Lillie Cbase Wyman, Margaret Deland, Harriet I'reseott .Spollord, Herbert D. Ward, Edward Everett Hale, Elizabeth Stuart I'liclpn, Lottiso Chandler Moulton, Kach liumU-rot McCLURE'S MAGAZINE contains two lianiUoiiiely lltuttratril lnturYlo with sucn inmoiM ico)io as Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Frances Hodgson lturnutt, Tlionma A. Edinon, TiHaudier, tlie famous F. IIopkitiKon Smith, French llalloonist, 11. II. RoyeH.on, anil many others, have (unilslu'il material for cstieclally iironarcil lntervluws which will npiieiir fully lllustratnl In this iiiiiKazlue. Kuch number contains two or three short stories by famous authors, l'ully lllustrateil storleM will appear In early numbers by ThomaH Hardy, William Dean Howolls, R. L. Stevoimon, Rudyard KiplinK, Rrut Harto, Sarah Orne Jewott, Joel Chandler Harris, Harriet I'rcHcott Spollbrd, Ootuve Thanet, Conan Doyle, Kninces HodHon Burnett, Stanley J. Weynian. WENKY M. STANI.KY will contribute, csjiccInUy for youuj; remlers, a thrillluly luteru-itliiK story of African Adventure. NATURAL HISTORY AND ADVENTURE. There will bo several articles written by rjnymond ninttiumyt. who has lux-u calhil by Jlr. V. T. fitoml the bent interviewer in Kimland. from iiiatcrial furnished him by Knrl iingonhqak, of Iliiiu bun;, thosreat animal importer ami trainer. These articles deal with Tho Capture of Wild RuastH. The TraiiHportation of Wild ReaHtH. The Training of Wild lleaata. Tho AdventtireH and Eacapes of Karl HaKoubeuk. The tc:Wi will oc Illustrated by an KiiKlish artist of ackuon lulled si; II I In drawliiK wild iiutmaU John liuniiouiiiiH, C. I'. Iloi.iu:i!, lin. c. ('., mid other writers iamoux for their work In this Held, will contribute to the magiulne. Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PROF. 11. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arrangements havolicn made, lu connection with a IcadliiK KiiKlish review, to publish l'rof. Oarner's letters dCM.Tlptlvo of his present X'dltion to Africa, l'rof. (turner Is noted tho world over for tho curious mid iuterestiiiK investigations ho Is making iu the sici'cli of monkoyii. He nh-i for Africa last Hcptember for tho mk of further jiursuliiK his ntudieji In tho native liaiiuts of tlie Korllla. The Illustrations for these articles will bo from plioliarraiilis taken by l'rof. darner. The hmkuzIuu also contains most intcrentliij; articles under tho followliiK compreheinlve heads " The Edge of the Future." ' Knowledge of Immediate Value." "Newest Knowledge." " Tlie 1'rcHout Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. Wu aro olleriii),' this plendld mii;azlnc wllh tho Daily CimoNici.r. for only JT.'JO a car, payable in udvanco or In monthly installments as desired. Wo make this exceptional oiler Iu order that we may secure a In rue number of new subscribers, but all who are already Mibcrlbcrs may avail themselves of this opportunity to tecuut this creat maguiuc. Flit up the blank mid .-end it in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. Tlila well-known Rrowcry io now turning out tho hcHt Ileor and I'ortor east of tho Cascades. The lateat nppliaticeH for tho manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only tho lirHt-elaafi urticlo will bo pluced on the mark'U. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS And tho Most Complete and tho Latent RaUernu and DoaignH in WAIjLi paper. JI'rat'tieal PaintorH and Paper llangcrfl. None but the bt-Ht brands of the hherwin-Wi liaina and J. W. Muimry'H PaintH used in all .nir work, and tione but the moat Kkilled workinon employed. AgenlH or .Mttnury Litiuld PnlntH. No eliemical comlanatlon or noap mixture. A llrHt elaus article iu all coIoih. All ordern promptly attetide:l to. Paint SHod cornor Tliirdutul WauhiuKton t8 TJio DallBK, 0ro'ot PllTNZ & NITSCHKf DKAI.I Itrl IN Furniture and Carpets From TERWINfili or INTERIOR Polnb Tirr mm tm n in niiTiin mi i inniiin I a I III IIIUI II I II I I IIH ii I m ii i. ii I. I i in i i mi i ii i nun RKILROHD Ik the Mlio to tukt uiuiMKVM x iiiiiin uvcry ikiy iu iiiu i i t& rit ri-.T wj fiL:.u-E tE. uau ann un cauuii HtlST SLKEl'INfi II. .u !... , iilill III iiccomiiioiiatioiiH are botn rrco nun mnuias jvv for liolderHof l'lrnt anil Hecnnil-clans Tlckuu.wgtt ELEGANT LAY COACHES A coiitiiuious Hue, couneiHIiiK with all lis iiflorilliic direct and uninterrupted service , I'ullmau Hletjiwr reservations can b scctSJ in advance tnrouitii any n;teui oi mo roan To and from tv Tiinmimi Tinurrp xieiiel oiuco oi me coinpnny Full Information couccrniiii; riitim, time g traliiN, routes mill other dutalls furnlsliul a ikl'iil ir. . .1. ..ill. i. ll.. ivi-i:iiiiiiiir iilill;. ... '"L' T H E SODA WATER AND I0E 0REAH Candies and Nuts ..1:.iom HWBKT IMIINKH J jj t U 1 U 1 H lj Flnotit Pounut Rountor In Tho DoW 3rBeotJ.F0LC0Ss' JOHN PASHEK, Mfti'pJiant Tailp xnui vuuih v i ujji'i m .... . i a Next door to WaHoo Sun Office. I; , Tl.,u I. ...I ..,.....! I .. I.... II r UiiiiidI'IV for Hprliu; and Hiiininor Huitlni' Come ani See tlie New Fa Cleaning and Fepaiti9 to ordor. SatlHfnotlon miriiteU' ffeu; Qolombia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Huh lately been thoroughly renovated and nowly furnished tliioiiylmiil, and is tmv bettor tlian over prepared to furiiiah tho best Hotol awoioiiioilatlon.- of .my Iioiiko In tho lly, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Ofllco of tho fast and coimnodlomt opposition Ktagc to Dufur, Kln.-sloy, Tygh Valloy, Waplnitia, Warm SprniKH mid Ptlimvlllo Is in tho Hotel ami pert-oiiH going to Prinuvillo can havo 11.00 by going on this fUnno line. All trains stop here. Di-inTnGnAPHC i ii... tCiucn (iiiniiiuiii at nin air air ihihi jxirtraUH ituu viovo,