The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 18, 1893, Image 3

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"jP" 'V-
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Bummer Coats and Vests,
"4 4 !W iii clow.
Pease & Mays.
le Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Itoml 11 tin! l'oitoinre lit Tin- Dulles, On-ROli,
11K HLTotm-uliiKH imiltur.
I.tiunl All vttrt IhIiir.
(10 Cunts pur Hub for llrnt luisurtifiti, mill fi Coutu
Mr lint! mi' fiiun hUliMriuiMiL niHcriHm.
iipci!lnl mtci (or Iiiiik time nntluuM.
Ml Iih'h. iHitlc.'H received Inter tlimi o'clock
npjKiur t!iu fnllmvtiiK (lay.
AVimtlutr Piricuit.
Hal Jorceail Jar twenty-four hour ending at
';S p. m. tomorrow
rueHiluy ami Wednesday, fair and
lightly coolor.
aximum temperature, 83.
Jinimuiu temperature, (10.
liver. i.'8.'J feet uhove zero.
fWind, fresh, west.
JULY 18, 1893
rite Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
found on sale at J. C. Nickehen's utore.
liocul Nt'W I'lrlil lu II(iiuiilithl
tie llmvt'rs tlmt liloiiin In the HjirliiK, trti-lii!
iiiivu to do wiin inu uiiriii,
key bloom In the iritlllnur'K nhoi, tni-lul
mki 00x1 nil)' uinus wimi uicyru worm.
Villard house in Pendleton
sd yesterday afternoon. The Iobb
rtlv eovered bv insurance.
M&emall child died 11 few duyH ago near
Vf-iulii 1 t 11... ..:....., ,.ir...... r
-ippipjsliiiiiu iiuiu wiu iiiiQuuuun uuccio (.u
tig 11 Htniill piece ol 11 green pencil.
arriage lieenBes were grunted to
vid 1). Niilbon und Johanna Stewart,
John Knox und Elizabeth Bartsch.
ho oflieeiH of tho war ship Monterey
viHit The DallcB on Sutnrduy inorn-
by the way of tho D. 1. & A. N. Co.
ockmen should oiler u standing ro
of $300 for iv cattle thief. It would
ortli more thtui that to them to
one of them to justice.
b. L. ingato'H now reHldenee,
ih in being built just east of her
Me, ih Hearing completion. When
Btahed it will bo uu ornttinont in thnt
jiwrt of the city.
iMatthias KoHliland wuh sontonced bv
t Vu.l -t....l 1 1 1 . ...
,000 for mailing 11 warohouso cheek
thout u license, and to Btand commit
until the same wuh paid.
Tllll "1 luuliitmfii UllllllllltlCl 11111 ..taut
pt. Collin tomorrow evening at 8
ciock. ice cream ami ciu;u will be
vcd. AdiuiHHioi 10 eeutfl.
tmiwilt iik'rti. it'lll lut uliml llilu tikn..
WIUJI II III IIU IIIIUI f uiun 1.111 1
ey wore overburdened last houboii
th their weight of fruit and muat have
lr ntst, J'rudent growers who picked
a Hhaio of tho fruit last year before
Uirity will got hL'h m-lcofl for their
1 .1 A t
111 1.111 U vnim
. A1. lli.ui.l.l 1 !..!
y from Mill crook. The wagon,
ded with wheat, overturned, throw-
g Mr. Buachko to tho around. J)r.
r- w.y m iiv luium fit ill. mv
Tho Hiilniou run durlnir tho tmuL wouk
w v viiinviki
M'ill bo about ono.hulf of hiBt. As luHt
.yoai-H )uoic wub only about oiio-hulf of
um; preueuing your, tho publit; can
orm Bomo men 01 tnu elloet of tho (IhIi
pnnu ni. IIia fi.l.. ...1.1 ..t
wimiiuiit nvill i 1 uu not -
aid hap always maintained that the (lab
trapB were destroying the Balnion in
dustry, and its statements are being
borne out each year. The present year
will probably wind up the salmon busi
ness on the Columbia river. Astoria
A committee appointed by the Lane
county Farmer'H Alliance for the pur
pose of investigating the county records,
commenced work yesterday. They are
assisted by two attorneys, and it is
thought they will occupy several weeks
in looking throtlfeh the books of the
county. The object of tho investigation
is to ascertain how the money collected
for taxes has been expended and the
reason for the present debt of the county.
Here is tho cue for some good work to
bo done in other places besides Lane
county. Perhaps the people of Wasco
county would like to know to whom
they owe $130,000, and for what.
Ho Nuy the Coronttr'M Jury lu the Cane
of Joliuiiii Wotr.kl.
An inquest was held this morning
over the remains of Johann W'etzki, the
German boy who wub drowned in .Snipes'
lake Sunday afternoon.
The drowning occurred about C o'clock.
Wetzki and James McCown had been in
the lake since 4 o'clock swimming horses
and being told by Henry Snipes, who
was on the bank, to go after the cows,
they Btarted across on the horses, carry
ing with them their shirts.
dropped his, and turning to get it, fell
from his horse. The horse then swam
to tho shore where they had Btarted.
Snipes shouted to McCown to turn back
and save him ; he was about ten feet in
advance. He turned back and made an
ineffectual attempt to seize the drown
ing boy by tho hair. His head at this
time was partly out of water, but he
quickly Bank. The boy was about sixty
feet away from Snipes, but neither of
the party could Bwim. They hud often
crossed tho slough beforo in this way
and no danger was apprehended
The following is tho verdict of the
coronor'B jury :
We, tho jury empanelled by tho cor
oner of Wasco county, to inquire into
tho cause of the deuth of Johhim lloin
rich Christian Wetzki, llud that his
death wub caused by drowning in Snipes'
lake while trying to swim a horso across
saidlako; and that it was purely acci
dental. Taos. McCoy,
.1. K. Pauij,
.1. E. UlIMlNOTON,
C, M. Fours,
J. W. FisiiKit,
1. N. CaMI'UKIi!,.
Wetzki had been working for Mr.
Snipes about a month. Ho was pass
ing through with his father when the
boy waB employed ut tho wages of $10 u
Tliiviioiiltic('(i hur foot mid lioultlwl her head,
And ullHtcrud her Imuk till 'iwuk MimrtliiK and
Ttlort tonlen, ellxliH, iiiln-klllorn and niIvoh,
( Krundiim doolaiod It wuh nothing but
!!!!', V W wmmii thoiiKhtidio mind certainly die,
TIlM'Knvorlto J'mcrlitlmi" hIio haiiiicnod to
No wondor its iirnlHCH mi loudly they Hiumk;
8I1U (,'ioiv butler tit once, mid was well in u week.
Tho torturing tyalns and dlBtrosalng
noivouBiiOBS which acccompuny, at
times, certain forms of female weakness,
yield like magic to Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, It Ih purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, und adapted to tho
delicate organization of woman. It al
lays and subdues the nervous symptoms
and roliovoB tho pain accompanying
functional and organic troubles. Guar
antee printed 011 hut tie-wrapper, and
faithfully curried out for many years,
Hon. W. 11. Ellis was an east-bound
passenger today.
Mrs. C. F. Stephens has nearly re
covered from a severe illness.
Mr. Harry Moran of North Yakima,
a former DalleB boy, is in the city.
C. E. Chrisman returned from a west
ern trip with his fruit drier today.
liernie Crone left yesterday for his
home in Portland after vieiting two
weeks in The Dalles.
Mr. Geo. W. Miller and family de
parted this morning for Scaland, on the
Washington coast to be absent during
the remainder of the summer months.
Columbia hotel W J Enricht, M L
Williams, Portland; L R Kelley and
wife, Wapinitia; W E Rathory, Nan
sene; Mrs Morris, Dnfur; John N Rey
nolds, D L Jilty, Hood River; C A
Davis, Mill Creek ; Robert Kery, Geo
W Reed, Seattle; M C Howard, George
Mathney, Red Bluff, Cal.
Skibbe Miss Jukobine Hansen, Miss
Anne K Hansen, Vilsleo, Denmark ; T
Y Settle, Wapinitia; S W Buckley,
Grand Coulie; ZarhanB Kuhub, Frank
Crane, Portland; Joseph Brand, To
ranzo, Col; Ed HenBon.Tygh Valley;
Andrew McCahe, 5-Mile; Geo Nelson,
Coeur d'Alene; E G N Arrendiell, Bake
Oven; Mrs Todwa Hendrixson, 10-Mile;
O H Marble, Vancouver; S E Brow,
Grass Valley. ,
Two IibUIoh Hurt.
Mrs. Thodore Liebe and Mrs. Frank
Botefuhr, accompanied by Mrs. Liebe'B
son, were out driving on the White
House road Saturday afternoon, about
two miles south of Portland, when the
horse they were driving became fright
ened at some object on the roadside, and
started to run southward. The animal
became entirely unmanageable and the
buggy was overturned and the ladies
were thrown down an embankment.
Mrs. Liebe was bruised considerably on
her right side, and Mrs. Botefuhr sus
tained painful Injuries to one of her
arms and shoulders. Mrs. Liebe'B son
escaped without being hurt at all.
A Heeoud Killtlou of HuiiKer-l.ent .
Tho small boys about town have had
a powerful ambition over since the cir
cus left to give an exhibition. "Sylves
ter k Co." showed last week, and now
a rival organization is in tho field,
which is iutonded to ocllpso all compet
itors. Clowns, tumblers, tight ropo
walkers and ventriloquists have been
practicing for weeks. O110 boy is prac
ticing on tho shell gamo und hits become
fairly dextrous, while another believes
ho could change a $10 bill so an to gain
$5 from what practice ho has had witli
strips of paper the size of greenbacks.
Young America, of Tho Dalles, is pro
gressive. l,u Grliit.
During the prevalenco of the grippe
tho past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's Now Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped all of the
troublesomo after effects of tho malady.
TIiIb remedy seems to have a peculiar
power In effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured
cases of asthma und hay fever of long
stundihg, Try it and bo convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at
Snipes & Kincrwly's drug store.
Ubo Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Shlloh's Vitulizer is what you need for
SA'ppopaiu, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kldnoy trouble, It is guaranteed to
glvo you satisfaction, Prire 7-Jo. Sold
by Snipes & Klnurtjly,drugj;iHe.
Kd. It end cm on Klron ut Deputy H.
Tnkfton and EncnpcR.
Piatt ,M. Corb.tleyof Wntcrvlle, Doug
las county, Wash., came to thla city
with a warrant for tho arrest of Ed.
Henderson of Dufur for tho lurceny of
thirty-six head of cattle. Deputy
Sheriff J. H. Jackson went in company
with him to make the arrest.
They unexpectedly mot Henderson nt
Tygh Valley, and Mr. Jackson informed
him that they had a warrant for his
arrest. Henderson said ho would go
anywhere with them, completely throw
ing tho officers off their guard. Jackson
had hold of Henderson's horso's bridle
and lie told him to dismount. Hendor
son made a move to get off, as Jackson
thought, but instead drew his revolver
and 11 red two shots at Jackson, holding
his gun very close to Jackson's head.
Mr. Corbalcy then shot Henderson's
horse, but the horso rallied and carried
Henderson away, Jackson and Corbaley
each firing one shot after him and Hen
derson tiring once back at them. Ho
went in the direction of Barlow's gate,
but will most likely swjng round by
Wapinitia and head for Idaho, where he
has lately been with a drove of horses,
and where he has an uncle living.
Henderson has boon looked upon for
some time as the ringleader of a blind
of thieves that have been stealing all
kinds of stock in the country.
Douglas county offers a reward of $500
for the arrest and conviction of Hender
son for stealing the cattle that the ar
rest was being made for.
Messrs. Jackson and Corbaley feel
very much humiliated in failing to bag
their game, but there is no queston but
that they made a good effort, and under
all ordinary circumstances would have
The Columbia Itlver Fruit Co.
A visit yesterday to tho farm of the
Columbia River Fruit company shows
that there will be an enormous yield of
fruit. There is not a suspicion of irri
gation upon any of it, yet the manner
in which the limbs are loaded would
seem to indicate forcing in some way.
This is not the case. The ground is
sandy, but has never been enriched only
from that primal richness bequeathed
by nature, which being non-artificial,
gives a flavor to the fruit which is un
surpassed. Two twenty-two-acre tracts
of grapes only two years old will fur
nish many tons of grapes
this year. Acres of prune, trees
showing high cultivation have literally
showers of fruit upon them, of uni
formly large size, and just beginning to
tint with the colors of maturity. Ap
ples, pears and peach plums are all
heavily represented, and on trees so
young that the result seems marvelous.
Something over 2300 acres are owned by
this company, all of which it is contem
plated, will be set to fruit trees within
two or three years. The reporter who
was driven to the farms yesterday by
Rev. O. D. Taylor, has never seen its
equal. There are fortunes on our roll
ing hills surer than a gold mine, and
the advantage lies in this, that anybody
can develop them. No prospecting is
required. In the two essentials of quan
tity and quality Wasco county excels
any known region on the earth.
A Great Convenience.
Worlds fair visitors travelling via the
Northern Pacific Railroad, and Wiscon
sin Central line, are landed at the Paid
Central station in Chicago.
This magnificent fire-proof building,
located in the heart of the city has been
fitted uj) as a hotel, runon the European
plan, with about '-'00 rooms handsomely
furnished and each room is supplied
with hot and cold water, electric lights,
The charges for accommodations aro
reasonable and parties can Eecuro rooms
in advance by calling upon agents of tho
Northern Pacific railroad.
By taking tho Northern Pacific
through car line to Chicago, visitors will
avoid tho discomfort of all transfer in
that city, and can also travel between
tho Grand Central station and world's
fair grounds by trains which run direct
between tho two points. 2tdlwlm-7-12
Mexican Silver stove polish causes no
jiht fall J was taken with a kind of
summer complaint, accompanied with u
wonderful diurrha'u. Soon after my
wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken
in the same way. Wo used almost every
thing without benefit. Then 1 said, lot
us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhn'U Heinody, which wo did, and
that cured us right away. I think much
of it, as it did for 1110 what It was recom
mended to do. John Hertzler, Bethel,
Berks Co., Pa. -'o and 50 cent bottles
for sale by Blakoloy & Houghton, Drug
Strength uud llenltli.
If von are not feeling strontr and
healthy, try Electric Bittors. If "la
grippe" bus left you weak and wen""',
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts
dlrectlv on liver, stomach and kldnovs.
gently aiding those organs to perform
thoir functions'. 11 you aronlllicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent telief by taking Electric
Bitters. One trial will convince you
that this is tho remedy you need. Largo
bottles only GOo. at Snipes & Kinersly's
drug store.
Ask your denier for Moxican Silver
Stove Polish,
New.... 2J
Wo are determined to make large sales', therefore wo will
make cuts in prices that will surprise you. Here are a
few prices to milt tho hard timcB for tin! present:
20 yards Print Calico, for. . - $i59
3 pairs Ladies5 Full: Finished Hosefor.. . .25
2 36-inch Linen ToTyels, for
3 Bathing Towels (Turkish), for .25
2FajncyWiejfor .25
Parasols, Clothing1,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and Embroideries,
Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c.
Everything In proportion. Save money while you have
tho opportunity. JiThis sale is good for 30 days only.
Como and bring your friends. You won't regret it. JM
Cor. Court anfl second Sis. Q J?r "NT TT A T?T?TQi
The Dalies, Oregon. O. Oo iN . XI xa. JXJXIO.
Siii'iM ii Summer Dry tails,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jests' pdrpi5i7ir;5 Qood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
At the Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
Jtey, Graii?, peed" apd" plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oasb a,lc3. for Eggs a,na. 3Eou.rtryv
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
The California Winehouse,,
Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his home-
h produced Wine at prices m tho reach ol everybody.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to 'be Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., Tho Dalk'H, Oregon.
These Stables have on hand tho finest Livery in Eastern
Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single
or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night.
Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teiunsteis with freight
or driving teams, having added to their (-tables largo feeding and wagon room.
Commercial Patronaee Solicited.
Have You Seen
V. T H E
Spring Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
A. T