I IK - It r ?! 'P. ft? I it 3 MS i. ' i OFFICIAL l'AI'KK OF 11AM.KS CITY. AND WAJCO COUNTY. Entered nt the l'ostofflcc nt The Dalleii, OrcRon, as seconil-clajs tnflttCT. 8UBS0KIVT1ON KATES. BY MAII.(rOSTAflE VKKrAltOIN ADVANCK Weekly, ljenr... " 6 months 3 " Dally, 1 year. " 6 months T. . i 1.1 I ..r. ntnrn li'nifhl Tlie Dulles DailV ChrOniCle. tlmn jf thev wore ordinary criminals; - i tt ,,r.. culltv. It is hiuh time tlioy 1 were checked; ami in any case, it is ' now duo thorn, an well as tho United , States, that they have n fair trial aim , 'either honorably acquitted or found j j guilty as charged. ! Give us a decent comet, or stop this 1 j everlasting telegraphic twaddle nboxxl i some astronomical professor believing it i to have two tails, later only one tail, and i later that what was thought to be a tail j was only the hair of Andromeda. Trot ( out a comet that covers thirty-three do grees in the heavens and spreads out 1 i like a peacock's tail one that is visible j i to the naked eve at least. All of us I can't have u Lick observatory next to the wood shed. ! per I 1 W) 0 70 0 M fi w 3 00 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," The Dalies, Orcjcon. l'OKt-OfllCfl. OFFICE KOl'KH fleneral Delivery Window . . .S a. m, doncy Order " .sa. m, Sunday li " '"' CI.OSINO OF MAtI.1 trains eolng East . . .9 p. in. "ul " West . . .'J 1. m. mm BUee for fiolilcndale. . . " " Vrincvillu " "nuturnuil arm Springs " .tawing for Lyle & Hartlnnd ' " (Antelope .. . Except Sunday. Trl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and j " Monday WcdncMlny and to" p. m. to 4 p. m. to 10 a. m. 11:45 a.m. 3:30 p. in. .7:30 n. m. .fi:non. m. .5::iu. m. .A:30n. m. .5:3) n. m. Saturday. Friday. TUESDAY, - - JULY 18, 189:? The Klamath Star gives Hermann's views on silver : "What are Hermann's views on the silver question'.'" is fre quently asked by people of all political shades in Klamath and it is our duty to publish a reply. Hermann is in favor of honest free coinage of silver, that is, he wants n dollar' worth of silver in every dollar coined. How in the name of all gold huuibuggery can the pluto crats define this as "straddling" the financial question? An honest silver dollar is u dollar with 100 cents in it, every cent exactly equal in value to the one hundredth part of a dollar in gold Instead of straddling he stands with both feet upon tho basis of parity, on the equality of gold and silver values. Very few people perceive the intensity of the passion for the yellow gold in the world. When we look abroad we see England and Germany, Russia, Austria and Belgium all crazy for gold. If some thing is not done quickly t the price of gold will be sky high, and the corres ponding fall in the value of everything that is bought and sold will raise a frightful panic in the land. Our only salvation is to turn loose a healthy stream of honest silver dollars. The howl against a surplus of silver is blind A broader stream of silver dollars such as Hermann calls for is the only means of turning the tide. A little girl in Portland was allowed to die, from having been poisoned by eating the graphite of a green leadpen- cil, which contained poison in its mix ture. The mother was a faith cure fanatic, and instead of calling a doctor, got a woman to come and pray for the little sufferer. The child died in great agony, a violent spasm robbing her of her life. There are antidotes known to medicine for all poisons, but faith with out works is as powerless to prevent the action of poison on the system as it is to restore an amputated leg, and there is something to this effect within the Bible, if these egregrious fools would only look it up. A recent statement issued by the post office department conveys the sad intel ligence to would-be-postmasters that the official guillotine of this administra tion has not been as active up to date as the buzz-saw of the preceding Repub lican regime. The comparative state ment published shows that from March 4th to July 3d, 1893, tho total changes in fourth-class postmasters were 8,9oC, as against 11,109 for the same period in Mr. Harrison's administration. Of this number 3,220 were removals, com pared with 7,400 removals in 1889 Presidential postmasters appointed dur ing the same period numbered 4'M, com pared with 578 in 1889. The Mohican was disabled bv ti small poaching vessel in tho waters of Bel ring sea May 23th. Tho Mohican was sent out to stop this poaching business and the first chance sho iiad to show her prowess, she was struck by a six-pound ball from tho Alexandria, and her en gines disabled. She turned looso her big guns, but thoy went wide of the mark, and the poacher was &oon lost to view in a fog. Perhaps our crack battle ships had better practice up a bit. They might bo captured by a tcow or tug boat and all on board shanghaied. If it is true that a canal and locks can bo constructed foraboutfl.QOO.OOOat tho dalles, it will settle the question of what is best to bo done at that point. This is the fust estimate having any backing to It that has been made short of $10,000, 000. Engineer Boguo's report will at least justify a small appropriation to gee what the work could bo done for. Then If the work was let by contract at from one-half to three-fourths of this esti mate, another great improvement would bo added that should satisfy our do roands upon tho general government for a long time to coiuo. "How to tho line, let the chips full whore thoy may." The arrest of tho greatest republican wire-puller in the itato of Oregon on a charge of smuggling in Chinese falls like a thunderbolt, and numerous othor arrestB of equal or lessor importance shows how wide a swath the democratic administration is cutting into tho serried ranks of the Oregon hosts, If they havo violated tho lawfi of the country their former social or jiolit- KTI.I.KD ItY A Tit A IN. A Man nml Woman CiiurIiI on " Treatlo. "Watkktowx, N. Y., July 17. The people of this city are horror-stricken on account of a fatality last nighty A young girl, a domestic at a boarding house, and George 15. Frame, a boarder at the same place, were struck by a train, on the Rome, Wntertown & Og densburg railroad, while attempting to cross a railroad bridge on the outskirts of this city. The girl's body was mang led horribly, and the man's skull crushed. The accident occurred about 11 o'clock. The girl had started to call on a friend and was crossing tho railway bridge, instead of the regular foot bridge, in order to save time. A moment later Frame started on a similar errand, and the girl, seeing him coming and being somewhat timid, waited for him to help her across. The train, which was a Sun day excursion from Thousand Islands, was late and was running at an unusual rate of speed to make up time. The en gineer gave a warning signal and re versed the engine, but too late to bo of any avail. He said the man had reached a place of safety, but the girl did not follow him as rapidly as she should and he returned to save her. Their bodies were thrown from the bridge to an em bankment below and death was instan taneous. Submit tn tin- Inevitable. Cmc.uio, July 17. At a conference meeting this afternoon of managing offi cials of Chicago lines it was- agreed that the fight against half rates to the world's ! fair was a hopeless one, and that the concession must soon be granted by all lines. Some very plain talk wa in- i dulged in at the meeting, the substance of which was that large passenger earn ings alone would keep some of the ro.tds out of receivers hands. The most of the officials believed the roads could make more money by quoting one fare for the j round trip to Chicago. Proof of tiiis j was furnished in an Erie excursion of ' 277 passengers, all from points over 300 , miles away. Coming so soon after July I 4th, this could only be taken as an ev-i idence that the public was waiting for low rates. 'aouuercr-rato It isn't the usual way it's just tho reverse to pay a patient when you oan't euro him. Nevertheless, that's what's dono by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy. They promise to pay you $500 if they can't euro your "catarrh, no matter how bad the ease. It isn't mere talk it's business. You can satisfy yourself of it, if you're, interested. And you outdit to he, if you have catarrh. It's faitli in their medicine that's behind tho offer. It has cured thousands of the worst cases, whero everything olso failed. You can he cured, too. If you can't, you get the money. They're willing to tako the risk you ought to he glad to take the medicine. It's the cheapest medicine you can buy, because it's fimranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the pood you get. Can you ask more? . That's the peculiar plan all Dtr. Pierce's iuedicinoe arc sold ou. the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J.D. PARISH, Prop, i YOUR ATTENTION William Tell Your Father that we pell SWEET. ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, -. Pantaloon Overalls, Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip ! X' We are also Headquarters for ... . Men's, Boys' and Youth s 0 CLOTHING In every size, style and price. I IK I (I U'litcsThe Dallus nt ii. in. every day, unci ar rives nt I'riiicvlllu In thirty-six hourx. U-nvi-s rrinevlle at A a. in. every day, and arrives at The Dalles in trimy-six noura. Cailies (lie U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express Connects nt l'riiio-lllc with Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. Aim l i.ikes elo-e conneition at The Ihillew with trini from I'ortluntl mill Eastern points. courteous Qrmrs. ' Good accommodations along tie ioail. . First-class Coaches aid Horses used. : Eipress matter bafldled with special care. STAGE OKK1CKH; M. Slchcl A: C'o.'h 8tor. rrinrvillft. Iliimtllln Iliiuax, Tim Ih11n. Take .Simmons' I.iver Regulator to improve the appetite, to strengthen the system, to stimulate the liver, to cleanse the skin of its yellowness, to remove hoils and pimples and cause now life in the blood. Go to N. Harris for fine prints ; 20 , yards for $1. I CLtmA STORY, Iloom 3, liettimjen Building, Will give I??ons Monday? and Thnrkdiiyii of CHCh week, or of'i:ner if desired. W. E. GARRETSON, aMieailim-Jeweler. Is called to tho faot that 1 Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Planter, Cement anil liuilding Material of all kiiuln. ;rrl thn FiuflUt I.lnti of PictureMouldings To be foand in the City. 72 rjUashington Street. The Dalles Gigaf : Factory FIEST S-TKEST. FACTORY NO. 105. lit' it. 7 ii ill- in iiii: ii.iit.i. iill.il tuiniii. iillcil Ltt- ttj w leads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to tho 'IraiiA-Hiil 'k HI ife i jv I i 1 1 : n ii l m m Biffin i H II III 1 1 II IP It I 'liWIi I - III f I I fTf A DC"' tllu Nest brands V'XvTx'xX0 manufactured, and orderu from nil parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. An airrecable Laxativo and NEKVK TON IU. Sold hy DriiKKlstsor sent hy mall. Soc.fiOc., and 81,00 per package. (Samples free VA HfS Tho Favorite TOOTH P37TOIS A.W, HVfortlioTeetnandiJreatti.ZSc. For ale liy finljiet & Kluorxly. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, ate. The reputation of THH DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. I A. ULRICH & SON. i Y. K. W18UMAN. VM. MAKOKItH. D.1, SANDEN'S ELEHHip BELT With Electro-Mqanctlo BUBpInsoN Y. LlMt I'Hlfnlirilt-H ImpriivtmenU t 111 euro without mwllclno all ) rtlicti retultlm' from otrrr-tuxotloHof bnln nervo lorcfsi eimmuorlmlis. cnti'in. as nrrroua debility, flwplccii3. Iinifiior. it'i-umatlroi, kidney, liver and, Lladder complaint lame btlf. lumbago, ncUtlra, all ftma1 complaints jrem-ral li health. Ho. Thtj flectrto Iklt cintuliij ritoatrral luuraieMcaU over (Jl other. Curimt U lI-iti'i.'lf;rfr.lt!.''r..w,:reror..wo forfeit 5,OOO.uo, and wlll curuollof tlio aXtuio dlmsaaea or Wo iiay. Thou. SSi'jl" ftVJ c'fedl'V th la inarreloun (iiveniion i,ri"oUlr''nw'lfa'l'l.n'l o Klve uuiuliula t)fttUmoutalajillilaiiaeveryotliertate. Cur nx.ri.l lnvr4 KUITHIU Hl'rKMOUY. tlm t!!'"'ii Vft! oir'td W'"1 mn. fKK Kith all IWtfajN Beud forlllua'U I'aiuiJhlet.iiiiulwl.ruilwl, frto BANDBN BLIOTRIO CO., mo. 17lraHtrcct, i'OWKhAMU QUE. GHflS. flDflJUS, Shoemaker No Fit, No Pay. 4 Union St., opp. Eut'opean House. ; All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. ! 13K Hconil Ht.. Th Ilallnit. Or. A. WESOLO, ll III W AT.n A t t Til a mm- rt m h N I III III! East End Second St. Siiits Made to Order from , $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. i I'tirfect Kit (iuitraiitt'Dil. 1 J. FJORD, I ()( J)(m JIolncs, I(vn, writes uiuler iliiic ol iliircli V3, leW: , S. 1J. Mkd. Mfh. Co., Ihifur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving homo last week, I found all well and anxiously awuitinj,'. Our little trl, eljjht and one-half years old, who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is now well, strong und vigorous, and well I fleshed up. S, li. Gondii Cure lias done j ts work well. Uoth of tho children like it. our K. 1J. CoiiBh Cur has cured and kept away nil hoarseness from me. ! .So mo it to every ono, with Kreetlnj,'s (or all. WishltiK you prosperity, we are Wirn, Mil, fc Mils. .1. I'. Fomi. ' If VHl viluli .titLitl f.r..l I ... .r..i . . for tl obi.fliiK'i work, oleuiinu your syHvn wltli Bold under a jioslttvo Kintrmitie. 60 cent per bottle liy nil ilruf !i, The Snug. W, H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Broot, The Dalloi Or. This well known stand, kept by the uii Kimwii ii. uiHiH, ioiik u resi' dent (if Wasco county, has an extraordl' nary fine stock of .'llflri IIiiilaaV. Ilnl!ilil .t,,l I .toll lllnln.l hi fact, all tho luiuliu lramlH of .in VilllM. T.tfillfirn nml (Vutttru i'Ztxrn fli aiMJIIWIH MUM Wlltllll Ml l old man a call and you will come aiuiin Wiseman & IVIardefs, Saloon and Wine Rooms at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, IIII I T t - A. A. il.. I J fltol wno are Heiimi; inese eoous out at ureal v-reaucea ruitu MICIIKLHACil r.KIOIC, - UNION ST. Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TEOY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your "bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. The Dallos, Oregon. Northwest corimr nf Kocnml n..l uouri sireoiH. Eggs for Hatching From thoroiiKhhrcd fowls. Address- U-L'.liii .ifli.OO II.00 J'J. M, JJAKHIMAN, Kndursby, Of. WINHNS 11 : n,w .',0W.'S I'lwttet! on tho old nimiiKnmiiil, lit tlio I'orkN nml i i'HllMof Hood rlvnr, Willi liirKO.nlKlitly lotH.broiiil MtrtiilNmid mIIuvh, wood Mill hiii Iiiirowiitcr.vvltliHliailo In iiofiiMon, iH'rfwtilriiliiiiucdollKlufiil iiioimtiilii clliniitv, tlio cuntriil iitlrmrtloii tin n iiiiiiiiitnlii hiiiaiiiiT iij.iort for nil (trcKiili, bclim the ni'iireit (own lo ,Mt. Hood. It Ik iiiipnnillclvc im it iiiiiiill(iitlirliif; coiilor, Ih'Iiik tho imtiini ccnlcr lor 1MI niini. ihIIch (if tho Iwtit ftdiirmid llr tillllji'r, iotH.niL' iiiIIIIiiiih of horH' .OHi'r 111 Its dn.Hhliiir hIilhiuh nml wiiter in I In, cnylly linriii'Mi'il. Whoro chiup inutlvi- .owi'r oxlhtd, tlioiu tlm lnU'Sj fiiulorli'K will I'uiitfr.iiiirroiiiiiKil hv mill nml ..ii,m,,i., n,,.t .,i iwu'irtu" niijwiiuro nir unit nun iii;rlriilluri', mid with tniiiMiorliitloii itlnwly". i'.iii. mi iiiiiuv ii ii:rii;(H iiuiiiu or It iliyiHK ',T' TITliE PERFECT See me on the ground! Wasco County, Oregon vv. ixoss Winans L Pipe D. BUNNELL, Work, Tin Repairs and BOOM MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Stroot, nox Blacksmith oor west of Young y'top,