The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 18, 1893, Image 1

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    1 jl!Jlff Sip
IL f
roL. vi.
Dalles Daily Chronicle.
f I'liblUhod Pally, Htindny Kxcepted.
br Hccnnrt and WashlriRto'i KtroaU, Tlio
I- Dalles, Oregon.
Tnriiin orHiilmorlptlon
Iwr C0O
lonth, by cnrrlor "O
copy 5
U.,rtvun 11:45 I
1 : uj i
M. PepnrtN 11:60 1'. M.
m. " i:'" .
lve 3:M A. M. Departs iniii a. m.
freights that furry passengers leave
rtho west at 7:U) a. m. ,iui one lor uie
1:15 a. Mi
rliiovllle, vln. Unto Oven, lcnve dully
Liitolonc. Mltclieil, uanyon uny, leave
1 1: a u .
Dufur, Kingsloy, Winnie, Wnpinltla, Wiirm
mid Tygli valley, leave uany texcej
ut r. a. u.
jnljhgbjulc, Wuhli., leave every tiny of the
I Kir Itll III1CH III 1IIJ U milium Allium;,
NO. 27.
t). HOIIKNCK,1 ,
.11. M. 11KAI.1.
- Cashier.
prst Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San FranciHco and Portland.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciiknck.
Ell. M. WlM.IA.M8, GKO. A. LlKRE.
H. M. Beam,.
Court Htrcot, The Dalles, Oregon.
W KllOHlK Vi IIUU 1.1, over
lldiug, Kiitnuicc on wasningiou niruui
L--''Ben m Kchanno's bulldlnc. un stairs. The
, Oregon.
IIIJNTINUTON i WIIJJON ATTOB unices, Kronen's uioen over
ttlonal Hunk, l n- DHlles. uregon.
French .t Co.'h hank building. Second
(, The Dalles, Oregon.
Ml hum ikon. units uuswereu iirominiy,
lit. city or country, unice ao. 3d una
prunii blocU. wtf
SON. Oflleo: riMHin b una 0 Clmpmau
HcMldonce : o. l.. eornur ;ourt mm
HtrevU. Micjml Uoor from tliu eorunr,
1 hours 0 to 12 A. M a to 6 aud 7 to t V. M Dkntiht. Guk Riven lor the
imInlcv.K extrautlon ol leutli. A1HO teem
j llowuU ulituiiuum jilutu. Hooiuh: Hlgn of
Olduu Tooth, Hecoud Ktreot.
BCO I.OIXiK. NO. lfi, A. J' it A. !. Mi-ftH
f llrntvunl third Monday of cauu mouth tit
ieiitH in MiisiiiiIc Hall the third W'cdiiCHday
i moutli at 7 J . il,
flit iftlWBB
U Hood CnintiN().M),Mt,t'tK'luriuiiyuvoi
ni u .....(.. ii ....
vn in riiiiutiiii xiuiif tit t " in
IA U)DOK, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meota
Friday oveiiing at 7::i0 o clock, in K.
corner Hecoud mm Court atreetK,
icbrotherK are welcome.
Ii, Sce'y. 11. A. llil.l.s,N. (i.
DSltll' l.ODGK, NO. V., K. of l'.-lleotn
Monday eveuliiR ut 7; SO o clock-, in
'hbuildtiiKi corner of Court and Hecoud
hojouruiUK memuerN tire coriuauy in
W. 8. Oram.
Vaumk, K. of U. and B. C. C.
Mltl.Y NO. 4tK!7, K. OK MucU in K.
1'. hall the neeonil and fourth Wedncs
each month at 7::U) p. in.
NION Mrttl nuHit every Friday afternoon
lock at the reading room. All are invited.
on lysine No. 601, I. 0. O. T. lteRiilar
Kiy iiieetliiRH Friday at b v. i a
yliatl. Allaroinvitei.
KIHMAN, C. T. It. O. 1'l.KCK, So
1.K LODGE NO. il, A. 0. U. W.-Mcota
fratoruity Hall, over Kcllerx, tu Hecoud
wursday ovenlnyH at 7::).
j-aui. Kiti:rr,
yr.nx, Financier. M. V.
AKHM1TU I'OST, No. a , tl. A. U.-.Meets
jtTtry Haturday at 7:!) p. n in the K. of I'.
B .OF L.
the K
E. Meets livery Sunday afteruoou in
, of 1. Hall.
IfBANO V1MIK1N McuIk every
l BveiuMK u iuu i. oi i-, iiau.
&OF Ii, I. I1IVIH10N, No. lC7-MeetKin
K. of I'. Hall tliollrxt and third SVedne.i.
each moutli, at 7;::u r, i.
tiik oiniumii.H.
I't'ETEHR Olll'ItClI -Itcv. Fathur )!honr.
IKK st 1'astor, Low every Kunday at
iin;n MaHh ut juiiiOA. m, veapers at
PA II Lit OHUUCII - I'nlon Htreot, opposlto
llth. Itev.EUD.HllleilltiiUeiitiir. Bervleof
Ihuiidnyat 11 a, M, aud 7:i;(U'. M. Sunday
lv, Li A. m. Kvenlin; l'ruvor on Fildav at
t'V Jl.U'TJKT ('IIUneU-Kin 0. 1). T.VY-
Oltt 1 HMtlir. Mftrillllir Ki.rvlf.. .iiri.rv' Kl.tlw
tut the academy ut u A. M. Knblmth
Mii uuiiiiiiiy auor inorniiii,' wrview.
. n Co ins Friday nvenliiK at 1'aNtor'a rel.
.'Minn nuivicoH in tlio court nouso at
ajrer - -
lONOKEOATION A L miiuimrii,, v n
fJP-l-'Vr. V l"'.': !B,,,t! firvieonoverytiuudayat 11
! " rUUUIl M Kli 1 II f Hi- imiriiliii'
mraiiijerKcimlhOly invited. ciitnrioo.
I, VIlUUl-M - ittV. . Winn mi.
ua Minimi at U.uo o'oloc : i' m. I uuortli
1111 II II...II IV ft) In,,.. .... .(.
ik iiiii in ii Hh.r n f -?.'ii .; . "i
Hoi l, o.u uili l by both pastor ami people
HUKi'lAN ("ntlK'H-itnv. j. w .ii'NKiNK
Vil in iir.ii mi
00 ilf i M t, in
ichiMili.Nluth Dtrcut, Itev.A,
vices at 1 1 .W a. in, ymidiiy
a cuiiimi ivoiciuiio In uvory
Letters of Credit issued available in he
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all jioints on fav
orable terms.
Rational Bank,
President - - -Vice-President,
- - -
Z. F. Moody
Chaklks Hilton
M. A. Moody
what a comfort it is to
havo ready at hand a
remedy that never fails
to relieve Constipation,
and that, without pain or
discomfort; and almost
immediately cures head
aches, and dispels every
symptom of Dyspepsia.
Such a remedy is found
in Simmons Liver Eegu
lator not a sweetened
compound to nauseate, or
an intoxicating beverage
to cultivato an alcoholic
appetite, hut a medicine
pleasant to the taste, and
perfectly harmless when
given to the smallest
child. S. L. R. never
disappoints. It possesses
the virtues and perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of the kind endorsed by
eminent physicians.
" It affords mo pleasure to add my testi
mony to those you receive annually in
referenco to your valuable medicine. I
consider Simmons Liver Regulator the
best family medicine on the market. I
rmvo prescribed it with excellent result."
W. F I'ark, M. D., Tracy City, Term.
"The Regulator Line"
Arrested Yesterday and is Now Under
General Banking Business Transacted
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
BiacKsmiH & wagon shop
General Bhteksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
florse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street opp, Lielie's old Stand,
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in iiis Hue at
ruasonablo figures. J las the
largest honse moving outfit
in Kustern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181.TheDalies
Watches aud Jewelry repaired to order on
mure nonce, iuu hatitmiuiiou guaranteed
Htorit of I. V. Nlckwlrton, Shi St. Tlio Dalle
Chas. Allison,
Dealer In-
Headquarters at Ohas. Lauor's.
IfllvItlC hllll a Mini l,nrv..l nf mil urn! If, v.. tin,
best 111 the world. I inn mmiiireil to in
any uuniittty and at bottom juices.
Dry Good
ItiHitH, Milium, Hull, Kill.
Seooiul St,, The Dalles.
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Frelgnt ana Passenger Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade
Locks with steamer Dalles City,
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way
Round trip.
. 3.00
Tickets on sale for Lone Beach. Ocean
Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage
checked through.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
hmpmeuts for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
Uenttral Agent.
General Manager.
piesh Paint!
W. C. Oimikkt hereby bends
Ills compliments to every friend
And enemy if he ha any
Jlo they Jew or bo they many.
The time lor painting now has come,
And every one desires a homo
That looks and clean and now,
As nono but a i;ood painter cau do.
1'alntliiK, papeilnir aud Klnzlug, too,
Will make your old house look quite new.
He will take your work either way,
lly the Job or by the day.
If you have work Klvo him n call,
He'll take your orders, large or Mnnll.
1'. 0. llox No. 3,
Ik St. Charles Hotel,
Thin old, popular aud reliable house
has boon entirely rofiiriih'hed, and every
room litis been rupnperod und roiainte
and nowly cunmled throughout. The
uiiifio contains 170 rooniHuudisauiiplit'o
with every modern convenience, Kutw
ruiiHonublo. A good restaurant at tuehec'
to the house, Vrer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWLES, Prop.
Both Charged with "Conspiracy to De
fraud the Government' Charles
I). Canlincll Included.
Poutland, July 17. James Lotan, ex
collcctor of customs of the port of Port
land, gave himself up to the United
States marshal at noon today, to answer
to the charge of two indictments pre
ferred against him by the federal grand
Robert G. Paddock, deputy inspector
of the customs service, was arrested be
fore noon, on the same charge as pre
ferred against Lotan.
The charges against both men are to
the effect that they were engaged in a
conspiracy against the government of
the United States. There are two accu
sations made by the grand jnry. One
is that they defrauded the government
of revenue duties due on certain quanti
ties of opium brought into this port.
The second allegation is that they
landed Chinamen from off steamers
from British Columbia ports on fraudu
lent certificates.
No sooner had the marshal's clerk got
Lotan and Paddock safely cared for,
than in walked Deputy Marshal Sibley
with C. D. Cardinell, another one of the
alleged smugglers. He was arrested at
his residence at 449 Jackson street, and
brought immediately to the marshal's
office, where he gave satisfactory secur
ity and was released. Cardinell is
charged with the same offense as is
alleged againEt Lotan and Paddock and
he is one of the "et al." in the indict
ment against "Lotan et al."
The grand jury during its short session
of four active days, returned 21 indict
ments, all of which were true bills.
Some of theEe were matters of minor
importance, and do not concern the
more important work which they ac
complished. Of the other indictments,
eighteen were placed in the hands of the
marshal early this morning. It is gener
ally understood that two or three of these
indictments are against persons who re
side at Astoria, and that there are also
indictments in the hands of the marshal
upon which service will not be made for
some davs. The subjects of these latter
accusations are out of town, and it is
surmised are in northerly and southerly
directions from this city. It is also
whispered that one man is making
tracks as fast as he can for Britisli
Columbia, and another is investigating
the different steamer routes and fares to
The first indictment placed in the
hands of the marshal on which service
was returned, was a joint indictment
agamst William Dunbar ana JNathan
Blum, for landing Chinamen here who
had no ri lit to bo landed, and for assist
ing them to land by furnishing them
with fraudulent certificates, according to
the allegations. There are ten counts in
the indictment for live occasions that
Chinamen were lauded, two charges be
ing for each occasion.
The first count alleges that on the 26th
day of November, 1S92, there was un
lawfully brought from British Columbia
on the steamship Haytian Republic, a
lar,!0 number of Chinese laborers, which
Chinamen were unlawfully landed from
said vessel, and that William Dunbar
and Nat Blum did unlawfully aid, abet
and assist the landing of said Chinese
Tho second count, leferring to these
. ii i ii.... .i... i .
same Liiinamen, unegeu wuu mo de
fendants forged and counterfeited cer
tain documents purporting to have been
signed hv certain citizens in Portland,
which are known as Chinese certifi
The third count alleges that a number
of Chinamen were similarly landed hero
on January 27, and the fourth count al
leges the forging and counterfeiting of
certificates to effect their purpose.
Chinamen were again unlawfully
landed on the 22d day of February, 1892,
and fraudulent certificates supplied to
them, according to the allegations of the
fifth aud sixth counts.
The 2d day of September is the date
of the next alleged illegal lauding of
Chinamen, with two counts of a similar
purport hh above. The allegations of
thu ninth and tenth counts arc thu same,
the date of the transaction being Octo
ber 8, 189-J.
Diiulur and Blum wero found this
morning without difficulty by the depu
ty iiiamhils and immediately brought
to the nMi't'lml's ollU-o to arrange about
their bondt. Mr. Dunbar was the first
to give bail, which was recmirod in tho
. 1 1
sum of .$2000. His botraliiicn were: .1.
S. Dunbar, grdceryman, and Seid Back,
the wealthy ChincEo merchant, of this
Blum also secured Seid Back as one
of his bondsmen, and Sam Coulter as
the other.
Union raclflo flan Boycotted tho tlreat
bT. Paul, July 17. The passenger
department of tho Union Pacific has
sent out circulars to its local officers in
this city, declaring a boycott against the
Great Northern, in so far as a recogni
tion of its tickets is concerned. The
Union Pacific requests all competing lines
to dishonor the tickets of the Great
Northern bearing its name. This action
will not apply to points on the Montana
Central. The Great Northern pays no
particular attention to the effort of its
competitors to handicup its business,
but will retaliate in a similar manner
by refusing to honor any Union Pacific
tickets. The Northern Pacific, via its
Chicago connection, the Western Cen
tral, has made a one-faro rate from
points in Minnesota and North Dakota
on the same principle as excursion rates
agreed upon by tho Western Passenger
Association, except that portions of tho
tickets west of St. Paul will bo honored
on any car, including sleepers. This
practically gives, a round-trip rate to
Chicago oi $11.50, against the $13.73 rate
agreed upon. The Great Northern met
the Northern Pacific in a circular issued
last evening.
A Reign of Terror.
Helena, Mont., July 16. The closing
down of the silver mines at Granite and
Philipsburg, where the Granite Mount
ain and Bimetallic mines, the two
greatest silver producers in the state are
located, has resulted in the inauguration
of a reign of terror in the two camps.
Some 5,000 men have been employed in
the mines and mills there and a large
majority of these are of foreign birth.
When the mines first closed, the miners
made a run upon the banks. Many of
them were paid their moaey, but one of
Philipsburg's banks, thoroughly solvent
but without ready cash enough to meet
n.j immediate settlement, was forced to
close its doors. Having their savings in
hand, many made no better use of it
than to-squander it. One man with
nearly $200 placed it temporarily in the
possession of a woman at Granite for
safe keeping. Subsequently calling for
it the woman denied all knowledge of it.
Exasperated, the owner, with several
companions, proceeded to force the
woman, using barbaric methods to com
pel restitution. Her hands were tied,
her face slashed and disfigured, and, is
a final resort, coal oil was poured on
her, and the threat of burning her alive
was about to be carried out. Then the
woman weakened and divulged the hid
ing place of the money, and its recovery
was effected. Two days ago an unpro
tected woman named Ivy, about mid
night, heard a loud knock at the door,
and on opening it she was confronted by
two masked men with revolvers, who
demanded her money and valuables.
One hundred and ninety-five dollars,
belouging' to a man named Mitchell,
who was boarding at the house, had
been left with Mrs. Ivy for safe keeping.
This money they compelled the woman
to hand over, threatening to shoot her if
she refused.
Has Never linen llsaiiiotiitl.
Theabove words speak volumes ami cannot bo
said of many things, but coming from 'one who
has been a nill'erer for many years, no further
tribute can be added:
liKvrLUMii.N;- I havo been a sullerer from
headache for many years and can cheerfully
recommend Krauze's Headache Capsules a be
ing the only preparation that lia cl en almost
instant lellef. Have been using them for about
six months aud hau never yet been disappointed
in them. Yours with respect,
Win, II.',
I'ub. Altoona (I'm.) Mlimr.
ItuuUleu'M Ainieu Salve.
The best salvo in the woild for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt ilieum, fovor
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded, Prico 25 centB
per box. For sulo by Snipes A Kin
ersly. Captain Sweeney, I J. S. A., Sun
Diego, Gal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is thu first medicino I havo
over found that would do mo any good."
Prico 50 cts. Sold by Snipes k Kiuorsly.
United Nlnten VrKel Dlniibleil In Hehr
Ing Hen.
Pout Townsknd, July 17. The United
States man-of-wnr Mohican was fired
upon by tho seal poaching steamer Al
exandria, in Behring sea May 2oth, and
disabled. Tho Alexandria escaped. Tho
Alexandria sailed from San Francisco
last April, under the Hawaiian flag, on
"hunting and fishing voyage in the
North Pacific ocean. She was com
manded by ono of the McLean brothers,
who became notorious last year on ac
count of having raided the seal rookeries
of the Japan coast. When the steamer
sailed from San Francisco she carried an
unusually large crew and was well armed
with rifles and small cannon. It is gen
erally believed a raid ot the Russian or
Behring sea rookeries was contemplated
and tho American patrolling fleet was
warned to look out. At daylight, May
25th, tho Alexandria was observed by
the Mohican coming out from under the
lee of an island where seals usually con
gregate in large numbers. Tho Mohi
can, which is the flagship of the squad
ron, commanded by Nicol Ludlow, sig
nalled the Alexandria to heave to, which
order was disobeyed and a couple of
shots were fired across her bow. The
Alexandria put on all steam and re
turned the fire with a small six pounder.
The shot struck the Mohican amidships
and disabled her engines. The man-of-war
sent a couple of shots after the
fleeing poacher, but they flew wide of
their mark. The Mohican laid to six
hours repairing her machinery. In the
meanwhile the Alexandria escaped un
der a fog which was settling down. The
Mohican put in several days search
ing lor the vessel, and returned to
Ouunalaska just as the steamer Crescent
City was leaving for Sitka. The Mohi
can visited the island where the Alexan
dria had been and found ample evi
dence that warranted the assumption
that a large number of seals had lately
been killed.
The Knd or the World.
New Havek, Conn., July 17. Lieu
tenant Totten regards the poesent finan
cial uneasiness as another sign of the
coming of the end of the world. He de
clares it is inconceivable to him how,
amid all this, no one assigns the true
reason for tho disturbances, and adds:
'We are nearing the sound of the 12th
stroke of the midnight hour. Its nature
is apparently financial, but in reality
tho confusion of affairs enters into every
order of human policy. The human
race has sown the wind, and is now
about to reap tlio whirlwind. Things
will not get better, but rather worse.
I would that every man and woman, at
least of rav own race Israel would re
read tho parable of the wiso and foolish
virgins, and that right carefully in this
connection. We are approaching the
crisis which must precede the mil
Shiloh's euro, the Great Cough and
roup Cure, is for sale by Snipes & Kin-
erslv. Pocket size contains twonty-flve
doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold
by Snipes it Kinersly.
A Itml of Hold.
Bakek City, Or., July 17. A bed of
gold was yesterday discovered at the
bottom of the SoO-foot shaft in the Vir
tue mine near this city. Tho water was
all pumped out and almost a solid streak
of gold eight inches wide was revealed.
Two miners took out two sucks of oro
worth $10,000. Ono specimen weighing
eight pounds, cuiuains .faun, tne mce
of tho vein is just art rich as when first
struck, aud thero is no telling how much
gold will be taken out.
Have You llaeUiielie'.'
Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure
will cure you. It will also greatly ro
liovo bright'a disease, and in many cases
effect a cure. It will bo found iuvahia
ble in all diseases of the kidneys, such
as diabetes, inflammation of tho bladder,
yellow water, burning sensation when
voiding yrine. To tho aged it is partic
ularly adapted. Try it and bo convinced.
It is for sulu by Snipe it Kinsley.
Tho Dalies City will connect with
either dean Wave or Lurlino every
evening for llwaco and Long Beach,
Tho I). P. and A. N. Co., will sell round
trip tickets at i educed rates on and af
ter today.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
li bowlder