m Ml 111 11 Ml If () .' III If III i . I ! The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Til I'. IM I.I.Ks OISKOON HELEN KELLt-R'ti ONIUS. llliml unci Ueiif. Yef She T.ilh ''' Writes to lVrfcellon. There now in Washington, this temporary fruost of Prof. Alexander Graham Hell, a beautiful little f?ivl who was born blind, ileal anil dumb. Her name is Helen ICeller. and. though lmndieavtpod by the loss of the two most important senses ami as yet but thirteen years old, she already shows iv brightness of intellect that promises to make her famous as a writer 1'rof. Noll, who told the thrjUintfund pathetic story of this second Laura Uridpeman at the recent annual meet ing of the national academy of sciences in Washington, considers the ease of Helen Keller ns incomparably more re- H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. . Decidedly the Finest Line of. Gents' Purriisning Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COR. SKCOKD AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES. OK. iHOESES HORSES ; J. S. COOPER, Corner llant, UN I OX STOCK i'AKDS, Chicago, Wt. ,Tho largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will hold his 'Hii extensive sate oi wum ern hranded horses for season 1893, on WIEIDIISrESID.A.', JULY 19. Entries should be made at onee. TTOT?RTr.R HORSES M7i!Aw:tm HELK.v ki-.i.i.i: markablc than that of her sister un fortunate. He regards her as a won der, both relatively and absolutely. He declares that, handicapped as she is. she need not fear to be measured in tellectually with other girls who have had every advantage. Helen Keller has not only learned to read by the raised letters and to com municate swiftly by means of the touch, but has actually gained the power of oral speech and can under stand what anyone says by merely placing her finger delicately on the lips and under the chin. Prof Kell spoke of finding Helen one day in one of the institutions for the blind in Koston, sitting in the midst of a group of blind girls who could hear and readingaloud to them. Since she has learned to speak one of her delights is to tell stories to her little sister .Mildred, and slv (111:; these ! with tit" most quaint and b-autiful.' iancies. weaving in all that sh has; .i? learned in her lessons, or hear! 'Vom: -jjtfatsr people, nr remembered fi-;n past; -.reading, for she never forgets uny-y -.thing. Helen has already read more! books, including the classics, than; most grown men and women. ( It is touching to see the eager grop-1 ings of this prisoned intellect after' -the knowledge that the best of us.j TOiT"i all our eyes, are often as faraway) ""from as she. During her early years, on account of some peculiar notions of her parents, religious questions were not obtruded upon her. The child at rthe age of nine knew nothing of God .orof Christian teaching. She had at tributed everything in her fanciful way to mother nature. One day, how ever, some over-zealous woman told Helen a lot of things which she be lieved were necessary for the child's well-being The result was that Helen was thrown into a state of great men tal distress and wrote in her diary that night a thoroughly agnostic view of the subject of her origin, which indi cated reasoning powers, considering the untaught condition of her mind, of a high order. Helen Keller is to be Prof. Bell's guest for some time in Washington. He has known the little girl ever since she was six years old and loves her dearly. Helen is a line French scholar and has recently received a large price for a magazine article. "My little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrhcua. We used var ious medicines', also called in two doc tors, hut nothing done him any good un til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhu.'.i Itemedy, which gave im mediate relief ami soon cured him. I consider it the best medicine made and can coiifccieutiously recommend it to all who need a dhtrrhieu or colic medicine. J.K. Hare, Trenton, Tex. L" and 50 cent bottles for sale by Ulakeley &. Houghton, ilruguistb. UOOMH TO KEN'. Furnished rooms to rent. Apply at the residence of Mrs. 0. N. Thornbury, Second street, The Dalles, Or. tt (Sooil .lob I'rliititiE. If you have your job printing done at The Ciiko.vicu: you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which wo keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. J. O. MACK, I'nr ltnt. IJooms to rent at Nov, A. Horn'H resi dence on Ninth Htreet. O-L'Sduw, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. Tlicy ieud Tlio Chloniclo to get tlio latest and moot rename ew. Ami they reud oveiy lino thnt Is III tlio imht. Tli'it is ulmt make tlao C'hronlele mi invahmblo nilvertl-lni; medium. Tlio newbpuper that . ijocs to tlio family Jmldes U thu one (0) tint tlio ulvcrtlcn. or t.wjiiy iHtiuiilio v ' when tlicy doflie to louell tlio people. When tlicy wiuit jour tiude their .-uinoiiiicementii will bo found In thupnpei. Look over our eolumim mid observe tlio vcilficii. tlon iA the truth of this insertion, lunuwbfr, . trad. 1 1 11 ft ii II v or two )nn. ) worth . HI" ' f ' t!iMih thfn C III' .1 . I'SllfJ ill t.) .t I Ul VMf j FIE WlIEp and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BECR. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STIIEET, THE DALLES, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrii(fntel ItiilldliiK next llmir In llmirt IIiiimm. Handsomely Farnished Rooms to Rent by the Day. Week or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. J? ' JrL.S .liMrL, Proprietor. TheDklles Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of tin Inland Empire is shunted nt the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, prott perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tlio Ca cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool fronc which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are tho finest on tlio Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the U-autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and tho country south and east lias this year filled tho warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. IN DALLES CHRONICLE. Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and othor re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is tho host medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. Tho Daily Ciihonjowj is published every eve ning in the weok Sundays oxcopted at $0.00 per annum. Tho Wkhkm- Ciiiionhjw: on Fridays of each weok at $1 .50 per annum. For advertising ratos, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., 3?lxo 3Dflioj3, Oregon. MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles DailvChronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKly f?ro9iel AT $2.2." PER ANNUM. uoiirei'iulili'cl In million most iwllimil olli': I" "'Uil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE oustie :r is .a. toovoryo.HMvh.misouttho IoIIowIiib Lima .... .mil MMi.ll.ii: U lo. tli.T.-l nUUnK fn The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. r CUT THIS OUT AND 3END IT TO US I 'tMisliers Cfi HOXICL K. The .Dalles, Or.: )'ou, will plmsc scud to my address Ike Ih'U LY C II ROM CLE for 12 months from du.lv., for win oh an edit, a iiumlli,. il bc.ini! luxlorslood Hi a I uoa are to hare seal lo mij address J or I jea , without extra oharJe M.eVL LUi E 'X M.'ICi.'IZ I.'YE, eommeiieing with the earreiU number. Thi: Is the Season Of theVeaf ttthen D O Judicious Advertising ,Yame, 1 Date. ..'Id.d.ress f CALL AT OUR OFFICE iiml hv tlu'oiiU'rtnliiliiKiiii.l llnoly lllustrntiil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which iimonj; Its '.uitri!)iltor till' moil fiimoi.H m.tlinrs In Am.-rloi nml II.iKhiti.l, llii'lll.lii.K I Miuh wrlli'M as II..' follow Ihk ThoiiiiiH Nnnlv, I Itiuil in tiiiiiuiHl, .1. T. Trowbrii'u, I'rof. H. riulilim, .luiumu K. .IiTonii;. I'rof. C A. Yoiiii, Knini-OH lloilfoii Jtiirntttt, II. II. Iioyewon, ' 1 I Pays. j, 1 1 f'-' Ill .... A JNJliW .... u i i irwi ! rn.si ; i ri.. riUNZ & NITSCHKI 11. j. Stiivoiison, Itiulviird Kiiiliii", A. Coiiiui Doyle, Octavt' Tliiiiiist, William IK-au f lowolla, lirot Hurtc, Clark ItiisHell, Joel Oliumllur Harris, itn.vi.r.itK ts Furniture and Carpets Theoiloii) lioofuvult, .loaqiiiu .Milli-r. Oilbart I'arkcr, .lolm IturrouliH, Kolmrt Ilarr, Ilinirv .M. Stanley, Archibald Forbt'M, Amlrtiw I.anu, Surah Oriie .luwett. Ilr. .1. S. JlilliiiKH, W. K. Honley. ("apt. ClutrlcH Iv'ui'. Mr.i. liobt. Louirt.Stovenson.CamiU! I'lanimurioii, V. Marion Crawford, Lilliu ClniHi! Wyniuii, Marcavot Dcliuid, Harriet l'rufcott SpoH'ord, Herlwrt I). Ward, ICdward Kvurutt Hale. Elizabtith Stuart Phulpa, I.ou'iho Cliandler Moulton, i Each number of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE roiitiilni two liitii.Uonu''y IlliHlratcil luturrlow with uch f.uuoin ptiijilo n.n i .lulus Verne, Archdeacon I-iirrar, Alphnne Uauilel, Wh liuve aiiui'ti to our ntiHiiieM in i HonmUite UndertiidiiiL' KHtaliliHlimenUt and iih wo tire in no way oonnuetert vtlm the UiidertukerH' TniHt, our priri'H will! ho low iicoor-iinuiv. f ' From TERKllNAL or INTERIOR Points TllK Ctunile I'liiinmuriou, Kdward Kverett Halo, i'rof. finihitin Hull. Kruncoa Jlotluson lttirnutt. Thonnia A. JCdlnon, Tisaandiur, the fanioiiH F. HoiikiiiHon Smith, French Uallooniat, II. II. Itoyeaun, ami nmiiy othcrv, have fi.rulshcil iniitctlal for cHiiwlully iimimrcil Interview!, whirl, will appear (ally UllMtriitnl In this nmKazttii;. Knch number contains two or three short stories by famous authors. I'lilly llliiitrateil slorU-M will n)iK.ir in early uiinilx;ra by Williiini Dean Ilowells, K. L. Stovunson, Hret Ilarte, Sarah Ormi Jewutt, i Harriet I'rescott Spoll'ord, Octave Thtiuet, i Frances Hodgson lttirnutt, Stanley . I. Weynian. j T -1 TI !! iimmnnini unninp IV 111 I III. I II ni. i nit 1IU1 IUU1U X uuiu RHILROHD ThoinuH Hardy, lludyard Kiplint;, Joel "Chandler HarriH, Conan Doyle, Ih the lino to tnku HENKY M. STANLEY wUli-ontrlbiite, ostecinlly for yoiini; renders, n tl.rlllliiKly Intere.itliiK nloryof AfruMii Adventure t NATl'KAL IHSTOUV AND ADVICNTl'UK. There will be several nrllcle written by Raymond niuthumyt, who has been culled by Jlr. W. T i Htead the best iutervimu'r In lll.Klaii.l, from miitctlal furiiixlKil him by Karl H3onhquk, of Ham I bun;, thu jjreat animal importer mid trainer. Then- article deal with The Capture of Wild Beasts. The TiaiiHiiortation of Wild lieantH. ! Tli. 'IVnltiitM. nf Wllil Itf.'ilM Tin AiK'ioiltiriiH mid Kmi'iiiimu (if Ivor! 1 lii(Ponli(.(L' I man h - TlieterleM will oe Illustrated by an KiiRlish artist of aelcnuwKilKeil xklll In drawing wild aiilmi.U John Iluitr.ocdiiH, C. 1". lloi.i.KU, Int. C. f this Held, will contribute to the tnuxuzlnc. Aiiiiott. ami other wrlter.s lamoiiH for their work in TO ALL POINTS EAST AND M It In the lliuii.R Cur Koutt- It runs Thro 'etllmlcd Trulimrvery .lay In tho)urta pi paul and Chicago No chanoi: or i aiis.i Compound of lliul.tir Cnrx unsurpw VuU an KrawliiK UoomHleepcrnot Intent ciiulpmenl. TOllltlST SLKEPlNli CA1LS I'ltOF Of Interest to both Young tind Old will he 11. L. GAKNIOU'S AFRICAN' HXI'IIDITION TO TH1C GORILLAS. Arrai. Remen ts havi. iK-en made, In coiinertlou with u U-mlliiK KukIIkIi review, to puhllidi l'rol. (iiimer'H letterH dceriptive of his tiroelit exp'illtlon to Africa, I'rof. (iarncr Ih uoteil the world over for the curious and iuterestiiiK IlivestlKiitioi.H he Is makil.K In the siweeli of inonkeyH. Hi- licit that can bo constructed, ami In wtilcl l iiccommodatloiiH ate both l-'reo ..nil I'urnliM lor n. micro oi i'irt nmi ni-eoi.u.r.iaiiH 'iickuui.w ELEGANT DAY COACHES willed for Africa last September for thexikuof further liur.'liliiK his .studies In the native haunt.? of le (orilia. 'i ne illustrations lor inee arucies win is- irom pnoiotrraiiiiH uiKeu ny rroi. .iarncr. The iuu;aineiilM) contains most Interesting articles under the follouiiiK comprehensive heads. " The Kiljfi) of the Future." " Knowled(,'e of Immediate Value. " " Newest Knowledge." " Tho Present Hour." " Strannur than lMction," etc. . Wo are oIRtIiib this splendid mauailne with the D.MI.Y Cltuo.Nia.K for only 47.-J) a year, payable In advance or lu monthly Installments as desired. Wo make this exceptional oiler In order that we may M-curea law ninnlx-i of new Miberllers, but ail who are already sub-erlbers may avail theinelves of tills opportunity lo seeuro this ureat uiuKuziiic. Kill up the blank and i-end It in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known ltrowery Ih how turning out tho bc'Ht Iteor and l'ortot east of tho Cascades. Thu latest applianuuH for tho manufacture nf kooi) health ful Beer havo iMion introduced, and only tho UrHt-clasB articlo will bo placed on the mark.it. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- A I'ontliiuo.iN line, coiiiieetliiK with all lla anoruuiK direct uiiii uiiliilerriipiisi servieo. I'ullmau Hleeer reservntlous can be ncciwl in a.lvanee lliroiiKU any iikciu oi u.e roau, THROUGH TICKETS polutwln Ainrrict, KiiKl'.uil ami KiiroKt can be purchnse.1 at vT ticket oiiicu oi ii.u company Hull Information coiuvruliiit rates, tliaiiJ trains, routes and other details furnished M application lo W. C. ALLAWAY. Aftent I). 1'. A A. Nnv. Co., Iti-culator nfllce, TM uaiie.s, ur., or A. I). CHAItlrOK. AsVt. (icneriil I'assetiKer AKt., l'ortland. ARTICv SODA WATEE AND I0E 0REAH Candies and Nuts TOIIAI.'CO, ; j i OKlAltH A Nil : : HWKUT IIUIMCH Specialtic PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And thu MoHt Coinploto untl the Lutont PattornK und DeHignH in 'P!iit iiMil P'Mtititru nnrl 1'niwti' ITMitirniu V.n.n 41... 1 i.. ,,.-,, ii, ituim unit u. if . miiniuy n i niiiiH tiweo III ail .llir WOrK, llllU IIOIIO hut tho most skilled workmen employed. AuontH or .Mt.ni.ry Liquid J'nintH No chemical coinbhiation or soap mixture. A Unit cIush artieln In all colors All ordurn promptly attended to. Paint Shoo cornur Thirtlantl WashiriKtou Sts Tho Dallos. Oroo-ou Columbia -fotel. THE DALLES, OREGOIVJ. This Popular House Han lutuly beun tlioroiiHhly roiioviited und newly fiuniHlied tliroiu-lioiit, and Is now hottur limn ever jinqmied lo furnlHli the best Hotel iiccoiiiniodalioiiH of any houso In the i-ity, mid at the very low mto of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25o. OIIlco of the fust and commoilioiiH ojipoHltiou Stne to Diifur, ICIiiBHluy, Tyjjh Valley, Wiiplnitiu, W'ai'iu Kinnt'H nml I'rlmivlllo Is In the Hotel and pniHi.iifj koIiik.Io I'rliiovlllo t-an fc.iye 44.UD by trolnjr on this Stitjro linn. All trains stop here. Klnost Poanut RonntorlnTho Dntl' 2 38 i mi nn Atnui 2ci StroetJ. rULUU JOHN PARHFK. fl Merchant Tailor, 70 Count StrBst, Next door to Waaoo Buu Ollioo. Huh just received Hue lino of SmiiJ for Hprlnt; and Hiiiiiiner SuitlnirH. Come and See the New Fashions. Cleaning and IepoiS lo order. SatlHfautloti iuiinmtoc(l. . ea PHOTOGRAIjn"' , irir.ii . .t..... ., ti.,. u'iihco rouor tiuv fill I If l (11 tliw air fur IiohI jmrtntltH and vIowh.