The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 17, 1893, Image 2

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    Tor Dalles My Chronicle.
Entered at the Fostofflco t The Dulles, Oregon,
a second-class matter.
BUnscKirrtoN katks.
Weekly, 1 year. 1 S
" fi months " "
41 3 ON)
ivtl.. 1 . . . . 6 W
iluatlro HlBtchfnril.
Tho prolonged illness of Justice
iilntnhfnrd mado hia dentil not unex
pected, and there la consequently little
eossin over his successor. Tho nunies of .r-
both Sccroturiea Gresham and Citrlisle
aro mentioned, but it can bo stated with
considerable assurance that tho place
will not bo offered to either. Kx-M mis
ter Vhelps of Vermont is also promi
nently mentioned as a possible candi
date,' and so are Frederick C. Coudort,
William Tell
Your Father thttt wo Hell
C months ,, , n u-lm In Mm ussOiM-
j,cr " " aim .iiuin;3 vv. v iv.. ,
Address all communication to " THK CIIKON
IOLK," The Dalles, Orefron.
denernl Delivery Window
Moni'v Onler
iutiday (i ')
...,S il. in. to 7 p. in.
. ..8 u. in. to-1 j). m.
...y n. in. tulOu. in.
I.X01N0 or MAILS
trains gniiiK Kast .9 v. m. mill 11 : a. in
West .'J i. nt. and
Btnce for (ioldemlalo
" lTlncvillo . . ,
" "l)uinratid WarmSpriiifrs
" fUwilip for l.ylo fc Hnrthintt
" " tAnteloiie . ..
iTri-weeklv. Tuedav Thurnlny and Saturday.
J " ' Monday WcdncMlny and Ktlday.
ate of Phelps as United btates counsel
in thollahring sea controversy.
Justice IHatchford had been at tho ,
bar or on the bench (or over fifty years, I
and brought to the supremo court a rich
experience which gave him distinction
as a member of that tribunal. He was (
a man of many friendships, and pos
sessed of the public confidence to a re
markable degree. That ho was a good '
man and a righteous judge is the best
M ii. m.
7:30 n. ni.
.fi:Wu. in.
,5::xi a. in.
VlO n. ni.
5:a. in. opitapli that can be written of him.
- JULY 17. 1S93
The lioulticed her feet and ioiiltiecil her head,
And blistered her back till
'twas smarting and 1
Tiled tonics, vain-killers and "lives,
(rhoushurandniH declared it was nothiiiit but
nam's. ;
I 3
A building up
of tho entire system follows tho uso
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. It's au invigorating, restora
tive tonic, soothing cordial and
bracing nervine and a certain
remedy for all tho functional de
rangements, painful disorders or
chronic weaknesses peculiar to wo
men. It improves digestion, en
riches the blood, dispels aches and
pains, melancholy and nervousness,
brings refreshing sleep, and restores
flesh and strength. For periodical
pains, internal inflammation and ul
ceration, leucorrhea and kindred ail
ments, it is a positive Bpecitie a
guaranteed one. If it fails to givo
satisfaction, in any case, tho money
it is refunded. JNo other
Gold and silver will light the greatest ;
battle iu all their coinage existence1
when the extra session of congress set-1
ties down to work, and only the most.
optimistic ot tho silver men
gather much confidence out of the con
ditions as they now appear. The advo
cates of gold realize the extent of their
advantage and are bound to have finan
cial matters adjusted on their lines.
That the Sherman law will be entirely
repealed is not at all likely, although
aornc of the most advanced silver men
may endeavor to bring that to pass.
Unconditional repeal would leave the
Bland law on top, and as the Sherman
1 , U :DO,l o .rr.1,1
naid for
tmi1ifiiii fnr vrnmnn i Ritlrl nn fhoso
The lioor Woman tlioujjlit h; niiiit oortnlnly die, . AVitli in nrriiivirv moilieirm
Tilt "Favorite rri-cription" cue happened to terms. V nil an oruui.ll y miuiuut.,
try.- , ,, ,. it can't he done.
fer!YJtW ' That's tho way its makers prove
The torturing pains and distressing I their faith in it. Contains no aleo-
ncrvousness which acccompany, at , hoi to inebriate; no syrup or sugar
times, certain forms of female weakness, j to derange digestion; a legitimate
vield like magic to Dr. Pierce's Favorite . medicine, not a beverayc. 1'tireiy
Prescription. It is purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, and adapted to tho
delicate organization of woman. It al
lays and subdues the nervous symptoms
and relieves the pain accompanying
functional and organic troubles. Guar
antee printed on bottle-wrapper, and
faitbfullv carried out for many years.
Last fall I was tauen with a kind of
basis, while the Bland' law coins silver j gunimer complaint, accompanied with a
as silver, the situation from the general
standpoint would not be improved one
whit. It is hoped that congress will not
permit personally interested obstruc
tionists to delay the work of refurm.
Speedy action the most decisive is
needed to brine about a restoration ot
business confidence, for that confidence
is business itself. There will be strenu
ous effort made to increase the currency,
but the opinion prevails that there is no
necessity for more money. Tiie per
capita wealth of this country is $24, and
if confidence was restored millions would
find their way into active and healthy
circulation. It is believed that the sit
uation is already very reassuring and
that with legislative relief of the right
eort few people will know a few years
hence that there was any linancial strin
gency in 19S3.
wonderful diarrhea. Soon after my
wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken
in the same way. We used almost every
thing without benefit. Then I said, let
I us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhea Remedy, which we did, and
j that cured us right away. 1 think mucli
of it, as it did for mo what it was recom
mended to do. John llertzler, Bethel,
Burks Co., Pa. 'l' and 50 cent bottles
for sale by Blakeley it Houghton, Drug
gists. StrmiKtli ami Health.
If you are not feeling strong and j
healthy, try Electric Bitters. L "la
grippe" has left you weak and wea"
use Electric Bitters. This remedy act:
vegetable and perfectly harmless in
any condition of the system.
World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation, Proprietors, No. 003 Main
Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
THic Dalles
Vest Jumpers,
Kasv-fittiins l-'ants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
:jk eheep-herder writer to the Antelope
fall to 10 cents a pound, and that wages
will fall correspondingly. He reasons
that if wages are once lowered, they will
never rise again, even if wool should
do so, and wants to organize a
Bheepherderg'iinion to keep unlhe,'
waee8,,,2There is no fault to be found
with any class of men who organ
ize for mutual benefit, if they have rea
eon to hope that by so doing they may
better their own condition, but the in
tent of this writer i8 ho manifestly un
fair, that he should be set right before
his colleagues. If wool falls to 10 cents
per pound, the flock-masters, generally
speaking, will not have cash enough to
pay the wages due, much less figure on
a continuance of the same scale. The
wage-earner, in a time of universal re
duction of values, must submit his
wages to the knife, in common with
everything else. To insist on protection
wages in free trade times is to bankrupt
their employers and lose not a portion,
but the whole of their wages. Wage
earners must show a disposition to di
vide in such times ; if they do not the
very logic of events will force them to.
If they become dissatisfied with free
trade wages the remedy is in their own
hands through the ballot, if they will
quit chasing phantoms and stay with
the party that has blessed them in the
past and guarantees to do the same for
the future, if they are only given tho
" " " '
Emperor William is delighted at win
ailing the long contest over the army bill,
i and placing the German Emniro on such
a war footing as will command peace.
This will be the signal for all those
European powers which have inferior
armaments to increase to something
near tho size of Germany's, and just
where it will stop cannot bo foretold.
Meantime taxes, like an insidious can
cer, will eat tho vitals out of the masses,
and domestic wars will bo the inevita
ble result, if by lucky fortune they miss
I.miii.,., ......j...,. .......
( . iitttiuii iiuiliqt JltUlUUt
J.D. PARISH, Prop, j
l.o.ivt'.s The Dulles nt C it. m. every day, anil ur ,
rives at I'rincvllle in thirty-six hours. Leaves ,
l'rilievlle at . in. every tiny, anil arrives at ,
The Dalles In thirty-six hours
Cariies the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
- Connects at l'rinllle wlth-
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, J Stages from Eastern and Southern Or-
gently aiding those organs to peri.inn
their functions. If you areafliicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
vpermanent relief by taking Klectric
feitters. One trial will convince yon
that this is the remedy you need. Latge
ottles only 50c. at Snipes k Kineraly's
rug store.
Go to N. Harris for fine prints; 20
ards for $1.
r r
In every size, style and price.
nm wn i inmQ i i?n X
wuv x M y B
""awM x mm m mrm m mm amhuiiitaw wv imm
im.V ' my W Syr
Ask vour dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
egon, nortnern uaniornia ami
all Interior Points.
ci n.iikt-h c!i-e connection at The Dullenuitli
triiis from 1'ortland anil Knstern votnts.
. L'Guriecus driyers.
L-ccd accommodations along ibe road.
. First-class Coacnes and Horses used.
. Eipress matter handled witl special care.
Slclinl A:Ci.'h Ktnru,
Iliuatlllu House,
III- Dulles.
Kcis,, and
JLOOper BotUc,
Curea Couirli. nonrscuNs.horu 'Xhront.
Croup prociptly: relieves VViiooplncCouirli
and Anthiuu. K t dinsuiiiiitlon it bus no
rival; hascurei! thou wiii(lsT7r,erunllolliers
failedj ivillcuKC Youifukcn in time. Sold
by Druggists mi nvnurantue. Forljimc IJacU
or Chest, uso SlUI.OU'.S 1'fc.ABXIiiU 25 eta.
CLtfllfl STORY,
Art Teacher
Room 3, IhUingen Building,
Will clvo Itoum JIondnyK ami Thurniayis of
uich week, or ofi;ner If detlrcil.
OfeS R E M E D Y.
llBve you i.auirrlii' Thin remedy Is irunran
teed to cure you. 1'rlcofOcle. Julcetiir trwv
I'or al liy Knipes & Klnerslj .
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,
kame bock, etc
nnninn innrninr
LddUlliy - UCWC1G1.
S I. K A g I-
Is called to tho fact that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, PlaHter, Cement
and liuilding Material of all kinds.
Cnrrl tlm Kin! I.lim f
Picture Mouldings
To be found in the City.
72 LCiashington Street.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
"There is a tide in the ajfairs oj men which, taken at its jlo
leads on to fortune."
Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the
Plnmnnr lint vnln nt
m m m mm mm m
lillliMIIU I III I a ill I Ii III - i
njp A pD ol the lleflt Ilrands
vyXvTxi.JAilC' manufactured, and
orderu from all partHof tiie country tilled
on the ahorteHt notice.
The reputation of THK DALLICK CI
GAH luiH become firmly uHtahliHlied.and
the demand for the home manufactured
article in iticreaHintf every day.
The gold reserve in gradually gettini,'
backtoitH full amount of $100,000,000
a the result of the slight improvement
In the financial situation. Yesterday it
was 98,-105,3G0.
Hon. Thomas li. Heed is comint; to
Washington with the air of a Thomas
cat who is about to swallow a canary
It is difficult to determine whether
Mr. Cleveland BUfl'ors more from ill
health or tho rumor lend.
woun, WOOD, wood.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, ut lowest market raten at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jefrer
on streets.)
With Eleetro-Magnetlo BUBPENSortV.
J.ulnt rtt nll lttt Iinpravtmentt I
ill rurc without mMlclno all uVoni rueultlnt; frnin
orrr-tntitiu.iuf bialn nerve foreeiii i'i'i-M.aorlii(l,B.
citlloo. at urrroun debility, lwplewiiM.n8, lanmior
ft-uiimllin, tldiiey, liver and. binder compliuiiir.
ltnc Iwulc. Iiitn Uko, eciatim, all frinaln coiniiiuinu
Kfiioial l health. lc. IhCi fiettrlo IJflt cntalns
Itoiidrrrul lapnnratnU otr all olbern. CurrHil la
JiiuiulyfeltV wearer or wo forfeit $5,000.00. and
wM cuiooilof the alvo diMonca or uu My. Thou.
l-nd have Urn nired tv tlila marrelu iiiventloii
after all clher remedies failed, and o viva tuudHds
Our rfernl larF4 KLKITKIU Bt'bl'K.SKOHY. tho
pnttst 'boon er oirerwl weak men, W): uliball
IWiU-v titivX fur lllu'dl'tinphl,iiialli,W;ttJcd.frfa
ko. 1?U VlratHtrcet, JUK'AXATJO OitC.
CHflS. flDfllHS,
! All Watch Work Warranted.
.Jewelry Made to Order.
1 l.'iH iSeo.inil Ht., Tli Dalltix. Or.
ston Tailor,
East End Seeond St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
I'iirf!it Kit Oiinmiitmiil.
J. F. F08D,
No Fit, No Pay.
Union St, opp. European House.
Ot Dei. Moluvn, Inwn, writes iiiiiKt ilutc nl
! March l, JbW
S. 1J. Mkd. Mm, Co.,
Dufur, Oreiion.
I Gentlemen :
I On arriving homo last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting, Our
'little girl, eight and ono.half years old,
who had wasted away to !)8 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. H, It, Cough Cure has dono
ts work well. Uoth of tho children like
it. Your B. Ii. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away nil hoarseness from mo.
no givo it to overy one, with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, wo lire
Yours, Mit. & MjIH. .1. F. Foi.
f,lI1KUcVjfh,."'"l "JllWflll,lllnl fi-uijy
lor ihiihi.rliiKH work, clwiiiuo your ytMii with
lio HiWucini unci J. vur Cure, l.iWnn tvvoor
Bold miller n K)ltivoKi)arniiU'.
50 centi per bottle by all UruKtrUU,
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 90 Becoutl Sreot, The Dallos Or.
This well known stand, kept by the
well known V. II. liuttH, long a resi
dent of Wasco county, lias an extraordi
nary lino stock of
Shwp Herder's Delight and Irish Disiurbanc
In fact, all the leading brands of fin
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
old man a call and yon will come again
Wiseman & Martlet's,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
Who aro soiling these Roods out at greatly-reduced rate.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portland, Or. Leave your "bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
..... i rj i ci i 1 17 mm it in i nn luv
AAZ. 1 IN M IN o
The Dallos,
Northwest corner of KpithhI mnl
Court HtreetH,
: ?!KW. ,,.m'N, ,llls M'.'" ll'tttt-I nn thiMihl HiiiiiiMrnimil, nt the IVirkn itnd
j 1'iillM iif HimxI rlvur. with Ifimv, hlKlitly lolH.liroinl Htrivtunml iilliiyw, i;imkI Kill
ntift iiuru viit:r,wi Ul .ilimlu Iu iirnfwdmi, K;rfc(itili,iliiMKC,icllKliUiil iiioniitiiht
lillmiilf, liucoiilinl iittiiicllnii iinh inoiiiitiilii niiiiiiuiT rwirt fur all (Ircumi,
U'Iiik tho town to Alt. Ilooil. It In ll 1 1 iii 11 1 It'lctt iih ii ninluilm'turll
ceiitur, bdiiK th(.' iiatiini! vanWr for U) iimii iiiIIck of this Ut reilur itutl fir
tlinlMT, posKhiK millions of horn Mm,'rlii Ith ilnnhhiK MminiN itutl waUT
IllllH. CJlulU lini iijkk.i! VI Li. i.. i.l tl - "..I..., ii ...utiU
IjtlirIl'M Will 1'iMitnr. kiirrMtmili'tt l.i- 4... 1 1 ..Il..,..t.. .1.... 1 ..n,CP
Mil VfilL'IlT lltr I I till JUKI IlLfrllHI I I II fit. II till IU I f II illroilllV W
'"" ' iinn " ("in 111 HMlhi; II (H'llCm JIOMH! 41f II J'UJ IMH !'
See me on the ground
rl l i..-.. w X TT 1
Wasco County, OregoD'
W. RossWinans.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
XjlSlxt Brahmaw.
13 eggfl
'M eggs
AddretB :
. , . . ;i.(J0
Kudemhy, Or.
pin-R wnrv i in Konairc ann unnii
L31 1111 1 . ... v u
jjiiuu oil iiiiru otrnni. nnvt. tuxnv viat Ynui E w
Blacksmith Shop.