eljc Dalles Cljrottide OL. VI. Dalles Daily Chronicle. I'ulillHlittl Dally, Hundiiy Kxceptcu. II v CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. r Senium ana wiuinuiRio'i nirpcoi, DullcN, Oregon. The V T h mi h of Hii)morlitliiii a nn Itr S5 tenth, by currier "r I copy .. TIMK TAIII.KH. Depart 11 :W 1'. H. 1 ;zi i , m Itullriiail" KAHT HOUNll 1vwt 11:45 I". M. i:u5r. m. WKHT HOUNll. tIvhh :i:0.'i a. m. Heparin . :iu a. n. AMI r. Mi ' frelKlit" tlmt curry piiwiciiKerH leave thii wntiit Tm A. M.,unu out! Kir me f.Ui A. M. STAfiKH. iTIiiuvllle, via. Hake Oven, leave dully ..... , Intclniic, Mlicneii, i.miyon i,iiy, icuvu ktliA. M. , Ditf nr. KlMKley, wnniii:, vwipiumu, vtariii mid Tyun valley, leave uuiiy tuxrupi lr lit I'. A.M. 5oldendalo, Windi., leave every liny of the xcept Hundiiy nt A. (. i ior an linen ai mo ninunm mmm. ri. HUHKNUK, I'reNldent , M. RKAI.L Ciwhlcr, first National Bank. iHE DALLES. - OREGON A General Bunking Business transacted Deposit!) received, Hiibject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on Now York, San Francisco and Portland. DIRKCTOKS, D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciiknck. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Lucre. H. M. Bkai.i.. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 17, The Army Bill Passed By the German Reichstag. A SMALL MAJORITY, HOWEVER The Emperor Delighted, and It Is Ru mored He Will Make Chancellor Von Caprivi a Prince. 1893. NO. 26. FRENCH & BANKERS. CO.. TRANSACT A (iKNEKAl. HANKING IltJHINKHS I'KOKKHfilONAL. UIIIDIll.I-ATTOItNKY'AT-LAW OlllCe .(Court Htreet, The Dalle, ureRon. ,D 11 FIJI!. FHAWK MKHKrBK. .nil .1- MKK1TKE ArrOBNKVH AT' iw lcnmnn -iz null i-i ivv, lilliilC, Kutraucc on yiiixiuiikiuii owcui lien, Oregon. Of The . jiKNNKTT, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. ylliije In Hclianno'K building, up nUilrH. MbiTOrtK')!!. ;1 IAYM. II.H.IIUKTINBTON. H.B.WJWUW. 1IIIKTINISTON A WILKON ATrOR Iyk-at-law Olllcen, Frencu-B mock over ttlonul Hank, ' li ' uuiiim. urvRou. WH.HON ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW ItOOmB French & Co.'h bank building, Becoud I'liu DiiIIoh, Oregou. BHEUIAN (IIomjcoi-atiiicu I'iiybiciaN HIJKIiKON. Olllis UUHm.-rt.-u muNiiui KO. RUiglit.etty or country pman mock. Olllce 3G and Wtf O. 1). POANK ritYBICIAH AND BOB" Bkon. OUlca; room. o una i uiiApmnn ICeMuonce: h. t.. corner i;oun iiuu Btroati, iteoiid door trom the corner. ;ur u to 12 A. SI., 2 to 5 mid 7 to 8 1". M. 11)1AI.L 11KNTIHT. Obh given lor the MiulenH extraction oi teem. amo leem lowed Hluiiilnuin plate, Roorav: Hlen of ildeu Tooth, Heconil Htreet. HOUIKTIKI1. HCO LOIHiK. NO. l.r. A. K. & A. AI. MeetH 'lint ami third .Monday of each mouth at 7 HH HOYAI AU(J1I (JilAlTKIt NO. 0. i In Masonic Hall the third eUueMluy louth ut 7 1'. M. KN WOODMKN OK TIIK WOHI.I). , Hood Caiim Mi. r'J. JleotKTuesuayoven- Hi week in Fraternity Hull, nt 7:K0 p. m. IA I.ODOK, NO. 6, I. O. O.K. Meets Friday evening, nt 7:H0 o'eloek, in K. corner neeouii nun i-uurv Kirecis. itiK lirothers are welcome. II, MWy. M. A. JHM.M.ll. u. letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchanco and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, ban Iranoisco, Portland Orezon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and WasliiiiKlon. (Jollectioiis niiulo ii all points on lav- orable tonus. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OPv. DON'T KHOVl what a comfort it is to have ready at hand a remedy that never fails to relieve Constipation, and that, without pain of discomfort; and almost immediately cures head aches, and dispels every symptom of Dyspepsia. Such a remedy is found in Simmons Liver Regu lator not a sweetened compound to nauseate, or an intoxicating beverage to cultivate an alcoholic appetite, but a medicine pleasant to the taste, and perfectly harmless when given to the smallest child. S. L. R. never disappoints. It possesses the virtues and perfec tions of a reliable remedy of the kind endorsed by eminent physicians. "It affords nio ploasuro lo add my tegti mony to those you receive annually In reference to your valuable medicine. X consider HlmmonR Liver Regulator the best family medicine on tho market. I niivo tirmcrlbcd It with excellent rcsulU." W J'akk, M. D., Tracy City, Term. President - -Vice-President, -Cashier, - - - - Z. F. Moody Ciiaui.es Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmiiti & wagon Slop General Blacknmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp.Liehe'solilStani. "The Relator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH mm 1 JllftL "KiBiBMi DHIIll' LODGE, NO. 0., K. of '. Meets Monday uvoniui: at ,:;su o'ciock, in k hiilMlnir. comer of Court and Keeoml HoJiiiiruliiK members arc cordlully in W. H. Uuau. uhk, K. of It. mid 8. U. li. IILV NO. 47, K. OK L Meetn in K. hull tliukecoiiil mm lourtu twines ch mouth nt 7:0 . m. N'K CUItlBTIAN TEMI'KKENCE ION will meet every Friday afternoon ai uiu reading room. Auaru inviieo. UhIl'u No. Ml. I. O. (i. ly meeting Krlday at Hall. Allaroinviteil. IHMAN, t, T. T. Hceular a i'. !., a It. 0. Ki.kck, Ke I.ODUK NO. II. A. O. U. V. McotH ratorulty Hull, over KellerH, an Second irmiuy uvuiiiugH ai i :au. ''K I'AIII. KIllfT. ,W.l Mtwkii, Flimncier. M. W. TAS. MBBM1TH POST, No. 3J, (I, A. H,-.Mc-et V ..TW Hutunlay at 7:3t) p. k in tho K. of 1'. OF L. K. Mwita every Huuilay aUernoon in lUthe K. of 1'. Hall. INO VEKKIN MecU every renins In the K. of V. Hall. Hiimlny IK L, K. D1VIH10N, No. 107-McetH in (. of I'. Hull tlio llmt ami third WmIiich- ueii mouth, ut 7 :;ii r. i. TIIK UIIIIKUIIKH. FKTKKH OHUUtm Rov. Kathnr HiiONS- Kht I'aBtnr. unv Mioia every Hiuulay tit itlgli Muhn ut iu;uu a. H, VeNpurN at UILH Olllllimi -Iliilnii Htrcot.nimnsltn 111. Ruv. Hill). UutoUII'u Rector. Services uiidny t 11 a. m. mid 7::J r. u. Hiuulay IMo A, it. Kveiilntf I'ruyor on Krldav ut 1 HAl'TIHT OlinitdH Kuv. O. !). 'I'ay. IK, I'antor. Moriilnif nervlojx every Hub- It the academy ut 11 a. ii. Hntilmth linmcil ntulv ,,riip iiiriiiii.. ........ i. ...u rnu-uthiK Krlifay evunliiB at I'lmtor'n reol Union nervlces in the court limine at .mill 7 P. M, Hlllllluy Heliool af lnr iniunliii miiillKorHcoidliilly luvltwl, Heuta (ieo. K. lllllt0ll-lti.v. .1 w 111 til Mil IHtullK HurvlceH every Hiinduv m,.ri, ;. V i'i . . ' y Hohool nt livjuo'clock i"",r" : i . ; Rio at t ::; P, t. Pruvor iiu.,.tiiur ,n,,. mlnv nveu in; nt 7i:a) o'eiimit. i . ;...n..i i..' " i" o-xtemled by both p,mor mill people ijtlSTlAN (UlIMtOII Itr.v. J. W. Jknkikh, iaMor. ITcunlilm; in tho CoiireKtloim Ml ouch 1.01-iln Dav lit !l u "ah I.. lallyluvikM ' " u miff, Lutlicrun nhuicli, Ninth utieut, Rev. A. i. nustor Kurvim.u .,i ii. .. ... V-.r...,:..: HI t iiiao i,. ,, A iwillaY welromu to !vwy House Moving I Andrew Velarde IS prepured to do any unci nil kinds of work in his lino at reasonable ligufes. Hits tho largest honse moving outlit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles s. L. YOUNG, JEWELER : Wutclies mill Jewelry repnlred to order on Bhort notice, and Hutlsfuctlmi Kuaruuteed AT THK- Htorci of I. (. Nlckeliteiit id Ht. llm Dalle Chas. Allison, Denier lu PURE Headquarters at 01ms. Lauer'a. HayliiK had a lino liurveat of uutural lew tho bent lu the world, 1 am oreiiiirtil to furutnli in any QUiiutlty mid ut bottom mieeM. CHAS. ALLISON. C. P. STEPHENS, uis.A.iaci IN Dry Goods if Qlothing UootH, Hlioim, llutH, ICte, i:te. Ktc. Vie., Seoond St,, Tho Dalles. Freignt and Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles ut 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles Uity Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 0 a. m. con necting witli steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'ANHENOKlt KATK8. One way Round trip. .2.00 . 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tiogu and Ilwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must bo delivered before 5 p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Ueneral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON pfesh Paint! W. ('. Uimikrt hereby bowls 1IU comjuinientK to every friend Ami enemy if he Im uuy Ho they few or bo they many, The time for imintinK now has come, And every one desires a homo That looks frc.ih and clean mid now, Ah none but a Ktfod painter can do. l'alutliiK, jiai'erlnK and rIuxIuk, too, Will make your old Iioumi look iHllte new, lie will tiiko your work either way, lly tho job or by the day. If you have work Klvo him a cull, He'll take your orders, laruo or Miiall. Rebpectfiilly, W. C. GILBERT. 1'. O. llox No. a, T1IL DALLES, Oil. The St. diaries Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Thin old, popular and rollublo house has been ontiroly refurnished, and every room has been ropapeivd and rcpnintoi and newly carpeted throughout. The hoiiBo contains 170 rooms and is euppltw with every inodern convenience. Katef rciipouiible. A uood reataurant. nlt.tclicc to the houso. Frer bus to and from nil tmine. C. W. KNOVVLES, Prop. Berlin, July 15. Soon after the army bill was put on final passage today, and after speaking had commenced, it be came certain that the leading opponents of the government meant business and did not intend to let the measure be adopted mi a perfunctory manner. Speaker after speaker paid less attention to attacking or supporting the bill than to railing at political opponents. The emperor left tho building before the division was taken. When put to a vote the bill was passed by a majority of 10, the vote standing 201 in lavor ol the measure to 183 against it. After read ing the speech of the emperor closing the session, the chancellor added: "It is a special pleasure to me to be charged to give you the emperor's thanks." Pres ident Von Levetzow then called for three cheers for the emperor, and they were given with enthusiasm by all groups except the socialists, who left the house before the chancellor finished. The initial expenditures arising from the operations of the new military law will be covered by a loan f 48,000,000 marks. This loan was approved by the budget committee. The emperor is de lighted at the passage of the bill, and rumor lias it that he will confer upon Chancellor von Caprivi the dignity of prince. , Another Koad fur Orecon. San Francisco, July 15. W. H. Mills, land agent lor the Central Pacific, will leave for Portland Sunday night on an important trip. There he will meet a number of London, New York and Ore gon capitalists who are interested in the project to build a railroad from Medford, on the California & Oregon, about 70 miles eastward to Klamath Falls, for merly known as Linkville. Mr. Mills' business with the party is to go with them over the proposed line and grade the timber lands belonyii.g to his com pany. The capitalists alluded to desire to buy up the timber land tributary to the proposed road, as building the rail road is only a part of a great lumber en terprise. For about half the length of the line the California il- Oregon owns the odd numbered sections, and this land the promoters propose to buy. Mltelinll 'uwi. The celebration at this place proved to be a decided succesc. Monday a few races were run which were of little con sequence. A very noticeable feature of the occasion was the almost entire ab sence ol intoxicants, una tne general good behavior of tho company, for which tho people of this place deserve credit, since good behavior is not a gen eral rule on such occasions. Tuesday morning came out bright and clear but cool, almost too cool for com fort, but with all, every one that could came out to help swell the throng and to give encouragement and cheer to the first celebration at Mitchell. Tho programme of the day was simple but deserves mention. Several songs wero sung by a elioir of twelve or fifteen, which were nicely done. The best Mitch ell has ever known. Tho only fault with the singing was there Bhould have been more. Another hour spent in that way would have been beneficial and en tertaining. The tending of the declara tion, also an oration which was very good, but altogether too short. lire- works at night brightened tho darkness of tho night for an hour, which being tho first for this place, frightened some of the children, causing them to cling to mamma's skirts and hide behind her ......i.-- i . apron uh a guaiuuiy ui saioiy. roor itt'.o creatures, they haU never known of tho possibility of such things and I sup- pose, thought tho world was coming to an end. 1 hope they will see moro of ike exhibitions in the near future, to give them an idea for a thought beyond the routine and monotony of their al most entiio seclusion from tho social associations with the world boyond their narrow limitations. Tho final success was the ball at night. People from every part of the surrounding country civuie in, tilling the hall to its grout oh t apneity, the dancers doing their beet to njoy themselves from 8 oMock hi the evening until 1 in tho morning. J'ivnrv one during tho entire n'jjnt was ury f,ulot, which was a great sur prise, Hini'o on termer ocanions, tne iiinusomenlu wero generally broken up by n beastly fight and, perhaps, a man killed, which has been the case several times. Tho revolution has begun, may it continue. Died on West Branch, Mr. Wilson, father of Fred Wilson of the firm of Oaks & Wilson of this place. Mr. Wilson has been suffering from paralysis for some weeks, and from tho first no hope of his recovery was entertained on account of his age and severity of the case. They will take him to The Dalles, his home, for interment. On the morning of the 10th, Ben Chipman died at the Central hotel. Mr. Chipman had been ailing for some months, but no one thought his case serious since he was able to be about and do a few chores. In the morning he did not come to breakfast as usual, but little thought waB given to it. Mr. Boardman, proprietor of the hotel, went to his room to learn the cause of bis non-appearance, when he found he had been dead for some hours. Married at the bride's parents on June 29th, Mr. Wade Sherman to Miss Etta Chamberlain. Many good wishes to tho happy couple. E. V. E. MiTcitKM., Or., July 11th. lVlilto Salmon Camp Meeting. Lditoi: umtoNici.K riease announce that the camp meeting at While Salmon will begin on the 20th, Evangelist J. F. Ford leading the meeting. Come one and all who can. The meeting will be preparatory to our general camp meet' ing at Trout lake beginning Aug. 3d The grounds at the lake are the finest in the state or northwest. Trout fishing was never better than this year. Am ple provision is being made to entertain all who may come. Parties who do not wish to camp and board themselves will be accommodated on the ground with meals and beds at reasonable rates. All who come by boat and rail are re quested to send notice of same, so teams may be had and arranged for here to convey them to the lake. Several of the leading evangelists of Portland and the state of Washington have signified their intention to come. The nearest point to the ascent of Mt. Adams is from the lake, good trail, good guides and good saddle horses can be procured at the grounds for the ascent. Huckle berries will be ripe, so excursion parties can bo formed at camp. The famous ice caves are in eaBy reach ; going and returning in a day. Boating and fishing can be indulged between the meetings. It is just the place to rest and enjoy the true worship of Almighty God. Here beside the clear running brook, beneath the tall pines, basking in the sunshine, resting in the shade, we look up at Mount Adams and our mind is carried back to the brook Kedron, when David passed over it, with those who were true to him, into tho wilderness to await. No wonder he went up Mount Olivet barefoot and weeping on account ot the sins of Absalom. May we come thus to this holy convocation, brothers and sisters. Address or call on F. W. Wilson, P. C. White Sai.mom, July loth. Elder S. S. Beaver, of McAllisterville, Juniatta Co., Pa., says his wife is subject to cramp in the stomach. Last summer sho tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy for it, and was much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. She has since used it when ever necessary and found that it never fails. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. l.il GrliiK. During tho prevalence of tho grippe tlio past seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Dr. King's Now Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after effects of the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in ell'ecting rapid cures not only in oates of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured cases of asthma and hay fever of long standihg. Try it and bo convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at Snipes it Kinersly's drug ton. Shiloh's cure, tho Croat Cough and roup Cure, is for salo by Snipes & Kin ersly. Pocket size contains twonty-tlvo doses, only 2oc. Children love it. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Chas. Dehni of Albina was in tho city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Haines of Nensene are in tho city today. Mrs. Monroe Grimes is visiting her Bister, Mrs. Barnett, of this city. Mr. M. A. J. Parish of Waldron came into the city last night with his wool clip. Mello Johnson returned today from Oregon Citv, and will leave tomorrow for Tygh Valley. J, L. Story and family, and Frank and Vivian French, returned last night from a trip to Dufur. Mr. Geo. P. Morgan came up from Cascade Locks Saturday and remained over Sunday with his family. Mr. Martin Donnell of Goldendale ar rived last Saturday and took his depart ure for his home thismorning. "'The Oregonian announces the engage ment of Mr. Dave A. Epstcvn of Port land to Miss Minnie Freiman of The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lord, Miss Lord and Mr. nnd Mrs.'F. L. Houghton departed this morning for a sojourn at Long Beach during the summer months. Ex-Governor Moody of The Dalles ac companied by his wife, are visiting Southern Oregon. One of their sons Zcnas, is engaged in mining in Jose phine county. Will Corson, F. Faulkner, Malcolm Jameson and Ed. Williams, returned from their trip to Trout lake, yesterday, and report having had a jolly good time. They brought back over 300 fish with them, with which they gladdened a number of their friends. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Columbia hotel F Reass, Arlington ; EC Shon, N Doucet, Canby; John A Hinckey, Win Waltz, Portland; J J Mahoney, Mill Creek; Louis Wicks trom, L C Corson, Oregon City ; Herman Han Bon, Celilo; W H Hathaway, Tygh Ridge ; J A Nave, Tacoma ; Robert Lea son, V L Jelty, Hood River; E V Wood, Andrew Johnson,. Tygh Valley; R D Henry, Pendleton. Watulc Newa. This part of the county is assured a good crop. Some of tho most progressive farmers have planted their summer fallow in corn. Experience here has proven this to be good economy, as tho ground i9 about as good for wheat or other small grain the following year, as it would be without the corn crop. The three school districts of Wamie settlement, have sent petitions to the county superintendent asking to be con solidated as one district. The petitions are signed by seven-eighths of all tho legal voters in the several districts. The petitioners have asked that the school be located in tho two-storv build ing at Wamic, known as the Patterson hall. Tho funds annually apportioned to the several districts aggregate some thing near $1,000, which will, of itself, be enough to maintain a graded school several months each year. Mr. G. E. Pratt has rented F. S. Gor don's blacksmith shop, which he will run in connection with his wagon and repair shop. The saw mills are selling considerable lumber to the Sherman county people. Tho output is expected to bo us much as usual this year. Wamic, Or., July Mth. lluckleu'H Ariiit'it Mulvo. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, nnd posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Prico 25 cents pur box. For salo by Sniped k Kin ersly. Hutu You lliuikiielto'.' Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure will cure you. ft will also greatly re lieve blight's disease, and in many eases effect a cure. It will bo found invalua- ble in all diseases of the kidneys, such as diabetes, inllamnmtion of tho bladder, yellow water, burning sensation when voiding yrine. To the aged it is partic ularly adapted. Try it and be convinced. It is for sale by Snipes it Kinorsley. Notice. All citv warrants registered prior to July 2d, 18111, M ill bo paid on presenta tion of the same at my olllce. interest ceases after this date. I. I, 15i'itai:r, Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., July 5th, 1801!. Get your bathing pants from S, A N, Harris. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder ABSGWlDf PURE