... , A. ..:. &?nii fftBcn nance AlMffl BASH fit Tin: ai.i.k OltKOON ! to viNfi A emu: kou THE ACUUIWIC1) CALF. Its Mothor Noarly Killod tho Eng UbIi Premier. 33JMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCSATtCA, KIDNEY, L2VER and BLADDER OCJl'LASMTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAWSE-KAv Yesterday tlio Anhniil Wat I'nmous, To- Day It 1a Almoit rorsottrn Jfo One Want!) to Jitiy II A sltoteli of tlu j lll-l'Mli il CriMititre. Tho evil that cows do lives after them. It was hut to he expected that the calf whixo mother nearly tossed ISlr. Gladstone should fjo through the world branded with the brand of vi carious crime and tainted with the taint of inexpiable heredity. True, for a moment the sun of fortune seemed to bhine. on the child of sir.. The criminal herself was shot and hewn in pieces: her skin and horns and jawbones were strung, if not to city gates and castle-walls, at least to the milder equivalents of a civilized age. So the calf, the last scion of a vitiated race, war, visited with the infamy of the deed and therewith with the proiit of it. It was to go to Chicago, to be the brightest jewel in the diadem of the World's Columbian exposition; the viking ship and the birthplace of Shakespeare would have been but the foil to this most glittering gem of all. Eiikc the Apis of Sinai it was to stand on its pedestal and drink in the intox icating homage of the idolatrous. l!ut misfortune ever dogs the child of sin, says the Pall Mali ltudget, and the un avoidable bolt has fallen as follows:. Uinneuton Halu Chester, IStia Sin: Tho calt you s!joio!i;i1 at oar ruuco of tho cow that attacked Mr. Cil.idsio.ir In llawar tlca pari; wc have now on sale. Mr. Thomas, of Denbigh, who Intended to take It to tho world's lair, failed In Ills rlan, so ire have taken It off uuiu. Shoul I fe-1 cm -li obliged If you couMfrto mi; any lnforji it .on what to do with it. Have inclosed stamped e.ivclope. An answer will greatly oblige, yours resii-jctrully, Koii't CANNON. See how the fashion of this world passeth away? Hut yesterday the tail of this calf might have waved against OH. StlHQEK'S ELECTRIC BELTJj ftc ........ ...tiuwfi '-"-j mm u 1)R, HAN DUN'S V.J.UbYJ: Si I-. ttllii I'.lcetro ,'iliiu- rio jory Trill emu Tril'j oil '' all of thnntiMitlr mi i mtror tiom Nivvmi ! l.OMI-H, Dv.'llHH, l.osi t . fi IT 0 HIM' L. f-i".'.. 'iiov.lleinow, nil f't i ..' ' pluliilM, and noi!"!i . ! "' tho iMlucteof nliti p. . . orexixKuro.nliltiritr euro In our nr.-v . ' Inch require bi I rpi ! ; . the most skeptic ii. l:i .i ' ferta you ninr bin "r. ,n yinirsyftoiiKiitii-rv ' which is oIim-.i ! i c.iuseil yoiirwo.ilcnof If you repiaco ln'o y mu , clpmenta Hun diiitTiiu. quired for vkormisft:. .j : remove, tho r.uiMiimd i .i ' .- and visor will lMlou .r. is our plan and trvitii .. i ounriintco a euro r n li Our 'J00 pnsn book "TIITIKI? Ijr.AfSESOP JH5N," Vtf.lr l' '. " midillp.aeil and oldmnn. ont elcd. free. JDr. Sunrtcii'j :hk ii.ivoru.torod thousnndnto robunt health unit Tleor, alter nil oilier ircatnioiiin. . jt vhom wo h.wo strong letter bcarln testimony to their recovery after usIhk our !).. WE HAVE CURED THESE-WE CAN CURE YOU J OENERAL QEBILITY CURED. Man Franclico, Col.. Augot II, WX, Itr A. T. SnJn. Dar Sir Bfonl uswl your belt I w:. troauuu Ktiu lot Tik-or, ai munnn, .li r.t ji riinnlnfft Inannff mmr. I woulil iret Un with it sr ttr-jd feline, bonei schloif, eto.lnro aMnit 1 o , r t'f 1 1 1 H vo hail n now lease of llf t I now enjor j,f bittarthin Iharo forteu years past Ihnvothe uii'n.-c nilJsaco In roar treatment. Von can. pul- ji-u h s tutoaieat. also haTothera writoor call on l'i... Truly )ours, u. A, guwn, ajonilio jurnoi, fH-.UMATISM AND.LAMENESS CURED. Dr. A T. SAnflen.IWarBln-Iirotono of your belt t'7 t t? 43 Qn xor rneuinaiisuj, zroui wuicit j huneiwi lor.ivrnl years. 1'or the past six months I had not be?!tb! tow rk. Yuar belt has placed mo In almost rerf ctaaaliu In tneiowoes inavaawxi it. i, nn.ortahly, nnd feel llko n newmsn cener.illr. il. 1 HtiailES. Vroprlotor International Hotel. NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS OF yiCOR. Tacoma. Hash,, tlctober SI. 1SK. Dr.A.T Pandan.lear Sirl hnrobeen nslniour KlHclrio belt for Koneral nervous dobtlitr.nnd to-l.iv feel better than I hava for tird years. I havoeaine.1 in lc;ar daily, and aai ttron in every pa rt. . k Yours Eratefully, CIIAS. tOKTKA. LAME BACK AND R1IEUW ! ' Pnrll.aml n,pi?fn. hi.fili.tx Dr. A.T.Sninlen. I)e.ir8ir VvxauI h . hard work, combined wlththmtrr.iu col,I.i.' I jar of an onatno, BftTrtmna eeero caKtiut h . from which I nutfered for ennyc.ir. ! that 1 could not bend my back, lnsail ' with It. 1 boiiKht one of your bolt. St 1 inidnof twndrs,ftnil 1 continual tov r months. beiiiK perfectly cured. Ihatv aco.and 1 am aswslt to-day us 1 mer n.v r know jour belt well, and I kmw lo'sr'f l t ttavA been cured hr it. MilnT nthi, it theywouldtryit they would find It llmi,..' v Ine oeM remeay in inn womii. i i o . i . permanently, nnd will b., lad t J tc!l:Hit!i .m n: - . wantstoinnulionbon' It. KOIU.UT llUimKL,Knlauerno.?l Vort:... LOST VITALITY AND STR7.II"V1. , liverett, Mi.fh, ,lui 1. I Tie. A. T. Kanile'i. Dear Hir: Mure uruf'.i .1 h It Ihavtibeen creatlr beneilteil. i f.Mi . , ercy fat rclurnini;; and aittrnrco I' ... belt I had myself twlct ns r.Kornttrt us. bi memory is now nearly perfect, and e-. 1. '.. for tho better. 1 f'tl much etroniTtr . uin tho belt. Yours truly, HUMO' ti l, . THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT !3; complete iraivanla battery, madulnloabeit so an to bo oaslly Tforn durlna work or rt'.rMt,- cues i-oothlae, prdonccd cuircntt which aro Instantly tclt throughout all woik pirt.i, or v. S3, 'Ifllt. Itbasan lmprovr:! lllpctrlc rnpcnory. thagroatest boon ovorptvo'i vri-.i, wewirrintittocuroanyoi thoauovo weainos-ea, and toeularuo shrunken Itmba, or .". Uct'itide'l. They nro traded in ftrensth to im'ctnll stastsof weakness In yoitu , nt Mvnfr.f i .u ' 11 euro tha wirsc casusin twucr tbraj ruonths. Adilreis for full tnforui&!.,c. SAk2S3S: ELECTRIC CO. I?2 First SL, PORYUcJl..-" PI. C. NIELSEN, .s ..( i A I 1 1 1 1 Clothier and Tailor. - JIIZ ACCUE3ED CALF. this world, and now it droops at the mercy of a stamped envelope. Remorse less Nemesis works out her vengeance. The gleam of glory was but transient, and the inherited sin is finding the poor beast out. And it wants little prescience to forecast its miserable .future the mark of Cain between its horns, shunned by all men, the price falling and falling and never a buyer, a solitar, death, and a nameless grave. It is a reat tragedy and a greater warning. We are fortunate in being able to give a portrait of the animal, taken at Ihe date of its mother's shame. flood Job l'rintiii;. If you have your job printing done at The Chkomcle you will have tho ad vantage of having it done with the moat modern and approved type, witli which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Kutrnisliing' Goods, Trunks and Valises, cc, etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, ...Vomer Barn. UXIOX STOCK VAltDS, Vhicwjo, Ilk. . The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will hold his 4th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on WZEZDZLSTESIDlir, J"TJHi"2" 19. For Itent. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. G-23daw. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back. &c : i i . - . - HORSES Entries should be made at onee. MTil&wMn HORSES J. O. MACK, FlflE tf fluff and Lip$ DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, : s THE DALLES, OR. .).: SANDEH'S ELEQMip BELT Latit 1'atcBUl Jlot IaprovcmcnU I . .".??ru,V"th"pu? mrdlcln J1 '5"h reullln from tluwlrrfal lpro,faif Ql, over jj other". ('Writ-Ill is . ,i uJu ills, w,r for". i.uk.i! U tmlmuiHal, in thin ami every other Mate. im ii.S,..VCr ",r"" weal; men. rlttK villi all tuSN toia.orniii.Ml'uinphlet,inMIl.arf1freS SANDEN GLP.CTF1IO OO., o. 118 Kiral.-Jtrvce, i'UUTLaNU OltJK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Tli Unrrufrateil Itulldlnn ixt llixir to Ciinrt llou.o. J Msomely Fnrnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Montn. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Lomniercial Men. H..EJH., Proprietor. Hie Dalles Daily Gtoonicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 READEH8. 'i'lm ' load lliu Chronlclu tn v.t n, i,,t. i i.i K laMo ,,, A)lll tlw JW1, m lm it is In tlm impcr. Tluit is vlmt inakM thn Cliioiiiclu im Jnvaluablo ii'lviTll Jnjj indium, 'i'l.o jitwapaptr tlit Kor, ti tlio uinlly mtldw ia thu om. (Q tl tt tho udvatUm thy I'litronlro V- wh,.n(1lu;y (liuiro tr, i;..fi, lLo iwiiK'. Wiien tliey wunt your twilo t'r .iiiuouufwut-wt will bo found in thoiiajior, 1HjuJoverourcilumiia and o'jHTVotliovwJiip.i. i iiuui oi win iwwriioii. neiueiaber, UUMUUKl.! 1.UI1II.VOI (HO tilOltfcllild ... i .;.... .. . " '-i'viuiiy eo ui our very MB.S. THE OHROjNIOLE was oslablishod for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and tho surrounding country, and tho satisfying oifeot of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now loads all othor publications in "Wasco, Shor man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is tho host medium for advortisurs in tho Inland Empire. Tho Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in tho week Sundays oxcopled at $0.00 por annum. Tho Weeiclv Ciiko.nmoiiH on Fridays of each week at $1.50 por annum. Kor advertising ratosrsubscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for !2 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 51?? UeeK!y f?roi?icl AT $2.:?(" PER ANNUM. Iff-lh K,,orl..lnrMnWmiMitswlth tiu- v-inl, .'km .m ho l Hi.' !- JM.ilm-H liuw ,.Ul.lW..il woarni'inililwl In ninki" il iiut CM'Olitlontil .if- I i s. 'lul McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to ovoryonoxvh, (His out tin- follmvl.iK blmi!. i.i'.u. .iud vn.lliv; Il to it. tVrrl. iuiI.mtII.Ihk f. The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND 3CND IT TO UU cl 'uMMifim cimo.wrc.LK, The .Dalles, Or.: )"ou. will pica .sr send lo nuj address the .)...)" CJItiOA'JCLti for rj nuwllis jrom darn, for win on I (t!jree lo pat GO els. a moulh, il being iuiderslood llaf iion are'lo have senl lo imj address for I iear, wilhonl extra cha.rge, MeC 7, CMC'S MJlGAZLN'ti, eonuneneing with the ei w rent nnmber. .Wanie , . This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. b) i a 3 .ft; . . HEW . .Date. .yddress CALL AT OUR OFFICE mul M'o the cutcrtalniiiK .mil lluely lllusilr.itctl McCLURE'S MAGAZI N E, U 1 i n J" 1 , KT7T,TT rJ it i ii it i I l I i . whlu'li Iiik atnous it.", coiitiibutors tin limit famous authors in Mich writers as the follotviiu; H. t. Stevenson, Itmlynrtl Kipling, A. Coiiiin Doyle, Octavo Tliiinut, Williiini Dean llowells, ltret I arte, Clark Uussell, Joel Cliamller Harris, Mrs. lJoljt. I.ouiH.Stuvens-on F. .Marion Cntwford, .Marfraret Delanil, Herbert I). Ward, Klizaboth Stuart Phclpa, TlionniH Hardy, J. T. Trowbridm!, .leiomt! It. .leroine. FrsuiroH Ilod;,iOii Itttruett, Tlieodoro Kootiuvult, .loaijuin Miller, Oilburt Parker, .lohn lliirrouliH, Camilu Flaiuinarioti, I.illie Cliase Wyiiuin, Harriet I'roscott Spollbrd, Kdward Kvcrutt Hale, I.oiuhu Cliandler Moulton, Aiuvrlca mul KiiKlaiui, iticluilliiK I Hamlin Gai-lund, I'rof. S. Holdun, Prof. C. A. YmiiiK, H. H. Uoyenen, liohert Itarr, Henry M. Ktanley, Areliibald l'orbt.'H, Andrew mu, .Sarah Ortiu .lutvutt, Dr. .1. H. Hilling, W. Hunley. ('apt. Charles Ivinj;. .DK.M.KKK IN Alplioiif-e Daitdet, Cainile l'liimnuirion, Kdward Hvorett Hale, Prof. Graham Hull. Eacli uuiabiTof McCLURE'S MAGAZINE t'oiltaltiH two li.iiuUoiuoly llluntratvit lntorvluw witli sucli iamoiis )HM.)li as .lulen Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Frances Hodgson Humett, Thoinas A. F.iliflon, Tissaudier, the famouH F. HopkhiHon Smith, French UallooniBt, II. II. lloyesen, and many othors, liavo (urnishod uiatcrlal for i'stcclally prormred ltitcrvlcivH which will npiwur fully llluatriited in tlilx mnKazluc. Knch number contains two or three short atoilex liy famous authorx. Knlly Illustrated .storle.s will apiar In early tiumlori by Thomas Hardy, William Dean Howells, U. 1.. Stevenson, Hudyard Kiplint?, llret Harte, Saruh Ornu .levvett, Tod'Chandlcr Harris, Harriet Prescott Spollbrd, Octavo Thanet, Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson lhirnett, Stanley J. Weynian. HliNKY M. STANLEY will contribute, especially for younj; readers, n llirllliiiKly lutere.itliiK story of African Adventure NATURAL HISTORY AND ADVKNTl'RK. Thero will be several articles written by Raymond niothuuayt, who has Ik-cii called bv .Mr, W. T Stead tlio beat Interviewer in Knalaiid, from material furuUhiil him l.y Kori Majonbiw, of Ham bun;, thuKreat unimal Imiwirtcr and trainer. Then; articles deal with The Capture of Wild lleasta. The Transportation of Wild Heasts. Tho Training of Wild Jteaats. Tlio AdvontnreH and Escapes of Karl Hanenbeck. Tho series will oe Illustrated by nu K11HII.1I1 artht of iiclaiimkilK'Cil skill in ilraniiiK wild animals. Jons lluiiitomiiife, C. I'. IIoLDHii, l)it. f f. Amiorr, and other titers iamims for their work In this Held, will contribute to thu tnui;aIuc. Of Interest to both Young and Old will bo PROF. li. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arrangements liavo been made, in connection with 11 Icadiui; KiikIIiIi rcvlmv, to publlili l'rof. Gamer's letters ilccriptlvi! of Ills prcbetit (xHiIltlun to Africa, l'rof. (iarner is noted tlio world over for tlio curious and IntereitliiK iuvt"dlKatloiis lie is makliii; in tho Mivech of moukeyi,. He willed for Africa lint ,ej.teml".T for tlm sakoof further piirsiiiiiK Ills studies In tho native haiinU of tho Korllla, Tin; illustrations for theo articles will bo from photographs taken by Prof, (iarner. Thu majiuzinu alwi contains most IntvrestluK articles under tho following comprcheinivu heads " The Hdgo of the Future." " ICnowledgo of Immediate Vnluu." " Newest Knowledge." " Tlio Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. Wo aiis olieriiiK this uplendlil miialiii' with the D.vn.v CiinoNici.r; for only ?7.'J) 11 year, payable in advanco or in monthly installments as deiired. We make this oxcei.tloniil oiler In order that we may eccun' a law number of new Mibcerlbers, but all wlio am already Mibhcriliers may avail themselvos of this oi.iHirtunlty to Knurii this irreat maKuziuu. Ml! up tho blank and i-end it In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Ilrowery is now turning out tho beat Ueor mid Portei east of tho Cascudoa. Tlio latest appliances for the manufacture of good health' ful Beer have been introduced, nod only the first-clasn article will Imj placed on the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., w - -1 rm . a rUMIUUlK dllU UdlMtJIi Homplete Undertnding r.Htaltlishment, and iih wo aro in no wuv oonnected with tho UntlurtakerH' '1 rust, our prices wil be low accorlingly. From TERfrtlNRli or INTERIOR Poloh THK it 1 t n I J. .!' ninmnniiTi iinmnii II ' II U I'll m 111 inn 11 1 n 1. 1 1IU11UU1U X UUllIi RHILROHD If the line to tnko TD-a -FI)!NTS EAST AND Sd It i the HlnliiK Car Itoute. It runs TbroJp Vestlbuled Trains every day In tlio yuiirto f)t. paul and Chicago (HO CIIA.NOK OK CAU8.1 'oniH)Mt of lltuluir (!ar unsurpas'nl. VuU mini Drawlui; lloom Hlei:ers of Intent cnulpmwU. T011IIIST SliKKl'lNIi CAHS llest that can Ih- cotistrnctiil, mid In whlcb aecommoilatloiiK nn; both Kteu and Kuriilthri for holders of ITrst and Hccond-cliusTlckuth.wji ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, coiiuttliiK with nil Hum Hflordiui: dlrit't ami uninterrupted nervlco. 1'ul liiitui Hlei'iHjr riervatlons can Im ecur4 In iidvantu through any agent of tlie roHil, THROUGH TICKETS Knilai.d and Kuroini can I ticket otllco of tho company To mid from til nollitnlii Amerlo. Iw purehantl nt nj Full Information concerning rales, time cl trains, routes and oilier iletalls furnished 03 application to W. C. ALLAWAY, AKC"t !. 1'. t A. Nav. o., IteKillalor olllce, Tin Dalles, Or., or A. I). OHAKIVi'OK, Ans't. (icncriil J'asseiiKer At., I'ortlnni!, Ja. -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Mont Comploto nd tho Latent Pattorno nnil DeeigiiH in ARTIC SODA WATER AND I0E 0EEAH. Candies and Nuts tfJxSszS? Specialties TOItAJC, IIK1 A IIU A Vll HWKKT UKINKH FlnuHt Poanut Roaatar In Tlie Dalle sulslootj. FOLCO At rlBht I4 Situ. Obrr' restuuruiit. (iuJTwuniCil PttinTl0??rll?il Pa,T Nono but tho best brands of the -'w .mi' 11 11 uaiiio twin u jiitinmy ti j jiiiiin UhlUl ill IU1 w II V4 IV4MUII milfHttJ VW ohJcrH promptly uttuniled to. ."ir vnvr iiti1 linn.. I.i.a Akoiiih or Muaury l.iipihl I'alutH. No A llrst cluaH nrtielo in all colorn. All Paint Shoo corner Thirdaud WaHliiuton Sta., Tho Divllen, Oroot Qolumbia j-iotei. THE DALUrS, OREGON. This Popular House Huh latoly bcon thoroughly lonovak-d mul nowly fuiTiialiod throut'lioiit, mid iH now bettor than ovor jniijiarud lo fnriilah tho )mi oU,j iiccouiiiioiliit.'oiiii of any Iioiiho In tho I'ity, and nt tho voiy low ritto of l51 a day. First-Class Mealfj, 26o. Onico of tho fast anil conuuodioiiH opposition .SIiiko to !)iifiir, KinuHloy, Tyh Vulloy, Wapinilia, arin Kpilnys and J'llnovlllo !h in tlio Ilotol aii'i ,ui..iih ijuliii! to I'riiuivillo can eavo 'l.DO )) troliiy on thin rHtifjo liini, All trains stop here. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 76 Count Stnaat, Noxt door to Waaoo Buu Oflloo. Huh jtiHt lot'olvod a lino lino of tjmnplgj for Hprintt and Hiimiiior KiiittnttH. Come and See tie New Fasbions. Cleaning and Repairing to oidor. Kalinfiustloii Kiiunmtced. - "i,iiim'iuii'iii.wwHH PHOTOGRAPHER I'lrnt (trout I ttni nt tlm Wiiwo coimlj1 lr for boHt portrait!) unil vIuwh.