OURt SKLE, Saturday, JULY 15, 1893.- Regular. Special. $1.75 $1.25 1.25 75 75 50 50 .35 flUen's Strain Hats. all goods marked in Plain Figures. Pease & Mays. Dalles Daily Chronicle. tint INmtiillli'e Ht The DhIIck, Ori-Roti, II H hl'COIIll'lilllHH lllHttlir. I.uriil Ail v4-rtlMliiR. Witt )Hr Hue (or llrst iutiertlou, unit r CcntH la lor t'ui'ii miii'iii(Mii luneriiou. rlul rule (or loun tlmo nutlccH. .AM trail, notices rwulviil Inter tlinti ." o'clock WlUajnK'iir t!it following iliiy. Wtmllior FiiriTUht. foreetut fur (irciilj'iiur iur emliiiy m. tomorrow at rday and Sunday fair and warmer. Pa(I1IIl. !m, WKATIIKH Si ! 1 a '11. luiiim iuiiiiurniiirt:, 01 . iinuin temperature, 52. or. iill.B feet alKv zero. ind, Northeast. j4HBI mm KDAY, - .JULY 15, 1891! '"jSiffif Daily and Weekly Chronicle may C. Nickehen't More. m JULY JULEPS. Local Nl-WM I''ll)ltl 111 Ittnuutiiutliic OciHlIN if it uhlKKW VVuk lilKKi'f, As liiu iih ii row, And Itx tllL'Kvr Had tlio vIk'it Of n HUtiaollurilotv, lu-ur ilckiiit:ker, Wliere'U you b now I JMpe peaches wore m the markets to- 1l i t- a .y.igffiJL Field hud ripe cuutelonpes two i ...... Itmursbe & Co. will ship iv cur of ba to Trou td ul o tonight. II. M. Beall hoUI his household of- today ut auction, and not. generally prices forun miction. the auction nf Iioi-hch nl Suit.. & Co 'h wlni'L- vurilu Iniliiv vn "mj Hlmn f o-year-old work IIJps knook o't.8:!. Tho buy was u 4i'jfBR'" for Ue purchaser. Clurk talked to tho fruit growers' '.iiwMng thiH afternoon in u very inter fcW'g way, giving further particulars boat bundling fruit. Of especial in .iwreat was the I'uct that ho hud secured mtOH ot ;iu contH jxir box on fruit to kJPartliiml, iiiHtendof 45contH,uH formerly. t'iA' H. Carson and K. A. Clark are in H'n today to attend the fruit-growem Eetini,'. .Mr. Clark, coutuij; from tho filhunutto, country and Air, CarHon )m .Southorn Oregon (Uoeuhttri:) makcH le tlireo nimi uivihiodh of the Htate ircHontud. Tho meet'inn Ih an import. It one, and much lutotoHt in inunl- Ited at thiH point, TIioho who hcuiii Inch liitertrnted at MoHior are A.' Kool, bullliiifor and W. I. IIiiHlmndw. 'hVlvtmlnr C!." number of Hmall Iiovh in town have )rkud iiHsiduouHl V ever trinco tlin i'.Iii-iih iWton ubIiow of their own, and today Kijichibitud in ilort Cainpboll'H bunion EIhird Htroot. Thin forenoon itliey W.Mln.l.n.l ..II . . . .. r '.:.aM..vi.wi nuiir TfltVIl 111 .iitliiawliult TOHtumoH and sold a K,eat many tickutn i'wm.m wm inn niiuuiviur. tin ftjiutv il. j iiHir in childiBhly.iuudo lottern, road "SyU veHtor & Co., tickets Dc, admit one." KOOMH XU It A. NT, Furnishud rooniM in w.i.t i ....i.. .. tlie rcHldence of Mrs. 0. N.TIioruMry. Becoud Htreet, Tito Ualles, Or. "i ' A Youthful Criminal. ICcilucril Ficlplil tin Fruit. 15. F. Swift, coiiHtable of Tygh Valley, f The Union Pacific management, recog i:amo into the city hiHt evening with Al-f nixing that tho fruit industry is l)ecoin- bert Valentine, a lad of 17 ycarH, wh wuh nrreHted for larceny. His parent live in l.ucy, Clackamas county, and tin boy hiiH been absent from home for eighteen moutliH, no trace of him hav ing been found until liiH arrest. The boy's crime consisted in breaking into the house of A. A. ltonnuy, at Tygh, and )urlotning articles from a trunk. The proof of the theft is found in a watch chain in his posesHion, containing tli initials ".1. II. K.," which was known to he' in the trunk. He will h confined in jail until next term of court. The boy was born and raised in Port laud, and while in Tygh worked for Mr. JJonuey. Drownml. Friday afternoon about 2:30, Kobert the 2-year-old on of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Armor fell in the spring near their place und was drowned. He had been gone from the house for a few minutes when his mother iecamc uneasy and started to look for him. Going to the spring she fouiul him lying face downwards in the edge of the water. Dr. Burrett was hastily summoned, tvery effort to resus citate him Im'mg made in the mean while, but without avail. The little lody wus buried in Idlowiide cemetery Saturday, the ftiueral being attended by a lurge number of friends of the family. C! lacier. Kolilitiil. On Wednesday evening as Mr. .lames Gunning wus going up from the boat lunding at Lyle, Wash., to the resi deuce of Mrs. M. Spencer, who lives about three-quurterB of a mile distant, ho watt waylaid by two armed men and roblied of $272 in greenbacks, $200 dol lars in $100 bills, one lifty-dollar and one twenty-dollar bill and two dollars in silver. Tho supposition is that Mr Cunning was spotted, as it was known that he expected to collect some money in Vancover, where he had boon and was returning, and these two outlaws were in waiting for their victim. It Miiy AgulliHt Mitt llullml Ntuti8, Oitawa, July 14. Professor Macoun, sunt by tho Dominion government to make a nupplemontary report upon seal life in llohring sen, just returned from Paris, where his evidenco was laid befor the court of arbitration. Asked as to tho general impiession in Paris when lie left as to the decision of the tiibuuul, Professor Macoun said : The general impression is that Great Britain will win thoniso. The first part of tho American case in the question of right would have been decided against tlietu, had tho hearing taken place in ai ordinary court without tho British sido boing called upon to reply. The arbi trators will have a still" tight over tho points presented. What MukM u (JuiitWtiiiuu. It is well for womankind to bo up tc tho lmtioual term "gentleman." Mom- norn oi tno sex, when touring- over tlu world, may find it handy to under Ktund just what KOrt of thing- is meant by this supposed reilncd degree of the "unimal num." In Jtussia they say he drinUB like a gentleman; In France, he uctR like u geutleman; in Spain, he makes love like a gentlemtur, in tier many, ho oata like a gentleman; in Turkey, ho muoUh like u geutleinun; in America, ho upends hia money like a gentleman. Ask VOIll' (loulm- lor Mitviixm WI1..,.J Stove Polish. Umi Mexican Silver MttmiYolinh. ing very important in the vicinity of The Dalles, have concluded to reduce freight to Portland from 4o cts per cwt, to "0 cts, a material reduction that will encourage orchardists and be appreciated for the evident intention of tho com pany to treat the fruit growing interests as fairly as possible. That company is also preparing to transport fruit in re frigerator manner cars, east, for reason able rates, and in the most safe and ex peditious meaner. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. V. C. Gilbert and children left for the east on ttio noon train today. H. M. Beall and family will leave on the afternoon train tomorrow for Chi cago to visit the world's fair. S. P. M. Briggs left for Chehalis to day, for a week's vacation. He will meet ins wife in Portland, and continue the trip in her company. 1I0TKI, AK11IVAI.H. Columbia T F Winters, J E Hamlin, Kobert Hagard, T J Yarbrigh, Portland : T Cunningham, Tacomu; James Mad den, Pendleton J A Lanbuck, Albeit, Clarner, Wind River; J R Harris, Rich mond, Va. G A Hnrbell, Sheriden ; Al bert Frickson, Lyle. Kalw If hh Overreached Ilerkeif. The Roseburg Review, in speaking of Judge Burnett's decision in regard to the location of the Soldier's Homo says: "The injunction against the location of the Soldier's Home at Roseburg has been made perpetual. This was ex pected when the matter was brought be fore a judge residing in Salem, where the ruling passion is to 'hog' everything in sight. But this decision does not end the fight, it merely opens it in good shape. Roseburg secured the location of the home here by an honest, earnest ellbrt, and proposes to leave no stone un turned to win the suit. As soon as the supreme court passes on the question, if the adverse, there will be an injunction placed on every institution of tho state outside the city limits of Sa lem. Already funds enough have been pledged to light this tiling to the bitter end, and an extra session of the legisla ture, a constitutional convention, and tho removal of tho state capital may soon become interesting questions to consider. The buildings of the branch asylum in Eastern Oregon, of which it was claimed them was great necessity, is ull'ccted by the Sulem'.in junction suit ; that is one reason why Eastern Oregon will stand together in this matter." Tin: Ciiuomci.i: believes that Palem has overreached herself this time, and that she has awakened a revengeful an tagonism that will not stop short of de priving her of every institution within her clutches. In tho years to come, when she is a wart on the face of nature, sho may reflect upon tho life and des tiny of a hog. Salem has sown the seeds of her own dissolution und only a few churoli bolls will bo left to toll her funeral knell, Soon the omptv corri dors of her capital building will echo only the dismal hootings of the owl, MONTEREY ARRIVES. A l)rRcilitr,n of tho t.ntge find Formld. ntilo Monitor. The Monterey arrived in Portland this morning. The Telegram thus describes her: The Monterey is a twin-scrnw, stcel armorcd vetsol of the famous old Mon itor type. She is termed a seagoing monitor, and was built especially for harbor and coast defence, at a cost to tho government of over $1, (123,050. Tho requirement of horsepower of tho en gines is o.lOO. The light draught en ables the Monterey to choose her own lighting waters. She is short enough to be easily handled, making a complete turn in four minutes, and she is broad enough for good stability. Sho is so low in the water ns to present a limited tar get to the shots of the enemy's guns, and so well protected witli armor as to prevent her engines or guns being dis abled by the heaviest ordnance. The bow is ram-shaped, and has been strengthened for ramming purposes. The monitor has, all told, 14 guns, but two of them are the largest now in use in the United States navy. She has two 12-inch, two 10-inch, six 6-inch and four 1-inch guns. In the forward turret are tho two 12-inch guns. These are the most destructive implements of war be longing to Uncle Sam. They have been endowed with the handsome feminine titles of "Big Bet sey" and "Alice." They are nearly of equal size, are of heavy rifled steel, coat about $50,000 each, and are between 30 and 40 feet in length. "Big Betsey's" exact weight is 100,916 pounds, and has such a coarse gutteral voice that tho American eagle cackles with joy every time it hears Betsev sneak. "Alice" is branded with the figures 100,289 as in dicating her avoirdupois, these guns arc handled by hydraulic power, and shoot an 550-pound cartridge, requiring 425 pounds of powder for a single dis charge. The range is 20 miles and the demolishing nower of these guns is something frightful to contemplate Tho length of the 12-inch guns is 35 feet. The 10-inch guns are 23 feet inches long, and shoot a 450-pound car tridge. Three kinds of projectiles are used with tliete guns, the common cast iron shell, the common steel shell and the armor-piercing projectile. There is at present about 32 inches of the vessel's armored sides showing above wafer. But when going into ac tion the ship can be lowered into the water until only about 14 inches of her sides will show above the sea level. This is done by means of a double bot tom, which can be opened and a vast volume of water admitted until! she is gradually lowered to the depth required Something New.... W are determined to make largo sale", therefore wo will make cuts in prices that will surprise you. Here tiro a few prices to suit tho hard times for the present: 20 yards PrinCalico, for fylAO 3jmirs Ladies' FullFinished Hose for 25 2 36-inch Linen Towels, for .25 3 BamgweJLs (Turkish), for .25 2JFancy Tidiesfor .. 25 Parasols, Clothing1, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c, Sec, Sec. Everything in proportion. Save monoy while you have tho opportunity. gUtfTlm salo is good for 30 days only. Como and bring your friends. You won't regrot it. JgCM Cor. Court and Second Sis, q St "NT XI A D"DTC! Tie Dalles, Oregon. O. OO IN . Xli.JLXJLxlO. The Circular' Tempest. The action of the banks and tner chants is raising quite a breeze through the country, and before it is settled some one is going to lose money. First, the Portland banks commenced the racket by "trusting" and refusing to take checks on country banks, except for collection. This was saying that they had no confidence in the country banks. Then the merchante, to show their hoggish nature, formed another trmt and agreed not to receive any per sonal checks in liquidation of accounts. This cuts in two directions. It shows that the wholesalers have no confidence in their customers; and second, they throw business in the way of country banks, who now are charging an ex change fee for drawing drafts on Port laud. This, however, will hardly ena ble tho country banks to even up, for they will have to keep more idle money in Portland to draw against than for merly. The claims of tho wholesalers, that Oregon is the only state where per sonal checks are used, is hardly true, since that class of paper is frequently received from Chicago, St. Louis and New York. Hillsboro Independent. MOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, lir. and slabcoid wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters iV Co. (Utlice Second and Jellor- sou streets.) .Ma , Hium-Miii'mi, l'.,Jiiu. t.7, 1SW. J.J.Ktm., Miiiriliuin, rn,, DtiAll Hilt I liaiu llhi'il k'riuiKii'ii Hpinliinlio CmiHuk'H for Miimi tliuo ami want to irsttfv to tlu'lr value, i uk-il vnrtoun well rocoimiuMiiliil lIU'dll'llieK. but irot no uillof uiilli I 111.1'.! ihi'so. mid now would not bu without tlu in fur ten time tliulr t'Oht. Viaus uioitfully OlAUUti T. tiKDUWK K. There are some patent medicines that are more marvelous than a dozen doc tor's prescriptions, hut they're not those that profess to cure everythintj. Everybody, now and then, feels "run down," "played out." They've tho will, but no power to generate vitality, I'liey'ie not sick enough to call a doctor, but just too sick to be well. That's where the right kind of a patent medi cine comes in, and does for a dollar what the doctor wouldn't do for less than live or ten. e put in our claim for Dr. Pien-e's Golden Medical Discoverv. We claim it to bo an unequaled rem edy to purify tho blood and invigorate tho liver. We claim it to bo lasting in its ell'ects, creating an appetite, purify ing the blood, and preventing bilious, typhoid and malarial fevers if taken in time. Tho time to take it is when you first feel tho signs of weariness and nrak una. The time to take it, on general principles, is .vow. Ntver rail. No instanco of a failure on record when Simmons Liver Regulator has boon taken. Jt cures dyspepsia, consti pation and sick headache, strengthens the kidneys and gently assists nature, j The Dalles City wul connect with either Ocean Wave or Lurlino every evening for Ilwaco and Long Beach. Tho 1). P. und A. N. Co., will soli round trip tickets at reduced rates on and af ter today. Moxieun Silver stove polish causes no dust, Um ait Siw Dn Ci Fancy Goods and Notions, (jerks' funjityiyQ (Jood$, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Terms Cash. H. Herbring. J. H. CROSS, At the Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sis. ay, Graii?, peed apd plour. Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Cash xtld for txxcl. Poultry. All goods delivered Free and Promptly. The California Winehoasev Is dow open, and its proprietor will sell his home produced Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody. Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed to be Pure and First-Class in every respect. Thompson's Addition. c BECHT. BURHAM & Robertson Proprlatora, CityStables, Comer of Fourth and Federal Stf ., The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Kastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double liigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Alto, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with frolohx or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wagon room. Commercial Patronace Solicited Have You Seen T H E- Spring AIillinery Goods AT 112 Siicoml Street. ANNA PETER SCO. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN BOOKS. A. T I. C. NICKELSEN'S.