The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 15, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Too .Much Writer.
Miko Hosendorf of Impendence, has)
received a German paper from his old
!....., :.. CilmntiW "Mlllll. lllVlIllT nil HO- '
ill 7 r
pmiiit of si verv peculiar catastrophe
ZZT - ' - which happened JunoSOth of thia year.
Entered ftt the rotofflce nt The t)nlli-, OrcROti, Qn lwcQnt of ci,0lertt all tho wells were
" insnected in the town of 40,000 people
suMcrirTtos iiatks. : 011U whtch .omloninel was sunk
hy uxiii (rosTAiiK ruKrAiD) in advahck. j deeper by its owner to get pure water,
J - ! ami when loll teet ueop mo wen i:u...
owinienced flowing and water rose tiiyli
s oo ' above the surface of the ground, and at
0 80 i tlie present time several blocks of land
have been undermined covered with line
Weekly, 1 year.
" 0 month!)
3 "
Dlly, 1 year
" 6 month?
" per "
Address nil communication to " Till". ClIUOS
ICLK," The Dalles, OreROii.
I I I I I III M- AVI' I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I mm I J I S
William Tell
Your Knther Unit wo mill
orrtcK nouns Delivery Window S a. m. in 7 m.
Innpv Order . . .Mi. m. to l "
trains koIiib Kas.t . . .? 1. m. m
it ft . . . i. nt. iiiui at.xip. 111.
8taKo for lol.lcn.hile JjS !!'!!!'
" " l'rlnevlllo ' "l '
" "i)iifiiriuidiirm.iirliip .fiSjWn. m.
" ilAMTtue (or I.vle.t Hartland..S:50n. in.
.1 " t Antelope S:R0.m.
M-weeUy?'lTues.lay Thurwlny and Saturday,
j ii Monday Wtxlncsdny mid Friday.
JULY 15, 1S93
On political and economic questions
Col. Robert G. Ingereoll is a keen ob
server. Ho was recently asked whether
he thought the new congress and the j striking for more
president would redeem tlie pieuges
made in the Chicago platform, and re
plied: "The democratic congress will
find that it will be called upon to raise
several hundreds of millions of dollars
in some way, and in order to do this it
cannot unduly interfere with the taritt'
without reducing the revenue or destroy
ing manufacturies. Consequently there
will be a great deal of talk and nothing
done. The duty on articles is the result
of a combination covering the entire
business blocks, and over a million Hol
lars worth of property has been des-,
troyed. Mr. Somnierfeld, a cousin of
Mr". Rosendorf, is loser several thousand
dollars. The water is still flowing and ;
they do not know how to stop it. The j
head engineer of the German Empire'
has examined the state of all'airs and 1
says he can stop the How if a large sum
of money is paid him. West Side.
Ilul or CNillnrV
A correspondent to the Ilillsboro In-,
dependent sends this analysis of the!
situation :
1S!C !
Grandfather's big hat.
Wheat sfl per bushel.
W.inl !20 cents tier pound.
Homestead labor .0 to $4S per day,
Grover's big collar.
Wheat 60 cents per bushel.
Wool 10 cents per pound.
Labor out of a job.
Which did vou vote for last fall?
tho progress of Coimiiinption.
The host authorities agreo that itV
a scrofulous affection of tlie lungs.
Jf taken in time, und given a fair
trial, Dr. Pierce's Golden 1edical
Discovery will 'fleet a euro. Thou
sands have heen saved by it thou
sands more arc putting it. off till
too late. Kor every form of Scrof
nl'i Krone hial. Throat, and Lung
Affections, Weak Lungs, Severe
Coughs, and kindred ailments, it
' is aiositivo remedy. It's mmni
i teal to do all I hat's claimed for it.
! If it doesn't benefit or cure, in
ovorv ease, your money is returned.
! The "Discovery" is the only
Liver, Wood and Lung Kemedy
i that's sold so. Think what a medi
cine it must he !
Especially has it manifested its
potency in curing Tetter, Salt
rheum, Kc.ema, Krysipohis, Itnils,
Carbuncles, Soto Eyes, Goitre, or
Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands.
World's Dispensary Medical As
sociation, Makers, No. lH:i Muiu
Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Vest Jumpers, .
Pantaloon Overalls,
Easy-fitting Pants.
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip !
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
country. If Louisiana wants the pro
tection of a sugar bounty she must help
Pennsylvania about her iron, and so it
goes through nearly all the states of the
union. I am a protectionist. I believe
in multiplying the industries of the
country, in developing the brains of the
people, and nothing will do that like fos
tering the development of those indus
tries of which our great land has but
dimly conceived thus far."
The Eugene Register presents a very
good argument why the pardoning
power should be done away with by gov
ernors. The governor hears the testi
mony of one side, always the side of the
criminal, and thinks that suflicient to
warrant him fn discharging the man
from confinement. In numerous in
stances these criminals have no sooner
been released than they again committed
crimes, and the people are again put to
great expense to punish them and assert
their rights. If the pardoning power
must be used in some way, let a new
trial be had when suflicient evidence of
a mistake in the first proceeds is pre
sented. Governor Altgeld has abused
the trust imposed in him by the people
of his state, and the same thing has
been done in Oregon and nearly every
state in the Union.
At Mecca the cholera is raging, the
death rate reaching 1,000 per day, and
yet the pilgrimage to the shrine of the
prophet, made annually by devout Mo
hammedans, is not checked. The road
side is strewn with corpses, and in the
city itself the streets are lined with de
composing bodies, the authorities being
unable to bury them. In Europe there
are but tew cases, and thtse isolated, and
the prospect for the disease being
thoroughly stamped out this season is
is not bright.
Reports ot bountiful crops are general
all over this section of country. This is
cheering intelligence in these days of
general stringency, for oven a local cause
will enliven the marketi and tend to
make money more plentiful for a time.
It is a temporary stimulant at least, and
by the time its effects have passed a
greater tonic may have been adminis
tered at Washington to cure the whole
financial depression.
The Grocer and Country Merchant of
July 7th, in referring to the situation
in the salmon business, says : The mar
ket does not show the first signs of an i
awakening to a state of activity. It
sleeps the sleep of tlie just without a
dream. To give prices would be pure
guess work, as packers merely continue
their old asking rates and buyers mani
fest no desire to avail themsetves of
the proferred privilege. The uncertainty
as to what course the Alaska people
will nursue nrohablv has as much to
do with this as any other cause. This I
syndicate has kept its lips fast sealed '
un to this time, and shows no sign of I
opening them. The run on the Colum
bia continues to be very light, as if the
fial. it.).., lf 1 fnii tlinir t.rabOHPM
V w , ' , i Leave-The Dalles nt Ca. in. every
where there i- no welcome for them. I rive- at l'llncvllle In thirty-six li
It will be a small miracle if the pack on
the river does not fall 100.000 cases short
of last vear,
points there
tn cut Aot(riin fTlio in ti nn Itin itiwl.
dleColumbitt is a lenetition of iSSi. ' Stages from Eastern and Southern Or
which was unusually light. Ed.
,. Line
J.D. PARISH, Prop.
Uwve-Tlie Dalles nt G u. in. every "lay, ami nr
rive- at l'llncvllle In thirty-six liour Uiw
l'rliicvlle at 5 a. m. every .tny, ami arrive- at
The Dalles in tlilrty-stx nour.-
In every size, style and price.
Is called to the fact that
'There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at Us Jhoi
leads on to fortune''
The poot unquestionably had reference to the
r does not fall 100.000 cases short i ,. n ., ... j4 4 f-4
year. As to the run at other j GurlltS tlie U. S. Mail, hmm M lapreSS I LI 7 j ft K IvlDftft
liere is thus far nothing definite j -connects at I'rin-IUo with- H (J LI 1 1 HlollZ
-Astorian. The run on the mid- ' 0 . n HM-- WAWAaj
m.hin is ,i nnt,nn of isfii. Stages from Eastern and Southern Or- J
egon, flortnern uamornia anu
all Interior Points.
I. a (irlpiift.
During the prevalence of the giippe
the past seasons it was a noticeable fact j
that those who depended upon Ilr. (
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped all of the '
troublesome after effects of the malady, j
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
In r!iepQ nf 14 (print. n 1.. r nil .liuo'itua
of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured -
cases of asthma and hay fever of long
standing. Try it and be convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at
Snipes & Kinersly's drug store.
All city warrants registered prior to
July L'd, 1891, will be paid on presenta
tion of the same nt my office. Interest
ceases after this date.
I. I. lSunoET, Treasurer.
The Dallee, Or., July 5th, 1S93.
Strength anil Health.
If you are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. II "la
grippe" has left you weak and wea"',
use Electric Hitters. This reniedv acts
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, '
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you areafilicted with
sick neauactie, you will nnu speedy anu
permanent relief by taking Electric
Hitters. One trial will convince you
that this is the remedy you need. Large 1
bottles only 50c. at Snipes t Kinersly's
drug store.
l-i make- rlo-e connection nt The Dalles with
trei- from Portland and hastern points.
. ccarieoas diners.
. Gccd accommodations along toe road.
. First-class Coacbes and Horsss used.
Express matter bandied v?itb special care.
Slchel &L'.'k Htorii,
Umiitlllu Houmi,
rim Dulles.
Art Teacher
Jloom .1, Ikltimjen liuildiug,
Will clvo I!tonn Momlnyfl nnd Thursday
eich week, or ol'mer If detired.
S (ll
Dealer in GlnBH, Lime, 1'hiHtur, Cement
and JJuildiiig Material ol all kimm.
Chi-i-Im tli Fltit I. hm of
Picture Mouldings
To De found in the City.
72 CUashington Street.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
; -mMM k Call
Leaaino Jeweier.
' om: ,y;knt ioit tiik
I Mi HI Trn' i i 12Sm
fJf A I) O l the Ik'st liruuds
vAvJTxjlXLO manufactured, and
orderu from all partnof the country tilled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES UI
GAU has lxicome fiimly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
1 article iH increasing every day.
VM. M A ItlMJKh.
It is quite probable that at last a spe
cihe lias been discovered for conuamp- i
tion. The Amick treatment of the dis-1
ease in its incipient stages seems to be
universally successful, and cases where
ull hope have been given up, have
yielded to it. If this treatment proves
as successful as its limited trial indi-1
cates, it will rank as tho most important
discovery of the century.
The Salem Democrat says "Ohio can
elect a democrat for governor if the
right man is nominated. Not on a
free wool basis. Ohio haH too many wool
men who will vote their sheep rather
than elect a democrat on the present
reform platform.
A large sum will doubtless bo received
In Chicago tomorrow for the families of
the burned firemen. The entire gate
receipts and a per cent of most of the
theaters will realizo a good many thous
ands of dollars.
It is reported that tilS silver mines iu
iorauo are cioseu. Tlie owners want
free coinage, under the delusion that it
would add to the price of silver.
Karl's Clover Koot, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion nnd cures constipation.
25c 50c. and L0O. Sold hy Snipes A
Kinersly, druggists.
sdm 1 hr BOSTO
An aurreeablu Iixutivo and N Kit Vli TON
Soldi)' DriiKtrUmorbont. hyinnil. S!5e..C0e.,
nd Sl.OU H;r packaKO. Kamplo.i free
IT A lift,'1"110 Favorite TMIB WTOM
H.W HwforthoTccttiandUreatli.aic,
For Hale liy HiilpeH & Klimrxly.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order, i
138 Nenitud Ht., Tho Halle. Or.
n Tailor.)
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
I'urfrcl Fit CSintraiitnuil.
The Snug.
W, H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 90 Second Sroot, Tho Dalles
Who are selling theBe Roods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Dally Kvonlnu Chronicle is iwo'mIii!
,1 f l L. i 'K-ntlully tho liimiu iiuikt lor tlio
Unllvs city folks' nriwp Ti.ii ii ,.., ., 1. -i
tv iltiitlon. hoiiii) nyiYlL.'-',XKJ of our lt
cltlzciis wateh tliu coliiumsol tliU nfl nm
diillyfortliotpkiontlwaliicuB. It f A lK
tucccwll in KleiiiiiiiK tlio Held, and hen u km.'vs 1
in i;iiliiilt; and iniMrttiicv. Tako It awJille. I
you wiio don't; tryMimuof 11k premium oilw. i
The Dalles,
CflflS. ADAMS,
IHk MoIiich, Iowa, wiltw. under dli'
Murch JW, IS'.i.l!
.S. 15. .Mkd. Mk. Co.,
Dufur, Oreon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving homo last week, I found
i all well and anxiouslv awaiting. Our
! Httlo ttirl, eight and ohe-half years old,
who had wasted awnv to .'(8 pounds, ie
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
I leaned up. S. 15. Cough Cure has done
, its work well. Hoth of the children like "Uryry ca frvr TTai-n'Ui-vt r
it. Your 8. 15. Cough Cure has cured! -e 6 B 10 HatCHinC'
. (irill 1f.tlt fiii'n.t nil t...... . I '
ho give it to every one, with greeting ,,rwm thoroughbred fowls.
for all. isliing you nrOHiieritv. we nn. r .4 v -
Vfillru Mi. . f..u r L-' i. I
. ...... v ,unn, a, r, j ouji.
This well known stand, kept hy the
well known V. 11. lluttH, long a resi
dent of Wasco county, Iiiih an extraordi
nary fine fitoek of
Sheep Herder's Delist and Irish Dislurbanc
In fact, all the loading hraudH of fin
WineH, LiquorH and CigarH. Give th
otd man a eall and you will come again
Uliseman & Warders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
UK NKW TOWN Iiiih Im-oii iilatud on tlicwild cmiiii ground, at tlie 1'orl.Hiiiiil
Kallnof IIoikI river, with )nrue,klKlitly loln.lmiiid HtriftMind iiIIcvh, kooiI Mill
' andimrowali;r,wltliHliiiiliilii iiiiifimfnii, iHTfi'iitilriiliiiivlullKlitfill iniiiinliilii
ellmalc, tliccciilral attradtloiuihii ninuiitalii hiiiiiiiht roort for nil OR'koii,
U'Iiik llm nvarMt town lo Mt. Hood. It In iinimiilliltc n a iiianufucturlni,'
eeiilur, ImiIiik tlio naturiil rculcr for ICn Hiiari' iiiIIch nf tlio licut irilariiuil llr
tlllllHT, )OKM'MdIK IIIIIIIOIIM Of IllirhO (IOIMT In Iu (IiinIiIiik hIu'iiiiih mid Willi"
fallH, fiitrlly Iniiiiiwd. WImnc clnap inotlVf ovor i-xlhlH, tliiiie the U"'"'",
faolorlcs will (i.MU'r.Mirroiiiidid liy noII nnd cllmaln that cannot liocxcellrt
anywlieri; for fruit and iiKrli'iillnic, ami with traiiM'otlatlon alrcidy
ou will llml HiIh l lie pliui' lo miiknn porfcot liomcor u luiyiiig Invt't111"
Soo m on thn o'Tmind. 01
www WW ft mm j
address me at Hood Rivfi
Wasco County, Oregon.
W. RossWinans.
NorthweHt corner of Kecnnil uml
uourt HtreetK.
IN O lH M nJ O MiU'U . ,'yo",vi?l''''f,Hfrtliail(;liw..rfu,(iilm.d
AW i. 1L, IXU 1 Cty. or tiH..rliiK work, ck-aiiR. your "lt"!', w tVi
J ie ll.Waclie and I.lvw ( urc.'l.) lak i.K two
. ... . t.'utc doMneucli wnlc.
UnlnnSf. nnn nwnnn. I K"w "er mltive gu.ri.iitw
! fcwiwjioau (IUU9C,
U cnU Kr buttle by all UruKlu,
13 egg
KlidorHhy, Or,
Fine Work. Tin Beoairs and Room
n mi
Kuiup uii ajuiu ouooi, iioxi cioor wobi 01 iouiih
Blaukbrnith Shop.