l)c Dallco Cl)t0tttck OL. VT. THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY Ifi, 1893. NO. 25. Dalles Daily Chronicle. I'iiMIIhIio! Dully, Hlliutny KxrepU'd. II Y IK CHRONICLE PUBLISHING (30. Bur Heutmd mill WnxhliiKUm HtrootN, The IIhIIph, Oregon, fj. hCIIKIICK, I'rcHldcnt If. M. J1KAI.1. ('iiHlilor. first Rational Bank. TnrniN of Hiilmnrlnllon !'YuHr aoiitli, by curriur (to copy .16 00 . W C Tim K TAIH.KH. ItMllr.iailM. s KAHT HOUND. kniv.-h ir.r. V. . Heparin um v. m, . ua r. m. WKHT ItOIINII, Ttventf:o; a. h. Departs :i:io a. m. avju i". m cai frelghtu that enrry piiHhcngerh leave tin. went lit 7'1XI a. m. , iiihI one for the fg-lf) a. ii. 'U'rlitovllie, vln. Hake Oven, leave ilnlly - u ' a tititli.tm Mltfiln.lt. r!uiivmi Oltv. leave lat. li A . M fDuliir, KlmtHluv, Winnie, Wnplnltla, Wiinn mx mul Tygh Viilley, leave ilnlly (except by) at n a.m. , , ftlnlileiiiliile, Wash., leave every day of the Fexccpt Hituday at i a. m. ecu fur nil linen at the umaiiiia iiniihc. ;he dalles, OREGON A General Blinking Buflinefla tranaaeted DnnoHitB received, Httbject to higui Draft or Check. CollectionH niale and proceodH promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight und Telegraphic Exchange Hold Now York, San Francisco and Port land. on DIREOTOKS. I). P. TllOMPHON. .INO. 8. SdlKNCK. El). M. Wii.mamh, Gko. A. Likiik. H. M. Bkam,. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A (IKNKKAI. IIANKINO HUBINKHH Lett or h of Credit issued available in he Eastern StateB. Sight Exchange und Telegraphic TnuiBferHHoldon New York, Chicago, St. IxmiH, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various) jioints in Or egon and Wasiiington. CollectionH made nt all pointB on fav orable t.eruiR. FUOFKHHIONAI.. ill. UIDDK.l.li- Attiiiinicv-at-I.aw Olllue Court Htrcct, The Dalle, urcgim. . nnruit. fiiakk uknkfsk run, & mkhi:kki: AT-roiiNKY.H-at- r.iuf1tinmh I' 1111(1 III. OVer l'ONt IJlulldlng, Kutranre on wiiHliingioii nireei Hew, Oregon, it&Va IIKKKK'I'T. ATTOItNKY-AT-liAW. Of .'I-.. ... ii .u l...ll.lli. nt. utniru The juv in ntiii.uii" n .,,, .,. Oregon, IAYB. B.H.HIINTINHTON. H. H. WILSON. IIIIVTIVCTdM A: WM-HON ATTOK itu.iT.iiiv f iiiIpoh. Krnni'li'M block liver um hi ilium, u mm, uroiuu. tm m ESS m. WIIJION ATioiiNKr-AT-i.AW lUmms French & i.o. inum miuuiug, necuuu The liiillCM, Oregon. JCBIIKI.V.AN (Houacoi-ATiiio; I'iiyhician U nUHUJtllfl. lilflllt uunwuoi iiiuiiihij, night, city or country. Olllco No. ;i nnil in an uiock. w n. I). DOAN K I'HYHIOIAN AND HUB' bun. Ofllca; room. D unci o (Jhapmnu Keaiaente: n. K. corner i;oun una truiitii. n'o mil door Inim the comer. nmrn U to 12 A. M., 1! to h mill 7 to 8 1'. 81. DDAl.l.- DKNTittT. Ou Riven lor the MiluleiiN oxtraetlou ul teeth. Alio teem oweii iiliimluum plntc. Kooiiih: HIriioI lilen Tooth, Hveouu Htrect. nil mm HOdlKTIKM. CIO I-OIKiK. NO. lf. A. K. & A. M. MeutN iflrat mill thlnl Moiiilay of enuh mouth nt 7 ,KK ltOYAI. AltOH OHAl'TKK NO. C- tM lu BIhhoiiIu Hull the thlnl tilncsduy onlh hi 7 r. m. N WOODS! KN OK T1IK WOHI.l).-- lloixl Ciuiip No. W, MeetM TueMliiy even lb week In Fraternity Hull, at 7: so p. in. IA I.UDOK, NO. h, I.O. O. V. MeotH Krlilay eveuliiKnt7::UJo'eloek,lu K. corner Hccoml anil Court Hlreeth. brother are welcome. II, Heo'y. II. A. HtI.I.B,N. (i. timilV l.ODOK, NO. 0., K. ul l'.-Mect v Jliniilav uvuiiluii? at 1:'M o'clock. In B'1iii11i11iik. corner of Court and Hecouil , HojiiuruiUK uiemnerN are eoruiuiiy in- , H. UKAM, i'aiihk. K. of 11. mid H. (!. 0. im.Y NO. 48'.!7, K. OK I.. MeetH til K. '.nan iiiekeeonu mill uiurtii euue.s aeh mouth at 7:30 p. m. CN'K CllllIHTIAN TKMl'KKKNCK ilOH 111 iiK'ot uvurv I' rltluv afternoon Ok at the reailliiR room. Allaru luvlleil. UhIro No. Ml, I. O. (1. T.-lteKiilar ly ineelliiKH Krlilay at h l M u' Hull. All are Invited. 8MAN, 0. T. It, C. K1.MIK, fio 1.0D0K NO. a. A. O. U. W. Sleeui turultv Hall, over KelluiN. n Kwimd radiiy uveultiKN nt 7 I'M. Kltfl, Klniiiicler, M. W, EAa. UKflMlTH 1'OHT, No. 2. li. A. K.-Meets mrjr Haturday nt 7:: r. m., lu the K. of 1'. Li PV U K. -Ment.HoveryHumlay altcrnooti in ! tko K. of 1'. Hall. kNtl VKltlMN-MeetH every kciihih'tu the K. of I'. Hull. Kumhtv I. V l.1tfTUIlt X'.. IrtT t. ...... I.. ... i . i'i i inun., iii mi inwin in of r. Hull the lliMt nail third Wuliien- eh inoiilli, at 7;M p. ii, TIIK VIlllltCIIICH. ITKIIH OHUKOH Kov. Kathur IIuonn. bt riiNtor. unv Miinh every Hiiiiilny at IllKII illllbN III lll.'SOA. M. ChlHirn III WIM omillOH -Union Htieet.opponlte i. , uuv. Kll J). Kiitnlllle lleiitor. Servlcoii ilay at U a, m. anil 7:li p, m. Hunday vi A. M. tivoullllf Pr.'ivnr mi Iii'Iiln v- nt fWAl'TlBT (!HUUl!U-Uev. O. 1). TAY , tiiNtor. JlornliiK sorvlu.'ii every Hah- . .M". "t:,l,.,t'y at It a. l. Hahbath i .... . . tin imiin n ,(1)111011 servlccH lu the court Jioumi at I IM lllll'l V mill IJ1VI1L II Mrrmiin... V.'.S. n.1"-' V'lli n...w..,i,iy iuviuii, m'iuh free. K. (imilKlll Itov. ,1. nt i 'I'.n i' m Hi-,..... .vi'" "'v i is itvin luini iifitti imii,.. I. . " ' I'Hnnu IUIU M l 111! ISTIAN cmriUUI Itin- l iv i in it i-1 it. emh lrfirdH l),,v at! ,V"'U " ' ly liivlle.l " If. I.uthiiraii (ilmroli, Ninth stieot, Itev A i n or, Murvic-H nt UHU a, in. Hiniii iv THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President Z. F. Moody Vice-Preaident, - Chaulkh Hilton Cashier, M.A.Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight ExchungeB Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. CollectionH made on favoreble terms ut all accessible pointB. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmiiti & wagon shod General IMackflmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbird Street, opp. LieliB's old Stanl House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the lariat house moving outlit in Eastorn Oregon. Add ross P.O . Box 1 8 1 ,Th e Dal les S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : WatelieM mid Jewolry repaired to order on kiinri uoiiee, aim miiihiuihioii Kiiiiruniueu AT TIIK Htornori.U. NlukUm, il St. The Uulli) Chas. Allison, -Pealer In- 1 OrlCE Hoadquartors at Obaa, Lauor's. HllVllU! llllil n llllil lliil'Viist iifnnllli.il li'i.- lhi' liest In thinvorld, I mu prepared to furulMi In nuy iiuantlty nml at luittom prlcow. C HAS. A L LIS ON . C. F. STEPHENS, mSAl,l.l IM Dry Goods Qloti-iing llOOtrt, SlKIKN, lllllh, t",l(1. FiiiiDij (jood toMon, JUii., Kte., j:to, Seooiid St., The Dalles, WAKE UP. If you wako up in tho morning with a bitter or bad tasto in your mouth, Languor, Bull Headache, Despondency, Constipa tion, take Simmons Liver Regulator. It corrects tho bilious stomach, sweetens tho breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Children as "well as adults sometimes cat something that does not digest well, Swlucing Sour Stomach, eartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness a good dose of Regulator will givo relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can be taken by the youngest infant or tho most delicate person without injury, no matter what tho condition of tho system may be. It can do no harm if it doe3 no good, but it3 reputation for 40 years proves it never fails in doing good. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland ani Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freipnt ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regyjator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AHHKNOKlt It.VTKs. One way Round trip.. .2.00 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Leach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portlund received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 . in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALL A WAY, 3nriil Areut. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Ueneral MmiHgur. THE DALLES, OREGON ptesh Paint! W. 0. CilLiiEiiT hereby fceiids lllh compliments to every friend And enemy If ho luu any lie they few or be they many. The time for painting now has como, And every one desircH n homo That looks frctdi and clean und new, Ah none but u good painter cuu do, i'lilutliiK, papering and glazing, too, Will make your old Iioumi look quite new. Ho will take your work either way, lly the Job or by tho day. If you liavu work kIvo him n cull, He'll take your ordcre, large or biiU. Ucupcctfully, W. C. GILBERT, V. 0. llox No. 11, TIIL DALLES, OH. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular itiul reliable house lias been entirely refurnished, and every room 1ms been ropnperal und rejmiiitei und umvly carpeted throughout. The house eontuiiiH 170 roouisiuid is supplier with every modern convenience, h'atei lonMuiuble. A irood restaurant uttiu'hec to the house, Fiw Iuih to and from nil tnuiiti. C. W. KNOVVLES, Prop. FALL OF THE MSTILE No General Observance of the Day in Paris. FRENCH ANARCHISTS THREATEN Revolutionists in San Salvador Have Been Defeated French and Siamese Trouble. Pauis, July 14. Today is the 104th anniversary of the fall of the Bastile. The anniversary is usually celebrated with much rejoicing. Today, however, the fetes in Paris were tame, and the usual celebrations were conspicuous through their absence. This is due en tirely to the feeling engendered by the recent riots. The municipal council, upon which heretofore much of the ex penses of the celebrations have fallen, has taken no part in the observance. Members of the council, many of whom if not actually knoyn as socialists, have leanings in that direction, are still sulky because of the government's action iu regard to the labor exchange and threaten to dissolve their body. In view ot theie conflicts the council left the celebration in the hands of others, with the result that the decorations are hardly worthy of notice. The night il lumination ie abandoned altogether. The anniversary is noticeable for a lack of observance. The anarchists have taken advantage of the day to post in cendiary placards. The police are busy destroying these red posters. They made many threats of what they in tended to do today, going so far as to say that they would destroy the city with nre. The authorities are prepared for whatever overt acts they may at- tempt. The fire brigade and two regi ments of troops are" in readiness to fight fire or the anarchists themselves. Tht general opinion is the anarchists will confine themselves to threats anil bluster. will meet at Chicaijo August 1st, and adjourn to meet at Washington August 7th. The delegates will be in Washing ton during the extra session of congress Silver men from other coast states who are now in town arc vcrv earnest in their talk of tho necessity of free coin age. Francis O. Newlands, who 1b hero, will, perhaps, take the lead in getting a conference of California called to meet hero in order that California's sentiment may be .expressed by resolutions. Itroke .fall anil Kucapnil. LivEitMoiiK, Cal., July 14. Charles Sawyer, who has been on trial here for the attempted murder of his wife and whoso case was continued until next Friday, escaped from the town jail about 2 o'clock this morning. Ho managed to work one of the bars of his cell loose, after which he forced a heavy plank from the side of the jail, through which he escaped. He left a note to the ofli cers, saving: "Gone to the world's fair." Officers are now in pursuit. Sawyer had kindled a fire on the floor and evidently intended to burn down the jail, but did not succeed. A Revolution In San Salvador. Panama, July 14. Advices have been received here of a revolutionary upris ing in the capital of the neighboring re public of San Salvador. A battalion of the government forces, commanded by Colonel Flores, mutinied and proclaimed a revolution. Its avowed purpose was to avenge Menedez and drive the assas sins from power. The revolutionists endeavored to get the army corps to join them, but the latter remained loyal to the government. With the artillery under General K.eta a battle was fought in which the revolutionists were de feated after a short fight. Then the rebels capitulated. In the engagement Colonel Flories was killed. His princi pal lieutenants were captured and thrown in prison, where they will re main awaiting court-martial. 'Senor Pedot was arrested later and ho is also imprisoned. Many civilians have also been implicated in the conspiracy. Oflicial reports have been promulgated by the government, denying that any revolution is now in progress or that there was any outbreak, and further de claring that everything is now quiet. Ezeta has established a censorship on any news relating to the outbreak, and no direct advices are obtainable. What Senator AHInoii TlilnkH. Mix.NKAroi.it., July 14. Senator Alli son, of Iowa, is in the city, the guest of Senator Washburn. Ho said today tho present financial disturbances were due largely to the fact that there is a belief that if we continue to purchaso silver we must soon reach a silver standard. Added to this is an expansion of credits, und a distrust of the democratic policy on the currency and tarill'. The stop page of the purchase of silver will greatly aid in restoring confidence, and we can easilv maintain at a gold par all tho sil ver. We have silver bullion now far below tho normal price, and it will ad- ance as soon as the policy regarding its uso is more clearly defined, and it will oventuallv bo restored to the old status. Tho original intent of the law was to in crease the circulating medium, and it did so till recently. Now, howover, it has the eil'cct of causing a hoarding of gold and greenback?, causing contrac tion ; eo it will probably bo repealed. ('iiliroi'iiln'x Hlvor Men. San Fkam isi'o, July 14, A meeting in tlio iiiioresi oi i no ireo coimigo oi ... V I t.. - -. 1... I. -1 1 . ... silver win piouauiy toon uu item in mis it v. silver mining men from Montana, Idaho, Nevada und other states, who are slaying ut the Grand and Palueo hotels, huvo Ih'cii discussing the proposition of having such a mooting here, nml steps will lie taken to buvo ono called by prominent citizens ol bun l-rauelsco. U is desired to select delegates from Call- fori In Ui tho JllmetullUi League which Itankit Fel Kasior. New YoitK, July 14. A decided im provement in the financial situation is noted by bankers. Banks are beginning to retire clearing-house certificates, and it is believed this will continue. The bank's are receiving large amounts of currency from the country, and there is a noticeable decrease in applications by country banks for rediscounts. Mer chants' and manufacturers' reports show them in better condition than could have been hoped for, with the indication of a quick recovery. The Central Pa cific has declared a regular semi-annual dividend of 1 per cent. f ,i n il 1 1. n ln.f1f. llfflun. Y.wIIo.m.1 Asm.NGTox, July 14. The inter state commerce commission confirms the report from Tacoma, Wash., that President Van Home, of the Canadian Pacific, and several local agents of the road havo been indicted by ' the grand jury for violations of the interstate com merce act in making a secret cut in pas senger rates. Jrlb.vritEAL, July 14. The news of the indictments against President Van Home, charging him with violation of the interstate commerce law, has caused great consternation in Canadian Pacific railway circles. A l'lasue Of Crlekota. Omaha, Neb., July H. The crops of the West are threatened by the inva sions of an army of crickets, of tho genus crvllus. Thev are now in Wyoming near Casper, and are moving rapidly eastward devouring potato fields in an incredible short time. They are mostly together in eolid ranks three-fourths of a mile deep and are making a loud noise which may be heard distinctly for miles. They will, at their present rato, arrive in Nebraska in time to harvest thesweet corn crop. The whole country is alarmed ut their ravages. Elder S. S. Reaver, of McAllisterville, Juniatta Co., Pa., says his wife is subject to cramp in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrham Remedy for it, and was much pleased with tho speedy relief it allbrded. She has since used it when ever necessary and found that it never fails. For sale by Rlakeley A Houghton, Druggists, French anil HlauieHo Fighting. London, July 14. A dispatch from Bangkok, the capital of Slam, states that 20 Siamese were killed and 14 wounded yesterday during an exchange of fires between tho forts at tho mouth of Menam river and tho French gun boats Comet and Inconstaute, which forced a passage of the bar in the face of orders from tho Siumeso government forbidding their entry into the river. Ituoklvn'H A nil i' u riiilve. The best salvo iu tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tlvely cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price L'o cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin- ersly. Get your bathing pants from S. & N. Harris. NO HUNIIAV OI'KNINO. the Tim Directum Dccliln to ('Innn World' Fair Tlint Hay. Chicago, July 14. Tho world's fair ia to be closed Sunday, after July 10. The admissions of next Sunday havo already been donated for the relief of the families of the ftremeu who lost their lives in tho recent flro on the grounds, and but for Una fact tho fair would probably bo closed next Sunday. The vote of tho local dircetors rescinding its former ac tion waa overwhelmingly in favor of closing, standing 21 to 4. When the meeting of directors was called late this afternoon an address strongly advocat ing Sunday closing and signed by most of the leading Chicago clergymen was read. After several speeches in favor of closing, resolutions were adopted setting forth tho fact that the action opening the fair wu,s taken in response to urgent appeals from per sons and organizations representing a large majority of the public, as well as from stockholders of tho corporation, and also in accord with resolutiona adopted by the city council ol Chicago. It not appearing by actual admissions that tho general public does not, by ita attendance, manifest a desire that trie exposition be kept open each day, and if the exposition is kept open Sunday it will require the attendance of more than 10,000 laboring men and women, em ployes of the exposition and others, and it further appearing that the number of laboring men and women whose ser vices are required to keep the exposi tion open Sunday is disproportionate to the number of visitors, all previous res olutions of opening Sunday are re scinded, to take effect after the 16th inst. THE CHURCHES. First Congregational church l corner Court and Fifth streets, Rev. W. C. Curtis, pastor. Services as usual Sun day; 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. worship and a sermon. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p. m. Topic, God's Great Com mand. Acts xvii.30, Luke xiii,l-5. All not worshipping elsewhere are cordi allv invited. Methodist Episcopal church, corner of Washington and Fifth streets, John Whisler, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m by the pastor. Sunday school after morning servico; Junior League at 5 :1!0 p. m. ; Ep worth League at 7 p.m.; class meeting Sunday at 10 m. and Tuesday at 8 p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday at S p. m. A cordial welcome to all. "My littlo boy was very bad off for two months with diarrluea. We used var ious medicines, also called in two doc tors, but nothing done him any good un til wo used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy, which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the best medicine mado and can conscientiously recommend it to all who ueed a diarrluea or colic medicine. .I.E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cont bottles for sale by Blakeloy & Houghton, druggists. Two Skeleton Found. Fi-oiiKXCi:, Ala., July 14. The un earthing of two well-preserved tkeletona by a party of workmen in a quarry on Mussel Shoals htii created considerable excitement. An investigation showed that tho skeletons were evidently the remains of Cherokee Indiana who once lived on Colbert's tcservation near this city. Many believe, however, that the skelotonn aru tho remains of murdered men who wove hidden iu tho crevices of the rocks. Lsift full 1 was taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrhcen. Soon after my wife's sister, who lives with us, waa taken in tho sumo way, Wo used almost every thing without benefit. Then I bald, let us try Chaiulierhi.ii'H Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhu'a Kemedy, which wo did, and that cured us vijjht away. 1 think inucti of it, as it did for mo what it was recom mended to do, John IlerUler, Bethel, Burks Co., Pa. 2r and oO cent bottlea for sale by Blakeloy ev Houghton, Drug- gists. Go to N. Harris for lino prints; 20 yards for $1. MiwniJ 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. tBSOHHKY PURE