The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tin: iai.m OlSKOON PI. C. NIELSEN, LITERARY NOVELTIES. 'KiNf SouvnV- Mini s" has been trav -liitrd into i.crmun. ami one pub lisher ciunl'yv.i". it as 'OMTestnment Literatim;." In the eenuvntli century a p:mi Ijhlet was pul1i;.liol entitled "The Spiritual hi-inrl Pot, to Mako tlu Soul Sneeze with Devotion: Salvation's Vantage (iiouml.ov a l.oupinff Sand ior Heavy l.eltever." It is Niiil that when lienjamin Vranls lin propped to it art a newspaper his mother tried to di&Mindc him from it because slu- wild then- were already two papers in America ami there was no room for another. I'rrrKMiAM. in his "Arte of Kiurlish I'oosie," ereuteil two pillars of poetry in .honor of Queen Mlizaheth. Kaeh pillar eonists of a base of lines in eight syllables, shafts of four-syllable lines, and a crown in the same meter at the base. AGRICULTURAL FIGURES. Clothier and Tailor. . . Dcoidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Furiiisliino; . Good Trunks anil Valises, etc,, etc. COIL KKC0N1) AND WASHINGTON. TUB DALLES, OIL McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for Thg DaHgs DailvChronicle for 12 Months at GO Cents a month. on 5 UeeKly roiel AT $2.2S PER ANNUM. nlsxMt!. i',,."iilt i.-r, .i cui in tl.. t.-'t tanlne mm puninm-u Iowa raised '-'iO.OOO.OOO bushels of corn last year. Tiik Indian corn crop of IStW was L-C2S,40-1.00(i bushels: the wheat crop ."it'J, 400.000. in India there are 1!W cotton mills, with a.-JOO.OOU spindles and J.I.OOO looms, employing 110.000 persons. There are also eight new mills now in course of construction. Tin; canning industry is making great headway in Georgia, and. in view of the probability of a line crop this season, that state is likely to be one of the most profitable tields for fruit growers in the country. TmMai-gest grain ileet that ever left Chicago at the opening of navigation was composed of one hundred and fifty steam and sailing vessels, which left that city for the lower lake ports April 15, with ll.OOd.OOi) bushels of grain. HORSES HOESES J. S. COOPER, 9 .Comer Bam, I'XIOA' STOCK YAHPS, CVhViij;c, llh. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, wilfhold his 4th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1891?, on WEiDisrEsr), ctxjly 19. Entries should be made at once. HORSES . HORSES raff l!i siilil tiriiitit-'t'inr ! uoim't'U'tliUM to iniikoii must oceiUtm 1 r M McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O 1ST IE IT lEU -A. !R toevorroiuMilnlllHout " following blmik ( .,. .mil MMi.llmr I- to Hii-i.-l.v iiI.m'HIiIiir f The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. fvlTdtw3m JilutfrliiT in Kn;;laii(l. The recent celebration in Oermany ' of the one hundred and fiftieth anni- j vcrsary of the birth of Prince l.luechcr j naturally revive' many old stories of the fanioif. field marshal. When, after Waterloo, he went to Kngland with the Icing of l'ru.-Ma and thecrarhe had the title of LL. D. conferred on him by Ox ford and Cambridge universities. He , was everywhere welcomed with the highest honor and enthusiasm, and on one occasion was. carried to hi.-, lodg ings by the crowd, who lus.-.ed his i 'hands and knees. In answer to some ' ladles who begged him for a lock of ' his hair he saiu, with a smile, pointing vto his bald pate: "I regret that I am. so , poor in that respect.' Hut he could not content them till he had divided j his cloak among them. J. O. MACK, FIflE Wli$ and LIQUOR CUT THIS OUT AND BEND IT TO UB. DOMESTIC And KEY WEGT CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PAHST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 .SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OK. 'uhlishers Cll KOMCLI':, & Tlw Dulles, Or.: )'oii, will dense send l mij address the DAI L )' i Cll.HOA'lCL K for IJ months from d.aie, for whieJi 5 a'rce lo naii (10 els. u month, il Im'ui-g u,n.derstood Hi ill iou arc lo have sen I lo mij address for I ijear, without extra ehare, MeCL UJIU'S MAGAZIXU, commend ni with the ear rent number. g A ante, V Date ,'lddress CALL AT OUR OFFICE mid j-eo tin entertaining niul finely illustrated McC LURE'S M A C AZ I N E, This Is the Season Of thcVcatt IXXhen Judicious Advertising Pays. 5 O O .A. i hi which lm.i nnioiiL' ItM'niitrllititoro tlio tmit Mich wilier THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The CorriiKiiteil ICilililiiiK next Door C'nurt llnuw, K. L. .Stevmii'on. liudyard Kipling, A. Coiuin Dovle, Octave Tlianet, William Dean Howells, Ilret Ilarte, Clark Kussell, .Joel Chandler ilarris, raniDUi ntitlinrs In America mnl KliKlainl. Ilieluilliii; , ri us ti-r..liim ina i Handsomely f nraishefl Rooms to Bent by the Day, Week' or Montli. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. (ood Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. ''Mv little bov was verv bad ort" for two j 'iiionlhs with diarrluea. We used var-1 -"ious medicinei, also called in two doc- -tors, but nothing done him any good tin-! til we lifted Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera J and Diarrluea Kemedy, wliich gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the belt medicine made and tan conscientiously recommend it to all who need a diarrluea or colic medicine. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. and .30 cent bottles for sale bv lllakelev & Houghton, druggists. FHASER, Proprietor. TheDrlles Wasco County, Oregon, WOOD, WOOD, tVOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Offico .Second and Jeffer son streets.) iiiuil Joli I'riiitiiiK. If you have your job printing done at The Cjiuoxiclk you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of tho most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. Go to N. Harris for tine prints; 20 yards for $1. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, &c. Tho Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at tho head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its tr.ulo reaching as far south as Summer Like, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Cas cades furnishes pasturo for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries arc the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year n revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled tho warehouses, and ull available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its sio on the coast and its nionoy is scattered over and is being used to develop more funning country th an is tributary to any other city in Eastern Orcon. Its situation is unsurpassed, its climate deliglitful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these rner stones she stands. Thomas llardv, llaniliii (iarlaud, .1. T. Trowbridge, Prof. K. S. Ilolden, .leiome 1!. .leroun1. I'rof. ('. A. Young, I'rances llodgfon I'urneU, I!. U. l!oye."eu, Theodore Koosevelt, Unhurt llarr, Io:iiiiiii .Miller, Henry M. Stanley, Oilbert I'arker, Archibald Forbes, John Itttrroimhs, Andrew Lani;, .Mrs. Kobt. Louis StevetiMni, Catnile Flunimurion, Sarah Orne .lowett. F. Marion Crawford, Lillie Chase Wynuin. Dr. .1. K. Hillings, .Margaret Deland, Harriet l'rescott Spollbrd, W. K. Henlev. Herbert I). Ward, Kdward Kvurutt Hale, Capt. Cbarlen King. ICIizalwth Stuart Phelps, Louise Chandler .Moulton, , Knch mimU'r of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE i'oiiUIiih two lt.iiilntoIy llluMratcil tutor? wltli Mich (nmniiM jivoplo im .lules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Alpbnnse Duudet, Fruuccs Hodgson Burnett, Thomas A. F.dison, Camile Flununarion, Tissandier, tlie famous V, Hopkinson Smith, lCdwurd Kvurutt Hale, French Balloonist, II. II. Itoyeseu, I'rof. Oruhntn Hell. unit many others, lmvo fiirnlsliiil muterliil fur eiin'clally prepared lntervlewt whleli will niieiir Inlly lllnstrnti'il in this innulne. Kueli numher eontiiiiiM two or three, short Morten by famous author.-). Kill ly Illuitr.iteil Htorle will nlear in cirly numher hy Thomas Hardy, William Dean llowells, It. L. Stevenson, Uudyard Kipling, Ilret ilarte, Sanih Orne .lewett, Joel Chandler Harris, Harriet I'rescott Spollbrd, Octavo Tlianet, Conan Doyle, l-'rances Hodgson Burnett, Stanley . I. Woyuiau. H13NKY M. STANI.KV w 111 eontrllmte, especially for yoiiiic readers, n tlirlllliiKly hiterlliiK toryof Afiirmi Ailvcntuie NATCKAL HLSTOKY AND ADVICNTI'lti:. There will 1m- hcvvml articles written hy Unymond niathuiayt, who has been enlleit hv Mr. W. T Steail the best Interviewer in KukIiiiiiI, from material furiilslu il him by Kqi-i liaganbaa'k, of Ham burj;, thojjrejitanimiil iiujrteriuiil trainer. TheM- articles ileal with The Captme of Wild Beasts. The Transportation of Wild Beastn. The Training of Wild Beasts. The Adventures and Kseapen of Karl Hagenbeck. Theteries will do llluslrntnl by an Kiijrlbh nrtlit of iickiionleclnei! nklll in ilrawliiK wilil iinlmaln. John lluiiitociiii!-, C. 1'. llor.DKii, Hi:. (. I'. Aiiiiorr, ami other writers bullous for their work In this ilelil, will contribute to the ruiiKiulue. Of Interest to both Voting and Old will bo 1'JiOF. .'. L. GAltNKIt'S AFRICAN KXPKDfTlON TO TIIK GOIHLLAS. ArraiiKements havi-lM-en iiiinle, in ronniH-tlon with u lemlliiK KiikIIsIi review, to publish I'rof. fiarner letters ilocrlptlvu of his prm-llt .-.xp.slltlon to Afrle.i, I'rof. inrner Is noteil tlie worlil over for the curious ami interesting Inve.stlKalloii" ho Is mirtiliiK In tlio .sen'h of monkeys, lb sallisl for Africa lii-t f?eitembvr for the Mike of further pursuing his Muillc.s in the native hauut.i of the Korilla. The Illustrations for tlnw nrtlolen will In- from hotoj:niiihH taken by I'rof. darner. The niiiKazlneiil-o contains most Interesting articles iiuiler the following comprehensive hcwls " The Kdge of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. Woareoilering this kplciidld niiigiilue with the lun.y ciiito.Nlci.K for only 7.j)n year, payable In mlvaneo or in monthly ln.stallmentsiiHileslreil. We make this excentiomil oiler in onler that We Illal' KicllriM lnn. ftlltnlM.r it will ..trl luiru btitalI whoiir.i iilreiiily i-iibM'rll)er.s may avail themelves of this opi,rtuiilty lo ecuro thl' greut uiag.iziue. Mil up the blank uml henil It In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalles, Or. III. A 1.1 llH IN Furniture and Carpets! We have added to our iiuhiiilhi i! Homplete nndertudiiu; KHtiibllHlimcnt? and as we are in no wav lonm-i'ted wltbi the Undertakers' TniHt, our prices will tie low ai'coruingly. From TERMINAli or INTERIOR Polob TIIK inn Facin RHILROHD Ik the Hue to bike TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOI i It In tint Dining Car Itoutc. It runs Thrwf) esiibilieii i nunc every ilny In tiiuyuaru gfs. paul and Chicago: NO CHANCiK OK I AltH. fompoisl of lllului: Cum iiusiirimyxsl. l'ull man llruwlug lloum Hlcei-ernot latest eiillpmcol. TOURIST SLEEl'INC Gfe'S licit that can be coiislruetisl, unit In wblclj iiceommoilatlonii are both l-'ren iind l urnliiM for holilemof l'lrnt ami .'ei'oiiil clHAa'rifkuU.Wsl tit Tin i urn t itt nn i nTTTjn If i .v continuous lino, connecting with nil llimf'; niioriiiiig uirtei linn iiiuinctiuiii"! rullniiin HUs'iier rirvntlmi can bo ecur 111 ililViiucc UiroUKIl any ugeiu oi ine rutin, THROUGH TICKETS Kiigliinil niul KuroM) can I lluuet oinco oi inoccimpauy To anil from ill pollltHlii Ainerici. lie piircbaseil lit an; 03. SANDEN'S ELEQMLC BELT rriui tiectro-macnotlc sunrENaonv. iv l airnini nm improrciaciltl ! yilS lro,wltliOut misllcliio all lWikmi rMaltlnK from over-tajatloaot l.rabi i.erro tones i iciorliuJi rh.ui niisio, kidney, liver and Ui adde rcc n" i.liV. t s t JE!,11, ''eulili. no. ThU i leclrio lie t cSnioim win cu?fi? ffvo forfeit ts,0ou.ou, ,'u Hind. Kfi'V' lho abol"t "fe r m Hiuu. Sl..laHer'?'II1'''Jlu','tt'li' o (rive Jiuuauili cl ; Uttl loiilihm IhU anUnery other utile. uuuu,tlM Wuz beuaorlllub-a l'aro)lilft,malloU,Btio(J,rrcu k.- ,-..8NDBN ELECTRIO CO., The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 EEADFiRH. C) They rea.l 'ihv Wiionlclo to Bot tho latest anil Jnobt icilable , m. Ami they nun! eery lino ,.,u ,m,w. lMl yUmt mlW tJj(1 aironiele uu Juvulunblo mlveitl liiK uieilliim. 'i'Jio neiiopuper that Koes to lho family UruMw U tho onu (0) Umt tho uUvt-rtlfceri. of tiMiiy patronlo N- wJu-n thoy iluslio to JOfcli tho jwjik'. When thoy mint your Imao thiiruiinouiieviiieiitH will bo fountl fi. the paper, lwkivcr our col uni iik mid obK-rve tho vcrlilea tlonof tin, truth of this million. Jteiiiciaber, a uiweoiii liii.juyof two tlioiikaiul H DALLES CHRONICLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Jlrowory In now turning out tho bent lleor mid Porter east oi tho Cascades. Tho lateat aiijiliimeeH for tho manufacture of ?ood health' fill Beer have been introduced, and only the flrHt-clnsB article will bo pluced on the market. worth aHiiiiK for t..roiish these. f(7S columns, c.cially ij ut cur very THE OJ-JIiO,'TCLl.: was established for tlio ox press purpose of faithfully ropropunling Tho Dalles and lho surrounding country, and tho satisfying .jnwu ui us mission is ovorywiiero apparent. Tt now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large pari of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is the host medium for advertisers in tho Inland Umpire. Tho Daily Ciiiioniulk is published every eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at 0.00 per annum. The Vkkki,v Ciiko.nicm; on Fridays of each weok at $ per annum. For advertising rates, hubseriplionH, etc., address THE CHROIXHCLE PUBLISHING CO., PAUL KREFT & CO., -DKAliKIlfi IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moat Complete and the Latest PuttoniH and DofdgnH in Pull Information eonivriiiiiL' rate, time 01 Uiiiiin, rouu'H nun oilier uutaiiH turiililuil on iiplilluatloii to W. C. ALLAWAY, AKCiit I). I'. it A. Niiv. Co,, Hi'Kuhitor unico, Till IMIlci, Or., or A. I). OIIAKtl'O;;, Ans't. (ienernl l'lutuiiKur At., 1'ortlnnil, Ha. ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E 0BEAU Candies and Nuts "iuT-ftiK; 'Specialties TOU OIU FlnoHt Ponnut Roaetor In Thu Dall 4 2c truet J.F0LC0 JOHN PASHEK, K),,.wm-lic'11 lnr Ml Paper llaiiKorH. None but tlie l,eHt brandH of tlt bliurwiiM illiuiuu uml J. W, Masury'H PaintH uwed in all our work, and none Imi t he "lost Hkllled workmen employed. Aonm or MiiHt.ry Liquid Paints No elieniical combination or eoap nitxturo. A irnt cIiihh article in all eolorH All orderH promptly attended to. 1 A" Paint fJItorj corner Thirdund WaahinRton Stn Tho Dallos, Orofou tew Columbia J-lotel. THE DALLES, OREGON, This Popular House Iliifi lately been thoroughly renovated and miwly funiinlied throimliout, and h now butter than ever prepared to fmniHli tlie bent Hotel aecomniodatioiiH of any Iioiiho in tlio -'ily. mid at tlio very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25o. Ofllcu of the fait and comuiodioiiH nppoHllhm Ktii?e to IHifur, KliiKiilov, 'i'yjli Valley, Waplniti,,, "ainiSpniiKH ami I'rliievillo in in tbo Hotel and pereoiiH Koinj to I'rlmivillo can nave 1.00 by imiiiK on thin Btiuju line. All trains stop here. Merchant Tailor, 70 Count Stuoot, Next door to Wasoo Sun Ofllcu. Hiih jiiHt received a fine lino of .Siunnji2 for Hpi int' and minunnr HiiltiimH. Conic and See tlie New Fashions. Cleaning and cpoimng to onler. HatlHfiuitioii Ktuiruutftsd. PHOTOGRAPHHR Finit piiiuiiiiin at tho Vum uoiinlF nir for bewt portraita and vlown.