The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 14, 1893, Image 3

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Saturday, JULY 15,
lUfofl'C Regular. Special. '
JTiOlJ D $1.75 $1.25
t 1.25 75
Straw 75 jo
flats. " "
I I .
i all goods Marked S
ur in Plain figures.
Pease & Mays.
ie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
isruil ii tin! l'oHtolllcu at Tim Dullt'N, OrRon,
iih koi'ouU'OIiikh nmltur.
I.nciil AilvortlHlnc.
Cents t'T line for first Insertion, unci ft OtmtH
11.... .... ......I. I...... ...I....
Mr 1 11.1; 1 nun M"i ui'ii i . uni;i .iwii.
clitl niti'H lor limn time notices.
'All limn, lint Ii-iik muni vinl lulur flitili !l ii'ritiii.t.
;;KU appear t.'m ruilawliiK liny.
JULY 14, 18fKl
Wtiutlicr fitroijimt.
ul Jorrcail or ticr.nty-Jtmr hnurt rniltny at
6 p. m. tumurrmv
riday and Saturday, fuir and
tionury temperature. I'AOiri:.
Muxiiiimii toiniiernture. 78'.
Minimum temperature, 54".
Jtivor, Ulu feet above zero.
Wind, Aorthwest
mvmFf" I)aitV HVet; Chronicle may
$rftBJfoun,t "" 1"l'" Nickflnm'n More.
tin Local Nmth
;1Ur wind
Ill lllllllllllMtllic
illNt hri'ilMifil It I tin. i.Iiki
Wlin NlliKlL flnr hi.iul mill 1
ri.wl .1... ..i.. i i... '. .fl '
Ki' .in..! nun tiiui ii. in illlTIIIIK,
MsMt Who hI(I the wind had lied:
,)Jp8?3Pnt, nil tin; muni;, hi! told the iimIi,
,nd ko it imismmI nimic tin- itnu
"iV'S imihi u riiniu 10 inc.
; " "uufi rinrfi ir irrini run uin..L' inn trim.
'i sSi no nun ii mini uie pool,
yyftS And thin Is liow thitHtury run:
VW.Sf.. tl'rl... in. .mi l,,wt til. lilt i....u fllllt"
Wo uro often miked , where is
Tlie Heulator now makoH through
ily connection to Astoria.
Wood HrotlierH are Hjiortintf a jaudy
sat cart. It ih beautiftillv colored and
:lily poliHlied.
;Tlio U(!(,'iilulor took out 105 baleH of
:1, 'JO liorHes and -10 head of Hlieep for
Iockh thiH moriiinj:.
kVlien a CaHt-ado l.tiekH' deni.en cetH
,o bender ho iu put in the ioo Iiouho,
ich generally cools him oil' in short
ie. Cold storilL'u in n hiiitohh id. tlu
trVT' Street Commissioner Mudron and En-
.gmuur xrown nave put tno water loun
,ltt!n by tho post olJiuo in Umi ehajte, and
now it ih not only a lilussim; to tho
Ithirsty, but an ornnmontas well.
The woman tramp has been heard
from in Kul-oiiu. She went into tho
(Waiting room at the depot and pulled oil"
tier shoes and ran around barefooted for
i w'ulo, and to all appearances is not in
utr rielit mind.
The I). I. A A. N. Co. now connects
ith tho Ocean Wavo for 11 WIll'll 1111(1
ileiich. Tho reirular exeuiHion
y is Saturday, return liitf on Monday,
nit thoso desirillL' lunv no at nnv Mum
'"! be carried liv tlm I ii-.ll,,.. .ki..i.
f.'juf , J v... 1.....V' fl till. I
;".'lno inakiiH tliiv-,.i, .-..,.,..!
' 'A,. --. VMtVUtll LtlllllUULlllllil.
m "Illy J t til at IICMlll I l.l Whfim
BprinL'H auonev r..ulilii.,.i. ii!rit..
i-, . . .".i.mnvi' MllllUIII
fj burned with part of its contents. No
J1, lltUlltilltli. t ...
;,gooUH were saved. CoiisIdeinlilB
criiiuoiit property wan loHt with tho rest.
IJiu Iosh falls heavllv Ilium A1V I in. Ui.
uiid iio will Juivo the syniputhy of ull!
j ii uiiuBu was a tioieetlvo fluo.
ItisBtiid tliat nearly "00 anestH for
HulliiiB liquor to Indians havo been niado
by tho deputy United Stntes marshal at
Tho Dalles durlntlio past 18 months,
ut mi aveniKO pioflt'to tho ofllcors con
Hfcted with tho arrests and commit
luuiits of t0 u jiloco. It iH u mutter of
very common belief there that there was
something decidedly crooked about tho
whole business and this is not a bit of a
secret either. Sentinel.
A female in New York Koinj; by the
name of Alice killed and actually ate her
own oH'spring twelve days old, one night
last week, and not a vestake of the little
one wiis to be seen next morning. This
cannibalistic deed was done nt the Zoo
by a lioness.
It is reported that some of the tele
phone outfit were amusing themselves
this morning by throwing a Chinaman
into the river, and that said Chinaman
afterwards got a gun and fired it several
times at his tormentors, succeeding only
in boring holes in the air.
Tho rain of last Saturday was the sal
vation and insurance of crops in this
and adjoining counties and as 'far south
of the Columbia river as lias been heard
from. It came exactly in the nick of
time and it was stifliciently copious to
be thoroughly .eflective. It ih the gen
eral opinion here that Klickitat county
will harvest this year the largest crop it
has ever produced. Sentinel.
Out on Prof. Gutoli.
Two former pupils of President Gatch
of the Washington State University met
the other day at the dinner table of the
Central, when the following little story
was overheard by a Goldeudale Sentinel
representative : One of the ,boys said,
"1 was attending the Wasco Academy
when Gatch was principal. At one
time the professor gave us boys a long
lecture about tho way we used to follow
tho girls, especially on the campus and
wound up by warning us that if any of
us were to be seen on the morrow escort
ing any of tho girlH on the ground we
must have a ten-foot pole between her
and us. Well, sir, next morning tho
last one of the big boys marched up to
tho Academy each carrying a ten-foot
pole, but pointing straight up in the air
and our best girl walking close up to our
sides. The professor thoroughly enjoyed
the joke and never attempted to advise
us on the same subject afterwards."
HuIuiii'k Trouulrft.
None of theSalein banks are cashing
city warrants. Warrants aro not at a
discount, but the banks are not making
loans or taking up paper of any kind
that they can avoid. They are pursuing
this policy to keep their supply of coin
as huge as possible. Whoio warrants
aro presented by merchants with good
accounts, they are recuived as depot-tys.
llimlli of All-.
liov. W. U. Wilson died near Mitchell
Tuesday morning, after several weeks of
unconsciousness. The remains arrived
hero this morning, and tho funeral will
take place tomorrow afternoon at 0
o'clock from the residence of Mr. Ii. S.
Not loo lo Itnlltif Coi'i.
Tho ladies of tho Relief Corps, G. A.
It., aro requested to nssomblu ut tho
residence of Mr. H, S. Huntington to
morrow afternoon at ti o'clock to assist
at tho obsequies of tho lute Kov. W. U.
Wilson. A full attendance is requested.
By order of the president.
.1. W, Nesmith 1'ost, No. 82, G. A. It.,
will nssomblu at their hull tomorrow,
July 10th, at fuHO p. in. to attend tho
fimornl of our late counado, Kov, W. II.
Wilson. Ily order,
J, M. VArrassoN,
l'ost Coiumunder.
Mr. I'red Smith of Crook county is in
the city.
Levi Clnnton of Centcrville is a pas
fenger for Portland this afternoon.
Mr. Theo. L:ebe of Portland is visit
ing his brother, lion. Geo. A. Liebe.
1'. JJedman will move to Tacoma soon,
and hasulreadv shipped his household
Misses Cassie Wiley and Dirde Anslvn
went to Portland yesterday by steamer
Miss Anslvn will return to Monmouth
Mr. John Bvrne, who was formerly
emploved by Mainr & Benton, left on
the afternoon train for Portland, where
lie will remain.
Mr. L. Bice, one of Wasco countv
prosjierous farmers, gave Tun
ci.i: a pleasant call today. Mr. Bice
thinks the county will produce the
largest, grain vield ever harvested and
that the berry will be plump and first'
Bobt. Comstock of Bowling Green. O.
Mrs. U. Harrar of Winterset, Jowa, and
A. C. Bennett and wife are visiting D.
D. Comstock of Kent, and all called at
The CmtoNiciii: office last evening. The
first experience of the visitors at camp
ing out was had at. the Dea Chutes, but
tney pee little ot romance in tne exner
ience, and while crossing the Des Chutes
unage tney were lriglitenu at the can
yon and Mr. K. Comstock, who is 70
years old, vowed that he ever got out
anve lie wouiu never go in a canyon
Columbia hotel Thomas Dunn, Du-
fur; George Gratner, Prinevillo; C G
Carimry, John Day: Peter Anderson.
Castle Rock; P Carr, Portland; John
Hulstrom, Peter Manahan, Seattle; J
Daflron, Lyle; Caepee Cropper, Cascade
JiOCKs; vv ii Williamson, Grants; John
A Hmckcy, hast Portland; John E
Johnson, New lork.
At Bake Oven, July 12th, to the
of 11. C. Booper, a daughter.
In this citv, July 1-1, 1893, to the wife
oi air. Jerea liailey, a daughter. This
young lady is tho first granddaughter
out of nine grandchildren.
In Salem yesterday, Mrs. Edith Bag
ley, daughter of Mrs. 10. E. Pentlanil,
formerly of this city, aged about 24
years, after a lingering illness of two
Use Mexican silver stovo polish.
A. O. V. W.
The grand lodge, A. O. U. W. con
venes in Portland next Wednesday.
On Tuesday evening a public reception
will bo given in tho concert hall of the
new temple. On Thursday evening
there will bo a public parade of all tho
lodges, together with tho grand lodgo,
after which tho ceremonies of unveiling
the bust of Father Upchurch will take
place. Tho parade will start at about
0 il0. Tho bust is situated on n pedes
tal on the north side of tho temple.
The dedication of tho temple has been
deferred until Juno, 1894, when tho
supremo grand lodge will bo there.
Ntivor Full.
No instanco of a failure on record
when Simmons Liver Begulutor has
been taken. It cures dyspoptfa, consti
pation and sick headache, strengthens
tho kidneys and gently assists nature.
.. , , , HiiAiti'MUiim, l'a., Jan. i!7, 1WJ.
Mil J, J. Ktill.,
HhnriibnrK, l'n.,
1)1'. AH till! I llllMI Ivrmisn'N lli'mlnnlm
(-'iiihulcH lor koiuo time mid want lo uvtliy to
tlii'lr vnlUf. 1 tried minus well iccoiiiiuoudid
nu'dU'lni'i., ImtKot no mllof until 1 used tln-M-,
mid now would not bu.wltlumt them lor ten
kllllVB llll'll COM
finding of mi Infant Uody tin iter tho
lliillroiiil llrlilK"-
Tho coroner wns notified this morning
of the finding of an infant's body, and a
jury was Mimmonod and an Investigation-
made. Tho body was found yesterday
morning at 10 o'clock by Arthur Je'nkins
under the bridge below tho Columbia
house at the edge of the water. Its color
was white and the flesh not decomposed.
Young Jenkins did not believe the dis
covery was important, but telling Ned
Gates, a boy of 17, the matter was at
once reported.
It was found to be afo'tus of about six
months, a boy, perfectly formed, but
evidently the victim of an abortion.
This is a high crime, being nothing less
than manslaughter, and it will go hard
with the guilty parties if they arc dis
covered. The following is tho verdict of tho cor
oner's jury :
"We, the jury empanelled to investi
gate the cause of the death of tho infant
found on the banks of Mill creek, find
that it was of premature birth ; that the
cause of said premature birth is unknown
to us. We find that the placing of it in
the creek is an evidence of crime ; and
such conduct on the part of those plac
ing it there is mofct reprehensible, and if
they could be found should bo punished
to the full extent of the law.
.1. K. Paok. Foreman.
C. F. Stki'hk.ns,
I. X. Cami'iiklt,,
M. McInxis."
Domestic Don't.
Yours respectfully
Cii Alans'!'.
JMirnlshed rooms to rent.
A mil v at
tho residence of Mrs. 0. N. Tliornbdry,
boeond street, The Dalloa, Or. tt
Don't forget that the patient little
woman you call your wife was once your
sweetheart. A caress now and then or
a tender word costs so little and means
so much to her.
Don't forget that the sunshiny side of
woman's nature cannot outlive coldness,
indifference and neglect.
Don't take it for granted that if she
wants a little change she'll ask for it.
Don't meddle in afTairs of the house.
The man who gives out the week's wash
and counts the cost of all household
moves is a simple nuisance.
Don't bolt from your evening table to
your club and leave the poor soul, who
would like to enjoy your society, to the
horrors of an evening alone. Kemetn
ber that the tenderest mother and the
most untiring housekeeper would enjoy
an occasional chanye from tho nursery
and home duties.
The I.Uely Kccorder.
A hobo, arrested for stealing a jar of
fruit and begging, was fined $10 this
morning. A drunk and disorderly was
fined $5, for which lie gave up a fine re
volver for securitv. A row at the
"white house" resulted in Nightwatch
man Gibone pulling the entire occu
pants, and 20 bail was produced for
their reappearance tomorrow.
There are eoiiic patent medicines that
are more marvelous than a dozen doc
tor's prescriptions, but they're not those
that profess to cure everything.
Jh very body, now aim tnen, teels "run
down," "plaved out." They've the
will, but no power to generate vitality
They're not sick enough to call a doctor,
but just too sick to be well. That's
where the right kind of a patent medi
cine comes in, and 'does for a dollar what
the doctor wouldn't do for less than five
or ten. We put in our claim for Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
We claim it to be an unequaled rem
edy to purify the blood and invigorate
the liver. We claim it to be lasting in
its effects, creating an appetite, purify
ing the blood, and preventing bilious,
typhoid and malarial fevers if taken in
time. The time to take it is when you
first feel the signs of weariness and weak
nm. The time to take it, on general
principles, ie .now.
A Stiihhoni Dog.
The bulldog lias m an ages been ro-
izarded as an animal endowed with a
high degree of courage and deterniina
tion, not unmixed with silent ferocity.
But sometimes the cieaturo does not ex
ercise that quality which is fittingly de
cni lKn.l ,ic tint "better nart. of vnlnr
There aio instances when this breed ol
dogs emulates the example of the rash
bull which attempted to butt a locomo
tive from a hi idge. A case of that kind
oecured very early this morning on Mor
rison Mreet between Seventh and
Eighth. A largo bulldog had a misun
derstanding with one of tho street-cars.
Just how it happened no one seems to
know; but tho animal must have been
foolish enough to dispute tho right of
tho wav. Theio could bo but one result
tho cur went on, but tho dog, alas, re-
maiucu on tne spot, its emtueii una
gory (teat n tiiouiu no a warning to all
rash and stubborn dogs. Telegram.
Tho Dalles City will connect with
either Ocean Wavo or Lurlino every
ovening for llwaco und Long Boach.
The D. P. and A. N. Co., will sell round
(rip tickets at reduced rates on and af
ter today.
A net Ion Silct.
I will sell on Saturday, the 15th, at 2
o'clock p. in. at the Saltmarsho stock
yards, ouo pair of o-year-old geldings,
gentle and broke to work.
J. C. Mkins,
Administrator estate W. J. Miji.ns,
Mexican Silver stovo polish causes no
Wo aro determined to make largo sales, therefore we will
inakocutHin prices that will surprise you. Here are a
few prices to suit tho hard times for tho present:
20 rdsJPintfUicjMbr $?00
3 pairs Ladies' Full Finished Hose, for. .25
3 6incy5?nL?loJiV'ei5' for - - 25
3thinTowels (TriliJor -25
2 Fancy Tidies, for 25
Parasols, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and Embroideries,
Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c.
Everything in proportion. Save money while you have
tho opportunity. F"This sale is good for 30 days only.
Como and bring your friends. You won't regret
Cor. Conn and second Sts.
The Dalles, Oregon.
SpriM ill mm m Goods,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(jests' piirT;i5f7ir;3
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
t cas, H. Herbring.
At the Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
ay, Graii?, peed ar?d flour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Ci2x i3tlcL for Eggs and roxxltiy.
Ml goods delivered free and Promptly.
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his home
produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody.
Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
to be Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon.
These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern
Oregon, and can accommodate patrons Avith either Single
or Double Kigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night.
Alto, can furnish First Clast accommodations to teamsters with freight
or driving teams, having added to their stables largo feeding and wagon room.
Commercial Patronace Solicited.
Have You Seen
Spring Millinery Goods
112 Second Street,
A. 'V