The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 14, 1893, Image 2

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L' &i
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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
A .ii:t.t.v fisli tif ton pounds when
r I dried woiglis about ten irniin.
i Tin: occupants of u balloon a mile
! liitli command ti radius of ninoty-Mx
! miles.
'Vmi hmu-M itiul muscles of the human
body are capable of over one thousand
tWhundred different movements.
ii:ok. of Ilnmliuvg. has
SUliscmi'TloN hates. , that tlies can inf0l!t enables.
HTMAii.(posTAoPBrAii)WJvi!c. tfsceinllv sauces, with eholera
wi-ta:::::::::::::::..::::::r,iSiBcr,m.1 '
" 3 " Tiik imperial health oflieer of Herlin
D"ly'6 month: ." '. '..: noo L:ms that the juice of both the orange
Entered at the l'ostofllcc at The Dalle, Orepon
H8 Kccoml-clnss mutter.
William Tell
Your hither tlml wo poll
Address nil commtintcfltion to"TllK CIIHON
tCLE," The Dulled, OreROii.
Sn. m. to 7 1 1. m.
.S a. ni. to 4 V
., in. tolOn. in.
and the lemon is fatal to the eholera
bacillus in a few hours.
Tin: shark manifests a distinct liking-
for certain races, and will eat an
Asiatic in preference to a nejrro, and n
European rather than either.
In the United States l.S.-.O towns and
cities are equipped with electric lights.
Jsi.vrnr.N ounces of gold are MitUoiont
to gild a wire that would encircle the
HavIn(,'forI.ioAlIiirHaml..S:sOa.w. , eartn.
" " tAntcloiw .. .. 5::n. m. Tin: cuckoo never inalces a nest, but
lays a solitary egg in the nest of some
other bird.
Tin: average weight of the male in
fant" at birth is seven pounds; of the
female six and one-half.
Fou inllamed eyes: Into a little
milk nut a lump of alum, and hold it
dtticrnl Delivery Window
Money Order " .
Sunday ii ') "
trains point; Knt. . .9 p. m. ami 11 :) n. m.
" " West . .11)1. m. and j. m.
Stace for cioldcndale 7;80ii. m.
" l'rincvillo 5:3) a. m.
"Duftirniid Wnnn Suriiies. ..5::x)n. m.
tTri-weckly. Tiieninv Tliurs-dny and Saturday. I
1 " .Monday WediiOMlay and Krlday.
JULY 14,18911
The high crime which was discovered
in this city yesterday by the finding of
the body of an infant deserves the sin
cerest condemnation. If the baby was
the child of shame, which is more than
probable, it did not deserve death at
tho hands of its mother. Whatever the
social consequences the mother would
have done far better in the eyes of the
law, humanity and God, to have given
the child a natural birth, and thence
forth have cared for it cither herself or
have placed it in the hands of one of
the numerous institutions in the conn
try for this purpose. Her lot can never
be a happy one, with tho fearful crime
of murder unnecessarily added to the
lesser one of adultery. There are some
women who are strong enougli to go
through this ordeal oi iire; who nobly
survive the stings and taunts of "out
raged society," and come forth yet
strong in their humanity, and renounc
ing their evil, become the truest
of wives and the moat loving of mothers.
But weaker ones shrink from the con-
over a gas jet: when it curdles, lay the I erfut.tlv hnrnilo
curd on a soft linen cloth and bind 1ri. ,md oasief
gently over the eyes. ,,,,1, tho .
XonTHWKSTinix r.vivr.nsiTV has '.'.."iOO
students, and has added eight new pro
fessors thi year.
Tin: University of Michigan has r.00
women students, two Japanese girls
being among the number.
Or the (JO. 00(1 students in the Ameri
can universities and colleges, Ohio has
one-tenth, New York ranks next, then
Pennsylvania, fourth Illinois.
lli3si:u. Saok of Xew York has ap
proved plans for a dormitory which he
proposes to erect for the Troy female
scminarv. It will er-.t 10().0C0.
catty ii4HT.tso
As flood as new
1 that's the condition of liver, stom
ach nnil bowels, when Dr. Pierce's
: Pleasant Pellets have done their
i work. It's :t work that isn't fin
ished when you've stopped taking
: them, either. It's lasting. They
i cure, as well aa relieve. And it's
' alt done so mildly and gently !
j There's none of the violence that
! went with the old-titne pill. One
tiny, sugar-coated Pellet's a gentle
laxative three, to four act as a
cathartic. Sick Headache, JJijious
! Headache, Constipation, Tndigcs
! tion. Jlilioiis Attacks, and all do
1 raiigeinents of tho stomach and
bowels, are prevented, relieved and
' cured. As a Liver Pill, they're nn-
cqualed. lhey re purely vegetable,
the smallest,
st to take.
apest pill vou can
buy, because they're flttaranUcd to
give satisfaction, or your money is
You only pay for the flood you
get. Can you ask more ?
That's the peculiar plan all Dr.
Pierce's medicines aro sold ou.
i Asher John F
sequences, and so conceal their deed by Heifl' Mrs M
adilpd mill liii'bor nrinip. Tlio sitim- I Davis? .fas K
tion is complex. Society should be more
lenient to fallen women striving for a
nobler life. Yet it cannot afl'ord to be
at the cost of virtue.
Now that the Duke de Veragua has
assumed the role of beggar, Americans
will linally bo disillusioned in their
senseless adulation of the descendant of
the illustrious Chris. There is nothing
that palls upon the taste of our people
sooner than solicitation of funds, and
especially by those who have put on
such airs as has the duke. Tho state
ment that he wants nothing for himself,
but will accept money volunteered to
his family will be received with a smile
by Americans generally, who know what
beconieB of the wife's purse after mar
riage by nine-tenths of married couples.
Spain is disgraced by this shameless
conduct, although Chistopher Columbus
is too far away in the mists of the past
for obloquy to reach him.
Ailvi'rtNctl l.i'ttor.
Following is the list of letters remain
ng in the postotlice at The Dalles un
called for, Friday, July 14th, ISO.')
Persons calling for same will siive date '
on which thoy were advertised:
lilako Mr and Mrs
Geo M
Clinton Frank
Knns Abraham
Hamilton Tlio
Lacornu J
Xorth C
Powell Hev
Vest Jumpers,
Fopiv-iittms rants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
Green 11 0
Hudson Henry '
MuiHter Martin
Koller George
Tucker J C
Kiddle E K
Bernard Nellie Hull Mrs G C
M. T. Xom.v, P,
... ... ... , J I I fl t j WI-TVV
I ' I v
J D PiRISH. Prop '
III every sia, style anil print
' ;
L 1 I t Am.
n s ''im
10UI. lA-llNCSI
j'rlncviic hi .i n. m every uny, and arnvt". ni ,
The Dal in thirty-six hours
Jx-im Tin' ItaliuMit G n. m. every ilny, unil ar
rives at I'rlneviue m llimy-MX no
Is called to thti fact that
i rr . t . t r i r . t n
j ncrc is a tine in aw affairs or men which, taken at its tool
leads on to fortune."
Tho poet unquestionably had roforonco to tho
The religious and family weekly, of
which H. W. Beecher was once editor,
and whoso editor-in-chief is now Mr.
Beecher's successor, tho Rev. Lyman
Abbott, has changed its title from The
Christian Union to The Outlook. In
editorship, ownership, publisher, policy
and character it will remain unchanged.
The number dated July 1st is the first of
the new series ; it is printed from new
type, contains 52 pages, and has several
features of Bpecial interest.
South Calolina is now virtually a pro
hibition state, and liquor can only be
bought from the state government under
stringent regulations. Tho true test of
this system will not come for eomo time,
not until tho private stock of liquors is
exhausted, especially in the counties
which havo not provided for a state dis
pensary. It is a novel experiment in
law and liquor, and deserves impartial
Htudy before judgment is pronounced as
to its wUdoin.
Perhaps the most significant thing, as
showing tho financial condition of the
country, is the way in which tho bankers
and businesH men with ono voice rejoice
over tho early calling of congress. Us
ually tiiefco interests aro dad when tho
disturbing influences that gather round
u session of congress came to an end.
Hut now there is real need of congress,
aim tnesc men realize it well.
Tho Canyon City News tells of
fourth of July celebration in that town
along in tho '00s, when John C. l.uco
arose to read the Declaration of Inde
i i .
peuuence, anu read in a rich, dark
brown voice nearly half of tho constitu
tion of the United States beore Hon.
y . Lair Hill pulled tho tail of JoIiii'h
coat and found tho right page for him.
British India liaejnot "demonetized
ilver," but has merely ceased its freo
coinage on private account.
J.a firip)ie.
During the prevalence of the grippe
the past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped all of the
troublesome after effects of the malady.
This remedv seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, chestand lungs, and has cured
cases of asthma and hay fever of long
standihg. Try it and be convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at
Snipns & Kinersly's drug store.
Strength and Health.
If you are not feeling strong and
healthy, try Electric Hitters. K "la
grippe" has left you weak and we;v
u! Electric Hitters. This remedy acts
directly on liver, stomach and kidneys,
gently aiding those organs to perform
their functions. If you are afflicted with
sick headache, you will find speedy and
permanent relief by taking Electric
Hitters. One trial will convince you
that this is the remedy you need. Large
bottles only 50c. at Snipes k Kinersly's
drug store.
Carlies the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Kxpress
Connects nt l'rlii'llle with
Stages from Eastern anil Southern Or
egon, Northern California anil
all Interior Points.
Aim makes clo-e connection nt The Dullen with
trins ftoni 1'ortlaiKl and Hastern ioints.
. Courteous driTfirs.
.' tlotd acscmmodatioas along the road.
. First-class coaches and Horses used.
.' Express matter candled with special care.
Hugh Glenn, Clesi-Om t m
Slclti-I Ar C'o.'h Ntoro,
UmntlllH Ilimm;
file Ilitlleh.
Art Teacher
Room .1, EettiiKjen Jiuihliiiy,
Will civc Jys&ona Mondays anil Thiirnlat. of
oieli week, or oftencr if ilcircd
Dealer in GlasH, Lime, I'lastur, Cement
and Huilding Material of all kindr.
Crrl tlii K liitI.iin if
Picture Mouldings
To be found in the City.
72 LQashington Street.
The Dalles
Gigaf : Factory
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-red ucod rates.
PTfr- A P of thw 15ef" "rands
VAvT-rxXXO manufactured, and
ordcru from all parts of the country lllled
on the shortest notice;.
Lace Curtains
I Tire reputation of THK DALLES Cl-
UAIt IniH Ijecomo firmly established, and
the demand for tho homo manufactured
article in increasing every day.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order, i
i:tH Kecouil HI.. Tilt. Or.
The Snug
COeis., and
Karl'B Clover Hoot, tho new blood
purifier, given freshnesB and clearness to
the complexion und cures constipation.
25c 60c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipea &
Kincrsly, druggists.
l'or Uent.
Roomfi to rent nt Rov. A. Ilorn'fi resi
.duco on Ninth street. 0-23daiv,
cuinj l.oMSrl", Jtoncai-rii t,,fiom 'i'iiroat,
Criipiirii.jutly:r el iU JiooiilnirC'uiiKli
anil Asi.ium. r,r CwiLiimptlr, i it h is in
rlvil: ; iii.'j'ureilt.t'j.i . Kin, t icniutliei .
.iiudi vfllciJitr mi it tu .i r, iin ri . foul
by I)ru8ls rn n i .I'.irit . V r r.nrac Ilaei
crCiusr.uii' .s via;'ij;u. Wets:
Vnr hiiIo hy Hnipon & Kin,rHy.
I 111 r r. -r fll . w ....
W. H. BUTTS. Pron.
I No. 90 Second Srnot, Tho Dalles
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portlp-nd, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, end get them on
r l: x i: s i
East End Second St.
xo.uu up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
V i;t U-.vA Fit (luurillllenl.
TU C Jully livening Chronicle h io'coiilwj
iMIlusClty folks'
in. Homo j
vuteh the
tho pJcloi
111 iiiiiHfity unit iii)rtitnce. Tk it iiwIiIIl..
11 K!,V':A'''la nyiwL'iiw or .mr Wt
v,,"-n ni-ii uiu i-u ii i k ill in w
ns oHMitliilly tho homo ii,iik.t for tho
I y folks' UnM C Thli ll not al"'i
miccmll in Ble-inlni; the Held, nMi KTTt'v ' ' 15, Mk"' Com
i I t rt r-v w m.
hilly for tlio KplcleNt Iw,il news. Jt r M P tlR
you who don't i try foino ofiu premium ollert,
Of lit Molnen, Iowa, writes under diilc of
March 'J3, JWW
No Fit, No Pay.
Union St., opp, European House.
Dllfnr. Ori'i'nn
Gentlemen :
On arriving homo hint week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
HttlO Kirl, eight and onu-half yearn old,
who had wasted away to 118 jjoiiimIb, Ih
now well, fitronir and vigorous, und well
fleshed up. S. B. Cough (Juro haH done
tH work well. Iloth of tho children like
it. )our h. Ii. Cough Cum hat) cured
and kept away all hoarsened from mo.
t, R r url. ?ver' mw wlth reetliiKH
lor all, isliing you prosimi ity, wo are
.UK, illllH. .1, p. POM),
Bold under n potltivo BUiiruutee,
JO cent pr bottle by ull UrtiexUta.
J iih well known Hland, korit liv the
well known W. U. jjutta, long a roHi
ih;nt of asto eonnty, haH an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herders Delight and Irish Dislurbane
In fact, all tho loading hrandfi of fin
inen, LiquorH and Oigarn. Givo th
old iiiuii a call and you will coino again
Wiseman & Warders,
Tho Dalles,
Wine Rooms
Court HtreotH.
11 : i'.(nVS, ,"lH,H 1 I'l'ith'd oii the old ntiiipuroiiinl.iit the INirkH mid
1-iillH of lltNMl river, with hirKe.HKhtly lolH.hroml Hlnelhnnd iilleyn, uoimI hiII
aiidpuiiiwiiUir.wlth'iliii.loiiiprofii'.fiMi riVetdniliiuKf.delleliifi 1 inn nil iln
TiXS I! !'Vn '",,"",f!"," .'I)!'""':?..!1'""1 "ir . yv"i.
........... .... ... ..... i in mi iituiiicHT tin n i liuiiiijimiirini?
,u i'.'"- l"" ."Hiurii eeiilcr for wmni,' m(W f ii,0 i)e.t ,...,lir i,
i !,. iu ', i, iv. ""!!' ""rV ',im,'r "' 'l-'tlHiiB MrwuiiH mid wider
w.'t u ir ' T'1, W,H'"' ,'l!,;"l' "l.VUv'' l"',!r "X'"N- '"' "'im,
luelnili'N Will ee ler. K irioiliiihd In n i.n. ..Il.,,,.i.. ,i,.,i .......IIM
Miiywherofor Imlt mnl i.L.rl..Mlt,,'r., L ,V". ' '. ' ' . .?..;: (
you will llml t Id k the plrnr to uiiiko ii porfeet hmiie or u payiim liiu'ltl
See me on the ground, oa
aaaress me at Hood Kiv3
Wasoo County, Oregon.
W. Ross Winans.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughhred fowls.
1 eggs
"(1 eggs
. 11.00
KuderHhy, Or.
Pipe Work, Tin Repairs and Roofing
CM.,.-. rm i r. . - .1 tf.ial
ijuuu on j mra oiroot. noxt door wh! nf Yrmni? cV.
BlackBinith iS'iop.