Z)c walk Cl)t0nick m vi. THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 189;?. NO. 24. Dalles Daily Chronicle. I'iiIiIIhIii! Pally, Holiday Kxfcjittil. OIIRONIOLK PtJItUSHING CO. Vr nmiinu mm n nuiiiiKui't nnwic, l)llm, OruKOii. Ilie Tnriim nf Hlilmrrlptloii tvar aunwi. uy chitiui . ... .C(X) r. Trmii taiu.ks. KullrouilH. KAKT IIOIINII. lvc II Mft I'. M. Depart i: mi r. . WKST IKIIINII. Tlvi:i:u.r. a. m, DcimrtH :i:in a. m. cm (rclKlitu tlmt curry ihwhciirith leavu tliti went at 7'IK a. m. .iiiiii one mr ine U. a. i. r). HC'IIKNCiK, I'reNldent II. M. IlKAM. Cimhlcr. pfst Rational Bank. ;he dalles. - - - OREGON A General Bunking BiiHinew) transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collection!) made and proceeds, promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Sun Francisco and Portland. DIRBOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck. El). M. Wii.mamh, Gko. A, Likbk. H. M. Bkau,. STAIIKH. Oven, leave dully I'rtneville, via. .x. Intelnne, Mltelicll, l.unyon i;uy, icuvu itr. a . m . Dulur, Kltm'sluy, Wiimli!, Wupinitlu, Warm I'liil J virii VUliey, icuvu uuny icccii y) ut 0 A. M. iWCIMiaii!, nusn., leave cyvii wiy w mu iMit Holiday at 7 A. M. i fur all linos at tliu Uinatilln House FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A (I KN KRAI. NANKING MJHINKHH I)tterH of Credit issued available in Eastern States. ' J'KOFKSSIONAI. Ml. RIDDKl.lr- Attoiu!KY-at-I,aw- ,-Ciiurt Htreot, Tliu iiiiiich, uri'Kii". Otllco fUlIFUK. FKANB MKHKr KK. III. ,1- I NK 'KK ATTOIlNKVn - Al' Qu.Aw-UminiM VI mill 4. over rom BtilltiliiR, r.utrmiw on iiniiiiiK'u Ditt-ui tlleti, Oregon. 01 The MiiHSFF fteo in HoIihiiiio'h ImlldliiK. ti Ntulm. g,OrcKon. Y. H.B.lllINTIMHTON. II. 8. WII.KOH. IM1NTINC1TON it WII.HON ATTOli ITh-at-law OIHi:en, Fruiicirh mock over itillllHl IIHUW. ' !1 ' UUIieH. Un-RDll W I litON ATTUKMK Y-AT-I.AW ROOIIIII reuuli & Co.'h Imnlc building, Mecona ho DhIIuh, Oregon. flCHIIKI.V.AN (IIdm.koi'athh:; I'iivhician U HU1UJKUN. I.IIUH uiwwereu liroiiipH), xilBlit, elty urcmiiitry. Olllcu No. HO mid mmii uiock. " ). I). DOANK 1MIYH1C1AN AND HUU- Sbun. Office: rooms D hhu g cnupman KcKlauui'u' n. r.. comer i.oun mm itruuto. ifit mil diMir (mm tliu coruur. hourH l. to 12 A. M., 'I to f. mill 7 to 8 1'. M. m mmo SmlDDAI.I. IIKNTIST. IIIW KlVfll lor UIU '.jialiili'MB uxtriKttlon of tuutli. AIho iuviii flmvi'd itltimliiiiin tiluto. Rooiiih: HIku of illicit Tooth, buuoml Htruot. HOUIKTIKN. BCO LOlKii:, NO. Ifi, A. K. A A. M. MootH firm mm tlilril Monday oi viiuii imintii in lib JtOYAI. ARCH OlIAl'TKIt NO. f..- in Masonic flail tliu thlru edm.'Mly outh ut7 1'. M. N WOODS! KN OK TIIK WORM). CM- 111. HimhI (,'iuiiiiNo. f9, MootH Tumlayuvo ti wcok In Fruturnlty Hull, ut7::l) .. I "iUitKBIA I.ODUK, NO. r., I. O. O. V. Mvut J 9try Friday cvcuIiik at 7::!U o'clock, In K, mlt. 'Mil, coruur Hvcotid mid Court utrtiutH. MMWne liroiuurN arc welcome. . OWOnii, Hcc'y. II. A. 1Iu.i.h,N. (i. DSIIII' 1.0DGK. NO. 9.. K. of I'.-HuoIh ry Moiuluy evuutiiR ut 7:'.M o'clock, in i'h liuililiiiKi coruur of Court mid Hecond Hojourullif; inumborM uru conllally in W. H. Cium. ,Vauhk, K. of U. mill H. 0. (!. 1U.Y NO. WS1, K. OF I..-Meotn in K. .hull thu Kifoml mill fourth Wed net null month at7::w y. m. KN'H ('HKIHTIAN TKMl'KRKNOK ION wll in3ot uvury rrlihiy ufturiioon k nt the rumlliiR room. A Hare Invited. ItlKO No. W)l, I. O. ). T.-Ui'Rllliir ly meotiiiKN I'rlilny nt ti I'. m a Hull, All arc Invited. IHMAN, C. T. R. (!. I'1.K(!K, So I.ODOK NO. II. A. O. U. W. MuotH aternitv Hall, over Kcllurx. an Kecond irktluy evenliiKH at 7 ::tu. ,WB Mthbii, Fliimiolcr. M. W. I AS. NEHMIT1! I'OST, No. (I. A. R. Meets Try buiuniuy ut 7:ao v. m In the K. of I'. 0Y ii. K. MeetHovuryHliniliiy uftwrnoon in the K.ol 1'. Hull. IAN(! VKRKIN MeotH every ivenlni,' in the k of r. nan. Kuuilny )V I., I' DIV1HI0N, No. 107 - Muotn in , of 1'. Hull thollrHt nun third Wixluin- I euuli month, at 7:i'.n i n. TIIK (IHUIU)IIKH. -i - - - CKTKRH OUUROH -Rov. Father IIkonb. IK .vr J'uHtor. l.mv Mush every Kuuilny ut IllKh Miihh ut H);,U) A. M- VcHjierHKt (Al'1,8 I'HOIUJII -l.'iilon flUeoi,0poHlto fin. KuwKlID.Kll nilllelleiitoi. bervlceH iniiiiy ut u a. m. mid 7:::u : m. Kuuilny A u, Kviiillii; I'lajer on Friday at HAI'TIhT (IHURCII Ruv. O. 1). TAY- lit. 1'jldlitr Al...ili.. ...'1..-. i.ni.,1. U.,1.. W1t the maileim- ut 11 a. ii. Knhliat h niK'iJlutoly uftor uioriilliR uorvlfON. rrnee Iiik I rlilay ovoiilng ut I'UHtor'H renl. UlllOII !crvlf,h: lii II 111 HlllIt 1wtlti.lt lit lViirfi tnuk' i , .. UUivriH, rumor, rvIccHuvorrKundnviit 11 nun ? n r i:n...i .1.. . . . J- (MM UOH Itov. J WjiihUiit, lmstitr, HcrV'll'l'H i Vt'I V Sllllllnv liinrniiiiMit 11 1. 1.. ii 11 l 11 i 1 . bi . r l r 1 1 1 ii it 1 1 1 1 r it I'm 11111 ik i r mi hi. tit iir i.nt . ..j. 1 . . 1 HIr PIA (lllinil'ir IM , 1 w 1.. JNthtor, 1 riioliliiK in tlio Cuiiifivmithiiin nlv hivHi'ii . I ill ut nr Wiirt'ld.iL ii II i it V ' he Sight Exchange and Telegrajihic TrariHferHHoldon New York, Chicago, St. IxhiJh, San FranciHco, Portland Oregon, Seattle WuhIi., and varioiiH pninlH in Or egon and WaHhington. Collections miule at all points on fav orable lerniH. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oil. Premdont Z. F. Moody Vice-President, - Ciiaiu.ks Hilton Cashier, M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchangee Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FKANC1SC0, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR Collections made on favoreble terms at all ucceanible jiointe. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmitn & Wagon shop General BlackBtnithing and Work done promptly, anu all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Licbc's old Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kintlH of work in his lino at reiisonablo figures. Has the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles s. L. YrOUNG, JEWELER WutohcH mid Jewelry reimlred to order on niton notice, anu Hiuifitietiou Kiinrmiieeu AT THK Htoro of I. C. NuikelMMi, Uil Ht. Tim I)all Chas. Allison, Deuler In 4HCE Headquartors at dims. Lauer'e. llavlllir had It line luirvi.st i if linlllml lei, -.tint l.cHt in the world. I 11111 lireimi-ml In ftiriilkh In any quantity mid ut bottom irlcen. CHAS. ALLISON. C. P. STEPHENS, OlSAIvfcCR IN Dry Goods 1 Qlothing IllllltH, HIlOOH, HlltN, Ktll. FanciJ Qood, Jotioii Kin. i:tc. Ktin, Sooond St., The Dalles. WAKE UP. If you wako up in tho morning with a titter or bad tasto in your mouth, Languor, Dull Headache, Despondency, Constipa tion, take Simmons Liver Regulator. It corrects tho bilious stomach, sweetens tho breath and cleanses tho furred tongue. Children as well as adults sometimes cat something that does not digest welj, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness a gooa dose of Regulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy chat it can bo taken by tho youngest infant or the most delicato person, without injury, no matter what tho condition of tho system may be. It can do no harm if it doe3 no good, but it3 reputation, for 40 years proves it never fails in doing good. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freignt anfl Passenger Line Through daily wervice (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and' Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade IxK'ks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles Citv leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 0 a. 111. con necting with steamer Regulator for Tho Dalles. I'ANNCNUKl! KATKrt. One way Round trip ..'.08 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Muprneuts for way laudiriKS must bo delivered before p. in. Live stock shipments solicted. ("all on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (ivnerul Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Geuem! IHuiiuger. THE DALLES. OREGON Fesh Paint I W. C. UiuiKltT hereby i-endH JHh coiuiiiimeiitN to every friend And enemy if he hut. utiy l!o they few or be they ninny. Tho time for imlntlnK now has corn, And every one, detlren 11 home That looks fresh and clean mid new, Ah tiouu but 11 good painter can do, I'lilutlug, puiierlne mid Klnzltifr, too, Will imike jour old houso look quite new, lie will take your work either way, llythejob or by tho day. If you have work Kivo him 11 call, He'll take your oulers, lart;oor t-ninl), Kehiiectfully, W. C. GILBERT. I'. O, llox No. 1!, TNL DALLES, OH. The St. diaries Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has boon entirely refurnished, and every room lias been rbpiinered and repaintei and newly carpeted throughout. Tho house contains 170 rooms and is mtppliuo with every modern convenience. Kate; rciipouablo. A good restaurant attached to tho house, Krer bus to ami front all trains. C. VV. KNOWLES, Prop. STILL MORE HOPEFUL Sncli was tiio Feeling Yesterday Among New York's Bankers, GOLD COMING HACK TO AMERICA Over Half a Million Arrived Yesterday and One Million Has Hccn En gaucd in London. Nkw Yohk, July 13. This afternoon the hopeful feeling among the bankers became more pronounced. Frederick I). Tappen, president of the Gallatin National bank, said that one of the mist necessary things was tho resumption of the normal relations between the sub treasury and the clearing-house. Jib cleanng-houho loan certificates were is sued today and none were retired, but it is known that if the same easy condition prevails next week, some of the large banks' certificates will then be retired. Tappen said this afternoon that there would not be trouble in the money mar ket. Money, he said, would be proba bly easy right along, and wi'thin the next week or ten days there would be a superabundance of currency here, par ticularly in notes of small denominations. Gold Coming Hack. New Yoiik, July 13. Gold is expected by steamers leaving the other side Sat urday, but the amount is not known. Representatives of foreign houses gen erally look for gold imports in the year, provided some settlement is made of the currency question, and credits falling due in August are extended by foreign capitalists. As for the immediate fu ture, they do not, as a rule, expect much gold to come this way. SOMETHING MOKE DEFINITE. New Yoiik, July 13. Today $500,000 in gold arrived from Havana and $123, 000 from London. The Post has advices from London that $1,000,000 has been engaged for shipment to this country. LOOKING l()l: COMETS. Professor Wiggins I'reillcts tho Appear ance of One Soon. Ottawa, Out., Julv 13. Professor Wiggins says that in two or three weeks a very brilliant comet will be seen in the northern sky. He has been watch ing for some weeks for a comet, which he says is tho large variable star seen by Cornelius Gemma in 1570, in the constellation of Cassiopea, as its re appearance was about due. In 1864 he announced that Gemma's star, usually called the star of Rethlehem, was only a large comet at its perihelion, when its halo surrounded it and gave it the ap pearance of a star of the first magnitude. He considers that his theory has been proved now, for on the night of the 8th inst. he saw for a few minutes, between tho clouds and near the pole of the hea vens, a star of the sixth magnitude mov ing rapidly sunward, which lie pro nounced a comet, and which is seeking a nearer perihelion than in 1570. On its return from the sun it will be very bril liant. It is now, he says, probably be low the horizon. It AM INTO A SWITCH. 8I1 or Kerii IVople Were Inatantly KIlUil. NKWiiuHiiii, X. Y., July 13. The west-bound West Shore train ran into an open switch half a mile south of here at noon, and a bad smash-up resulted. Four bodies have been taken from the wreck. A large number were badly in jured and are being taken to the hos pital. It is said eight to ten were killed, and over a dozen hurt. Tho train consisted of the engine, baggage car, three day coaches and a sleeper. It ran at a high rate of speed into tho freight train on a sliding, caus ing a general wreck. The trainmen jumped and escaped, except one who was slightly hurt. Six or seven were killed, aud io . i-'JO injured. Tho dead include four unknown women and a lit tle child. The train was a few minutes late at Cornwall, and made tho distance from that place to the southern limit of Newburgh at a very rapid rate. It crossed Quussick creek, a mile t-outh of the station, and ran a few rods j'tuther under tho Pennsylvania Coal company's bridge, then ran into an open switch, then ran into the West Shore yard. In that yard a train was standing ready to pull out on the main track. The d;iy express engine struck tho height engine with terrific force. The engineer jumped, but was a little lateand was slightly hurt. The llromau also jumped and escaped uninjured. The train crashed throned the fi ."lit ai.d u'l !u pastieiigercuiH were more or less smashed. Day couch 71, following tho sleeper, Ind its side torn otl'iuul the trucks torn out. Tho scene in this car was terrible. Several persons were killed outright, and nearly all the rest were more or less injured. Thoso who were able to walk started out on foot for tho station, and were seen with bruised anil bleeding faces making their way painfully and slowly in the hot sun. World' Fair Holocaust. CiiiCAtio, July 13. The day opened clear and hot, but tho scorching rays of the sun did not suffice to keep the peo ple away from the world's fair grounds. Workmen on the ruins of tho cold storage warehouse made another ghastly find this morning. It was that of a human arm, and from a ring on the finger it was identified as that of Ralph Drumrnoiid, part of whose remains were taken out yesterday. Tho total list of fatalities from the fire now numbers 17, with three or four still unaccounted for. It is now believed the total will not ex ceed 20 or 23, though there is consider able uncertainty as to the number of strangers in the building when the fire broke out. Gate receipts at the fair Sunday will bo donated to the relatives of the dead firemen, and several city theaters will also give benefits for them, so that a handsome sum is sure to be netted. Memorial services will be held at the grounds Sunday. lMtEi'ARiNt; ron accidents. The national world's fair commission today adopted a report recommending that fire-escapes be put on the world's fair buildings on which the public are in the habit of going, and that a body of men be employed and provided with implements for pealing the walls and rescuing the people in case of fire. TOOK VKUAGIIA IN ItllSTKI). I'lenldniil I'liliner In Sorry I'oor Itiikn. Fur tlin ' 1 lioH. InOiVifVLMER, actual want. The in some newspapers Corbett H an Instructor. Chicago, July 13. Champion Jim Corbett, who is punching the bag and giving boxing exhibitions at the natato rium in the Midway, is not looked upon with favor by the world's fair directors. He is likely, unless he leaves off of his own accord, to be ordered to cease his exhibitions. "The fair," said Ferd W. Peck, "is intended as educational for the people. All the villages and indus tries in the Midway are interesting and instructive. Corbett is anything but instructive. I don't think his perform ance tends to elevate. I don't object to the vaudeville show, but will not toler ate fighting. The question will be acted on at a meeting of tho board to be held tomorrow, when a resolution will no doubt be adopted, asking the concession aire to dispense with the champion's services." Corbett is drawing good houses in the Midway and tho blow will proye a serious one financially to him. Governor Altgolil Indorsed. Washington, July 13. The Federa tion of Labor of the District of Colum bia has endorsed Governor Altgeld's pardon of the anarchists. The resolu tion was adopted witli one dissenting vote. Tho resolution contained the fol lowing : AVo also regard Governor Altgeld as a representative of that class of patriotic citizens who condemn alike that anarch ism which would destroy by brute force, and that other insidious anarchism of the judiciary and press which, by the abuse of justice, the perversion of truth and the attempted corruption of an honest public sentiment, is a menace' to the stability of the government and the social order of our republic. Last fall I was taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful dinrrhren. Soon after my wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken in tho same way. Wo used almostevery thing without benefit. Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy, which wo did, and that cured us right away. I think much of it, as it did for me what it was rerun mended to do. John Iiertzler, Pethel, IJurks Co., Pa. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Rlakeloy k Houghton, Drug gists. liuckli'ii'H A mien Salve. The best calve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, talt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all tfkiu eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay reqiiiit'd. It is guaranteed to give perfect eatlnfae tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin-erdly. Chicago, July 13. President Palmer has addressed tho following letter to George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, in reference to the proposed fund to be raised for the Duke of Veregua: "Knowing that you are familiar with the distressing financial embar rassment of our good friend, tho Duke of Veragua, I take the liberty to ask you to co-operate with me in rais ing a fund sufficient to insure the duchess and her children against story is published that he wasted a large fortune in gambling and specu lating upon the Paris bourse. I believe it to be a cruel seandal and without the slightest foundation or excuse. His estate was never large, and what little of it there was has been wrecked in ruinous investments. During his recent visit to America, his house at Madrid, with all its contents, was seized by Ihb creditors to satisfy judgments, and he returns to Spain homeless and hope less, so far as the recovery of his fortune is concerned. His grace declines to ac cept any financial aid for himself, but would be very grateful if his family could be provided for. I therefore pro pose to ask the generous people of the United States and other republics of America to subscribe to a fund which shall be permanently invested in this country for their aid. I shall ask Gen eral Horace Porter, J. M. Ceballos and J. N. Navarro, of New York, to act with us as a committee to solicit contribu tions, and would be greatly obliged if you would take an early oportunity to confer with them on the subject." lleHult of u Kalninaker'ri Itoast. Topeka, Kan., July 13. James But ler of Lyon county, has prepared papers in a case which lie is about to institute against A. U. Montgomery for destroy ing his crops by causing a cloudburst in the midst of harvest. Montgomery is a rainmaker, living at Goodland. About two weeks ago a terrific storm, which ended with a cloudburst, did great dam age in Lyon county. No warning of the storm was given by the barometer and the signal service was unable to explain it. Montgomery at once began to boast that lie had created the disturbance. Butler suffered a heavy loss as the re sult of the downpour, and now seeks to recover damages. The same cloudburst caused the wreck of a Santa Fe train near Emporia, in which a fireman and an engineer were killed. The Treacherous Tiger. Chicago, July 13. Amelia Berg, a German girl who puts trained tigers through a performance at the menagerie in Midway Plaisanco at tho world's fair, was badly hurt tonight by a new tiger. She was trying to mako tho brute sit on a stool and when he refused she tried to drag him by his fore-paws. Ho was too heavy and the girl slipped and fell. Tho tiger leaped upon her like a flash, and before tho attendants could drive him awuy lie had lacerated the girl'B right thigh in a fearful manner. Miss Herg was carried from tho arena uncon scious, and although not fatally injured, it will boa long time before she shall re sumo her work. Klder S. S. Beaver, of MeAUistervillo, Juniatta Co., Pa., buys his wife is subject to crump in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy for it, and was much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. She has since used it when ever necessary and found that it never fails. For sale by Blukoley & Houghton, Druggists. Notice. All citv warrants registered prior to July 2d, "1801, will bo paid on presenta tion of the same at my otlice. Interest ceases after this date. I. I. Huhgkt, Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., July 5th, 1893. Ask your dealer for Moxican Silver Stove Polish. Get your bathing pants from S. Harris. AN. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking bwder 13 AmQmmDt PURE