1 . inn 1 1 .? .4 0; i Mi-1 I SI i -ill js . it '1,1 y- if The Dalles Daily Chronicle. tiii: iiai.i.ks OHKOON The l'rrsbyti'rliitn. Courtiii, Ind., .Inly The follow ing circular letter lias been unit tointmy Presbyterian liiitilHtern in Indiana by Professor I bu ry V. Smith, who was re cently tried for heresy : Lank Skjunaky, Cincinnati, 0., June 21. Reverend and Uepeeted Sir; The general assembly of the Presbyterian church has gone boldly beyond its rights ill pronouncing upon the acts of our trustees. It is presumed to condemn their acts, and has directed its board of education to withhold aiil from any ttu dent in institutions not approved bv the church. This plain usurpation of power raises some questions which your advice may help to settle. First In your opinion, would it be wise to yield to the demands of tho as sembly, either directly by reversing the action of the trustees, or indirectly by closing the seminary? Second Will a firm stand for liberty taken by the trustees command your in dorsement and sympathy? Third In case our students sutler from the refusal of aid, may wo ask your church to assist them? Your name will not be used in connec tion with your reply without your ex press consent. There are some patent medicines that arc more marvelous than a doen doc tor's prescriptions, but they're not those that profess to .cure everything. iivcryoouy, now ana men, teels "run down," "plaved out." Thev've the will, but no power to generate vitality They're not sick enough to call a doctor, but just too sick to be well. That's where the right kind of a patent medi cine comes in, and does fora dollar what the doctor wouldn't do for less than live or ten. We put in our claim for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. We claim it to bo an unerpialed rem edy to purify the blood and invigorate the liver. We claim it to be lasting in its effects, creating an appetite, purify ing the blood, and preventing bilious, typhoid and malarial fevers if taken in time. The time to take it is when you first feel the signs of icearines and weak ness. The time to take it, on general principles, is now. I-I. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. . . Decidedly the Finest Line of 'Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and 'discs, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, Oil. HORSES HORSES J . S. COOPER, Vomer Mint, I'XIOX S'l'OVK' VMiDS, Vhicwjo, Jits. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will' hold his lth extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season J 893, on WZEZDHSriESID-A.!, JULY 10. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeeIy ropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. bc-t Mapilnes mm plli'iiHiicti llv siii'i-I il arrangements Willi (In- inililMii'tt nf one of tit Heme enabled to tnakoii most exceptional oiler hi vim McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O UNTIE "Y" IE .A. JEZj to everyone win Mb out the following blank form, .mil mmuIIiiis IMii us, tli.-n-liv .iiIimtIMiir to The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. Entries should be made at onee. HORSES ft.l7il.tw.im HORSES Varment In Gchl. -njsw ioiik, uuiy iu. inquiry among 'druggists, touching the report that rSchieffelin & Co., drug importers, had '.issued a circular to customers giving notice that payments hereafter must be dn gold, showing several firms in this trade have taken the similar precaution of demanding payments on a gold basis. No other trade seems to have found it necessary to give such notice. A single .silk importing house is reported to have 'done so. Bankers dealing largely with -.iuiuriur say wioy nave nearu ot no BUch measiu-03. A prominent Wall street ibanker said : "In business circles there is no dis trust nor anticipation of gold reaching n premium. Some foreign individuals are asking to have a gold clause inserted in all contracts. They ask that dividends and interests In obtained for them in gold. Hut the business houses here and abroad are satisfied with the usual course." The banker added that he found in renewing bonds and mortgages that Borne people asked to have a condition inserted to make the payments due in gold. ivarl's (Jlover Hoot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Sold bv Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. J. O. MACK, I F(E WlEjS and LIQUOR j CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US rJ Publish firs ( 11. Umi CI E, The Dallas, Or.: $ Yoa will please send to mij address the DAILY fj! CH IIOXICL E for 12 mon ths from dale, for which 1 agree to pay (() cts. a month, it being luiderslood. that ijoa are to ha ve sent to mil address for I ica-r, without extra charge, McCL IT. II U'S MAUAZ fi commencing with the current number. This Is the Season Of the Year CUhen Judicious 'Q- C7 CD O o Advertising Pays. AN3 171 DOMnSTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OR. 1 3 Daft .A'ame, Address THE EUROPEAN HOUSE TIih C'nrrilenteil IIiiIIiIIiik next Hour tn Court IIiiuiiu. CALL AT OUR OFFICE nail .-co tlifoiiterUiluiiiK ami finely llln.itratcil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which ImsninoiiK ItM'ontrlbiitoM tho nioit famom iiutliori In Anierli'ii mill Kniimil, liii'lnillnt; mien wrnoM mi mo imio tin: Thomas Hanlv, Ilamliii (iarlatid, .1. T. Trowbrnlgi), Crof. K. S. lluldtm, .loiomt) R. Jeromi!. I'rof. C. A. Young, I'rauces IIotlgHon llurimtt, II. II. Moventm, Robert Burr, Iliinrv 1. Stanley, Arclifbalil Forbes, Andrew Lang, .A. JN IB VV .... ?ninli hi limn nil UIIUUllftMljS J'iMilUUMIIilDlHl R. L. HtovenHon, Rudyard Kipling, A. Lonan j;oyle, Octavo Thauet, William Dean Howells, llret Harte, Clark Russell, .Joel Chandler Harris, Handsomely Furaishefl Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Hontb. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. arali Orne .lewett, Dr. .1. .S. Hillings, W. K. Henley. Capt. Charles King. MRS. 331. Jb 'JrC-SDEirL, Proprietor, TheDhlles Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, "Wasco Connty, Oregon, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply eity for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far soutli as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The ricli grazing country along the eastern slope of the Can cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. Tho salmon fisheries are the finest on tho Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will ho more than doubled in the near future. Tho products of tho Iwautiful Klickitat valloy find market here, and tho country south and east has this year filled tho ' warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its nionoy is scattered over and is being used to develop mora farming country than is tributary to any other eity in Eastern Oregon Theodore Roosevelt, Joaquin Miller, Oilbort Parker, .Totm IliirroilL'liH. Mrs. Robt.Louin .Stevenson, Camile I'lainmarion, E. Marion Crawford, Lillie Chase Wyman, Marjraret I Maud, Harriet 1'reneott Hpollonl, Herbert I). Ward, Kdward Everett Hale, Elizabeth Stuart I'hclpa, Louise Chandler Moulton, Kacli iiumbcrof McCLURE'S MAGAZINE contain- two lianiNimu'ly MluitruUil InkTTlow. with Mich famom ooili' us .Jules Verne, Archdeacon Earrar, AlphoiiHe Daudot, Frances Hodgson Hurnett, Thomas A. Eilinon, Camilc Flaniinarion, Tissandier, the famous F. Hopkinson Smith, Kdward Everett Hale, French Italloonist, H. H. Royeaen, I'rof. Graham Hull, ami many others., have fiirnlshi-il material for especially prepared intcrvluw which will iipinr fully lllii.strateil in this niiiKalno. Kach nnmher contains two or three short stories by famous author, rally IllmtniUil .stories will nitir in early numlx.'rs by ThomaH Hardy, William Dean Howells, R. L. .Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, llret Harte, .Sarah Orne .lewett, Joel Chandler Harris, Harriet fresco tt .Spollord, Octavo Thanet, Conan Doyle, Frances HoilfHim Hurnett, Stanley J. Weynian. HUNKY M. STAN1.KY will contribute, especially for yount; millers, a thrlllliiKly iutere.stliiK ntury of African Adventure NATl'RAL HISTORY AND ADVENTl'RE. Thero will lo evcral articles written bv Kleail the Ih.',i intervieiver in KiikIhihI, from material furnished htm by Knrl HauiK).ok" of lliim hur, thoKrwit imiinal importer and trainer, l'lioe articles) deal with The Capture of Wild HeastH. The TruiiHiinrtnlinn nf Wll.l lt..nutu The Training of Wild IlcaHtH. The Adventures and Escapee of Karl Hanuubeek. The .series will rx.' IllustniUsI by an Kmrllsh artlit of HcknoMlnlKcil hUIII In driiwlm; wild animals TIUNZ & NITSCUKE Dl. A I. KHH IN Furniture and Carpets We have adtled to our iiuhiiikhh h Hoinpletc t ndertading EHtabliHliinent, and as we are in no way ootmeeted with the Undertakers' Trustl our prices will he low accorliiitly. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points - THK liliein Paic . oiiN Iluititoimiis. C. I . IIolkkb, C. C. Aiiiiorr, ami other writers lammih for their work in mij-. jiviii, win ruiiminiie in uie niaaziue. Of Interest to Ixtth Younu "1 Old will be I'ROF. A'. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. ArranKi'ineiits have Ik-ch made, In connection with a leadliu; Kiuillsh rovlew, lo publish I'rof. lamers lettern doM.Tlptlvo of his present expedition to Africa, I'rof. (iarner Is noted the world iver for the curious and iuteretlii(,- iiiM'stlirations hu Is mukliiK In the speech of monkeys, lie RH1LROHD l the line tn take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, It la the IHiiIiik Cur Jioutc. It rutin Throuch v cstlhulcd 1 rains every day In thu your to 'Zl w- Pul and dhicara . nf Hutu 1 ISO (')IAN(iK OK CAIia.J ComHed of Illnliik- Cars iinurpM.sl. Pull nan Drawlnc Hoom Hlecpsirn of Intent eUlpmiiiit. T0U1IIST SLEEPING CAILS NilKd lor Africa last r-eptembor for the sake of further pursuliiK his ntudles In the nativo haunts of tlioKorllla. lhe Illustrations for these articles will lie from iihotoiiriuibs taken bv I'm, (inmer uiumaKulnonUo contains most lutcrestlni! articles under the followliiK comprehensive heads HW A..I(VJ Wl lliu I IlklllU. " Newest Knowledge." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " I ho rresent Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. Its situation is unsurnassed. Its nlimnti. siouaies incaicumide. Its resources unlimited, eornor stones sho stands. Its pos- And on those 03. SANDEN'S ELECHU BELT Will euro without medlnlnn nil H..V...! ;Jf..!!f?.:. ovrrHaxatlouor brain iiprvo lotixti eietoFlndS Iter all otliw renKstloi filled, and a elro Imn.ir.liJ v -VDEM ELECTRIC CO., fto. 173 Klr.t Street. JOUTt,JSji OUE. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. 'L.c icul Tho (.lironlclo to set tho latest and ivitHMiu - tint, ami mey read every Hno thiit Ih In tho pai-er. That ih what make tho vmomcjo an uivuiuabio iiilvcrtMiiff rmslium lho ikwmwpw that Koei to tho family :ir..iiky Is tho ono () that tho mlvcrtUws of '"day j.atronko v.hcn they desire to iomc, tbo iieoplo. When they want your tiudo tl ir MitjotuieementB will bo found In the paper. ltuu omr our columns ami obu rvn tho mlflcn. tl..a uf the truth of thh ,K-jtloii. Iiememlxrr, iiuix oiaiamiiyol iwo thoiuainl () h worth MkinB for thiouKh the.o ((?)) column, WKially o at our very Tl DM CHRONICLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ok press purpose of faithfully representing The .Dalles and tho surrounding country, and the satisfying otfeot of its mission is everywhere appoint ' it now leads all other publications in AVasco Shor man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and umm. counuos, as well -as Klickitat and other gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the medium for advertisers in tho inland Empire. Tho Daily Ciironiclk is nublishofl ,...' mng m tho week Sundays excepted at SO 00 nor annum. Tho Warner Chronioli: on hVidnv nf ench Avook ut $J .50 jor annum. I'or advertising rates, subscri)tions, etc., address Wo arooIIerliiK this splendid rmiRalue with the lun.v Ciii:o.vii;i.r. for only u ear, payable in advance or in monthly lin-tallineiits as delrcl, ' " ' iVH.i",'.'.!IU ,ll,H Vxc'-T1'"","1 0.f!i;r "ulcr ""'V wtiri a Inw iiiinilH.Tfif hoiv.siiherllHT.s, !t y 1 10 .,r.V ."1 ;1 ' i I -or I r may avail IhemM.'lve.s of this opportunity to neuro thin ureal inaKuine. Kill up tho blank and rend It In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Ilrowory is now tuminir out tho bent lleor and Pirti east of tho Cascades. Tho latest unnlianeoH for tho intlllllfiif'Liiro nf imnil linnUl,. fill lleer have been introduced, and only tho Hrst-class articlo will ho placed on the murk'it. Kent that can be coustructeil, and In whiult iiccommodatloiiH are Ixith Krcc mid I urnlshcd for holders of Tint and Heconil i'lasn Tlekuln, ami ELEGANT DAY COACHES A coutliiuouh line, conneotliiK with nil llutw, MflorillUKillrix'tund uninterrupted servlcu I'ullmau Hle'iHT rcservatlonn can bo scoured In ailvimce thrmiuh any iiKwnt of the rouil. THROUGH .TICKETS himhiud mid Imuoim) can I ticket olllce of the company To ami from all points' In Amerli'A. r.iiroMi can be pumhascd at Niiy Full Information iiIiih. mules nppllciitiou to W. C. ALLAWAY, f'ltllf..rnl)ii inn in, rouien nun other ilchilln furnished rales, time of on Agent l, I'. ,t A. Nuv. Danes, or., or A. 1). fillAIH.TOH Aiis't. (ieneral l'asnemrer Aet.. I'nrtl.Mift Co., IteKillator 1111100, Tho Ollll. PAUL KREFT &. CO., -DEALERS IX- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho .Most Complete and tho Latest I'attornii and Designs in T H E CANDY FACTORY ARTIC SODA WATEB AND I0E 0KEAM. Candies and Nuts ".luTrAr.1: Specialties TOltAoco, j ; CKiAltH ANI 1 i HWKKT KUIMCH F-lnoBt Punntit Ronutur In Tho Dallas 2crsotjt FOLCO At rlKht Nhle Jlri). Olmrr'i restaliriiut. ro-bost ovo- THE CHRONfCLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlio DQJL1g, Oreson. e.... JSri11'"11 ,,n!lM!;P 2il VttW llniiKoru. None but tho best brands of tl.,. oiiurwiji" 11 iiiiaiiia una .1. w. mi miry'H 1'aints used In nil .mr work, and imuo h i t ,,,,v .wi muii, "Komn mr .nan ury J.kiii 1 Ja niu N elll'lllll'Ill Clillllltriilllnii nr uim ... vli A !.,.. .1 ,f t ' illlllH. IXO , " '" ' ...hmh. lv iii.si tauuH an CO in all en ro-w orders promptly uttondod to. t0l0rH All Paint Shot, corner Thirdaml Waohiiifiton Sts., Thu Dallea. Oruou ffeu; Qolumbia Jotei. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Huh lately been thoroughly roiiovated ami newly fiiriiislied throiiyhout, u, jH mnv ,)(JtU(r tmn wer j.ieimied to fiiriiish tho best Hotel accominodatioiih of any house in tho city, and t (,. v,.y (nv r)Uo ()f $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25o. Ollico of the fant ud coininodhiiiH ojniositlun 8taKe t" I'ufi.r, K-,1jfjl..( Ty,.,, Vuuy wapinitht, ...n. j.r. ,KH ad Priiidvlllo Ih Id lho Jj0tul ' ' i. itoliif, 10 IViuovlllo can mivo U.0 by t;oiiij? on this KtiiKo lino. All trains stor her. JOHN PASHEK, lercliant Tailor 76 Count Stnoot, Noxt door to Wusoo Buu OfDoo. Huh Just received a fine lino uf Sample for Hprlne and mtiiiinor KitltlnuH. Come and See the New Fashions. Cleaning and FepaiHng to order. rmUnfiuiUon Kilaraiitet'il. "ivKnxiwiitrAtw.,. PHOTOGRAPHER l''lriit liromlllln nl. tint VVnRcn I'Olllltf ttir lor nest purtntUH nml vlowfi.