The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL VAl'KK OF DALLK8 CITY. AND WAfCO COUNTY. Kntcred at the VostofHcc at The Dallcn, OrCRon, as second-class matter. BUUSCRlPTlOS KATES. BY KAH.(rOSTAUKVBKVAH))lN ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 year. ' 59 I,' Cmonthe. .. ' . OW Dily,lywr. 11 6 months :i Vj " lor " 7 Address nil communication to " TIIK OHItON- ICLK," The Dalles, Oregon. trmUur in HDUiilnl session for the ..nmnoo nf runealim: the Sherman law. t ! The Sherman law is the next heat thiiiR i ' outside of free eolnajje of silver, ami Its repeal nieiuis the withdrawal from eh- ' jenlation of ulout $4,000,000 a month, I which Mr. Cleveland thinks would re ' Hove the country of the present financial embarrassment. The calamity howler I of 1892 told us wo wanted a change and 1 - ... I i ...t..t. .tt.MlK.ll ! we Have pot it, aim mmi Exchange. William Tell Your Father that wi hdII SWEET, ORR St CO.'S 1'oAt-iintct). orncE 1IOUF.. SMicral Delivery Window ,sa. m. to 7 y. '" Money Onler " .. ..8 a. m. to -j p. in. "nnday! " y a. m. to 10 a. m. Cl-OSIHO Or MAILS trains ROing l.nst .9 p. tn. and 11 :4ft n. m. i West.. up. i. and 5:H0p. m. Staee lor Ooldeiidulc 7:80 ii.m. " " l'rlnevlllo. . " "imluraml WnrmWpilnps . .fi::n. in. " iUwliiRfor Lvle.t llartland f.::u. m. i " (Antelope 5:30 a. m. Except Hunday. tTrl-weetly. Tuci-ilav Thurnlay and Saturday, t " Monday VrdneMlay and Iriilay. Itiiliuy WinliliiKtou THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1891! WHAT A CHANGE. It is stated that the San Francisco Examiner has sent a reporter in the guise of a laboring man through the or chards of Solano county to ascertain the true situation of affairs as touching the labor question. He applied to one large orchardist and naked for a job. On be ing refused he asked why it was that said orchardist couldn't discharge one member of his large band of Chinamen and give him a job, and on being in formed that it was on account of white men being unreliable, he revealed him self and informed the orchard gentle man that he proposed to investigate the matter and that unless the orchard men discharged the Chinamen and gave em ployment to the poor white people he proposed to write them up for the col umns of the Examiner with hair on their snouts. Following this some ot the orchard men received letters from fruit dealers in the east stating that un less they discharged the Chinese and employed white help that they need not Bend any more of their fruit tliaj way, and as a consequence a large force of white men and women and children have been given employment in the or churds. Whether or not the report is true the Examiner is to be commended, but it should go a little farther and burn some of the warts off the pot-bellied old farce in the white house chair for the aid and support he is giving the Chinese lovers of the country. We do not approve of the boycot system, but if the white people would refuse to puichuse fruit put up by Chinamen they would be doing a righteous act. The Chinese don't even purchase or eat any of the fruit they put up, and the idea of having the fruit picked, packed and canned by these pig-tailed lepers, while good American citizens are left to root, hog or die, and then go out and hunt up a white market for said fruit is the most infamous and gigantic fraud mnd curse of the age. Now what is the matter with this glorious country of oure? One year ago the nation was happy, prosperous and secure ; today it is in choas and doubt, mnd hairhung over the precipice of bankruptcy. One year ago the indus trial wheel of the nation'-iwas sweetly bumming, money plenty, credits good, and men in all branches of trade feeling safe and secure ; today the hum of the industrial wheel is jaded, banks ure fail ing, money is scarce, securities are set at naught, assignments are being made, and the whole industrial fabric of the nation is tottering in the breezes of ad versity and insecurity. What is the cause of this changed state of affairs? Some say that the new administration is not to blame for it, but wo fear they cannot prove it. The new administra tion pledged itself to break down the protective safeguards which Hurrouml the manufacturing industries of Amer ica and which have made the nation great, times good, and blessed the land with peato and plenty, whereat the for eign countries threw up their hats and commenced calling home their gold with a view of depressing and cruehing out the enterprises of America, and if possible monopolize the manufacturing industries of the world a thing which they are unable to accomplish without the aid and support of the executive de partment of the United States govern ment. This state of affairs makes it unsafe for the manufacturer, the merchant and the banker, and throws the whole bus! nees whirl of the nation into unrest, and the laboring man gets his share; and whether or not it is the pro posed policy of the now administration that lias brought about the depressed situation of affairs, thero is one thing Tery certain, and that is Democrats and Republicans aliko are suffering. Some claim that these financial depressions como periodically nnd aro brought on by the ceasless motion of the business sea, and that time alono, coupled with the faith of the people, can heal thorn. Let us hopo that this is true, but Mr. Clove land claims the cause of the present financial distress to be the silver pur chase law, which requires the govern rnent to purchase 4,500,000 ounces of sil ver every month and issue treasury notes therefor; and ho has actually Jtopped fishing long enough to call con- ! They made an assiduous effort up in I,. l.. u'nnb frvilll' tO 1... 1....l......ll..r Utlllltll U'ttll smite water uy uumu-iu,..b ....... .. - Worn-out, lUld unjust, but heaven's resources are - - -j too vast to yield to a siege ot that kind. " 1 1 E.,..,t1...m'..r ri'SUiiiiim; num., "i uk -," f-; 1 free from alcohol ami injurious dru"s. Tho entire system is re- .... t. i'..i. ii, iv i .... 1 .itwl iiivirrorated. It Hiv from a iuuui uum ...umi.! nv.-.. . e . , , , 1 1)., we give the following : : vroves digestion, enriches tho blood, One of the numerous phases of the i dispels auhes and pains, gives re j agitation has been supplied by tho-u freshing sleep, and restores tlosh and statesmen who allege nmvillingncs to strength Asa sJ" visit Washington in summer time, be-. all ays am subdue hy u . , , cause thev declare it to lie the abiding - - ' J "i " " t place of the excessive insolation. For a UT Ions: while Washington was stigmatized V" u ".,'.;,, fiir Wlimi..r ' as the home of malaria and it was the - " V' . , fashionable thing for men with uncoil-, I()thi lt .,ivi,s Ki,tisfaetion, trollable appetites, pampered by oflicial ; p Qr t,10 monev j,ai,l opportunity, to blame what Washing-, f(j i( is rofu,1(ie(l. tonians termed "congressional malaria" , i,;lt's the way its makers prove for their indisposition. That excuse has j their fuith in it." Contains no alco been threadbare these many months j10j t0 inuUriiite ; no syrup or sugar and no one uses it now, but in its jilaiej ty oenmgu digestion;" a legitimate are heard references to the terrific sum-' medicine? not a bcvmvjc. Purely mer heat from which the national eapi- j vegetable and perfectly harmless iu tal is supposed to suffer. The fact of I aily condition of the system. the matter is that there are few cities in Vest lumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Kasyfitting- Pan Every garment guaranteed NEVEK to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s this country that are more pleasant during the warm months than Wash ington. Uroad avenues permit tho free movement of cooling breezes, lofty shade trees cut off the sun's direct rays, while the placid Potomac carries on its surface cooling influences such as but few large centers of population enjoy. There is hardly a more comfortable city in the country than Washington, no matter what weather conditions prevail. I. it (iripiM'. During the prevalence of the grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact I that those who depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, hut escaped allot the troublesome after effects of the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chestand lungs, and has cured bil. t I III I I U 1 I X WV Y1TYI I IffMII A AA x ii iii mil i ilium , .Hi. 'v unm mm m av mm m .mm s m n. . iiiLunuio auu.i i t w i cases of asthma and hay fever of long ; Stages from Eastern and Southern Or- i in... fl' !. 1 1. 1 I. t auiiiuiii);. in ii ami uv uum uiuu. n won't disappoint. Free trial bottles ai Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Trial of an Emnyist. Puck. "Oh. dear!" she siched, aB she luiil her mother-of-pearl penholder on her mosaic-topped desk: "I don't suppose I shall over get this graduation essay done." "What is the matter?" asked her mother. "That 'Handy Dictionary of Syno nyms' is too mean for anything; and 1 can't find the Thesaurus." "What are you looking for?" "A word of live syllables that means wise'." the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. ; YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the fact that Hagb Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Piaster, Cement and Building Material of all kintlf. Oarrlw tin. r"tlli!t I.lnr of j Picture Mouldiiiffs In every size, st fie and pnee. l.ciw-! The Dulles at 0 ii. in. wery day, mil nr , rives nt PrJiiuvlIIe In thlrty-slx lioiir. U-hvps ' l'rliicvlle at S a. m. every lny, and arrive at The Dalk'f. In thirty-six hours. j Carties (he U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express , Coiititnth nt l'lino-illu with '7 here is a tide in the a Hairs oj men whtc.i, taken at itsj. leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the KtrenRth and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and we.v , use Electric Bittern. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you areafllicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters. One trial will convince you i that this is the remedy you need. Large 1 noiiies oniy ouc. at hnipes v Kinersly's drug store. Get your bathing pants from S. & N. Harris, egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. Al' makes i'Iom' connection at The I)alle. ititli trin.- from Portland and Kastern jiliit. . ccaiiEcus diners. Good aciommeiatioEs along the mi. : First-class Coaches and Horses used. . Eipress natter bandied with special care. STAKE OITIOKN; .M. Slcliol AtCo.'m Ktor, Ilniatllla IIiiiihh, 1'rlnnvlllf). l'lm ItallfN. CliRtfl STORY, Art Teacher Jloom 3, Jitttimjen Jiuildiitg, Will Rive Isifonn Monday nnd Thurtdayt of mch week, or of'oner if desired. W. E. GARRETS0N, m rainy mmi NO I. IS A1KNT lK TIIK n 'a n n. I. II llll 1 1 II llll M I'll II Ulll II I I II I U It J I ' II I II 1 1 II I I. IX l.fll j. U1U11U1 u va. uui To be found in the City. 72 UUashington Street. The Dalles Gigaf : Faetory FIRST 8TEEBT. FACTORY NO. 105. pfp DC of the li-t Hn VXvXj:.X0 manufactured, lirande and ordero from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. afiT siff Tft f$m? FOR A CASE IT WILL NOT CUHE. Annirreeablo Laxative and NlUtV K TO.N 10. Bold Iiy DruirK'stflor Et-ut by mull Kx:.,tt)c,. and 81.0J per pucka-re. Bamplca free Wt Iffl ,'ril Favorite TMTB Aw nwfortlieTeethaudijrc'atlj.Uc. Viir n.'iloliy Snlpctit & KliMsrxly. j All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. i:u; Hwoniul Nt.. Tim DuIIhh, Or. A. WESOLO, !je Boston Tailor. East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 wo. Pants from $5.00 up. I'urfitut I'll iiiiurantttf il, F Dally KvenlUK (Jlironiolo in ucosulid ll llhWIMltlll1lv till. hWII.. fr.. .1... u-imtatioji. Homo rJmL 2,000 of our lt citlH'iii watch tho columns of this n n n r n dully for tho tiilcleat local lien. Jt I Mr KK buccculi in Kluinliik' the Held, and hemo Kiowi m populurlty and ImiHirtmicc. Tako it mwIiIIi-. youwhodon'ti try tomuuntM premium nlleni. J. F. FORD, IK- ilolnes, lown, Muriili '., CHAS. ADAJV1S, Shoemaker No Fit, No Pay. o Union St., opp. European House. wrltit. under date ul S. II. Mkd. Mi'o. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On tirrivlnj( home hiNt week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little Kirl.eltfht and ono-half yearH ojd, who had wanted away to '.iH poundH, ifi now well, Mtroiuc anil v!(orouB, uud well ivoimu up, n, n, uoukii uuro nan uoue tn work well. Both of tho children like it. our fi. 15. CourIi (Jure haw cured and kept away nil Uotueumm from me. ho ve it to every one, with t,'reetiii(,' lor all. Wishing you )roHpurity, wo art Wih, Mu, t Mitn. J, F. Foito, i. 'U'0"1?1' ,,0,,!l ''' uiiilchciifiil.iiiid n-adj ih ity.rii"K " ,,K'""lu "'" 'fain w f. Hold under u poMtlvo (tunruntve. Ui ccnU per bottle by ull Uf uelt. The reputation of THE DALLES 01 GAIt hah become fltmly eHluhliHhed,and the demand for the home manufactured article m increaHing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. V. f, WISKMAN. U'M. MAlillKKM. The Snug. W, H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sreot, The Dalles Or. ThiH well known Htund, kept by the well known V. II. IluttH, long u reHi dent of Wasco county, ban an oxtraordi nary fine Htook of Sheep Herder's Deliglil aud Irish Disturhauc In fact, all the leading braudn of flu Winefl, LltjuorH and GigarH. Give th old man a call and you will como again Uliseman & Warders, Saloon aod Wine Rooms at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who aro selling those Roods out at greatly-reduced rate MIOHELNACH BUIOK, - UNION BT. Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. Satisfaction tiuarantef MINHNS 5" : f!hN .'.(m,4 ll"s ''SV!1 1''''t'l tin; oli cainpKroiind, at the Torkh inn) I'mIIm of Hood river, with liiiireiKhtly lold.l.road htnelhand iilluyN, koimI mill iindiiiirowiilur.wlthNhiidoliipriifiiMlon.perfiiailraliinKe.didlKhtfuliiiiiiiiitiilli The Dalles, Oregon. NortllWCHt corimr nf Km.ntwl Court HtruutH, f.'lllllllll. IIM I'l' Mini I llllnil'l nil iim it k.i..,,n. f,....ll ii. ... beliiB tho lii'iiroHt luuii to Mt. Hood. It 1h ini,atnlli'lci iih a iiiMllllfactlirlnK ri'llll.T, huillK till! imttlHl! (TIlhT for IMi Hllllllr iiiIIi.m uf tint I ,.,.,lnr ,nnl lir llllll;r, pOkHimlllL' imIIIIoiih of liorK-iMiui i III lln daNhliiL' mIu'iiiiik mid ivaUt lulls, ciinlly Imnii-iNul. WhriK rhi'iii, iiuiIImi mivvnr ixlutx. II,,.,,, dm lilWC liiclor ih 1 1 1 .(t,l,.f k,i. I. ..i i... L..n .i ..." i.., ...iv,. Ill) IT IIUll llll llllll llllll II L. I I I I II I . I.ltll l.'l.l. Ir.ili...i.lii.l..l ,l..i,HIV i'l," hi niiihi' ii i.'iirii iiihik' or a pu inK ii"" , See me on the ground. . uuui oao cl l, xiuuu " i Wasco County, Oregon TITLE PERFECT W. RossWinans. Eggs for Hatching From ilmroiiKhhrud fowln. AddreBi i fl,lui fl!.(M) . . . 1I.00 . M. IJAUUIMAN, Euiliimhy, Or. D. BUNNELL, Pine Work, Tin Bepalrs and Boon MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. vru ximu Qiiititji,, nuxi uoor wum oi iouhh"' -UlackBinith h'iop.