4 Ml 1!' IP I i 8i 111 i ii-' i ;if; ' "ff if ill ! i : Mi ..if' f III i th'K JSP ; f ' -!t. I: m ' I. , f l" I . I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. T11K IJAl.liKS Knstcrii Ori'tfon Vrult Outlook. Tim following If taken from Ob.-crver l'ncuo'a report of date .Inly 11th: Fruit: Tin- fruit crop is no better tlmn it is in the western iinriion of the ntiite. Insects mi' murki-il by tliuir ab sence, thouth in Wasco rounty a few coillln moths are to lie observed; in Umatilla the green P'tf 11,1,1 l'0,llin moth are finite injurious : in Klaniatli the green aphis ban ilone damiip.' t0 some of the fruit trees. As in Western Oregon the cool weather abate!" the de velopment of tins fruit peat a. The strawberry crop is about over in the Columbia river valley, they are ripening in the interior; about 100 tons were shipped from Hood liiver valley alone. They wore shipped to Montana points, to Denver, Kansas City and to Omaha. Car load lots were wanted, but they could not be furnished. Clarks gei'dling are the best berries for the climate, the acreace of strawberries will be increased fully 100 per cent. Cher ries are ripening and the crop will soon be secured, except in the interior comi ties, where they are now turning color; the cherry crop was generally poor, in many sections not enough to supply home use. Wasco county had the best cherry crop, where it was about the average. In Wasco county the apple, prune and pear crop are a full average crop, the prune crop being very heavy. In the John Day country the fruit crop is a fair one, nearly up to the average. Along the Snake river the peach crop will be almost to the average; In Mor row county many of the fruit trees were winter killed. Generally speaking, ap ples will be about SO per cent, of an average; peaches about 50 per cent; prunes a full average or more; pears GO percent; in Malheur county prunes do very well; but the orchards are young and no yield will be had this year. Ap ples, prunes and peaches are being mostly increased. About The Dalles there has been an increase of fully 100, 000 prune trees in the past year. From the present outlook Oregon crops can be summed up as follows: Cereal crop an average one in yield and product. Hay crop nbove the average. Fruit a decidedly short crop, except ixprmnea and berries, prunes an average ...Crop. Berries a largo crop. Vegetables a good crop, especially potatoes. Xow Vorlc Silver Market. Kew Yokk, July 11. Silver was weak and lower, certificates falling to 71,5ac at aha stock exchange. Treasury pur ' chases yesterday were disappointingly small and accounts for the weakness of the market. Commercial bar silver fell to 70.c. Mexican dollars unchanged at 57c. Money on call is easier at 08. ime money is difficult to obtain. The irate is still nominally G. There is a ibetter inquiry for commercial paper, the banks in gome cases advising pur chases. .Sterling exchange is heavy, posted rates leduced to if-LSi..1.. and .1.64. (iood supply of commercial bills, demand light. The rates are grad ually sinking to a gold-importing point. "My little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrhoea. We used var ious medicines, also called in two doc tors, but nothing done him any good un til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy, which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. consider it the best medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to ail who need a diarrhoea or colic medicine. J.E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bv Illakelev & Houghton, druggists. Go to X. Harris for fine prints; L'O varus ior ?i. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. Decidedly the Finest Line of. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and I'aliscs, etc., W. COIL SKCOXn AND WASHINGTON. THE PALLKij, OR. HORSES HOESES J. S. COOPER, Vomer Ham. CXfOX STOCK VAIIDS, Chicago, Hit. The largest and onlv strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will "hold his lth extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 189o, on WEZDisriEsnDirT, iTUinrsr 19. Entries should be made at onee. HORSES ,, HORSES J. O. MACK, I FI(E WISE? and LipOI$ McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles DaJly Chmnicle lor 12 Months at GO Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKly ?l?roi?iel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. flFMh ,..vl,l nrn.n.cnu-ats wlt.v t.,, i,.h..,lu'r- or nm- i tin- -t M.wuUn mm- ,,,.1,11,1,,.! Hi'i,riM'li;il',I'Hl tnmiiki' n most i-xcoptloii.t! nil. i t immhI McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OOSTE YEAR to Lveryoii.' wli . till, out the f..llowh.R l.lnt.k r ... ,,,,,1 mmMInk It to in. tlu-Miy m,I,..t1I,1B lo The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO OH. DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STKEET, THE DALLES, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The CorritKiittMl IStilldln next Door to Court llouno. Publisher CIMONICLJC, The .Dalles, Or.: 3 )'ou will please send lo mij address lite lull L ' . Cll IIOXJCL U for 12 months from, dale, for which j J a$'rcr lo pay (0 els. a month, it twin anaerstooa g 1 I hat tioit areJo hare sent lo tmj address for I ear, h J without extra clmrgc, .ilcChi'Jfn . , commencing with the current number. .iXame, Pale. .'Jddrcss ... I CALL AT OUR OFFICE mill m'o thooutortalnliiK anil llnoly lltustriitnl McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, Aiuurlci, mill lliilmnl , liu'l, nil, ik This Is the Season CM rr OfthcVearf c) r Wihen 3 Judicious 2-Adveffcising Pays. JK. NEW I . . i ii n i i 1 1 I ii II I .11 .. 1. 1., i. which liii mnoiiK Its contrlbiitnrs tho most finnmis nutlioii In Mioh wrltorsnsi the folliuvlns TliiiUKiy lltirdv, .1. T. Trnwbritli', .It'ioini! U. .Icronii'. Fnuici.'H lloilson Ittiriii'tt, Tliemlori' KooHovi'll, .lo:iiiiin Miller. Ctilliurt I'urkur, liilin litirrouliH, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, .Lame Back, dec SANDEM'S ELEQH1C BELT With Electro-Magnetic SJIWNSOnY. Lolot rUnt! Itett ImproreDicnU I Will cure without nmllclno aJI ntilun retultintr from OTt-r-uxatlo.i of Iraln nerve (urccai ticiwuaor Injis. crctlon, aj uerrou) debility. tlpUi-jaesa. laiiuor. rliBuinatlEin, kidney, liver una bladder complmjtn, lamebaclf. luinbaso, fcclotlrn, all femal rorapmlnts EJ II. JicalUi, ric. thla lectrlo Btlt cunUlci 4fr(.l IprrreiiU over All them. CurreW ti liutantlyfvltV wearer or we forfeit 3,0oo.uu, and wlllcuieallof tho aUivo dlneaiei or uo lay. Thou, iiiids lmo been eiirtU by thin marveloun Invention niter all other remedied failed, and vto kIvo huudred Of tentiinonUh lit thl oriel every other f tate. Our l'aneri'al iaipn.nl KUIHIIU WlShKNIOBY. tho Ereatent ; buon sver offered waU men, tUVK ullhall ell). Itealiaaivl llwomtilrt.elhtiUilUITXIlllliiCilU SOtUjs Beud lor llliu'd 1'ampnlet, niiUled.Kttlcd, Ireo 8ANDEN ELBCTRIO OO., The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY 01 2000 READERS. I'Uvy rcarl 'rim chroiilclo to K0t tlio la tut mill iuosi rctiauto cw. Ami they rend every Una thiit is lit tho jnr. 'flint is whnt iimkiN the Chronicle nn luruluablo ndvertltliiK mulluni. Tho uetviiuper thiit govs to tho fnnilly tin -Mus Is tho ono (Q) that tho uilvertluT or tndiiy jifitronlzo N- wJien they ileslio to it-' 'i t! o i.'ii!o. WJicu they ltaut your trmle ii'iiiinoiinccmejitsn'lll bo found In tlio,,er. 1ajui over our columns mid oberM' tho verllien ' Mho tiuth of this iwKTtlon, Itemcmher, ii trudoof a family of two thoiiwnd -N U worth imkliur fur throuj;h theko f ' i jIuiuii!., wpciully mi at our very Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, WccK or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. IVXiFLS. Jb "JrC-SSJbJirL, Proprietor. TheDhlles Wasco County, Oregon, Tho Gute City of tho Inland Enipiro is situatwtl nt this bend of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cart cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. Tho Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. Tho salmon fisheries are the finest on tho Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in tho near future. The products of the U'autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and tho country south and east has this year ' filled tho warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and iU money is scattered over and is being used to develop more fanning country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these eorner stones she stands. Hamlin liiii lunil. Prof. K. H. Ilolden, I'rof. (!. A. Young, II. II. lioyeHon, Ilobert Ilitrr, Henry M. Stanley, Archibald Forbeii, Andrew bung, Sarah Orne .Imvutt. Dr. .!. H. Killings, W. K. Henley, dipt. Gliarlt'H King. AlplmtiHo Datttlet, Catnile 1'lammariou, Kihvurd Everett Mule, I'rof. Graham Hull. 11 ML ijiiu CHRONICLE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and tho surrounding eountry, and tho satisfying ellbcL of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Vaseo, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other ro gions north of Tho Dalles, lumen it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. - The Daily Guhoxwlk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho "Weekly Ciujoniole on Fridays of each week at 1.50 per annum. Kor advertising rales, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRON8CLE: PUBLISHING CO., Tli ro,lis, Oregon. 11. b. StCVUIlHOIl, Kmlyard Kipling, A. Coiian Doyle, Octave Thanet, William Dean Howella, Jiret Harte, Clark Iiussell, I...t r'l.Miill.ti- 1 Ini-riM i trwui v. i, (..... ii.. j ........ . . , Mrs. IJobt. I.ouiHStovetii-on, Canute I'liiiiiinarioii, p. Marion Crawford, billie CliitHe Wytnan, ' Margaret Delimit, Harriet Predion Spollbnt, Herbert I). Ward, Edward Everett Hale, Elizabeth Stuart I'hclps, Loiuhu Chandler Moulton, Kncli numlerof McCLURE'S MAGAZINE nintulm two ti.iml.cmn.'ly Ulustralvtl liitu-rvlinvk witu alien minim v'"li' i" .Itilen Verne, Areluleacon I'arrar, Frances Hodgson Humett, ThoinaH A. Ellison, Tispandier, the famotiH F. Hopkinsoti Smith, French HalluoniHt, II. II. Hoyesen, nm! miinv Dtticrs, huvo fiiriibluil niutiTlal fur f.iiocluUy iin-imri'il InturrUm-tt whli-li will iiiiciir fully IllintriU.il In this niaju2liiu. Kuril number I'imtrtttii two or three aliort storle.H by fiimnus iiutliurn. Kully lllimtrnteil storlet will iiiienr In is.irly tiiitnbern by TiiotiuiH Hardy, William Dean HowellH, ILL. Stevetifon, Hudyard Kipling, Hret Harte, Sarah Orne .lewett, JoerChandler Harris, Harriet l're.citt Spollbrd, Octave Thanet, Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgon Hurnett, Ktanley.L Weyinan. will c(iiitrll)iite, e.'iccl.illy for youui; renilers, n tlirllllntilv lutereitln stnry of Afrienn Ailvciiturc 'NATl'HAL HLSTOKV AND ADVENTl'IJE. Then' wilt l havi'r.il nrtlcles written by oymond ninthiunyt, wlm bn been enlliil by Mr. W. '1. fiteail the best interviewer In KiirIiiiiiI, friim iiiaterliil furnlslicil lilm by Karl Hanantxak. of Hum bun;, tliuj;reat nniiiml Importer mill trainer. Tiie.-e urtleles ile.il with The Capture of Wild IieantH. The Transportation of Wild HeitHtH. The Training of Wild JteastH. The Adventuieri and ICucapef of Karl Hugonbeck. Tin; crlM will oo Illustrated by an KiiKli.ih artiit of iicknonUilKiil klll In (IrmvhiK wllil uiilmiiln. John lluuuoroii)', C. r Homicii, Ini. c. (' Aniinrr, uml other wrltor litmouii for their work In tills lli.'M, will coiitribiite to the muaine. Of Intereat. to both Young and Old will be 1'ItOF. It. L. GAILVEK'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GOKILLAK. I'MMiiilInn with n leaillue Kui;ll.ill review, to mihllih I'rnl (ianier' letters chwriptivi! of his jirei-ent expedition to Afrlea, I'rof. tinnier In noteii the world over lor 1110 ennoiis nun iiitiTeitiiiL' lnvesiiuai onx uu in iiiiikuik hi iim' ninn;n m iinniHiiin. in Milieu tor ,' the uortlla The, iiiiiazlm; nl.-o " Tho Edge of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledge." " The PrcHent Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We are. ollerlni; this nplcnild ninKii.ine with the Daily CimoNtci.r. for only n year, payable in Hilvnueuor in monthly iiiitnllmeiitx iih deiln il. We iiniko this e.xeciitloniil oiler in order that vie niny feeure n law iiiiiiiImt of new suleierlberii, but all who mo itlreaily ubierllers may iivnll thuiiuelveM of this opportunity In weure thin Krent miiKiilue. Kill up the blunk Mini eiid it in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. m . mi m mil 1 I TXT V '. V I TCf'l I V V 1 ltli ill i nv iiivi'j IlKAI.I.Ilri IN Furniture and Carpets We have atbli'd lo our iitimneHM u soiuplete IJndertntlitig Establishment, and as wo are in no way ooimeeted with the Undertakers' Trust', our prices will be low accor'Jlngly. j From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points TUB - Irta Pi'ic tlRM'iirloiisnml lnterestliiK InveHiKiiumiM nu is iiiukiiik in " ' "I1"-' " oi n iiiimijh, hi; Afrlea last fceptember for the miku of further iiiirstiliiK bis stiulles in the native haunt of la. The Illustrations for thee articles will be from photncraiilis taken by l'rol (lamer, ik'nlnonlco contains most interi'stlnc articles under the following coinpri'lienslvi1 heads THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Hrowery is now turning out tho beat lleor and Portei eaat of tho Caxcadcs. The latest appliances (or the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEA.LHU8 IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and tho Latest Patterns and Designs in RHILROHD Is the Hue to tike TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH It Is the DliilniT Car Itmite. It runs Thrniui t'eritlhuled '1 ruins every day in thu yuur to $1 paul and Chicago (NO CUANtii: OK CAUH.l (.'niiipoM.'il of lllnliiK Curs unsurpassed, Vull mini lirnwliif; UiHjiuHlcvM:rsoI lnte.it tUlpmA. T01HIIST SLKRl'INO CA11S Host that run be eonstriieleit, mid in whluh aei.-nmnmiliitlnux urn both I'ree mid I iiriilshi.il for holderiiof first mid Hei.'oud-eliiss'riukuls.Hiiil ELEGANT DAY COACHES A eoiitiniious Hue, rniineetlni; with nil Ulleo, anordtiiK direct iinil uninterrupted Hcrvlco l'lillmati Hlei'iier nwervntlons run lie stunil In adviiiiee tliroiiKb miy iineut of tint road THROUGH TIGKETS hiiitlaud nud Kuril's) can I ticket utllcu of thu company To mill from nil points In Ainerlea. be purchased nt nnjr I'll 11 liiforiiintliiu concuriiliiir rates, time nl trains, routes nud other details furnished on iipplicntlim to W. C. ALLAWAY, AKCUt D. 1'. A A. Nav. Co., UeKlllntor nllleo, THu Dulles, Or., or A. I). (JUAItl.TO.V, AmCt. (iunernl I'nsscnuer ArU rortlnud, inn, ARXIC FACTORY B0DA WATER AND I0E 0EEAM. Candies and Nuts Hi wliiihmuln llloliitluiis. TOItACVO, (till A UN AND KWKKT DltlNKN .u'Specialties Flnout Poanut Roautor In Tho Dalloi '2 3 8 2d St root J.F0LC0 At right shto Mrs. Obarrn restaurant. , IP'I'rnetical Puintern and Paper Manners. None but the best brands of the bherwin-Williama uml J. W, Masury's PaiutH used In all .nir worl:, and none but the most skilled workmoii employed. Agents for lasiiry Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or f-oap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Paint Bhot) corner Tliirdaud Washiujjton 8t3., The Dalles, Orofoc Qolumbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Man lately been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout, and Is now bettor than ever prepared lo furnish tho best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 26c. Olllco of the fust an, commodious opposition Stie to Dufur, ICIiiiisloy, Tyh Valley, Waplnltia, WWiKpiiiiKH and Priimvlllo in In the Hotel am. I'ithi.ih Kuin to Prliievillo can huvo sM.OO by yoiiijj on this Muu line, All trains stop here. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 70 Count Stxaat, Next door to Wuaco Buu Oflloo. Him just received a line Hue of Humph for HprltiL' and summer Kultlmrs. Come and h the New Fashions. Cleaning and Repairing to ortler. Satisfaetlon Kuarantocd. THill im I Mill illllMf iWt In PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the W'iihco (etuuty air fur best portraits and views,