Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL VAl'KR OF DAU.K8 OlTY. ANII WASCO COUNTY. Entered nt the Postofflco nt The Dalle, Oregon, as sccona-cmss mnucr. An l)nemly Cuatom. Dr. Georiro It. Valmer, of the Onnrga Leader and Koview, p,ives the following in u recent issue of his paper: "Forty years wo have been convinced tlmt the exposure of this face of the dead nt funer als to tho gaze of tho public was an un spptiilv as in some respects revolting. bubscuiition KATES. We do not know how the custom came by mail (fostaoe ruRrxiD) in advanck. into vogue nor why it continued. If Wefekly, l year 9 : the deceased was so near a friend as to . . it 1 i . i o w I make the sight something to no ucsireu, C month H ...... ' , " - i llll.nv lnv i ipi" " r , IVallv 1 vnar .. ( W . . . . . .!......! 1 k .... t 1... 111. ' fr":: n m i it is wo i lor tniuinuim iuku njmi; ..w.... 0Mot the dead, and, in the quiet of chamber of death, take tho last sad mute William Tell Your Father that wo sull 6 months " per " Address nil communication to"THK OH HON ICLK," The Dalles, Oregon. tMiRt-nnicf. orncK nouns dtnerat Delivery Window Money Order " Sunday . D " Sa. in. to 7 p. m. .8 a. m. to 1 v. m. " . .y a, m. to 10 ii. in. CXOMNOOr MAILS trains going Kat .9 1 in. and ll:4i a. in. y p. ni. and West Stage for (ioldendule rrineviiie "MMfurand arm Springs " fUwitig for I.yle t llurtland " " Antelope. Kxcent Sunday. ..... iTrl-wcekly. Tuedav Thursday and Saturday, j " Monday Wednesday and Friday. ft::) p. m. THiOll. 111. S:.T0 a. m. .v.isan. m. 5::;o a. in. Si.TOn. 111. Jirotujht back to health Buffcrors from the worst farewell. Unless it is in the discharge , fornif. ol sum ami oraip i'im-hm.-, of some duty to the dead friend or route! Scrofulous Sores and Swelling, and member of the household, we never look all manner of Monti - taints. Its We are so done l" nr. J lerce s women ju- . . IV ... .1- ......111.... ICal WISCOVerv, WUllill Jiumiett .my enriches tho blood, and through it cleanses and renews tho wholu sys- W 4 "I" & I . I item. I'Jvun i,.ui)K-toroiui:i i kucmvh as rnlnionary Consumption) yields WKDNFSDAY, JULY IU, 189:$ at the face of a dead friend. constituted that we preserve in our mem- j ory the thought of our dead friends as we last saw them. Itis much better, for 1 niiNnUw nt. Wst. to nresurvo in our' thoughts the memory of the living rather i than the tiead. It is not pleasant to hold tlirougli the years the dead form of a i loved friend. For ourselves only we' speak, when wo say, we want no open, coflin and tread of feet and gaze of, strango eyes. All that paraphernalia seems to us unseemly. There is more of i morbid euros! ty in it all, as it strikes us, ! It is not to be wondered at that women who have the courage to go into busi-1 than any respect to the to it, it taken in tinio ami given a fair trial. It's guaranteed to bene fit or cure, in every ease, or money paid for it is refunded. Only a medicine thnt does what is claimed for it, could ho cold on such terms. No other medicine, besides the " Discovery " has undertaken it. So nositivclv certain is it in its ness are successful. A woman who lias such courage must have a determination to succeed, and is devoted to her duties. The trouble with many woman who work for a living is that they do not do tho best they can. The poor woman who takes in washing is late in sending for the clothes, and is behind hand in returning them, even if she does make them spotlessly clean. All women know bow rare are good dressmakers who can be depended upon to do as they promise, as well as make garments that fit. Whenever you see a dressmaker, or even a washerwoman who attends to her business properly, vou see a woman who can have all the work she wants, and she can charge a little better than the average for doing it, too. It is just so in almost every other work that women take np. If they go into the store, or office, or factory, thev do not pay so much attention as they should to mas tering all the details of their work. There is not enough intensity of pur pose in them. They fail to show the thoroughness that all must show before promotion comes. This lack ot interest in the work is one reason why women so often get smaller wages than men. When a woman puts earnest purpose into her work, she can do as well as a man almost every time, and often she can do a great deal better. The Ashland Kecord, a populist organ, rather gloats over the present financial fitringency. It says: "When we have a cheap and stable currency the element of uncertainty will be largely elimin ated from business, and prosperity will again flow through the channel of in dustry." A "cheap and stable cur rency" would be something of a novelty; in fact, we would think, an unknown quantity. However the Record proba bly can explain what kind of a commo dity it will be. Ochoco Review. The Record has made the mistake of putting into cold type the fiery harangues of cheap stablejorators. Those who are de luded by this kind of talk are frequently other than editors, and once in a while you will come across a combative neo phyte who want to challenge the Amer icanism of every individual he meets who is not in love with his peculiar fallacies. Hoke Smith seems to be a versatile cuss. One day last week lie lectured at Asbury Park, on the care of children. The secretary of the interior said a most sensible thing when he told his audience with a good deal of emphasis that tho American father would do well to devote less tinio to money-making and more to training and education of his sons mid daughters. Here is a glaring defect in the national character. What the rising generation needs is not money to live in idleness, but the equipment to earn a living for itself. Hocus ought to retire from the interior department suggests the Review, and take to tho lecture plat form with his ideas on bringing up the f-ri.9a you gs ters . Uucagn inter Ocean has been ii ..... Buwienug sialism's ana estimates that 120,000,000 have already been lost to the wool growers of tho United States since "tho change" in November. Jn atidi- tion their flocks, which they yet rt tain, are also to bo sacrificed should "tarifr reform," as interpreted bv tho changelings, get full sway. This is in- deed an object lesson of rigorous import. "The president some months ago sus- psnued, and still refuses to enforce tho provisions of the Geary law as to the Chinese in tho United States. As an offset to this, and in order to make some capital for their party on tho other side of the question, a lot of cheap partisan underlings of the administration on this coast arooxhibiling great zeal in perse cution of tho Chinese. Oregonian. friends. Wc hope to see the custom , become much less common than it j now is." i Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and j roup Cure, is for sale by Pnipea & Kin-1 ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live j doses, only -ic. Children love it. Hold ! by Snipes it Kinersly. Tin-Portland llaiikx. We have received notice this week that the banks of Portland have de cided to not receive checks on outside banks, and already our citizeno who do their banking business with banks nearer home have lieeun to feel the in convenience of this arrangement. It is i evidently the intention of the Portland i banks to precipitate a run on the inter-1 ior banks, with.thc object of capturing i their trade. .Merchants of this and ad joining counties should cooperate to defy , this combine, and when paying for goods purchased of Portland wholesale men, issue checks on their home banks as us- ual. If the Portland merchants will not accept these checks, our home mer-; chants can find wholesale men in other i citie who will be glad to get their trade, I where the banks are not so particular, I and carry money enough to acenmmo- i date the legitimate demands of business, j In view of the recent drop in freight , rates from eastern points, it would , seem as though Portland wen- trilling ' with a honierang. FossilJournal. ; l.u Grii. During the prevalence of the grippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon J)r. King's New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after effects of the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures not only in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chestand lungs, and lias cured cases of asthma and hay fever of long standihg. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. (Jfiml Jub l'rintiriK. If you have your job printing done at Tiik Chkomclk you will have tho ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under tho direct supervision of ono of tho most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. dead or living! Cliriitive effects as to warrant its SWEET. ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, ' s Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s makers in selling it, as the-y are do ing, through druggists, o;i trial I It's osiiacially wou in i'i ciiri Tetter. Salt-rhoum, Eczema. Erysip elas, IJoils, Carbuncles, Sort Hyeo, Goitre, or Thick Neck, anil Enlarged Glands, Tumors and Swellings. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J. D. PARISH. Prop. Ix'!iosThc Dalles nt C ii. m. overy iia, unci nr rives nt I'rlncviHe. in thirty-six hours. U'livrs i l'rli.cvlle at 6 u. m. every ,ly. K1111 arrives ut I The Dulles in tlilrty-Mx Hours i Catties the U. S. Mail, Passengers aoil Express f i m m mm u m ai III every size, style and price. n m inn i inmn o nn ''"J here is a tide in the a (fairs of men which, taken at its f, YOUR ATTENTION Connects at l'rlii'llle wlth- Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern Oalifornia and all Interior Points. j A imiiie.s cl'-o conneitlon nt The Dalles with I trin- from 1'ortlaiH! anil Kuitcrn point j cocrteoQs drivers. . Deed accommodations along tcs road. .' First-class Coactes and Horses mi. : Express matter bandied win special care. STACK OFJ-ICKK; Is called to the fact that Hugh G enn, C Dealer in Glaus, Lime, i'laster, Cement, nml Huildine- Muterinl nf all kinu. , ere is a tuie in lie a airs or men wmcn, uueen at iisr, leads on to fortune." Tho poet unquestionably had roftironce to the .11. Sleliol & Ciii'h Ntoru, I'rinnvlllfi. Ilmatlllu limine, Tin: l)all.'. CLtflRA STORY, Art Teacher llcom H, Jiettiwjen liuiklimj, Will Rive leskons Mondays anil TlmrKlnyk of eicli week, or oli.ner l( ilesireil. W. E. GARRETSON. iDorfinn luuuih y i Jeweler i hum: AI1KST KMt TIIK (srvriMw. 4'Hrri. thn Pineal I.lnr of Picture Mouldings To toe found in the City. 72 UUashington Street. The Dalles j Gigar : Faetory FIRST BTBBET. FACTORY NO. 105. Inniniv (In 4 Onln n UlU-un M 01 9- n : n n 41 mmm an wb -ra n m mm n n r- " Hill llllll I M Xt !ll 1 1 TL I II I II I I II I Ii flf I.III i ui miui u va. uuip 4 i vyAVjrx-XC5 nutnufuetured, l!t:t Ilraiuls and orderii from all parts of the country lllled on tho shortcut notice. The reputation of TIIK UALMiS OI GAU has bticomo lirmly established, mid tho demand for tho home uiunufactiiretl article is increasini; every day. A. ULRICH & SON. V. V. W ISK.1I A N. v.i. makii;kh. I55cU.. CLOOptrliotllc. Cure? t'lr.tjli All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. i:iK Hi oii.l Nt.. Tli. Unlit), Or. tIoruiii,Ror Tliront. nn.l AH.nna. V t Coimutiiiitlon ft hnjjic fail 1 1; wl 1 tjhl' t u n fiKeii in tino. Pol-t by I rut'Kistaon 3e.i;ir-iiite . F -1 "me Kjc'r or Clint, mo SKJi.JiiArihf cu! H s LO U f S f. f. AT A P? a t. C 'T-'" "uin A. i I HE BOS WESOLO, ii Tailor The Snug. i W, H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Greet, Tho Dalles Or. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-red ucod rate. M1CHKLHAOII 15K1CK, - - UNION KT. Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. 5at'sfa'9 GuaraptcJ WINHNS Tlnyo you rut u-rhV 'rhlremely Urtiuran. tet-U to euro vou. l'rici to eu. ,i JtctiJJ- Jrl-H Fur al)liy NiiIiik k isni,,Myi Ulllly Kveillli" Chroiifnlo Unlles (Jlty folks' I I A I n riiii i'j .. i ... reiiututioii. Homo nUMt'J.OCO ,"l eiueiiH waicn mo coiuiiiiisof tnis ninrn it rnrnn ilullyfor tho Kplclest local iiuwh uveeuu in Kieailin in liOMiiurlty yiu wiiouon :leaniiiL- the llelil, uml hene.i Kio'vb y mill iiiiportiince. Tuku It awhile, 't; try hjwo oX itu jireniluui ollvu. Never Fxlli. No instance of a failure on record when fiiinmoiiH J.iver Regulator Una been taken. It cures dyspepsia, consti pation and sick headache, strengthens tho kidneys and gently assists nature. IIOOMH TO JCKNT. Furnished rooms to rent. Apply ut tho residence of Mrs. 0. N. Thornhilry Uecond street, TJie Dalles, Or. i Shoemaker East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. l'lirfnet Fit (tunniiitoeil. ' - t J. F. FORD, Of Den Moliiex, lowii, wrllt Murcli Jh'J.I- K. 1J. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Uentkmtn ; On arrivliiL' homo l:isi w...iir r (,.. all well and anxious v awaitim?. Our r - n Ml, llliili.T ilHte ol I i Hill.. 1 t iihiu Kin, eifint ana onu-lialf years old, ' wtio had wasted nwnv tn :t t lfl IlilU iti now well, tUrontr and vigorous, and well fleshed iin. S. H. Coiieh (Jure has 1I..1,,, 11ns well known stand, kupt by the well known V. II. liuttsi l"'l.' a resi dent of Wasco county, lias an extraordi nary line stock of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Dislurbaac In fact, all the lending brands of fin Wines, Liquors and (Jitcars. Give th old man a call and you will conio iiain Wiseman & Harders, Salooo and Wine Rooms II . Si'.Y. 'l OW .N Iiiik Ikdii nlntUil on the old i'iiiiii i;roiinil, lit the i-orks mill i liillH of IIoimI river, with luruc, hixlitlx IoIh.IimiiiiI Hiiix-t-.iunl iilluyH, kikm! mil am imrinviiter.wlthHliiHlelii iirodiMloii, ierfeeliiiiiiiiKe,ii;lli;htfnl uiimiitiiiu elliinite, thereiitriil iittriclloii una iiioiititiilu kiiinnier teMirt lur nil OieKin Tho Dallea, its work well. Jioih of tln ,.1.11.1 fill i lt,i it. Vour f5. 1). CoiikI) (Juro has cured and kept away all hoarseness from me. "n0 Im ?wry- oiip, with Krei'tjiiiffi for all. ishitit,' you firospority. wo are XT T- . Ty t . A .MllH. .1. K. Foill). 10 Fit, JNO 1 aV lo"Kln,W three flos. I ,., " "'"'"K Union St., opp. Earopean jjotise. Orogon. Northwest nirimr nF Km.nml .....I Court stieots. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. eenler, hoinu the initlirul eenter for VM ninifr ihIIvm of the tx-nt ecihiriillil Ut Umber, posseiKllit; iiiIIIIoiik of horn-MUM-r In II iIiinIiIiil' miemiH mill wllff' tullx, eji hiirnei.Mil. Whi'ie eheiip mntlve invur chIhIii, them th liil .... nnicn ..hi . ni,n, im 1 1 nullum ny nou linn (Mltiimo llllll eillllllll lie vi j miywhere for fruit iiikI iiKrleultiiie, mill with trniiiiortiitloii iilreiiily1'! j..,. ...I. nun iiiiii nn- luiiee iii iiiiiki'm iKirieiii noiiui or ii nyiur ni" I 1 See me on the ground address me at Hood w I Wasco County, Oregon. TITLE PERFECT W. Ross Wi nans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work, Tin Repairs m hi Hold under jionltlvo Kuarantw. 0 cent per bottle by ull drnilt. J eggs 2(1 eggs. Address : 1 0-2, 1 in fflMM) .... .'1,00 ii. M. IlAltHI.MAN, JCiulemby, Or. MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSTJBE. Show on Third Strnnt. imvi. ilonv wi. nf Ynimir fc 1 J - f OHtM II V V V W f BlaclcBinith yliop.