el)c Dalits Chronicle OL. VT. THE DALLES, OIIEGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 189;. NO. 22. Dalles Daily Chronicle. IpubllHhed Dully, Huiiiliiy Kxne.pU.Kl. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Senontf mid WrnIiIiirUi'i HtrootN, DnlluH, Oregon. The Tnrnm of Hulmoriptlon lenr . on th, by currier w copy ...10 00 ... BO TIM K TAltl.KH. i - - - KullroBiU. KAHT IIOONI1, irrlve 11 :4ft V. m. Departs U:M) r. l: : us i'. m. WKBT 1IOIINI). riven :i:0.'i a. u. Depart :t:in a ciu (rolrtit" tlifit curry pHSKeiiKcrs lenve tlm wostut T'lK) A. W..HIKI one lor Hie 15 At M. STAOEH. lnevllle, vlii. Unite Oven, leave dully itcloix:. Mitchell, Uuuyon (Jity, leave nfur. viiiL'K ev. wuiiiin. Minimum, urm ml 'J'yKli valley, lwivo dully (except lutr, a. h. uldi'iiiliili'. Wash., leave :vury dny of thu cept Hunday at 7 a. m, I lor nil linen lit tho Umatilla House I'KOl'KHHIONAI. UIIIKU ATTOKWSY-AT-bAW OHlCC ltrt Street, Thu DallcH, Oregon. klirUll. PKANK MKNKFKK. Ill, MKNKKKK ATTORNEYS- AT- V KOOIIIh 11 llllll 'l.t, ovui i uni dl Id If Kutrnnee on WushlliBtnii Htreut ilea, OrcKon. "HIIN'NKTT. ATTOUNKY-AT-IAW. Of- iJtaIn Hehiuino's bulldlnc, up HtulrK. Thu ,YS. R. H.II UNTINOTON. II. H. WMOB. HUNTINGTON & WII-80N Attob- -AT-I.AW Omci'H, hTUIlCII'N DIOCK over onal Hunk, "h" Duties. Oregon. WILSON ATTOIlNY-AT-LAW ltOOlrtB Frcnoh it Ccj.'k hank building, Hccoud iTbe Dulles, Oregon. BHEI.M.AN (HOMJtorATIIlC) I'hyhician t;niis unswureu promptly rimuiKoN.- cht. city or country. nun block. Oflloe ft M mid wtl 1). .SB DOANK l'HYMICIAH AND HUR ON. Oule: rooms It huh o unapmuu ltuHduucu: H. K. corner cnun unu troots. sec mil door from thu corner. urn U to 12 A. M., ii to r und 7 to 8 1'. M. DAM. Dkntjst. Gun Riven lor the IiiIchh extrnctlon ol tevtli. AIho teein owed aluminum plate. Hooium: HIru of Ion Tooth, becond Btreut. HOOIKT1KN. O 1.01KIH. NO. IB. A. I'", it A. M. Meet rat ami third Monday of each month ut 7 H ItOVAl. AUOH CIlAl'TKK NO. C- n MuKiitilc Hull thu third Wednesday ith ut7 1. M. WOODMKN OV TIIK WOULD, lood t.'amp No. f9, Mimuh Ttiediiyuven .week In Fraternity Hull, iit"::io p. m, h. .Sciiknck, President , M. 11 K ALL Caslilcr. pfst National Bank. ;he dalles, OREGON A Gonoral Banking BudincBfl transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, 8un Francisco and Portland. DIREOTOHS. D. 1". Thompson. Jno. 8. Bchenck. En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likiie. H. M. Bkall. FRENCH & BANKERS. CO., TKANHACT A (IKNKRALIIANKINO BIJH1NKSH Letters of Credit issued available in Eastern States. he Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections iiiude at all mints on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, Oil. WAKE UP. If you wnko up in tho morning with a titter or bad tasto in your mouth, Languor, Dull Headache, Despondency, Constipa tion, tako Simmons Liver Kegulator. It corrects tho bilious stomach, sweetens tho breath and cleanses tho furred tongue. Children as well as adults sometimes eat something that does not digest well, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Bostlcssness. or Sleeplessness a good doso of Kegulator will f;ivo relief. So perfectly larmless is this remedy that it can "bo taken by tho youngest infant or the most delicate person without injury, no matter what tho condition of tho system may bo. It can do no harm if it does no good, but its reputation for 40 years proves it never fans in doing good. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moody Chaklkb Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold ou NEW YORK, SAN FKANC1SCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on at all accessible points. favoreble terms H.CMM A LODOK, NO.B, I, O. O. F. MeuU iKrlduv uveiilnc at 7::t0 o'clock. In K corner Hueouu unu voun ntruuio. brother urc wuleomu. , Hee'y. H. A. 1Iii.i.h,N. 0 filllP LODOK, NO. 1)., K. of 1'. Meet Monday evening ut T.M o clock, in bulldliiR, comer of Court and Second ijouruiiiK mumliurH are cordlully In W. 8. Cham. aiihk, K, of U. and B. 0. C. LY NO. 4!7. K. OK L. MeotH In K. bull thu Hccoud and fourth WeducH. b mouth ut7::w p. m. K C1IUIHT1AN TKMPEUENCE ION will mctit every Krlduy ufteruoon ut me reuuiUK room, ah are mviieu. IakIitu No. mil I. o. (1. T. Ueirulur iy meetiiiKN rnutiy ut h v. M,, u' Hull. AH are Invited. . OHMSHAN, C. T. 11. O. 1'I.KCK, Bu 1 WfW SBuo qMCMC LOIKIK NO. II, A. O. U. W. Meets JL Uirnlty Hull, over Kellum, u Bucond WMti'ltmluy uvuuliigM alT.au. . t j'aui, Krkit, W.iJfcrBH. Klimncler. M. W. TAB. HKBMITH l'OHT, No. !, (). A. It, -Meets O Vr Buturiluy ut T,M v, it., In the K.of 1'. nan. j09 U K.- MeutHovuryHundnyiitteriioonln ;Mto K. of P. Hull. N(I VEItKIN MeetH every mliiK in thu K. oi i . nun. fiundav L, V. UIVI8I0N, No. 1C7 .Meet In of P. Hull thu llrst and third WwIiick- TIIK CHimilllKH. V UT '(IMTIIF IJIVV I1111NK I, VI, TV rtllllllllV IIC Hlitli Mahn at lDiWA.M. VchperH ut ffl, I!...' I'M 11 UiitiiMMii It i.i-li , r K.Ti'li'.'U UM5 A. M, UvuuliiR Pruyor on Krlduy ut linmedliituly alter mnrniiii: survleen. nieetiUK I'Tiuuy evuiuni; in rumor h real- union serviccH in tnu court noiihP ut it p., i ,11 1 1 , A I. I : I 1 1 ill T 11 . I r nir iv llltTIH. I'aHinr. NnVvMni.K iivnrv-Kllmlni lit 11 HtnuiKtHK cuiillully liivlll. Beutu fr:e. j. ill, t, liriir 11.... r it... , r. ii u 4viii nijv. ii u iiini.i.u, jiuniur. KurvlciiHuvuryHuniliiyiiioniliiKiail u. in. ill i' I, vi, 1 1 ill. L :.. i mi ii.K . ji , II in I I ii- ii.'i'i a sr imif i!f'iii(i'f I w luui'iKi 1,11,1.,, 1 ',,1' ,, op, ... ..... W,'.,,, I t ,,,ll,,l. III. I, It'll. ..I mistor. KervIeeH at 11 I'll n m. H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v ut Kiiil) p, in. A cotdlnl woleoinu to every W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmiifi & wagon SDop General Blackomithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Lictic's old Staud. "The Regulator Line" The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. 0 tEITiTi! ITT m..BiiBHi 'i. ii 1 1 - i House Moving! THROITG-H Freignt ana Passenger Line Through dully service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Kegulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer miles (Jity. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 0 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable iigurus. Has tho largest house moving outfit in Kastorn Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : :.. Wntchen und Jewelry repaired to order on iluirt notice, and nutUfuctlon Kuuruuteed AT TIIK Hturn of 1. V. NlokeUou, iid Mt. The Ualle Chas. Allison, Deuler in PURE Hoadq.uarterR at Okas, Louer's. llitvliiK had it Hue harvest of natural lee thu bout lu the world, 1 um liu-numl to furnUh in any iUiinUty und ut bottom priced. JivALLLS-ON- C. F. STEPHENS, I3KAL1JK IN Dry Goods Qlothing ItlMltH, .SllllHM, lllltH, Kill. FanDg ood, jfution lile. I2tu,, Klo,, Sooond St., The Dalles. I'AHHKNOKU KATKH. One way Round trip. ,.2,00 . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY, tie Dent I Agent. B. F. LAUGH LIN, General MauHBer. THE DALLES, OREGON ptesh Paint! W. c. Uimikkt hereby hendB Ills compliments to every friend And enemy If ho hub any- Ho they few or be they inuuy. Tho time for painting now linn come, Aud every one desires u homo That looks fresh und clean und new, As none but a Kood painter can do. l'liliitlUK, paperiiiK and kIiizIuk, too, Will make your old hoiibo look iiiite new, Hu will taku your work either way, lly thu Job or by tho day. If you have work jtlvo him a call, Hu'll tuku your orders, largo or small. llespectfully, W. C. GILBERT, 1', O. llox No. 3, TJIL DALLES, OR. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, mid every room has been ropn pored and ropainte and ;iovly carpeted throughout. The houfco contains 170 rooms and is suppliw with every modern convenience. Hate! reasonable, A good restaurant attaehec to Hie house, Frer bus to and from all traliin, C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. THE CHICAGO HORROR Searching for the Bodies of the Vic tims. WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS MISSING Thousands of People Making Inquiries for Their Friends Many Bodies Unrecognized. Chicago, III., July 11. Columbian guards on duty at the scene during the fire have constantly maintained that several world's fair visitors and electri cal employes and other workers were caught in the flames, and today's dis covery lends color to their contention. The Klectric Light company had a number of men in the lower part of the building, stringing wires, when tho fire broke out, and several of these are still missing. Four Columbian guards are atill unaccounted for. At least 100 peo ple who have missing relatives or friends were around the ruins this morning, trying to identify (lie bodies discovered. Many inquiries come from Springfield, 111., as to the fate of Lieutenant John II. Freeman, of lire company No 1. There is no longer anv doubt as to his fate. He was one of the first to reach the top of the burning shaft, and conse quently one of the liret victims of the fire. His charred body lias been dis covered and in some way identified by his comrades, though the features and form are unrecognizable. Freeman only entered the world's fair fire department a few weeks ago. He was for many years chief lire marshal of Springfield, but recently lost his position through a change in the administration. It has been definitely ascertained that only 11 firemen lost their lives, as fol lows : Captain James Fitzpatrick, Lieu tenant J. H. Freeman, William Den ning, P. B. Green, Captain James Gar vey, John McBride, John Cahill, Paul Sciineder, Captain B. E. Page, Lieu tenant Charles Purvis, J. A. Smith. There are three unidentified bodies, known, however, not to be firemen. There are 17 wounded in the hospital .and eleewheie. Of these, L. J. Frank, a fireman, will probably die. Among the wounded are : Captain Thomas Barry, arm broken, will have to be amputated; Marshal Murphy, chief of the world's fair fire department, slightly injured; Marshal Kenyon, chief of the battalion, bruised. Three Columbian guards, who went up tho deadly cupola to help the fire men draw up the hose, are missing, and it is supposed have shared the fate of the firemen. An examination of tho remains of the structure this morning reveals its flimsy character, and many blame the construction department of the world's fair for allowing it to go up in that form. It is said the council of administra tion had been warned time and again of the dangerous character of tho structure, ncluding once by Marshal Murphy, and that tho council, to cut down expenses, ordered the withdrawal of tho Colum bian guards on duty here, in spite of a protest from the commander. But tor the favorable direction of the wind yes terday, it is believed nothing could have prevented the lire from sweeping right through the White city. Tho heavy financial loss entailed by the cold storage lire yesterday caused tho Hercules Iron Works, owner of the plant, to make an assignment this morn ing. TllO company uwna it iiuiii ui Aurora, 111. Assets, $-100,000; liabili ties, $200,000. Yesterday's fire caused a loss of $200,000, which tho company will have to stand, as the insurancocompany recently canceled all risks on tho struc ture. The piesidcnt of the Hercules company says tho plant is unencumbered and suillcient to meet all liabilities. The company will continue in business, but will not rebuild at tho world's fair. Iniliti'M Silver Legislation. London, July I L In response. to an inquiry in the house of commons today, G. K. Russell, parliamentary secretary of tho Indian oilice, stated the object of tho silver legislation in India was not to fix the valuo of thu rupee at 10 pence or anv other amouiii, nut to prevent, a future f.ill in price. Ho added ho had not vet fixed the ratio ot value notween tho rupee and sovereign. Neil lly Drowned. Joe Kevburii, In attempting to ford the John Day river one day last week, came near meeting with a fatal accident, says tho Antelopo Herald. Tho liver was higher than he expected it to bo and after the team had gone in ti short distance they wore compelled to swim. I'ho wagon uphct. and it was only by u miruclo that Mr. Heybuiu clung to tho wagon and saved his life. Some parties who wero near by, came to his rescue immediately and tho half-drowned man is now lying at Mr. Clarno's residence in a critical condition. HII.VKK IMtltCHASKH. by Another Itlil by Telegraph Accepted the TrciiKury. Washington, July 11. Thero was but one rcsponso to tho counter proposition to silver brokers yesterday, and that was limited to an offer of 100,000 ounces at "ljac. This camo from New York by telegraph after the close of tho office yesterday. It was promptly accepted. Tomorrow another effort will bo made to secure more silver, and as tho price in London this morning is up to d to 33), maybe the department will have to pay more that 71)ic, if it decided to buy at all. It is stated the purpose of the acting director of the mint just now is to secure steady quotations rather than to affect tho market one way or another, and when the quotations be come steadier it is probable tho pur chases of silver will be resumed in larger amounts. A TOUGHCIRCUS CROWD. A ChelmlU Sheriff Lent Tame the Sanger Show. A Chealis dispatch says : Last night one of the flim-flamers ac companying the Sanger & Lent's show beat a German farmer out of $20 by means of the short change racket. The German swore out a warrant for his ar rest, which was put in the hands of Dep uty Sherifl Ed. Barnett to serve. Bar nett went to the show train while the outfit was packing up after the perfor mance and arrested his man. As he was leaving with him, employers of the show, headed by tho manager, assaulted him together with two other officers, beat him insensible and rescued the prisoner. A free fight with citizens seemed imminent as soon as the affair attracted attention. At this juncture Sheriff Barnett, accompanied by Deputy Carpenter, arrived on the scene with drawn revolvers and proceeded to search the show train for tho short-change sharp. They wero unable to find him, but arrested four employes of the show. The manager in tho meantime escaped to the hotel and had gone to bed. They hunted him up, got him out of bed and took him with his hired men to the county jail. Tho five prisoners were charged with assaulting the officers, and were to have had a hearing thie morn ing, but it was postponed till Wednes day. Tho show proceeded to Olympia without a manager and several specialty artists. The manager was released on bail this afternoon, furnished on a tele gram from the Oregon National bank of Portland. Last fall I was taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrhcea. Soon after my wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken in the same way. We used almost every thing without benefit. Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy, which we did, and that cured us right away. I think much of it, as it did for mo what it was recom mended to do. John Hertzler, Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. 23 and f0 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley k Houghton, Drug gists. The New Comet. Nkw Yoiik, July 11. The new comet has been watched at the observatory. It appears about the size of a star of the second magnitude, and, will probably grow brighter during tho coming fow days. Ounce of I'ruvuntloii vs. l'ounil of Cure. Such may lie applied in many cases. People go on from day to day, having all tho symptoms of a disordered liver, such as loss ot appetiie, loin lougue, sour stomach, heartburn, fullness after meals, bad taste in mouth after rising in the morning, headache, nausea, vomiting, dull pain through the eyes, biliousness, etc. Does any of this strike you? If so, tako time by tho forelock and seek re lief. Dr. Grant's Cloalo will ho found invaluable and will remove any or all of tho symptoms enumerated, It is gentle in its action, no purging, and one bottlo will inako you feel liko a now being. Got your bathing pants from S, A X. Harris. The Coining In.tltute. To tho Teachers of Wasco County; Our county institute this year will b held at Hood River July .'ilst to Aug. 8th. The followjng leading teachers of tthe county have agreed to act as instructors: Prof. John Gavin, The Dalles; Aaron Frazicr, Dufur; C. L. Gilbert and P. A. Snyder, Hood River, and P. P. Under wood, Boyd. It has been determined to hold two classes simultaneously, embracing every day each ono of the ten studies required of teachers in examination. By exam ination of the program it will be seen that any six of the ten studies can be taken at one course. It is expected that each teacher will select such a course as best suits their wants, and keep to that throughout. A great deal of time and money is spent on these institutes for the sake of tho teacher, and it is earnestly hoped that all will attend. Remember the law requires you lo attend at (east two days; and you cannot possibly keep up with the school work in the county unless you do attend. Good board and lodging can be had at not to exceed $1 per day. Any that wish to camp will have a com modious place furnished to pitch their tents free of cost. The round trip fare from The Dalles by railroad is $1.00, by boat 75 cents. An excursion will be planned for Saturday, Aug 5th. Interesting lectures and general ex ercises will be neld several evenings. Come, bring your text books, and help make it a grand success. DAILY I'UOGIIAM FIR8T CLASS. 9 to 9 :10. Opening exercises. 9:10 to 10. Mental Arithmetic, Prof. Gavin. 10:10 to 11. Spelling, Prof. Gilbert. 11:10 to 12. Written Arithmetic, Prof. Underwood. 1:30 to 2 :10. General discussion. 2:15 to 2:50. Math-Geography, Prof. Gavin. 2:55 to 3:40. Adv. Grammar, Prof. Frazjer. 3 :45 to 4 :30. Reading, Prof. Under wood. SECOND CLASS. 9:10 to 10. History, Prof. Frazier. 10:10 to 11. Language work, Prof. Snvder. 11:10 to 12. 2:15 to 2:50. 2:55 to 3:40. der. 3:45 to 4:30. Ten minutes Physiology, Prof Gavin. Writing, Prof. Gilbert. Geography, Prof. Sny- Theory, Prof. Gilbert, between each recitation the in the morning and five minutes in afternoon. (Save this for futuro reference.) Yours very truly, Tuoy Shelley. Strength nuil Ileulth. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If "la grippe" has left you weak and wea"7, use Electric Bitters. This remedy acta directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding thoso organs to perforin their functions. If you are afllicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Electric Bitters, Ono trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 50c. at Snipes it Kinersly'H drug store. The Statu 1'rUon, Sali'.m, Or., July 11. The report of Superintendent Downing, of tho state penitentiary, for the quarter ending June 30th, lias been filed with the sec retary of state. It shows tho number of convicts in tho institution to be 804, a gain of one dining tho quarter. The earnings of tho penitentiary during that period wem jflJ.ODS.JI'J, of which $520 wero for board of United Stutos prison ers, $2,523,01 for convict labor furnished tho foundry, $42 for rent of cottage and $8,35 for old iron and rugs, The ex penses foot up $10,052. Vol' Kent. Rooms to rent at Row A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 0-23daw. Elder S, M. Beaver, of MeAllIstervillo, Juniatta Co., Ph., says his wife is subject to cramp in tliMHtoinach. bast summer t-lie tried Chaniborlain's Colic, Cholera and Dianluea Remedy for it, and was much pleased with tho speedy relief it afforded. She bus blnco used It when ever necessary and found that it never fails. For sale by Blulceley A I loughton, Druggists. Highest of all In Leavening1 Power.- Rcy -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. mm Pa 0 mder ABSOLUTELY PURE ;