The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE MAT.I.K8 OKKOON H. C. NIELSEN, 1 1 ttnn on Onnlii Itutika. Sax Fuancisto, .Inly 10. The British tramp sttnimur Uawnmore, which ."ailed from thin port for Nanainio in ballast last Friday, ran on Uardit rocks at l o'clock Saturday niorniii;: and at once began to 1111. The ilaunniore was never u fast Fteamer. and her crew now real ized that unless assistance could he had the chances of the ship's" reaching San Francisco were very slim. Captain Woodsides hoisted a signal of dit'tre?.-. It was i-een by the steam schooner He! Norto, which took the disabled fillip in tow and started for the Golden date. The Pel Xorte held on to'.tlie liawn uiore for six hours and then the hawser parted. UulicviuR that the steamer was doomed, the crew hastily packed up their clothes and prepared to leave her. Captain Woodsides refused to leave his vessel, however, and said he would sink or swim with her. A dispatch to the Merchant's Exchange this morning from Caspar, Mendocino Icounty, states that the steamers Emiiy and Weeott have arrived there with the hritish steamer Uawnniore in tow, and beached the vessel. AViuitetl fur Slimier. Klamath Falls, Or., July 10. There was a race over the mountains last night on the Ashland-Klamath Falls road, be tween Tom Shattuck, sheriff of Joseph ine, and a brace of constables from the same localitv. There is o00 reward offered for the capture of the murderer of Antone Joseph, who was assassinated on Williams creek in Josephine county two weeks ago. Sheriff Gowan has un der arrest Charles Single, aged L'2, charged with arson committed here on June 4th, and there is strong evidence that he did the killing. Slagle was held in !5,000 bonds today to appear before the grand jury for the local crime, and the Josephine oflicers cannot gain pos session of the prisoner. G. W. Meek was also arrested here by Sheriff Gowan today on suspicion 61 being implicated in the murder. I'rencliluc tlto End of the World. Tipton, Ind., July 10. Twelve preach ers, calling theniBelves recruits of heaven, have put up a tent and are holding service day and night without intermission. They preach the early end of the world with the fervor of fanatics. Hundreds flock to hear them. -.They profess to go into trances and r preach while in that condition. Some of rt&eir converts develop strange powers and 'tell wonderful tales of their visits to .. heaven mid hell. Clothier and Tailor. Pividedly the Finest Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Triad's and Valises, etc., etc. cor. .second and Washington, thk dalles, ok. BOSSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, Corner Ham, liWO.V .S'7WA" I'.l.'M), Chicago, lilt. The largest unci onlv strictly commission dealer iti horses in the' world, wilfhold his -1th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on WEIDIsrESXD.Y, JULY 19. Entries should be made at onee. TTOT?R-RR HORSES'!m J. O. MACK, FlflE WlEp and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Tho Corrugated Itullrilug next Door to Court Holme. Handsomely Funisbed Rooms to Rent by the Day. Week or Montii. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. .Vlce-I'resldeiit Meveiisnu Coming. liuaoMiNUTO.v, Ind., July 10. Vice President unci Mrs. Stevenson will start n . : m, uu a iuui Luuiuiiun illuming. J.uvy gu -first to Chicago, thence to Salt Lake n .hvei stay there they will go to Port land. They will return early in August. A few days later they will go to Wash ington to remain during the special session. "My little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrho;a. We used var ious medicines, also called in two doe tors, but nothing done him any good un til wuueed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. consider it the bett medicine made und can conscientiously recommend it to all who need a diarrhea or colic medicine. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. I'or Itent. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 0-2.1duw. FRASEH, Proprietor. TheDhlles Wasco County, Oregon, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, Ac OH. SMDEN'S ELE IELT With llaotro-Magnetlc 8UIFIW80RV. uimi j-atcatai lien Improvement I Trill cu ro without inilclno all n.ikin, rwultlng from GvriHuAtlou of brain rifrre forces i nceajtaorinili crttlon, as nerrous debility, tlveplewuss, lantruor, Thramatian. kidney. Il'er and fcUdder computus Jaiw baric, lumbago, rciatloa, all female complaints Kc"tra! I1'. ""'. ' Tills electric Belt contains tindfrfit lammiiti over all others. Current u n.tUnUytHt,y wearer or we forfeit J,OOO.W, am) v 111 cure nil of tho above rflreaaei or Bo pay. Tliou, jnd inn been cured by ttila marreloos (nrention Biter all other remliej failed, and we (tiro liutuitwlJ cf tetURionlalaln Itila and erery other Mate. irtir I'owrrill lupro.Kl UUTBIC DISTMHOBT. th ttrt-utett boon avr ottered weak men, HUK althalj lielu. IfraUli im tlrtron sireattli Cl'llti.'rmiUla eu t i,uUS bead foi JliuVil pamphlet, roalled.aealed, freo 6ANDCN ELeOTftIO 0O ho. 1 i-'lrit Htrcel, J'UU'XXUD The Dalles Daily Chfonicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. run! Ilie Chronicle to get tlio latest anil reliable . wx. Ajut they read every lino ''.at 1 in tlic paper. That Is what miikw the ''iiKMiIely uu invaluable advcrlHng medium. 'Ji.e uc-WM-aiwr that goes to tho family flius.ilen j the one fQ) that tiiu udvertlicrs '. : hiy jwtro-iUt yU-v they ilfalrii' to kj I- tiic iule. When tiny want your trade !r uiiimjieenitnU Mill be found Jn the iwipcr. Uk over our column und obervc tho vcrllicu-t;-iothe truth of thl insertion, IteiiiwiiU-r, trmlfiij,, fuinilj 'A tivu thoukand '.vorll- 1.,- thwuBh theito C'IUJiin. i i-liil'y kj t our very The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at tho kead of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for nn extensive und rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching us fur south us Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of this Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will bo niore than doubled in the near future. The products of tho U-autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, nnd all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its nionoy is scattered over and is leing used to develop more fanning country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon." Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. M DALLES MILE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as woll as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, honce it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. Tho Daily Cjikoniclk is published evory evo ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho AVekklv Chhoniolh on Fridays of each week at 1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlx Dalles, Oregon. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing tor - The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 51ft Ueekly l?ror;iel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. Aril, ,.rr,m,.om,nt, wltl, uuof m of If, l.-'-t Mmk.uI.i.- u.nv ,,.,1.1 1 we iiro I'imlili-tl to iimkc u miit oi'0tlmnl "Hit ! mmkI McCLURE'S MAGAZINE 03STE -yiE-A-IBL to ovoryoiUMVl.., litis out tlu. f.illuwIiiK Mm ( ., .....I mmiiIIiik It to .Ii.t.'I.v MiWrll.UiR hi The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO UU IT57 7'uMishers CII.ROMCL h The Dalles, Or.: Von, will) ease send to nnj address the WllLV CJIUOMCLK for t'J mouths from d.aiej'or which T agree to pai 00 ets. a mouth, it being iuidrrs(ood that iiou, arc)o hare sen, to nuj address for I iear, with oaf extra ch arge, McC ti'S M.'l G .l ZLW N , commencing with the current number. Name, j Address . . This Is the Season Of the Year GUhen Judicious O Advertising Pays. j .A. USTEW ri i II .Dale CALL AT OUR OFFICE 1111(1 MH' tllflMltottillltlllRftllll ihlt'ly llllHttllll'll McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which nmoiiR It.s contrlbutnrs tho iiiont fiimoiis nutlinrs In AmerlfJi nml r.iiutiiiiil, Hu'liiilllKT huuIi writers n.s tin' fiillowln;; TlioiiKia ilurdv, lluinlin liarlund, .1. T. TrowbritfKO, Prof. K. S. Ilolilun, .Toionin JJ. .luronii!. J'rof. O. A. Yoiiiik. Francos Hod'Hon linrnott, II. II. ItoyoM'ii, : llnlnnliilrnn' nlJil'hmnnllt. i i iiiiiiii a u 1 1 1 1 iii i iiiiiiiiiHiii n i i nn iiw iiminmniiiiiuiii.f C3 Il Ua. A A A A i-t a a h a m aHV -T JW I' aaaaaWaaa&"4 ' aaMaSMl9lali! I'. L. StOVOllHOIl, Kudyiird Kijilint:, A. Coiiun Doylu, Octnvo Than Jt, William Dean IIoo1Ih, 5ret Ilarte, Clark ntis.--ull. Joel Chandler IlarriH, Holierl Han, Ilunrv Htanley, An:hlh:il(l l-'orliew, Andrew I.ant;. Sarah Ormi .lowutt, Hr. .1. S. liillinH, TlionuiH Hardy, Kuuvnru KmliiiK. Joel Chandler Harris, Conan Doyle, Theodore HooHevelt, Joaquin Miller, Oilhort Parker, John HurrotiL'hH, , 1. ' fi.- i. I'l aim. lioui. r.oniM biuvuiikuii, viuiuiu r lauimanon, F. Clarion Crawford, Lilliu CIiiiho Wyman, 31ar"iii(t Deland, Harriut I'reHcott Snollbrd, W. K. Henlev. Ileri.ert D. Ward, Fdward Everett Nale, Cant. Charlew Ivinp. Klizaboth Stuart Phelps, Loiuhu Chandler Moulton, Kach nuinlxT of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE cimtnltiK two liiiiiiliomoly llliutruted Inturvlvw with ituoh fainim.i coU' ni .ItileH Verne, Arebdeucon Farrar, AlpboiiHe Duudet, I-ranccH Hodufion IUirnett, Thomas A. hiitson, Liumle I ltimmarion, Tisaandier, the fainouH F. HopkiiiHon Smith, Kdward Kverott Hale, irencli JiulluotiiHt, 11.11. lloyeHon, rrol. ttrulitini Hull. and many othurs, lmvo ltmilshel mnturliil for oim-clally irciMircil interviews which will niH.'iir iuiij liu.iirmt'u in mi iuukiiziiio. Kueh niiiiiht'r contains two or three short stories by fammiH nntliors. Fully llhmtmtetl storlw will iilHnNir in winy milliner iy William Dean UowuIIh, K. L. Stevoiifon, .Bret llurte, Sarah Orne Juwett, Harriet J'reacott Spoll'ord, Octave Thanet, FranccH HodgHon JJurnett, Stanley J. Weyuian. j HENRY IVI. STANLEY will L'ontrlliiitu, especially for ynutiK renders, n thrllllnl' IntereftliiK Hnry of African Adventure NATUKAL IIISTOUV AND ADVENT PKK. There will Im several articles written ly Roymond Dlathujoyt, who has l-en called by Mr. W, T. ! Rtead the best Interviewer In KiiKlauil, Irom material furnishrd him by Knrl Mniiiintjaak, of Ham I burg, theirreat animal Importer and trainer. TIicm. articles deal with 1 The Capture of Wild HeimtH. The Transportation of Wild IleantH. i Tlie Training of Wild Beasts. The Adventures and Escapes of Karl Haenbeck. ' The series will oe Illustrated by an KiiBlish artist of aekuoii leili?ed skill In drawini; wild iinimah. ! John la'imoL'OHf, V. I', lloi.iir.n, :. C, C. Aimorr, and other writers lamous for their work In this Held, will contribute to the nuiKa.ine. Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PHOF. 11. L. GAKNEU'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arramremeuts have been made, in connecllon with a leadinir Knitlsh review, to nnhllsh I'rof ' Garner's letters de-criptlve. if his present expedition to Africa, I'rof. (iarner Is noted the world over for the curious and interesting luvestlKatfons ho Is maklne In the niech of monkeys, lie sailed for Africa last September for the sake of further iMirstiliiK his studies In tho native haunts of thoKorllla. The Illustrations for thoo articles will be from photographs taken by i'rof. (iarner. The magazine iil-o conUdus most Interesting articles under thu following comprehensive heads " The Edjre of the Future." " ICnovvledgo of Iminediato Araltiu." " Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." " HtraiiKor than Fiction,"' otc. We are ollerlng this splendid magazine with tint Daily CimoNia.r. for only ?7,'.D a year, payable in advance or in monthly Installments as deeirt d. We make this exceptional oiler In order that wo may secure a largo numlxir of new subirll!rh, but all who are already subwrlbers may avidl themselves of this opportunity to secure this great magazine. Kill up thu blank am! send It In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. J 111 i A iV JN 1 I M 11 iSAm I m.Ai.Mm in - i u nave added to our DttsinesH t i Homplutc UiidertadiiiK J'.HtalillHhmunt, i i ... ......... mm us vt: are in no way oounecicu whd the Undertakers' TrtisU our prices will j no low aecorulnlv. From TERIMNRli or INTERIOR Points TIIK- I a aVB nn ram Is the line to take I rrii ill imiiini mum i iti iiaittw iu Mil ru n a lam m mmil i It Is tho Illnliig Car Itoute. It rutin Tliniop ? l'l.Mf Hill ll'.t 'I rill.l. flt'itrl. llnv l.i flu, iih. .n 1 fl Paul and Chicago (NO CHANliK OK ( AUH.) Composed of Dining Cars unsurpasstsl. VuU man Dniwing ltoomHleuiHirsof lnUtiiulpmil. TOURIST SLEWING CA11S Dent that can be constructed, and fu whicl I accommodations are laith Kreo and Kurulihet lor immcrsoi Mrsi ami hwomrciass J luvuu.aiK ELEGANT DAY COACHES A L'ontluuouH line, connecting with all Hum afliirilliii: dlnt and iiiilnlerriinltsl servloa THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This woll-ltnown Hrowery is now turning out the boat Beur and l'ortet eaBt of the Cascades. Tho lateHt appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Heer have been introduced, nnd only the Hrst-class article will be placed on the market. I'llllmiin Hleejier reoervntlnns can l secure! in advance through any agent of tho road, THROUGH TIGKETS hnglaml and KurojH) can I iienei omce 01 inu coinixiuy To and from a!! Iiolntu In AiniTlra be puroliiLsed at Nn; Kull Information concerning rates, time ol trains, routes nnd other details furnished on a. plication to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent I. 1'. A A. Nav. t;o., lti-gulator otllcc, Thi I'mirn, ir, or A. I). OlIAKLTOK, Ass't. (leiicrnl l'assenger Agt l'ortland, 'Jir0. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and tho Lntest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER. aWr-Pntcticnl Painters nnd Taper ITanKers. None but the best brunds of the hllOrv.'itl. Will. (..Mil nn, I T W Atouilrv'n 1'iii.itu Mu.i.l !., ..II ... I I ... I ................... j i" on .uu ur, iuui none inu the most skilled workmen employed. Akuiiiij for Masnry Liipiid J'aintH. No ""V""1-"1 "-'iiMHUHvuni hi nuuji imi.uiru, v una ciiiHS uriiuio in all colors AM orderh jiromjitly attended to. " Paint ShoD corner Thirdand Washinfftou Sts.. TLo Dallou. Oregon The ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IDE OBEAE Ht wholosaU iluntHtloim. Qolijmbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hun lately been thoroughly renovated and iiuwly furnished tliioiiKhoiit, 'nnd jH mw better tlian ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel iiceotiiitKjdiitions of any house in the elty, and at thu very low rate of .$1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. OIU'o of the fiuit and commodious opponitlon Hluw to Dnfiir, KInHov, TyKh Valley, U'aplultla, Wan,, isj 1,,.., u( PrlnovlUo Is in the Hotel and persons Hoini; to IViinlviOe enu save ?1.()0 by t-eiiiK on thin Hu line. All trains stop hore. Candies and Nuts Specialties FlnoHt Poanut Roautor In The Dnllei 23 8 I mi tr At right w SclStreetJ.rULUUuS' - JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, 76 Court Stret, Next door to Waaoo 8uu Offloe. Huh Just received a line lino of Kiuiiplgg for sprint' and mnnmor Kultlnt-'S. Come and See the New Fasbions. Cleaning and Repairing to order. SallHfaetloit niiantnteed. PHOTOGRAPHER Flint piemluin at the Wasco county air for host portraits and vIowb.