e Shield nnr interests. V Wc Lib' tie Ladies to conic to our store, whether they come to buy or not. We always try to have something new to interest and attract them. We realize that the Ladies Like Bargains, and so we always nuhuige to have something in all olNjur departments at specially low prices, .nest and cheapest.. Vi, all goods Marked if. ur in plain figures. Pease & Mays. Dalles Daily Chronicle. lU-nil n tliti l'ostoincu lit Tim Dulles, Oregon, 111. KtH!(lllU-(!lUHN llHlttOr. I.urul AitvrrtlNluc. 610 Cunt i-r line (or llrht liiHortlon, mid ft ContH 11110 Kir Hll'll MtllM'lIHMIl I1IMTUHI1. H!lul rutt'H Kir mtiK tniiu iioucch, Iik'iu iKitlccB received Inter than .1 o'clock iii.onr tlie following diiy. Wnutlirr 1'orrraMt. at cial forrcant Jor (iuct(-iinr Airic nullity 5 ji, m. tomorrow 'uesdnv and WedneBdav, fuir find Uionary temperature. ji'Mivv,. WUATIIEK Maximum temperature, 7(1. ' Minimum temperature, fill". Kiver, 28.0 feet above r.ero. Wind, west. ESDAY, - JULY 11, 18915 wM1 ',c a,'V Wfrfci Chronicle way ijwfl found un tale at J. ('. J ickehen ' utore Hp Ha mm JULY JULEPS. Id l.orul NVwk l'lelil In llouiu'put hie I(KfK. Ijhe took oir her hat In the very llrst net, Aim wiiii aeitm-tm then mm it down O limt the way kIic knew It would hhow s'Tlie luniorter'h inline In the crown. llnety-iiine cents will be paid for Mry llfty-three-cent dollar ou presenta- Ht at this ofliee. essrs. Pease & MavsareshiDDinir 310 ikh oi wool to rortianu touay uy tne amer Kegulator. t'the reunion of I'olk county pioneers Dull an the gold medal for the oldest ncer couple was awarded to D. K. is und wife of Lewisvillo. J. B. Em- , born in 1847, was given the prize being the oldest native-born eon of lk William Scott, who was convicted for ssmating his wife in Yamhill uty, in 18D0, and sent to prison for years, who pardoned by the gover . Scott alwavb nrotested innocence. KUb guilt never wan clearly established iffii'thi juind of the public. J. S. Coojier, commission salesman of iorses, Union .Stock Yards, Chicago, Ljays: There is but little if unv change In the horse market from Inst week. $Good, smooth chunks und toppy drivers Mire soiling fairly well at steady prices, Kcwith a little demand for streeters und Idraft horses. The domund for western ...... . i. .. t .tup- i ffjiorses is sieauy ni. prices irom jco io $4U. Our next mile will be held July 10th. Consign your horses direct to J. B. Cooper, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. A picturesque polu kitten has visited us frequently during the summer, lie is very gontlo und unassuming in hip iiiuniH.ru and would evidently take up his abode among us with a little coax ing. Our numerous feline gentry defer to him und we hnve thus fur shown him much courtesy, feeling that despite his simple ways, if onragod, ho would be terrible us are an army with banners, und could In u flush exert an influence moro depressing than the MuKinley tip-ill', lie is u living illustration of the absurdity of horn blowing in geuerulj silent influences being so much more powerful. -Skamania County J'loiieer. Ntivtir Villi. No instance of u fulluro on record when Simmons Liver Regulator has been taken, It cures dyspepsia, consti pation and sick headache, strengthens the kidneys und gently assists uaturo. Ask vnili rlmtlitr fur Btovu I'olish. Mexican (silver Children' Dny at AVnuro. At the June session of tho Wasco and Shormsm counties council of the Patrons of Husbandry it was decided to have a children's picnic at Wasco on the 8th of July. Accordingly the grange of Sher man county, in company with their children and friends, met in the large tabernacle, where for some time the INI. E. people had been holding a camp meeting, and being called together by Mrs. Wood worth of Wasco grunge, they proceeded to enjoy the occasion by lis tening to grunge songs and tho recita tions, esifays, diulogues and select read ing of the little folks. Boon after being called to order the welcome rain came pattering down on the tabernacle, und run trickling down on the backs of those in the rear end ; but all bore the afflic tion with smiling faces, thinking of the suffering grain that was being bo greatly revived by t he shower. A receps uuh taken at noon und a most bountiful lunch was spread, und the lurge crowd was fed so liberally that it was feared they would no longer be able to uppreciate intellectual food. But the granger is a remnrkable animal, ho can stand a large amount of sweet "fodder," und yet be ready for "busi ness." At the conclusion of tho pro gram impromptu addresses and volun teer recitations and songs were given by Rev. White, John Medler, A. S. Roberts and P. P. Underwood. The exercises lusted till ufter five o'clock without ap parent weariness on the part oi the large and evidently well pleased audi ence. Two Peah. A Chapter of Accident. Geo. W. Smith today fell out of a building, on the opposite side of the river, and broke his arm. Dr. Rinehart went across to attend to it. A messenger arrived in the city this morning for Dr. Doane, who boarded the Regulator forUlenwood, Wash. He was called to attend u clerk for Dr. CIirb. Adums, who oerates a general merchandise store near Mt. Adams. The clerk, Mr. Royal, it was said, had his shoulder crushed in an accident. The reason of tho accident could not be ascer tained. Today about noon Vomer Luuretsen was thrown from his pony iiud broke his collar bone. A new-fungled bit was in the horso's mouth, which in some way caught his tongue or 1 f j , and when pulled by tho bridle rein the body yielded to the motion of the head, which at the time was backward. As nearly as can lie stated, the horse fell over him self, and the position of tho boy was pe culiar. Dr. Rinehart was at once called. There are some patent medicines that are more murvelous than u dozen doc tor's prescriptions, but they're not those thnt profesB to cure everything. Everybody, now und then, feels "run down," "played out." They've the will, but no power to gouernto vitulitv. They're not sick onough to cull a doctor, but just too sick to be well. Thnt's where the right kind of u patent medi cine comes in, and does for u dollar what the doctor wouldn't do for less than five or ten. Wo put in our claim for Dr. J'ierce'H Golden Medical Discovery, Wo claim It to be an unociuuled rem edy to purify tho blood and Invigorate the liver. We claim It to be lusting in its ellects, creating an appetite, purify ing tho blood, and preventing bilious, typhoid and miliaria! fevers if taken in time, The time to take It Is when you first feel the signs of wearinm und weak' nem, J he time to take It, on general principles, is now. Knlrni Ileal Kutnte. Salem property is at a very Jow ebb, judging from the following from the Journal : It 18 pitiful the way property sold for taxes goes begging at tho court house. Sheriff Knight and his deputies are mak ing every exertion to close out tho de linquent list, but half the time there are no bidders present. Moneyed nien'are remarkable for their absence. When the money sharks are unable to see n cent in a town lot sold for school taxes at sl.oO, or a quarter section of land at eight or ten dollare, the common sort of speculators seem to think there is noth ing in it. Some great bargains are go ing just the same at those sales. CITY COUNCIL. Important t.PRtnlntliin Comr up nt nil A l J n ii r n r dMojJJjjg, ""Tlie city council mot Saturday night in an adjourned regular meeting, there being present Mayor Rinehart and Louncilmon dole, Kreft, Butte, Hudson aim J,shclm;in. PERSONAL MENTION. . 0. Warner of Xaneene is in the Mr J city. Rev. Wiiisler left for Portland yester day via the D. P. & A. Nav. Co. Rev. Severin Yorock of Vancouver arrived today and tor a few weeks will be the guest of Father Buchner. Mr. I. I. Burget and Prof. Brown leave tomorrow morning for Trout lake, Wash., to be absent about a week. Messrs. C. E. Haight. A. W. Branner, Luke Burham and W. E. Garretson, the noted anglers, will go to Trout Lake to morrow. Their reputation as llshermen is known and if brain food is necessary to help them out they will get there anil get them the fish. Mr. George Nolin of 15-Mile is in the city. He informs us that before the rain of last Saturdav the people were quite discouraged wfth tho outlook for anything of a crop, but since then they are happy and are sure the question is fully settled that the grain yield will lie first-class in this county. HOTKI. AKIUVALS. Columbia H II Shank, II Olsen, J Jencen, L Hoably, J Hobson, Portland: J E Randall, Hood River; Miss Brown and 2 children, Dufur; A E Bevens, George Nix, Nelson; B 1.0 an, P Gras, Hay Creek; VSnakal and wife, Clarnie; F Foster, Oakland ; WG Odell Nansene. KatliiK at lUdtluie. Eating before sleeping, now so gener ally recommended by physicians to those troubled with insomnia resulting from nervous trouble, is not a very dif ficult prescription to fill, but the deter mination of tho question jiiBt what to eat is not Infrequently puzzling. One who has experimented for years names u glass of warm milk as a good nightcap for many, whilo for people who have a tendency for biliousness it will not do at all. To tho latter, buttermilk, not too cold, is said to be tho very best of night caps. Warm milk with vichoy is also recommended, Oranges, and, to a cer tain extent, hot and very sour lemon ado are very good for all. A medical journal says; "Most students and wo men who ure troubled with insomnia are dyspeptic, and they should, there fore, eat before going to bed, having put away work entirely at least an hour be fore. If they are not hungry they should simply bo instructed to eat, and If they are hungry, they should eat whatever they want. A glass of milk uud a biscuit is sometimes all that can be taken at once, or mashed potatoes buttered," ttuclileu' Aruivu Hulvo. 'the best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhouni, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and ull skin eruptions, uud posi tively cures piles, or no puy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price -'5 cents per lwx. For rule by Snipes & Kin-wsly, ino impounding report of the inarRhal lor tno month of June, show na tho ro ceipts and amounts duo tho city, was read, accented and n need on flln Under reports of etnnding committees Aiu. ruoit made a verbal report concern ing the telephone and telegraph com pany. They first desired to put in their poles on becond street, and for tho nur l)oso, wanted the shade trees in front of Wiseman's saloon cut down. This was refused and they wcro given permission to erect their Doles in tho alley between - - First and Second streets. Being found not continuous they were told they might put thorn in on First street, Here again it was found that it would conflict too badly with other Doles and wires, and it was finally agreed they could plant them on the north side of fcecond street, tho electr c ahfe com pany agreed to remove their poles, the city council m-recinc. A motion was carried that the report bo accepted and placed on lile, and the recorder, who has just finished paying for a new $100 type writer, will now be compelled to anticipate uh coining six months salary, and add to his machinery a phonograph The Epworth League fountain wae of fered the citv. on condition that it should be kept in repair; the communi cation was referred to committee on lire and water. The fire warden made a report upon the insecurity of flues and the matter was referred to the committee on fire and water, with instructions to examine the ordinance relating to it (129) and ascertain wherein it was faulty. An informal talk about a dog tax was next had. The general sentiment was that the tax be reduced from $1.50 to 50 cents per year and collection enforced A recommendation was made bv the mayor that receipts be issued by the re corder to owners of impounded stock, upon payment, so that such owners could recover their stock at any time ; referred to committee on streets and public property. The road tax question came up and it was decided to collect all taxes possible that were due and delinquent. The amount ought to foot up to about $1200 and will be materially helpful. Adjourned to meet August 3d. Use Mexican Silver stove polish. SlIAM'MlUKfl, I'll., JttD. 27, 1892, MB J. J. KEII-, Sharn-buri;. I'n.. Peak Sik- I liuw: used Krn use's Headache CapMiIes for some time und wuut to testify to their Value. I tried vinous well recommended medicines, but not no relief until I used these, and now would not bo without them for ten times their coit. Yours resiiectfully CHARLES f. HKDOWICK. Senator Mitchell Leaves for the Kant. United States Senator John H. Mitch ell left for Washington this morning on the 11 '30 train. He had not expected to leave till several weeke later, but the special session of congress caused a de cided change in his plans. In order to attend to private business in Chicago, and New York before congress meets he was compelled to get away at onco; and then lie wishes time for conference with his fellow senators on the work before them. His departure was almost de layed by the unfortunate accident of his grandson, Mitchell Handy, and had the little boy not shown signs of rapid re covery he wouid have remained longer. The senator leaves behind in Portland as a permanent resident his widowed daugiiter, Mrs. Maggie Mitchell-Handy, and her two young sons, Mitchell and Hobart. Mexican Silver stove polish causes no dust. Last fall 1 was taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrlneu. Soon after my wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken in the same w ay. We used almost every thing without benefit. Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoa Remedy, which wo did, and that cured us right away. I think much of it, as it did for ino what it was recom mended to do. John Ilertzler, Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by lllakeley & Houghton, Drug Kats. Forty-four counties in Kansas, posses ing poor houses and farms, were, a few months ago without a single pauper und In thirty-seven counties of Kunsas at tho last term of the district court there were no criminals for trial. I. ii Grippe. During the prevalence of tho grippe tho jmst seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, hut escaped nil of the troublesome after ell'ects of tho malady, This remedy seems to have n peculiar power in efl'ectlng rapid cures not only in cubes of la grippe, but in all diseases of throut, chest and lungs, uud has cured I cases of asthma and hay fever of long i stunillhg. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint, Freo trial bottles at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Money to I.ouu. 1 have money to loan on short time loans. Guo. W. KowhAKu. Go to N. Harris for fine prints; 20 yards for (1. Something New.... We are determined to make largo sales, therefore we will iniiltoeuto in prices that will surprise you. Here are a few prices to suit the hard times for the prcpent: 20 yards Print Calico, for . $1.00 3 pairs Ladies' Full- Finished JHosefor 25 2 36-inch JLnenJTowels, for ... . .25 3JthingIc for. 25 2 JPanTidies, for . . .25 Parasols, Clothing1, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c. Everything In proportion. Save money while vou have the opportunity. ZJTTMa sale is good for 30 days only. Lome anu bring your friends. You won't regret it.. Cor. conn and second sis. me Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. 3STEW Vi 1 Sun il Sum Dry Ms Fancy Goods and Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Term, Cast, H. Hearing. J. H. CROSS. 1 At the Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. flay, Graii?, peed ard plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Casb ra,lc3. for 3Bggs o,xx3L UPo-ut-ltry. fill goods delivered Free and Promptly. The California Winehouse,, Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his home- 4 . produced Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody. Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed y to be Puro and First-Class in every rospect. Thompson's Addition. c- BECHT. RHAM & ROBERTSON 'roprlotora, CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livory in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either bingle or Double Kigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish Firt-t (JIush accommodations to teamsters with freisrhfc or driving tenuis, having added to their stables largo feeding and wagon room. Commercial Patnap Solicited Have You Seen TH E K Spring Millinery Goods AT 112 Seooml Street. ANNA PETER S CO. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN- : B-O-O-K-S. A. T I. C. NICKELSEN'S.