The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 11, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
W1M. follow mucins.
Presbyterian MlnUter Sterile from tlic
(ieiinrnt Assembly.
Entered nt the l'ostodlco nt The Pillion, Orepon
br sceonil-clHJs mttcr.
Iuvingtox, X. Y., July 10. Tho nc- j
tion of the last general assembly of the j
Presbyterian church nt Washington, in
condemning the doctrine-" held by Pro-1
foovinr ("!. A. Prices has led to another,
crnseniPTinv u vrvs " " secession from the ranks of tho church. ;
Br !SSJ J!S,5 a. ! The position assumed by the highest ,
weckiv, 1 year l o 1 court of Presbyterianism is such that
" 6n"nthi.. . .. g ; the Rov. Dr. John Penman, of this
Dtljr.iywT. ..' fiw pnci.t can o longer remain in his
" 5i1C,J10!!,h,i 5fO pulpit. He has resigned his pastorship,
Address all communication to "THi: oitnoN- And declares his inability to sustain
tCLK," The Dallo, Oregon. r longer and subscribe to the "system of
. ... , doctrine" of his church. Pastor Pen
man was one of the commissioners to
the ceneral assembly which tried and ,
Sonev oS'e'r "y W,ow ' . ' . li!.' o I R nli condemned Dr. P.rigjrs. He voted with ,
Sunday o " . '.'. m. toltfu. m. j tne minority in favor of Dr. Urijrjjs. In
u-okinu or mail I a letter to his congregation giving bis !
trains polnK Kast . .9 p, m. niMl ll.4or..n . , vnllcrlu fnr M . ,1(,tinn nn llis ,,rti jjr.
1 tlf( ;
William Tell
Your Father that wo Hell
oi'Fict: nouns
Always open
the offer made by tlic proprietors
of Dr. Sage's Cntarrh Remedy. It 'a
a reward" of 500 cash for an in
curable case of catarrh, no matter
how bad, or of how long standing.
I hey II carry it out, too. It's one i
thing to make the offer. It's a very )
different thine to mako it good. It i
couldn t be done, except with
.A:S0h. m
KTp.nt Sundrtv.
fTrl-wcekly. Tiie'iluv Thurilay and Saturday,
j " Monday Wednesday anil Friday.
InTin nvmmt tlMtll nrl
West. IM. mid fr.Mli. m. j ruusuiis i"i ai'""i v " " . 1 , .,
stace (or Gnidendalo T:nou.m. ppniiinn ays : extraordinary meaicino. ixatnats
-taSt arm sprtnp fwn.m. "I had" hoped, up to the last general j what they have. By it's mild,
" church soothing, deansiric and hcajing
would declare itsell in lavor oi progress ( r-" i - - to-- j ,
in doctrine and liberty of investigation, ' tho worst cases. H doesn't simply
but that hope is now shattered. I hold ! time, or drive the dis-
,, . . , ..,, if.,i I ease to the limes. It produces a
TtMlT T It tilMK I'flTlTIllIlS Tim III 11 Ul UUUi . - ...
: . . , . , i perfect and permanent cure
I yield to none in my reverence and my , j , 1
love lor it. j ueneve mat me mum is j
the fountain of Divine love which is able j
to make men wise unto salvation, and
Him who is
- JULY 11, 1S93
The advai....jg years seem to produce
an increase rather than a diminution in
the number of gigantic schemes. We
1 .11 1 1 i .1.- 1. n...i.irl. I . . . ...
nuvoun ue.iru oi un; .wmiuic iui kauii-, bring them into touch witn
ing 40,000,000 in the construction of u , the ,;fe ,u)d ligl)t of uieni.
monster dam in the vicinity oi .ev
t ii ,i ...l tl... nnU The Silver Question
ilwnm lmnk nn irsnlf mill pivh Vv EllC- MoNTEKKY, Mexico, July
land a tropical climate, so that the
granite state boys could climb palm
trees to shake off the succulent cocoa
nut on their own bleak hillsides, while
the Rhode Islanders would offer scant
encouragement to the peripatetic Ital
ian banana vender, as each and all of
them would have a banana tree in close
proximity to his own back porch. A
more recent scheme is the bridging of
10. The
Monterey smelters arc in full blast and
there is no indication of cessation.
William Guggenheim, general manager
of the great National smelter, the largest
silver lead plant in this country, said
today :
"The white metal is all right and there
is no cause for alarm. The future of
silver is now in the hands of England
and the United States. England has
you can't ho cured, you'll bo
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
E)asv fitting; Pants,
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
the English channel between Dover and
Calais. It is said that this scheme has
gone eo far that a company has been
formed to secure the necessary conces
sions from the British and French gov
ernments. The cost oi this bridge is
something like $240,000,000.' The latest
scheme is one for roofing London and
other large cities, and thus doing away
with the umbrella trust. The
has not yet considered any such vulgar
and insignificant detail as the matter of
already intimated that she will take care
of white metal exclusive of the United
( States product. She wants to close the
I mines of the United States. The repeal
I of the Sherman act will practically leave
I England alone to protect silver, except
J for such assistance as might come from
! Japan. England is obliged to buy silver,
j as India must use it or lull back on gold,
nrojector i winch J,ngland can't spare. I lie ques-
j tion now arises, hat will tiie United
States do for silver? What the reasdna-
cost, and hence has not enlightened the , ble supporters of the white metal de-
public on this point. Such schemes are,
adds the American Artisan, of course,
largely visonary; but they indicate a
tendency to grapple with the most stu
pendous undertakings that is in a man
ner characteristic of the nervous and
progressive age in which we live.
The repeal of the state bank tax doee
not deserve a second thought. With
this tax repealed a vast sum of irre
sponsible money will be thrown into
circulation, and to be safe every bill
must be carefully scrutinized, the stand
ing of every banking institution must be
known, and even then, with the ut
most care, one is liable to become the
laBt holder of some worthless money,
and those who are not possessed of such
particular information are apt to lose
a great deal. This system was abol
ished during the administration of Lin
coin, and it should never be resurrected.
Since then the U. S. government stands
at the back and is responsible for every
dollar of paper currency, and a bill is
never inspected only out of curiosity
The state bank tax is one of those good
old republican measures that deserves
to live, and it has the experience and
age to back it.
maud is not free coinaire, but a staple
condition protecting it from fluctuation.
Mexico will be able to produce silver
profitably at figures that would be ruin
ous to the united Mates.
Ihe only question in are
willing to muko the tost, if
makers are willing to take
risk ?
If so, tho rest is easy. You pay
your druggist fifty cents and the
trial begins.
If you're wanting the SiiOO you'll
get something bettor a cure
THJ3 Dalles
Line IS
In every size, style and price.
0 m wn i rams i Hi
J D PARISH, Prop. ' YOlJH ATTEJITI0J1 ' '!Zhsii 7i a lidc mthe aifairs j mcn wmi, taken at ttsjim
s m
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
BAppepsia, torpid liver, yellow i-kin jr
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Prh-e 74e Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
The establishment of a woolen factory
in "Wallowa county seems now to be
among the assured possibilities of the
county. A company is being organized
for that purpose. Subscriptions toward
shares in the company are being soli
cited and the people of the county are
responding favorably. This is the Jflret
gleam of light to follow the darkness of
capital tied up waiting for a policy. May
it be the usher of the broad daylight of
prosperity in its fullest measure.
Vice-President Stevenson is expected
in Portland soon and the Dispatch says
the metropolis should give him a becom
ing reception. Portland never does any
thing by halves, and she will do the nice
thing. When she is done with him send
him to The Dalles by tho D. P. & A. N.
Co. and we will givo him a royal greet
ing. He won't Ihj satisfied, anyhow, un
less he sees the locks and the salmon
The run of ealiuon is lighter at this
point than it has been for the past four
years, und what nre caught are mostly
small ones, ranirimr from twelve m
twonty-four inches in length. The
laage class of fish have been scarce all
the seaeon. It is apprehended that
should this small size of fish continue to
be caught tho salmon industry will
1... it.l r
uc n mini: oi tne nast.
f AwmIj!I
l ! I' 111 11 I II
An arreeablo Laxative and NEHVE TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or Eent by mall. 25c., 60c.,
and SI -00 per package. Samples free
A.W H. w for tbu Teeth and ilrcaUi, 23c.
For tale by Snipe & Klnerily.
lA'iivesTlio Dulles at G a. m. every day, mid ar
rives at I'rinevllle in thirty-six liour.. U-avi
l'rliicvlle nt T a. m. every day, and arrives nt
The Dulles lii thirty-six hours.
Carlics the I'. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
-Connects at l'rlii'llle with
Stages from Eastern and Southern Or
egon, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
Al-o Mini i- cIom! conne-ition at The Dalles with
trni' from l'ortland and Kastern points
Cearuns drivers.
Gt:i accommodations along lie real
mst-class Coacles and Horses used.
. Eipress matter bandied with special care.
mtagk nrncESi
SicJml A: Cn.'R Htnrn,
Umatilla IIoiihu,
riu; Dnllrs.
CLifllfl STORY,
Art Teacher
Room S, liettiwjen Building, I
Vi ill civc Ives'ons Mondays mid Thurnlnyf of
eich week, or of':ner If desired.
-ron TiiK-
Leading - Jeweler.
Is called to the fact that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in GIbhh, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kind.
C'arrl" th Flnimt I. Ine iif
Picture Mouldings
To Dt found Id the City.
72 Luashington Street.
The Dalles
Cigar : Faetory
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
m - m mm tMMBMaMiM
luiuumv uuiuuiuui- i
M I f
VAVJxjLXVO manufactured, and
orderu from all parts of the eountry filled
on the Hhortettt notice.
The reputation of TIIK DALLES CI
GAR Iiuh Ijecome firmly eHtahliHlied, und
the demand for the home manufactured
article ic increuHtng every day.
Hand Made
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
IK Hrcimd Ht., Tli IaU, Or.
! Boston Tailor,
East End Second St.
I Suits Made to Order from
The ralu of last week might be desig
nated ae a million dollar rain, for it will
do that much good at least to the grow
ing crops, and it Is just as well to be op
timlatic once iu a while. A million dol
lar Are and a billion dollar congress
sounds bad ; whuta tho matter with a
million dollar rain?
Karl's Clover Hoot, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
2fic, 50c. and $h00.v jiphj diy riipeB &
Kinersly, drug$stB.
$18.00 nt).
Pants from $5.00
l'trr!!t I'll OiiiiriiutoDil,
J. F. FORD, EvameM,
01 IK- iloiiifi-, jmvn, wrltw und;r ditU' ol
11 II roll ai, IW3
. 1!. .Mui. Mru.Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Geiitwneit :
On urriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wanted away Jo !18 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. S. 1$. Cough Cure has done
s work well. Uoth of the children like
It. J our b. 15. Cough Cure has cured
aim Kopi away ail hoarhenesH from inc.
ho g ye it to every one, with greetings
for all. tatting you prosperity, we are
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
fio. 00 Secoud Sreet, Tho Dalles
IJiIh well known stuud, kept by the
wen Known w, ii, Mints, long a rest
dent of Wasco county, has nn extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herder's Delist and Irish Dislurbanc
In fact, all the leading brands of fin
Wines, Liouors and Ciirars. Give th
old iiiiui a call and you will come again
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
7"" : f'. 'I' liiiHlR'fii liliitt.d nn the old ciiiMiiL'roiinil. ill tin.
Or. O U.V.VJ,.. .ili'V.V',Vl ,',rPw.,,K''t''t''.l"t'lr-!l.nmt 11IU.VH, Kih, i,ll
' NX iiimI i.ur!vutrr,u'ItliHliiil.ii i.tofuMfciii, i.vrftut lriitini!f.K.llirliiri;i niLntiiMf
! .. i u',,t:",r"' 'itlrmitlmi iih ii iiiuiiiitiilti hiiiiuiu'r remirt for tilt Oiukiui.
l& TXiStLZiii M,1)ll,7"- 1 h ' iiiiiiuidietiimiR
iv "r.,.L'u !''. " imtnri outer !nr I Mi xiiiiiiii iiiIIcm (1f tho l-Ht fidnr mill ilr
, " nuiiiK you prosperity, we are
"NT T" j -XT I 01,,fl Mil. ii Mns. J. V. Foitn,
rslo rit, No Fay. fterj!:
Uliseman-& Marders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
The Dalles,
Union St., opp. European House. I
Hold under u positive 'guarniitw.
60 CCIltK DVT Uittlu bv all rt
NortllWCHt doriiftr nf Kor
Court HlnnitH,
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughhred fowls.
Xslfglxt BralimaH.
1U eggs
K. M. II AltHl.MAN,
lindursby. Or, i. .j. . i i . I '"ii n wi l i ii in-ni rt
Jim, tiiNll) I iirnchM il, W lu it. itlinui iimtlve nower exlHtN. Ilium tlm lniinu
!!:'.'?." 11 I'liK'r.hiirriiunilril by fcl , Hliiuitii tlmt iiniiot iuwiiilll
i!iiHiicm fur iruit mill iKrlt:ii Ititre. inn with tniiimiirtiiiloii ,,lr,.,i,iv Kiirc
)'im win llml MiIk tin. i.lacc t in,,!;,, ,,rft.,.t Ikh,,,. r it iiiviik Jnvftinti"
bee me on the ground, oi
address me at Hood River.
Wasco County, Oregon.
W. RossWinans.
Pine Worn, Tin Repairs and Roofing
$hop on Third Street, next door woBt of Youhl' & KuM'
111. 1 r.. "
juiuuKBnuti) ,lou.