The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TISK IAI.I.K OKKOON lleolnreil n Trnltor. AVASinstiTn.N, .Inly S. A dispatch from Sim Fraiu-Uco today . stating that a young Ganteinalun named Santillatia iind been declared a traitor to GauUMiiala by Dictator Harriot., in const-qitfiu-e of Ills bavin;.: patented in the Vnitrd States' in bis own name a valuab!e;deviee for measuring distances between inaccessi ble places, instead of in the name of the tlictator.wa? shown to tlicpatent otlicialh. A scarcli of tlie records discloses tbe tact that June 20 last a patent was granted Juan F. Pantillana, a citizen of Salvador, residing in San Krancisco, for a measur ing and levolinu telemeter, a one-fourth interest in which lie assigns to Estorjio Calduron, of the same place. Nothing is known at the (intent office as to the value of the invention, or as to whether fraud was practiced upon Dictator Barrios in the procurement of the patent. Itucklcii'ii Arnirit rialvn. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptione, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bos. For sale by Snipes & Kin-ersly. Tort urn mill Holilit-ry. SniixoriKi.i), 111., July S. A special from rittsfield, Pike county, gives tbe particulars of a dastardly outrage com mitted in the vicinity of Pleasant Hill. Two aged Frenchmen named Joseph and Frank lieignor were supposed to have considerable money about their house. Two white men and one negro, thought to have driven from Clarkesville. Alo., Thursday evening, drove to tiie house, and drawing revolvers bound and gagged Frank IJeignor and told bis brother to band over the money. He gave them a pocketbook, but, not satisfied, they hung him up by the neck. As be still continued obdurate, they applied llames to his back and shoulders. After three hours of torture, lie finally revealed the hiding place of $3000 in money and val uable papers. Great excitement pre vails and the sheritTand posse are hunt ing for the desperadoes. Strength mill Health. ITf 5OU are not feeling strong and healtlvr, try Electric Hitters. It "la grippe ikik icu yuu ycuk iinu we.i , , use Electric Bitters. This remedv acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform .their functions. If you are afllicted with 3icS: headache, you will find speedy and Dermanent relief bv taking Electric , : ."it : tiura. iius is iau rumeuy yuu neeu. Jirge "bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Rood .Jul) Triiiting. If you have your job printing done at The Cmto.vicLK you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of ono of the moat successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FASLES RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, fee. .ffffr- wi,, r.ifctro nincitet!" s-" " 'A GENERAL DEBILITY CURED. t-.n 1'rancuro. Oal.. August H. Dr. A. T. RsndMi. lA-ar Sir :-Bforel nw.1 jour twit Zt . - Mu.r trnuld eat un with iTry tired feelinK, bone achlDB, eKj.jslnco UilnR iOJrlwItlhiTohadiniMrleaae at lit?, lnowenjpj lifn betierthan 1 hare fortn years post. 1 lime the Mmo-t conhilance In jonr treatment. m can pur- a;i. Truly your. H.A.BOWKN. 2Gond2iTurkbt. RHEUMATISM AND, LAMENESS CURED. incu -orlland, Oregon, April Is ISO. I)r. A. T. 8oniten,lirSirr-lKOtonBryourtltj 1t.-o weeks aco for rheumatism, from which 1 ulIerM forMveral yearn. 1'or the patalx months 1 had not heen nlilo to wjrk. Your bolt ha placed main olmoM port-ct health lu the two weeks I ha ned It. 1 can walk comfortably, and feel like a new man tenerallr. M. K. HUQItES, Proprietor International Hotel. nervous OBQtfJfcgrjnosXte Dr. A. T. Sanden, lear Sir t-I hare been uIok your Electric belt for freneral nerrona debility, nnd tolar feot better than I hare for lire years. 1 hare gained in vir dally. 'f, JglTO3KA. miry "ill euro vrHtioiit 'ii .u an "i in- nLtuTi'n"uii- . . Miller Irnni NirvMits " l.ossni. Drnlim. Iri .'' N l-r Vl tin III' .,?'.'. t ,' i, "! fitirirt'. nil lim: ' -plllllllM. IHUl HI'lH'llli 111 thucllcctsnf r.tiiiM'i, e -i " ' ori'Xiuri'.wlllll,H'.ri,:-.i i' ; I'liru li our I'li'.rvr! . ' ' li ch requln-s tu.n f ru. ' luUn ii' fects you uiay liavu or ' ... youriieitiii.iitfrvc f r.-i -tvliicli Im rlpr.lrlrti; - . aimed jiuirvLMUiiPMoi I... "i If you repiacu IntT your ' vlcmrntstliiia ilrnlnct. vl ' , quired torvlKormMeltcnu'li. 1 remove tliormisnnnii licul.'.i.s' t'' ' i and vlcor will follon at t.i'iv ' l is our plan and trealni',!t. .n " uiininntpu a euro it rufund it it.' Our UOO pnso book TIITIEK v'iJJJJI s,riir!i'n Electric JJpIt U no cxp. "'i'" nilililU-niioil nnl old mull, ""kft.te nil otlfcr treiltmi.iils fulled. - bo ns no hnva restored thouMnda to rot ujt -Sl'.STSi' woiilcl fzIntllT- .catir. ntct xroxu. suxn tut: uA!TriiDrn TMCSE-WE CAN CURE YOU! - nrw . - . . aurriiu .n-rinu bMITIK DMWIX "llU I'm (u,,! Tortlnnd Oreson, Septemln;!' Z', 1SC1 I)r. A.T. BaniUn, Dear SlrVenr of imo'i nd hard work, combined nttlithe ttratn comlm: inni (lie Jar of auenuine. unTnmoii eevorocawot latae uu, from which 1 uflered lor Teu year. 1 ,' lhat I could not bend my back. asa)l dou b.e l t." with It. 1 bought one of your bolts. It 1 "It. J ' ) lnldof tirodsys, and I continued font ritlrrr vt mouth, belns perfectly cured. Thatnntn . -c aso.nmll am nweli to-dayn 1 etervatliiiu ..! I know your belt well, and I know lolsof linuloy. haTo been cutrd by it. Many otheta upd It. ,.iu. .( thoywouldtry it they would find it thoeamfuw i -id the best remeilyin the wotld. I nm toctte.then permanently.and will beslad totalkwlth an. onet.-ho wants to lniiulro about it. , . .. . llOUKUT llllltnEL, Engineer Hotol Porthud. LOST VITALITY AND, STRENGTH . T.verett, ali, .lumi IS, 1-ffi. Dr. A. T. Panuei, Hlr: Since wparliiii your blt I hare been creotly bencllted. 1 feel my olden, ercy fat returning! ond aftorn montli'K uo oi th belt 1 find myself twice us TiRorous a iMfore. ly memory is now nearly perfect, nnd each day sh.wa for thn better. 1 f 'et much stronKiir thii' before using the belt. Yours truly, UE.MiV bCHUJ.T THE DR. SANDEN-ELECTRIC BELT ,mooih?nMffi HsToilO. It . basaa Improved Ulectrlc suspounory. the uroatcjt boon over clvcn weak n; w 'warrant "it t" cure TaSy of the above weaknesacs, and to cnlanro shrunken limbs, or parts, or illonnv llcfiiiidpil. They aro craded In strensth to meet all stages of weakness In youus. mlddlc-agedcr old r:eu,nndwlllcurothowor4tcaseslntwoortiireemoutha. Address lor lull Information. SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 472 First St,. . PORTLAND, OREGON, H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. for Kent. Kooiuh to runt at Itev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 0-23dav, Cut PloirorH for alo. I have nil styles of wires, including Odd FellowE, K. of P., and Mnsonie de signs. Everything for floral decora tions furnished on short notice. Prices reasonable. Miss. A. C. STnu.isfi. dim Cor. Eighth ant; Libert; . Money to Loan. I have money to loan on short time loans. Geo. W. P.owla.vd. Go to N. Harris for fine prints; 20 yards for $1. Peeidedly the Fine-f Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, ..Comer Ham, f.NVO.Y STOCK YARDS, Uhicayn, JIU. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will hold his first extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on WEiDnsrESZD5r, cruisrE 21. Entries should be made at onee. HORSES HORSES J. O. MACK, FIjlE WlEp and LipOrp DOMESTIC Aho KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OR. Freeborn & tJompany, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lame Back, Ac -DKALKKS IN- (flail Paper and Hoom Mouldings 295 ALDER ST.. COR. FIFTH, OtpKumiKitPft. - . I'oETj,Ara, Oekoon. D.ri. SANOEN'S ELEHHC IELT with EiectraMosnetlc UFIN80RY. ., Lmtt Ptlcnur UtH IraproTcacntt t 11 lllcuro wlthAvjt mnltclnooJI KmImm iwilllatrfrom 01 r-Laiatlou of brain ntrro forwai eicewaorlndu. Sr""T II licaltli. tto. TWi flettno Btlt contain. 1 llM, '"' orer ell olhr. Carrcnt U lTMcmuollof ttio ito diuwes or 0 pay. Thou. of tmimoiiliili) lii ;,lmnd etery cthtr tut. SilttenJL"i?in 7tT ""'"P W n-n, ruir. .u(,i iiial". ''ff Cl'llUSTMU In CO to ;;ju;s bead for ll.utM I'itapulet.uulleJ.eealod.lrsa 8ANOEN EL8CTRIC CO., At. ItS Kjrt Street. J'OttT&AA'U OilK. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY 01 2000 READERS, They tuail The Clironlcio to ect thu latest ami iiiou rolltiblu i ew. And they ruurt uvcr. jlu, tUut Js In tho impcr. in what wiikw thu f'liroTitck- mi inviiluablo iirtvettl-lnt; mcilium. Tho jicwiiKT thnt km to the family flftoiilw U tho unu (0) that tho mlvcithcw f toUity iitn tiio ' wi,cn they deslro to itach the l-voj-lc. When they want your trwde tlu-Jr nii(uim i'uiint8 will bo fmuid in tho wiH;r. JxoUoveroiiri-oluinnv und obwrru tho veritlea tion of tlir truth of thin nwrtlon. ltememUr, 11 ttmie i'i a fiimlly of two thousand i in v.wth hUntf for throuKli these coliiniUi, j-flally t,o nt our very TheDhlles Wasco County, - - - Oregon, Tha Gato City of tho Inland Empire is situated nt the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, und is u thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for nn extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grassing country along the eastern slope of tho Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which iinds market here. Tho Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last ywir. ITS PRODUCTS. Tho salmon fisheries uro the finest on tho Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will ki more than doubled in the near future. Tho products of tho lwuutiful Klickitat valley find market here, nnd tho country south and east has this year filled tho warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing witL their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its sizo on tho coast and its money is scattered over and is bring used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in liastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed, Us climate delightful. Its pos Bilulities incalculable. Its raoum unlimited. And on theso :omer stones dio Btiuds McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dajles Daily Ghronicle for 12 Months at GO Cents a month. OR ; 5 Uee'Kly "Oiiel at $2.r;r per annum. u itrci'iiuliliil t.i miikv a mint ixi'eithm'l ' ' - "I McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O 1ST El "ST"Ei .A. l-li t.M.vofyom-wUo.llNoutthc folIowlUK;. i -r . ,m,I M-ndhu .t ... h. th.-h. .uLmtIMiir f The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. r CUT THIS OUT AND BEND IT TO US. 6 I i ..PifMishers- C1I UOMCL K, The Dalles, Or.: Voif will please send to my address Hie Wl 1LY ( 'UlxOXTCL E for I 'J nwn.UbsJrom a ale, jor ivnwn i I agree to pay 00 els. a month, it hein' understood 6 that ioa are'to hare sent to mj address for I year, without extra charge, MoVL HUE'S M.AGA'A IKE, f oomnwnein with the uamher. j!j A'ame. .... f Dale. Address CALL AT OUR OFFICE : imil h'c tin-I'literlainliiK mid llnuly lllustrtiteil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which Im nmong ItMumtribir.i'rs the most fumnu .iiithou in .Muertcu ml r.iiglnuil, luclinllil , Mich wrltfM us tin- fo!li) Inc This Is the r I Season Of the Year CJUhen 3 Judicious Advertising i I Pays. L J .A. NEW , I ndert akng Estalilisliiiicnt! Ii. L. StevciiHon, Ktulyard Kipliti. A. Conan J)oyIf, Octave Tlianet, William Dean How ells, Jlret Hurtc, Clark J!uasull. Joel Chandler Harris, Thomas Hardy, Hamlin (iarhuid, J. T. Trowbridge. Vrof. !'.. S. Uoldim, .Icioino 11. .leioinc. l'rof. 0. A. Yoiiiik, Frances Hodgson Jtiirnutt, H. II. lloyenen, TJieodoro Jtooevelt, Kobert Iliirr, .loiKiuin Millor, Honry JI. Stanley, Oilbert Parker, Archibald Forbes, lolin J.tirroiiL'liH, Andrew l.anj IIIUIUH Jlllilnl MrfJiobt. Louie Stevenson, Camilc I'lamiiiarion, .Sarah Orne .Tewott. F. Marion Crawford, Lillie Cbitso Wyinan, Dr. J. S. Hillings, Marpniet Deland, Harriot I'rcHcott hpollord, . h. tlenley. Herliert 1). Ward, Kdward Kvorott Hale. Capt. Charles King. Klizabetli Stuart I'lielp-, Louise Chandler Moulton, Kach iiumlwrot McCLURE'S MAGAZINE ronlaln two limlMimi'!y llliihtnitiil lntrrvirwn witn sucn lumi iuh Hiipni a lules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Frances 1 Iodnson Jwirnett, Tlionma A. FaIihou, Tissaudier, the famouH F. Hopkinson Snutli, l-rencii ilalloonist, 11.11. Jioyeson, Alpluiui-e Datulet, Camile J'liuimmrion, Kdward Everett Haiti, Prof. Graham Hell. li A I.! Itf I.V - Furniture and Carpets We have added to our mimneHi a Honiplete Undertaditi KHtubllHhmmit, and as wo are m no way oonnecieii wun the UndertakerH' Trusti our priced will be low accordingly. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points THK Irtn Pair. A. Vi XI. A UUAUU i 4 Thomas Hardy, Puidyard Kiplini;, JocrChandler llarrin, Conan Doyle, anil many others, have tnrnialiPil material fnr m-clally prcrairvd Interviews which will npin'iit lully la thlM mnKuzlne. Iluclt number I'outaiim two or three short stories ly famoiih uutliorx. I'ully llltiistTittetl Hturles will apjKiir in cany minnxirn ny William Dean Howells, It. L. Stevenson, Hret Harte, harah Orne .lewett, , ,. . ,. . Harriet 1'reVoU Spotlbrd Octave Thunet, ALL FO NTS EAST AND SODTB I'ranceH HodirHoii lliirnett. htanlev .1. Weviniin. f i.ri?wwv IV.-1 v;-r avi rr - ' It In the HIlilliR Car I'.otitc. It ruim Throui Sf ..., .. , w chduicu lrniiii. every uuy in uwywio NATURAL IILSTOKY AND ADVENT Villi. There will he cvemt articles written hy tjnymond ninthuioyt, who iniH Ut-n cuIK'il by .Mr. W. T. Htead tln;l)Mt interviewer in KiiRlaml, from material furilMiiM him liy Korl MngonbuiW, o( Ham hirg, thcreat animal Importer and trainer. Tlice artiulee ileal with The Capture of Wild lieastH. The TraiiHpnrtation of Wild IteiiHtH. The Training of Wild IJeastH. The AdvetitureH and Eneapee of ICurl Haenbeck. The i-urk'3 will oe llliiHtrated liy an KiikIIxIi artUt of ackium leilgcil Hk 111 In tlrawln wild animal John llnnr.ouciiis, c. r. Hor.m:a, Di:. C. c Aiikott, ami other wrlterc lamoiiK im their work In this Held, will eonttlhute to the nuKaxine. Of Interest to Ixith Youiir and Old will be PKOF. 11. L. GAKNKK'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. ArraiiKenientH have been made, In conncetloit with n Undine I'.iiKlbih review, topubllxh I'rol Ciarner'.t letters descriptive of hi-, present cxjHilltlrm to Afriea, l'rof. (iarncr la noted the world over for the curious and intercntiiiK InvcitlKatloiiH lie J making in the diieech of inonkeyo. He tailed for Africa last September for the hake of further ptirmilui; his utilities In the nnti e hiiuiiU of e(?onua. ine uuisiraunns lor inexe articles win ne irom pliotopniplis taken by I'rol. (.arner The miiwizlnealjo contains most Interesting articles under the foliowluir comprehensive lieada " The Edge of the Future." " Knowlediro of Immediate Ynlue.' " Newest Knowledge." " Tlie PrcHont Hour." " Ktrangor than Fiction," etc. Wo are ollcring this splendid mairazine with the Daii.v Clino.vici.r. for only IT.'JOa year, payable iu advance or in monthly In-iiallmeittsiiMlesiml. We make this exceptional oiler In onler that we may eeure a law number of new sub-crllers, hut all who aro already Mib-crllwrs may avail themselves of this opiMirtuulty to secure this ureal muKaine. Mil up tho blank and end it in, to " THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. RHILROKD Is the Hue to take fk paul and Chicago NO CHANIU: OK CAUB.J Coiiih)mh1 of Klnimj Cars unsun.isi''I. I'ull' man Drawiui; KMimHieeperso(lnteteUlpEMal. TOUUIST SLEEPING WHS llest that can be constructed, and In whlcb iiccoinm.Hlatloiis aie both Free anil 1'urnlahcd for holders of First and hecnud-classTlckuts.iind ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous Hun, rnnhcctlUK with nil linn, aflordlnc direct and iiuluterrupU'd srrvlco I'ltll,,,.!,! Uli..,M.r nuutn'nt Ir.tltt r It Im HIM,lir . I in tulvuncu tlirtmeh nnv aelit of the rood. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery ia now turning out tho beut Bier und Portei eaat of the CaHcadeH. The latcat apiilianeeB for the manufacturo of good health ful Eeer have lieeu introduced, and only the first-clasn article will lie placed on the niarkflt. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Mont Complete and the Latent PattcrutJ and DcuigutJ ki THROUGH TICKETS KiiKlanil uutf Kurojio can I ticket ofllco of the cumiwnjr To and from ulli iMilitU ii Amerfe. Ik! purchaied nt any Mill llllorillliumi ciiucviouiK "Oli, lllliu vi trnlus, routes and other details furnished on fW nnnllriitlnn In W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent 1). V. k A. Nav. Co., ItcKiiIatnr ofllce, TIM jmiies, ur., or A. 1). ClIAItLTO:.'. Asx't, Ucncrnl l'asscuKer Aut., l'ortlaurt, Jen. ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATEE AND I0E 0BEAE . fanriipc and Nntc J' TOHACMio, : . : CI ! . 1 1 fF. tlKlAltn AND : : A U M ij U Ull'VW IHMViru lllllilllfll I lillll. Finest Ponnut Roaster In The Dallol! . 2rt Street J.FOLCO At right W' I Mrs. oimrrM rustHunua- 'I'rfli.t ! n 4 na "Pc, tikt 1 Inn(r,ii.u Ii... t 1. . mt - iuiiivuip iw i. iiiiiisuin, j.ii;iiu mil. UVHl On'.UUN 01 Illf blierwin- illiame and J. W. Miifiury'H I'aintH lifted in all .iur work, and none hut tho most ekilled workmen employed. AirontH for Matiiiry Litiuid i'uintK. No Clieilllcal I'nin lii lint Inn rr unnn mlvfnrii A lrai nlnuu ! ..11 .u " . ,, orderH jironiptly uttomled to. Paint BhoD oorner Thirdftnd Wafihinpton StK Tho Dallec. Oroot Qolumbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Huh lately been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished IhroiiKhoiit, mid h now hotter than ever prepared to furniHli tho heHt Hotel amiininodiitionii of any Iioiiho in tho :ity, and tit the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Olass Meals, 25o. Cilice of tho fast and commodious opposition Stnf to Dufiir, KhiKflley, Tyh Valley, Wuplnitia, Warm SprincH and I'rinevlllo 1h in tho Holol and iierKoiiH oliiy to J'rliiovillu can Have if 1.00 by t'olnu on thiH iStnj(i line. All trains stop here. JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, 76 Court Stnt, Noxt door to Waaoo Sun Offlco. Huh jtiHt received a fine lino of Satupjg lor Hjirlnif and Hummer HultiimH. Come and See the New Fasbiomi Cleaning and Repoirinol 1 .....1... fi.i!. 1 'I oruur. muiHiuciiou KiuirauuHJu. inw.vtTcaBrjg' . DUnvnr.tillPMCFI Finit premium at tho Wiihco counW .ii,. ... i