The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL l'Al'EK OF DALLES CITV. AND WACO COUNTY. Entered at the Fostofflce t The Pallcis, Oregon, u (ccond-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATKS. BT MAIL(POST10K PRKTAID) IN ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 year. " 6 months JS l g U 60 per " u wj Address nil communication to " THE CH110N (CLE," The Dalles, Orepon. A HlnruUr Acrltlent. Last Saturday afternoon after it had begun ralntnir," Mr. Hen Ebon, accom panied by Mr. Watson, in returning home from Chenowoth creek on horse back, reached the Mill creek bridge and while crowing, Mr. Eben'e horse ehied and sprang forward, and in doing so slipped and fell in such a manner as to throw its rider partly under him, nearly breaking Mr. Ebcn's leg. But the strangest thing was, in the fall of Eben'e horse, it tripped Mr. Watson's horso, lauding it broad side on the bridge and caught Mr. Watson's foot so as to injure it severely. Iloth of the young men were quite badly bruised by the acci dent. It is almost a miracle that it was not more serious. They are to be eon- Tont-Oftlcr. ornci: nouns Sonev o'Ser ery W1 dW t nt to I jt uu : gratulnted over their lucky escape. luudny ii ' " .Ih. m. UIA'MIUt Ul Ali-' . . ,1-,,. trnitu polnc Kast .9 p ui. mid 11:4:. n. in. are more marveiou.- umn uu.u.. et '.'p. m. uiui I' .'' p. in. tnr'ft nrescrintions. tint tliev re not tnose T jl u ,iv i i ' 'WOT5 There are some patent medicines that People ask me is marriage a f; urc ' Of course 't'aint ; b'iiosc Stage for Gnlitemlale iTineviiit " "I)ufiiriuul V nnn Sprlnp " fl-eaviiiR for Lyle A Ilartlmut " " " ) Antelope "Except siiniiay. f,:sun. in. that profess to cure everything. S:in!m! Everyliody, now and then, feels ' slam! m. itjown .'" "niaved out." They've run the tTrl-weeklv. Tuesday Thurnlay and Saturday. j " Monday Wednexlny and rnany. MONDAY, JULY 10, 1S9I5 Friday's murder was one of the most deplorable events that ever happened in , this section. The evidence before the coroner's jury showed that the young man's action was in self defense, yet the ' human mind in considering the fact of a father's death at the hands of his own i son. is nrone to cast about for some other way outof it than killing him with a stick of wood. The old man was in one of those periodical surly moods which were shown to be constitutional with him and untagonism intensified it to the extent of securing a deadly weapon and aiming at his son. The law would declare the young man guiltless of mur der, and no jury in the country would convict him. The tragedy, however, is ae sensational as the Lizzie Borden case, and has a sentimental side to it that will occur to evervone. The old man loved his son who slew him, while at the same j time being in a temporary frenzy of; wrath over the presence on the place of, the son's girl sister-in-law. The son de-1 cided in his own mind the question as to i whether he would have shot or not. I E. W. Wilhehu was an old man who 1 had devoted his best efforts to acquire a fortune, and was successful. He had lived economically, was thriity and reared a family of sons. At thr.t period of his life when he should have settled down to the enjoyment of his life'H labors, and lived happily among his family and friends he was killed, though in sell-defense, by a man who had doubtless been the subject of many hours of anxious thought to him when in the vigor of early manhood. He loved his Eon. Only a parent knows what that means. The many plane made for that eon's future, the thousand acte and thoughts to give him pleasure, and to direct and lead him aright, are all a function of paternitv. In a sudden do mestic storm, when passion holds sway and reason deserts her throne, the sudden ending came. The aims of a life time are destroyed in a moment. The lesson should be to all who observe this sad tragedy to subject the passions at all times and live within the laws of the land and of God, either of which were adequate in this case to have prevented the deplorable tragedy. will, but no power to generate vitality. They're not sick enough to call a doctor, but just too sick to be well. That's where the risrht kind of a patent medi cine conies in, and does for a dollar what the doctor wouldn't do for less than five or ten. We put in our claim for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. We claim it to be an unequaled rem edy to purify the blood and invigorate the liver. We claim it to be lasting in its effects, creating an appetite, purify ing the blood, and preventing bilious, typhoid and malarial fevers if taken in time. The time to take it is when you first feel the signs of wearinett and weak net. The time to take it, on general principles, is .sow. Ask your dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish. Captain Sweeney, L S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedv is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." ' Price ."iO cts. Sold bv Snipes & Kinersl v. i KOOMS TO KENT. furnished rooms to rent. Apply at 1 the residence of Mrs. C. N. Thorn bury , Second street, The Dalles, Or. tt" j "It makes me tired! fail le I flrm'r know rav biz what am 1 hero for?" if the women only keep healthy they keep in good 1 spirits and cupid is in demand. Lot even enfeebled woman know this there's a remedy that'll euro her, the proofs positive. Hero's the proof if it doesn't do vou qood within reasonable time, report the fact to its makers and get your money back without a word but you won't do it ! The remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription mid it has proved itself the right remedv in nearly every case of female weakness. It is not a miracle. It won't euro every thing but it has done more to build up enfeebled and broken-down wo men than anv other medicine known- the Dalles AND Prineville William Tell Your Father that we poll SWEET, ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, -v r ' u.. . . l IH .CX SA I I I I 1 1 I I V- I I I V Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for ... . Men's, Boys' and Youth s & CLOTHING m In every size, style and price. K n m mil i inmn o. nn .. a X W Mi ,ui Sm V.- MM mm mm mm mmmm MM mm M M M M M mm mm mm mm H XTaTBIi nibseribe for the Cmto.vicu:. mm i Everybody seemB to desire the repeal of the Sherman law at all hazards, and a great share are anxious to make the terms unconditional. That it has been the primary cause of the present mone tary troubles is no longer a matter of doubt, and Mr. Sherman himself is in favor of ite repeal. Free coinage of sil ver is not desired except by the few pro ducers it would benefit, and most of the agitation on this score comes from such men as Senator Stewart and people's party advocates. There is also u strong sentiment to put a dollar's worth of silver in a silver dollar, so that each coin will stand on its own bottom and not need the guarantee of the govern ment back of it. Of, under the present conditions silver will fluctuate and the present basis of about 25 to 1 may not represent its relative worth for the future. At the present ratio of value there is about; 04 cents worth of eilver in the dollar, which, though worth 100 cents in the United States, is not equally stable in the markets of the world. There is urgent need of an in ternational agreement butween silver und gold, then each metal will have a fixed value which is not subject to ca price. The United States alone cannot accomplish this end, and while it would be the part of honesty to increase the amount of silver in the dollar to its act ual worth, there is no surety of it main taining that worth. In 1V92 the ratio was 1 to 15; in 1795 1 to 151.. ; in 1700 1 tol5?X; in 11W-1, theycoinage law was amended to 1 to 10. Since 187.! with the discovery of the bonanza silvor mines in the west, silver has steadily declined froin $1.30 per ounce until uow it is worth about 84 cents, or about 1 to 25. On the other hand the fallacy of the free coinage men is in their insisting on waving 04 conta worth of sliver made into a dollar, and in supposing that it will circulate as the equivalent of the gold dollar. It will not, for our gold would then all be driven abroad und the standard of values would fall to the 04. cent dollur. Mexican Silver stove poliBh. Ltw guv, m Stage Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. YOUR ATTENTION Ib called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, ci.,ana SUB per Bottle Cures Conc'w, Ho;in.eiie.,Sore Throat. Croup nrnmpily: rtfoves Whooping Cm;;li and Axthnjii. 'I-Vr Consumption it has no rival: has cured thousands where till other failed; will cuke yoc if taken in time. Sold by Druggists nn atruorantee. For Lnme Bach or Chest, use SHILOH'S l'LASTKB. 25 cts. , Uuvi" Thf lMlli'- at C i. in. every itu' . mid ir . ut Trine illc in thirty-. linur." Jauvos li'!i'vlle nt ii. ui. every i.ii;., ami arrive- lit The Dalles in thirty-six huur.- o Cartics the U. S. Mail. Passengers and Express , Connect at J'rin'"illc ivltn- , Stapes from Eastern and Southern Or eeon, Northern California and all Interior Points. A iiiKe elo-f rnnneitlon at The Dulleh uith t'n from Portland and Kuiitern point. L:mim drners. d'c- accommodations along lit road. Firsi-class coaches and Hones mi. Express natter bandied will siecial care lit - 1'f 7 C T J 7 ft 7 it Fiti' II I lit 4' 11 rPIlt 1 f Ml T ii ft T 1 T C FiA3 cads on to fortune" The poet unquestionably had reference to the Dealer in GIuhs, Lime, I'hiHter, Cement and Buildini: Muterial of all kindn. -C'urrlr the inrt I.Ihi- of- uosi-uiiiMiini m f 1 f uhphitupp vT rirnof ruim my a hiiiiiiii - !r' Picture Mouldinffs HILOH'S CATARRH - emSyjrufraY' I H E N U G . iTave you (.atur; vou LJitarrh? ThmifniKii' teed to cure you. Trice Mete, luitotor frc. For Hale by Hulpei & Klnemly. Ask your Deal er I W. H. BUTTS, Prop. 1 No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or. I This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. Butte, lontr a resi dent of Wasco county, ban an extraordi-, nary fine stock of " ! Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Disinrbane j In fact, all the lending brands of fin I Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and you will come apain i 72 To De found in the City. Washington Street. -FOK THE- General Am ?ubar Hand Made M. A. GUNST & CO. SOLE AGENTS, PORTLAND, OREGON. CLtflRA STORY, Art Teacher A'oom S, Jiettinijen Building, Will (jive Uoiit MondHyf and Tlmrfda of c eh week, or ofifiier if desired. W E. GARRETSON. Ill The Dalles Gigar : Faetory FIEST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. CIGARS of the Itest iirande manufactured, and orderu from all jmrtf of the country filled on the shorteHt notice. I nnflin it imirAlnr LCdUIIIU ' rfGHGlE .!-r I OI.K AOKNT F(ll TIIK 1 MSSSS i A. ; The reputation of THE DALLES CI , G AP. hafi Income firmly eHtablished, and the demand for the home manufactured article !e increaHinp every dav. A. ULRICH & SON. WIKK.UAN. W.M. MAUIIKItH. at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate MJCIIKLHAl'II 1JUICK, - TNION BT. Lace Curtains, Have yemr Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. 5at'sfa'or? Guaranteed WESOLO. 'linn W m Failor GHflS. ADflflS, Shoemaker All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order, lUH ShikiimI Ht.. The lHlle, Or. J. F. FORD, !aU' ol , No Fit, No Pay. 1 Union St., opp. European House. Ol Ihf Molnn, Iowa, wilte iimlvr March 'SS, ISM. H. 15. Mem. Mhi. Co., ,, , Dufur, Oretfon. fjeutltmen : On arriving home lat week, I found rl.i 1 ,1U11' "'ixioiiHly nwaitini;. Our little L'irl, eight and ono-half yearw old, who had waHted away to 38 pounde, ie now well, Btroiif and vigorouH. und well j eflhed up. S. 1J. CoiikIi Cure has done its work well. Uoth of tho children like it. 1 Ollr f. Ji. C.lllf.ll Hun. lino ........1 and kept away all hoarBenenH from me. ho K ye it to every one, with greeting lor nil. iHlnnu you proopority, we ure pure, M. & Miik. J. F. Komi. lid reudr in Willi two or Hold under u positive KuaiauKe. SO ceuu per bottle by nil Uruugltiu, East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I'tirfmit I'll tiuaruiitoml. Wiseman & Warders, ii and n ine Jtoous WINHNS 5"fj . ., . ,I"M,H!1 I'littttiloii the- olil inup KtoniMl. jtt the Korku mid I alls ol Hood river, with lariHShlKhth lotM.biond mIovImuhI allcjB, :whI mi!) auif iiurMvi1t..'r,vltliNlmil(lti i.triliiHliin, iM-rlt ct .lriiliiiiKisilullKhtful iniuuitiili clliiiiiK:, tliueuntriil iittraidlmi nh a mountain miiiihmt n-nort lor all (ircKuii, twin; tho uearcNt town t.. Mt. Ho.,.1. It Ih iinparallcl.r nn n ill imil. ctiir .u (L'llttT. h(!llli: the lintliral ruitU-r f..r i.ji ,. ...n ii " ., .. . .'' ,Mn,7. 1. 11 1 V'1, W '"'rt' ''i';"'' ,"V"U' l'""ur fXlKlH, thi't.. the main v 11 ' "l-r.Mirrouiii.'d h M) , ,. ((. that cannot ho.-xco w i v ill ii i"! ."'II' "r,,",'ri''. "'"I with tranM'rtatlon already TITliE PERFECT maim nil til ...... m! I , in , , :," tiiiiirniiiitJiiiiiiiii:mj) iini- uu hiii HiKi uilh mi' p;tu' to jiiiiKru i.crlu't luutU' ir n imini' iniL-Hiurt I See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River. Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. foiXU,'li!.,.!."11 ,,rt1,' "iKlchet'rliil.H ,, ,, '7"V' " cieuimc your ntu vHVt n The Dalles, Oregon. NortbweHt uurner nf Ki'i-nml utul Court HtreutH. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. -! et;i; AtldreHk : . . ;i.(jo V" M. JJAKUJMAN, Kndersby, Or, D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and Boofmj MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young fc KW Ulackemith S!iop.