ill 5 I mm hi 3 't: If! : Mi ft m 1M tm m f The Dalles Daily Chronicle. mi: Ai.Lr OKKOON GALLANT SOLDIERS. David Mil ov. of KrtllantK Cab. ha just celebrated Hi .me hundred anil second birthday. Hi- wn;- a soldier in the war of 1-1 2 f K- M. Johnson's Firit rcphitr-Bt f K-.-ntucky volunteer.-. THE duk of lounnnsrht's promotion to the rank of full freuemi ha boon received afU'r a period of nearly uven-ty-3ve years' active service, lie ob tained hi first comuiisMon as HoHlon nat in the royal engineer in Juno. 1-C-. The flagship of the Hritiidi .-tpiudiMn is named" after Hubert Hlahe. the fa-nioa.- admiral who foiisrht for the com monwealth under Cromwell ajrainst the royalist and subsequently beat the Dutch in a -cries, of brilliant en gagements. G::.v. Rrrt sastos. t. A. (re tired), has been awarded a medal of honor for trallant service apninst the confederates at Harper's Ferry hi May, ISO'J. o far Lieu. Schofkld and Hen. Miles are the only other iroiieral otH- cert who have received these medals. TRED DKiKS AND FJMLLS 7 ' nsn a crni: i on RHRKilftATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, K2FaEY, LEVER and BLADDER CCiWPU5MTSyDYSPEPSIA, LAME-BAGfC.&c sANnr.vs Ei.r.iT)?:. i- i.r- with I'.Ioetrn lUnci-rti orj" will euro tllliui ' :''" ' n"ofthraboTe'r i' . '' ' u(Ter rrru Svi'mmh I l.nmr-n. Drnstis.. i.aiu M. . N rr vii ti hp !. Mei i.'. - : I'linr .Memory, nil I, !"",' ' ' nliilnt. and criirjrtl ii 1 the effects of name, c . ' I oroxiisuro,wi:i tlii: r' lu i ' ' : r' i euro In imr w.-vi" n winch requires but nir,! t ;'i..- . . ' lert.i yon nmy hm i in ti ' yourfrstpmol nerve ! . . 1 which If rlrcli - " canned yourwoiifcnew: u It you replace Into yti elements t!n. dra.r.cvi. t . .1 -quired fur vleomu'Strv".' 11. '1 reuiovrthociiUjenmUie.. '. " 1 and vtjrur will lullcm r.- 0.1 . . . is our tilan ami trentsicM. : cuainntee a euro r rfoi r OrtrCOn pnae book "THUKE CT.XJXOTJJFX. ruii, no , V'"' liilildlr-iteoii nnci oiu mnn, pe.ii 1 t;yi: ''rirtP? nil other treatment? 121 '1 McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKiy l?roi?iel AT PER f-li; siHtlnl u. Mi'eH'iiti ' wntdiitliW to mill.' ii'. it i vtrfti ANNUM. I if ii!ie tn' JitllillMnil j ENGLISHMEN OF NOTE. The income of the duke of "West- ' minster is twelve and one-half cents t lcr second. Mb, GlaPsToxi:'.- name occupies twenty-two pajres on the catalogue of the liritish mu-eum; Tennyson's fifty- j seven. Tuk bishop of Liveriiool is one of the most stalwart members of the Epis- j copal bench. Ho stands over six feet high and is. or was. a model of a uni versity athlete. DfKU CiLAnt.K-TftKoDOKE. of I'.avaria. not only lias learned but steadily prac tices the art of healing-, and recently ; performed his two thousandth opera tion for cataract. "RAM'S HORN " GEMS. The man who clia-es bubbles will Dark his shins sooner or later. Tr.fTii never builds on the sand, no i matter fcw much like rock it may j look. j TitE man who falls in love with his I of Honi we have strong letter bcarltip testimony their recovery alter us-cc ou. ucn . WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! GENERAL DEBILtTY CURED. i4 . " r 4 w. wuuu wirvm, rii'.n.i.. Ir.A.T Sandtn. liir Mr s-iourf of .-ri hard work, rombtiird with lh strain rao...c -lr otsneni-lnn, giro mot, aerp.-e rn.i ot from which 1 nuSfrrd tor . that 1 could not bend my back. all i. with It. 1 bought one of yoar tiia. 1 lnidi of two daj, ntid I continue-) tow f months, hvice rrfoctlr cared, lliit s . uzo.ond 1 am a wpl. tdday a 1 ever w i know rour twit well, and I km w la s .-if . hare tx-en cured tr lu many rtUfi ni theT would tnr It ther would find it t. nffered I the best remedy In the world. I ix van I'pnrivn. Irr. A. T. Pan Jen, Dear Sir r Before. I ued your belt I troubled with lot TiBor. itU waKne, and cUaoi: a cociilete lo of power. 1 would set up with . rr tired feellnK, bontw nchlnB, etc.; since uslni; your belt 1 h ire had a new lease of llf-. 1 now enjoy lit:erthm 1 hare lortea year Pr lhaTetne t .t . r.fideoce In your treatment, ion can t ub . .. i.. -tateiaent. r.!o haieothera writeor call on i iru'.yyoun, BL.A. BOWEJi. 36 and 2i Turk St. RjlEUMATISM AND,tMENESS CURED. i"- 1 T. Sanilen. Ie&rSlrl cotone i.lyour Iwll tney wouiatrj " inej wuuia nnu i; m-i. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE tnrl'..fV,,M.. uhll - lll.t th. filllOW-itlt: H"l sl'tKillU' ll I" '!. The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. 1." utMrllllnC fd CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US t-Tt' w-r-jEs 3-ro for rheumatism, from which .erai year. o.n - tow rk. erai year, t or ice pai six monius 1 uim m -ur"1' ""-:" lil trio- rk. nor blt ha I t trt t health In the two we-ks I hate nd it. uuLi r minn.itilr.nncl feel like n new man penerBllr. NERVOUS DEBILtrV-LOSS OP ' VIGOR. . c-.t TUn..l 1 1...! fA4t retuzxlnc: and ktttT&mo: Ei :r'ic Iwlt for ceueral nerrouf debility, and to-dar twit I find xnrelf twice t etiroci nO Jeo la nii.AlnnnlMAtvint It. LOST VITALITYAND STRJrf-T.'. , T.Terett, -h, Jr e .-. .... n- A. T. rAndnn. IVj.r 6ir; t u b "It I haTe been cre-atiy benefited 1 fee )i better than 1 hate for hveyaarB. I hare sained . memory l now oearir iwrfecs. aa c- ' T-or daily, art) nm ftrone In eTerrtinn., . foph better. 1 leel n.uch Kroner, . Yours gratefully, CIIAS. LrETKA. I usine the bell. Tourstraiy. HEM.J :J.- THE DRrSANDEN ELECTRIC BELT !j r complete tnilTanlc battery, made Into obelt so ar to be easily wop flnriac wyt nr air. ..a'4 rlvs- -tHJthlnc.rnilonced cum-nts which ore Instantly lelt ihrouchoni all wekt f. S5.OO0. It has an Improved Electric SupeniiorT the createAtKtae ever Fwnw. w- warr.-.nt ittc cure any of theaboTe weakneses, and toenlarse shrunken limb?., c u'.- -, Itr i"i!ulnl. They are craded in strencth to meet all stares of weakness In rinn.r. i ,... . ... ju.u J3caro the wurst cases In two or three months. Address lor lull ir-Iorc:i.i. ti. SADDEN ELECTRIC CO. 1?2 First St., PORTUHD. (ZXM- Publish cvs ( 7 l!0Ar7 ( 'L E, The Dalles. Or.: )'ou will please send to my address Ihe DA ID' CJ1 ROM CLE for 13 months from date, for irhioh I agree to pay (!0 ets. a month, it being understood that iou, are'to have sent to my address for J year, withhul extra charge, McC LUKE'S MAG.'IZ fXE. commencing with the current number. Name, Date .ddrcss 1 This Isth6 Season CM Of the Year OUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. O CD NEW Underfaknir CALL AT OUR Hliil vo-tli-oiitiTtilltilllcniKl lllit'ly illustrated OFFICE H. C. XIELSEX, Clothier and Tailor. head only never cets a wife to suit j him. i The hypocrite throws away his mask I whenever he feels sure that he isn't watched. ) The world is full of people who want to do poo-1 but they are in no hurry to C - Strt-njitli utul Health. ! If yon fire not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Hitters. 11 "la I grippe'' has left yon weak and wea", use Electric Bitter?. This remedy act directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aidintr those organs to perform , their functions. If vou are afllicted with McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which liiiMtmiins ItM'tnitriliiitorh the tmt futnntie mitluirs in inericii mill Kticliuul. ittcliulliii! such writer. ii the fnllmtinc Thomas llardv. Ilatnlin Liarlimd, .1. T. Trowbridge, 1'rof. H. S. lloltlcn, .Ii'iotm 11. Jerome. l'rol. C. A. Vounti. Frances Hodgson Ibirnett, II. 11. i'.oye.-en, PtK-idediy the Finest Line of Gents' Riariiisliiiig Goods, Trunks ami J'aliscs. etc.. etc. COK. .SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES. OR. HORSES HORSES J.S. COOPER, Vomer Ham. UXIOX STOCK YARDS, Chicago, III?. sick headache, you win find speedy and The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, -will hold his first extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893. on WEnDISTESnDlT, tTTTZLNTIE 21. permanent teliei by takni" Llectnc Bitters. One trial will convince you that tlii? is the remedy you need. Large j bottles only 50c. at Snipes & Kinersly's ' drug store. Oiidil .(nil I'rintins. If von have vour job lirintint; done at I Tue Ciiconicle you will have the ad- j ' vantage of having it done w ith the most j modern and approved tyie, with which ! vre keep continually supplied. All jobs j under the direct supervision of one of, the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. HORSES Entries should be made at onee. .VlTrt&tt'.'lm HORSES Tor Kent. Rooms to rent at Rev. A. dence ou Ninth street. Horn's resi-C-23daw. Cut I'lowrert. fur sole. I have all styles of wires, including Odd Fellows, K. of P., and Masonic de eigns. Everything for floral decora tions furnished on short notice. Prices reasonable. Mi:s. A. C. Sti'iimxp. dim Cor. Eic'nth anu Libei tx . Money to Loan. j I have money to loan on short time ' loans. Geo. W. Rowland. ! J. O. MACK, FiplE IrVlBE? and LIQUOR R. L. Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, A. Conan Doyle, Octave Thiinet, William Dean Howell Bret ILarte, Clark Rusrell, Joel Chandler Harris Theodore Rwisevell, Joaquin Miller, Oillert Parker. John Burroughs, Rolicrt l'arr, Henry M. .Stanley , Archibald Forbes, Andrew Lang, Sarah Omc Jewel t. Dr. J. S. Billings. W. E. Henley. Citpt. Charles King. .Mrs. Robt. Louis Stevenson, Cuttiile FJainmarion, F. Marion Crawford, Lillin Chase Wyinan. Marein-ot Deland, Harriet l'rewcott Spoirord, Herbert D. Ward. Edward Everett Hale. Elizabeth Stuart l'hclps. Louise Chandler Moulton, Each number nf McCLURE'S MAGAZINE emitiiltm tn liamlsoun-lj- iltustrutetl Interview Willi Midi fltlllOU" KMiU' In Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Alphoie Daudet, Frances" Hodgson Burnett, Thomas A. Edison, Cainile Flamuiarion, Tissaudier, the famous F. Hopkinsou Smith, Kdwurd Everett Hale, French Balloonist, H. II. Boyesen, I'rof. Graham Bell. and tniiny others, have furnUhed ttmterlul fur fsiieeinlly jiretmrtM lntervlcwx which 111 itieiit m 1 m m m PKINZ A: XITSCHK m:u u is Furniture and Carpets; We have added to our DUHine.-i i soinplete UndertatHiig EtablifilnncE and :uh we are in 110 way oonni.-cted wiitl I the UmlertakerH' Trust, our price? wil be low accorlinglv. riuuj icnminnu ui inicnivn ruiuaR I'ully IllustruUtl ntori wlli I fully Ulustrtitttl hi thiii lr.tipiztne. Knch mimlier emitaltis two or three hhort xtoric by fittnotis iititliorj,. upiHMir in ciiriy numiicrs nj Tiiomas Hardy, William Dean Howells, R. L. Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Bret Ilarte, Sarah Orne Jewett, Joel Chandler Harris, Harriet I'rescott Spofford, Octave, Thanet, Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Stanley J. Weyiuan HENKY M STANLEY will contribute, L)K-eliilly for voiiiir reudera. o IhrillitiKly lutcrvstins xtoryof African Vdtetittite. NATURAL HISTOi: i VVJ, ! tiiw- K m ill wtm RRILROKD U the line to take 'in til iiuia I'V' i. .vi tain viii-nri t ektlhuled 1 rnlnk ererr dar in the vearu RV AND ADVENTURE. I Cjf HtMlI bnfj fJjlT mond Blothuioyt. who him Un culled by Mr. W 1 iMUt KUlil UllU Ull iilerial fiiriiinluil him by Karl MonenbW, of Hhiii )' J DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE C E LEBR ATE O PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OR. Freeborn & Company, Go to N. Harris for fine yardE for $1. prints; 20 -DEALEIiS t.v- Ifthoumatism, Lumbago, 8oiat!caf Kidney Complaints Lame Back. c " i . . s - m Ball Paper and Hoom ffioaldings iinwEV 295 ALDER ST. Old NcMiiEn 95. COR. FIFTH, PouTu.!m, Oeegon. TheDklles There will lie hcveml article' written by Boym htend the lt Interviewer in Knchuid. Irom mill burKi the great uliiinul imiKirter uud trainer. 1'Iu-m- urticlen deul with The Capture of Wild Beasts. The Transportation of Wild Beasts. The Training of Wild Beasts. The Adventures and Escapes of Karl Hagenbcck. The scries will tie lllUBtmted by an Kiigllsh artist of iiukiiouUilKed skill In druwini: w lid atilmnli .Ions- Ili'r.iuiL'Gifs. C. 1' II"Mii:u, Hit. t ( . AliuoTT. ntid nthiT writers i.iuiou fur their work in this field, will contrlliute to the magazine Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PROF. n. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arranpement!' have l'en made, in connection with a leading KiirIIsIi review , to publish l'rol Garner's letters de-criiitno of his nresunt exHtlititm to Africa, I'rof. tiaruer lit noted the world He hulled lor Africa last .-eiitemlK.-r for the sake of further inirsulin: his MndlcK in the natlte haiitita of me illustrations lor inese nrtieies win iiroin iiiioioi:raiilis taken by l'rol. (iiirner. the gorilla. over for the curious and fiileres-tiiis iuvt-stlKiitions he is inaklnc In the si.t-ch of inonkcyK 'tuuies in liliM tnLef The uiii?uzine also contalni most lnterestiuc nrtlclen under the folloMinr; foniirehenslve heads The Edge of the Future. " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We ureofleriiiK this Bjilcndld niacaziiie with the lun.y t iir.oMci.i: ftir only ?:.'-f a cur, imynhlf in udvunce or in monthly lustitllineutsiis desired We make this cxeeiitlnnal ofl'er In order that we nm sirlirc a lame iiiiiiiIkt of new subvrlU:r, but nil who are iilreudy sub-criliers may avail themsehes of this otitMirtuiilty to secure tlilr crent miiRuzliie. I 111 no the bliink uud send it In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. I.N'O CHAXfJK OK l'AUH.1 Coiiiposodwil IMiiinc Cars unnurpaswtl. PttU UiKii Druwinc HiKim Slwi'err of Intent cjuiriMll TOURIST SLEEPING CAILS ... . . ur1 kiiT fin-T iMti ! ntiMiMirrii ttii it vtnv mum u uuAUMfi. A contlutitiuk Hue. connuctlm: with all M, , nfltirdltic direct tuid unliilerrupttil acrvlce v l'tiMuinn Klwiier rewcrvatloua can b serpj in navauce intoujn any mtem u me raw, THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Brewerv is now turnintr out the beat Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances lot tho manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the firtt-elafiH article will lie placed on the market. THROUGH TIGKETS KiiEliuid and Kurotiv can be purchasud at u ticket omcc oi inu cumtiauy To and from i'h xihtln Amtho'.'v Full lnforinntlou coneeniltir rau. timeH' trains, rouu-n ana ouier neuuia lurnleliofl ajijilicutiou to W. C. ALLAWAY, ARCtit 11. J'. & A. Nav. Co., Kcgulator oOltw, : Liaues, ur., or A. l. fHAIIl.TOK Ass t. General 1'aasei.Ber Act,. J'ortland, m IELT SORV. D.c SANDER'S CLE With Eloctro MnKnetlc I j-aiti i-airnia: lint laprDvcmeat I win cut without mwliclne all fTrtkaM. rwultlnir from . OTer-uuitlou of bnun nerru (orom i ezccaxsorliidu. I crctlon. as ntrrou dlillttr, tlerplnmeas, laniriior 1 rlM-uniatifm, kidiify, !! and Liddr compliinu Uiwack. liimUgu, eciatlm. all female compjunu , peiitral 11 lu-auii. tic. Tula electric Belt eintalm 1 ln!taiitlyfcjtY,y wtarer cr we forfeit i,M0.u, and wlllcaioallof Ito oixive dm-uei or oVpi), Ttiou. ' Jr?.. .1 Uru e"?.'ii.h?. roarralouSjnreution ! uf tUraoii!ulii in thli and every ntber itnt. Our l'.wl EU.ITH1C HlsPl'mOBT. th tTIrrl''?! ljn Vrr oored w.W men, rut.r. i:h all wcrs fcendfurliim'd I'jniimlet. mailed, seolwl.freo I 6ANDEN ELECTRIO CO., Ao. 17 i'lr.l Street, JOKXL,VS OX. j The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF p 2000 EEADERR. J They tend The Chronicle to get the latest and raot reliable .n, And th")' lead every line thrit Is In the .uier. That Is what make the Chronicle uu Iiivuluahle advertl In medium. The that soes to the family llresldts- Is the one (0) that the iidvurtlsera of today jHttnnUn w ,vjlt.u ,nov ,,Ck,r(. ,0 rtiicu mo joie hen Ihey want your trade ' their imnouneeiiientH will be found in the jiajmr. I look over our coliintns mid (iieri e the verllleu-! tion t.f tho truth of this insertion. KemutiiU r, J r. triidc ofufci.illyof two tliousiind 1 Is worth inking for th-m,;!. these fWi c diiiniis, vsix'liilly s n our very ( Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of the Inland Empire in situated at the k&ad of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is n thriving;, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply oity for un extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far &outh as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Ciu cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool .hipping poin America, alut u.000,000 pounds being shipped lust year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yield T8 J. ? enuo ot thousands of dollars, which will 1 more than doubled m the near future. Tho products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled th warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. " ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the const and its money is scattered over and is being used to devolop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern 0.o. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate di-liglftful. Its pos sibilities mcalpuhble. Its resources unlimited. And on these :orn r nyti i , u t in mg PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moat Complete and the Latest Patterno and Deeigns In "E A RTI C FACTOBT SODA WATET? AVTi TflP flPr.iltt Candies and Nuts i r i i I UIMAltN A Nil ,' ,' V ft A1 I Q T f 29 Street J. FOLCO 11 rll'ht ill r. w""; rostaUf' Practical Painters and Pancr I lantern. Kiinn 1ml il... 1.qi k-...,.i., .1 .1.. ei...rr. n .i t in i .. . . . . " nuo ui mt ouurwin- iiuuius unu j . y. iuaauryu j-uiniB useu tn all t work, and nono hut the most Hkillcd workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints No chemical combination or Kiap mixture. A firot class article in all colors' All orders promptly attended to. Paint Shoo corner Thirdand Washington Bte., The Dalles. Oroot Qolumbia j-iotei. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hat lately been thoroughly renovated and newlv 1 furnished tlnoughout, and is now better than ' 1 over prcjmred to furnish the best Hotel I . HccominodatloiiH of any house in the ' -lty, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. i uiileo oj the fust and commodious -opposition Stage to Dufur, Ktn-sley, Tygh Valley, W'ajilnltia, Wur'ii Springs and Prlnovillo is in the Hotel aicJ piidous going t-j Priiievllle can pave H00 bv going on this Htugo line. All trains stop here. JOHN PASHEK, Ill M I II III II li I III I I Ul 76 Court Strt, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. for Hprini' and MUiiiiner Htiitlinrg. M a 1 i;niiiR m m w. np.w vm u ill ii im ilia a 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 n uu j t to order. Batlnfaetlon gtiurantc'-'d. I ItMli V wwauraMKioM.. photographe" First iiiiMiiiiiin nt lho W'ubCO air for best portraits innl views.