The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 08, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle
Hern A 1or,
The mnvor's reeent statement about
l(Ws has awoke Crndlelmugh into the
official paper OF DALLES CITY. followinR wJtlv paragraph. Mr. Cradle-
tLl - ibaugh overlooked one important fact
: - I tjmt we will mention ripht here. The
ntred .t the lMe' OCgon ' present debt of the city is ?33,000, and
the mayor is very anxious to liquidate
it. A tax of on cani iiug m
the entire city indebtedness. Mr.
Cradlebauph says
Mavor Kinehart
Weekly, 1 yenr. 1 9
U mOIUIls. " n in
3 It U W
7- 1 1 'i Ti ii1
William Tell
Your Father that wc
of The Palles says
Dallr. 1 vcar. . .
"' 6 months. . . ",v ' ,. ' , - u.
per " oso;that city that are unheensed. e
Addrcjp nil communication to " THE CHKON-' our neighboring town had a phe-
ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. noinenal crop of canines, but we were
, ,. totally unprepared for the grand total
Post-omee. ug stated by the mayor. According to
orncK iiocrs this there are three dogs and a pup lor
General Delivery Window s a. m. to . . m-, , woman and child. Atone
..- .. , P I '1 I . HUIII.lil
yn.'m.'toiou.'m. mmn 0 meat per dav these dogs would
C1.01.0 OF MAILS
tmiut ROlUR Kat . 9 p m. nud 11 AS n. m.
Money Order
Sunday u 1
West P ii. m. and n:.i p. ni
tjtace for Goldcmlale :-
" PrliievllK
" "'Dtifurand iirm.-irinc ..VKOn. m.
" tLenviiiK lor Lvlc .V Hartland R:3i n. m.
" ' J Antelope 5:30 n. m.
Except Sunday. .....
ITri-wceklv, Tttcsdav Thurduy and Mitunlcy.
j " "Monday Vednc-vlny and Friday.
.tti;y s, iso:;
eat say lL'.UUU pOUIHlS 01 ueei, leiiiiiiiui;
thirty head of beeves daily. We are
forced to the belief that The Dalles is a
better town for butcher:- than for candi
dates for city office on the democratic
ticket. We'further timidly suggest to
the honorable mayor that he oley the
injunction to "throw physic to the
dogs," and, as it were, curtail both
species and number. Fifty thousand
docs are too many for one town, any
how. Strung out heads and tails, made
into one longitudinal doi, so to speak,
.-,,000 dogs each four leet long, uiciuu-
From a statement prepared at the
treasury department the actual loss to
the government through the operations
oi me .-Herman .m .fru.'. n string of dog?,
Vrnm tli s statement it annears that uj) "' . 1 .. . .-'
f,i,ni h.fl.lvir ir,fi.nfi4.590 metaphorically
fine ounces of silver have been pur
chased bv the irovernment since
. 1 1 ... . . .. nJV.w.' TI.1C
..... . .Ii)hav' Dr., give us a reduction, a spe-
amount of silver cost the government P-, .,t.n. ., '
, , . . ., . i cial rateon do"s. fifteen thousand uoj
$147,13S,37o. At the price oi silver at ua le 011 1
, , , , , i ., ro ,J we chine sav ."0 iotmds each, would
the end of the fiscal year, about C2 cents "c,"' - ' nnn,u nf
, i c .i 1 make a grand total of hoUAw pounus oi
per fine ounce, the purchases of the matt, a tr.uiu i , ,
, . , I, i , ,.,i, jnn i dog. -2o tons, not counting the bark,
white metal would now be worth $92,- . ' - , , ,
1 anu us pulling on iuu ium.ii uui;
wav. even for The Dalles. "VVe believe
the mavor was mistaken, that, meta-
speaking, 00,000 leet
long long enough to reach from The
fx x T.. w .tint I tnn ln(Ts
the I lJUiUI, illiu mm .wr
coned. long a dog lor any one. u.i,
the frightful inroads of Scrofula '
and all blood-taints. Dr. Pierce's ,
Golden Medical Discover) purifies I
and enriches the blood, cleanses tlio !
svstcm of all impurities, and restores
health and strength. It cures all !
diseases arising from impure blood, i
Consumption is one of them. It's
simply lung-scrofula. In all its ear- 1
Her stages, tho " Discovery :' effects ,
a cure. It's easy to see why. The
medicine that masters scrofula in ,'
one part, is the best remedy for it in
another. It is the best. It's war-';
ranted. It's the only blood and lung
remedy that's guaranteed to benefit j
or cure, or the money tvill be re
funded. Xo other medicine of its ,
class does it. IIov.' many would be
left if they did 'i
It's the cheajKst blood purifier,
sold through druggist", (no matter
how many doses are offered for a
dollar.) because you only pay for
the pood you get.
Your money is returned if it
doesn't benefit or cure vou.
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Kasvfitting P
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
a ntd
132,040, showing an actual loss of about
It is very hard to make visitors at the j pliorically speaking, he has been count
world's fair believe that the fine straw-1 jnc j,j5 chickens before they were
berries which are exhibited from Ore-' hatched, and his estimate is made on
gon and have been there for several possibilities. He is dealing in futures,
weeks really came from Oregon. They anj h;s statement is dog-matical. Any
cannot understand how a state as far wav we figure it there is too much dog,
t. AT..!.... cur..! c,.iiilmpruic 1 II ...1. it I!it-
east almost as soon as Georgia or Flor-! tides, suppose that all these dogs' pants
ida." It does look slightly impossible, , should give out at once, say
but it is a fact nevertheless. Pacific
The Washington National bank of
Spokane reopened us doors Thursday,
and at 3 p. m. was .io,000 ahead.
There was a run of depositors to dejosit.
This bank has how the finest chance
in the world to make fortunes for its
management. With confidence com
pletely restored it can lend money at a
time when it will bring the highest in
terest since war times and on security
absolutely gilt-edged.
in the dog I
' days and every dog has his day), and I
they had to wander up the back alley
i with nothing on but a collar, what
j would the administration do then?
That's what we'd like to know. But
j we droj) the subject; it is too dis-cur-'
sive for u1-.
1 .Subscribe for the CunoMcu:.
A new vegetable is to be introduced
into the United .States by the depart
ment of agriculture. It is the root of
the calla lily, that resembles somewhat
in appearance the ordinary Irish po
tato. So prolific and palatable is the
root of this plant that its propagation
in many parts of the United States,
where conditions are favorable, may be
looked for as a future agricultural industry
Can you ask more?
the Dalles
J.D. PARISH, Prop.
Leave-- The Dalle- nt G ti. in. t-vcrv (In;. . mid r
rive- tit l'rinevillu in thirty-six hour- U-kVi .
I'rii.evllo nt 6 ti. m. every diiy, nml arrives- tit
The Dalle in thirty-six h.iurs
forties the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
Connects at Frin-ille with-
Stages from Eastern and Southern 0r
"coc, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
A i ,.t.t- rime connection nt The Dulles v, ith
mm I'ortlund and Kaateni joint!-.
' news drivers.
b .i acsonmodauons alone tie read.
Fsi-class Ccactes and Horses csed.
Eipress matter candled with special cart.
In every size, style and price.
1 R'
n in iifii i inniP 9 on Z
. , x mm ma wwm s .ltj,
Ib called to the fact that
Hagb Glenn,
Dealer in Glaafi, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kindp.
Citrrio th- Flnft nf-
"Thcrc 2 a ttdt 7t it a fairs oj men wnci, taken at its flooa
leads on to fortune"
TJie poet unquestionably had reference to the
'IHnu-flit Nil k n
Uiuuiur UUl KJ UXU Ul
Tlnnnitnnn 0 Pnnnnft
-ruimimo a umyui
A massive pyramid on the summit of
the Union Pacific road at Sherman,
AVyo., taken from a mountain of granite
near by, perpetuates the memory of
Oakes Ames, founder of the Union Pa
cific railroad. Were this monument to
repreeent the latter-day greed of this
Bame road, the quarry would be a hole
in the ground.
Anaereeahle Laxative and NEKVE TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or gent by mail. 25c., 60c.,
and S1.00 per package. Samples free
AU HVforthe Teeth and DrtatJa. 20c
For wale by Snipes & Klnertily.
UAfL.f Ulbliw uauuuu niiu vywwiui ,uib. t t AiT 11'
" ""?5VJ5Vi;: """" ""ffii'Mr:- ' I G 111 I v 1U 0 II I (I I II g S
The Snug.l
W, H. BUTTS, Prop.
90 Second Breet, The Dalles Or.
A terribly destructive eyclone is re
ported from Iowa. No resistance is pos
sible to these calamities, and their fatal
effectE are only confined to the field over
which they sweep. In this ease it
traveled over a thickly populated sec
tion of country, and the lives lost reach
into the hundreds.
To De foand in the City.
72 LUashington Street.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
-Art Teacher CIGARS SaSufJS",
oruerti trom all parts of the country filled !
This well known stand, kept by the
well known V. H. Butts, long a resi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herders Deltzht and Irish Distarbanc '
In fact, all the leading brands of tin
1 Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
old man a call and vou will come again
lioom Bettinyen liuildiiuj,
Will ifivc U-K)iii. Momluyi, mid Tlmrla) of
eieh week, or n(f-ner il desired.
on the shortest notice.
A statement prepared by the controller
of the currency shows that the amount
of national bank notes outstanding is
178,614,33o, an increase during the fis
cal year ended .Tune oOth of $(i,03fe',S97.
About all the cash a country needs ic
enough to make up for its want of con
fidence and credit.
I'urlfy Vour Itlmiil
Uy using Dr. Grant's .Syrup ot Wild
Grape the great blood purifier and sys
tem tonic. This preparation purely
vegetable and is mado from the product
of Oregon soil. The wild grape root is
now conceded by eminent physicians to
be oue of tiie most powerful alteratives
and anti-syphilitics known, and is pre-j
ficribed daily in their practice. Jt will'
positively cure scrofula (or king's evil,,,
malignant ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, I
erysipelas, ringworm, blotches, pimples,
eruptions, boils, carbuncles, sore eves,
fover sores and swelling tumors; iilt-o i
syphilitic affections of the skin, throat j
and bones, lie sure and get the genuine j
with the 3-leaf clover and the signature '
of Dr. Grant. It can be found on sale '
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
Elder S. S. lieaver, of McAHIsterville,
Juniatta Co., Ia., says his wife is subject i
to cramp in the stomach. Last summer ,
he tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera j
and Diarrhoea Remedy for it, and was
much pleased with the Bpeedy relief it
anorueu. Khe lias since
ever necessary and found
fails. For sale by Rlukeley & Houghton,
Hand Made
ing Jeweler.
Tilt- reputation of THJJ DAL1J5S CJ-1
GAR has k:eome firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
A. ULR1CH & SON. 1
i Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts. Col-
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
5at'sfa'01? (juarapteed.
ssm. r . ... n
ifmmm hid mm
tlatttl on tlit' old vuui ground, itt tlif Tfirln itiul
I....... . l.,l.1.. . I . t ... II
HUB ill Jlinni It II 1 till 1111 KV riWIILl lUin, III I Hill nil iri UUIl Hill H. L' KH h
mid imrt; wutrr.wlUi Hlindfiu nriifiiKUMi, porf''t (lniiiiniic.dtlitiUul iimuntniii
M. A. GUNST & CO A" Watch Work Warranteci-
jeweiry Made to Order.
I UK heconil St., Tli Iall,n, Or.
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
1'tTffct fit Oiiiiruntnml.
UK NKW TOWN tins Ihvii ;
I'ltllH hi JltKxl river, with
el t in ut.-. tlio cvntral iittriictluii hi. u iimiiiitiiiii hiiinnuT ihmh i fur nil (iri i'cm.
tiring the uuirui-t town to .Mt. Hood. It ik tin ,if ittU-U-c in. u nuiimdiutiirliiK
I'i'iiti-r, IicIiik tin- niitiiriil nuiitcr lor I Mi nium- inilcs of lUv riilur mul lit
tllillx-r, iMii-wKhhiK iiillltolih of lnrM-Him-r In 11k (lushing HtinoiiK mul w titer
titlln, eimlly liiiriKi-hfd. S liere rlieni nmthi' ).ower exlHt, thete the iniiim
fiietiirU-N will centiT.Hiirroumkil liy s. ,,i1( cJuiiati) tliiiHiintiot t.eeicolle
iiliywliere fur fruit mul iiKrlciilturi', mid wllli lriiuorttitloii iilreiidy iiMi'ei
ynu will llml tlilK the .ine to iihiki n j-rfeet home ft n piijlnn lineftn i,
See me on the ground, or
address me at Hood River.
Wasco County, Oregon.
Wiseman & Warders, i
SalooD and Wine Rooms!
The Dalles,
i speedy relief it x t t-. , y iourf, Mu. & Miw. J. F. Ft
:o used it wlien-! i O F 1 1, i O Hp V i .''A0" wttii.i frd. nndi'hiwjm,mH
Of Ju JIoluw, Iowu, writi- tlliil-r (lute ol
Jliiruh ai. ls:i:;.
S. . Mbd. Mru. Co.,
r Uiifiir, Oreon.
icnueiiitn ;
, On itrrivtn- home last week, J found
i Hi I well and ntixiotiHlv luvuitini;. Our
i httlo Kirl,oiKit and oiie-lmlf veurH old,
wlio liad wiiMted away to Ii8 pounds, le
novv well, htronu' and vigoroiiH, and well
JleHhed tip. h, Ji. Coih Cure linn done
b worK well, uoth of the children like TfleyCTCl fnT TTonl.
tU. oar h. J5. Cough Cure hue cured ! 66S 10" XiatCJllIl&r
I anu Kent awav all lioiircion.uu
So Kiye it to every one, with ereetlniiH I itom H'oroughhred fowls.
lor uii. ifiinni; you prosperity, wo ure '
j ourF, .nu. ti .Mim. J. I". Foiid.
XortllHOKt corner (if .Sieniul nml
Court HtreutK.
LrtSlxt 33xetJaxia.cti
Union St., opp. European House.
three if,ki eitoti week.
Hold under a ioaltlvo gunrnntbe.
Mi cinu per bottle hy ull druertnto.
nil rundy i
in with I
two or '
13 eL't-B
( AddreBh .
. U.(KJ
EnderHby, Or.
W. RossWinanvS.
Pipe work, Tit Repairs and Rooring
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kubb'
BlackHinith Shop.