The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 08, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. VI.
NO. 19.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
c .blKln'l llnllv, .ntldiiy hxvptcl
t vul Hint Wimhlnictii'i Mr'vtc
lliHc-., Oreirnn
in in. .if Sulixcr Intliin
Jur Yen;
?or muuth by currier
rtltiRltj ropy
letters of Credit issued available in
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on lav- i
orable terms.
east lint'Mi
urn 11 r. V. M
1. U5 !. M.
wr.HT r.ottMh
I rrlv... :I.U. A. It Mirl X 1" A. M.
11. M. 11 It ALL
Departf 11 rm P.
i v.
a v. y. "i.i r. J..
Twnl'vni Irelthtf that curry passengers leine
iu '..r the vMt tit ?!) a M .iitnl out- for the
wl 'j : a .
m levlile, via. Iliike Oven, leave
r i ,t-i,,'i.'. M'.tchell, Cuajoii City, leave
i' lia' .r. KltiRslcv, Wamlc, Wapinitla, Wnnn
jjir t;s mI Tysh Valley, leave daily except
Ulldll Hi fl A .
rur iiOiiiewi'ue, bmi ien.- ""j
k txi-tpt Miniliw l A-,y-
unices lor Ml unci ai me i uunum ii"u-.-
first Rational Bank.
A General Hanking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sicht
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sicht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ,
New York, San Francisco and Port- j
land. '
D. 1'. Thompson. J no. ,v.
En. M. Wn.MA.Mh, Gi:o. A
II. M. BEAl.L.
l'l!lirU"MII.'A I..
H l'.illllKl.l. ATT'JIINEY-AT I.AW
I uurt htrect, The Dullo. Oregon.
s m utmni khank menf.fek.
U and , over ot
jtfice HiUKlim,, F.ntrance on Washington street
The Dalles, uresoii.
. - HF.NNKTT, ATI OllNK V-AT-I.AW. Of--.
tice in schatiuo't, bulldlnff, up stair. The
Dalles, Oreiron
3& m
fA'i' -Otllces, French' block over
Irimt National Haul.. ' ' Halle.. orefiou.
rX' 11 WII-ON ATTOP-.-iBY-AT-t-AW UlKimil
V . Fretieh it t'o.'n hanW hulldliiR, Ktoml
btroet, I he Iiallen, DreKon.
JL aim K'UOKOK. t all uUMvereil
f d-iy or msht, city or country
, L iiajman oioek.
No. IK", and
Hational Bank,
President - -Vice-President,
Cashier, -
Z. T. Moonv
Charles Hilton
M. A. Moonv
Tf you wako up in tho
moniiug with a bittor or
'bad tasto in your mouth,
Languor, Dull Headache,
Despondency, Constipa
tion, take Simmons Liver
Regulator. It corrects
the bilious stomach,
sweetens the breath and
cleanses the furred tongue.
Children as well as adults
sometimes eat something
that does not digest well,
producing Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Restlessness,
or Sleeplessness a good
lo?o of Regulator will
give relief. So perfectly
harmless is this remedy '
chat it can be taken by
the youngest infant or
the most delicate person
without injury, no matter
what the condition of tho
system may be. It can
do no harm if it does no
good, but its reputation
for 40 years proves it
never fails in doing good.
"Tie Remilator Line"
liKON. OHico: rooms 5 and C ChBiiman
Klock KeMdeiue n. K. comer Court and
Fourth i.trceU, wc mil door from the corner.
OHice hourB a to IS A. it.. " to ft mid 7 to S Y. M.
.-IHDAl.I. I)KTihT. Oas civeu lor the
l.iuiileM. eitraetion of teeth. Also teeth
i. il.iwel aluinlnuin jilate. Kooms: Sign of
..,d-.i Tooth, Second street
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favorable terms
at all accessible points.
w7h. YOUNG,
The Dalles, Portland ami Astoria
Navigation Co.
1 F
BiacKsmnti & wagon Slop
TrtK'U l.OlKiK, NO. 1ft, A. y. H A. il.-.Meeto ,
nrt a"d third Monday of each laonth at 7 ,
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Freigni ana Passenger Line
ileeth in .MiiMinlc Hall the third Wwineftday
of each month at 7 I. M.
lfumiKs voohmi:n or Tin: would.
JI lt IIoihJ C'uiiiiiNo.W,ilM'tTucsdiiyer.n
lli?ofeaeli wtn;k in I raternitj Hall, at 7 ."0 . in.
WOI.rMlUA 1.OH0K, NO. 6, I. O. O. J'. Meet.
'&iJ everv l'rldn eveninir at 7:: o'clock, in K.
iflol I' hall, corner Second and Court ttreets.
S HojourniuK brotherk are welcome.
, H. LUUloil. Hec'y. 11. A. 15:M.s,N. O.
7f( fjI.l ft.MISIIU ijOinil'., iU, v.,n. Ill 1 . .levia
A every .Moiiuay eveiuui; ai ..kj ueiie.,iii
Hchauno'i- hutldliu;, corner of Court aud Sucond
streetk. Ho)ouriilL; member are cordlully in
vlted. V. o. Ckam.
1j. W VaI'.'K, K. of It. aud H. V. C
oSICMHl.Y NO. 4'J7, K. OF L Meet in K.
i. of 1' hail thckeeoud and fourth Wcdnck-
i days, of each month at ":'M n. m.
Friday afternoon
t 3 o'clock at the leadini; room. Allure Invited.
Harmon IkIkc No. W)J, 1. O. (i. T.-Kctfulur
weekly meetliiKk Friday at s r. M., a'
Fraternity Hall. All are invited.
L. ( . t.imiMiA.v, t". '1. it. C. l';, Se
TKMI'LK LOIKJK NO. a, A. O. f. V,-U-ets
in Fraternity Hall, over Keller. n fcecond
mreet, Thurnday eveuiiiKk at 7::w.
l'AiU, Km: it,
W.H Mykkh, Financier. M. W.
TAS. NKSMITII 1'OST, No. K, (. A. It. -Meet
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Third Street, opp. Lieoe's old Stand.
Andrew Velarde
T I'NION vvill uu't every Friday afternoon
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his lino at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest house moving outfit
in Kastern Oregon.
every Saturday ut 7:30 I'. M., in the K. of 1',
V) OF 1.. J:.- Meet every Siuuiay iilternoou In
15. the K. of 1'. Hall.
G' FSANO VUltKIN MwtH every Sunda
I eU'lilliKlll tho K. of J'. Hall.
OF I I" IilVISION, No, lC7-Mi-etsin
I). K of 1'. Hall thotlm and third WuIiick
day of cjich month, at 7 i:u r. M,
Address P.O.Box 181. The Dalles
: : JEWELER : :
Watchen uud Jewelry repaired to order on
h hurt notice, and katlkfiictlou guaranteed
Ktor nf I, V. Nlckeli.i, St. '1 lie llalle
Chas. Allison,
Through daily service Minday.s ex
cepted) between The Dalles and' Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
, Locks with steamer Dalles City.
' Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
' f Yamhill street dock") at 0 a. in. eon
I necting with steamer Regulator for The
! Dalles.
l'ASSKN;i-:it KATK-i.
One way '.00
Round trip .... tf.OO
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
ieintiul AK"lit.
(iriirnl Mmiucei.
-Healer in-
Fresh Paint!
TIIK C'llllltC'IIKK.
OT. iMCTF.liS CIUMICII Itev. Father Huons
O (iKKbT I'lmtor. liw Mtiks every huuday at
7 a. m, UiKli Mass at Iu.IJOa.M. Virk at
7 I'. M,
n Fifth.
I'AL'J.S ( HtU'.CH I'nion street, opiioMln
Huv. 1.11 ). huteiltle I'.i ctor. hurvii'w
eery Sunday at 11a, m. mid 7.:J0r. m. Sunday
fiolioolt' li A, m. KvuiiIiik I'rayer on Friday at
1711 UMT HAl'TIST CllfltCII-Uev. O. H. TaY
J1 J.oii, 1'iutor. Mornlun kerWok every Bah
hath at tlm academy at 11 a. m. Sabbath
HchiMil IniuHHllately after mornini: kcrvlcek.
l'ra)er liicetlng Frliliiy eveiiiiiK at 1'iiktur'k rei-i-deuce
t'liioii hciviiea In tho court hout-e at
Headquarters at Chas. Lauer's,
Havliii? Imd a fine liarve.-t of natural fee tho
bekt in the world, I am im-pnnil to furnifh ill
any iUiintlty and ut botti m julcw.
V. (', (iII.mi:ht hereby kcnils
His comiilliiients to every friend
And enemy if ho liat nny
lie they luw or he they iniin.v.
The time for ialiitin( now link come,
And every one dckircx n home
That looks fie.-h and clean mid new,
As none hut u koI painter can do.
J'nfntinw, paperlm.' and Klnlnir, too,
Will iiwike your old lioin-e look ijuitc new.
He will take your woik either wuy,
liy the Job or by the day.
if you have uoik clvo him a call,
He'll take your unlet, larne or uniill.
I )'. o. liox No. :!,
I 'I' 1 1 I . 1 1 A I I l.'W dl!
inn I'iijiiii.i:, wn,
pONl.liKUATIONAJ. CIU'RCH llev. W C I l-fTT j -in O
V.' fl'liTiK, I'tiktor. hcrlcekeeiyniiudiiyiit 11 , I I V J I II II I ' rIM n, M 1 fl , 1
am aiid7r..M. Sunday richool n(tir mornii.K V"VJllllA .i I l'lTAO llfAl
.rvlrc. Str,...l!r!. cordially itnited, Ueatk frc-. J (J ( J (J I" I
V.. eilfltfll-llev. J. WHtHKH, puktur.
.ll . ncrvlcck every Siuidiiy moriiliiKut ll'H. in i
nuniliiy SchiHil at i, clock p i F.iiwonh
l'iiKM- at i,.:.n p. m, I'mxer iiii'eiiuv i verv
'J'biirkila) ei iin'; at 7 W o'clock A i"idlal iil
vitaiioii li- extemliil by lioth ii'im J
to al
"1IK!-TIAN rill'll' ll
V JUstor. ITimcl in,'
nun li each lird
irdl.illy iu ited
i t
v i are
I IlliK I i. then." i li'irc li, S'nitli t'
H irti. ! uc hi i i i - at 1 1 .j i
in' i at IU p I c 'J , t.i-oim
llnii, " ) i -, ItatH, I'm,
Fancy Cfoodfi, filofcion.
I This old, poindar and reliable hoiieo
I has been entirely ivfttnii.-hed, imd every
i room has been re-pup wd and ri-paintei
and new lv carjietuu throiigbout. The
bonne cuniaijiH 170 rooms and is supplied
I with every modern oonvuniuncu. Ka'"
Sdcoi.d St., The Dalles.
t ' t i'K ! Ml 'I
C. W. Kr.nW
A gufd rivtauraiit uttachi't
'n r 'd- uud fr in ah
A Terrible Cyclone Sweeps Oyer Wes
tern Iowa.
an i:riii I-: vi uac i; dkstkuyed
Over One Hundred Killed and Two
Hundred InjiircilTerrililc Scene
of Desolation.
Fonda, lb., .Inly 7. One of the most
dreadful calamities in the history of this
state visited this section last evening.
A cyclone started southeast of here
about 7 o'clock last evening and swept
almost due eat, leveling everything in
its path for a width of 1,000 yards, kill
ing and maiming the inhabitants in the
towns and thickly populated farming
districts. As far :w heard from, the
calamity took it most frightful form at
l'omeioy, a town of about 900 popula
tion. Reports received are to the effect
that the cntite town, except 1)0 houses,
was swept from the face of the earth.
One hundred people are killed, and 1200
injured, many of whom will die. As
soon as the news of the disaster was
learned, special trains, with physicians
and nurses, went from hero and Fort
Dodge, ami every able-bodied man in
the vicinity lent a helping hand to the
wounded and dyinu. The wounded were
found lying al! about the streets, be
seeching help.
The scene was appalling as men with
lanterns went about in the debris. Jn
some instances entire families were
wiped out. Mangled remains were
found in the ruins of the homes. The
work of rescue was slow, and the train
loads of helpers made but little head
way. The south half of the town is
razed. The church, just opposite the
track of the storm, was turned into a
hospital. Here the surgeons worked by
the aid of lanterns and lamps. Those
with broken bones were stretched upon
the pews, while those less severely in
jured were compelled to lie on the tloor
awaiting their turns. The dead were
laid out on the ground on a vacant lot
at the edge of a devastated block.
Through the ai!c- between tho bodies
the survivors passed looking for lost
At the approach of the storm, which
imparted a greenish tint, followed by
darkness and what appeared to be a
column of smoke, many sought phelter
in their cellars, and others mounted
hoises to lice from the path of destruction.
(invernor Holes ut tint Front.
Dks .Moim, July 7. Governor Boies
received the following from Vice-President
Harrahan, of the Illinois Central
railroad, this morning, and will leave
for Pomeroy at noon with the necessary
supplies :
"The town of Pomeroy, on this com
pany's road, was visited by a severo
cyclone last night between 7 and S
o'clock. The number of dead at this
time is . '17. It is impossible yet to de
termine how many are badly injured.
Two-thirds of the town is swept uway.
Theie is great distress among the peo
ple. The Illinois Central sent relief
trains from Foil Dodge, Manson, Fonda
and Cherokee with physicians and citi
zens to assist in taking caro of tho peo
ple. They ate doing noble work. They
will need undertaken and coflins right
away. I am not authorized to say so,
but 1 think they need assistance, and if
this company can bo of any further as
sistance, please command us,"
(iovernor Holes has jtiPt received a
telegram from points along the routo of
the cyclone giving accountH of a terrible
loss of life and property. He has been
appealed to to issue a proclamation ask
ing help. The governor has gone by
train to l'omeioy, which ho will reach
this evening. Fiom there ho will visit
tlm other points all'ected and will no
doubt follow with a proclamation fur
A Ni'trm I'lcnil lluii)ii ,
ISuinwi.j.i . Kv., .Inly 7. The naimi
given by the ravlsher and murderer of
tho two innocent girls Is Charles Miller,
huj it is believed ho is the negro who
has been in the habit of giving glass-
eating entertainments in various parts 1
of the country. Tho negro says he has
not been in Kentucky recently, but a 1
coal found at the scene of tho crimes Ills .
him, and lings found on him were iden
tilinl i stolen Sunday night it Clinton, (
Ky. A lishii'iuan who saw the fellow '
ueruM the liver tho evening of tlm mnr-1
dec i Icuttlles him an the imiii. Iy 11
o'clock tiie crowd gathered hero num
h ' 1 liniisaudH, and when bu u;is tuei
from tho train a mad rush was ji 1 -".
1 i iMi'i I? c 'M1 I be heird above I'
i' r in I'Mtude l'lii'iU
the father of the munleied girls mounted
stand and said :
"This is the man who killed mv chil
dren. Let us burn him at tho proper
time, but let us keep quiet."
The crime for which the negio is to
a u Her such a penally was the ravishing
and murder of .Alary and Ituby Kay,
aged 10 and 12 years, who were picking
berries Wednesday morning near their
homo. A bloody coat found on the
scone proved u good clew. The peniten
tiary blood hounds were given scent of
the coat, and they followed the trail to
the Mississippi river. The ferryman
said he ferried over a yellow negro. The
dogs were taken across the river and
followed the trail to Uird'a Point. There
it was learned the man had been ar
rested at Sikeston, Mo. The prisoner
tallied with the ferryman's description.
His clothes showed evidence of the
The party constantly received addi
tions from Ulinios, Missouri, Tennessee
and Kentucky towns till it arrived here.
iiANoim instijA of ia'itvi:n.
Sr. Loris, July 7. The ravisher
and murderer. Miller, was hanged in
stead of burned at Ilardwell, Ky., at
3:40 p. m.
.liiHtlco ISlutclifortl De.ul.
Nnwi'oitr, R. L, July 7. Associate
Justice Samuel Blatchford, of the United
States supreme court, passed quietly
and peacefully from earth at 7:20 this
evening. He retained consciousness un
til an hour or two before his death.
There was no sudden change in his con
dition, simply a gradual slipping away,
which had been iaking place for the last
week. The arrangements for the funeral
are not as yet completed, but the body
will probably be taken to Washington
for interment. For many seasons the
dead jurist had been a quiet visitor to
this city during the summer season, and
while not greatly given to society follow
ing, he was frequently entertained in
the first families.
A I'relilxtorlc City Discovered.
Oa.vaco, Mexico, July 7. Mail ad
vices were received here today from the
state of Chiapa that a prehistoric city
had been discovered in the dense for
ests near the line of Guatemala. A
party of men engaged in making exca
vations came upon the ruins. A great
many queer-looking utensils, weapons
and stone ornaments have already been
unearthed in the city. In one of the
buildings have been found the skele
tons of several human beings. These
skeletons measure from seven to eight
feet in height. No signs of metal of any
kind have yet been discovered.
"Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled
Pepper.8," was a line of alliterative non
sense, that the children used to say.
rin: mist mtti.i: ami a.
.1. v.
.Miller of .Slliiiniei ellle, Or.,
Sl'lucliliK.- for Ills (Hillil.
J. V. Miller of Summerville, Or.,
father of the little girl who was stolen
from her home by gipsies last fall and
traced as far as Moscow, Idaho, is in Sjki
kaue on tho hunt alter tho child.
Mr. Miller is a grief-stricken parent and
his little daughter's absence has made a
wonderful change in his appearance
during the last few months.
He called upon the abend" yesterday
and sis he related the circumstances of
the abduction of his favorite, the tears
rolled down his cheeks and he sobbed
Since the child was taken the father
has become a broken down man. Peace
and contentment is apparently forever
estrayed from his life. Day after day,
since the disappearance of "Little
Almy," as ho called her, the old man
has trudged onward, following every
clew that would possibly lead to her
discovery. The old homestead has been
almost forgotten and Miller's only solace
now is in the hope that some day he
will meet his little girl again.
The mother of the girl at home is
equally discouraged and bemoans the
fate of the daughter. At the time the
child was stolen, the band of gipsies was
traced as far as Moscow, and from that
point in a direction that indicated that
they might pass through this city.
The police here were notified to keep a
lookout for the band. About that time
a band of gipsies wit i four or five
wagons did pass east of Spokane and
were overhauled, but no trace of the
little girl was discovered. It was
thought then that the abductors had
probably gone northward to the British
line and had transferred their precious
capture to some other tribe. This clue
was taken up at the time, but nothing
came of it. It is certain, however, that
the girl wrs taken by these roving
Mr. Miller offers a reward of !f'250 to
anyone who will succeed in discovering
the whereabouts of his child. He de
scribes her as follows: Hair, light
brown, shingled; eyes, hazel; a scar the
size of a dime on the back of the head ;
small scar on the nose, visible when cry
ing or laughing; burn scar on one hip;
slendei build; about three feet, nine in
ches tall ; 0 years old August 4th last;
small for her age. Her name is Alma
Gladys Miller. If her hair has not been
cut it will be about nine or ten inches
long. Sheriff Pugh promised to exert
himself on Mr. Millet's behalf, but the
chances are that "little Alma" may bo
hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles,
from here ere this.
The kidnapping prodivites of gipsies
' are historical, and it is also well known
I flint rhulinntv stnlon liv nm hiuwt iu
Nowadays they can i.racUce on the Per- tnulgfem.(l .u ,.u. d tQ
feet, Painless, Powerful Properties of
Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. It
will impress a fact which will be useful
to know. These Pellets cure sick head
ache, bilious attacks, indigestion, con
stipation ami all stomach, liver aud
bowel troubles. They are tiny, sugar-1
coated pills, easy to take, and, as a lax-j
ativo, one is snllicient for a dose. No i
more groans and gripes fiom the old
drastic remedies! Pierce's Purgative I
Pellets are as painless as they are perfect j
in their effects.
luuoicil Sainlir- Oiiler'.
Ni;w YoKK, July 7. The Herald says
Archbishop Corrigau has practically de
lied the authority to Monsignoro Satolli.
Monsignore Satolli directed the arch
bishop to restore Dr. Richard L. Durs
tell to the church of the Kpiphany,
from which ho was trnnnferted three
years ago to liomlotit, N. Y,, for defend
ing Dr. McGlyiin, or appoint him to a
parish iu this city equally important as
the Kpiphany, but the archbishop, in
stead of following the apostolic delegate's
instruction, referred the matter to the
propaganda in Home.
Ituelileii'h A i on ii Haltti,
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
soich, teller, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, ami posi
tively cures piles, or no pay requited,
other tribes and passed along from one
band to the other until it is safely be
yond the reach of detection. This may
be the mode that these wanderers have
of getting rid of their live plunder when
they see fit to resort to child-stealing.
Tho father of the missing girl says he
will never give up the chase as long as
he has strength to continue it. Spokane
Last fall 1 was taken with a kind of
summer complaint, accompanied with a
wonderful diarrluca. Soon after my
wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken
in tho same way. We used almost every
thing without benefit. Then I said, let
us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarihica Itemcdy, which we did, and
that cured us right away. I think much
of it, an it did for mo what it was recom
mended to do. John Ilertzler, Bethel,
Murks Co., Pa. and oO cent bottles
for sale by Blukeley & Houghton, Drug
gists. I. u iriiii.
j During thu pievaleuce of tho giipio
j tho past reasons it was a noticeable- fact
i that those who depended upon Dr.
' King's New Discovery, not only had a
1 speedy recovery, but escaped all of tho
' troublesome after elfccts of the malady.
I This ruiuudv seems to have a peculiar
1 power In nlfccting rapid cures not only
' in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
It is guaranteed to give perfect satlsfnc-' of thumt, chc.-t and lungs, and has cured
tinii. or money refunded. Price 'Jfi cents
per box. For Halo by Snipes iV Kin
ersly. l'.-o Mexican ."silver .stovo polish.
ciincri ut iistlnu.i ami nay lover oi long
Hlandihg. Try it and bo convinced. It
won't disappoint, Free trial bottles at
Snipes it Kinerslv's drug store.
Highest of all In Leavening Tower. Latest U. S, Gov't Report.
tl O