mi The Dalles Daily Chronicle. "HE DEADLY SCORPION. Two Tho'i:iii of 1' Kilted In On. The sc.i"i'" ,!I!v' " ' rumi r- on in th.' .: ' 1h.rar.cr . Mexic . th.v. the nuniehxii aittii Titles have f:,'U-.i a valuaW prirc. to p:xn the ror. caprarinjr th- larsrest number. Two thousand oi the deadly pcst were killed at the hospitu! there recently in one (ay. For these Mjorpion the city pay 6C i-entN a hundred, and three times a week those collected are count ed and killed at the hospital, and ;i. 000 were thus destroyed lat year. Per toa who ?et permit to hunt the pests hve the rijrht to eater and earch pri vate hou -( f"r them. We srr.ea er.t of the little Iiuthnr carolinianu. or, a- it i:- aov.- called by svsvemati-ts. Centrum'- vittatu'. This '7 I J '7 This OS Is the Season Of the Year CUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. o o MM H. C. NIELSEN. Clothier and Tailor. Ieei.h'r,y the Finest Line -' Gents.' PurnilMnp; Goods Trunks tinn l iists. V., .' 0L ECOXI AND WAMIINUTON. THF. I'AU K. OK. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKly ?l?roi?iel sscst .:I7 sC3PC7 .A. ZfcTISW HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, The largest and only strictly cinniis.-ion dealer in horse? in the world, will 'hold his rirst extensive sale of -western branded horses fr ,-eason l.Po. on WEIDnSTESIDir, CTUIST IE 21. Entries should be made at once. HORSES ,;,v HORSES J. O. MACK, I FIJlE WlEg and Lip$ AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. v jnC'tuhed McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O 2NT,S Y B .A. IR . , ,v ,. . , I - kIiuC U t us. Uiti Iv m.! -.eritiltif: ti The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT Tn13 OUT AND SCND IT TO US Publishers C 11 EO.Yl CLE, - j 77 7r.v. I Urn it-ill please send to my address the D.1I L )' CHHOMCL E for I J months from date, for which $ I arree to ikiii (10 ets. a month, it being understood ; that you are to hare sent to mi address for I year, without extra charge. AIc( 'LI' HE'S Al.-lC.lZ LYE, commencing with the current number. .Yame, 3 DOMESTIC Ans KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER t rm j Date .'d dress . iata.UL'a .rj3nsmTzrSLLjnsz.si'. jra' .-.etc;.'--. . t err- THE DEAIH.V COi:PIOS. is the floaunonest scorpion of the United States, and is found as far nc4.-;h n- ppTVV . VITyfTTlCV Tennessee and North Carolina. Of the J Jv A 1 1 1X l- larirer specie- o: the viutawest uv have no Smre. Thi. hoivevt-r. will r J r do fairly WeII for a representative of pUmitUre &VlU CafDeTS the faailj-. 1 FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECONI' STIiliET. THE IALLK, OK. Freeborn &i Company, CALL AT OUR OFFICE and the riilrriniiiiiiR iiik! l.n.-h i.c i-tiatl McCLl'RK'S MAGAZINE. hu h lui mnoiic its. '.mtnlni' ir- tin ni'-t Mm "i Mitlinr- in i.it-jti ni:il hneluiiii. mi ludiliR li rit '." tin : 'I'h lnit -IK U hi.- , n'l 1 , x- ro:ip'ete UndeKadins Etab:.s-.:.en: One of those hard, practical .Nt".v Hi .vp ;n ; ,r-.t England women that oecur in mara- tiiM rnHo'-qto-:' Tn.;' r.- -. ... nines oftener than in life, called on artist in this citv. at hi invitation, n : tnaav days a'a She looked faitl.u'..v over Ins pictures and studies, th'jurh there were many of theua. lx.'tokeninr rreat industry, and after the inpei-:i -a v.as finished she said, in a severe tone: "Yes, it's very pretty, but I .should think you'd ;r-t dreadfully tired of do ing such things. Don't you ever vant to g ut an", w ir'rS" X. Y v.r. be low aecorilnylv. (Hall Paper and Room Mouldings II. L. Steven-on. Kmlvanl Kipling. .A. t'otiiui Hoyle, ( 'i-tave Tliunet, Williiiiii Dean Howell" ret Harte, lark Kur-'eil, Joel riiatuller Harris. Ttxiuiit'' Hardv, llntiliti iarlatid, .1. T. Trow bridire. 1'rot. K. S. Holder!, .leiome K. .lerutne. 1'rof. (.'. A. Youmk. Eruneep Hod-oti llurneit, H. H. lloyieu, Theodore lloo.-evelt, Kolx'rt l'.arr. .loaquin Miller, Hoiirv M. ."-tanley, Oilbart Parker, Archibald For be-, .lohn FiurrouuhH, Andrew LatiK, Frora TERKINfiL or INTERIOR Points isr 295 ALDER ST.. COH. Old XfMKEit 05. FIFTH, I'OKTI.AN'TJ, Of.KOll.v. G--, f X. H.irri'; yardc for r f:ce ;--.r.:5 . 20 Nonnem Pmuu RHILROKD THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Tin- Cirrtif;:tt.l liulliliuc next Dcmr to Court lliiimr. TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SiOfl. "es:ibuic! liais everj ilr? jc toe ;-h-1 Wmlk PanI and Chicago Handsomely Fm'Mshefl Rooms ic Rent by the Day, Week or Mouth. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men Jb 'K.ASER., Proprietor. an; -i ..oi ., .' rsiu.. -.. -fai ':; .' ;':. l5 1'. i..-; crCcwt, t!-KIJ!i s,;ttK ' . Hf Tliruut, v ";-iT.a Ciua t I ; :iuii i: fc u : !',. nil other ; . ' tirno. So.'J J rL'.vw. VjxCt: J-;, A-Seta. r.i:i liruwiag r.ooai sirt;!-;:! of lctc:ju:r tusrit. TOOUST SLEEPING CAIIS Best th.it can bv tonstrurtec!. nad in whiec acf i!i;r:i.Jatinr art Vitb Krev and f'ur:.ishl f. ' huliie:.- of firs: aud -ecoiidK.U'-? Ticso. sikJ ELEGANT DAY COACHES ; TheDrlles Wasco Connti Oregon. MILCH CATARRH A eontii.u'ius Uue. C'jr.ntcs.r.s w.tr a;. . KSordm? direct and uwiiterruptird wrvite iia-fji.t. u.a. , T - - rj-.;v is iruc-aa- r '.' -.!.. ja:t tor trv. I'u'lninu S;c'j: re'.TVBti"ti cm. to -'.cared ' si. advnuce through anv agcu: '. the- road I'ir -alt hy Siilpei. A K!rier-I.. rZheumafclsm, Lumbago, Sciatlca5 Kidney Complaints, uame EacK. etc. THROUGH TICKETS Ml i.tit:.aaa and fcurojj cat. t.' purchastsd nt ay ticket utlke of ;ne cornpa::y ! Fl;; Si.furrunt.on cmic'cminr :at. time of ' trait . rwi.te mid other details furaiihed on EiJjjlicatir.ri ti. , W. C. ALLAWAY, Agcr.t I i' !. A. Nav Co., Regulator oface, The liBiies Or., or A. V CUAKLTOK, An - Geaerai 1'as.H-i.ger Ast., I'ortlatid :.: SANDER ELECMtC DELT Vlth Electro-Wagnotlc SUSPENSORY VHlir4ft nrnijrine ai Vi&vm ivin unfrcm .J- Mt'Uit i-re jw-t eicttor lUQ T ARTIC FACTORY j 1 SODA WATEE AND I0E OEEAM. Candies and Nuts ui,;.!,a1." 1 f Vrr-l "TO . fcrt wr, lner aad Uiddrr complli.u' Ucirtei..'. i imoaa-j, tcjf i, all firuiif comtj.r.u oTcr ai. oti.er.. irtn; u . TOliA C('). f 1 J' Iru'-ar.tijrftitl.jr l-,ndj Lath I after ah oiLr, Snli-Ti rtr..'Iorri V. .WU.'i Flnest Peanut 'n The Dalles SAMDt'N ELECTRIC CO., 2 88 r At nir)-t ndr. ll,;1,ut)i.uMioiiK. SdStreetJ.FOLCO The (.iute City oi th Iihi.u': Ltuj.ire is bituuted at the kind of navigation on the Mri'ie- CoiuihIjiu, and i., a thru int.', pros perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. t is the supply oity for an ext'-nsiv- and rich tmricuhural and grazing country, its tn'l- n-afhing as far .south as Sumniwr Lake, a distance of over tv. o liundred milt-a. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along tin- eastern slop" of the Cat cades furnishes pasture for thousands of shei-p, the wool froit which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, alxmt 5,0011,000 pounds U-ing shipp"d lust year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries ure tlit- lin'8t on the Coiumliia, yielding this year u revenue of thousJtn'ls of dollars, which will more than doubled in the near future, The products of the Wiutuul Klickitat valley find market here, and the country soutli and east lias this year lilled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overilowiii" with their products. B ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on th coast and us money is scattered over and is U-ing ud to develop more tunning country than is trihutarv to any other city in Jiastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos nihilities incalculable. Its resource-, unlimited. And on theso rorner stones she stands. Mr.-. Hunt. Louis' steverif-oti.C'atnile l'lammiirion. Sarah Orne .lewett. V. Marion Crawford. Lillie Chiine Wymuii. Ir. .1. S. IJUliriirt-, Margaret Deland, Harriet l'refcott Spollord, W . K. Henley. Herliert I). Ward. I'.dwanl Kverett Hale. Capt. Chnrle.- King. F.liztilieth Muart 1'lielpp, Louise Chandler Moulton, I.iicli numlr nf McCLURE'S MAGAZINE c..i!Uiim ti. liBiidxntiiflr UluKtrated Ititcrvii.M 1 with Mil-!. sijih' u .lule- Verne. Archdeacon Farrar, Alphonse Hatidet, i France Hodgson IUtrnett, Thomas A. 1-kli-on, Camile Klatn iimrion, I Ti-"andier, the fuinuu F. Hojikin-on Sniith, lklward Lverett Hale, I Frencli I'lalloonist, H. H. I'.oyeton, I'rof. (irahatn F.ell. and ninny ntliLTM. liiivt- furniflied matmal lor w-eUlly jireiiured tutert lnn vrhich wilt ajipcar I lull .: Hut rated in tiii lOHCHZiiit-. , Kiu'h iiumlwr eotitmti two or thrt-- Khort Uirie by famoni mitu.r. Ft.:!y Uluittranid Moricf w i.l li)uar in uarl) number liy i Thotna- Hardy. William l)ean HoucIIh, 11. L. Stevenson, I lludyard Kipling, Iiret Harte. Sarah Crne Jew elt, .loel'Chandler Hurrif, Harriet Pre.-eoU SpoU'onl, ftntave Tlianet, Conan Hovle, Francen Hody-on ituinett, Stanley . I. Weytnan. I-UCNKV IS I STANU5Y v ill niiitriliiite, CapueiaU) for j 4iihk m-imIitk, a tlirillliiBiv inU-n-stniK Ur i( Sfr.iuti dtuturi NATCHAL HlSTOliY AND ALVKNTCIIK. Tliir.-wii. tK- i-t! urtiPh- ttrittiMi li) Reymoriti Dtatriiuuyt. Wlio biix bwti rutkil by Mr. Vt . 1 .-ti-ad the t r.iU-nii'Wt-r in I'.liKlaiid. fmin inaU-riu! Iuruiliil him by K.oH Mase"bol, of Hani. ' tiuri;, the great miiuial iniMirter uud truim-r. TIk-ih arlicl.i. dual ivlth The Capture of Wild I'.east-. The Transportation of Wild Ueabt". ; The T raiuiuu of ild l'eats. The Advtintuieh and LBcapti of Karl Hagenbeck. Tin eriei will oe illuattBted by mi Uiiclinh urtint f iiei-now W-dRtd klll In dmw Ihk w lid auimal" John lU'Kitot iti. ('. V. I1ol.i:i-.. Im. ( (' Ar.min, und ottiiT writem lumou fur tliclt work In tins held, will contribute to the mNguzine. Of Interest to both Voung and Old will be PIIOF. A. L. GAJLVKii'S AFHICA.V FX PHMTIO.V TO THE GOIMLLAS. ArraUKemenU baf If-t-ii miuli-. iu coniiwtion with a lendinc Knirllxh n-i low , to )ulillli I'ioI Garner letter derijill i u of hii. ire-.ei!t ixilitluu t. Africa. I'rof. burner 1 noted the world over uir me eunoun aim luicrekiiiiK inentipilloio. lie f lniiklmr in the bjh-i-ii oi nioiiKej . in Milled for Africa last .-eiitemlnT for the mike of further iiiirnuliiK li i studlet. In the native Itnuiit- of thej;orilla. The illutratioii for thee articl, w 111 Ic- from iiuntogriiiilit taken b I'rol i.arncr The lUHRanie alno contain), mont ltiterestliiK urtlclo under the follow iUK eoinirelienH i h.-ad- " The I'.dge of the Future." " Knowledge of Jnimediate Value " " Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." " Mranger than Fiction," etc. We are ollcrnij: tl i K.l.-nlid iMiiuiii'liic with the IjaII.Y ( MltoM'l.K for only 17 J. a j jjivrIiIi ill nilwincc or in iiioiithl intiil!im-iiU im dexjred. We make thn- cccii!l'iiiu! oiler in order that we may secure u law nuinlM-r of i.i-n m,-.-i 'ibcrs, but all w ho are alrciifb Milcrii-r. nui avail thenielM-i- of the jji"rtuinty I . .rc ti . t'eut lna;u.ine 1 u. tin- Inaiik and head it in. to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. m Tl Till lllil 11 1 II UUil JOHN PASHEK, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. . V 2000 HEADERS. Cg) V A V 0 1 0 11 I n 1 I A n They rend Thi; ( l.rii;icte t get th- iat it and i im r m li n im i n 1 1 im 'le ew, Ahd th,; re!.,l every i,ue , J. IV 1 J V J nnmn uu JllllUlU THE CELEBRHTED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thlt well-known lirewery is now turning out the best Ueer und Porter east of the Cascades. The lateHt appliancee for the manufacture of good health' I ful Beer have lieeu introduced, and only the firK-chiHs article will Ims placed on ' the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DKA1.K1IS IS- 76 Court Street. Nest door to Wasco Sun Office. 5 jnoit relinbl uiai ii. in we jiaiwr. Thut if . hat inaL-. tr Cnroiilcle mi invaluable adwtti ins nitdium The iiewmniiMir tknt ... .v.- ineKidoi u the one f0) that the uiivurtin. ' Huh just received a fine line of Samples I'Lhh, J1;?'1, .whB" U'u ,M'VX" for Hi.rlnLMtnd hummer Suiting. leach the jojitc. hen they want your trade ! their imnouneeinents will be found ir the j,air 1 " zz7;;:t::!z Come and See the New Fashions. trade of a family of two thou.ai.d I J;:7V":: cleanin3 and PePQirin3 Phoan aAnnrhlr-'A ' t00- Satisfaction guaranteed. r 11 IJ M . , t HOME r" ' , PHOTOGRAPHER Daily and Weekly Editions. THE C'J-JKOMCLE was o-iuhli-hod for the ex press purjio.se of faithfully repiwnting The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the palisfying oH'ect of its mission is every when; apparent." ft now leads all other publications in Wasco, .Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalle, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chuonk-lk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays e.V.-pt.-il at ?i;.ifi ,. annum. Ti . Yj iU.v ' ( Hi, , , J-, ;fjaVf.J f earh w. 1: i 7) u,., , J or i ,( , .w J j ii , r ,,, U PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS JJj j A,ld tlltJ Mt Comjilete and the Latest Patterns and PenlgnH in 1 i,rwm "l"!1"."1,1'.1 ''"I"'1' Hangers. None but the bent brands of the o . Ji! IUi"a un1 J W' ry'H Paints uhvd in all mr work, und none but !,. o,i,?, i Tid orku,w employed. Agents for Mast.ry Liquid J'ulnts. No UieuMcal(uibinu on or coup mixture. A lirst dues article in all colors. All I order piotnptly attended to, j Paint Shoo corner Thirdand WaahiuKton &te,. The Dalles. Oroot jvTeu Qolijmbia Hotel. ii.- 'ifidi This Popular House Has htUily been thoroughly lenovuted and newly furnished tiiroughout, and is now better thun ever prepaied to furnish (be best Hotel accommodations of nny house, in tint city, and at I ho very lm rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. O'hu- of t!,e faM and r i inu I'oik ujiposition Miu.;' o iJii .r, K!i an 'heli VaUev, WaplnitU. Wen pr n and IVnif vllie is in tbo Hotel it'id peihoi.u to l'rlneville can save