OVRO ECI SALE. HI Saturday, JULY 8, 1893. LADIES' Jersey Ribbed Vests 5c. BACH. All Goods marked in plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. wmd -iui mttvr j couple oi weeks. miles west of thia city. The F.astern division is coming this way and it is ex pected to reach the Western section in a I. neat .i rrtNliiK. (if am- fur tiiM liikfrtioii, nml ! Tents 10 Con t tuT litll' f'r-( h illT)1l'llt in-lTtlutl Sikmh! rtf lor ihmr fiinu tiolirv.. All liK'a. nctu'f' rewm-d Inter ttinn 3 o'clix'k will nt'j-.Tir '' J' 1 lnwini; ly. AVi'lither l"reeiitt. Official Jnrua't fur twenty-four hour anting Fridav and Saturdav, fair warmer. WUATIIKK Maximum temperatute, S"J Minimum temperature, 47'. Kiver. 29. c feet above zero. Wind, Northeast 7 f : i A party wa- arre-ted on the noon I train today by Marshal Maloney, In re sponse to a telegram from rortland. I The complaint is for embezzlement. , The prisoner had with him his wife and her brother, a boy about H years. .Justice N dispensed at the recorder's otlice from a nice new oak chair, one of Uje best carried in stock by the I'rintz A: Nltuchke furniture house. It is not the stitr-backed, hori7ontal chair of royalty, but one of generous dimensions of the fan-tail variety, and moreover is cushioned, with a pit clover-leaf in the upper corners. County Court. LAND OFFICE REPORT. Miowt. the Nuinlirr of Acres Open to Sett lenient In Oregon. The following shows the approximate number of acres open to settlement In each county in this district July 1, lSOU: Wu-eo county, mrvcyiil 700,V" Hhorinim ' " 1.11,0'A) (Jllllnm ' " .. . .T.i.VJoO Morrow ' " lrj.'.'OJ (rant ' " l.'rf.tNi Crook ' iy,o Totnl 1,110,111.". Total unmrveytil lnniN open :!T1,'JOO r.nibnietil In ijriint to Dalle Military ltcul Co. 200,000 Kuttirnc-fil In urmit to Cavmle Mt. iiuit Willamette Valk-y IJoail Co 1.7,000 FKIIUY, .11' LY 1S93 The Daily and Weekly Vhronick vnay t found on tale at J. XicMwn't rtore. JULY JULEPS. he l,oul m . Ilelil Ill Homo'pMtlile jnV "You liirht t" criickerh ttiu," lie miUJ, "Tliut h jcuis and I'll take till, And now, if uurt. should re oil (lit, Wh, jo'i can clutm a ks." "We watch the mdi-r Ulrkly liuru. l i.z, batu:' Oh, happy delft! I fold the maiden In mv urinn And take v hat'n mini- hy richt. Aln' It M-vm so eai-v thur lo uln what nianv ini-n Will env later on In life. J-or .MuU'l s only ten. Blakeley's court has been in eersion eifreQ luesday, the majority of tKe business done beitiir the considera tion of bills. A petition for a liquor license of I'. MeAlling, Falls precinct, was not al lowed, and one of T. W. Lewis of the same place did not comply with the law in the manner of getting up the petition. . The petition of A. S. Koberts and others was not allowed for :i county road beginning four rods east of the east end of the county bridge on 15-Mile creek. Our I'rult I'rottiM-rtu, Total in L-rmit.s I.7),000 Kinbruceti within the Warm aprings In dian lloerviition, about .'lOO.OOy I'.KCAPtTt'LATlO.V. Surveyed and open to .-ettlement .. 1,110,015 rii'urvejed and not embraced in Indian orother reervatlons . 371, ot) Kmbraeeii in road itmuN I.Mt,C00 Wunu Springs Indian Ki-;rvatlon .. .ViOOO Total ... .i,i:r.',4iri John V. Lewis Kegister. SHOT BY INDIANS. Tim l.'l-Vrnr-Olil Hon of M. Moral! n Turret for Itulletn. Mr. M. Moran and his lH-year-olil son watt working in tho tlelrl yesterday near Conterville stacking hay, when Mr. Moran went to the hoiiso on an errand. Ah he wa returning his boy e.ntno run ning toward him In great excitement. Ho was holding one hand up, and it was evident something unusual wit1) the matter. The cause did not long remain a matter of speculation. IJIood was (lowing freely from his hand, and the boy said that two Indians, who were riding along the road, shot at him with the result of a wound in tho hand. 1 lo was brought to The Dalles this morn ing and the injuied jiiember dressed by Dr. Hini'hart. It was impossible to follow and capture the Indian desper adoes, A Ten Mile Aeelilent. Captain N. 1!. Humphrey met with a distressing accident at Moaeham yester day which resulted in the loss of a limb. He had been at Meacham as orator on tho fourth of July, and in attempting to ljoard the train for Pendleton which passed there yesterday about noon, slipped and fell under the rear car, which caught his foot just above the ankle, smashing it to a jelly, and before the train was brought to a stand still Mr. Humphrey was dragged a distance of about fifty feet, sustaining severe bruises about the head and body. If the train had not been preparing to stop at the station Mr. Humphrey no doubt would have been killed. Ho was brought to Pendleton and Dr. C. J. Smith, assisted by IJre. Guyon, Martin Pelkington and Vincent, amputated the injured limb about four inches above the ankle. The patient withstood tho operation with great courage and is get ting along nicely. The friends of the sufferer here, who are legion, are doing all in their power to make him as com fortable as possible, and unless some unforseen difliculty arises, Mr. Humph rey will soon be on the highway to re covery. Tribune. A d ei tl-ed Letter". Following is the list of letters remain ing in the potoi!ice at The Dalles un called for, Friday, June 30th, 1S9:!. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised: Hemet Jesse J' Harlon W Bernard Miss Nellie liroek C Kobt. pleted. The trenmry t90,77R,943. Kemember the Hawk to-night. Tom Mukmiii. Tetigue's new house gold now auiou lecture bv Hev. Jue, iKioui- In conversation with some of the fruit growers of this nection, the fruit yield will be good, especially that of apples, pears and prunes. The insects that usually put in an appearance before this Tin of season, have not made them- ! selves known and the fruit is fine and promisee well. Kejwrts from tome eec- ! tiniiK pnnfirm tho utatinntt tli.it 4l " w bJJMV HU Ttrnrif nerval'.. Imim lu.r.n Injiri.niuul o-. ts. One car of beef cattle was shipped last j :J0 ueIItf , phlW(j wen InQre night from the .Saltmarshe & Co. stock j tn.m tjiat yards ; also one car of horses. 1 , , , . . . I fful 1'iillit Cudrtx. iwo noooes were arretted last niglu and later recited the first lesson in the child V primer: "Ijt u go." Dr. J.Blielmau's thistle agitation The following named cadets, among others, have been appointed to the West is i Point military academv; bearing fruit. Vast numbers of them have been cut down in all parts of the city. Jf you want to see Kmiothing nice go over to H. C. Nielsen's and take a look at a picture ho has just received from the east. ( The salmon catch is very light for this ftage of the river and our fishermen re ljit the catch fur the seaton as being unusually short. -IMat Webber, sentenced to J8 days in the lountv jail from the Cascade Locks was k'livt'ri-d at The Dalles yesteiday by Deputy sherifl'A. N. Hum-It. The I'nion J'acillc in self defense, has met the cut of the Northern Pacific and ireat Northern, the faro now lx-ing i 'J.G0 to Chicago. True to its instincts it California W. C. Murry, of Mendo cino; H. C, f-oule, of Oakland. Oregon A. A. Fries, of Medford ; F. L. Trullinger, alternate of Yamhill. The term of these cadets begins June 1st, 1 fcU4 . "A Talented Killtor." iJ'irluK the '-online mouth, or the heated htoc, ihoe Hho are triielint!r eon tempi utile,: a trip away troiii home diotild teail the following letter In mi a brilliant and uell livw n ulltor ami proWdu themiM'ht'H analiikt uttaeko of headache and dl.Ilar: U:N'1I.i:.m;.s' I had oeacim to iim- i-eeial bojiek oi KlilllrUA lleiiduehi' Ciiiiuler trawling to ChieaKii to attend the .National nuintif Convention. The nete likeaehaiui in preu'lUliiK huadaehe and lllue. lime Inn! tery little headaehe i Ini H mv tetuili, nlileli ! reimilkiible. Voiii lepi etflllly, John' I.', sua i n:u, K1. lienowi, I'u., Iteeonl. I or Mile by Ulakeley ,V Houghton, I'le'Cllidlun in iiKKiMh, j,j neeoiill pi., I lie JJHIICr, PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. IJ. P. Orr of Wasco, is in the city today on business. J. D. Wilcox of Kent returned yester day from a trip to Salem. Mrs. Golden of Cioldendale is in the city visiting her brother, Mr. John Parrott. II. S. Chrisman, Geo Krauss and W. C. .Skinner started off Mt Iloodward this morning for a summer pleasuro trip. Hev. Jue Hawk arrived today and will lecture this evening. He was met at train by Hev. Jenkins and Dr. Eshel man. Hon. S. M. Gilmore, who Ikih been ailing for some time at Goldendale, we are glad to learn has nearly regained his former good health. ' Judge and Mrs. Hradehaw and Miss Clara Davis departed for Portland and the valley this morning, where they will visit relatives and friends. Walter French is quiteill with inflam matory fever, lately affecting lii heart. Tho trouble began by bathing in the cold water of the river" while in a profuse sweat. i Mr. Frank l-'isher, who met with the misfortune of InoiiHn,. hi ul,,,, I time ago. is out on the streets with his assistants crutches, and hopes to he able to discharge them soon. Mr. C. V. Kmerson of lower IT). Mile is in the city, and it is learned the grain is in ptetty good condition in his neigh hood, is mostly headed out and the ear lier sow n is so far advanced in matin it v that it is out of danger; the late sow h needs rain, but should the weather con tinue favorable it will average ipiite well. IIOTi:i, AlllllVAI.H. ( oluinbla O II Davimnort. Mom: H Hovd Mrs Anna Klfiot Mrs Trios Douthit J O 1, II tin" Sherman Johnston Annie Johnson F.lizabeth Mercier T Powell L G Plergens Kmil Hoot Mrs Nellie Nelsen Ellen McCollev Jack Ward D'uck Chapman Johnie Campbell Chas L Huston Charlie Johnston Jose Johnson Nellie I.indsev C E Mendenhall E J Melville John Hamufl Thos Hoss Hill Vingen Mortinusen McCamey Henry M. T. Nolan, P. M. Mexican Silver stove polish causes no dust. Shiloh's cure, the Great Cough and roup Cure, is for sale by Snipe9 & Kin- ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 'I'm. Children love it. Sold by .SnijKis it Kinersly. riu: KENT. Three nice furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at Mr. Lauer's store, Second street. Ask your Dealer ron -niK- , or Purify Vour lilood General Arthur Hand Made h iii'ie ''''"i-, N S Silver, T.I Hiisondine, J ikm t.'iuiaii, llooil Utver; H T Young and wile, rnneviUe; t; Mer Uivj. ( nstrmnill J II .Jameson, Haker City ; John Itobin son. Masii-r: I. II llnhlw Mnl,.,,,. ! Voung, llXIbison, PortlantlVn .Subling, 'ancouvcr. Karl's Clover Hoot, liio new blood purifier, giver freshness and cleauies to the complexion and cures constipation, U5e r.t),-. and if 1.00. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly, druggists. did not lower a dollar until compelled to, GrMMJh mt 1)lo0(, .ij)er ,, HVH. and for H.veial months it has done no t()niy ,mj ,. , ',v through business. Vlfc,l!ttlbhi ,, jH ,,. ffom Ul() Dvimix Hunnell, wliile fishing on j Oregon soil. The wild grape loot is Chenoweth creek yesterday, came upon j mw conceded by eminent physicians to a colony of Denny 'Chinee, pheasants, be one of tho most powerful alteratives about thirty In numbei. This shows and anti-syphililicH known, and Jh pre they are incieasing rapidly, and as the Miibed dailv in their practice. It will new law forbids their killing for live , positively cure scrofula for king's evil,;' The best salve in the world for cuts, M.A.GUNST&CO. SOLE AGENTS, POHTLAND, OREGON. ItOICN. To the wife of W. A. Cates of fi-Milo. I on the it Ii inst., a sou. Ilnehlen-K Ariilru Halve. years east of the Cascades they will I malignant ulcerf, tetter, salt rheum. .i ... i . i ... i ... . uououets necouie very uumeious uy tne .-nd of that period. Tho Oregon Telegraph and Telephone eompanjuire. distributing poles as fast us possible and aio setting them and Klietchitifc' the wires and completing ns erysipelas, ringworm, blotches, pimples, oiuptioii!s, boils, carbuncles, sore eyes, fever sores ami swelling tumors; also syphilitic allectioi.h of the skin, throat and bones, He sure and get tho genuine with the .'Meaf clovei and tho signature rule fast as their supplies are- delivered. 1 of Dr, Giant, it can be found on 'The line is laid within two and one-half by Snipe A: Kinersly, ilnitfgistB. hi Hires, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sorc, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tlvely cuit-H piles, or no pay it-cjuiied, Jt is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded, Price 'J! cents per box. For sale by Snipes .1 Kin ersly. I'se Mexican .Silver st' vc po.ish. CHAS. ADAJVIS, 'Shoemaker No Fit, No Pay. Union St., opp. European House. Something New.... Wo are determined to make largo sales, therefore we will make cuts in prices that will surprise you. Here are a few prlceH to Htilt the hard times for the present: 20 yards Print Calico, for $1.00 3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for . . .25 2 36-inch Linen Towels, for .25 3 Bathing Towels (Turkish), for .25 2 Fancy Tidies, for .25 Parasols, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c, &c, Sec. Kvcr thing in proportion. Save money while you have the opportunity. jtW'Vim sale is good'forHO ditvs only. Coino and bring your friends. You won't regret ll.jgj Ccr. Conn and secoDtl Sis. Tie Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. will ill Siimi Iln Ms, Fancy Goods and Notions. Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Tcrn, casn. H. Herbriiig. j. H. CROSS. At tho Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. ay, Graii?, peed ar?4 plour, Groceries, Fruits and. Seeds. Octsla. xtlcl. for Elggs and. Poultry. All goods delivered Free and Promptly. The California Winehoase, Is now open, and its proprietor will soil his home produced Wine at prices in (lie reach of everybody. Also, liest Peanuts to be found. Goods uuaranteed to be Pure and First-Class in every respect. Thompson's Addition. c- BECHT. City Stables, l'roprltiturs, Corner of Fourth and Federal StK.Tho Dalle.-', Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Kigs, closed Macks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Abo, can funiinh Firet ('lac iuvouiuiodatun. to tftttn-tt- - with freight or driving leaniH, having added Id their stable large feeding and wagou room. Commercial Patronage Solicited. Irl v e V o u See r i k T H K Sp ring Millinery Goods a r 112 Sucoud Btroot. ANNA PETER & CO. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN O-O-K-S. A 'V I. C. NICKELSEN'S.