The Dalles My Chronielc orni iai. i-atir or r'Ai.LE cm aco cooti . Ecterx-i f. the Po'iPSc .: 7te Iillc. Orvcoa, k ecoci-c:it :tcr srEicF.imoN rates. IT Kilt .Hte-lil rMfitI" ADVANCE. WecUy, 1 ycr. 6 moatfc s tHllr, 1 year Afltire" fcil coajauaioetioo :c ' THE CKRO' ICTLE.' The Pfclif. Ort-ccm son 6 rmt-Offlrt-. ofTtrr h -rr. fienertJ Il.vry W:nd- jJonvy O-dt- t :r. u V a; ! k sr.. W 10 ffl riiye or kail t.-aliu com: p tr. ti4 a. We 9i ind .vartp. jn itJire fr 0Wcnl:e " - sc. Priiwvi;'. s..m IrafnrHiid k-e: -vnto m ttesTinc f'c LyW .V Krt'.iil - c m .- ; ? 'ic in Exctrr: .-urdf: tTTl--:v Til U 7: ".-vliv d -atiirdsj- ' 'Mffcd&t Srjdv htid Fndy FRIDAY. A A' t:lFI' E TO ies r. evmore. ihv mind reader, propores to hi buried alive at Chic?c. sad no: rome back :o earth until .-eptember i4th. He will have barley sown over the crave, which is so sprout, srrow cad be harvested. A vast number of people will consider nir death by suffocation a foregone conclusion and from the depths of their superior wisdom call him a crank and a fool. Other men through out the aire? have been called cranks and fools for advocating some theory that teemed nearly as preposterous as this, but until the occult iorces of nature are all understood sad we are but just in the primer, no one can say that this man is doomed to die ia his crave. History records the name of Galileo, who advocated the novel idea that the earth revolved around the sun. For this he was ridiculed and actually com pelled to publicly renounce his doctrine. The air ship has been pronounced a varary for a?es. but it is on the eve of universal use. Edison was recently so impressed and overpowered by the mag nitude of the field of invention . and the , mystery of electrical force, that he be came frightened and 'eriously considered 1 abandoning his researches. He has promised startlin? facts fir the future of which he has already -.riven a Lint. There are secrets yet beyond the-e, j whose existence only is known and ; whose name is a; yet undeSnable. of which we see but an occasional effect. Perrons have been subjected to hypnotic ' tests, and lay to all appearance dead. THE STHASGLERS. A Union Pacific official openly boasted a few mor.ths aco that More the sum mer was over the Regulator would be tied up and crass would be crowing in ' the streets of The Dalles. If a wish could annihilate, it is probable that not only would the prediction be verified, but also that not a veslice of animal or nWm '.iff. would be left to indicate the 1 I lb . spot where a corporation's creed and ? avarice was saccesful.y set at defiance. The history of the I nion raciuc in this section is one lone tale of oppres sion, founded upon the axiom that mirht is rich:." Freicht tariffs in the pas: have been cnced not by what would brine rood by the last rlickerin? drop of financial life-blood that could be wrunc to pre vent bankruptcy. It was no: always thus. The 0. R. A ". Co.. who built the line, were held in bich esteem. Its oriicials were, far the most part. Orecon men. who crew op ia our cenerons atmosphere with some sort of recard to the richts of their felio men. A fair acme was chari-ed for freiii.t. but noihinc exorbitant. They were honored and respected and there vas harmony between the railroad aod the people. With the advent of tne U. P. man agement came trouble. Arrocance and intolerance on the part of the officials themselves chilled the former friend ships, and a system of oppression war becun tbat drew the iast dollar of profit ou: of the farmer, and rendered legiti mate merchandising precarious, the re flex action of which affected for ill every citizen of the country. ' y William Tell Your Father that we tell the frightful inroad of CheckH Scrofula Pierce's end all Mood-taints. Dr. Golden Medical Discovery purifies and enriches the blood, cleanses tbo system of all impurities, and restore; health and strength. It cures all diseases arisinc from impure blood. Consumption is one of them. It's simply lung-scrofula. In all its ear lier stages, the "Discovery" effects a cure. It's easy to see why. The medicine that masters scrofula ia one part, is the best remedy for it in another. It is the best. It's war ranted. It's the only blood and lung remedy that's puararUccd to benefit or enre, or the money will be re funded. No other medicine of its class does it. How many would be left if they did ? It's the chcajKsi blood - purifier, sold through druggists, ( no matter how many doses are ofJirt-I for a collar.") becau.-e you orJ.y pay for the axd you get. Your money is returned if it doesn't beneSt or cure you. Ca2 vou ask more? SWEET. ORR St CG.'S Vest Junipers, Pantaloon Overalls, si v f i f t i 11 cr FVi n t Si W' V ' Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING While yet s trace! in? with this fateful octupus spasmodic s::emp:s were from THE LvALLES :ime to time made to oetier tne cone; tion of affairs : and the people hailed with joy what they supposed was the da of deliverance, when the firs; bjat ws- iannched on the river. But before the wt k which witnessed its launch had expired, it was drawn in by the pliant tentacles of the octopus. Another and another shared a like fate, until t;j- Recniator was built, controlled by men who under no circumstances w...u!d barter their advantage for icaobie cain, and who, be it said in their honor, bav-r stood bv the people, and will rjntinae to stand by them if dracced to rail, in the attempt. A the name implies, the boat has been a regulator. People do not now have to mortcace their stove to AND Prixeville Stage - IjIhg J. D. PARISH. Prop. Iii every size, style and iriec. t. v X nm urn i initio rpd A x m m h I ffW 26 YOUR ATTEfJTIOJJ move their bed : a laboring man can no longer mafee better wages walking to Portland than paying fare : the farmer, toilinc in the ho: August sun. do not have to pay all the protit for car--;. his wheat to market: ind the ''.cfc smi:b, sweatmtr in the red ligh: : tii first, is no longer at the mercv of a iuo- All the tests o: medical science have ! nopoly that makes the price o: iron c n.- been applied and the patient pronounced ume the profit of its wrou-ht. inanimate. A looking dass held to the ; This result has been brought abon: bj mouth would have condensed upon its unanimity. It is one case among ii eurface the faintes: breath, an incision . thousand where a harmony of purpose into the quick under the linger nail 1 single community has been mam should have caused a quiver of am liv- tained against an aggressive jouer. r.iv at Prir.fvihv ;u :h;::r-Kl h..-- i-r- iTUitlie i S i b every uiic tr-:1. - k- The Dalit in thir-.y gu b'H.r- Csrties the U. S. Mail. I'asseDsers and Lxprey ,'onnecu a: I'rin--i'.lc w:th- SttreE from Eastern acd Southern Or rgos, Northern California and all Interior Points. A - . t.. rio-e coniif'tior. at Tin buliet .:r. -!:. :rcir rorUund and Ka.t r: i'.!.t "ciri-ons drivers. W'.c dCicsartaucns &loec isf read. ,rs:-ci-5 Ceasnss at Mm os-l liv.i'j saner candled m sjicial if ca..e( the fact tLa: "That ; a tiJi in tiu a 'Liu i men xvhich. taken at its Icon !t.ijs on A f, ; tunc The poet unquestionably had reference to the Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, I'ia-ter. Cement and Building Materia! of nil kind. Crrlf tlif Fiiirnt I . f ii - uf Clsi-Dl Sal if p- M. lrh-l i-Cii.'n t(ir-, rrlii-vlll-. I iuatlllu IIhuk ing nerve; the body remained rigid and the eyelids movable at the will of the operator. And such subjects have come to life at the will of the hypnotist. Such a subject might be buried for a length of time as long as such a state of coma lasted. This is to be proven and Mr. Seymour intends to investigate it by the greatest sacrifice anyone can make to science. If he sun-ires he will stronc in every ense that money and influence can make it, and directed by a watchful intelligem-e. alert and keen tc take advantage of every incident. Foiled so far, it has just perfected a plan to balk the people and cltimately rob them by inducing the merchants v. patronize them by offering freight rates at a merely nominal figure. Mr. Lyue, the courteous and gentlemanly freight Picture Mouldings The Snug. . W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Breet, The Dalles Or. be a hero and his name will live longer ' agent at this point, nevertheless a faith- , ful employe, has wen busily employed in informing the merchants separately that they mav have their freight carried ior o cents jr hundred. I there any. body who can not see through the gauzy scheme? The present schedule of the than those who berate bim : if he fails he will exist in the memory of the world fully as long. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. ButtF, lung a resi dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary fine etock of Sheep Herder's DelisM and Irish Disturbaur In fact, all the leading brandF of fin Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give tli old mac a call and vou will cf-me a gain The ITnion Pacific has boasted that it will destroy the town. For this pur pose tbey employ the false smiles of Union Pacific averages 42lsc: that of CLrflRA STORY, To Dt foand in the City. 72 LUashington Street. The Dalles Gigar : Factory PIHST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. Uriah IIw.rt. urul liv cinnonc nninttrts i .v. i, 1-.. . .... ; j, cfuiaicir averages --..c, me re try to IOC.'. tbr pfcOple With a POP. We'immnn tUr,Dn t';' - - wvm wn . bUV t, -J t 111L- V Jilt:. Art Teacher CIGARS have enjoyed for two years a releare from the thraldom of th3t company, and freedom once obtained will not be lightly surrendered. There i encouragement to the Ameri can boy in the Congressional Iirectory which has just been i:ued by the clerk of the printing record; of the senate. It may not be his lot to win the presiden tial prize, which every American boy J taught to believe is within the scope of his ambition and the posibi!itie; of his future, but he cau easily imagine hini eelf n member of the bouse of leprcseat atives at some stage of his career, how. iVr humble may be his lot today. The history of American stateemeii shows that the majority of those who reach high oUe in this country had humble origins. The number of such iueuucec which are grouped :n thi- latest is:ue of the Congreisional Directory is tjuite . large and very striking the more 5o when it is remembered that the biogra phies which appear in the directory are written by the memlerr themselves, and accordingly there i a delightful vague ness about the biographies of some of the contributors to the iook end a re freshing franknted about otliers. There . lire four members of the coming houss wlio rtartt-d in !if as blacksmith ap prenticeF, and, rtrange Vj sav, two of them came California. Pacific a- temporary, of course, and :f they -ucceed in driving oil the P.egula tor, the old rate of SL'.c will at once h re-establisiied and jerhaps reach a point still higher, for reveng is swe-t. Jr. isolated instances their plan maj ?a- -ceed. There i.- nlway- a Judas v (. bought for a few pieces of silver. the great majority of tradesmen fcr. what has reduced their freight rate- .-. the last two year- and ure too honor'. to be a party to the -eheine of a pany that ha-heretofore robbod f.i-: and are spoiling fjr tne cnanca t.. 1 again. The ('jiuo.ViU t d e? i t e'.leve . any merchant ... be v '.r.t chaU- of the Vnion Pacific. We have , high a regard f jr their imelligenee k- ; iody, anu too great apprfeciutiou of t.-.e manner iu which they have up to thi: time stood manfully shoulder to shoul- ar againfct tne most vicious mouopolv tljis coa-t Jias ever known. llimvi X, Beitiugtn limlihng. Wl. v c ls!ow MuhdEvf u:A Ti L'dayf ifh ir fif'.-ner 'm-.-ed W. E. GARRETSON. orderu from all parts of the countrv filled on tne hnortent notice. Leafliao Jeweler. AHKST Kill! TI.M The reputation of THK JJALLKS CI GAK has Income iirmly eftablished, and the demand for the home manufactured article it- ini:rea"ing every dav. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MJCHHLliAC'll BRICK, . I'XIO.N ST Lace Curtains, Have yonr Lace Curtains, Shirts. Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.. before Tuesday noon. c:nd get them on Saturday. 5ati8fac;ti09 Guaranteed A. ULRICH 5i SON. WI-E.MA.V W.M. MAi'.IIKll!' E A'l Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I 3K S. .-on, I Kt.. Tin- Or. J. F. FORD, Evaoplist, A. WESOLO. ;rmv I ATinu East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. r. i fii i i n (iimiMiitft ,i. MINHNS H'll lulltt"! ' III. (111.' ! L'- . .. ! ,.l I . . I I'uUt "if ll'KKl rut-, witli mkv. Mifl.t ( . it. I. r. i. I t i. i- , A h. I uiid iiUrctT,Hitli hluulr in pr-fnn . -in : .j ml ..j, ltri In,,,j- t, , ellniHtt. tli-litiii! iittrni ti.iii hi. l ii, ,iii,!u.,, ... . n.s,,rt ,,, , jj ImIiik Uu- -rwt town to Mt JJ. Jt .., ,., :,, fcB H ,,.",...(, i K teiiter. IjuIiik tli- liBl'J ful. f..r Y m.!..ftM l,t , i..r ..! ft Umbt r, iuHkiiii;iiiU!iiiiii, llKiriH-,ji-n,i u luliu, ..-!,. .," , t . full. !tuul iiriirM)d. ttliw.- t-hw.i iw,W4.r x-r x,.,, ... Uctoriw 'ilim.r.nirruiiflJ b -.Hii!,.l ,i.. rt. ,,ut,,. , , t, ... IlllVUrhf fur fptilf ... I ...)....'.. . . r ....... ".. '! jiii.i.. . ,i'i mi irtintlx'ild'i . i i r""'' ' ' : i'l- i. -rd- t Ik.ui, . i ,, I .. i. ii bee me 021 the ground, oi Wasco County, Oregon, jou will 1 ijJ tii. Hi,- Cil'' If Mriliftli nil (I H.nltli. you ure Jitjt feeliliL' -trmi" n..l lit ft! thy. try Klectric fiitti-rs. i; '-In gripj-" bar left jou weul: and wer." , use Klectric BitUTc This lemwiv act: directly on liver, Wider (lu 11I ''I I Muine. Jua, writt -. IL .Men. Mro. Co., JJufur, Oregon. 'jfutltintn : Oh iirriving home lai-t week, 1 found all vvel! und anxiouslv awuitiiiL'. (nu Uliseman & Marders. i Saloon and fa Rooms The Dalles, uentlv cidinL tl.f,i.(. r.r,.-.t Kin. uiimt unu onu-imit veuri- o d, Li0"U " fto.ri" uway tolls luunS from adjoining dintrlct, in " ,7 1 ' , ' " ae with . Kronvr and viforout, and wel. tick headache, you will find i-j.mly and "hed u. . 1J. Couu'h Cure hafe done permanent reliei bv takinu rlnrtrir " "r1". I5i'" ol the clilldren like ii. 1 our n. ii A rumor ie that the Union Pacific in. Ulltorfc. One trial will rnxvl,,,.. VM .7.1 .,e,"r ft- Ji li Cure hab t-ured to equin a htore at thih ,!t to aid tmt thi. U the wined y vou newl. 1,'r... So vivJ t . ' in their nefarious lilan to ulti- lttlec only 50t. at Sninet A Kiubn)v for all. Wifchhii; vou liromiiriiv. u. rob the people. Let them re- druy ttore. Voore, Mb. fc M. J. I'. J-'oi:u. tend them mately member that the pijr willl liave to le j.aid, and that the lureb ho fchainelefefcly flaunted in their faceb are hut to enc jm'. iti! them tothiir own d'tructi n Oregon. 'Northwerft corner of f-Hi-ond nmi Court Mrcuti-. Eggs for Hatching i roin thoroiit;l;bred fouln. : TITliE PERFECT i W. Ro s vS W inans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work, Tin Repairs m Roofing HOO.MS Tl i!K.T, Turnlhhed rooinfc to rent, r.nlvat tne residence of Mrfc. ('. . TI, v 'Ar ec 1 1 btict-t, The Ua .ei-. dr. u ' 11 y.iu .hi. 1. fi! truth uud hw-tul, (.( It.a,), MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. a wi'ii - u j. ,. tfj fcl' It (H tiotf e 1 13 e?j.e 'ir-tt . 1 1.1 Hi'.HIMAN, i nuert'by, Or. ?hop on Jiura oueet, lwxi door west of Young (V Kutf JJjaekfcjnitli .Mop.