The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 07, 1893, Image 1

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    hc Dalles
fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
tMhlUhcd Dally, Sunday F.xccpti-d
. h..i.I..m. -.t Thf
irner "tvnnil aim " '""s""
Dalle, Orcson
lrm of Siilcrhlli
Bt Year
r month, by carrier
Bglc copy
16 10
Depart 3.10 a. M,
Arrive, 11 4'. IV Depirts 11 .W '. x.
, 1 05r.M " 1-25
Arrive. 3 0"i A M.
4.. P M
iv.ii frejcht thnt carry pcnscrj leave
I the wet at 7 iO . x.,anil one for the
; it 'J ! K 'A
I'n erlUe. vis llaic Oven, leave dally
'or A tc.ij-e. Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Jy rtt 0 a M , ,
ftWor juiur, KnsMi-v, Wumic, "apiniua, nriu
inr .t:i Tsh Valley,-leave lally (except
idac KtCAM . , . .
.... uv.). 1i.n-,' i-verv davof the
mwmk except Sunday
C 3urt Street. The Dalles, Oniraii
CMBoe llu.ldi'js:, K .t-nce on Wuahinctou atreet
' Tfce Dalles, ureKon.
Js IIKNNI TT, Al lUli.iti -ai-hv .
V fl ffi hSlHIO f UUllUIUKi P """
i, Oregon.
v, i firtiMw. French block over
it National Hank, 'i Dalles. Oreson.
II WILSON -Attoknky-at-lw Koonn
French A 'o bank building, Second
et. Vne Dalles. Oreeoa.
ill. KillKLMAN (Homxoi-athic, l'HYMCIA.V
and aUKOEO.s. -Ciails autumn proiupu.
or nlnht, city orcoautry. Oaice No. SO and
ror nlchUrity orcoautry.
bbaiiinan bl t
otO.N' OSite roonif 5 nuti 6 Chapman
k Keid;i cc S. K. c nier fVmrt and ;
rth trceu, M.r ti.1 ittxir Irom the corner.
:e hourb to U A. JI.. J to nnu . to 5 r. 1
UliAlI. IEM'T. - fa KiTcn lor the
pi.ft les extriK tlon of teeth. Also teeth
font, wi.1 a.uu.nura plate. Kcxjink D!Bn 01
o ildc;. Tuttn.socuiia street.
itAHTAM O IX1IX1F . N" 10. A. F. A: A. M. Jlofctf
litt hp 1 tlnr 1 Jlon Jay of each mouth at '
iLKs i.( YA1. AKCH ,IIA1'T1;R NO. C-
inoiitn at 1
lt Hood i amvNo.53,'Iueliiyeve!i
taCSf each va-ek in Fraternity 1 1 all. ut ":'M p. 111.
I.I'MHIA UiIif.K. NO. 5. l.O. O. F. Meet
t.ii.,i VrM-v ...!, it Mt 7 -'tfl rkVlrrf'k . Ill VT.
Er, hall, cjmer .cond uud Court ktrtutf.
irumK orou'er are welcome.
Hon, cec y 11. A. l)ILJ.h,.-. u.
1. vf.-iftti t iiii.r vri u v ..I t Mm.i.
Severy M Midtiy uveniiiK ut 7 30 o'clock, in
.. . i...t, ....: r 1' .ml w..,wl
Mi) ji". ..(i uieiaueri- are c.ii'jian in
W. K. Cham.
ai'i.k,K of I'., and H. C. C.
SKMHLY NO li-'.T, K. OF L-Meet in K.
oil' nail tr M.-C.H1I1 ana lourtn teuiic-
of each mrith at 7 p. m.
I NIOS' iil m.-.'t every Friday afternoon
o'clock at the rinding room. All aru Invited.
aniion Ik1s.- No. '01, I. O. (t. T.-I'.eulnr
uilrlv irtt'tltiL'M KriilHV at S P. n.. a
temltv iall. All nro iiivltci.
C. 1 iihinman,C T. It. ". Fleck, se
IKMl'LF. UM)OF. NO. 3, A. O. V. W.-MwU
iu l-ratcrnlty Jlall, over l-.ellerf. m hw:ond
tf:i, Thurwlay eveiiiiiK" at '
I' a vi. Kkuit.
tW. H Mvekx, Financier. M. W.
IAK, NFnMITII 1'OnT, No. Si, O. A. It. Mtvt"
over)' caturday ut . M P. M., IU the K. ol
OF U ,. licet every hunday ufKniixin in
UieK of I'. Hull.
NO. 18.
Letters of Crelit issued available in he
Kastem States.
Sight Eschanire and Teleirraphic
transfers sold on rsow t ork. jincat;o, St.
Ivouis, Sun Francinco, Portland Oretron,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon rui Waahinnton.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
. HcnxNck,
II. M. Hkau. 1
Canhler. 1
First National Bank.
A General Hanking Btifiness transacted (
Deposits received, Bubject to Sieht
Draft or Check. :
Collections made and jiroceeds promjitly
remitted on day of collection.
Sieht ami Telegraphic Exchange ?old on
New York, San Francisco and Portland.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schknck.
En. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likue.
H. M. Hkall.
flational Bank,
President Z. F. Moody
Vice-President, Chaklk.s Hilton
Catl.ier, M. A. Moody
If you wako up in tho
morning with a bitter or
bad tasto in your mouth,
Languor, Dull Headache,
Despondency, Constipa
tion, tako Simmons Liver
llegulator. It corrects
tho bilious stomach,
8veeten9 tho breath and
cleanses the furred tonguo.
Children as well as adults
sometimes eat something
that doe3 not digest well,
Eroducing Sour Stomach
eartburn, llestlessnesa.
or Sleeplessness a good
doso of Regulator will
give relief. So perfectly
harmless is this remedy
"chat it can bo taken by
the youngest infant or
the most delicate person
without injury, no matter
what tho condition of tho
system may lie. It can
do no harm if it does no
good, but its reputation
for 40 years proves it
never fails in doing good.
r - r I iwA
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
The Dalles, Portland anA Astoria
Navigation Co.
BiacKSfniifi & wagon Slop
General Hlacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Freigdt and Passenger Line
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
r F.h'ANd VKHF.IN-Meet every
evening In the K . oi i'. iibu.
OF U V. DIVISION, No. 1C7 Meets in
K of V Hull tho Urn ui.d thlnl W'crinei.
y of each month, ut 7 i v. m.
IT r'KTKftS CHt'KCIl -J'.ev. Father Hl'.o;.-
''tj Fiutor, Iiw Jlan every hiiiiday tit
x Jflgh Wki at 10.:iA.x. Ve;ra at
IT I'M i.H tHl'KClf Union Street, opjite
ril'U Huv Kll IL niiU;illle r.ecter. wrvjeca
"ry Sunday at 11 a, m. and 7 IJ0 r. M. Hinnlay
ih'Ati'J lb A. M KveiiliiK I'rayer on Friday at
LMKKT UAlTIfiT CilL'iiCn-IteV. O. IJ. Tay
I loh, 1'ugtor. MornliiK kervio.'K every Hub
u(li at tho iicadetny at 11 A. m. fcubbntli
''hwl liiwiiKlintely after mornlni; erviccn.
rrayer iiih'Uiik Frlifay eveuliiK at I'lmtor'a reti-
euro, I'nloii htviu'' In tho wjurt houte ut
1 1 p.Tlb, 1'u.tor. N'rvlci every hunday ut 11
m and 7PM hunduy Scliool ufter inornlnu
erviw. htruiiKcrKconliully luvltui, HenUlrw.
if i' (III JKH I'.ev. J. WiiULKU, tlor.
U . fc-rtif e every Sunday muniliiL'ut 11 a. in.
idu, cli.Kil nt 1.! jJocfiyk P il. KiiWiirth
I'm ut C P M J'in'.er inix-tlni; cvciy
!' i ' li'nn i ' "d"l A nrllal in
" i i Ateiid- d by Nitl. p oi'.oi ii' d l"p
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. Has the
largest hoiiBis moving outfit
in Kuhtern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181.TheDalIes
: : jWeLBR : :
W'utchen and Jewelry repaired to order on
thort notice, and tatisfaction KUaraiiUud
AT Tll.
Store of I. J. Mckf)len, Si) Ht. Tim l)all
j Through daily service Sundays ex
Icepted) tKitwecn The Dalles and Port-
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
.' Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
I Jjocks with Hteamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(lamliili ftreet dock; at t a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way $2.00
Round trip 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, ami delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipmontH
solicited. Call on or address.
(lelmrnl A Knot.
inirul .'Vlitnniff r.
Chas. Allison,
ii .
-Dealer in
- - 1-0 K
Hoadrjuartera at dims. Lauer's,
Havjiitf hid h fliiv l.urveit of ruturul fee the
bett in llm world, 1 ma impair I to fnililli in
any ijuuiitlty uud ut bottom pticcs,
Dry Goods
L'NI' If (t
'WHM'ANC f'' M Jjv VN r' .!
I ' . . .. t ' 1
"i" t U I 'M In, ill 1 M ' ' '
' 'd a' y
FlHIlf l.llllii' ill I him )i. K i k'lf t 1 f
IJooU, -'llor, JtHl i. 1-te
Fancy nt$s jilofcion,
i:u.. vt.
presh Paint I
W "..( i Il.llKltl hereby H'llili
HIm ( oiiiiliim'iiH to ovciy frlenil
And enemy- If he lim- miy
lio they lew or In) they iiutiiy,
'I'lie time for pulutiiiK now Uus coma,
And every one ili-klrt'H u homo
That looln fioli and elcnu and new,
Ait nonu hut ii koikI painter run do,
I'liintiut.', jii inir and Khixlnir, too,
Will make youi old Iioiimi look iiiltu new.
He will take your uoi); either uy,
Jty the Job or hy the day.
If you Jmv woik nlvn him u I'lill,
He'll take your orderk, lurKC or uniill.
I'. O. Jlox No. ;i,
The St. Charles Hotel,
PORTLAND, OREGON. old. iiniiii in- :iiiii rollalih lidllHl)
J:iiH Ijeeji entlreiv lefiinilhlied, au l i vi iy !
i -j.. m has belli rt lapi ied imd rt-pain'ei I
iidnwly eaipiU 1 Mnugli'iit. Ti(e
.,i,ko rout 'ins 17i rtv ! i h ,.'f ( ,
, i .... '
l'i evei v niouei'II i d. i m" ce, k u t
n ik . . A mmI ret-' 'iiruM' a'f .( I i
t tl 1 1 '. 1 n r I ' 'i .in I iruiu ah
The Plot Against the Provisional
Clans Sprcckcls Was to Give the
loyalists Were
in the Alleged I'lot.
San Fn.vxcifti . .Inly (i. The follow
ing advices have been received from
Honolulu under date of June 29th :
Yesterdav afternoon'- developments
in the now famous conspiracy ease were
quite sensational. The preliminary ex
amination of Crick, Walker and Sinclair
went on. and as each successive witness
was examined the stronger the govern
ment's case appealed to be. Simon von
Topax, a soldier in the provisional
army, testified that Walker had ap
proached him on several occasions and,
after predicting the return of the queen
to power, oilered him a position in the
custjm-liouse as suun as the old order of
things was restored if he 'Von Topaz)
would give him a list of the soldiers
who would turn traitor. Walker said
he could easily overthrow tho pro
visional government, a? lie had 1,000
armed men, and told Von Topaz to
advise his company to lay down their
arms in ease of trouble. Walker
assured witness that the royalists had
good barkers in the persons of Claus
Spreckels and James Campbell. Sin
clair was with Walker on several oc
casions when these statements were
made, also John Bowler on one oc
casion. Walker said his plan was to
prevent the volunteer forces of the pro
visional government from approaching
the executive building, and. relying on
the co-operation of members of the
guard, his men would effect an entrance
to the building through an underground
passage. A mass meeting of royalists
had been called, but the natives did not
attend, and only :X)0 whites and half
whites were present. Sam Nowline, a
half white was to be one of the leaders
of the crowd.
The fact that a list of the conspira
tors is in possession of the provisional
government has leaked out, and there
are many uneasy royalists in town. It
is the hope of the government that
they will have such a strong case against
Crick, Walker and Sinclair that these
three men who are believed to bo only
the tools of more prominent men, seeing
that conviction is certain, will turn
state's evidence in the hope of getting
oil themselves. It is not believed that
Spreckels entered into the conspiracy,
but that Walker used bin name in order
to influence the ioldier.- to turn traitors.
While the sugar king openly fought
agaitiHt annexation, he is believed to bo
ton shrewd a man to join with men like
those on the trail. All tbree of them
are men of dissolute habits who went
about boasting of what they intended
to accomplish, and it is no wonder that
their plana were discovered by tho
wicnnixi or
I'rlncti licorice "'' l'i Im'iint Mury of
Teel, I nltfil.
London, July (i.-Tho niarriagoof tho
Duke of York, Prince George of Wales,
and the Princess Mary of Teck, an event
to which all J'.ng
!aud was looking
forward with deep
interest, took placo
at P-'i'iO o'clock to
day in tho chapel
...'..I ,. Ul I. ........ I
7 kihMs P'Huce. Tho wed-
'jMling wuh brilliant,
and attended by a
'HliTct ofc0RGtmiiii . f tllt!
British loyal family, ontinental Hover
eignh or their representatives, und mom-
of the highest noimuy. im
illful. and u more
lav i seldom seen in London.
Tim tl'l'llN Inn was made one of national
icjoicingaud a partial British holiday.
In of iit'onlo gathered many
ileet. aluiiL' the lino of the route from
Uiichim.lmin lmliu e, upon ('oiibtitution
hill, thioiigh Picca
dilly, St. .lumen
street and Marl
bin (High gale t" the
g.iidun iiitianci to
St, .lamoa' palace,
situated t tl"'
north M'!c of tho y.v
M..'l Tl,.- ile .iia-yNX.-i '
t ! i I II e I', ( . y
Iti ' ppll'I'H f'lUiUt jtAKY-
si ii hm '"f e up 1 bi'aiU'ful, Tho
nml.wv w I." open by hou eliol l
by the metropolitan volunteers and
militia, by the Middlesex yeomanry and
by police. This scene was full of life and
movement, and tho ceremony eclipsed
in pomp and splendor any recent state
ceremonial in connection with tho Brit
ish court.
Sinultnra Keuily to Ituy Silver.
Denvkk, July 0. "The smelters will
resume tho purchase of silver ore in a
few dnys. I think that the outlook is
considerably better than it was a week
ago," said D. MofHtt, president of the
West National bank, one of tho heaviest
holders of silver mining properties in
tho state. "A very noticable reaction
seems to have taken place in the last
few days, as indicated by the strong ad
vance in silver bullion. I expect to see
it go to SO cents inside of !!0 days. I
notice that France is beginning to pro
test against the action against silver,
and that will help us. Silver exports
from New York show that there is a
market somewhere. We feel decidedly
better, and shall shortly resume work at
our mines. There will be very little
profit in silver at SO cents for us, but it
will pay expenses."
"The feeling is much better than it
was a few days ago," said W. II. Jakes,
of the Omaha and K. Grant smelter.
"We cannot count with any certainty
upon the real shape of the market until
wo hear from the government regarding
the July purchase of silver. That will
give us a basis for circulation. Miners
of the state are inclined to accept the
situation cheerfully. The feeling of de
spondency has given place to one of
confidence that affairs will be rigiit in
due time. The Gustin mine on Red
mountain reopened today."
.Seattle's CSlorr-
Seattli:, Wash., July 0, ISO!. Spec
ial. There has not been in the history
of Seattle a more enthusiastic people,
that gave vent to their feelings from
Sunday night of the '-'d until the morn
ing of the 5th; The city was crowded
with visitors and the demonstration was
intense; the streets presented a gala
appearance and the celebration in gen
eral was most imposing. The two prin
cipal attractions, of a novel nature, were
the mineral palace in the Occidental
square, and the battle ship Monterey,
which lay in the harbor. Tho tornier
contained minerals from all over the
state, and was pronounced by all to be a
display of natural wealth and genus
never before witnessed. The Monterey
was ciowded with visitors for two davs,
and the oflicers ami seamen were very
courteous in explaining the wonders of
one of "Uncle Sam's" In'st iron-clads.
It is estimated that about ten thousand
people from Taeoina visited the city.
Seattle now boasts of a trans-conti
nental railroad with its western termi
nus at this port.
The Vlre-rriinlilnit I'uvora Kept-til.
Ciiic.uso, Julv (!. Vice-President I
Stevenson last night in an interview ex
pressed himself thus in regard to tho
Sherman silver law: "I will say that 1
am iu favor of its immediate repeal, but
the substitute has not been agreed upon.
Regarding the so-called financial tlurry,
it if) of great importance, as 1 believe j
nine-tentlifl of the reported businebs
manufacturers wern weak concerns. 1
look for great resulis from tho coming
session of congress, and 1 believe .some
good and wholesome laws will bo
"Peter Piper Picked a Peek of Pickled
PomierH," was a lino of alliterative non
sense, that the children used to say.
Nowadays they can practice on the Per
fect, Painless, Powerful Properties ot
Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. It
will impress a fact which will bo useful
to know. These Pellets cum sick head
ache, bilious attacks, indie-tlon, con
stipation and nil Momiich, liver and
bowel troubles. Thev are tlnv, suear-
coated pills, easy u take, and, as a lax
ative, one 1h sufficient tor a du.-e. No
mom groans and gripes from the old
drastic leniedies! Pierce's Purgative
PolletH am as painless iih tlioy are perfect
In their effects',
I'm' Itinit.
Roomn to rent at Rev. A. Horn'rt resi
dence on Ninth street. tl-L3daw.
Get your bathing iiantH from S, ei N.
Vi'ti.i. r.i: itiri:iKi ai.ivk.
A .Mlmlrrailur Who Think lit, Can Sim
pend Animation.
Toi.kdo, July 0. Seymour, tho mind
reader, was in Toledo yesterday, on bin
way to Chicago, where he is going to be
buried alive after the manner of the
Indian magicians, who say they can
suspend animation for any period by
swallowing their tongues and controll
ing their heart and mind. "My coffin
has gone ahead," said Mr. Seymour.
"It is a fac-simile of the one in which
General Grant's remains now rest, and
cost $.'5,000. It is made in three sections,
one fitting inside the other. I will be
buried six feet deep in the coffin.
Signals are to be arranged so that if
things do not go right I can communi
cate with the soldiers on the outside,
vho will guard the grave. Directly
after I am buried a crop of barley will
be sown over the grave. I will remain
buried till the germs sprout, grow, ripen
and are harvested. Then the disinter
ment will take place. I won't come
back to earth until September 24th. I
am positive I can do it, and the scien
tific men who are assisting me are be
ginning to think so, too."
All IleoortlH Krllp-ieil.
Niagaka Falls. July 6. Clifford Cal
verly last night eclipsed all previous
records at Niagara by walking on a wire
across the gorge in the darkness and
shooting off' fireworks in midstream.
He had arranged for two strong search
lights to be placed at each end of the
wiie, but the light proved a failure and
so the young man ventured out in the
darkness. No one could see him until
suddenly a bright light illuminated the
center of the river, and Calverly was.
seen seated on the wire with his balancing-pole
across his knees, setting off
fireworks. He reached the American
side amid a flame of red light and the
cheers of the crowd.
What SatollIN l'owrri Are.
New Youk, July 0. In an interview
last night Bishop McDonnell, of Brook
lyn, speaking of Monsignore Saiolli's au
thority in the matter of disagreements
between tho bishop aud the priest, said:
"The public has a wrong impression.
Monsignore Satolli is here to repre
sent the popo in questions of policy and
dogma, and not to interfere unless in
terference is needed. He is auditor be
tween, not a ruler over the heads of the
I.ii lirippe.
During the prevalence of the grippe
the past seasons it was a noticeable fact
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
speedy recovery, but escaped all of the
troublesome after effects of the malady.
This remedy seems to have a peculiar
power in effecting rapid cures not only
in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases
of throat, chest and lungs, aud has cured
cases of asthma and hay fever of long
standihg. Try it and be convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at
Snipes A Kinersly's drug store.
The Contract Signed.
As-touia, July 0. The railroad deal
went through today and the contract
with Remington, the terms of which are
not yet made public, was signed. Rem
ington leaves lor Portland tomorrow.
He will at once go Fast and fix up the
financial end of tho business.
Last fall 1 was taken with a kind of
summer complaint, accompanied with a
wonderful diarrhtca. Soon after my
w He's sister, w ho lives with us, was taken
in the same way. We used almost every
thing without benefit. Then 1 said, let
us try t'liaiuberlain't) Colic, Cholera ami
Diarrlnca Remedy, which wo did, and
that cured us right away. 1 think much
of it, as it did for mo what it w.ii recom
mended to do. John llertzler, l'.ethel,
Berks Co,, Pa. 2.' and GO cent bottles
for sale by Blakoley it Houghton, Drug.
Flder S. S. Beaver, of McAllister1. illo,
JuniatU Co., Pa,, says his wife is subject
to cramp in the stomach. Last summer
hhe tried Chuinbeilaiu'ri Colic, Cholera
and Diarrluca Remedy for it, uud was
much pleased with the speedy relief it
afforded. Shu has hinco uwd It when
over necessary aud found that it never
fallH. For salo by Blakeley iv 1 loughton,
Subscribe for tho Ciiiiomi'I.i:.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.