I i 1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. in r in 1 1 okkgo t tr.e ii.r If i- -i "- - .- ' ' aaeoi;:.: ir- ft the Cwxr. -po!itftvrr I fa iltvck 9A rS f ' - ' 1My. T- v -....R7 ic L:f ..f & priarJy dewatd !o fw an i tr:vl tufc?aj:a if the re-s.: r-f as :r :-. laoa Jor s;ec fcirawd. tc trlve :: ;'rt jaabik sa fJoftntfed n.r'sthry c-f .v.e very Li?bt? c!?i ach ii'.c i TB3:t briisr i! inihia ibe neaib - f .. fsTrOai '.r.V"iectt:C UiJf. fc-er-r limited ibt: iax-awsi. Th are srore ;bs.a lea mil' toe reader: ;a tbe United od j5? tbac eirt: Lacdred ci-d iBtrwiaei are printed rt rr ibeir iaadf. More tba- ircr yaar- LkTt- beea :ec; ia raschitr tbe orrasiBUc ae:ry for the joiac ti&a of t CaJioofiIia.a :h:f "i:. a Srsre hitber.& adr?od of i: tbe rv-aDC TnorJd. Each departoer.t of tbe ba? lH fkrsr'T perfected, crtf. -sitl: tbe lzz?j number of tbi; yea: c:ebE3ired .ad dfty thousaad c:-p; of :be mjr-ariae were prepa.-rd ej prrrr-ei Mfd gifiS;CT OS the 31isl iC- jcared fees. bei't ith a vitw to pro-, dads? tbe Soert re-a!: at the very j raiaimcic of exfes? tbe j Hshaes; in ibe worid. i; if vMi rxe'Drtveiy lo tfi k';'!:.; nicitrtied CJOctbT airir : 7 - isbiirb s m'--3' coa a k i- - rapid r-- lit of ;be Coiiuc :' tr; - . tka?, almoH naprecedeste r : siae zfr&xd. pnodoced ibr . . . which aaah ihi- deprture fr. liihfd pnee- ;yble. Ttr' Cj1- -i&e profljirei to make the rear : - : ;. aaoil urilii&a; in it history. V -i.fr vesr h- tra sach an array of cirtir rniibed aasae? as -wiU apisar ca :t- t'tit 1 Tare dnricj 129S. le MkCa-un:: ' Marc T-rain. Gear?- Zi-er.v. Vaidtr. , This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Judicious Advertising Pays. i C7 c) O MB ( . I ( ) H h W AW) I r LU L Jk. a. -a. a a v . ' Oents Furnishing Good .SECONI' AKD WAiKINwTON 1HK DALl.I. OH. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKly ?i?roi?ie HORSES HORSES t J. S. COOPER. AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. ; ; -. ;..( T . . t 1 McCLURE'S MAGAZINE 03 "Y" S .A. Tl .1' M t . -t rjriiiit' h ' l! t E-i-.. ry Ti.f .ar.'t.-: an-.i only f c ta?-:i 1?9?. on in The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. 21. riifjis fnnu): sice at o:e HORSES : HORSES ) J. O. MACK, Iff Publisher, CUT TkpS out and seno it to us j FIjlE and Lip 77 fw. ,..- will please send lo my address the 1X11 LV CIl PDA 'K'L E for 1J months from date, for which I u2rec to pay (0 cts. a month, it being understood that tjou areto have sent to my address for car. without extra charge. MeCL UP irs .).;. ILVP, commencing with the current number. .Yame, Date .-Id dress 1 a y WEST :el ebr ate o fabst beer. Furniture and Carpets r3M-Jiil Tli jt,:1UllT' 1-"U : -i i , and ai v.t i-- i it vxt miii;-.-; tat i naanii-e.-i !nr :c: t"- FRENCH'S BLOCK. LCo:cr- .-TLirr. the i-allk.-, ok. Freeborn & Company, I CALL AT OUR OFFICE I and the eutiprwuninc iir.'l McCLL'RIS MAGAZIXH. which ;.a an-.iTiC it rwitr,.'!- M.J ;h?t zr.r,- 303 sad Pac! Herie are sonj-e ti &a tborr Trhosr vro.-fc wifi tfwur f-'.- Uj- r.r; tiiaednnnr t&is ysr u o: tbe CrtiiojK)liiS3. Arxtrir t-f tirU wbor work will decors Itf ' for :he Srit time dcriar t-f Ltz- j -re:-, Tnrsiat. Vitrrf . J::-:brr aadSchaie. William Irii. rJ:wr .f "Rill Ir a rrraiar oontrib:;: ;.r f-r.rr rxfst Sid Gsiilosati. mall Paper and Roomflloaldicgs g 295 ALDER ST.. CO. FIFTH. P BTJL.fS. Okegos. t ii'.ici''-;. scriSir. ?Ive; :rerba: and clearae to ibe cos-vitxioE tad t-ure: coaiiipaiioa. iit.. SOc. ind H.OO. So!d bv 5ai:; i Hintrilr. dm iris. THE DEATH OI CAI'TAI.N i'LAVEL. Va Il.;Mi.itiu!i ril i; Mfcdc of HI. li-tiixlu. rutll ttar lictarzi of HJ. )'im!r. As!:., Or.. Jclr Csj:ic Fis rfci's 3eit sbici '.K-r:rd late Mur-day siriit. tbonri. ex;scted. wrs a revere rbwrr tt tbe coajiLarJty ic ahicb Le b5 Ijtm for insay rear. He died is creit -?C'LT. bi- rireaita Si-btia; o5 :L iaeriublf Us tie i&t rion-er.;. For tbe lfi?i fenr vf? TfcHt"rfTTTTTi t ? led verr czie: Me. Ke oTy teea --eta tbe rtrert: 'jVC&iloaL.'.r . vhil'.L'; L'.i of St ta4 FirH-at?ti:!ir baair of rbicb pre-ioett. I Dm Dnnifi GlUlQb THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Th Corrcrt-d HaiiJIac cri: loor to totrt Hoot'. t.. v. -x (:u-'-tj author in M.i.n i Tborua? Hurdv. J. T. Trtw bridge, Jeiomt' Ii. Jt'rotue. Fructkr Iiodir.ou Iturnt'U, Jonquin ililier. Oilwrt I'nrker, Joha iJurroBrh?. lxoir Steveoson, Caaaile FJntuuiarion, F. Marine Crawford. IJilie Chas yinaa. lan:are Dflaad. llarriei I'rccott io!lord. V. F-. iicalev. Hfritert I. Ward, Edward Krereu Hale. C'apt. Charier Kins K.iinlth Muart Pheip. Ijoutte Chandler Moulton, 11. L. Sievenfon. KuJyarti Kiplint;, A. Conan Doyle, Octave Tbanet, Wi.liatn Iean Hovt-!' e. r.-eu. landler Harrir, Jlsmlin ourl.uid. I'rof. K. H .ldei). Prof. C. A. Vounu'. H. H. Jtoyt'-cti, IJoK-rt Ilnrr. Henrv M. Stanley. Archibald Fort , Andrew ijtii, Sarah Ornt' Jcwett. ir. .1. S. Ilillinj:.. R7aIL-ROTD tut li -if TO ALL PffiS EAST A.M SOCTH. I EiMsly Funiitrc i:xi :: Hen t in? dej. Weev or Ko: Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. Atpbnnte D.mdct. Caiallu Flaminarion, lward Kverett Hale, Prof. Graham Hell. 3i micy other', have !aniuhl cjUT.al lot mt-eUilj' prriaml intTTie which will ap;-i Ef:. -r.,tr..f McCLURE'S MAGAZINE eoiiUin. wlUi tnrh (uaoui vV .luler Verne. Archdeacoa Farrar, France- Hodson Burnett. Ttjomnj A. Edl-ou, Tifraadier, the famoc- F. Hopfcin-on Smith, French Balloonist, H. H. Ikverea. J: .? tit lri. TRANSrENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Samfi'.e R 'jE f Tboaia? Hardy, ' P.ndyard Kipliac, Jwl "Chandler Harri-, Consn Dovle. pt. pauI and Chicago MB.S. r (.fsnierc.al Men Proprietor. lulo illuktrcUrd r.. thi macajrlur. tt-re b rt .tn ijj (uana. nusb.jm. fully !;;atraUil Hutif wtl. Wiliiaui Ieaa Howells, H. L. Stevencon, Bret Ilarte, Sarah Orne Jewett. Harriet Preicott Spoilord, Octave Tbanet. Francei Hodn Burnettf Stanley "J". Weymaa. ELIGAM1 DAT C01CES a cost.- --jet list. cTs4.iir witi, t2 jat. TheDmlles THROUGH TiGKFTS riv tut ol -in t coaii y iiiomtaoi: ooat-eriusr ;ts.. aae oJ W. C. ALLAWAY, A? ert : P. & a ;.'ct . E-sntor oiee Toe itut. or., or a I CHAHLTO.v, itr't. 'jtitrtj ruhAstT Aft, PorJtai, J?n h tbe bvifcii ic ibe city. He owaed Vj jrJii h. tbe butiaeir crater tad r.eve t&id one of ibea. H'h Tar.rey Pcr.at tra-ct, coDiUtla? cf 1 76! wrres. prcbai-ed t-y b:ai for H0,OC0, be r.d lit: jail ior He owaed 'if. tcret asar tbe rtce trafc. icit octtide Portkad. for L5cb be va? oifejed tf,000 &a acre it;t Fybnrtry. He je .: Hred here jor ad alagetber bis posieiii&r.r. tt t low vsluntioa. v'a. wziMtrfJ.) yve: I: is believed tbat tbe btadroi&e r:ideace tad tbirdof bis assets to bis ..skwmim xeiswacer. cs.a 50DA Wi.TE A5D ICE OEEAY of tbe aiaw toeits. will be divided eqc&liy aiacug bis ibree cbiidrea. fo j las liters and oe soa. His dettr. v:L i t ffrst!y rretved ir. even- jrt of tr ewatir. Oae of tbe kiadest of Itad- cjga'vij ords tad a rata of twriiig bosiaess ia-1 !r-,iiiT Ui-N'K Urrity and tbiHiy, be eadeared Liras". tojtli. The body be? beea eiabtlaied. ' Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles aad ao du positioa will be tatde of tbe ; Wasco County. Oregon, TiARTIC FACTORY Candies and Nuts SU: Specialties; The (.iftte City of tL- liuA Li;;; :re i situated at the esad b: navigation ou tbe Mii'il- (.VJuu.bia, and is a thriving, prv rerous chv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an t-xtniivf and rich agricultural and grazing country, its tradf- re.tcbing as tar nouth aB Suuim'ir Lake, a distance of over two hutidrnd iuil;i. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country aioa th- eastern tloj.e of the Ca cades turnisheii pasture for thousands of -J.cp, the- wool frotc which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest onginat wool shipping fOtnt in America, about 5,000,001' pouJiOs shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are tbe i"n-.-t on th" Columbia, vielding this year a revenue of thousand of dollar, hich will "be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the l?autifui Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and f-as: has this yir ailed the warehouses, and all available storag.- places to overfiowin? witL their products. ITS WEALTH. H is the richest city of its size on the couw and its tuonev is scattered over and is lcjing us-d to d-n lop mor- iaruiia" country than is tributary to any other city m E,it-ni Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. ItS'jn.at- i-lijrhtfuL lu pos sibilities incalculable. Its resource? uiulia..t.-'j.' Atd or. these '.oruer stones she stonda. HENKY M. STANLEY v. t Ltr-buu-, rjci:; (ir(im.e rnwltr.. & ) rtmiiiSj- t:iwr-tf m: .tnry.l Afriinn Ailnutur'- NATCH A L HISTOHY AND ADVHKTl'liK. T1-- - :'.: lx tvfn! artioie u rttteti by R.ywna Bi&uiut.yt. w!k but U-n Miifl Vr. W T. -u-4 t'. lat tatvh"er i:. Lurteud. irnm :b1tiI fu.l..i lam b) K.sri Mgnfei f Huo 1 -.V preat aitnki iciiirtt-r ad tnUn-r i Lfv dal with Tiie Capture of Wild Beartr. Tlie Transportation of Wild Beast". Tbe Training of Wild Hearts. Ttje Adventorei and litcai of Kari Ha'enbeck. Tbf "Tie irltl ttlti'traU.J ly at. Encllni: artUt "! aciuunlfdrwl dr.i. w.A nuiuitU. .1 irs- BritKrGH'. " ?" If U'IB. IE " Au-T7. iA uth-r wriUrrf ttitj'ti ( - Itnt wrrrk :o this tueid. Mill cimUt)JU- S(j ibt xaEiJii. Of Interest to both Youns and Old will be PHOF. I!. L. GAH.VfvH'S AFHICAN iiXPKDITJO.V TO THK GOiMI.LAS. ArrnacPioi'Ut tKco nartf.iu f'iunertiou n!th a lallnc Kucli.h m-icw, to uu'jlt.h l'ml Gartwr't tetu-r dncnptive f M yti-vm vxiMditin to Afrkia. i'tvt. Oarur l aoutl ttif world : for tbecortu- mid JnU re-tU.K r..reUca!J'in he 1 maUnc lr. the ait-cb uf mmley lit aailtx! lo.- AtrUK Imi 6vt'.vsxiKJ In tie wtc of lurtb-r turuiiic Li tudlf Ju th- uaUi- hHQiit of the rcirilla. Th ftlTjitraaor. f..f the-M- artirle Hi 1 (run (h'bratlig Ukwj by IiS. onmer. Tbe maaziue elooconuun qcm: mt.".-Uas artieJen uudcr tlie f.4kula x.ui'Tv!)iiilvtf htadi " The Msre of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledge." " The Preterit Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. "We are nflir:ns t!.i Aeti t'taearitif v itb thr JiiiLY HiiONKtE for only 7M a fr. jayabk la adi sace ur ;-. x.oLtb:? iutAa,ui.u . ilfln-! inai..- ic-et.t, i r :-r t!.tt we uiny m.-uip ii law t.umlwrof i"jW;rit-rf, bat all wh- n ai'ilr -'it.w 'mv mnl! tbvi m'.tf ".' tl.ii j'jrtunity t ; m uf-1'.. Rrwt maKaa.'.- I Li. . ti t..ai. mu ml it ,11. to JHE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the beat Beer and Porter east of tbe Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health, ful Beer have been introduced, and only the firet-clasg article will be placed oi the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., remains uar. tbe family retsrs froa 1'ew York Fridsv. 2a"sxr3eet J. FOLCO waww reiuuri.t. Tl M no DO c Mil -DEALERS IN- f i J.a Grlj'i.. Daring the ftfera.let.ee of tbe cripje t.e pa-: y -roas it was a noticeable fact : t ".' s wbo deluded .. . ... . . . . t i.iwflwi, j.o. oaiy iaa a 'i -:. .'---J;-' but Oiea;ed aii of tbe l"-X. flc3 eiTuelo fjf trrf vnal. it- . r j: t-j y j-eerai t have a r-fnttpr I : ' et .a tHw-tiat' ranid cures not trv Hag '" rtived a f.e ::n& of :-a;..i,: i . t of !a grippe, bet in all disease's r t, cbetVaadlnngs.cDd has cured - -- : attti xa ar hty fever of loaj; :: Try it Rad'be coaviaced. Jt' "t''o. Free trial bottles at . . " 'rugre. .Cleaning and Repairing oruer. .-a'..Kaf..or. ft araateed. I - t JOHN PASHEK, erchant Tailor, 76 Cs-jrt Street, i .ei: ooor to T7uco Her OfSce. fo1 -iriTig and rginr -uitintn'. e aoi See tie New FaSiioDs. ne jinats .t from J ..j. i:em. or t a'r i r x st PHOTOGRAFHCR a UJJJJj Daily and Weekly Editions. THK CHKOMCKK wa, G-ta.-h.-l for tho ,.x press purpose of faithi'iilly rt-,jv-(-ni,j;, 'j)je jjan0, and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent It now leadfe all oilier publication.- in Wasco, Sher man, Uilliam, a large part of Crook. Morrow and Grant counties as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dallea, hence it is the host medium for advertisers in the Inland Kmpire. The Daily Chkojcktk U puhlUhed every ev ning in th week Sundays excepted at $li.(X) pr annum. Tlio Vej:kly C- , , j r,fiuVr of each (,.4: at 1.50 ir a,.,. J or i veil J PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns' and Detenu in t P"J'ra -tical Painter and Paper HauKerr, None tut the U-st braudu of th hbe'-A ii- Vi 'laiiiB and J. W. Masurv's PaiuU Ubed in all jur work, and none but .the mt Kkil!-d workmen employed, Agents for Manurv Liquid PainU). No icliemb.. mblnatlon or toap mixturti. A flriit clatH article in all colore. Ali Paint cbou corner Thirdand Washington Stt., The Dalles. Ore"ot r; dd . . THE CHROMCLE PUBLISHING CO. jvfeu J-iotel. THE DALLES, OfT-GON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and newly furnWieil thioufchout, and is now Utter tlnui ever preparwl to furulch the bett IloUd ai-eomiiiodatlons of any Jiouk in the city, and at the very ;o. rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fn-t and t-jminodloui- opposition Hae to JJufnr, Ki.-.Ity. TyV)y Vul'.-y, WapInUia, Warm m,., and 'r!iuvi'lo U in tl JJotel r k v'' 'A o l'r neville can fave w by v . 0I, tj lS f.tU.u iiL,( All trains ston hero.