l OURl ECI SALE. A Day nt tlio t-'nlrvlrw- School. Friday being t he hint day of in district No. -18, tliu many Saturday, JULY 8, 1893. Jersey LADIES' Ribbed V ests 5c. BACH. 1- all goods marked in Plain figures. IS- PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SKuli-ntl 11 tin- I'DstnltlCf lit The DullCfc, Orepon, SS as kvcotia-cinvH lauutr. ' session of the legislature will bring them ! ' to their senses, and they will very likely ' discover that instead of having both feet in the trough, they are entirely outside , of the en. i.i.cui A.ixciiuini:. An anxious inquirer wants to Know 1 10 Cent- jut line for first invenicn, imd f.Uciitv , if ;s necessary for two ner-nii- mcetine- per Inn ; .r eiicti Mili-cijiii'iit liiMTtlon. I , . ' c siKTiu. rut. f cir idub time notice-. f , several tunes on tlie streets tlie same - A ll J-k-u. !;"tiec. received Inter tlmt) 3 n'el.K'k j (Iflv to fcnl,lte rach ot!1(;r .1, tjm(.. Ve -Will uiijieur ttie lullnH itic liny. I 1 can ease ins irouoieu soui ny replying no street etiquette has it that tlie first is suflicient. However it is op- is to sav if Jo- PERSONAL MENTION. Shcrar is in town. Wcuther Pnrrrukl. I ; time 1 tional, and the usual custom vrrtCKU 1 un burn lit' ar miriii(r uuni m t nuinu L n. in. tomtirrnu, Thursday and Friday, fair and sta-, ",,k'e (lu-v" when l,aet'" no matter tionarv temtieniture. Pagui wuatiiki: .Maximum temperature, 7.T. Minimum temperature, M. River. '"J.S feet above zero. Wind, west. THURSDAY .U'J.V 0, 189:i The haxli) and WW kin Chronicle may e jouna on mie at 1 . 1 . . ichruen t stoic. JULY JULEPS. Tile I.uiul Nim Kiel. I lu Huhes. III. 11111;.. ttlili- r.v icnx ueiir, 11 lover iiiKeu me miuu lu.riniiiK iiefitutioii. Xxlnii' til. iv i twlo. ......Ii.nr... 1 v I t't li I'Htt. '.! tli tliM.litritf (1 1.1 Jtev. W. C. Curtis will preaen at Fair- . 1 . n ..i.vf VM.Iflllti f.f a.i .....I ...I...:.. iJlStcr the Lord's sunner. All old Colorado miner who said he u.iu 111-.uu tu iiiucu iwjuiii line eecuuii as 11 mining country tuai ne was ueier- 1 mined to come up and prospect part of! it, is in The Dalles. Stanley and Marion Aldrieh of Cape J lorn, are in the bearberrv bail: busi- ...... ..- HH, ll.lV'J I'.llM JW it when dried is $j jer ton. 1. . .1 ;. 1. 1 1 .. .. , 1 iuu inu is uiuh nig u simoon. NRev. J ue Hawk, who lectures at the j Congregational church tomorrow night, j is an illustration of the extent to which j a Chinese can Americanize himself. He . 1 iB said to be a charming speaker and 1 i possesses .a fluencv that is marvelous. He was educated at the Drake university, Iowa. It will be a highly entertaining leetuie and the li-st the majority of us have ever heard from a Chinaman's lips. 1 Have you been in the habit of paying jti" cents for the Cosmopolitan? Jf -o, 'you will be surprised to know that you I can get it for only ',i4' cents, by taking J it in connection with the leading county j paper, Tni: Ciikomcm-. Only .fL'.S'i pays j for the Cosmopolitan and Tin: Wujki.y Cititoxicu: for one year, ?." cent less than what the Cosmopolitan has hereto fore cost alone. If you wish to lake ad vantage of the oiler, do so withir tho next MO days to be certain of it. C. M. Grime-, a cattle buyer, is in the city. D. Wilcox of Mackin Flat was a pass enger home today. Miss Fannie Marble of Portland is the guest of Miss Nellie Rutler. T. T. Nichols and family, of the Col umbia house went to Portland yesterday. Herbert Folger of the New Zealand insurance company is in the city today. Leslie Dutler, Nellie and Pearl Butler and Miss Marble of Portland took a trip to Celilo today. H. Herbring left for Sprague today, in eompanv with Otto Kleeman, an architect of Portland. E. Bailey of Idaho, formerly of Crook county was a paseni:er home todav. He measures 0 foot 0 from tip to tip. How i that for high? Chas. Haiuht, accompanied by Mr. Judd. a wool buyer of Hartford, Conn., and Kd. Joslyn went to Trout lake Mon day and returned last night. Thev report fishing excellent, which they "further confirmed by bringing back vith them over 200 of the speckled beauties. IIOTKI. AIlMV.U.S. Columbia Allan Moore, Wm Me Hrath, .1 Holoham, V Mahonev. John Mills-, Martin Ryan. .1 Jone.,'Hirvey Frye Portland ; M Norton and chil dren, Prineville; B Veatch and wife. Misc Mary Losk, Vancouver: J K Thompson, J J Powers, II Gcrbing, Al bina; Henry Hudi-un, Dufur; J N Holt, R F Hardwick, Mosier. Last school friends of Mm. Williams, the teacher, gave her a pleasant surprise by coming out to tlie school house, bringing their well-filled lunch baskets. At 11 o'clock the guests began to arrive, and by tho noon hour the house was full to over- j flowing. The school room was then 'converted Into a huge dining hall, and j by the appearance of the well-llllod I tables it is evident that Juniper Flat j ladies cannot be excelled in the culinary art. There were rich cakes, puddings and pies that fairlv bewildered and daz- 1 zled our eyes. I After dinner the teacher and children 1 came forward with a well arranged pro , giam. which relleeted much credit on the school. "Jane's Conquest," hySadiu iCrabtree, "A Legend of Bregenz," by ! Hattie MorrN, "The Last Hymn," by Mareia Morris, "Our Boys," by Polly I Crabtree, "The Dnkitu .Snake," by Cora iCri","Miss Hdiih," by Anna Beittio, J were all gent in their line. "Signing I the Pledge" was well rendered. "When ! We are Men," by ten boys, was well spoken. All the little ones had their j "speeches" well learned and recited j them nicely. Tho teacher then treated j the pupils and patrons to candy. ' The board of directors then asked I Mrs. Williaiic- to take charge of the 'school next term, which she agreed to I do, much to the gratification of her j pupil.-?. j Among tho-e present we noticed Mr. 1 and Mrs. James Brown, Mr. and Mrs. lAndiew Crabtiec, Mr. Moad, Mrs. Miodgrass, Mrs. M. Woodruff, Mrs. J. Confer, Mrs. R. Butz, Mrs. N. Crabtree, Miss F. Whitloek, Mrs. R. Beittie, Mrs. H. Criss, Mrs. W. G. Morris, Mr. C. L. Morris, Miss Marcia Morris, Mrs. M. Morris, Clark Dough ton, Geo. Woodruff, Mrs. H. Kelley, Sirs. L. Kelly, Miss Stella Truman, Clyde and Wayne Whit lock, Lester Kelley. Om: Who Was Thkue. Vliool Kepcirt. The following i a report of the public school in district No. !50, in the county of Wasco. School commencing March 2Sth and ending June :30th, lSOIi : ,, 1 1 shim;--' : , --aoii - - Something New.... We are determined to make large sales, therefore we will make cuts in prices that will mii-prisc you. Here aie a few prices to Hiiit tho hard times for tho present: 20 yards Print Calico, for $1.00 3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for .25 2 36-inch Linen Towels, for .25 3 Bathing Towels (Turkish), for .25 2 Fancy Tidies, for .25 Parasols, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c. Kverything in proportion. Save money while you have the opportunity. t,WF"n sale is good for liO diivs only. Come and bring your friends. You won't regret xt.JTI Cor, conn and second sts, The Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. mi Dry lis, I'llt I ourtli on IC-Milo. The fourth of July was ceiebiated at the Urookhoute jilaco on l.j-Mile ut which a large crowd was in attendance. The declaration was read by JL Wilhehn and an oration wa delivered by Mr. H. Riddeil of Th,e Dalles. Among other tilings lie spok" ot tin near piopect of the opening of the Columbia river, and . the part the pioneers had taken in tie Many Hkibbe I. Robinson. B Granieh. Ben. , jamin Shewach, J Gleiehenhuuse, Anna woiscne, J-oruami ; I) Cam obeli. Hood Jiiver; A C Smith, Clinton. N Y; K J Aneniliell, Arkansas ; Ed Yoder, Des chutes; J.eon Rondeau. Thomas King, Kingsley ; William King, Mosier J)"ii't uth- the ehanci to get theMc- i. i . iii.u. l i i.. j nip ijiiiiu I i mi j I v . 'rem :n'ii it vi.iiii.tit h 'inn i.t-jtriiu ..i eii. lieved atijjured well for a similar conli Kite is only oO cent iier month. h tuebudy has invented "an illumi- natid eat'' warranted to scan away ratf. Now, if some one will invent fit. I ! i, I. . ! .rt ...1 . 1 .... i.i.i. Linu i'uuiiiu i: warranico to sea i- away catn there will bo less t-nu-i lor Inu-Ksliiling than e.ist at jj'e'-iii. j'.e s.-..'i.er llnytiiin Republic, tied 11(1 ri, fii; insworth duck. s.priiiij a lenk a'.'1 nlirf were given foi.lier to x pun 'i fii'k. Captain Struve Hiy- thut ti e i il- h not a lmd one, und that tho st t) at the Republic's eivw deserted s 1. 1 rui . ('til j'.ngincu J'lumuier has ioui ! . I and erifiod with other englneoiH the iii-i-ureinents of Mount Taeoma that sl.nw tho mouutftin to he ."i,O0(! nance for the future. He pictuu-1 th womleilul fJovelopment of our country, from thirteen small colonies along the Atlantic seaboard to the present majes tic pioportions of half a continent. Our form of government wuh compared with that of others, and the vast superority of the lepublicuns form H9 logically and clearly thoHn. A feuluie of the oration wa the mention of tho Nieaia trimn cniit.l, vJiic)i wm. yivo the Dnited Stale the eommereiut nupremaey of the world. Tho at ternoon was given out to pic nicking and a grand hull in the evening completed a very plea sura bio day "A Talented IMitui-.' DiiriiiLr th. ...ii..i.,. i.. i... i ' ' -IJUJ '-'- I - E. ' -- ! - " - j '"-n.miiliu-inii nsiiMAV j 5jl:H! fl s.-;ras.v j 'iV-ir? 7 pJHOJiio jotjuitnt IHJO.L t , fi l, . pooiu.-i .-ja 'us j Ii.-1ijjiid s.vo'i '"X "-a! 3 2 -.pjuj s.iutn -o.- j '2 ; Z S '.lous-qirsdip -os; j 'j.si'xi j ii '03MHII!.1)1I .!) -oj fj-fjj) I ,4 iqam-i i.np -o ?,5ri3 Miss Kin: I1 -;,?ls o... a ai.i., Teacher. Fancy Goods and Notions, (jests' piin7i5r)i9 Qood, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Terms Cash. H. Herbring. Elder S. S. Beaver, of McAUisterville, Juniatta Co., Pa., -ays his w ife is subject to cramp in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtea Remedy for il, and was much pleased with the Hpcedy relief it adbrded. She hut since used It when- I ever necessary and found that it never " fails. I -"or sale by J'.lakelev h Houghton, ;'ightwatchman Harper had a rather j )rii"trists rough initiation into the duties of his, - - office last night. He attempted to arre-it i midden'i. Ann Salve a tough-looking individual for vagrancy j The best salve in the world for cuts, when lie received three sla.-hes fiom a i bruises, sores, ulceis, salt rheum, lever soref", letter, chapped handu, chllblaina, Victim Viicninl. knife. A wound upon his wriet K the chief injury. The fellow say in his own defense that I larper tried to hit him and in thedownwaid sweep of his arm cut himself with the knife, which the vajr Jiad open in the act of cutting ell a chew tobacco. Recorder Dufur lined him .2Uor ugrancy, and in thy mer.ntime nu ihycbtJgation will bo made. A tiny I'm (y, .'. puny sUrted for Tiuut Lake this morning coiifciHiimir of Mensr. l-'ergiuon, Kd. Williams, Malcolm Jamefion, F. Faulk ner and Will (,'oisou. Thev aie well equipped for a ilrsl chih.i rubticating trip and will get four more hotvc- at. Wliite .Nilmon lor use in eontiruinL' corns, and all skin eruptions, and post- lively eiircb jn'lei, or no pay required. j It is guaranteed to give peifect satisfae- lion, or money lefundcd. Price 2o cents per box. For -mle by SniieH A- Kin ersly. 'J'lie -.iiuh Hef.-et. Clara Slim.-on What'ri lhn mallei wilh your torpedoes Wiliio? They don't seem lo inalie much noise. . Willie 1 gias.- I hey are liko the fellows who call here. They don't, seem to pop wbili. oii aro aioiind. ;?'t high, making it the highest in the, S'iSKIilKffi iiin'u Mates, t he height heretoiore ' ; ""'",,,l,"u'i 'V'V-'i'diioi mihi as suppoeed to have been 1-1,-14- feet. mid dizinei-i.: "illlam Hurst was arrested and i.eh i.f htmihuf i eiiduehe i , ui.n,. brought before Justice Davis yesterday , S'ttn! xuT WX'W, X!!!. on the charge of larcenv of a steer. De-, r,'S,1',.li,,,fi,K-'lI,u'ilM'.u,,,lfJI,m'- H've Um i i . vviiihuiij uiunu.1, iei Utile liewliluliu I lice my lelMrn. lileh is fendant waived time and was placed n-mmUijle. Vou.Me.p.etfiiliy, ' w" " 1 under 200 hond for his appearance for j exam nation on July bth at 2 o'clock ,,. ' u tXt lejiieseuted by K. B. Dufur, by Mays, Huntington A' the , Ask your dealer Stove J'ollsh. for Mexican NJlver .Ntillee. ru. Mate defendant Wilson. .Iinli'ii I'.niin.li l,,.u ...I. ,.i it,... Soldiers' Home authorized by the 1! Jeglslature, shall be located at Salem, j tion of the tiime at my office. Jnteiest The matter will be refcntd to the ceatuH after this date, kiipreu.e court. The s.atue result will i .... ) 'teKUr,,r' apply to the asylum. But the howl of J 1,0 mk"' 0r" J,,,-v 'U, lhWt righteous indignation whith will din in Mexican Sliver s.to i the tan of the Salem hogH at tho next dust, r ni'v ii i ill. hmI By .i.'ng Dr Orant'a Syruj) ol Wild imp"- tin- j're .t blood purifier and syn- theirtiip. Fergu.-i.n, ho th iver. wmio a I l"in tonic, i" 1 1 - pioparuliou in puiely gaudy leather, mi'' ! Li jijetiiresiii(i up- u g' tabl.' .md : made from tho pioducl iearance w ill dtiubilej.s hu enhanced he- "f 'hegon .-ui' 'I'he wild grapo luot Is fore his letum the combined action i "'w eoiicedml by emiueiit physlciaiiM lo J. H. CROSS, ' At the Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. flay, Graii?, peed apd piotir, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. GctetTcx paid, for txxc3L Toxxlti3r. All goods delivered Free and Promptly. The California Winehoase, (s now ojicii, and its proprietor will sell his limne proilured Wine at. prices in the reach of ev(ryhod Also, 1 rest l'eanttts lo he i'ounil. (roods guaranteed to he Pure and liist-Class in every respect. 4 .f. Thompson's Addition. c BECHT, CityStabl and I eh i a. es Corner of Fourth Sts I'he Dii Kl !K'I I AM St l 'I'epl-Mli irtA , I Ireg'tn. Thes:e Studies hae on hand llu- linest Livery iii lOatem Oregon, and can accommodate pal nuis with cither Sinuh or Douhlc. liii's. closed Hacks or t'arriaues thiv or niht jVIORK K?0(.).iV! Alto, can furnish First C'l.i--, ai-i-i)uiii..)ilutnii-i t.i a anu t.'r-- nitl. or driving teams, having added to theii d il!es .n-..,. ii.e,1inv and wiu-. 1 ni i ti Have Vox. i e n T H I 'j, lith causes no ' of th! sun, wind and huckleberry juice. '! lie J.'im uilli t'uiiiilulii. A business meeting of the Kpworth League will he held tonight. Action will probably be taken on the fountain so generously furnished by them and placed in front of the pohtolllce. Jt in proposed to donate it to the city, the latter assuming the responsibility of keeping it in running order. It some times gets stopped up and as It in no. body'n business to attend to it, dolioyw its usefulness. wnnn, wood, wood. Best grades of oak, llr, and blab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Or. (Ollice Second and Jeffer son streets.) I L'so Mexican Silver ttove j jl.sh be one of the most powerful alteialives and anti-s) pliililics known, and Is pie scribed daily in their practice, It will positively en io scrofula (or king's evil,) malignant ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, eiysipclas, ringworm, blotches, pimples, eruptions, boils, carbuncles, sore eyes, fever son's and swelling Illinois; also syphilitic affections of the skin, throat and hones. Be sure and get tho goiiulno with tho U-leaf clover and tho signatiini of Dr. (irant. Jtcaiibe found on hi!o by Sniper it Kineisly, druggists. IUHIMS TO KKN1-. Furnished looms to lent. Annlv at tho residence of Mrs. C. N. Thornbury, Second street, The Dalles, Or. tl rue itt nt. Rixnns to rent at Jtev. A. Horn's res. deuce on Ninth street. S-tJ3duw, Spring Milliriers' ( Ux i I K V a r 112 Second Utreot. ANNA PETER SCO. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN A 'I I. C. NICKELSEN'S.