t '"IS t.-. 1 i m "it, t. Bp ' V US 11 . . . S The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 0FF1 lAL lm.K OF l'ALLKr UTY. Entered At tfcc PrwinSiw : The D.:io. Orteoa, &. tvonl-cliiJ mailer ;tB5CF.:iT10.V KATE:. ET kill. ,K)iTE S-RKt-AlI" IS AA'Cr.. Weekly. 1 vwr. 1 J DtHr. 1 ynir 5 " 6 moJi:J- l" Add:e all comaiuE-.intjoc to THE t'HRON ICLE," Ti I:it. Ortccn rit-t)tncf. orncr Mom A-'netsi Uelivry W indow, a. ru. u " . m sloaer Ot4 - a. m. to 4 p. m. na! it t -' m. uif. m. cufrisa or uail train color Et p in. awl 11-S i- m. .. we-: v !. ra. and .v jv. Sure Jot Toidmdaie : 3n a. tn. Prinevf.k ' .9 tn "imfurauii w arm itnn: ' .v a. tu ' tLvrmr .ir I.'-1 A Hart.aiui " a1. . ; ABt-".'',' a. n; F.ifip: nr.d- tTri-Wfii'.v Tu.iv Tr'::..;: -t:il?.: . THFP.5DAY J FLY :? HT'RLi'" F.-l: J7.V.1.V .. The Sonting deb: of the world'? Col nmWas exposition is $2,000,000. In oatstaadtn? bonds amount to 4 .500 ,000. Tans the total sum which it inti?t pty to creditor- is ?G.500.000. The present daily rnaninc expense: are, ia round numbers. $20,000. It i hoprd by the njanacemeat to lower them soon to about $6.0K daily. Even as they stand the receipts i.-oa. the :asny coni-e-sioners pay the rnnnim: expenses in full Therefore the entire receipts o: ex position irorn admission can b- u''.' to the payment o: the debts .i : is josition company. Conntinc Sundays, tbert r.rt ? oi the world's fair sea-jr. r-u... r r. Accordingly a paid attendant ' . - 302 adults cstly would w. t-: debts of theesposition cun.r-.r.y T '- attendance continues to impr . f :.- l weet to week a it has done in ::t r a and as in all probability i: wi!. o.. t:.e esriosition will exceed this i-fce-su'v average every week :ro:n tee pr er.r time r.ntiH the close. Last week t:;e average attendance for the seven days was almost exact!;.- J00.'? including children, the small variation: from these figures beinr in the exposition's favor. The smallest attendance was on unday. when only 5? ,900 persons paid lo see the fair, hut on no other day did the attend ance drop to within 2-3,0iX) of this low mark, and on Thursday it roe to l:J2, 2xy. The Chicago Record believe: the figures of attendance at the fair prove that if the trates were closed on Sunday the many thousands o: people of the ca tion who will not come to the fair under ' present condition; would more than off-: t the iosr oi the small number of peo ple who now pay their way into Jackson park on Sunday. This computation has taken no note of the 1,000.000 which the directors have said they would rpturn to the na tions! government if they had it to five ' a: the end -A u exposition, for, in the pertinent words of the United .States drcnit court opinion, the only way to tender it is to tander. Probably this money could b- returned by the direct ory, ior the ERlvat'e from the ;ront structure' at Jackson park would add a larce nc:n to the money left in the di rectors' hands Iron. admiioas xxid from the concessioners after peyia? all delits. If this enm were repaid there would EtiH, in all probability, remain ?. fray- J ment of the enormous receipts to be di-; vided amon' te stockholders of the en-, terpris, inclndin? the city of Chicago. ! So the money side of the fuir is m a , prosperous condition. ...niii. The cradaal resnn.insr of bus nes? by the-e institutions will d.- n-och to re?:ore a fee'.inc of sivuritv ncain. It i- thonsrht on nli hnnds that the worst is over, and that Rt lens: fP per cent of the banks wi'.! in time pay na demands tnsde. .laiicrinrnt In Ictorolne The advancement made in the kr.cw '. te of the laws of meteorology hat kej-t pace with discoveries made in all other Sines of scientific research. The follow inc illustrates the exactness ith which the weather predictions are now n;ate On the day before that previously set for the pioneers' picnic the committee in charre telegraphed to Mr. Pazue. the local forecast otScia'. for the north Pacific coast, for a special forecast for:hi; vicin ity, and received in reply the prediction that the day woaid be stormy and unti: for outdoor enjoyment. On the strencth oi thi- the picnic was postponed, and the followiac day fully ju-tified the ptvdic ti..n. On Thursday last another request was made Mr. Pnrue for a peep into the future, and the reply received, aithotrch :i:: nrumisint: food weather until the afternoon, was snSciently favorable to decide the canimitte- to c:o ahead with the arraucemeats nade. The prediction was also fulfilled to the letter. It is but just to Mr. Poue to stAte that, under his administration, a marked improve ment has Irn observed in the reliability and usrfu.nes- of :."e weatlier forecasts. Shlloh's cure, the t'rea: v'.iu-.-r. aiiJ Croup Cr.re : fr -a.e ' r.ipes Ki;i erslv. pLck'-: si.:- cmtalas tvteii'y-t-ve make a long tail (talc) short. A man, after he has tatcrt a eooil dinner, mav fool ex'tra- vacrantlv jovous: but the next tby oh! but he i surly- and grim, hj stomach and liver are sluggish, he is raorose, desjondent and " ont of sf rts " crenerally. But he :aay got a prompt return for his money by purchasing Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. There's nothinc like them. They are tir.v Liver Pills, sugar-coated, but thorough in results. One Pellet is lasati'v .""three to four cathartic. For Indigestion, Biliousness, and all derangements of the Stomach, Liver and" Bowels, thev work like a charm, and you get a inking benefit and a jiermanent cure. They're the cheapest PilL because soft and sure, while the raannfccl urirs guarantee they'll give .-atisfac-tion, or your money is returned ! You only pay for tic good you et. Can voa ask more ': William Tell Ynur Father that we fcl SWEET, ORR & CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Ekasvfittiiio; Pants Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Mens, Boys1 and Youth s VTns the use! suScri:: a::v a?ses. : 1". r.!p- w'Ve ." c.-. .. t-.ticti -- - .-.:-t-i-- r.llo:.,-r- or C&rst. tl'-- - U '' at - ' i . ; i A--THI.. 0 c:. 5-'t Ask vour D ealcr more from those dizzv .-tHlis, the headaches and all : make the :.'tac-k rourself. with one or two t thvse little. S-urar-coated Pfllets. an-I th.y will d.- the rest. They are a perfect vcst-Kcket remedy. Purely vege tabie and perfectly harmless. By drucrHsts- 25 cents a naL the Dalles AND Prixkyille Stage Line J. D. PARISH, Prop. I- Tiit I ';.? i.t ( h. r ...... -. iTin-.'vilit :i. U.. . -.1 ;' a m vS''T? i.:.'. .--:. p.: Tat- Iialie? i:. th.-f. -..t :i ". Carii?; (he U. i. Mail. Paseosers and hyita Connect s: I'ri:-.:.t w;:r z'.tza fros Eastern and Southern Or--ron, Northern California and all Interior Points. - iu.it! pon connt"tinn &: Th. Iialic? v. .-i - - :Tun; I'ortlnnd and Hasten, lwi- t A.ritjss iwui. ri'M jo2u?E3 aiosg 15S IKi. :l';'-:l3:-j fjR!S:5 !(! Mlii Vsit 11315:3 H2il:r iliilli TM i):Jl: CsfS -TAGt KriCi. . . III cverv size, stvie and urire. I W I YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the fact tb&t Hagb Glenn, Deaier in t-iiass. Lime. Planter, C-eniei.t and I!u"'iirii: Materia1 of alt knuls j i. in : a ii.it ih i.i j'rj:i , j nun nun. uikik ai 7is ru had- on A jortiinc. The poet unquestionably had reference to the l-rln.-vlllf. i uiatllla Fluu-c, J h- Dalit-. General Artie Hand Made WEALTH W 1.1.1. fSUi, M.A. GUNST&CO. sole: agcnts, PORTLAND. OREGON The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. 1l 90 Second Sreet. Ti.- Daei Or I';.-."- wel known an'i :. : t;ie well Known XV. H. Butf-. cine a re. (leut of Wast-o eounty. Jias iu estr.iorii' nary llnr stoek of Sheep Herder's Mk'ai aad Irish limornarir In fact, ail thfe leadini; 1'rAiid- of In. Wi.-.Mk, Liquors aii'l Cigars. i7! tl. r, l man a cn'l and von vwll fM..,- h-ju'j, CLARA STORY, Art Teacher C'krrt the Klnt l.inr uf rtiireiloiiliiiio's Tn i)t Socnc ir. the City 72 LUashington Street. The Dalies GigaF : factory Ciii-Om Sale d m- -s Cnrniinrp hm I 111 IIIIIII II l 1 1 II I llll X FACTORY NO. 105. V- 1 V Ji J O Jji.t.."ifa4 tnred, .md J ordn froi!. all partf of t!i.- wtsiitry 2'iul I on the eliort.-t siyt!--. ' ! I ia all the arconjit" that have a;ami at th !att- LelviiU Stanfor t uud a'.! tlie corumer.tfc that have U?en lau leufxjj: his life ther has been one very notk-eabic feature. Tlwre hag not fcer. the i-!i;iit-' eft complaint nbf ot the ;mu.Biat:on of a vnrt pernona' fori. Jut. Vtnf,U; look ' with creat (etjeanifn'-fy opon the KUair- tag of gi-vst lart':n t w)un they u.-f de-' voted iu camirifrubV fart to noiiln pablic uwm. T!.e ci 1 uoiem cf a unl- j TCTtity it a hitaotLropie tistf money that turn hani.'r be man did not ut uiii:l Win :l-mui j.for , tlovotinjr hi.' Lione; o nch a worthy t (ibjttCt. Hhoumatism, Lumbago. Sciatica Kidney Complaints Lame Back W. E. GARRETSOK. Jeweler. - Leiinj The rfiutatj of T1IK PALLET CJ.f ' H Ah l:.:c ttnt.TM! thinly cta'otiibwl, ahd ,!,',Vt':i 1 "r tbe boiia nianufactnrel a'tl-lr ;- .i.irea'ii); t'Vfy ! A. ULF?!CH & SON. ; M.r Hii:ii,ix, si. M.iti;n. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate Minn-1 i;u h i n k r tmn t Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtairib. Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy. No 110 Second St. before Tuesday noon und get them on - - j .... 5atisfat,orV Guarantee; MINHNS i I .. i:n7 i t ii r. J sJ5 rp . ';-- ,, ,. ,.,.:;y,(y ' . Atfuiri in Hawaii ut-n to m :i. utiier j - uhaotic ttatt, and threat if liol tr.le murder arfc as pli.iit.iu! a J.ard times. It is onlv fair to tt4u jroviBional , povtarnmont to tay that the ( flkiali it 1 power hav not bten consulted in the .' maklnj; oi thojc wild j.ianfe, and that , tbey ure generally contservative. jevel- headed men who would not countenance iucb doings at are djioken otr. If the attitude of the United States towardt Hawaii were once thown it would difjl thif: warlike diHposition on the part of both royalists and annexationists. It ir the uncertainty which broods all the trouble. A sanguinary fight on Ha waiian territory would hnsten the un folding of these plans, which otherwise will not become known until after the meeting of the September congren-. 9:ic SABBEH'S LECJH8.G BV.LT . Electro-Mat T.ctio 8UL?t:on . :z- : u sr.- . !,. t .!., , t i. -7-. --.',. ;. . r -IU;". all le.T- rum, j. l.jr iarr t,r rr- t .rt-.: l,,vi. ur 1 f...vu., 4,. . a iiivav-. or ti. ta. T. ?iv',.,'Mt"r'"r'"'-'4'11 ""! xo Pie L.iii.,c fc tn.m.ji..M a. tn.,, i e,err MUr iuk ,.i"J,r '''r4' iwt4 ui7fta aurxwcT tb ''i6 Vt; rn-r Hill. -Ill .11 iMt.rs fcrt4f.-rli.utii l-itamir:,rrii.d,uuUii,Uw: SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., o. 'lr hUtrl, JOUTl.AJVJi OJi. CHflS, ADA1WS, Shoemaker Many of the banks w hif-li have fciled are opening up again, with escheijuers lufliciently reinforced to meet all de- No Fit, No Pay. Union St., opp. Earopssc Hcuse. Ai. Watch Wori-: Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. ' Sm.olllf Mt,,Tllf Dull. .. tit J. F. FORD, Evaielisl, "' '.) !fir., .tHv m.d-r flui. .Mi.icli )".',. Mi. M;i. Med, Co., lJufur, Oregon. fifiitirinen : On arriving home last week, J found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little girl, eight and oiie-half veari- old. who had waited away to US pounds, is now well, strong and'vigorous. and we!, fleshed up. v Ji. Cough Cure has done its work well, Hoth of the children like it. our h. Ii. Cough Cure has cured nnd kept away ail hoareenert- from me. Ho g ye it to every one, with greetings lor ui., ishing you roK!ritv, we ar, our... MK. A .M,lh. j yl y0Hf, Jl jouwi.i.v.fc! lfe,Uuii(Jt;h.-'rtii!.!,. .. )v Ji.rtni ni.j.'.vcir.. r.;ilf... . .,, H ,- llii- Jl"iu in untj J ,i-r i i. re ' ... . ,j . , t; '-.v O- -irt fur y, e i lid'- a .ami, ck ,i Mi w ti pvrUittieii) t,id'ui;r IE IW lilLOII, East End Second St. Suns, Made to Order from $18.00 up. ' Pants from $5.00 up. Ir!i I it Ii iiuniulmiil. I Wiseman & Marders, Saloon and -Wine Rooms.' t' ! lit. i ai r, iKinj,-; tni.Ui, in r n-nrt Ir," i ,' i , I , I, - .iuiiur , is - Ugri ,,tti, , ,.:,u Hu Ui.-l ;i ti i ;..' , i i-Uv, l.u in TITiiE PERFECT address me at Hood I.'ivs Wasco County. Oi'cgo. 1 W. Ro s ,s W i n a ri s. The Dalles, Oregon. Northwest corner of St-iimrl n..t Court streets. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred foulf, la 1 Silt T3XZlLttCi,H. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Work. Till Repairs Roofinc MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. (vs "i , . h ' Ir s, J M lUi.KiMAs :10P Tliird Miect, next tlnnr wiBt of Youni' it Ku" I' lidf rxi.i I Ir 1 1 .i .l. ,. ... 4 . 1. ...... jjiui JvfjJlilJj p iUU.