si 4 L4 i if i MUM aa iM " ' H. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, ACnlller Horror. Lonpos July 4. At Thornhilt. York si.irn nn extdo?ion occurred today. One iheiuui oi:roo hundred and twenty miners are en- ' " tomlKHi, and the loss of hie, it is feared. CASCADE SPRAY. willbeheavv. Four bodk have been Th-v m the nn.icr already brotsrht oot. PinfUi scents at r ttif f.a. distress and anxiety prevail aooc. toe A Talented IXltor." Smr.tie tbc entsios ra "Btl.. or the bSed C. MEL The 1V)' Clothier and Tailor. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. Cacaie Locks. July -:. 1553. There are days and days, but this has been the cam rtay ior Lascnae i ks Twho,reaBsotwieatis til a few month; hence when the ork . :ri aar nvo kvM m1 ax Mf of Ages wn have been nnisnea. w,ide :B?c2vr actus: attack; .4 br4ar The celebration of the cloriocs fourth "??Sa-I l -cv,-: becan in a small wav almost a week a;o u:- os Krst 3dcb cjui wb'.ic ttuji i.i j Kan-Uns n Ctr to attend the -VJ ial Itm- with vonn America anc the are crac&e. . (ttM. oreetk. Tb acta! ate charm t:. . hn tr-.s .-teen ill fern eating thwrtarhe- and dtiaine--. Have had Monday evening a 0u wa; riven in U;Ue hg, , art my .;orn. hl.-h is Leaven' hail and wa a very enjoyawe ren.aji i sr? rotwesnu.y . affair, although the attendance was not . Ji Twntv-r3ve F r t-v BlkeUy a rTecr.jUM Decided! tu.e Fini-i Line i f Gents' Furnishing: Goods. Trunks atui I :.';scs. tW . Cu!:. SECOND AND WAHlINtilVN. THE DALLES. OK. OR 5 Ueely ropiel T.4 Rernw.. Pa.. Record Prurrt'-t. ITS s-ud it, The rultes. ur Captain Sweeney. l S. A.. San cocple; triptved the licbt fanta-tic uotil ..r ,,ur " T.r? tall: aKiCt Ennrie and sca-et ;:ute. etc. The Wra. Cal.. say;: "Shiloh-; Catarrh Tj,e lflrortJt and ulllv pianttKJvrderordvnaniiteor Ms. Hoci Reaiwy is the arst medicine l nave or whatever it wal that shook this part ever found that would do me any rood, of the continent at 1 o'clock a. a.. July Price 50 cti. Sold by Snipe; & Kmersly . ltOOAl? TO It EST, Fnrni;hed ro-aas to rent. Appi.v at HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, t- art- t'lvatiii t ' 1 1 cverjviic "! AT $2.25 PER ii. ? u :th tlip t'Ult!i.lipr - .x t'ti.inul oilier to .fnl ANNUM. t Mhr..' fourth. 1593. would have discounted all vour cannon saictes. So loud was the o'nt- Ham, t'.VO.VS7'" A" Y.lK: .v lucw . i"- trirtlv l':llmiin dt-alvv in horses in tlu- virM. will lmM hi.- rir.t fXtt'nive sah ot west ern branded Ikh'm-.- for season liK. on WETDnSTESXD-ir, J"TTjSTE 21.' 12 McCLURE'S MAGAZINE C 3ST 3D YEAR f . ,; tii. ' ' " I mil, ntnl onJtne it t.i vi. tiiiTi n MiWritiln? fo The Dalles Daily Chronicle MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT rMlS OUT 4ND SEND IT TO US report of the explosion, the arst thought the re-idence of Mrs. C. N. Thorn bury of many was, thr jvowder magazine ba blown up, in which esse further work Entries should be msde at once. econd ;treet. The Dalies. Or. tl is for fine print; : 20 HORSES HORSES on the locks wouid have been retartlc until a new importation of inhabitants could have been fnrnishrd from some other locality. Who tired the eariy S3iu;es seems to be a mystery ; only one thing is sure, everybody heard them : then, too, it acted upon the ata0;tihere in such a manner as to cause rain, and Ha all day long lirht April showers have fallen, with sunshine, snmetime;. be tween. I: mutt have been the explo sion that caused the rain, for it is such an unusual occurrence here. Neverthe less the day wa; ful! of enjoyment as wa; also a few of the inhabitant;. T; e Leaven;' rjeld. an idea', nook in ti.e woods, was the rendezvous for tr.e after soon, where a came of baseball was tlrs: on the procramme, played by the ;t:r:e cutters. ;hed one against Snrd and No. two won the score. Tnen ful lowed several race;, the most amusing liar the uid man'; race. Three en tered and ieft the starting point, two iel. before nity yards and one tinished the race alone. The Tug of War between the stone catter; and quarrytner., re sulted in victory for the qnarryrnen. A prize of k was offered for the nrst three ! base hit made in the baseball, and this, Go to N. Har yards for i. AVOOIi. IVDdli. WOOD. Best grade; of oak. fir. and slab cord wood, at lowest market rate; at Jos. T. Peters & Co. Office Second and JefTer son streets. tjet your batning pant; fru. is. A N. J. O. MACK, FiE WlEp and Lip$ Publishers C1I1WXICL E. The Dulles, Or.: You will please send to my address the D.-ll LY CH U0.Y1CLE for I.? months from date, for which J agree to pay 00 ets. a month, it being understood thai 7ou- areio have sent to my address for I year, without extra charge. McC L CUE'S M.-JG.'IZ .YE. commencing with the current number. DOMESTIC Asc KEY WEST CIGARS. TH CELEBRATED SASST BEER. i Date ! ' ' .Yame. .Jd dress OFFICE FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STLLET. THE DALLE- OR. Freeborn & Company, CALL AT OUR nit.! Methe o!.U'rtl:..:2 aiiJ Uitr'.'- i.'-i.-trntf! McCLURE'S MAGAZ1XH, which ha unions its ivUti' YYJSZ & XITCTXE Furniture and Carpets U'e J.av- adie: t "'ir :'U.-:r,es; .1 sompiete t'ndertading and as we are in no wav o-jt.nei'ted wl-.r. Clall Paper and Roomfflouldings K. L. Stevenson. RuJynrd Kiplinr, A. tv.nan Doyle, Octave Thanet, Willium Dean Howeil- Dret Harte. ":ark Ru;-eU. Joel Chandler Harris, 295 ALDER ST. r.ri N imi;ei: 'Jo. FIFTH. i'uUTt.Ar3, Ouego.n. Detwiier, who also f the L'ndertakers' Trust, our prices De iOW accorTinr.v. was won by Mr won the married man's race. Well the "day i; done" and so am I. - - - Tomorrow all vi!i be activity, bustle and !Froa TERKIJifiL or INTERIOR Points hard work, with no more fourth of Julv ' .ior a twelve months to come. THE DALLES, -THI'- A TEltltlBLE DISASTER. The Ucller of a Crowded Volga Steamer Explode. J S.T. PTEE;Bn:o. July 4. A terrible disaster, resulting in a iarge loss of life, occurred today on the steamer Alfons, a boat employed it; the river trade on the Volga. The steamer, with quite a num ber of passengers on board, was ap proaching Romanov, when the boilers focpioaea, o passenrers. Amo the dead is General Petrushewsk explosion tore the upper steamer to pieces, and burninr co blown from the furnaces set fire to the wreck. HT ,1 Tl ii in m Wasco County. The (..nte Citv o: th- I: Oregon, uUi'l Linpire is situated nt the k'iad n RAILRORD Is me .:r. t TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. ! J: it lu- Diwr.e "ar !; UU: It tub' Tt.:"-u;s 'e-::tiUiJ ru.i cverj day ;n tat yuar to ifo,f pt. Paul and Chicago j irniriL- eoal c: navigation on th- Mi fh- LO(Uintiin, and tb a tnrivmjj, pros-p-:-jus citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the sujjpiy city for t-n-ive and rich agricultural and crazing countrv, its trid- r- i'-!i:ntr as far south as Sumin-r Thouia; Hardy. Hamlin Garland, .?. T. Trowbridt;c, Prof. E. .-. Holden, Jeiouie R. Jerome. Prof. C. A. Younr. France- Hodp.-on P.nrnett, H. H. Uoyc-en, Theodore Roosevelt. l!obr I'.'trr, Joaqu'ti .Miller, Hnry M. Stanley, Gilbert I'arker, Archiljald Forbe.-, .lohn Durrourh;, Antlrew Ijtnr, r.-. R ibt. Ixmi-Stevo:i;on, Camiie Kiuminarion, Sarah Orne .lewett. F. Marion Crawford, l.i i lie Chase Wyman, Dr. .1. S. I'illtiii;, Margaret Delaud. Harriet Precott .-potrord, . h. Henley. Herbert D. Ward. Edward Everett Hale. Capi. Charles King. Elizabeth Muart Phelps. Loui?e Chandler Moullon, I kath tx:lT of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE eotiuln ti timidmic:j-lllutrtcl i!itervK-vi lll: Hurh (Ainotin km;,1( at i Jules Verne. Archdeacon Farrur, Alphon-'1 Daudet, ! France- Hodi:on Ilurnett, Thomas A. Edion, Camiie l'lamuiarion. Tit-sandier, the famous F. Hopkinson Smith, Edward Everett Hale, French P.alloonist, H. 11. 1'oyeHen, Prof. Graham P.ell. mi many uthury, hvc lurulchvd nidti-rlH! for i-,in-!liiUy pre tared lnU'rvlf wbirh 111 iipior lu:: mutrutcd in tills mnrmitu Each aumbor eoutnlas two or tbre. fch.irt mnrle by fuinoo suthir. Fu!!y lllutrutcd fturk-c u!Il VI"r in citrlj numlKri by Thomas Hardy, Willinm Dean Howelh, R. L. Stevenson, Itudyard Kiplinc, Bret Harte, Sarah Orne , lewett. .loel Chandler Harn.i, Harriet Pre.-cott Spollord, OcUive fhaiiet. l'urnett, Staiilv Like distance of oer tw run ir- i iiiiif-s. NO CHANCE Or ( AKi.) Th,- 1k- hnrirt" tii the v'(-. ' f-on-.po-(rf oj Dlninc Cars ensurpt-strt. JtUJ. . .1.. .1 -1 . . I truu'e is.iu men ssnK, , best :ha: can be t-.T!,.tuct(J. and in whtcb i. rwv . ... i ... a... r . . T . ...... T-.. . V. that trie children used to sav. for holders of FSrs: and '-(.t-njtS-c.ajsTiefcein.etKi "Peter Piper Picked a Peck of I'icfcled Pepper;," was a line of alliterative non sense ?.ow adays they can practice on the Per fect, Painle:;, Poweriul Properties of Pierce"; Pleasant Purgative Pellets. It will impress a fact which will be useful to know. These Pellets cure sick bead ache, bilious attacks, indigestion, con stipation and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They are tiny, sugar coated pills, easy to take. and. as a lax ative, one is sufficient for a dose. No TOURIST SLEEPING CAIE ELEGANT DAY COACHES A '-"ititmunus lino, rr" v-i:r. al. Ua a2ord:a? d.rtc: bl1 m.i.ttrrup:l tv ;-ic It' ?'.;.- rvrvation ci t .- : It. advaace tiroucL ar.y ajii: of U.t- road The Lai'gest Wool Market. The rich grazing country aionz th- '-astern slope o: the Caa :ades furiiisiiea pasture for tiiousjiii Is of jhe-p, tlie wool from whk-h finds market here. The 1'ailes is. the largest oriirimil wool shipping point in Aiit'-rici, rilout 3,0.' ','" ' pou:i!a Uing ahipjKjd lust ytr. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fish'-ries are th- linest on the Columbia, yieldias this yjr u revenue of o; doiiars, which will le more than doubWl in the ueur future. The product of the Utautiful Klickitat valley tind market here, und the country south and e;ist hua this year filled the warehouses, and all avaiialil- storu'."- places to overflowinc witli their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tii- richest city of its siz on th- coast una iu mouev is ;eatter.l over and isl'iiig u' v d-vt-inp nior- turmiurr country thuii in tributary to uny otli-r -iry ir. E-'-rn I'lp-t'on. h tu'ition is uitsu.-j.i? v ' 1". t. 'it iihttui. Its pos-s.'i!.;'!- - .:i'-.-ilcuI.i'ilt'. It r - ;r- .' Aiid or. these 'je..r rone. she st in 'Is. Conan Dovle, Frances Hodg-on J. Wevman. THROUGH TICKETS To and iruu Mltib sr. Am. . . more groans and gripes from the oid ticket US' the compear drastic remedies! Pierce' Purgative Pellets are as painless as they are periect in their effects. Full lrl'irraati'ia concrnin? rat..-i. t i:.- : t:ali'. rn-jt';a ai.d otiier dtsila iurt-i-.-...: application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agen: D. K A A. .'.'ar. Co., Itei'uiator cflir., Tf,r. Dalle, Or., or A. V. ( HAKLTOJ-', As X. Gctieral ?ajvtRer AKL. Port.and. go ARXIC FACTORY ICS CEEAM. KluliurUnun lenteiicrd. P.osEBUF.i, Or., July 3. Judge Fuller, ton this morning sentenced Richardson, who attempted to wreck the train near Comstocks several months since, to eight years hard work in the penitenti ary at Salern. The foil penalty for the crime wa ten years. The sentence SODA "VTATEE AND fives universal eatiafuciion. ....rir Miller will take the prisi to h&teu. anflipc anrl Nntc t ii.i...riu on tomorrow morning' l.i:d! trail. wanuica QIIU llUli .juot.itioi... Elder S. . JtlllicUH 1 to cramp m the ntomach. Last summer U tried CLfiurlain's Colic, Cholera Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalios Uittrrhea Reiuttdy for it, and wa . . c!t pk-8'..-.i with the ejHtedy relief It rded. She has eincftune-1 it when - rmem.r uwl found t'.rt it never -. Fwealeby lakclcj Houg;.ton HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED 9 TO FLVD A crr.E roa RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICAf KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, &c, S. . JJtaver, of McAllistervlIle. J , : : : 0 n , .' , I ' Co.. Pa.. SBys his wife is subject v7? Wlski M) 6 C I 4 t fiS s$MVaHaV;aVi . vit. n'iiess Ei.r.t'TrtK j:i:i.t witb I.lectro ."lliirm tlr uni-r : aory w cU'ti vrliliout meilii Inu ai tno ati-cT'ttrouiii-. 'in . ,.. l. l.UMHi.H. ItPfllti.. I .... M..L . . .1 r I ITI.U H n('HH, ,-ll Cllll.fll,.,.. ,''! .Meiiiiiry, nil I i MM ,ni' imuiiih, aria ct-nerul III lit iiltli, trie cTb -.a'lj auui i'xi..-iie- wurrj orcit mri n.i tii, -if . -. i.m curt m o.r n.arvt- .? n. .-i,- u icti re u but t''ir. fi-e lru jj.ftn. ifcifc-r.-.-j-.r. S- 14 J a i .y liavc ur, i, ; ,a.. i nr- r. ri,. -v. f -which Ih l.-f:tri.-liy ai.-l -nut c.ioi'13 "..t-.taj., .an..!? rrt, 11 T ' r ' .i -.'. .ur fni-.y. tlt I'limer,". -. d iini'd. irhict. an r. fOir.:'. J j: ,uiF.-er-n. T'iu mil ren.jT,. .i)l-i.i.-Ji.eulili,ifuii'li asa Ti,- r w. . J.,),, ut uucv. 'lii.i' 13 'Of t'in ur-: treatmr und tt HBNKV M. STANLEY Will ctmuibotc, CBCially fur joutii; reader, a tbrillitiKly .i.tcn-alltis tiryf Alr.can Adtcature. NATCP.AL H1STOP.Y AND ADVENTURE. There wit! be eri-ral articles' wrlttt-ii hy f?oymond BiattMusyt. ln ha bmi called by .Mr. W. T. .-.lead the best tiiten iewer in Eneiand, lrm mate'lul turuloheil linn by :.rl Htjinuik, "f Hum burg, the K.-e: aiiloial importer and trainer. Tlitw- artit le deal ttb The Captnio of Wild Uttasts. The Trauportatiou of Wild P.eastn. The Training of Wild P.easis. The Adventures and EscajK:? of Karl Hagenbeck. The aerie will oe U!utrated by au Kiiginh artlut nt u twrn ledged kill In dra luir vuM aiUmaU John Y II-Lleu. Ii. . ( AB.rT. and other wrtur ian.ou f r t!.. r work 1st Shi field, will uotitrlhute v the ranRnziii, . Of Interest to lth Yonnt: and Old will be PROF. R. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLA?. Arrangement have b-er. made, in rouiiectii-n ultti a leadluc f.iitUb rctleu. U publUh i'rol. Garner letten' dcw riptlve n( hi present eipdul'in to Africa, Vtnl. Lamer it noted the world over for the ctirtout. and intereti:i(r liivetii;atitii he l making in the upvwti of monkeys, lie. aaliod (or Africa la.t Miptembr for the cake of further jiursuiiiK hl Ktiidlu in the native bnunU of Uie gorilla. The illiinlratlon for thet- artlrlei, will la- )botoK.-aphii taken by J'rof. Canter. The raagosiDe alao coatasn taoat inlentniK article under the fotlowlns; I'oiuprehounlve heudt " Tho Edge of tho P'uture." ' Knowledge of Immediate Value." "Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." ' stranger than Fiction," etc. We f Otlerin thl aiiiendid nwifraloe v. id. ).. Inn v f iinovirrr (or mil v ST. 30 h vear. navahlo in advance or in monthly Inrttnlliuent in, devlred We maae thl exceptional !t-r i.rbT tlmt w inc win- n tatff liuinln't "I Uf Ml!w -,'icfs, I but al! who nn aln-afb -uij-i ril-'- n.n m.. t.ien.M.-: v e of thin ojiportuuity t w-uie t: i- giaal luasurn.e V.:. t!,. k. uli! -,'l'it . t.i 1 THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. 'Fids well-known Rrewery in now turning out the best 15eer and Porter eaet of the CaHcades. The latent ujipliance" for the manufacture of ;ood health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the hm-class article will be placed oi the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., PAINTS, OILs" AX D GLASS And the Most Compete at. : L,it.-( J';;(u-niB and Detenu in -.'ie an Tl- limrtii yt joiin suntat'- , Cl uly S John outa? I'clock (bit) afteruw-n. He i ' Ufofudeath five houra. be hnlJ. - worid or cots, lt rheuu-. 1- .hn-, ' sA1tJ.F0LC0 World's FbIf AecommoifatfoD THE R0SEDALE HOTEL CtI; star Avenue CniCAoo lute. A G GvUUiJIJTH PfiOPRIETOg S?TH?on ntrp bonk "TIIHEE CLASSES OF WTXpwXXwiXV&wS ' tl naoa tre tarn strut letterg bearing teticony . tM,t iwjWj aftir wk'o licit. l.aacui M niidtr-jaiKlLii TP LzfJl: i i 4 T . (Mitr!( ir.l.i t.i.. ....I. lur emit jiiraon, hlua tor Urculura , I 4 IWtttJ'j FAir.i 1 I UWE HAVE CURED THESE-WE CAN CURE YOU! CENERAL DEBILITY CURED. LAME BACK aY,H PiirTiuaTiBiu. m. l. Fan4r.. !,-irr,ir. lforJ u-l jour Uitl n. i r t- . 1 "', -"'1 OieH-on, hetiUmiUr W. IBl J j woarii-d mth ir,t ,lj;or ,,1U1 wjtokucw, ui t.'IL i ww". "ir .--Virof epo,u- .1 fclraort b complete tr, ul xixr. 1 iroald l,-i' ut i".!l. "w , "K "'.-! .iioj'.raincoailnfr.-- .m tVJ? V.'t '""'n?. aci.iriK. ic,:a nt ' r . a verica.ot Ln.r I.... c. jo-sr iit 1 Utt- hi a o lea, o? bf . I im ,i.) ,j ' -f -'i tor wn ar. I w- t , 1 in. tjf.oru n 1 i.o t ,rti 7ar tMt. IhaTotue ' :: ' ' ; -1 ' '-n t my hack, aaulldu'i- : i., nirawt e jnBIricB in jar treatunt. Voa Cun i uir- -1 '-".''.t of jronr Irfiltn. 11 I tl- J i Juu tni lUMwot , Q ,-iTr.-.e,r rruor i ,Ii oi. ' i'" !,. I eontlnuol tow.r i' 1 .-1 ft, lrulrj-4,. 1LA. liUWh.S, KundaiTu'!.'.!-.. on'."' , ln-nir rlrA, a vr RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED. U 'if. . 'ttT f-rt ' VlMaW ' '''. ..bUfi yr!! 4 cliotftlk within loau'tar . . --.'swt'. ii. i .iL;f i uininuiiiiui i hTi-j fi ! . . ,.t . . ' - "?!-.""" Jbaulit. Jcai.1 hOUillri iil'hlil'.K rnt, irn.H.K..i i'l 1- Hherwin-U i tho nioet km, chemi'-ai ' 'iiu ordert promp: J'tmiter- u'ki I'aj.'-r llmi;.., Nono but tho bent brnnde of the l: - und .!. U . MnHirv - paii.tx ijhimI in nil .mr work, and none but i wor.;.' -'- .',ed. .'.jji-Me or .Miifurv Ll'juid Puinte. Ho :.:n;ti h i. j 'i.utim- A firm cIuhh artu'le in nil colorn. All ' .I'.'en '.!.. Paist ELui. cj.-uer TWrdand WaabinKion Sts The Dalles. Oroo-ou trf i hl wuir e .ia; ol u tivr ueOMalu. ji. r.. m. Jiiij, i-t .p.-r Jj.tBrr.a-.ioaal llotL HERVOUS DEBIL'TY-LOSB OF VICOR. Ti. x t c.j i1 "T-a.. i--.olr SI, l"tft LOST VITALITVLAHD UTREHCTII. i J nan-U.i ,!o'iy U,no(ul. J . a y l,..7t''' i""' afiofu noiiti.V i .,' I Wa K4.UK1 ; ..r, .. . ly ll "Z ' AZl cu..o. r.riTEA. : 4, ti.. In.-r. I , . I 1 1 ich atr.air.r ti.a !.,..; aironicr taa ro v o-4r e, RCBCOALC HOTCt 7i''i.K'".l"fc. "iu.Ict, Oin- Ilierr- u.IHIL.P.?- SANDEN. ELECTRIC BELT Si(inu. n r. e .rrwntut 1LU1UI1III (1, ClaiM.Ha m ,, ITirj u Auarc-.a ljrlu.lioria . -n, 6ANDEN ELECTRIC CO. l?2Hrst5f PORTliHD, OREGOK MttUD ti l'i li L,t: . L nt Itn ii r.r. f.a n,n ta... . - . . , . Qolumbia Hotel. THT I r?, This Popular House Hat lately been tlioiouirhly renovuted und nowly furnished throujfh'jul , und in now better Mum V8T prejmred to furnitih tho hoKt Hotel aowiniu'.diitioiiH of ny house in tbo ''.- : i.d t 1 1 very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. 11. I . ;,, " i. linn -i n HI. I i i ' 1 ClilliiiiH')lH Oppiirllioll HtlW ', Ti;h alley, WiiplnlMa, mi l Pi ii.i-vi' ; in in tho Jlutel t 'i it cull mtvo ;i line. AT: trai ls stop here.