A The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DaIXE; CITY. a aco corsrr. Mom . A petition for money to run the pub lic ?choo! at Moro i; being circulated. Quite a number of the Moro people are attending camp meeting n: Wso. Mr. Da:non'; new house soon ready for occupancy. It is a very neat EnlcreO a: she PtxWSee : Tr PDw.Orcca, dweLin?. rP.:i.tmnv pint: Mr. Craft h.-.r r:ur bt KA:L:ror:i rKiJAr;!.v iJtct. in tbe eft?:, aad report ft pleasant time 5 1 n at the world" fair. rned from l.is visit Wcctlv, 1 ;:. nn, 1 y: 6 moult ICIX," Tie Ia. Orte.c. CfO to THE CKEO.V- Mr. I. Adams was in attendance at the show in The Dalle; last week and reports a pleasant time. The Odd yellows installation of otH ri utck t!ar atrdv evening. Mr. 6 William Tell Your Father that we soil .4 1'o-t-OrBee. rr.:t n-rR- IoaT Order - :- V " uaty v. r " :" a rrsinj! rciar p tt. td It 4o a. js tfi.ax sod p.ta for Crnldetwtaie ' " P-,3f l' ft. T". " Ir.ar for Lv! a Hartitod ? - c " rAEtelij ' S . IS Eire?: 5ucJar . . f Tri-t:i TjeJe- Thuriiu- sr i ;:--lsr ' - Mnndw WerinevJ;- lac Frjdav Fiora. the proprietor of the City WEDNESDAY TLY Had the Catnperu jwn been a vesse. o: a warring nation and her ran, been driven against the Victoria in action, a'.: the authorities wo-.'.d doubtless have sprung the conclusion that the collision demonstrated the superiority of this method of naval warfare. As the colli sion wa- purely accidental, they have apparently concluded that it demon strated nothing save some one s in efficiency. To descend from greater to less calamities, numerous instances can De cited of collisions between war ships and the minor vessels of commerce, the war ships suffering in the encounters. Even during the recent naval review on the Hudson, some damage was done to the ships of war by these collisions. It is evident that one point of construction is insufficiently provided ior by modern naval engineers in war vessels. This is the rendering them unsinkable. They are necessarily topheavy, and their enormons weight and relatively small freeboard in many cases makes them peculiarly liable to destruction by sink ins and capsizing. The erpcacy of the ram as a weapon is also exemplified in this deplorable affair, the Camperdown giving a practical example of the use, or rather misuse, o: the ship as a qnasi-projectiie. A number of applications were pre sented to the city council Monday even ing for the ofnce of street commissioner. Among them was one from Mr. Mad dron, stating his peculiar fitness for the office in question, relating among other things that ii he was elected it wocd not cost the city from $4 to So per month for saw filing. He was elected after a number of ballots, but the fact deve. oped later that it has not cost the c'ry that much a year under the administra tion of Mr. Jack stanieis. As the election perhaps hinged on this misstate ment the council should be wary here after in giving credence to a petition from a single individual unsupported by other evidence. Hotel, furnished the sapper. Mrs. E. M. Leslie has returned from a week"? visit to Hood River. Several parties from this section are intending to go there to spend the fourth of July. Elder Grunt preached to the people of Mar Sunday morning and evening at the Bpti?t church. He travels one hundred miies to come to Moro, and comes tw ice a month. Grass Valley now enjoys communica tion with her sister towns by the tele j.h me. which I think is only a forerun ner of a railroad which is needed in this section of the country. Mr. J. J. ?h(efTer braces up quite proudly behind the cold medal on his watch chain, and he has a right to, ior the quartette, including himself, which he drilled, won it at tbe musical contest at Grass Valley. The east wind on Saturday made some long fhCes among the farmers, but San day the west wind was blowing again , with some indications of rain. Grain is burnt some, but a good rain would yet make a good wheat crop for Sherman county. Mr.M. E. Leslie and Mr. W. J. Peddi eord will soon have dwelling houses in course of erection in the south part of town. A part of the lumber is on the ground. E'r. Hill and brother have fitted up the oid school building into a very convenient dwelling house. A party of Moro young people will take a trip to the mountains this week. Gras- Valley is striving to make the ' celebration at that place a grand suc cess and th-y know inst how to accom-' plish it, as was plainly to be seen at the ! as-'viatior. held there last month. ; Moro. Or.. July Z. 1S93. t'os. ' lull KENT. ii.re- n:..-e rurnishec r 'i f jr light housekeeping. In Laser's store. eennd street. Treble Koman is restored to nc.iua ana .--iiviiui, bv Dr. Pierce's Favorite rrcscrij- i tion. If vou're overworked. " rnti- , down.' or debilitated, you need it. ' It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, and a soothing 'and s-tmigth-cninc nervine, imparting tone and vicor to the whole system. It's a lecitimate medicine, too carefully compounded by an cxperienetd phy sician, and adapted to woman's deli cate organization. For all the chronic 'weaknesses, functioi.r.1 de rangements, and painful dtMrders peculiar to the post, it is an unfailing j remedy. It's because it k unfail ing that it can be sold under a posi- j tive cnarantee. If it fails to give ! satisfaction, in any case for which it's recommended, the money paid for it will be promptly returned. SWEET, ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, Ti svf i ft i m o- 1Pf in ts Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s It is a legitimate ?nedie-it- K veracre. a to Ku-M'iato not Contains no akvhol no svrun or sucar u sour or torment m the siomaca and f-r.t:se distress. As jieculinr in its marvelous, remedial results as in its ce-mpesition. the Dalles i AND ! Prinevi-lle Stage . w "X. w a l I i I r I wr ?t Ol 1 1 1 1 llO lii every size stvle and price. - X n m win mmD 9, nn Z V 1-.- ' X U UU MM um U . V U X .vWVJj r . . - zmz, n. ill. iiiLLinuiu u uu. m m IK M m. V BH Hi MBBl BBH B BM T Bl BBW BBBBW BT BBW BBT Jt B I BT J.D. PARISH, Prop. YOUR fiTTEJiTlOJi -. suitao.e r.re at Mr. Oi'lies ihc C, The rja'.le? a: r a. r Pnticrilie in tt:-: The Dallo ic th:rrr .x Ie called to the fact "There is a tide in the ajfairs oj men -chick, taken at its fio leads on to fort inn. ' The poet unquestionably had reference to the S. Mail, Passengers snd Express Connect ht rns-";I'.e ritt tares froa Eastern and Southern Or tcron, Northern California s.nd all Interior Points. r? cniiiiP',tiiin a: The liaile.- w:tr. s r.. I'ortluad mwl Ka;rr. .'".: IS driTifS. '.;"-:l2ss Cwciiss and Ec?-:- mi Vyn: miliar litint sjcc.i. STAGE OrriCE1!; Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lame, Plaster, Cumtint iind BnildinL Material of all kinds. -t:rri- the I'inent Hue of- Cii-Ont Si ii Furniture k Um Another fourth of July has come and gone. The old-time manner of cele brating it was observed by most of the citizens of The Dalles at Koseland farm and Hood P.tver. The fourth of July ! remains the chief o: American holidays, and the lapse of 117 years has not lost: its pristine enthusiasm. This day marks j an epoch in the progress of human liberty, and while the various political parties struggle for supremacy, time proves them to he ephemera;, while the preat principles upon which the govern ment was founded remain the Siine forever. An arrt'bie Lasctive and .'EK L T !. i ? d y rirusrsnjts or scat by nan Ok , md Si v p-:t paciace samples fret tFf TBf Tbe Favorite r:C72 ?:t;IS B.W ii. VfortheTc-tiiandarta.s:. Tor ale br .Snipe A: Klner'i'. JI. "-Icliel A- Cn.'i. More, rrlnevllle. I inatlllh The Ilitllt PictoreMoolta The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sreet, Tbe Ballet Or. Ask your Dealer -I OH THE- D irtir John Berry won the hore-race from Kansas to Chicago. His horse was a thoroughbred, proving that the staying qualities popularly supposed to be sup erior in the plains broncho, are not borne out bv the fact'. There will doubtless be a larger amount of fruit canned on the Pacific coast this year than ever before. The canneries are making extensive prepara-, tions for this purpose. i A ton of cold i worth 007,&Ss.2! : of pure silver, 2T.7u4.:4; ti.OOO.iHiO In gold weighs z.te-i.S pound-: of silver. 50,929.9 pound-.. nerel Hand Made M.A.GUNST&CO. SOLE AGENTS, PORTLAND, OREGON. This well known stand, kept by the we'.i known M". H. Butts, long a'resi dent of Wasco county, has an estraordi ' nary tine Etock of Sheep Herder's Delisiil and Irish Distarbanr In fact, all the leading brands of un Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and vou wih coin- aL'air, CLtARfi STORY, To Dt; found in the City. 72 LUashington Street. The Dalles Cigar : factory PISST STEEET. FACTORY NO. 105. Art Teacher CIGARS U" oraert irom an parts oi tlie countrv fillej : on the shorte'it notice. ' 1 Jio'jiu 2, Buttingtn JtuUdunj, ..- iif- I ir,(ii;. nnd Tr.'.rviKji, W. E. GARRETSON. Ill Leaaing - Jeweler M,K Ali KS'T l'flt Til K The reputation of THE DALLEb CI GAP. 1ms Income firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. ". f. WISEMAN. WM. MA HDl.'llS, . WESOLO, x Tailor at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, MK'HKLHACH LLK'K. - r.NION ST. Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and CufTs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, ind get them on Saturday. 5at'sfa'0f? Guarantee-' WINHNS Die I km I. a firli)i. During the prevalence of the grippe the past seasons it was a noticeabie fact that those who dejended upon lr. ' King's New Uiscovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped ail of the troublesome after etfects of the malad.-. . This remedy seems to have a peculiar jower in effecting rapid cures not oi.ij in cases of la grippe, but in all disea-e'' of throat, chest and lungs, and ha-; cured cases of asthma and hay fever of long Etandihg. Try it and he convinced. It won't disappoint. P'ree trial bottles in Snipes & Kinercly's drug store. Cut flower Tor hale. J have all styles of wires, including Odd Fellows, K. of I, and Masonic de eigns. Everything for floral decora tions furnishod on bhort notico. I'nces reasonable. Mi:. A. C. Sti-h!. dim Cor. Eig.'.th an- '. . Mouey t l.oun. J have ni'iiej t , vi n , -loans. . l.jWi.A' y. heumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney ComplaintSi kame tsacK, &.c. D3. SAHDEH Cl BELT rt r.n t lectro-MOcnctlc 0 USFENSOrt Y. ... IXIeat I'BUnUl Jte.t Ir.inrrm.. I- Cr. -m. k... .r. lr'ae.d i....riH- or i,, x, iutntaj All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Ordei I3K uri.nil hi,, Tlif Dalln.. ir. j. i mn ' ' M- in-i., 1oh, write uiider dutc i.f Murcti '."a, Jr..!. I''. .Mt.n. Mj-g. Co., Jjufur, Oregon. it n'Umtv : Oj, arriving hoine last week, I found a., we,: and auxiouhly awaiting. Our attle g:rl. eiglit and one-half vearu old, Ml. j imd waried away to .'!S 'ounds, if. lijw we:!, hrr.ing and vigorous and well Meshed up. Ii. Cough Cure liae done it-s work well, i'.otii of the uhildron like it. lour .. h. Oouglt Cu't! bus cured anu kept auayai: l.'mreuiie.B from mo. East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. j Pants from $5.00 up. 1 l'Tfrt 11 1 (Jiiuruntci il. 1 j (iliseman & Warders, ! Saloon and Jk Hooras iV" it h" '"f !' J,tt,,d "" '"1 'i.pR' l.'l. t li.p torn I1(1 , lull ,,f II.jJ river. itti jghth l..ta.bnd .tr.ui.d m1U-x. l l ' tJMM"t,J "ftlon umiwiuiitHli. Nti;, i.f rZri I .t ill t'l' .,Vt,.r k. i. i . . . " . -I ' U!' ":r" " w' " mutiti.irtrni,i: lu'-U.rlc will 0CTlu-r,iirr.,1ii1'M i., ... uul . iini.t-'tlm?'i n.i t Mm ... ' "'"'mii'i ukt.i-u ' i'. . 1(i wlt, truirlK rtufi. i in ii tiu will Una tint t,,f j,,,,. 1 1 l r .it.Vi t tiini... i'i ii TITIiE PERFECT auui csis 111C ctl, XXOOU. XVi" Wasco County, Oregon. W. Ross "Wi nans. i, The Dalles, Oregon. t i',;!Z;;lJl"lj,"ltfT o" Mti,(M ,oru; " ": 't.'V': -r: :"j,woar. r imn, lu,-xmt , i iff.,CS1 ,,. ' '' '' ' " ' If., Jt J..'?.l . .'' ' - L - - . ... f II , Nortli weiit comer nf .f.winil c,,.,i - - - - . . . I'M', L-jurt streets. Eggs for Hatching i'rom thoroughbred fowls. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, liq Repairs ana ;oofiii MAINS TAPPED UNDER FRESSUKE. 1 i ir , i,i i, 1 iS.jj Oitj.. J M ;i , i I "' vs. Or hop on Tliird .Uk-I. urA (-,v Wi-st of Yojng A'