r T V ' I 1 H. p"X.' AdrrrtUr.1 l.rtter. "1 . iX 1 I- i-' --' A ' ' The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DAI.LK1 OKKOON DATES. HISTORICAL THE church pire originated in the Uvelfth century. It ts expected that May 1. 1?PR. will pa into American hi.-torj- as one of the creaU-M Jays in the century. Knv York ws- the first city incor porated in the limits of the United i:a:e. It- charter wa dated lto4. AjiHi:r:?T ru.E.f: wa founded in 1521. "mainly for the purpo.-e of edu cating poor and pious younr men for the rainitry." U;.-DEr. Henry V. an act of parlia ment ordered ail the peee in England and the s-henits the r v-juiri-d to furnih six :ris. ra-h coom-. Following is the lift of letter? remain ing in the postotfice at The Dalles un called for, Friday, June 80th, 1593. ' Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised : Rncfnn Mr Booten Mr 15 2 . Castwuf Mrs Marv Chapman John H Clothier and Tailor. Gran well G Gulliford J X Jones M A Moore Squair McCailnev J C Prael Will Stricklin A E Smith Ponatd Tavlor Addie I.e'wall K K to be court t counlie- "v ' arro'v fc.it Tne GoiumDia pacKino Co PACKERS OF Pork and Beef. .V.iN v 7rF.EF.5 0F Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND fill ll B rtickrv Walter Graham Mrs Bessie Johnson & Son? H H Lorrainne Lillie Oneil Henrv Peed Charlie E Root F W Stoughton Khoda Fait "John Turner Jo? M. TXot .v. P. M. My little boy was very bad otT for two months with diarrh-ra. We used var ious medicines, aiso called in two doc tors, but nothing done him any sood un til we used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrh-ra Remedy, which cave im mediate reliei and soon cured him. I consider it the txti medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to all who need a diarrho-a or colic medicine. .I.E. Hare. Trenton. Tex. 2'- and 0 cent Kittle? for sale by Blakeiey A H. ".?!: trn. Druggists. ThiikI Job rrilitins. If ym have your job printing done at Tiii. Chcoxicle you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep c nt;naR'.!y supplied. All jobs under tl;e direct supervUtcn of one of the most sucessfn'. ar-d artist!-1 printer? in the '---t;.er. FroD TERffilNfiu or INTERIOR Points Gent: COR. Ptvided'.y the Finest Line oi Furnishing Good Trunks ani I'altscs, W., etc. SECOM' AND WAH1.VGTUN. THE DALLES, OR. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicli for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 51? Ueelly ?l?roi?iel AT $2.25 PER u are rnatiliit t - i iWi iiiii-tnciit." with the pulilMii'rorif nif .i iiMt exivptliuint otter tit m-iu! ANNUM. I th- l t Miiitn'lacMlow tmhlijfcj HORSES HORSES 9 J.S. COOPER, (..r,.- r.a . ryj'iy r-"" a y.u:r. 'h-ij . " The largest and only .-irirtly c.:iiniisnm dealer in horses in the world, will'li'ild his rir.-t exteiive sale of west ern branded h"r.-e.- for .ea.on 180:5. on McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OUSTIS "Y IE .A. R t. evctrom- ti : N ' I". ' . VntiV form, anil M-mlinc it t i 1.1 t'i"( ' Mitorihlnjtj The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT TMl DIST OUT AND SEND IT TO US. Entries should be msde at once. HORSES HORSES J. O. MACK, I " FIJJE WlHEg and Lipi$ Publisher CUUU.YH'LE. The Dalles. Or.: )'ou will please send fo nnj address Hie A,' Cll UOXJCL E for IJ months from- dale, for which I urirec to na'l (10 ets. a month, it being understood f that ijou are to have sent to my address for I iear, without extra charge. McCL riirs . U.ICIZ LYE, commencing with the current number. f A'ame. Mas. Dried Beef. Etc. BuLdinj. TheDallei.Or. on on DOMESTIC Aso KEY WEST CIGARS THE CLL EBR ATE D PfiEST BEER. .-Id dress l il 171 FRENCH'S BLOCK. ECOND i-TKEET. : THE DALLES, OR. COFFEE-RIVETED R?IIR07aD TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. CALL AT OUR OFFICE ud HwUtf ruterUiit !:.c ' ' tiin-h i.: .t-ji;.-.l McC LURE'S iMAGAZl X K. iu rii a i.-.' I I.' c'.nnU. irn !u4 Freeborn & Company. Cloth in ' .a" M-nnfuftureJ LEVI STRAUSS jft. paul and Chicago CO., at' (Hall Paper and RoomlDooldings 11. L. Steveno. Hudynrd Kiplios. A. Conan Doyle. Octave Thatit't, Williatn Den Hoel!r, Iret II arte, "lark i:;.-e!l, Jofl I'handlor Harrir, 295 ALDER ST.. COi Old NotisEi: FIFTH. l'01;TI.i.V3, Odegon. San Francisco. Calif. Every G-3.rm.enz Gnarameed. jpiK SALE BY PEASE & MAYS. THE DALLL'e, JKEGOy. TOniTST SLEEPING CARS &est ::.Rt can b-.- cn::-uc:ed &r.& .l whit't , Rccon;iiioia::r-r; ure tjo:t Tzev ar.d yurr.ishJ lo: holders of Firs: ii sscodlas-Ticio.anc! ELEC-ANT BAY COACHES A coniiEuou1. l;ae. eoaecUar wire all iiuw, uSorilin? direc: and ua:r;terru;.:rtl service Pc'lmua 51w;r rfcrreti-ius car. secured ta advance through cay a?ir.t of the road. 1 THE DALLES, Wasco Conntv. THROUGH TIGKETS WW' Eariaad ted Europe can zk purchased n: av :A. A. Brown, Staple and Fancy Groceries Fu ii.f-ra.h:. r. rr :,rerr.;Btr raref. t:rne o! zitxrf. routes ctner derail itor:.ishsd on epr'Ucaua t W. C. ALLAVAY, i A?eai V & , Nev Co . I-.calito" oracp. The ' iJallwi. Or., or A I' CHAELTOlf. A-i?"; ceaeral f-a'-'ip-r Ar:.. Portland. Jfra. and Provisions. which hi oT-.'r i" Vjw F -zz T H CANDY FACTORY SPECIAL :-: PRICES to Cash Buyers. ARTIC SODA WATEE A2D ICE CEEA1I. Candies and Nuts VXttsi: Specialties TOIiACCO. Cir.Alt- A VI I SWEET DltTM other Proincs. Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles Oregon, The Gnu- ': of th- Inunrl Eu-pire is situated at the ksad of navigation or. th- Mi I :' Columiiia, and is n thrivinsj, pros perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for aa extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trad- reichin as f,ir south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundre.i miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich srruzini: t-ountn- alone the eastern slope of the Cas cades furniahra pastur- tor thousands of sheep, the wool frotc which finds inark-t here. The JJalles is th-- tartest onemai wool shippnm joint in America, alwut "j.'j i,,,"J) poundi- lins shipped hm yt-ar. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon !isheria i.jv the tin-4t on the Columlia. yieldinc this year a reei.ut- thousau i.-. "f dollars, wliiei will lie more than douhled in the neur future. The products of th- t-au:iiu; KJckiut valley find market here, and the country uth and eisr has this yMir fil-d the warehouses, and ah available stor-ii'e ;jn-es to overflowini; witL their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of ;ts size on the nbt and its money is scattered over and ilfinir u.ied to develop more farm ins; country than is tributary to any other '-ity in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpt.-se , It, Kim-ite dehsrhtfui. Its pov " nihilities incalcuiaoie Its resources uniimited And on these :ornfr tone sht- stands. 1 whl h him uraunj; !! ''-.itn!u'.'ri. th m.t Inn iiwth t r s'lt ri riti-r as. tin IcCkwiue Thomas liardv, llatnliti inrhmd, J. T. Trowbrhftre, 1'rof. K. S. HuKUmi. JtMoiuo 1!. Jerome. I'rof. C. A. Yotimr. Eram-e.- Hod-'oti l!tirnett, H. IL Doye.-en, Theodore Koosevelt, Koliert Barr, Joaqnin .Miller, Henrv M. Stanley, Oilbert Parker. Atchfbald I-'orlie, John fturroinrhf. Andrew Ians;. Mr-, ilobt. IjOui.-'Stevetif-on.C'amile Flainmarioti, Samh Orne Jewett F. Marion Crawford. Lillie Cha-e Wytnan, Dr. J. S. Dilliiie-, Marcaret Delaiul. Harriet I're-cott ot!unl, W . L. Henlev. Herbert D. Ward, Edward Everett Hale. Capt. Charles Kin. Elizabeth Stuart Plielp?. Louise Chandler Moulton, . Each liuu.ln-r of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE eoutaltx t' hiitnlvimt-ij i!luirntp iii'jnmi i lln urn :mn m jwHipie I.luler Verne. Archdeacon Farrar, Alphonte Datidet, France-Hotkyon r.urnett. Thoma? A. Lcit'-on, Cauule t-lammarion, Ti.--andier, the famou- F. Hopkinon Smith, Edward Everett Hale, French I'.alloonirt, H. H. Iloyesen, I'rof. Grahatn Dell. aud many others, have furai!.tl materia! (or ejflnlly prpimri-d iuti-ri lew "hicli will afjt lLll ilhi-traUii in thl raniui lie a Each uunitior contains twi r ihrw linrt turle by iainouv utlmr I'uHj illut.trul ?toriM lj--r in early uuraix.'r u Thomas Hardy, William Dean Howells, I!. L. Stevenson, Hudyard Kiplinc, Hret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett. Joel Chandler Harris, Harriet I'rescott Spoll'ord, Octave Thanet, Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson lUtrnett, Stanley J. Weymati. I-IKNHY M. STAXI.BY will coutnliuU1, oiH-tiall fortouMK readrm. a IhriKuiRly Ititermtuic teryt A'r.rnn tlirnri NATl'KAL HISTOIIY AND ADVE.VTl'ICE There will t Kvoral article written by Rsymsna niotnujiiyt. h.i hai If -n ealil i y Mr H t rieiia me tt lalen-ieiver in l.iiKlanu, trntn material tumtniiea nun uj k.s.i Hsj.ntwok, o: ucj tiurir, meirreai animal najKirter ana trainer, i iitx- ariici-n ut.-ai iin The Cantuie of Wild '.eact.-. The Tranetiortation of Wild Deasta. The Training of Wild Deat-. The Adventures and Escape-1 of Karl HaLrenbwiS ThcM'ricK will w IlluntraU'd by an Ilnglinh artist ( nrkium lleU Vill iii driiis ilil at.laala John ltruK.i-.;ic. ' I' H. i.i.i k. In ( :hi held, will eoulributr t.. Hit- uaealut i AKlHrtT, and other riti-r rim":'. f ir their w.rl3 I'KOF. L Of Interest to both Youn and Old will be GAJLVEK'S AFRICAN" EXPEDITION TO THE OOICILLAS. Arramremeutf haw lieen made, in -oiniwliin ilth n l.ndinc Euirlihh ret u-w. to nullih I'M (iarner letter ita-eriptive of hl pre-int ci!ilili!!i Vt Africa, I'rof Ourner in nutoil the w ttvuT fur th' curinli- Htid int'roj.riiiir itiif.Ot.iitififii. l.p U injtLfrit In thi. hi,h ..f itmnL-i'vi i hit! Ulil The mnuziue ul-o contaiUk not iiiterwiting articlen under the fullriulm; euiiipretieukirv hit A it nailed inr Afrira last j-ejitemN'r fir tiio nake of furtlier puraulni; hih htinliun in th-- native hum.U tile irurllla. 1 he llliistruUotin fur tliwi- artlnux Hill I- from photoKruiiti takvn by ITot. (.iirncr 170 SECOND STREET. 2UJ.F0LC0 t i.-Je rstaura..t THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrugated llnildlnc next Hour to Court lluu.r, Hanosomely FmiisM Rooms to Rent Tjy the Day. Weet or Mcnin. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. HAVE YOU TRIED WMS km FAiLELT RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SC5AT2CA, KIDNEY, L5VER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, e. " The Edire of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledtre." " The Present Hour. " Strantrer than Fiction," etc. Wo art- unVrlnc thin hpIi'IiiIhI mairajsiite h tth the Duly t'H konicI.e for onl fT -."i n .-nr. rmi in aqtaii'HMi; n, mnililv lUftal.in. -it M d'-urt"!. Wt- make thl i-eiti'ii.ii! i.t!'- m M.-r tl at ihhv Mrun- a lnrir fine ' r f u Ji" but a.I tin ur a-p.-adj nulw-lii-r- i-.hj ai! thom.- ti of uu fijija.rt'i:i,'y t m .r. tM'Kn u.aBainu i'i.. ill. tl,- b ui 1 ami .-!.! it 1:1. to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. f W$S. H- FHASEH, Propr. Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHPiOMC'LE was cstabli-hed for the ex jress purpose of faithfully representing The Dalle.-, and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect, of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications: in Vasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook. Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chko.viclk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chiwnjcle on Fridays of each week at $.') per a?.nuni. :e chronicle publihing c, TZ7jb.o Uallos, Oregon. int. ha vii'N'" ri.r.i timc Ri;r.T ith Klci-tio nin.ii-Tjr .-u aiiry n .' ,r.. wnliuut iur,. 10 , a tVi' ab . l.tiHufH Uvn n. j.ui ".Ira1-!..... Vi1' '- "l 11-.hi. . , J'oiir Hi-ii.ory, i. II I inulr'.i: plul?itt a Lfncriil III 1i.-mi:i, 'iiet-Scita : a m... cS'-'im- ., frt'Xp ar" i. r.( i r... , , j.i,. j.fti t, t - l i. .h It." . 3-. v- hi'r,! ' . (,u tni,l t. ... a i - t Kj .s . iM. n .mii. - I . f t n t. - ..a.- uii ui .i'i 1 .urrri-i ,. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known lirewery iH now turnint: out the hent IJeer and For; east of the Cascades. The latent appliances for the manufacture of trood heaS ful Beer have Vieen introduced, and only the firHt-' las article will be placed the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., -di:aij:h.s is. ami tiv rv I ful I oh m uu-.n. ' . i 'ar p, m enn truatrnctit. arJ . ,'''l.l--at.'oil iinfl oliliniin, ont ncaiM. Dr. Hmirien't. i:ic(rlc Uelr ii no .ijrnniit hownorhumtrudaof casMthroufh- -it t -.: do-i,.-tt.,.r , ..w il.?Us"f". ol wtm wu uavo Btrun luttura hcdruig u -..wo-yt, , . ,,tfj uu-r uVuu our ii ill. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! GENERAL mrURED. . LAME BACK AND RHCUMATI6M. I WA troubled with liMr viimr ilttA ur ,uW , A J t yftftfri . IK .r -1 ,f .,aris ft i t t.i i.qtiiHTi. loU,o r.(.c I tu' afiilc .cut lj Ir inr Lrk:. V ..1 1 fitt i in i latx thtt irmat.uto lihVHOtlmm wrr r c4 J f.n d. iU. ftiirt I cautinaot to w.'r It f r RHEUMATISM AND.LAMCNE88 CUPEO. i Jciur u V' i.dVi.i wlu.'iV" V l . - 1 "-" - hc( w .its r ti , ri t Lh vftf M I . . -t i . . . t - " -. . - .--: . - . ri tr.,,-1, r :1-'n 'fi i u iiifid torr'v w.ti Xi.uriim ii,-jji ...tiu.lLt p out , tt.au to n i i " ' ""-" HUlt KT Jri5UKr..EoBlor Jfy mimmPAiNTs, OILS and glass And th Most Complete un-l the Latest I'atteniH and Dhfm in , Avr-Priw'tical J'ainter- and I'aj-r Hani Hierwin-Williamt and J. W. MuHurv'H Pain bimun. u comiiiHtM Iums nl i oHr. 1 wnoi-l i m. SOur Ljlt i h .V hiulnnt,if n? hf . ' 1 .,-. ... JW ' l I 1 it rHi JlffJ bl nr tl. n 1 Ij.iWm f nr Itm Vfftrd t.ft 1 1 ' i Cjt.il' r.'it tr-t.i IltnitME C..I.I.(lM1.(it Ik tiMIP lfi.lilli.r.n n ... . ern. Norn but the Uit hrundH of 'llifltW llkl'll In nil lllr l'trlr tin1 WinM tit uiost skilled ttcrkwexi fij.i.iood. Amenta for MiiHhrv JJniiiil PnlntH. N vu'i u-ai tswutJiuatiou or Kar ifjixtnre. A jirt ciufiH artielu in nil mlor. A ord;rr pr07ujt!y attHi'le-J to. Mn-;ct t.Ui h m tlm two wtjk I i vci u i it. I LOCT VITALITY AND OYf,r:r.TH, NERVOUS OEBIUTV-LOES OF V1COP. A T,,t.-, li,,Vh" Rr.A.T Fan!ei,.nojr!,ir.-lh..vi.-.c . .,,., , r '. . t , '!,fj- ., i'ratiratotuliy, Clia. LrfrTKA. I u,.t .. t' i.' VcLf f5?. S AH DEW THE JJ teiOTpJeto iralranii. halt u.OIjU. Itjiaam liiiiiruil d J .er'.ri- - w Tit. . mai'e : ELECTrVtC j t Jtifu t-cttl. 8ANDEN ELECTRIC Ca 172 F,.V, Wr! WW Qolumbia J-iotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House furnifched throughout, and in now hetter that I.VI.r tr..l.n rtil t. fi.r.vlul. 41... I 1iO.t . .. ..v Lumen uiv lifll livi.- j i; .1...!. . .. . . .. .. iii-iujiiiu'iiiwuiiK oi hiiv iiotine in t'' ity, and at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c Ottit-o of the fswt and eoiiinifMltrnn nrtnonlti tl K'J'l I'ifur, Klntl.-y, TjjIi Vidli-y, Waj-I'.It!. 'A mm .-j.rui'H and J'l-incville in in the II ' : i. ! ': - i!i,h,if Vt lr n." I '! ean i ' in y (, H bt '0 iiie All trains stop here.