AM 31 PEASE & MAYS. J Dalles Daily Chronicle. Hi a U lMKt.i!lcu lit The iMtllt'H, Ortroli, r -nl fliiiiH mutter t IM-llI l I'l l IklllU' of authors in the advertisement in ques tion, which speaks more eloquently than any uonli- oi ours can. Tlic Y.- :ui.' requested to meet in the free reading room this evening :it 7 :30 j o'clock sharp. A full attendance is I "cluiul ricliiiiK l"i. IMiftir n. Heavy frost this morning. Proipet tf are for u very fair crop. Dufur will nut celebrate tomorrow, hut j an eh-want ilnnce arranged for. j Prof. I'mJet- and F. 1'cabody have 1 gone on a li-hlng trip on Tygh creek. lr. Vnndei pool anil wife left for the , Warm Springs agency this morning, j C. P. Mulch's new drug store is com pleted, of which the owner feels very f prouil. j T. II. Johnson ami W. I,. Vandcrpool I are selling a number of lots in their new j addition Kast Dufur. j Herman Hunnaii, industrial teacher i at Warm Spring agency, and wife uro visiting friends and relative?. M. .1. Anderson of llufur and familv left for Warm Spring Saturday on a , bathing tup. Relatives of the family recently visited them from San Fran cisco. I lie II. and . grea-e extracting and sntre rat extei miinting company an making -uhstantial linprovementH to their laboratory, and compounding largo quantitie ot their preparations, which are haviii'. a w ide sale. PLEASANT RIDGE SCHOOL. In MI-s Kolii'UV iik'U'iint M'luiiil, When-nil the v"li!, tuiipta l.v title. AumtiU' enrlv ewrv ilnv To rend unit write, in sim; nml tirnv. Is ninny h lirlirht ici mIii.ih nv., , 'J lint we will mention u t v ,n. ! Jtiht nt the iliinr a we so in, I (lhe. (lrnin lia censed its rHttlini,' ilili 1 Conic ll outline in Hie ineiry elves, A nv id irlrl" nil Iy tl). mvlvos And nl the licll tup, nt the tight I Is sented then enoh frentle s Jiritc. Tho boy then miitrlilne nt the left, Their lints then Iihiik, with llncers deft; And then with nianiier (oft of clown) Thty tnrniiiK to thiir scnt-i, sit down. l'lrt-t irl wo tec jnit hv the i!ior, (Tlii 'ide nro ten or twelve, or lnon;,) is .lennlo l'ouell: hripht and Ra. And wiiis.nne i u Miiniiier day. And nt her Hdu 11 'Wolf ' vou nv; Ah ln! A (.'111 n"Wi t B'ilnv. Who b.'iid' her Mill ni'to hcr'tnst l rioronet, then tlie(!iil j .11 'k? Something New.... J1) 1 , a f .r first iiise-tion, nnd ;. c-nts , ordered as husinesf! of importance is to ' ilis.-Milelit lh 'ttioli. 1 . . . ..... ( ir l.iiitf tune llntl""S. recened later than .". o'clock I, 'Wiiii; day. Wrutlior rireeI. I Jorrm re 'teenip-fnur liour rnding 'fe'.Monduv and Tueday,fair and wanner. ' " I'.wjtrn. Maximum Mm Mm mm WKATIIIIK temperatuic, SO'. liniuni temperature, .""ill. r, ;!H.- feet above zero. d, we-t. Then pome l'minie. iirlirhtnnil fair. The good ,,eoi,leof Fairlield aemhled , TZrnU 'mdtrne. en ,ae at their school house Saturday ! SIdl.J afternoon at the examination of one of . And, I beliuw she'll ' the tct. .1 1 . .- 1 1 .1 . 1 ,. , I .'n'tti' the elui-c .f 'ehiMil nenr the be.-t sessionsol school that lias ever i,,,,,!,.,,, win n-tf-i.r. been had since there was a school dis- ....... . . . .. , And I. tlm M. Iicrc jut m time trict. Our count rv schools as ll Olierai ' To join us. in our pleasant rlnrro. thing are l indlinj: do n until they ate X&'WtuZ oSrcxt nearlv extinct lor want of children to I ' !' Kuiiu Koot, with bird soni? say. be transacted, in which till are inter ested. The Huntress, shortly after tio acci dent sustained just below the falls, commenced inking water and was j lnemlj .ind tu. outk)ok u nllhi!r vn. beached nejir P.omteville, and i- now ' ,nnm:.r . n,un)Pr. :1,i ...... 11,,. , ! - r- r" ' attend them. Fairfield hafc had her 'share of fallini; oil but is now on the And wmbliliLr nil the S'lianier dux . Fift diirtli.'d Hitting there, A' t'Uie a( tne sunshine fair. sunk. The Oklahoma is trvin to her. Tlie wharf boat was also hit bv 1 rock ami connncneed leakini:, but was Next Kthel Anrier-oii novo, With eyes mni fiieo so full of fi'.ee, horn Ktia liaily it- beidr. Her father".' joy and mothers pride Mvrtle liailv. brizht and cay Wfll I w ulk' from her honie tv o miles each day: " wl'. , .,,..,11 ,!.., DAY .in.v 1S93 tJiJBke 'aii aud Wreklii 'hronirle mm md on null' nl J. C. Xickelxen't ttorr. JULY JULEPS. I. oral Ni'in I'irltl In II oliiii ioit lile 1 Scmfxzi "asrj Iet?uliitor took down a hue load 1 this morning. KoHliland lias been found guilty of e; fritudulent warehousie receipts. ee drunke, four hobos and two ln- B was the eroji this morning in the OHMibciose. :Syo ears of fat cattle were t hipped fciiiili.KaltiiiiirHhe'fa' stock yards today to $mr Co., Port Townsend. ("ltr' Crookft und Taylor Hill shipped li7liead of horses today from their near Prineville ket. to the Indiana iMiong the Indian agents recently ap- lieci iy mo presiueni is rirst ja. j',. njamin, F'irst Infuutry, at Warm gs agency, Oregon. e fruit growers' meeting was largely ded Saturday, and much informa- -vas given relative to handling fruit. .Mr. Clark left for the fruit ranches v. O. I). Taylor. til within tho last few days the prospects 01 crook county were good, but the recent heavy frosts killed nearly everything. favored localities. '!U lawn hocial to have been given at thillomeof Mrs. 1). M. French will be M 'Mrs. Smith French's instead. A vary pleasant time is expected. Ad imMon'o cents, including refreshments. In honor of the anniversary of tho Bluration of independence all business Hnscs will be closed tomorrow. Take jr choice of the various programs for customary entertainment, and give wife aud little ones a country airing. 1 high Gourlay, editor of the Golden- lu Sentinel, will deliver the Fourth of y oratiou at Goldendale. The Moro liball club will phty the Goldendale that day. Much interest will be w, as there are some good players on sides. rley und Muck's Anita won tho fifth ' "t the Portland truck Siiturduv. A ll paper says : "None of her rivuls in Lflhe ruce haduny business tosturt against i UUitii' with an idea of winuini? llrt iioney, for she was their peer hi till tho Rnltlles essential to success." On the fourth page Is an advertise lent showing how a first-class magazine 111 be secured at small cost in coiuiec 011 with Tin: Ciiuosici.e. McOlure's ugaJuu Is a new publication in all kspectH tho peer of any high-priced feugtiKliio published. Glance at the list saved. 1 Stein's Pillow is a rectangular rock 'JO to 1U feet in diameter, that rises to a height of "ri0 to 700 feet, according to different estimates. It is larger at the toji than at the bottom, aud stands in , the june timber on the south bank of I Mill cieek, about eighteen miles east of Prineville, Crook county. One of the best schools in Crook county is the one taught by Miss Phro nia Sullivan at the Claypool school house on Ochoco creek. Although taught in the district school house, this is purely a subscription school. Miss Sullivan has an enrollment of twenty, but only eighteen in attendance. Seven of these are boys and eleven are bright little girls. Got HIk Money ItueL. Walter Haight of Cow creek canyon was swindled out of .f lf by the short change racket circus day. In changing a f"0, there was three if.j and four $1 bills given him, nnd when he kicked for the other dollar, the fellow apologized for the mistake, re-cotinted the money and gave back five $1 bills. Haight de termined not to be beaten if he could help it, and followed the circuH to Port land where he again met his man face to face. He at once procured a warrant for his arrest and presented it, when the swindler compromised by paying back the $15, and all expenses incurred by Haight in making the trip. IMfttliiKUlxhrtl CiitliolliK. the fact is, thev have an excellent i "Letters to dranma" tiie to .vilte. teacher, Miss Kmily Houfc, who has given the best of satisfaction to her patrons and deserves well, of all inter ested in the education of the rising gen eration, j The Hull ;:inie. Now Mary l'owcll. little tict. : Wu hae not ti;jl;en of her yet; I llrK'ht nn dew dr i in tho m:ii. 1 The faee of tlii' deui little 01 e I Ileum.' forth upon 11 woild with love I Like anp'l face' from above. j The bo ' upon lhe other hide , claim our attention nnd our pride, ; We now will have it understood TVhat a' 11 rule they re pictty trnod: An interesting contest will be the bate 1 hey mean much Letter then they seem ball game at Hood Kiver tomorrow Theie is good material in both teams, but on account of a lack of sufficient practice our boys will have to fight hard to win. Following are the pobitionK : noon i:ivi:i:, I). Kand . . . . C. Lucky. . . . W. Strauahan . . C. Early Geo. Column . . J. P.. Hunt A. I "and J. E. Kand. L. Morse Till: DALLLs. .c . F. Saunder- . p E. Howell .h. s... N.Johnson lb J. livrne . ' b 15. Phelps .'.)). li. Maloney If. .K IvOgan of. M. Jameson .r f . E. Patterson lhouL'h mischief in tiieirec- doth beam. f We hope in futme yeatb to know, t , 11 j 1 iir lull li 111 hi ' )i iiiiv muj 1,1"" t 1 eaen inny well 111' atnway ireau. In either, winning f 'tne. or bre:d. .May mii'tt-r well life h ii'eful tii'Vs, Anil never wear tiirouuli lile mch musks . ener o er u MrtUoU' heatt, And in di'honor 'hine in part: Ai ! hlcher my ho s. leueh out your hand. I'luek only ripe fruits from th" land; And L'anier well nil 'hemes 1 ferula That otheis p:i"inby di'daiu. i.'t niiunt nut imtesi uiu'eis crown Vonr lnanlv blow, and !, t ienovll Weave hri;ite't ehaplel' 'lounil your name. Work well for wl'ihuii, honor, finie: lake le'soti' from the nne tree' nn;n, I'hat jiroudly tower toward the sky, nillK' iia our iih oeen 'pi ni iinsui noontide stoop- to ki the niKlit.' Wt! nro determined to make largo sales, therefore we will make cuts In prices that will surprise you. Here are a few prices to suit the hard times for the present; 20 yards Print Calico, for $1.00 3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for. .. .25 2 36-inch Linen Towels, for .25 3 Bathing Towels (Turkish), for .25 2 Fancy Tidies, for .25 Parasols, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Gaps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c. Everything in proportion. Save moiiev wlii.e oii have the opportunity. JJThis sale is good for. '!() days' onlv. Come and bring your friends. You won't icgrct it., U'hl r Monsignore Satulli, papal ablegate and archbishop of Lepanto, is expected to arrive in Portland early this week. He will bo accompanied by Archbishop Ire land, of St. Paul; Ke'v. Thomas O'Gor man, I). D., and seveial other distin guished prelates of the Koman Catholic church. When Archbishop Gross, of the Oregon see, was in New York attend ing the council of archbishops last fall, he met Monsignoro Satolli, and having been told that ho intended to visit Cal ifornia this summer, invited him to visit Portland and tho northwest. The invi tation was cheerfully accepted, and ac cordingly tho ablegate will ho the arch bishop's guest during his stuy. Our people should offer the party the pleas ures of a trip up the Columbia to Tho Dalles and tho fisheries. They would doubtless enjoy it hugely if the invita tion was extended. J.ATKit. The Catholic gentlemen ar rived in Portland at 7 o'clock this morn ing and will leave this evening for San Francisco, UUOMH TO KKN1', Furnished rooms to rent. Apply at the residence of Mrs. C. N. Thorn bury, Second street, Tho Dalles, Or. u PERSONAL MENTION. Hon. Hobt Mays came in this morning. Joe Worslev has returned to the citv. I Sin 1 1 1,1 v i. .tiimlv .iitrti"it iniitlTv will: ! lie brave, be true, be kind, be (rood, lie uprint, nonisius you siumm; Title to ourielc, Uue to ijod, Leave clean the pathway that you've trod. f. ,, ,. , ,,, , , . "Miueri uuieK, 'oineiinie oui oi s' li'on, Ueo. J'urlingame, of Cleveland, Ohio, is quite persistent in Undine a h-h'oh ur cause lor Mien ui'i'ipuue smeuy eiuureeu, U'uMiik nil piny from an i.iiiornivoreeo. returned vesterdav Mr. Edwin Mavs came from thr country this morning. Mr. I). E. Thomas, postmaster at Dufur, was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Fairfowl are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J of . a. Portland .Schenek. lien;'' -111110 and Cliarlev. tell W'h 1! 1 I you CUI1. is trvlm; the baldest to make a ko d man; And O'car und ISowl. both w illini,' nnd true, Thev strive for the be-t in whatever the)- do; And Willie Koot'' i.'o'inini; of lu'yiu1! It fuir While standint,' erect, with military nl In fact weuie all iUlte a k.v hit of elves'. We know we must 'tudy and learn for ourselvc. Then It' work haul we must Itoin morning till Anil e'en th'o' the lemons son hard at first sitrht, We'll strhe to do battle foi honor and rlfjlit. For th!' we clo know life'' journey's beKiiu, Then bend to the oar, bn. bend every one. tei. bo. steer your own uariiue uirli lil'es ehanuel, the way seem- I'th ilnrk : I Jlut with a 'tromrcirni yoiiil keep to the rinht, n...,..t.. (ji.,.tic m . 11 . I And dm lh?ht m I' liow tne uarKiiess 01 uigm. Deputy Sherill Pliirman returned last ' Then sunshine, not shadow, will follow your night from .Salem, where lie took Joptha l way, Fox, an insane patient from Tho Dalle' Tlms HkIiiIiik the pathway for others eaeh day. va, iiiruiit. Hum jiii, jj.iwus. V(1U t ll0It im,e lipp,thU' journeying aloiiB, Miss Minnie Fri-lni'm nml t..wt.i- t-iiiKli'K thloiiyh life lt iint beautiful souk Hie b. r I .'. V";. . i.,rA' " ;1 THfN.HK tnat w, wafnH Horn lliltaln through iiiiiiiii uuiii i urii.iiiu io- sea A. K. Dufur, wife and daughter and Mrs. C. P. IJalch are in from Dufur today. T , ,, , , i ueu oeninu me Hon. J. p. Caples was a passenger for into dear watei. La Grande today, lie will deliver the I feH"Kit tliMUKh oration there tomorrow. Ask vour dealer Stove Polish. for Mexican Kilver Use Mexican Silver stove polish. Mexican Silver etove polish causes no duet, day, where Miss Freiman has been vi uing. Miss Maybel Mack returned home last night from San Francisco on ac count of the serious illness of her giund mother, Mrs. Oilman. Sherill' Ward returned from Uurnt Ranch today, looking a little the worse for wear. He states that the rve crop is excellent, but that grain in general is no better than it might be. norm. AintivAi.s. Columbia Mark Kane, Hoena; Win; '""'"I .'ii-.Ki, i .u.iioh,i; il31SOU ami daughter, Portland ; J I'anstron, Victor arljy, (.jolueniiale; b Ulcen, John An derson, H Anderson, Chenoweth ; J Stewart, Antelope; Jt Murray, High Prairie; K Hunt, I'lalocks; A Doeber, Dallas; P F Bradford, L P Lorsau, White Salmon. '1 be son:? thxt was eanulit by (,'ollimbla'h lircee: '1 lie mjhk of all Mini tliiointh theiiues hus been; The sons: that rial I tell oi inleniplioii from sin; 'I'he boni: that shall eeliothiout;li lorestand Kleii, la "l'eaeeon eaith. (,'o. d will tonll men." ftlAltltll'IK A double wedding oceuried vesterdav at 11 a. m. at the lesideucu of Mrs', Obarr. Tho parties weio I). W. J'Iosmiiii ... i. .11.: m i ,h .. in m, uuiiii ji)uir ana v ll li loll ,Mc- ,,J . , , ,. Hunnell to Miss Stella Turnholt. Kev. I 1llM ,l!""-',l.v M"-'n,li t0 lmvu 11 I-"t!ii!iar m:..i...n .1 .1... . i i.i . (.. ..l.t ..... ,...i.. ii in. I'licneii lieu tne umiuie KtlOV. iijium vi in i.-uei iinj; i ujihi i un;o ni uiny y in cas-es of la grijijio, but in all diseases Getyoui ijRiiuui? imnu irum S. &Tf. of thr01lt( cll,fcl ltll,i ,UI1H ,, lm(J L.lirc(, Hurris. cases of asthma and hay fever of long or "" fctandihg. Try it and bo convinced. Jt KoomB to rent at Kev. A. Horn's resi- won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at deuce on Ninth street. O-'JIidaw, Snipes & Kinersly'a drujf store. Cor. court anil second sis. Tfte Dalles, Oregon. S. & N. HARRIS. Siriu ll Suit. Di'f Gills, Fancy Goods and jSTotions. Clothing, Hats. Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in everv department. All goods will be sold at greaUy reduced prices. H. Herbriiip-. Terms Cash. O J. H. CROS At tho Old .Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. fiay, Graii?, peed apd plotir, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Oixsalx iprvici for ETg.g.s crtinica. JEsoix.l.t2?-ym All goods delivered Free and Promptly. The California Winehoase, Niillee. As the number of passengers tomorrow is limited, thote wishing; to e,o to Hood Kiver had better jet their tickets this evening. Tickets must be purchased bo foit) going on board in the morning. Hood Kiver ami return, GO cents. Cas cades and leturn, ffl. Kegulator will leave at S a. m. W. (.'. Ai i.awy, (ieneral Agent. I. a irliie. During the jiievaleiue of tho grijipo the past seasons it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon Dr. "fang's -New Discovery, not only had a spVody recovery, but escaped all of the tiftiiblesome after clleots of tho malady. ( 4 Ts now' open, and L )roduced Wine at T- Also, best Peanut f to be I'ure and Fi 1 its proin-ietoi' will sell his home- it prices in the reach of everybody. s to be iound. uoods guaranteed!lass in every resnect. Thompson's Addition. C- BECHT. Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalle., Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate- patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Macks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOjVI. Also, can furnish First CIh-h accommodations to teamsters with freight or driving teams, having added to their stables largo feed i in; and wagon room. Commercial Patronap Solicitei. Have Vou Seen THE f Spring Millinery Goods AT 112 Socond Street. ANNA PETER SCO. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN B-OO-KS 1 A. T I. C. NICKELSEN S.