Ik s - Y fiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL 1'Al'F.Il OF DALLES CITY AND WAJCO COl'KTY. AMERICAN WOMEN. The American woman is nothing it not sensible, ami most of the extreme fashions have to be modified in order to be well received by her. MU. I'lltKHK IlEAKST, widow 0118- tor Hearst, proposes to csiooimu . v-tnmcc at The Dalles. OreRon, home or destitute boys on a farm ot . - vond-cl r hundred and fifty acres near ban J - ' - Francisco. ' RATES. jiIat! ji.vr.ioN Tiieu's, only daughter tSADVANcn. t th ux.minister to Germany, is en ? ' caged to be married to Dr. Franz J on , ? w ) iiothonburg, under secretary of state , g co i of Germany. 0 w ; Of Airs. Olncv, wife of the attorney ItRON- pentrtil. the reporters have been able , to le-irn little, except that she belongs , to a fine old Sew Kngland family, is ' exclusive and has two married duugh- ! Ji. William Tell Your Father that we fell SWE ORR&COS, ti. in. y. in. '. m. li a. ni. I . m. m. . n. m. & ii. tn. ,i 9' a. m. , ter. j Mrs Susannah Ckahwick. of Empo rium. Fa., is a revolutionary pensioner , ! and receives twenty-five dollars per i month. i"he is seventy four Vot , ! tufv and the daucmer oi i.ieiu. i-.nu" j Chudwick. who servwl in the New I sev militia. " .ler- OVER STEEL RAILS. n.i stur.ly . ; Mam. car No. ?0O on the Erie railroad TTidio is-ecarded as unlucky by trainmen. : Tirrv :ti -tprtauslr discus-ving n .111. ISP" T-....1-...! .th.. iro4ft ni buildiasr a ll .Lb 1...... . .- J ' .( ...mtilrwr briftee dV) loot nign. aim Even- time congress takes a long va- j can-vine two railway tracks, acros the ration one or more of the senate com- English channel. The estimated cost mittees uhm what is commonly called a i is L "junketing Smn.n.ivi carriare wol'e auoi- ibetl on the Cambrian railway., in Wales on May . The only classes now will be first and third. The -iixmti.m of the intermediate ela&- is becoming general on railroads in treat liritain. Paybox Tvckeii. the general man- the Maine Central railroad, re- eeutlv adopted the novel ocial ex- trip." A senator rises in his place toward the closing hours of the : busy short session and presents a lormai : resolution granting permission to a committee to pursue an investigation during tlie recess. The resolution is passed, and when congress adjourns half j nirer of t. . . ..t. .t...: : I eeutlv iv a aozeil seinuurr- wm f i ,.- . . .,,,.tn;ir- l,U fr onds nt on a special train and go careering out statioa isl iirtland, having a receiv Into the west at public expense. "No j t-on in tht, 0ccs anu a dinner in the matter what the subject of their iavesti- j station dining-room. gation is, they almost invariably get Fourth of July. out at San Francisco and there are , chances that they will take a side trip - tk,kets to Alaska beiore returning east. The1 1 , , , T- , to Hootl P.! ver and Cascades, 0 cents. late Senator Plumb of Ivansas in one ot 1 lu liis sarcastic speeches, for which he wa - Kiowur for sale. famous, suggested that the senate ought I have all styles of wires, including to furnish a man for Mr. Hoar's select Odd Fellows. K. of P., and Masonic de- committee on Relations with Canada. I sign. Even thin because when it had been last heard I from it was looking for tiie northern boundary of the United States in the, southern part of Caliiorijia. There was a good deal of fun over Mr. Plumb"? speech and the newspaper comments on 1 it; but it was never explained that the committee went south on a special train J furnished bv Senator Stanford, who i tions furnished on reasonable, dim for floral decora iiort notice. Prices Mrs. A. C. ?rrn'.!v.. 1 Cor. Kii:ntli anu I-itm. I Go to :.. vimis f'.r $1 Harris ior fine prints ; 20 I Captain eene, L". S A., San i Diego. Cut., 'ays: '-Shiloh's Catarrh IJemedy i? the first medicine I have ever found that wouid do me anv gnod.'' died a few days ago, to visit his ranch at i price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes iV Kinersly. Palo Alto. ' ' T" " : Secretary Morton says, in a letter to ' J. F. Lee of Kansas, which has just been ! made public : "The continued purchase of 4,300,000 ounces of silver per month is very debilitating to the gold reserve ' in the treasury of the United States. Plainly stated, in a wild Western way, the question now is, which will hold out the longer, the gold of the United States or the silver of the whole world. It would be a good object lesson in monev fallacies if the government coald legally tender 412S..-grains silver dollars in pay ment for silver bullion, which it buys each month under the compulsory pro-1 visions of the Sherman act. The giving of an ounce of silver bullion, which con-! tains 480 grains of silver, for a dollar, ' which contains only 412'.. grains of sil-, Ter, would soon teach its advocates that , money with the stamp of the govern- j ment is merely a certificate of weight . and fineness of com, and not an en hancement of the metal it contains. If the government can by coinage create an artificial value of 45 cents to an ounce , of silver, why can not the government create a 100-cents value in any kind of 1 metal that it niav coin and stamp 'one dollar.'" U Vf - Wi)O.FCR A CASE IT WILL NOT CURE. B An nsrreeable Laxative and A"ERVE TO.N 1C. Sold bv Drusffists or sent by mall 25c. 60c , and Sl.COper package. Sumptes free II A l00 Favorite ZZCZZ ZiTTZZZ A.W n.wforthe Teetb andBreatii.Sjc. For sale by Snipes - Kinersly. Taken in time, even Consumption yields to tho wonderful effects of Dr. Tierce's Golden "Medical Discovery. It won't make new lungs but it will make diseased ones "healthy when nothinsr else will. There's reason for it, Ion. Consumption is Lung scrofula. For every form of scrof ula, and all Mood-taints, the " Dis covers is a positive euro. It's the most potent strength - restorer, blood - cleanser, .and flesh - builder known to medical science. For "Weak Lung;., Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, 'Asthma, Catarrh, and all lingering Coughs, it's an une oualtHrrcmedv. It's a Guaranteed one. It it uoo.'ii t oeiiunt or vui v, von have your money back. You've everything to gain from it nothing to lo-e. It's especially potent in curing Tetter. Salt-rheum, Eczema, Erysip elas, Bnils, Carbuncles. Sore Eyes, Goitre, or Thick "Seek, and Enlarged Glands. Tumors and Swellings. Great Eating Ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influence. j the Dalles . i AND Prixeville Qj f Line J.D.PfiRISH, Prop. - Tin 'miles nt u a. in. evurv d.' . . nu .i .1-l'riui'vi:ii- m tblrty-sts hmir l.-. "i . iif a: n. m. every ilny, and it-r.vt.- at Tht- Dallt-n iu tljlrty-blx liour Carlies the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express ronnceu at l'riu'illc with j Staces from Eastern and Southern Or- egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. ' rio-e connejtinn nt Tin1 Dallo p itl: ' . tr. -ill i'ortland and Eastern pmnt ' :::-:j'uS driTiis. l . u tc:raraciiati03s along tie risd. ; F.rr.-ilajo Coacfiss and Hones mi. Einicss mm: Handled wiin sjecial care STAGE OFFICE'S; Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Easy-fitting Pants. Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! x - - We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING In every size, style . and price. Stag flJJlLlJIIIIIS&CO. I..;r. YOUR ATTEJfflOK Is called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, 'There ts a tide in the affairs of huh, taken at its flood leads on to fo'ttne." The poet unquestionably had roforenco to the Gisii -Obi Sale i Dealer in Glass :ind Ituihlin? Lime, Plaster, Cement Material of nil kinde. Furnitnre & Ml Carrie the 1'Jncnt I.lm nf- 31. Sielifl ScCn.'n Store, l'rlllc vllle. UniHtllln llnu Xli The Snug. -'"''"-Pictiiref ton No, W. H. BUTTS, Prop. i 90 Second Breet, The Dalles Or. Ask your Dealer -KOH THE- This well known stand, kept by the well known V. H. Butts, lonp a resi-1 dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi-' nary tine stock of " ' Sheep Herder's Delight aod Irish DiilurliaQC In met. all the leading brands of fin ' Wines, Liquors and Cipars. Give th old man a call and vou will eome airain ' Chicago elected Gov. Altgeld because of bis well-known socialistic tendencies, and he has paid the debt to the bomb throwers bj pardoning the Haymarket murderers. A vigorous howl has been j sent up from the state, and it is possible J the governor will be impeached. The j danger of admitting vicious and igno-; rant foreigners to citizenship finds no , more fitting example than in the action j of this foreign-born governor. If a leB eon is taught whereby our ports will be closed to further arrivals of this highly undesirable clas3 of people (they will never be citizens' it will be cheaply learned. Mi (lings To be found in the City. 72 CUashington Street. The Dalles Gigar : Factory FI-EaST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. Hand Made CllHRA .STORY, Art Teacher CIGARS ! Room S, JJettingen Building, WIli give Ijsoiii. Momluys mid Thursday of etch wt, or of ner if ileslred. the Best Brands manufactured, and orderu from all parts of the country filled on tne Htiortest notice. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.' MICHKLBACil BK1CK, - UNION ST. Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs lanndried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. W. E. GARRETS0N, Leading Jeweie r. I The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAK has become firmly established, and ; the demand for the home manufactured i article is increasing ever' day. A. ULRICH & SON. W. F. WISEMAX. IVM, MAKIIKKN. 5atisfa;ti09 Oarapteei About once in twenty years a financial crisis has struck the United States. You may ascrite all the eaues you wish to such things, but this fact appears. '"'" " "-fuks its level, and it seems that -eg is a part of the pro settle matters. The ill be bright nnd cool and con emocrat. h a kind of lied with a after my was taken iost every I said, let hoiera and e did, and ,tiink much t vas recom- SULK AUKNT FOK TIIK M. A. GUNST & CO. SOLE AGENTS, PORTLAND, OREGON. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints. Lame Back, dec or AI.I Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Kkcoiii) St.. The lallen, Or. A. WESOLO, i The Boston Tailor, East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. J'nrffct J-'lt ;unriiilnl. WINHNS J. F. FORD, Evaielist, DH. SAHDEN'S ELE With Electro-MacrMtlo ..ni cure wiinout mllcln all raltlnr from I eiccudprlmli. irmaese, uniruor iam ielt JlPIfisoRr. rt..iur, iietliel, cprtton. u nrrou Ueblllty. alpl oo cent bottles j xfouhton, Drug-1 '11 I'.VST. .a lurnifliieu rooms, suitable ..But housekeepiiiK. Inquire at Mr. Luur'b atore, Second street. ucufeiuf Uwaus difiS SSi" thS,. Yours. Mil A- iniion Molnvs, Iowa, writes under datr iliirch S3, WJ3: B. Med. Mfo. Co., Uufur, OreK'on. Oentlemen : On iirriving home last week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our little L-irl, eiht and one-half years old, who had wasted awav to 38 pounds, is now well, stroii" and vigorous, and well fleshed up. s. U. Cou-h Cure has done ts work well. Both of the children like U. lour h. 11. f"nnr)i fnr 1 and kept away all hoarsenesH from me. one, with greetings prosperity, we are Miih. J. F. Fpitu. (fliseman & Marders, Saloon aod Wine Roods The Dalles, - Oregon. HE NEW TOWN rum Ix-on platted (in the nld cuinji Kround, nt tlx: Korku nw) I Kulla of IIimkI river, with Inrtre.hlL-litly iotH.liriiiiil Ntmitmtiid uIIuvh, uihhI bu and tmrewiiter.wltliMlmdeiii irii(iiMioi),vr(e!t(lriiiiiUKC,di!llKlit(iil mriuntalii cllmiite, tliecentrul iittructiim nun inuuntulii mmincr rcnort fur nil Orvemi, beint; the ntiireMt town to Mt. HoimI. It Ix iiii)imiUu!cc ax u iniiiiiifiivtiiriiii; center, being tlie niitnriil eeuter (or lM) niinre nillex or tlie lient cednr null lit tirnlMT, jiocvesnliiK mlilioiiK of iiore-i)wer in it dimliini; HtruiiiiB mid tvutcr iall.f, enniiv liurneMK'd. Wlicm i'hinti miittvii ixuvcr i!kIkU. tlifni tin. ni.niii luclorlra will center, surrounded by noII nnd eliiiiute tluit ciiunot Us excelled inij-wherf for fruit mid iirlculture, mid with triiii))'irtatioii nlrendy ithnurue you will tind thin the place to miike u jierfeet lioinr nr u iaylui; liiveotmeiil TITLE PERFECT see me on tne ground, or address me at Hood River "Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. 'NorthwoMt mme of Kpcnnrl nnrl Court HtreetH. nu ue un cirtU by IbU fumlouiilni . . ttmw4 wwwrj uuKr nntm. "" " tOHTLAxi oU. 60 nu p, bottle by .11 JruttUU. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowlH. Xjll3.t 1 fnl"t?,".ul5,"!,""';el freah o'"1 cheerful, hii ' .?,!. ii?Srrii"8 "J",.' cl-e your Kjntvi lid reudy in with two or 20 eggs. . Address: l6-2,lm 2.0) a.oo K. M. IIAKKIMAN, Endersby, Or. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs m Roofim MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kmt Tl 1 . i i . i m