el)c Hulks Chronicle. VOL. VI. THE-DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 3, 18W. NO. 15, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. I'llbltHhol Dally, Sunrtnj- Kici-ptcd RV THK CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, Onriicr StM-mul hiiiI WiiHtiltiRto'i Street. DhIIci., Oregon. Tm iin of Hiibtcrllitloi' fei Year Per month, ly currier tiltiRlc copy The If. 00 60 N'u . Arrive TIME TA Itl. ICS. Itallrnailf. KAST IIOUKK. ll:f I'. M. Departs 11. W r. M. 1 . Uh V. M WK.VT 1I0I1NM. No. 1, Arrives ;!:0. A. M. Departs r,:10 A. M. 7 " 4:'.!ir. M 4 : 1 . 21. Twoloeiu (relRhtstlmt carry passt-UKcr leave 'j tu- for thu west nt T (l a m., itliel one for the oust lit 'J lf a. v.. Kor i'rinevllle, via Hake Oven, leuve dully Vr Antelope, .Mitchell, llntiynn City, leave dully nt a. m l'or lmfur, KlliRslev, Winnie. Ua.lnltia, Warm ttpriiiRs pud TyKh Valley, leave dally (except riundu'.'j at G a. m. For l.oldendale. Wash , leave every clay of the reek except Mimlay at T a. m. Ottirch for all lines at the Umatilla House II, n:6i'usMNAi" II KUDK1.LAttoi:NKY-at Law Otlice Court Street, The Dalles, OrcKtm. E. I!. IlUFCI'.. FKANK ME.NKFEK. Dll'TK, fV MK.NT.KKE - ATTORNEYS- AT-law-Kooiiis 12 unci -n, over I'ost Oltlce Itnlldltip, Lutrunee on Washington otreet l'he Dalles, uregon. , - IIKNNr.TT, VTTOKNKV-AT-I.AW. Of A. flee in nclmiiui-V building, up fctuirn. The Dalles Oregon. r. r. xayb. n. h.hintisotok. h. h. vrn..io. M. Yn, Hl'NTINGTON it WILSON ATTOR-jikys-at-:.aw -Otlices, French's block over t'irtit Nutlnnal JIuuL. h Dalles. OreRon W II WILSON ATTOr.NKY-AT-I.AW - ItoomH M . French A. Co.'s bank buildtiiK, faecond ritrcot. The Iiiilles, Oretton. DK. KdllKI.y.A.V (llOM.KOrATIIICl 1'HYfilCIAN and HfltOKOK. Culls utiHHered promptly, ay or ni&ht, city or country. Ottite .So. Maud C7 C.'Impiuiin block. wtf DK. O. 1). DOANK PIIYHICIAN AND Sllli okon. Otlice; rooms 6 and 6 C'lmpman Block. ISehlduiice1 5- K. corner Court and Kourth Htreets, see mil door lrom the corner. Oflico hour t to 12 A. M., "2 to 6 and 7 to 8 1'. M. O-IDDALL Dentist. Gas Riven for the . jkIiiIci-h eitraetlou of teeth. Also teeth t on now ud aluminum plate. Koorus: 31ru of :ht (i.ldtn Tooth, Second btreet. MtCIUTIISft. H7AM1U LODUK, NO. 15, A F. A A. M.-Meets M 11 mt and third Monduy of each month ut T r. m. DAl.l.Ea KOYAL AKC1I CHAl'TF.K NO. ('. lleets in Miinmlu Hull the third Wedne.sdiiy ol each mouth ut 7 1'. M. MODF.RN WOODMKN OF THK W01U.1). Mt. Hood Camii No. Ml, Meets Tuesday eeu liiRof each week In fraternity Hall, ut 7:!!U p. m. COU'.MHIA I.ODC1K, NO. 8, I. O. O. F. Meets eery Friday evenlmr at 7::K) o'cha-k, In K. of 1'. hall, corner oecond nnd Court streets. BoiournliiK brothers ure welcome. U. CI.OU0H, See'y. H. A. IIii.i.m.N. (i. I7HIKNDfiHII' 1.0D0K.N0. it., K. of l'.-Mc-ts " every Momlny eveuiiiR at 7:!fU o'c1(kj:, In tchuiiiio'sbuIl(llnR, corner of Court and Second itreets. SoJourniliR members are cordially in rited. W. ri. Cham, D. W.Vai'hk, K. of K. nnd B. C. C. AB3KMlil.y NO. 1S'T, K. OF I..-.Meets in IC. of 1. hull the second and fourth Wedues dayr of each mouth at 7;!W p. m. VirOM KN'B CHHIHTIAN TKMl'Kl'.KNCK I'MON will moet every Friday afternoon ut 8 o'clock ut the reudiuR room. A 11 are Invltetl. Harmon IhIro No. Ml. I. O. O. T.-Ui'RUlur w-t-kly iiieetliiRt Friday at h . M., n Friitenuty Hall. All are Invited. L. ('. Ciikihman, C. T. It. I'. I'J.WK, He 1-MJMl'I.K KOlXiF. NO. IS, A. O. U. W.-. Meets In Fraternity Hall, over Kellers, mi Second street, 1 liursduy evenlliRs ut 7::iJ. ... , J'.iur. Kuf-.n-. W.H Myekh, Financier. M. W. IA8 NKriMITH l'O.ST, No. S'.', G. A. U, Me-ts fj every huturday ut 7:iM I-. m., In the K. of 1'. Hull. J OF 1- K. -Meutsoveryhunduy ufterjioon in ) the K. of 1'. Hull. "i KKANli VKKHIN Meets every JT eveliliiR In the K. of 1'. Hull. htiii'tu J) OF I.. F. DIVISION, No. Ki7-M.vts In J. K. of 1'. Hull the hrst und third Wednes day of each mouth, at 7 'M i: n. J'lfK :ill'KCIIKH. QT. j'KTKHH CHl'ltC'H -llev. Father Huons O okeht I'aalor. Low Musi every Sundav ut 7 a. m. HIrIi Miivs ut 1U:;;ia.m. Vespers ut TP, X. CT. J'Al'LH CIUMtCH -Ciilon .itreut, opiK-slto 0 Fifth. Itwv. Kill). Hutcllll'c Kccti.r, .Services "very Hiimluy ut Jl a. ji. mid 7:H0p. f. Sunday tichoolt lO A. t. K veiling i'luycrou Friday ut IIKKT llAI'TlriT CHl'liCH -itev. 0. D. TAY- .i ''as'tor. MoriiliiR kvivIui-h every nub h'lth at the academy at U a. m. hubh.illi hciiool liiiniedlately after liiortiluu mrvlm-s. 1 riiyer iiieettiiR Friday eveuiiiR at I'astor's rl VV' l"!rvl'l'H I" tbo court housu ut pONf-IM.f.ATIONAJ, CHintCH-Uev. W. ('. UtUi-, I'ustor. Horvlcemivery hiiuilu) at 11 a. m una I p, si, hundny oehoul after morniui; Horvli-e htruujieru coidlully iinlliKl. K-aU free. M). .1' ItClf. Itev. J Wk. .1.1:11, pa-ttor. . b'T'. lei s i-sury-r.-l , , t ii'it; ut 11 u. In. rii i. hi H-ti.xil at i ii . ,.MK i- ji. i.worlh I.I I'll' 1 ,AI I- M 1 , '1 'I I I'M'I-IIIK 'I , 'i , I Vll..'. ..I . ( tM,(J( I 1- n, ' t) II I pworlh in.- I , ii' every V ( -'Idlul In or n"i I . op.e IIII.I-'IIAN I IH'KI H llBV. .1. S..ir.-Ki( , 1 r'l-iiihiiii.' hi im. i .,!,, 1 ,.,iu ,, ' '' '' " 1 -.ill.-. Dm . t . r m .1. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A (iK.NKUALHANKINO HII81NKSH "The Regulator Line" IjtterH of Credit issued available in he Kastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Iyjnis, San Francipco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or oiron and 'Washington. Collections made at all pointp on fay-1 oraltle ternin. Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. d. MCHENCK, I'resldctit 11. If. UK ALL Cashier. First Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - OREGON A General Blinking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. OIRKCTOKS, D. P. Thompson. .Ino. S. Schlnck. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A Lieise. H. aI. Be all. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OH. President - - - Vice-President, - Cashier, - - - - Z. F. Moody Chaklls Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK. SAN FKANC1SC0, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmitd & wagon shop General Blacknmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street opp. Licbe's old Stand, House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181,TheDalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JBVELBE; : : Wiitclics mid Jewelry rcjinlred to order on hliort notice, und MitUfuctiuu i;uuriint.fd AT THK Ntoru or J. C. Mi'kcUon. Ht.The Ilallu Chas. Allison, -Dculcr In Headquarters at Ohas. Lauor's. Hiivinij. liml n line lmrvcat of naturiil ice the oeht 111 Uin wi ild, I mil preure-l to furnlt-h In miy fjunntlty mid at bottom pi Ices. CHAS. ALLISON. C. F. STEPHENS, O ISA. I, l K IN Dry Goods THROUGH Freigiii ana PassenperLine Through daily Fcrviee 'Sundays ex cej)tedj letveen The Dalles and" Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. 111. connecting at Ca&cade Ijocks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. IWSSENGKIt IIATKS. One way. . . . Round trip. ..'.00 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY, OenernI Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Gttueral Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON OUT ptfesh Paint! W. O. Gilkkut hereby send Ills comiiliments to every friend And enemy -ii be lias miy Be they few or be they runny. The time for palatini; now hii come, And every one desires a home That looks fresh und clean and new, At- none but a tjood pHiuter cun do. filiating, papering and Klazlnc, too, Will make your old house look quite new. He will take your work either Hay, By the job or by the day. Jf you have work Rive him 11 call, He'll luke your orders, large or small. Kespectfully, W. C. GILBERT, I'. O. Box No. o, THL DALLES, OK. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, jwpular and reliable house has leen entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and repainte and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Rates reasonable. A koo1 restaurant attachec to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 76 Court Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. Has just received a fine line of Samples for sprlmr and Hummer Suitimrs. Come and See the New Fashions. Cleaning and Impairing to order. Satisfaction Kiiaranteed. CHAS. ADA1WS, Shoemaker S5 C LOTH I N G ! N 0 N oPay. l.oolx. Slums, lints, ICtc. Union St., opp. European House. " III ' I . I ' )" r 1 ch ml u jij I,, , One. lu., i"i ., i'ic Seooiid St., The Dalles. mini 1 PHOTOGRAPH CR Fir. 1 r Milium at tl ' - 10 i-i n.ilv nil fi-r btft pi rtiitU p 1 1 . WHAT WILL IT DO? The Question Now That Congress Has Been Called Together. A CORKKSl'OXDKXT SPECULATION The House K.vpcctcd to Repeal the Sherman Law, hut the Action of the Senate Doubtful. San Fhancisco, July 1. A special from Washincton to an evening paper frays: Now that the president has called control-? together the all-important question is, "What will it do'.'" As a matter of fact nobody can tell. The house, which in always more amicable to the executive than the senate, will probably repeal the .Sherman law, but not without a fight. Bland and the other free-silver men will exhaust every privilege allowed them under the rules to delay action, and will filibuster just as long as they are permitted. But it ir virtually fettled by the democrats that the rules of the next house will partake somewhat of the nature of the Heed rules. Filibustering will be re duced to a minimum. Indeed, it is no secret that the democrats of the house intend to follow very closely upon the Heed rules in some respects. The house will be organized in a hurry, under pressure from the president. Crisp will be re-elected speaker without oppo sition, lie will arrange the committees expeditiously, and in the meantime the committee on rules, which will be ap pointed first, will proceed to prepare a code of rules. There will bo certain provisions deliberately designed to pre vent the friends of silver from delaying 1 vote on the repeal of the Sherman act, and in the south end of the capital, at least, the president's programme will be carried out. The opposition in the senate will be more effective. Senators Stewart and Tones of Nevada, together with other sillver advocates, will make a deter mined fight. They will oppose the re peal of the .Sherman law unless legisla tion more favorable to silver shall be offered as a substitute. That will not be conceded. The republicans and dem ocrats who demand the repeal of the Sherman act, will ins-Ut upon its uncon ditional repeal. There will no be pre vious question in the senate; no way whatever of curtailing debate, except by fixing the hour for the final vote, and then makiiiL' it a question ot physical endurance. Senator Stewart is a long and enduring talker himself, and could consume a week at least. There is no way of changing the senate rules so as to cut off debate. That would not be tolerated. It would bo contrary to es tablished usages. The president him self has entertained doubts as to whether the majority of the senate would vote to repeal the Sherman act. lie is not yet entirelv convinced that the majority Mjill promptly show up on that side. Snpt. riirt-r Ki'hIkiih. WAsiiiNc.TON.July 1. Uobert P. Porter has resigned as superintendent of the census. His resignation is to uiko cueci right away. James 11. Wardle, a demo crat, who is now chief clerk of the office, will be designated to act us superintend ent, and if Porter's place is to bo filled may be appointed supennteiident. Mr. Porter has purchased the ' New York- Press, and will assume the management at an early date. Wardle was connected with the census ollico before Porter was made superintendent. Klcliiinl-iiii I'oiiim! Guilty. KosKiiritfi. Or., July 1. Guilty as charged in the indictment, was the ver dict of the jury in the trial of George l Kichardsoii, for attempting to wreck the north-bound ovciland passenger train lust .March. The defense called 110 wit nesses, relying on the weakness of thu prosecution for acquittal. Tho evidence was iiiiu'ly circumstantial, and not nearly so strong as at thu pioliminury examination. Hichmdsuu will appear for sentence next .Monday. l)l.i-ciK Nciu'Iiik ll-ntli. Liindov. July 1. Charlen Dol.essops was taken from tho prison hospital to visit his lather at La Chesnayo yester day, lie was leturned last evening to his hospital quarters, where lie will ic- main for tho next two months. Fer dinand Del.essops is very near death. Ho teemed yesterday to be moribund. J I Is utterance is almost unintelligible and his mind has virtually coated work ing. Jli physicians think lie will hardly live through next wool;, An UmkIiik itf Mlmu . 'J'uhoA, Wml)., July 2. The exoOi f-i-1 tl " ('1 ir-l'Ai do 1 ,ining rg' 1 t i" nit" ' 1 a von l il'o 1 tuiiipolt 'lb. nc-iiif'H Fiicmi PtaU'o train fr -in Wal lace was crowded, the buggago cur steps nnd ainlc.1 being taken- up with miners, merchants and all cIubskj who are leav ing that country. James Kirk, a hotel keeper at Wardner, said he hud closed his hotel and half the storea would bo closed inside of two weeks.. That coun try is practically killed. Ifc says fully 5000 persons will leavo the Caw d'Alene so soon as they can get away. There is no prospect of better times before next spring. Many have only money enough to live on a few weeks, when lie predicts suffering will result. fourth at Hood Klvcr. The following program is prepared for the fourth of July at Hood River. As a little observation will show, it is one of unusual excellence: K.-:i!ClhKS. Salute of 44 guns at sunriso. Parade of plug uglies at !) a. 111. Procession to form at corner of Oak and Third and preceded by band to inarch to grounds at 10:30 a. m. at Tin: oitou.vns. Music by band. Singing. Prayer, Rev. H. F, Gilt. Declaration Independence, H. F. Davidson. Music by band. Oration. Music. Basket dinner. Baseball at 1 p. m., between' The Dalles and Hood River. Tug of War. Races. Football between married and single men for Rugbv ball. Contest for ball by boys. I! ACT. 1'P.OGKAMMK. 1. Rooster race, first prize 25 cents. Entries to date, Guy Williams and Howard Hartlev. 2. Boys ten years and under, 50 yards dash, 1st 25, 2nd 15 cents. 3. Boys 10 to 1G years, 75 yds dash 1st 50, 2nd 25 cents. 4. Sack race, 50 vds 1st 50, 2nd 25 cts. 5. Free for all, 100 yds 1st $1, 2nd 50 cents. KNTItY KKE 10 CUNTS. G. Egg race, maidens and all ages, 25 yards and return, 1st box candy. 7. Ladies' race, 50 yds dash, to 1st and 2nd ice cream and other courtesies, (chaste salutes, if desired) by the judges. 8. Three leg race 50 yds, age or sex no bar, 1st 50, 2nd 25 cts. N iiok.sk u.u.ts. 1. Free for all, 2 heats, trial and dis tance handicap, 1st $2, 2nd $1. 2. Slow race (riders interchanged,! 1st $1, 2nd 50 cts. 5. Riding backward race, 1st 50, 2nd 25 cents. , Three entries will bo necessary for a start in all races except No.'s I of foot and 3 of horse. Other races and con solidation purses will be made up on tho grounds. Cut this out and pasto it in your hat. For entry see: J. II. FuiKii'soN, Sec'y. G. C. Jo.vns, Jit., Pres. Hood River Speed Association, Ollieial Starter. I. H. Bu n on. A Tulniiti-il lCilititr." lniriiiu the coinlim month, or tlio liciitcil l-i-rlo-l, those who nic trnclliiK'or coiitoiiiplHtliiK 11 trii uwiiy from hoiiioshonlil icml thu l'c -1 1 1 i 1 11 K Ictti-r fiom 11 liiilliiillt iiihUm'II known cilltur hii-I provlilu themschet HKUinst nltiicLh of hcn-lm-lit-imil illzIiii'-i" HKNTl.n.Mi'.N I had occii-.l.m to iims several boxes of Kniiim's llcinlachi rapsnlcs while tluvullUK to 1 lilciiKii loniicnil tne .Miliontil ncin ocrntlc Convention, They nctcil lllie 11 ehiinn In pruvenllnK headache iiiki ill.lnes llnve liml ety little heiiilachc 1 luce my return, which is remit! Uahle. Vonis ic-icet(nll.v, John l. siiai mt. IM. IU novo, I'u., )ti . it!. I't-r sale hv lthil;clc, A; HoiikIiIoii, I'lv-dipti m DlilKKl-il, 176 .Second i-t,, Thu Dulles. Or. SlieiiKtli anil Health. If you are not. fooling strong and htalthy, try Fleotrii- liiltois. K "hi grippe" has loft you weal; and woiv , use Klectrh-Bittcis. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach ami kidneys, gently aiding those organs to poil'orni their functions. If you nroiilllictodwith sick headache, you will liml speedy ami permanent iclief by taking Fleotrlo Hitters, One trial will convince you that this is tho remedy you need. Lai go bottles only 50c. at Snipes tV Klneinly's drug store, .Money to 1,01111, 1 have money to loan 011 short, time loans. " Gi:o. W. Rowland. ON THE SIDE OF SCIENCE. Fot;itTi;:. minor pianola were discov ered during April, bringirifr the total number of .small planets known to ilTfi. Piiok. l)oi,iii:.it sayti a powerful search light could project abeam to Mitrs in four minutes which could be .seen and responded to if they have the apparatus we have. Sm John Himscifix says that if :t .solid cylinder of ice, tr. miles in dia meter and 'JOO.OOO miles loner, were plunged end first, into the sun, it would melt in a second of time. Scientists have succeeded in meas uring tho, thickness of soapy water in a bubble. When showing the shade of violet, it watt one-fourth the thickness of a violet wave of light, that is, about, 1-2411,000 of an inch. Tin: position of tho lamprey euls has been reviewed by Prof. Howes, who thinks that instead of being primitive forms, they are aberrant flsh-Iike forms, which have lost their lower jaw, their sucking1 mouth having been sec ondarily acquired. MISSING LINKS. All animals whoso habitat is the arctic regions turn white in winter. Ovi:n a hundred nowtulegraph offices were opened in India duringthe first three months of this year. A roirriwr. was missed by Henry Mun son, who died recently in Now Haven, Conn. lie invented the device by which frun-barrols are bored, but neglected to patent it. Tuami's rarely visit Edtnore, Mich., more than once. When they are caught in that town, tho marshal puts them in the jail reeeptwn-room, builds a roar ing lire for their comfort, and then sprinkles pepper on the stove. Somi: oni: of a curiously mathematical turn has calculated that a pound of spider's webbing unwound would be long-enough to reach round the world, with enough left over to reach from New York to San Francisco. POSTAL NOTES. About 1"S,000,000 envelopes are used in this country annually. Is 180 J there were 417,591 miles of post routes in this country. Mom: than 00,00;i stamps aro said to be found every year loose in the letter boxes of the United Kingdom. A m:w postage stamp was issued by the Italian post office on the silver wedding day of the king and queen, bearing portraits of the king and queen. Tin: sum of twelve cents has been received by the United States treasur er, to be placed to the credit of the conscience fund, from a man who says he violated the postal law in using postage stamps twice. "Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers," was a lino of alliterative non sense, that the children used to say. Nowadays they can practice on tho Per fect, Painless, Powerful Properties of Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. It will impress a fact which will bo useful to know. These Pellets cure sick head ache, bilious attacks, indigestion, con stipation and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They are tiny, sugar- coated pills, easy to take, and, as a lax ative, one is sufficient for a doso, No more groans and gripes from the old drastic remedies! Pierce's Purgative Pellets aro as painless as they aro perfect in their effects. Iliicklcn's Aiuii'ii Sulf. The best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever soriH, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively euros piles, or 110 pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money lofunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Nile, by Snipes t Kin orsly. Fldor S. S. Betivor, of McAllisterville, .liinialta Uo., Pa., says his wife is subject tocntmpl'i the stomach. Last sununor she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dinrrhu-a Homody for it, and wnH much pleased with the Hjieedy relief it aU'oidoil. She has since used It when ever necessary and found that it never fails. For sale by l'.lakeley A; Houghton, Druggists. Shiloh's Vilalizor is what you need for fl.Cppopala, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. Ii is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 74e, Sold by Snipes Ivinorsly, druggists. wood, vvoon, woMti. Best grades of mil,, llr, ami slab con I wood, al lowest market rates at Jo T. I't lorn ic Co. (Ollico .Second ami .loller son streeto nrTf rivumiM irn arrg I i iin-i foil rlirrnn ir-mTTW, I T """" " Highest of all in lA-avoning Power. Latest J. S. Gov't Report. W' dtM ri'ir,