i t Si I I I i 1 II v i i l I i- ii. i-:iili ikin rain Cfj The dalles Daily Chronicle. jjftYE YOU TMfcD UKU6& JUlU nutti 71 txvn A Cl'RB I or. , RKEiJMATSSM, LUMBAGO, SC5A.TS5 KIDNEY, UVER and BLADDER OQMPLASftTS; DYSPEPSIA; L A fV3 E'-B A C l ? &s )U. MIMirS'S 1.1. T.t iiH t..,rj wljlin.lt :ai ill !" Tin- lor.-.i:... r .-oi. .!- tnpwl i'ulk ins: to Honr Our Ship.- lipli Itlntr The i't ri?t ny American city has made to the cruiser named after it was an Frnnci"co er. ice plate to the beautiful ship of that nam... There is o much of thisgreat an.l o-.t- Ir .-et of plate, says the Xw Y -rk fur, that the cabinets containine " art nltaiMt n mai io" of p.er. I 7oar ivtl I f bAti a new Iew ot 1 ' b!'er ntmt conti' that the cabinets ionad above and Ik low -t:i.r- t. t.ic admiral's and captain's quartet an un the wardroom. All tlu pii-c. are larjro and heavy, the bii?tr. t '..cue a huge peneh bowl of prciU K-av.'y and desiern. Every iid in the service issur monnted by a'soli-i pold bear, the t-.rra-liol of California, and the effect of the brirht yellow on the white --ilver is rerv pleasine. Philadelphia did x-ery poorlv br her ship, now the dachip of Hear "Admiral Oherardi. This cift is a rreat bronze clock that won't keep time; indeed. It won't ro. It hears the name of a Philadelphia firm of jew eler1;, who would lie wie either to put the thins: hi order or ehiel the firm name oit This clock is not beautiful. Its de?icn i artistic, but does not work out effectively in bronze. If the silver bell that thi city i- to rive to the new crut-er New York is as melodious a a silver bell should le the rift will be prized. Few know it. but the bell that rintr out the hours and half hour in our white squadron were the delight of our forehrn nava'. vl-it-ors here and in Hampton R.-aK All the bells or. the white ship- contain a rreat deal o? silver, and produce clear, sweet and extra musical n -te-. .:r .lohn O. Hopkins, the ISriti-h vice ad miral, would stop hfc own part ii a conversation at any time or. hi, quar ter deck on tholtlake to listen t tlu bells of our Yankee ship--, lie -t;i ! that they were the sweetest Ml- ru had ever heard, and he wi-hed they had sneh ones, in the British ni-w. In that navy ?Jie bells go from -hip to ship, as fashions in war change, and on some ship to-day the leil that ranr out the time for Kelson or for Make is toiling away ao it did in its hour of glory. One of Nelson's bells may be on the Australia or the I'artridge. but alas: the British do not carve the dates and aarae of the ships on their )ells. and so their especial merits ere lost. The old belH arc thrown In the -lock- -,-,- yards and kept there until one iu need- - 1 1 L5s ed for a ne.v ve.-el. They are deep voiced, rrurr hells, whose sound .-non die.- out, while the silvery peal- of our bellsciing to the air and reach far out unon the waters. JX&'Zffi&ivF &&M&JKS&& WV' 1 I-."--, ilrui.- .ln:-li..p.i. &tr rp "sincu'c ncnTRin Rri7 . '; - r u.. u- McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The DaHes Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at GO Cents a month. OR UeeH.!y orjieli? . .- i. . i ; .! i.r . .. -. r.-' v -wliiclt l" i li'C rlcJt -..:: I f ((l. ,t - Ml" I '0 Ii i i r", a c u,.. r- ! .. .'1 or, ;, ti'ui i! a nr.1. v.-1 . t- r". nu f.i- v ..u"f.!rt':ii!ili. 7- ' v M rer.. o :h v: J Ii.m.:!.. ';-' mi tuBil i 'i'. .1 . a.u. Inif .. .,nn nr.i1 trrntniOl':. atiu cuflf.in'ei ii ei'.-o i r roturil til ing - . . . .. ! .. 1 i.w .1 - ii . Vi.lII.V. ... i. i.n. ,ni nli man. jent seaifu. i-w. m e n-7t r.-stf: showii ty hurujrv VE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE Y0l! rV.?JLwD.rn . LIME BACK AND RHEUMATJS?il. I AT FanJen. Jivarsir - i..n of .t:our . nil .r'tiu.t cecibiacl Tilth ;hetr.nn coatu M'io- the AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. iikh linw putill.licit l.A. .Vi"-' Vl..rrl Unit .5 tw lilnrilBW. c j;ruc; letters bearlcs: tcsuan-cy their recover a-te t"' - "c- - ncifaM. Ti . AUt 11.17-, Tu 1 T Can la IK..ir 0-l Ui TSUr llt I .!. troQDi-U wi-.h l.i: tisot it.u t"iistwi, o . hardwur!; coabia-u Ttitutt9tr.iiD co.aiuj Iwoaidca" u; with lur nm, est. man s-t. ncot lmo ."S, McC LURES MAGAZINE O 1ST S YEAR The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT ftD DEND IT TO US Iif . Inowet. f ,.,. i,,.ni nnilwrnl nit bn.'L .J..11 Jo M".t "P u I i ..m f' rt.'n t ar U.' 1 t.ire the Kll0 (. j twuh; on- ot jo ir l-l:. It i "IK a s :-.; in JDur t:wttunt. V'-a can rut- 10.jj 0( tw dtji. a:u! I co:itlnu.l o n '"I"."' . ... . I.ln.i..t4 wt. i . . nn .... K...nr. r..rb-ti .......f 1 w . ; I5HEUW5ATISM JllJ KilTbV t? 'V.noTh'J ,'.'f.j 7'uUishcrs CH BOX I CLE. The Dalles. Or.: wri-et hil li m tte tuo we-i I ..? u-.l it. I c.i KObU.T I. I.I.li, I.ni-. It . J-o. .m..u. ( tiliit --Ah .,1S(llK!iiiiiMtai.unn..1 LOST VITALITY. AMD STRSN2 H. , ;i 11. t.. K' OUEs. Pr rieur Iciamaticcai 11 '..J., j t -i, w .-h. Ju. L'. j, NtKVJys Ukfl-ii i-i-wo vr..r. . , 'uV.v;, J'i,. -... K,.r...Wl. 1 f. mvn.iii"- riiic bJl-fo- ci--r.. n 'rr:o 'oiu: .... '.r I nsu nij.l w. , M to. .! teTWOrdtuw.an.1 LrETSA. Lil-?h VTt!' UVu!?'.'1 liuVfei-.;; THE DR. SANDEFa ELECTRIC? JLvfeij.T U Bcoapttaira!vanicb.vter7.cade o t. !: --.as bo caj. 7 -r. ! S5. 01)11. It hi! an Improved i:lprlc.fulienory. i- ea . we warrant it t" cure anr . tne . 'Te 7sasnesei. ar.a in Ucl'unilpil ar.ii ... curt tae tt m C"T . . vt i. r...i ;U .7. r. "U i...i.'-a:e'- i. ci.. 1iH ill. SAKDEN ELSCTRsGCO. 12 First St... POfiTUHD. OiiHOi H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor s 3 bc please send io my address Die A' ID' CUHOXfCl E for 12 months from date, for irhieh J agree io pay CO eis. a month, it being understood that you are)o have sent to my address for 1 year, without extra charge, McCLL'Ji K'S M.IGAZ.IXE. commencing with the current number. ! Xame. J Date. Address CALL AT OUR OFFICE uutl -I the i-ulc7Uun:::g anil lino! i;iut:ut' tl ; McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, wliict hit amiittp tt ponlnhutrtr. the m: (un. w nnthnr- lu Anionc.i atiil Kliglantl. inrluUi' iieh v. ru.'r. ii.- t! I'm."J.ii: Tliomitb Hardy. Hamlin Garland. .1. T. Trov bridtrf, I'rof. F.. S. Holden, .k-iotiu' Ii. Jerome. I'rof. C. A. Yonns. Franft's HckI'-.-oii Ilunxnt, II. II. Moyesen, This !sthe Season Of the Year Oihen Judicious CM C7 O wmm 0 Advertising Pays. I, ii Decidedly the Finest Line of Piarnisliirio- Goods. Trunks and J'ali'scs. etc., etc. CO?.. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLE. . K. Theodore Iioo-eveh, Joaquin Miller. OtiUart Parker. John r'HrrouirhH. llaln Statistic.. If all the babies Imrn in one year were laid in a line, head to foot, they would stretch from New York to Hone: Konr. If they could walk pa1 1 a cor ner at the rate of twenty ner minute it would take thera sis years to nass. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, JThey poulticed her feet and pmlari her hi't Aixl h i-: -t il her back till twa.- atisnrtut.: xz'i id. Tried toniet. elL'Ut;. V'uia klller- and iJrr. Thmitrh srramlmn dceiarcd It wii? u, :;:..; v imrv."; Th" pojr v.-iimau tu iusrhtheinu,i'..-:r: '- i. Till "ruvorlti' I'rt-feription" he iia'.-jncvi : tr. -ii wonder it- jir.iii u loudlv Ui-?" rihe grew bstter nt oitci, add Wn vili jl vta The torinrintr pains and di-;tr?;5:i,r rir.-70U3iie? whieh nocctiixiaay. s; itne-!, (."rutin f.innof iemaie weekneii. yield like inatrie to Dr. Pierce's Favorite i Prescription. It i; purely vegetable, periectly harsnie-;, and adapted to the delieate orsanizati jii of woman. It al lays and subdues the nervous symptoms and relieve-: the pain ureompaityin? functional and organic troubles. Guar antee printed on bottle-wrapper, and faithfuiiv carried out fur nianv veara. The largest and only strictly cinim.-.-ion dealer in iior-res in the world, will hold hi. -!th extensive sale of west ern branded Imr.-e? f-r sea-on 1S93. on R. L. Stevenson. Kudyard Kiplins. A. Conan I)oyle. Uciave Thanot, i Wiiiiara Dean Howell.-:. Bret Harte, Clark Russell, Joel (.'handler Harris. Mr-. Kobt. Louis .-tevenson, Citnuie r iamuiarion. F. Marion C.-awiord. Lillie Chase Wytnan. Marcaret Deintid. Harriet J're-wtt poUbrd. Hertw.-t D. Ward. Edward Everett Hale. Elisabeth Muart Phelpr, Ix)iiie Chandler Monlton Ea-: .:r -n: WcCLURE'5 MACA2INE pontatrn twn handi.ime' illustrat.-d tntt-. with neh titai'.iu iHiipl" r Juif- Verne, Archdeacon Farritr, Alphnnpe Daudet, France; Hod'.'Son Pitirnott. Thomas A. Edison. Catuile FlHtntimrion, Ti-aaudier, the famon F. Hopkin-on Sniitti. Edward Everett Hale, French Balloonist, H. H. Iioyesen. Prof. Graham I'.ell. anil man others, have furnished materia! for eteriatly prpjmrii tntcrvlewh which v ill npn' TUP I"lh f'ventuc fhrof.t. ! m ri-potrnliii il L. n ifentlBlly tin liom." imiit lor tlir ropuuitloii. ?omp fl UIV1 L. -.iki) id our lwt cttUeiis watch Hip ii!iimti ot ttm n A D V D dally for thp nplfiiKt lx'l it 1 Ml f IV iticceedi In Rleantne the ti'-l.l. t"l Iikih-p cow i lit IKiliUlaritv mid imirtu'.ii'r mn- n ! ymi tthiiil'tn' t tr miiiii- of it- n misrn "tiers GHAS. ADfljyiS, Shoemaker P.olKirt Bnrr, Honry M. Stanley, Archibald Forbes-, Andrew Lati-:, Sarah Orne Jewott. Dr. J. S. P.ilIiiiL'8. W. E. Henley." Capt. Charles Kini: No Fit No Pay. Union' St., opp. European House. From TERMINAL or INTERIOR Points THF-- in ffl Pacilic Fully illustrated Ktori. w.' Entries should be made at once. HORSES C. L. Phillips, assignee of Win. Tarre &. Co., will on August 3d, 1S03, ssl!, in front of the court houe the book ac counts uncollected, also all promisor? notes remaiuini; in his hands. ti To IlKliiii'iient Taxpayer. All prosperty upon which taxes aru not paid by the 1st of August, will be levied upon and sold accordint; to law. T. A. W.u:d, .Sheriff. Karl's Clover P.oot, the new blood purifier, fives ireshneis anddearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 23c, 50c. and ?!.00. sold by snipes & Kinersly, drucpists. "My little Iwy was very bad off for two months with diarrhea. We u-ed var iou.- iiiedicine-:, al-o called in two doe torr, but nothincdone hira any good un til we used Chambenain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which pave im mediate relief and soon cured him, consider it the hut medicine made and ta:, conscientiously recommend it to all v! need a diarrhoea or colic medicine .i.i.. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale bv Ulakelev 6c Huiiton, druggists. J. O. MACK, FlflE WlBEg anfi LIQUOR DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. lull; uiustru'.t-il in tlu ir.uctusun.- Each uuntber contains two or tLrct: snort stori..! by famu nuthom , apjar in early numb.jri by Thomas Hardy. Wiliiam Dean Howells, Ii. L. Stevenron, ' Kudyard Ktplinc, Bret Harte, Sarah Ornu Jewett, 1 Joel 'Chandler Harris, Harriet Preseott Spofford, Octavo Thauet, C'jnan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Stanley J. Weyman. HENRY M. STANLEY v'.'.. c !.:r.nu.- cs;icsaUy lor youns nadjra, a tiirillinRl interPHtlntc torj-of African Advi-ntun NATCHAL HISTOBY AND ADVENTI'IIE. There i'.'. be nevural articles wrlttti lv Roymond cin'Mtunyt. who ban lfeen palled by Mr. W. T I-I (lTV I H,R -vnd tin-ben interviewer In Kiiciand. (run. iimtunul fiirnuhrd him b K.url Hurjenbo"'. of Hum A A VO.V;kJ J ii i burr, thren-ut unimul imiiortcr uud tralnvr The-i- nrtielen dual with The Capture of Wild Iieitsts. The Transportation of Wild Beasts. The Training of Wild Beasts. TI19 Adventures and Escapee of Karl Hagenbeck. The series will oe tlluntmted by an Eugliih nrtiat of aeknotiledited skll! in drawing wild atitrna! , Jobs BrBsnroiiA. ' '. F. Hoiijkk. Dr. C. '. Abbctt, and other writcra mmom for their work in I tLU held, vrUl tlIltiball. to tin- miiKMiini. I Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PiiOF. IC. L. GABNEB'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLA. Arrantienients have bum madp. 11. fn:i!i-fti'):i with a k-uiliti; KitRli-ih ri-vipw, to iiuliilli I'rof Gaiurm letters dep."tptive of hl jiri-piit oxtn-dition to Africa, I'rof. LnrinT i mited thi-world over fur the eurinux mid luterwtmir inc-tijjntioni. he i maltini: in tin- niwtvli of mimkivn II. sailed for Africa hint -w.ptimb'r for th cakp of furthor juirsuiiii; Ins xtiidlt in the nati.e ha'uuto "I the gorilla. The illustration, for tht.e articles will N- trom photocrniih taken bv Prof. liarinT The ma-.'azine hUo contain, most inUtrmUiii; article under the following compreheimtxc hendi " The Edge 0 the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." "Newest Knowledge." v " The Present Hour." "stranger than Fiction," etc. We are ,ff.-fiiii; thi "piendni innirnm. ltl: tin- Imiiv firnoNKxr. for on!v ?T jn a veor, lmvnblc in advanct-or in uioiitnly iiiKiiill!:"-nt-f dt-ir.ii ' We makf thi .-.pqiitional oft,- 1: ,,ni,- that v.c mav wurp a Ian." immlH-rof ui v. sul.v-rilHT.. hntaliWlioBrPa.riiilynili-riU-r iti.i; aim! tli:n'u!vet of thia iipinirtlilllt to sn-ure this itreut marrazine I'll! i.p tin- h.ani. nmi nd it in. t. RTIL-ROTD i the line to tiit.p TO ALL POINTS EAST AM) SOUTH. It ik thr lnnini; 1 nr ):. t'l-ntlliuli'.l lrr ii-evp :t( Tt n.nii ThrouRb .!n in tiic yuat to THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. paul and Chicago Mi ' HA.S'ii: CF C AUH f'ontxid of iMnintr f'ar mii.iirjmHed. Pull man Krawlnj; Itooni le,!J'r of lnt.st eUlpinpiit TOL'IIIST SLEEPING CAIIS Het that ran Ir- eoni'truPti'd. and in which accomri Mlutioim art- both Free and ru-ninni-d ior liolderxof Klrit and Hrccmd rlii, 1 icketk, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES a ponttniiou). line, rnnnertlni; with nil line afl'irUlii? ill net anil uninterrupted hervlee l'u'iman nlei'iaT reservation en he hecured in it'h mice UiroiiKh any usent of the rimd. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, 0K THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrugatf-d Jtulldlnc next Door to Court Iloim.;. THROUGH TIGKETS S Knuland und EliroiH- can lie p THE DAILY CHRONICLE, Tho Dalles, Or. ticket olllce of the company To and from nil oluu in America, urchii..ed nt hut THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, ; AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Full Information concernliiK rati"i. time til train, rmiti'N und other dutulln furiilnhttl 011 applicutlnu to W. C. ALLAWAY, AECUt I. I'. A A. Nav. Co., lieKulator olhcc, Tlu UUI1CM, ur., or A. 1). t'HAHLTO!;. Ans't. Cicucral 1'aaehKer Astt., 1'ortiiiurt, NOTICE. Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna Vrn-jkh, Las, w ithout just cause or prov ocation, left my bed and board, against n.v Ui...; t,ud consent, and refuses to r 'un. ji- lunher live with mo, I hereby v. : t. :.1J crsons not to give her any !" 'ii in,- account, as I will not pay .1 y ''.'Ig ' : her contracting after this ' Caieii Biiookk. D .lleh City, Or., July 10, lb&3 iWitiwu AVOIt, IVOOIJ, WOOD. i- -.1 frtuleH of oak, fir, and slab cord lowest market rates at .Ifxi. T. : s A Co. (Office second and Jeffer .ruti. KOU31K 'JO KENT, i nrtii.'-l.ud rooms to rent. Aiiplv at : hi i. iiBO ot Mra. C. N. Thornbiirv. .:,.h :. et.The Dulles, Or. tt" For Kent, L'r b : , nn a- Ruv. A. Horn'e roti ' "ii Nlntii fctteet. C23daw. Hanflsomely Famished Rooms to Rent ii? the Dsy. Wec or MonlH. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. MH.S. FHASER, Proprietor. J Thla we'.l-knowii Brewery i now turning out the beHt Deer and Porti I eaHt of the Cascades. The latest apphaneeH for the manufacture of good health. ful Beer have been introduced, and only the firHt-claB article will le placed on the marknt. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And rue MmuI Complete and thu Latent PattcniH and DeeignH in T H E ARTIC CANDY FACTORY SODA WATEE AND IOE OEEAM. at rliol,alp illlotutloiii,. Candies and Nuts 'Specialties TUISACCO, : : CI OA KM AMI . HWKKT D I! IN ICS Finest Peanut RoaBtur In Thu Dalles 2d Street J. FOLCO At right Hide Mm Obarr'n reKtaurant THE DALLES CHRONICLE; . , fJiPI'raftica Paiutero and Paper I Tar. Mierwin-Wiiiiams ami J, , Maoury'H i'aiii THE CHROMULJ' wa., established for the ox press purpose of faithfully rupiuseniin" The JJallos and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in AVasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow und Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is tho beat medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chuo.vjcle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at .,,''. annum. The Weekly Onnoyu lk on J rida- of each week at $l.o0 per annum. ;"rH. .no hut the bent braiidn nf th AInHiirv'H I'aintH liner! in nil Mir u-nrU 1.... the most fikilii-! workmen employed. Agenta for Muniirv LlmiiVi "piiti.tu k chenui'fai coiubinn' n or p.oap mixture. A tirnt clahh artfule in all colors. All order,, promptly uttended to. Paint ShoD corcer Thirdand Wanhb;to- Sts The DalleB. Orecoi Qolumbia jiocei. THE DALLES, OREGON. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 76 Court Street, Next door to Waaco Sun Office. Huh jiiHt received a fmo linn of .Sampler! for H print.' and Hiiiiuimr Kuitim.'H, This Popular House "toSS-iM and See the Hew Fashions. ever jirepanl to furnish the best Hotfl fu-omni',d..fc.oi.d of any hoiioo in tho city, and f the yen b,v rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Oifioi! of the ia . ( .,-uu.imih oppOHition Hlao ' to piifur, Kti. H'.ot, Tei, Vulloy, WapUiitia, j urm .-print! aiul J-ruiuvillo in in tho Ilutul and pernoiH wIuk to J'rinovillo can mtvo fl.W by yuiiij; on thin ,Stujo lino. Cleaning and Repairing to order. f-jatlHfuction Kiiuntiiteed. All trains stop here. PHOTOGRAPHER FirBt promiuui at tho Wuhco couutr uir for bunt portrultn mid vIuwb.