I SKLE, Saturday, JULY 2 2, 189 PREDATORY GYPSIES. Sii)ijni..! Tlmt nn KID. it Vn Mmlc to M.'nl Mr. Wttiiit' Hillil. Something New.... 1 Wu aru determined to iinikt! largo t 11 !. therefore we will make eutniii prieeH tlmt will Mtrpripu 'you. Here iii! a few prici'R to Hiiit t ho Imrd tinien for the present: 1 0' iPhilHrpn Wafiah1p. Suits. SKt 25 Sailor Suits, Jersey Suits, !75 2. 25 The balance of our stock of Children s Jersey Suits at greatly reduced prices for this day only. all goods Marked in plain figures. base: - & - MAYS. An uncouth looking individual, s-up-po-ed to be 11 gypsy, tried to entice! come Rmall children away Thursday night from near Mr. Wood's1 house on Fourth street, in the Fust End. Mr. Wood 'has a very handsome little hov. who ! 20 yards Print CallCO. 101' with others, wa.H playing in the street j ' ' near hv about s;:io o'clock in the even-1 3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for ing. The trange looking man ofl'ered I " him candy if he would go 11 little piece 2 36-inch. Lineil Towels, foi with him. The children all became " ... frightened and ran towards- home, the 3 Bathing Towels (Turkish), for man in pursuit. As thev n cured the 1 house, Mrs. Wood came out and he iravo ' 2 FailCV Tidies, for up the pursuit. If he had been sueecHS fill it in doubtful if Mr. or Mrs. Wood would ever have seen the child again. Gypsies are skilled in the art of evad ing pursuit and there is no means of estimating how mum children thev kid- ! nap. They do not confine themselves to a limited territory, but operate through out half the Tinted States, and a child j stolen in Colorado would perhaps never j be known in Oregon. These gypsies be 1 long to bands of from SU to 100, several families of them, and they are perpctu-1 rr any ciianging, dividing and redividing, so that if a clue is once obtained it can not be followed long. Their code of morality is a verv loose one, and voung children stolen of course grow to imbibe j the same dangerous principles. No one can bo too careful of their little ones, when gypsies are around, and if one is detected in child stealing ho should be captured or killed on the spot if there is any possibility of doing go. .... $1.00 ..... .25 .25 .25 .25 Parasols, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, Sec, Sec, Sec Everything in proportion. Save money while vou liave the opportunity. wThis sale is good fortiO davs only Come and bring your friends. You won't, regret h. mrl Court and second Sis. Tbe Dalles, Oregon, gret it.jgfg S. & N. HARRIS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. This is the season of the year when west of the Cascades in miuiv parts of ' the coast you can hardly see your hand MiitoMHl u the I'ostoitipe nt The tmlies, Ort-Ron, , i)(.foro your face for the smoke, lie M'fimil Chi Mutter. J 1 A telegram was sent this morning to MONTEREY MARINES. Th Xntnl Ofllrrrs Arrive by Steitiner Kegtilutor Today. l.iieul A d ei I Nlng. 10 Ceiif- ht line fur first inert'im, mill f. Cent icr ' ne i.ireiieh Mitiseiiuent mertion yjiei ml rates fur luni; tun" imtiri's. All liicii. notice received inter thuii ;; o'cloeU 111 iijn.t'ar the fcllmviun tiii.v. Weutber 1'iiii'iinl. Official nwn( (ir tweuty-fuur mum ending 5 p. m. tumurrow Friday fair and stationary tempera tine. Saturday decidedly cooler. I'AC.n:. w K TIIEIt Maximum temperature, 0. Miuimuin temperature, (Hi, liiver. L'S.O feet above zero. Wind, southwest. SATURDAY, .JULY L'2. 1 S03 The linily ami Weekly Chronicle imnj lie found on nalt at I. V. Xickehen's store. Tli l.uciil w JULY JULEPS. I'ield lu lloniu'jitttlilc OtIMUK. DeiiKtittil In it ourtt-tiit new. The) Mood with no oliservert nenr . Tlio mitlden to bin hide liedieu '.Iiiht one," he MhlKpered lu hereiir. "Wi 11, If I thoiiKlit you d take no more" hlif itliHwered hiln, lth eheefcn ukIow; "No. nfter one you'll w unt ii heore, .Iiiht like the other men 1 know." Mountain parties are the rage. J'eaehep will r-oon be on the marl-et in quantity. Wild fruits are a good crop this year. No blight has been reported on any of them. The salmon catch on the Columbia river hsi been very unsatisfactory th'iH season. Don't forget the lawn social at Mrs. C. J.. Schmidt V tonight. You will huve a good time. The Statemnan says the branch asylum in Jv.istern Oregon should have been located long ago. Naval cadets have been appointed for the lirst district of Otegon. They are K. F. ,Mocine and C. A. Jioutden al ternate. ('. W. J'helps, dealer in agricultural implements, lias been doing a good busi ness lately. Up to noon today he had sold two headers, which t-osl about lir.O eaeh, and a lea per, besides a number of smaller hale. A Chicago policeman refused a bribe of IL'iJU and the papers are trying to raise a qucstiuti as to his lunacy. They are on tlie wrong scent, however. The police man nieiely refused sjliOU in the hope that the briber would rise to i'JuQ. The Chadron cowboys rode twice or three times as far an did the German und Austrian calvary ofliceis last year, mid yet their horses were neither tor t n led or injured, while most of those of the cavalrymen were ridden to death. Two sunsatioiiH in one day is too much for a respectable old city like The Dulles, and today the marked feature is quiet udo. I'asslou liuving cooled down, diplomatic discretion once more holds way, and the morning sun lighted jicacofully u tMd which vesteidav was turbulent with human strife. Wo llvu in a tUy 0f fccientilic marvel. A doctor gravely talks of an electric lamp which can bo placed in ono's in Hides und so illumlnuto tlio duuk interior h to ho of the greutest tiho in locating ueh (liHciiHeH as tumor, cancer and the like. JtumouutH to inukiug u .lack-o'-lantern out of a inun, as boyn ubo pumpkins. Portland, accepting the offer of a state firemen's tournament in The Dalles in September. Now for the arrangement of races, etc. No flies must roost on The Dalle-. There is a greater demand for farm hands than then; is supply. Fat mere are very busy harvesting and good wages are oll'ered, but hands cannot be found. Anyone wanting work can find it. I.N.Day. Jr.. arrived at the Locks today from his eastern trip. There is today ninety-six stone cutters at work and work is being pushed with more vigor than at any time since the com mencement. A scurrilous report reflecting upon the character of Aiisse-; Aquia and llol comb was started today, but was promptly hushed by a "committee" who waited upon the unconscionable liar, and he will now prudently keep his mouth shut. The Regulator's daily quota of pas sengers is large, and transports a good many more people to Portland and way points than the trains. Cheaper fare and the chance of better seeing the peerless scenery along the Columbia river are factors favorable to the boat line. Miss Aquia so exhausted herself yes terday by her violent exercise that it was feared the consequences would be fatal to herself, us she is subject to heart disease. She rallied, however, and later in the evening, with her friend, went back to the homestead. The scow Julia brought in a load of telephone poles Thursday evening, and made the best landing that lias ever yet been made by a scow on the river, laud ing beside the Regulator close to shore. John Teio, the captain, has been a river captain on the upper Columbia for thir teen years and has never had an acci dent. The liuest specimen of wheat we have ever seen was kindly furnished us this morning by -Mr. S. U. Adams and is on exhibition at Tin; Ciii:o.viei.i: ollice. H came from Riley Drake's place on S-.Mile, and there is 150 acres of it all r.like. "if such a yield is general, it will raise the standard of Wasco wheat to a fancy grade. J. C. Lucky was iccently questioned by Captain Rogers, appointed agent at the Warm Springs agency, about the quartera there. He lephod that they consisted of a terra eotta flue and u bed of hot ashes. As it is optional with these army officers whether they accept the position or not. it is liki.lv Mr. The officers of the Monterey will ar rive on the Regulator this evening and will be the guests of the city. An amount sufficient for their entertain ment was appropriated at a special meeting of the city council last night. Upon arrival thev will be driven to some of our fruit ranches and farms and ; given a chance to find out just what a I until! n?i t t'j 1 i.nlirit rv lliia iu At U ri'i.T rit- ... , ' , " ' , , ! other, and is a place where thev will be tendered a grand banquet ! , ' , . ' at 'Cellar's hall. Aiuiivi: at tiii: LOCKS. Cascade Locks, July 22. The follow ing party arrived on the Dalles City, and at once boarded the Regulator for The Dalles: Captain Louis Kempfl', Lieut. Commander K. C. Pendleton (executive officer., Commander O. W. Farenholt, (U. S. lighthouse inspector, Chief En gineer J. Frilley and wife, the Misses Huntsman, Miss Rigtlow, Paymaster W. J. Thompson and wife, Lieut. C. Calkins, U. .S. Hydro. Office, Portland, Lieut. F. 11. .Sherman, Portland, Assist ant Engineer 11. Gage, Judge T. A. Stephens, Portland, Captain W. H. Patterson and Pilot Cant. K. S. Edwards, U. S. inspector. Mayor Rinehart and wife and S. L. Jirooks and wife were introduced to the guestB, who one and all said they were delighted witli the trip. A considerable number of people had gathered to see the party as they stepped from the boat. Till: MONTKItKY. The Monterey is a double turreted PROGRESSING FINELY. Cotnmunleatlon lletiveen Tile Dalles and Spokane In n Few Days. Since getting out of rockv ground, the telephone line has made rapid work, being strung seven miles east of this city. Work from the other end has progressed so that the line is now com pleted this side of the John Day. It is expected that within ten days commu nication can be had between The Dalles and Spokane. Stewart Creighton, foreman of con- I struction, was in town this morning and furnishes the above news, lie states I that generally the instruments have j been put in the drug stores en route. This for the reason that a drug store is' open more hoin in the day than any women can transact busine?- with more privacy I than in almost any other kind of busi j ness house. I The oflii'f' lif-r.i will lie nut in P.hifcf'. ley tt Houghton's in the rear of the dis pensary. A neat partition will be built for a room about 12x10, lighted by a skylight 10x12, and supplied with all office conveniences. It will perhaps be two'months before through communication can be had to Portland, as there is a prodigious amount of labor to be done in digging holes for the poles, which will be more or less in rock. Sunny anil Siv Dry Cools, Fancy Goods and Notions, (Jests' furT)i)( (Jood5, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in everv department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Herbrinp". 'Terms Cash. H, PERSONAL MENTION. J. C. Lucky left for Portland yester day. Willard Taylor and wife of lo-Mile are in the city today. this monitor, and is one of the most formid able coast defense ships in our navy. There is a distance of about 50 feet be tween the turrets and during an en gagement the ship can be sunk in the water until only a foot of it is visible,be sides the turrets. The vessel is almost proof against projectiles, as unless a ball happens to strike these circular turrets squarely, it is apt to glance aside. Within the turrets one man is sufficient to man the guns. These are ureech loaders and may be turned at will by means of pivots. They can be loaded, aimed and lired bv the operator in an incredibly short time. All parts of the vessel are lined with an nrmm- well-nigh impenetrable, and what is he- low the surface is also protected with lighter armor, as the forco of a ball is gieatly letseued after striking the water. THE CHURCHES. Lucky will not soon bo displaced. The last heard of Hihi1iihom ) 114 U'lIU in Juniper J'lat. He stopped to ask for a drink of water of a settler in that country and was asked to alight from his horse and lemain a little while. Hut he refused the proffered hospitality. The man huid there was blood on the horse, but eould not tell whether Hen dei sou or the horse was wounded. At 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon Richard LowIb, u sailor on the warship Monteiey, will jump from the steel bridge into tlio river, where, after di vesting himself of his white suit, he will dress again and tnvim leisurely to his ship. Lewis has undertaken the feat simply to Hhow Portland's people how very much at homo the uverage Anieri can man-of-war sailor can make himself in the water. Ojegoiiii n. The Raptisi church, Rev. O. D. Tay lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow at .1... .., i i I, . .. uiu iibii.u Hums, ii a. iii. ami h p.m. Sunday school follows morning service. Methodist Episcopal church, corner of Washington and I'ifth stieets, Rev. J. Whisler, pastor. Sermon at ll a. m., and 8 p. in by the pastor. Sunday school after morning service; Junior League at h :'!0 p. in.; Epworth League at 7 ji. in.; class meeting .Sunday at 10 a. m. and Tuesday at S p. m. ; prayer meeting Thursday at 8 p. ni. A cordial welcome to all. First Congregational church, corner Court and Fifth streets, Rev. V. C. Curtis, pastor. SorvicoK as usual Sun day; ll a. m. and 8 p. m, worship and , a Hornion. Sunday school immediately j after the morning hervlce. Young i'eoplo'Bfeociely ol Christian Endeavor at C::iO p. in. Topic, "Fellowship in Work." ActH R5.3, John xvil, 20-20. All not worshipping elsewhere are cordi ally invited. ; auk your ueaier Stove Polish. for .Mexican silver Prof. Gavin left on the Regulator morning for Portland. O. D. Taylor went to Portland this morning on the early train. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hrooks ami Dr. and Mrs. Rinehart went down on the Regulator this morning to meet the officers of the Monterey, and accompany them to The Dalles. Street Couiini-i-iouer Maddron has a pretty bad eye today, but whether he will lose it or not cannot be foretold. He is out working, and Dr. Eshelinan has given it the proper attention. Geo. Sellinger and sons and Anion Root sailed up the river from Mosiert o day, ami at the same time J. M, Elliott started with a team and light rig. The boat arrived an hour and a half before the buggv, but Flliott says he will beat them bad on the home stretch, IIOI'KI. AllllIVAI.S. Columbia D Laughlin, Ste.vart, Crook county; Wilr-on Howe, Robert Urand, W 11 l.enn, Pert Redman, To nino; M Filles, F Unteiiiacher, Port laud; Albeit Jieitschi, Fulda; K II Ellsworth, II J Jlibbard, Hood Rivur; (i Ii Lyle, I.yle. Skibbe Ed Jlmuidcau, Helena; D .Medrald, Chicago; M narrigaii.Tacoma ; WW Cadwell. Junction ; C F Smith, Morn; John Cramer, Thomas Lvden, Portland; J Column, Nelson ; Wni'ilow aid, Junction ; Marion Ucndrixsou and wile 10-Mile. .tdieitUed I.elleiH. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postollici! at The Dalles un called for, Satinday, July 22th, ISM. Persons calling for same will give date on which they were advertised: Anderson August Hell S JI Cunningham Rill Jr Domicile Ed Hoguo II W Lewis Geo W (2; Mallger MIsh A Marqiiin Frank Simpson Kenneth Taylor Erwln J Williams lla.el Coiiant F A M. T. Noi.an, P. M. J. H. CROSS. , At tlio Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. Graii?, peed apd plour, G-roceries, Fruits and Seeds. Casli jDCtici for Eggs zxxx&. Poultry. All goods delivered Free and Promptly. The California Winehouse, Is now open, and its proprietor will soli his homo produced Wino at prices in the reach ol" everybody. Also, best Peanuts to be found. (Joods guaranteed to be Pure and First-Class in every respect. Thompson's Addition. c- BECHT. Bl IRHAM 6c ROHElTSON l 'iDprlotoi'H Corner of Fourth anil Federal Sts,, The Dalles Oregon. Ciow o James Da,vis L juis Kiistman N Hihaey Jiinmie Johnson Maud Morgan O S Payne Wellington Stout Fiank Thompson W C Williams Frank Those Stables have on hand the liuest Livery in Fastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Higs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can lurnii-h First Cla- or driving teams, havintr added to accommodations to ieainiti i with In i 'hi their -lahle.s large fi-edinu' and uagui room. Have Von See n t ii i: Spring Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. IKMtN, This morning, July tii'd, to the wife of W, P. Smith, a daughter. In Favettoville, Ark., Julv dth, 1803, to the wife of Fiof. Willis, a son (JUeh aidLeo Willis. j Fsi; Mexican Silu r stove Polish, THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN BOOK A V I. G. NICKELSEN'S,