The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1893, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ri-miiiyor'k Opliiliin.
Knterwl at the l'ostofflec at The l)nlle, Orcfion,
a w.'oml-cla.5 matter.
Weekly, 1 year. 9
" t month. u :J
i a " 0 W
VMly, 1 year.
" 6 months
" per "
Addreft. nil communication to " THK CHUON
ICLE," The I)nlle, Orcson.
I'lKt-Ofllrc .
ovnci: iiofiss
tineral liellvery Wtiuimv .. a. m. to T i. m.
Money Onler " ? t -t l. m-
iumiuy U D " 9n m. toluu.m.
train;. Boing Ka: 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
" ' Wc-t Pp. m. anil .vni p. in.
Stage (o lioliieiulale " SO u. in.
" l'rlnevllt. m.
" lMfurii!iilViiTra.5vrtni: ..vse n. in.
" f Uwinc for Lyle V Hartland nSOu. m.
" tAnteloic 5 :50u.m.
"Kxcept Sunday.
fTri-weetlv Tue-dnv Thurvlay and Saturday.
1 " 'Moiul.iy VVeilneMluy and Friday.
Governor I'ennc-yer, on request, has
sent the New York World the following
on tlif financial situation ; "The Sher
man law, which degrades silver from its
former position a a money metal to that
of a mere commodity, should be re
pealed, while at the same time the use
of both gold and silver as the standard
monev of the country without discritn-
inating against either metal or eharee
o for mintuce as declared for in the last
democratic national platform, should be
secured. To repeal the Sherman law
without restoring the silver dollar to its
former function as full legal tender
money would be no remedial legislation.
It would he only making a bad matter
worse. The taritl' should be mot ma
terially reduced immediately and an in
come tax should be provided for, by
which the wealth of the country would
be compelled to help bear the burden of
William Tell
Your Father that wo sell
As President Cleveland has called au
extra session of congress to repeal the '
Sherman silver law, it is advisable for '
the people of the United States to look
into this question and see what it is pro
posed to do. It is charged against the
Sherman law that it is contracting the
currency by driving gold to Europe.
The enemies of silver say that the silver .
certificates are being presented at the j
sub-treasuries and are being paid in gold, ,
which gold is then shipped to Europe, j
and that in order to pursue this policy it '
will be necessary to issue bonds to buy j
gold, and to avoid that it is proposed to
repeal the Sherman law, providing for
the monthly purchase of 4, 300,000 ounces
of silver. The Sherman law contains a
Oualnt Ail.
In 1'rinter't Ink of February, 1S91,
there appeared an account of a man who
got desperate for work and took to ad
vertising for a situation. He fired at
the public through the want column this
breezy conundrum :
Can a man, a iood tquare mai.,get
anything to do on God't green earth t
This appeal was irresistible: the
answer was in the affirmative by a
large majority.
Here is another case: A prominent
clergyman in ISoston needed an errand
boy. so he advertised in the want col
umn. One reply read this way :
"I teen you advertise for a
boy. I am one. 1 can do things as you '
want 'em, and can hustle. Most folks
j ain't got no use for a boy betes hel how
i hard times is. I want the job. Joe
i White."
This rather shocked the minister, but
clause which provides for the coinage of , t
enough silver to redeem the silver certi
ficates which shall be presented for pay
ment, so there is no need of paying them
in gold, and if the treasury department
is redeeming them in gold they are do
ing au unlawful act as the language of
the law admits of no other construction
but to redeem the silver certificate? in
silver coin. But Senator Teller, of Col
orado, proved during the last session of
congress that they were not being paid
in gold, by the written statement from
the secretary of the treasury, who said
it made an impression. Of many letters
this one held his attention : it pulied on
both his curiosity and sympathy, and
he took to the boy's frank and original
way of putting it. "Joe" got the job.
Wiccin- on Comet.
Professor Wiggin of Canadian fame is
on the lookout for a comet which made a
tour through the sky 321 years ago. and
which he thinks i- now about due for
another 'hort vis::. The calculation is
remarkable which reduces this especta-
Keep out
disease by kecpincr in healthy ac
tion the liver, stomach and bowels.
There's a pleasant and a suit way
of (loins it. It's with Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. They're the best
Liver Pill ever made, and a prompt
and effective remedy for Sick
Headache. Pilious Headache, Con
stipation, Indigestion, Rilious At
tacks, and all derangements of the
stomach, liver and bowels. Thev
cleane and renovate the system,
quietly but thoroughly. They reg
ulate the system, too they don't
upset it, like the old-fashioned pills.
These are purely vegetable and per- !
feetly harmless. One "Pellet" a
dose.' They're the easiest to take, !
and the mildest in operation the ;
smallest in size, but the most effi
cient in their work.
They're the cheapest pill you can
buy, because they're fuarai'iterd to
give satisfaction, or your money is
You only pay for the (food you
Can you ask more ?
That's the peculiar plan all Dr.
f'ieree's medicines are sold on.
J.D. PARISH. Prop.
Vest Jumpers,
Kasv-fittins Pants.
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
evcrv size, smc ana ore. a
your fiTTE$Tio$ -7v. i--a n : t!u "if j un , aim m h jood
Ia'ii". Thf I'tdk" lit C a. n. "" il r
"ivt ii: I'rnieville in t;urt; is ii"".r
I'riiu". at " ii. m. every"' a' .'.in! '
The lJiil!e ill thlr'f -mx h. tir-
Is callfld to the fact tha
tion to n certaintv, but we are accu
that "silver certificates issued under the 1 toni- : marvel; m the heavens when UFties the L. .Mali,
Sherman law were not, in law or in prac-1 tiw astronomers apply tneir wits to the
tice, being redeemed in joild coin, nor j determination of orbits and perio,i'c:ty.
had the treasury department authorized 1 The wanderings of this luminous li im .r
any of the sub-treasuries to do it." ?o cluster of particles are so wr, ex
it is necessary to look elsewhere for the , tensive, how ever, iha: it may i-rj;uv
cause of the export of yold and the , attached to some other solar sy-tetn ami
cauEe is found in the fact that for more ' ue completely divorced from our-. Th.-.-
iL-(7its on to J or it lie.
The poet unquestionably had roferencu to tho
ll.irk-fl,iflnv' .mil t
' '"inifots n: l'riu"iii'
Stages from Eastern and Southern Or
ei:oa, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
A,- .!... elo-e connection nt The l)aue- wit!.
-. Turn l'ortliinil-miil Kaitern iHiin:
Hagh Glenn, Clisii-fliit Sale p
than a year the balance of trade has separations in the celestial families urt
been largely against us, and the excess ! known to occur through the superior
of imports over exports must be paid for i attractions of one member over another.
in gold. P.ut how the administration ' Tllu larger planets are believed to have
intends to better the situation by the ' devoured numbers of comets too weak to
policy it has openly announced is one of j 113' Jheir duty to the sun independently,
the mysteries of the world. The gold j Dut absorbed in the mass of thee orbs,
bugs say the error was in using silver as j tne-v are no doubt still useful though less
money in any amount. They say the ' resplendent. The sun itself has a great
ailver dollar is responsible for all of our i stomach for visitors. When Professor
financial ills, but can tnev bear them-1 Wigsin sights his friend he will let the
world know precisely his whereabouts.
:::neojs dinars.
uccfi icwasations along m mi
Firsi-2l2S5 cRei:3 and Horses uul
Eijre-s mm: Skilled witfi special care
"taoi: omens:
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Planter. Cement
and Building Muterial of all kind;-
(,'urrlw- tit - Fluent I.liif ir
lift k Caroets
31. Mi'hel .V ;i.V Stiire
I ' II ill 1 1 1 1 li limine,
file Halle..
To nt found in the City.
CQashington Street.
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
MK'HKi.p.xcii I'.iruK. rxiox ST
Belves out in that statement? In Eng
land when the Barings failed, the bank
of England had to go to bimetallic
France for ready money so as not to be
seriously embarrassed by the Baring
failure, Tlmf f.itl.,.. ...-.?, i i...
,h:. 0iW t.-.., ! " ,,01ls "na Pimple and cause new
:".." : "-".. b. muas the blood
uuciici uiuxiey to upeaK oi. me re
cent heavy failures in Australia in which
eeveral hundred millions of dollars were
Bwnllowed up, was not caused by de
based silver, as Australia is also on a
gold basis.
We have a pamphlet before us which
eays that during the next six years
niue-tenths of the human race will' per
ish by war, plague, famine, pestilence,
earthquake and hail, and reference is
had to Bev. G.L1, Isa. G and Jer.
2.j:L'0.3H. There is to be a treat dis
ruption among nations, see Bev. L':7
ml I'd. The Jews are to iieeome
the ruling nation of the whole worn! fur
1,000 years, commeneini: in i.UM. and
the capital U to be at Jerusalem.
Take Simmons' I.iver Regulator to
improve the appetite, to strengthen the
system, to stimulate the liver, to clean-e
the skin of its yellowness, to remnvo
life in
Hilt. Never lleen Dlniippii inteil.
The above wnriU -peak volumes nno f.llllno, i .
jaiil of niany thin-.. but cumins from one ui .
ha1- t?en a -utlurer for mmiv ve.iri, no fnr'tio
tributeenn ljemlileil " '
'nSTiEXEN I liave hfi u "iillerer r
he.i(l.icne for runny venr arid imh rhv-i
reeommeml Krmi.-e s UeniJaehc tuiiii.., '
uik the only prcpitxatiun thus n.i cr.ei u , .-
iiiiuui. reuer. imvi rwen u-ni!
Art Teacher
lioom S. Jiettinijtii Building.
V .. sive on- Moniiity!- mid Tt iijii.- i,-'
eh week, or nf'ener i: ile-ircl
W. E
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
-I.K .ll.KVT KOI; 'I'll I
of the Best Brands '
manufactured, sinil '
order!: from all part of tiie countrv filled r
on cue unortest notice.
tn ii 1, j
lx luuiithi iiml time n.;ver vet rii.ii,i
In them Your- with riiee:. "
I'ub Ait.
to N. Harris
f'jr line pr.nts Li-
An inmate of the Oregon insanr a Ium
thinks an egg represent.-gold and -l.ser.
He may not be so wrong after p
the yolk represents the u"!d an 1 ti.e
white the silver, then why i, i, ,; t ie
ehell to represent the law? 'Thus t.n ivV
is a symbol of the linaneial iiuestiun "f
today and the question is, How slml. we
place the law around the gold and ::v r ,
no that they may be a unit?
fifrr. -J
.,i.nirrc? I I a
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
tAB has become iirmly eHtablislied, and
the demand for the home manufactured ,
artn le is increasini; everv dav. i
w. r
wjsi:.Min. u.m. M,Mti)j;i:.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
5atisfatfioQ Guaranteed. J!
All Watch Vork Warranted.
Jpwelry Made to Order,
. IK '-ee.iii,! ,t.. Tile Hullo. Or.
A. WESf)L().
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
no. au Kecond Broet, The DalleB
he Boston
5onl iiy ) ij. -t .
ana S'.'- i , ur
i-aca; ii .
. !"(!
J'or ale!iy Snip,,, A Ulnomlj .
Senator Squire favors the of a
joint resolution authorizing Cleveland
to fiu-pend the silver-purcliase clause of '
the Sherman act. As Cleveland sus
pended the tieary w without a joint
resolution to back him, W(, do not ee '
why it is necessary for such a resolution
relative to the Sherman law. What is
sauce lor the Chinese
ailver men.
East End Seeond St.
Qn-irc. 7iT A , j. s- i '.i. V ."" '""lung DH
ouits Made to Order from . u L"ir"-fi and cigarH.
i $18.00 wo " ' "IJ "mn n ttn1 you w5!1
Pants from $5.00 up.
This well known Htnm! L-i.T,t 1... t,.J
known U. If. Bmtt,, lung a reci
'lent of Wa.ico county, luih an extraordi
nary nne Htock of
.heep Henlers Delist and Irish Disiurbane !
In fact, all the luadinu brands of Jin I
Uiv th !
omo again
i? fc.mce fur the
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kiclnoy Complaint
I'erf. i t I'll (iiiiiriniteeil.
J. F.
In the prosecution of the smu-gling
ring in Oregon and Washington, h'ecre
tary Carlisle Is jierforming yeoman
work, which every good citizen' Hhonld
appreciate. For yearf. past the govern
ment haa inion defrauded millions 0f
dollars, but the end lias come. Salem
i. Ufiteti
I, l-j;i
7H taru'
With Eleetro Wlnrinutle s
l.irf-lcic, I'imiliiiSc'T.'LS ""in lll4.r HFiJe "
i li.rti.t
Mi, Hie. J,,,,
Mi: i;. .Mh,, Co..
. iJiifur, (Jreguu,
ijtHtlemrn : j
k u,'iirr,iyii- ""'m' !,tHt w,!uk-1 fo,'' i
a., well a,i u.xiously awaiting, Our
111 ," and une-half yearh old
nivi,'!l T"1 ay to :JS pouiidh, 1p
' k ) III ,trJ"',? v'coroub, ami weli
. eM.fcd up. .v. j;. oo,,,.!, cure has done'
i'. our h. 15. Cough Citio lias cured
uml kept away all hoarsentwH from me.
. h ".w "very otw, Hitli lti-h!. n,.,. i
iMllllj.' you Iimri.fll itv. ur. hp..
Mn. A Mm,, j. y: r,,,,... !
l 1 r
... X
Cdiseman & Warders,
1 UT t 1
l and vine ooms:
Tho Dalles, - Oregon. ;
I I-allMif II.mxI ,uh arK; WUth .,t,. I.r-m.l Mi.-. Imi.,,1 m!I. -, y ,m oil
i i i i elitnil iittriict.i i. uk n iiiuuiiliilii m,ii,,r ruaiin ..i n"l,
ml. r'u'.'ln'J'tl V'Z'! "i Mt',"'r!- .,U h "l'r..llele,' - ,1 , , ',, Xfurli'l!
nul tla1Iwl,ir,u1 -Witcr (.,r VA) , u ., t ivilnr iiim! I r
fil ls, tMly UunuaM H. Miere , lun, i.,tn. ,..wer eaihti., tl.e e t',. , .,,
liietorlCT will wiUer. tiurriiii iiiieil 1, s.i elimiitu tlitit chiih .1 i. . m '!,-
iilOWliere lur (ri; t und iiifrin I'ur. . mul wuli ttuiit-ixirtulf n m . ,.i i.
yon will Iimi tlu Ih. ,,i ,,.k ,M.rf..,.t huliii urn i i.i' mvi'Htii vt
bee me on the ground, oij
address me at Hood River
Wasco County, Oregon.
W. RossWinans.
lit a!
NortllWl'Ht corner nf !si
Court Htreuts,
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowln. !
A girl to do
wages. Apply
.:ttim... ..V.i, .V " .'.f. u trlvu Litaru ' Id-.... ,.i.i, ....., ...
111 IIUC-M, i:i"-V UO. CllCil V.'-k ---r .......
feultl UiHkT poiltiv .nt,-
to warn ir bottk- uy at. diiui'i. 1
Pine Work. Tin Repairs ana doom
o general ho,Heor!, Good FW???
ly at this oflicc. tf ( 0. 0x
1 Hoggs
. .'j.UU
Knderliy, Or.
;liop on Third .Street, next door wt-t of Young tt Kuf
Jjlucksmitli .'lop.