The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 02, 1893, Image 1

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jThe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
iihllhiml linlly, Sunday i:xpojit'1
lorner sivonu mm usiiiiiKto'i
Dulles, Oregon
Street. Ttic
Tonus of Subscription
rur Vi'nr .
for month. by currier ...
Iluple copy
.G (K)
S. lillll I'llllllu.
ffi I.A.ST nun
ko, Arrives 11 ir, 1'. .M
1 " n 1 bft I'. M.
WKST IKlllI.'ll
No. 1, Arrives :0' a.
Depart U:.V1 V. it.
1:'J." p.m.
Departs .'I: III a. M.
P.Vmo loom freights that carry passengers leave
gifi'Ior tho west ut Vmw a. und oik- (or the
IvMt'HtU lfi A. M.
pr rrilieVUIV. via. imso wveiii inivu imuj-
Antelope, i.iuonen, (..imyoii i;ny, icuvc
iv lit r. A M
Sir liufcir. Kiimsley. Wnmlc, Wuplnitlu, Wiirm
lues Mint tutu vmiey, icavo umiy (except
iidav, at n a M
For iioldfiiiliilii, Wash., leave every day of the
ek except Minilay nt a. m.
filters fur all lines at the I'matillu House
NO. 31.
It. M. Ukai.i.
First Rational Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted !
Deposits received, subject to hipni
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collodion.
Siirht and Telegraphic Exchange pold on
Now York, Sun Francisco and Pnrt
D. I. Thompson. Jno. S. Suhknck.
En. M, Williams, Geo. A. Likme.
11. M. Bit A LI..
letters of Credit issued available in
Eastern States.
II r.IDl)i:i.l-ATTOl:NKy-ATl-AW-
l.mirt .Street, The I Milieu, Oniion.
VVVK, t MKNI.riiU - ATTOIl.NKY.S AT- llooms 4'J mill -1.1, over I'ost
Hire llulldini.'. liutraiiee ou Wuslilnetou street
'lie Dulles, Oregon.
Sftflniies. OreKOii
MglPT P f MA Vh, It H
A. llreln Hrhauno's bulldlnc, up stairs.
'1 he
Olhees, Krencli K niocKovcr
, 'i - Dulles. Oregon.
'firm Nutlonul Haul
II WiIXON attohm:y-at-law - llooms
. l'reueh it Co 't. bank liulldlni;, Second
t. The Dulles, Oregon.
l I ' 12 1 1 1. I . l A V MTriM IvIl.iTllff'i Plivutf'nv
til UttiMiriit: .f'tillk. ii 1 1 1. i(.'irixl tn tii tit 1 1.
-ifEuy or ulRlit, oil j or country. Otliee No. W'uin'J
WkXJ okov. Ollico; rooir.H b mm i uiiiuimiin
51!Iik;1 ltel(lunce K. Y.. corner :otirt and
r,ourth BtreetK, see inn uoor lroiu tnu corner.
pilU:o liourh i to 12 A. M to & and 7 to i . il.
Gas Kiven for the
I) teetli
H!f,-n of
fcf- alllllALI, IlK.NTIHT,
EiL iialnleaH ustriiction of teeth. Also teeth
. on tloweil altimltiuin idate. KootnH
Itbc liolden Tooth, hucolid Otrcet.
Sight Exchange and Teleirraphic
TraiiHi'erE.ioldoii New York, Chicago, St.
Iouih, ban J-raneiaco, fortland Oretron,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable tcrniH.
flational Bank,
what a comfort it is to
havo ready at lianrl a
remedy that, never fails
to relievo Constipation,
and that, without pain or
discomfort; and almost
immediately cures head
aches, and dispels every
symptom of Dyspepsia.
Such n remedy is found
in Simmons Liver Regu
lator not a sweeten!
compound to nauhate, or
an intoxicating beverage
to cultivate an alcoholic
appetite, but a medicine
pleasant to the taste, and
perfectly harmless when
given to tho smallest
child. S. L. R. never
disappoints. It possesses
the virtues and perfec
tions of a reliable remedy
of the kind endorsed by
eminent physicians.
"It ad'onls mo pleasure to add my testi
mony to those you receive annually In
reference! to your valuable medicine. I
consider Simmons Liver Regulator tho
best family medicine on the market. I
nave lirescrlbed it with excellent results."
W F 1'AKK, M. D., Tracy City, Tenc.
Four Soldiers Killed anil Six Fatall"
President - -Vice-l'resident,
Cashier, - -
- Z. F. Moody !
Chakli: Hilton
- M. A. Moody
"The Regulator Line"
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections mnde on favorable terms
ut all accessible pointB.
The Dalles,-Portlanfl and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Biacksmiin & wagon shod
tI7AHCO LOlWiU, NO. in, A. I'. A: A. M -Meets and tliird Monday of eaeh month at '
Meets m .Maiimlu Hull the third Wednesday
!f cadi mouth at 7 1. M.
I m if I ........v.. r.ii r.....L n.n.ifl.i ..........
K ..ib lli'iii i.iiili I' IJJ, .wi i;m IIV--M4H) l. l.ll
;of each veuk in 1-rateriiity Hall, at 7::i0 . m.
pOU'MUIA LOIKii:, NO. ft, I.O. O. K. -Meets
Li every i-'ilday eveaiiiK at 7::iU o'eliK'l:, in K.
I J . nan, corner heeonii and uourt streets.
Durniuir hrotliurH aru uelennie.
Mi Oi.ouini, Soc'y. H. A. itn.i.K.N. c.
MilKNUSHIl1 LODCiK.NO. '.)., K. of 1'. Meets
everv .MoiiiInv evenlntr nt 7;;iu ircloel:. In
hiiiitui' l.iillfllfu,. I'liriinr nf INmrf mill Siwiiml
f'JWreets. hoJiiurutiiK members are cordially in-
SWtd. Vl. b. UltAM.
J). w.Vauhk, k. of K. mid ti. o.
A HSKMllLV NO. 17, K. OK I.. Meets In IC.
n. of 1' luill the second mid fourth Wedncs
lays of eacli mouth at 7;!iu p. m.
EI70.mi:ns t'liitisTiAN Ti:.Mri:iii:Nci:
II I'NION vlll utoet everv Friday uflernooii
0 IS o'clock at the reailliiK room. Allure invited.
r - - --
rruriiiou Lslue No. .Mil, I. O. (r. T. -l!ei;ular
il weekly mcctlui;s I'rldiiy at ti ). n u
uternlty Hall. All uru invited.
, C CliitlHMAK, ('. T. It. C. rt.r.cK, Ke
K.Ml'l.K LOUfiK NO, !!, A. O. I'. W. Meets
lit i-ruteriitty Hall, over Kellers, u Second
t, Tiiursday oveaiiiKs at :'M,
11 if,. IT I. tf.-r
9T. H Mykkh, rinanuler. ' M. W.
General Rlackninithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Freigni ana Passenger Line
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tiiird Street, op. Lielie's old Stand.
every haiurilay at 7:;H) i;
!-', 0. A. It. Meets
M ill the K. of 1'.
BOK L- K.-Meets .neryhuuday uflernooii In
the K. of 1. Hall.
li:SAN(i VKltlMN Meetn every Sundas
uveuliiK In tlio K. of 1'. Hall.
DIVISION, No. 107 -Meets 111
, Hall the tlrst and thlni w.,i
uyof euch mouth, ut 7'ii-r. ji.
or i., v
k. of r.
'T. J'lvTKKS rifl'IiCII -liov. Kiithor HltoNs-
or.KST 1'ii.slor Low Mai's every Huilday ut
A. M. llich Mii.ts nt JOiau.v. M, Vesneri: ut
Ir. it.
T. 1'AIM.H C'lflMU'II Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Hov. Kill). Siitolllln Hector, rierviees
jcry . Sunday ir 11 a, m. mid 7:110 r. m. Suudii; a. i. Kvetiiuif I'niyer on l-'rlduv ut
1.1 IT! . I'.ili.r Mi. Mil,.,. I., .m
til III Mill II, .nil, .in,' .f 11 . , ,Jnl,)...fl.
gpliool Immediately ufter inoi'ni'u'i,' seivlei-s.
Prnver iniM.ihii. lvi,!.... i.,.. ,., n.r.,...u ...-(-
j - ir tt . , ii.uuiiif, , iiiiji n
Ih OUliee, I'jlliili l.erviees in the eiiurl lioiisn ut
.,V,l 1, . . .... ,
Witt f W'V "f'U'finiftAii uiivki:ii -ltev. w, (J.
MS .'T-l.1 ,xtiU'r. f'''fVl;e:.veryHtiniiiiyiitll
. . -t. niurier nenooi liner iiioinu L'
service. htruniterHcoiitliilly invited. Iree.
JI. CHlMUtll-ituv. .1. ViltHl.:it, i.nstor.
horvliM .s everi Kn iiiiuv i,w, ri,i,n. mi n ,,,
nuimiiy i-enooi at jj-ju o'clock ! .m. Ki.wi.i-.Ii
I-yiiKUij nl .'..) l: m. l-nyer ineutlilK elery
'1 hurnliiy e-i-nlnir il V;.';0 o'eloek. A ennluil In
to 'ill extended hy both pustor mid people
fV..,'il 1Ir',,";!,",l 1,1 t,lu CoimteKUtlonui
Chlirc encl. I-otilti Day at 11 p. y. All are
lordluljy Invittd
IJvmiij. Lutheran churcli, Ninth street, ltev. A.
Horn, p,iHlor. Hcivlm at I1:S0 a. m. tiuiulay
uhool Hl'i-;M p, in. A oordiul nolcomc i:i oveiy
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kinds of work in his line at
reasonable figures. J las the
largest house moving outfit
in Eastern Oregon.'
Address P.O.Box ISl.The Dalles
Watches und Jewelry repaired to oidcr on
short notice, mid sutisfurtlou giiuruiitued
Htoro of I.C. Nleluds.m, 8t. The DallH
Chas. Allison,
Dealer in
j Through daily service 'Sundays ex
i cepted between The Dalles and" Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. ui. connecting at Cascade
Jjocks with steamer Dalles City.
.Steamer Dalies City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street, dock") at G a. in. con
necting with Eteainer Regulator for The
One wa
trip. .
. 8.00
Tickets on sale for Long Reach, Ocean
Park, Tioga and Jlwaco. Baggage
checked through.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
o p. m. Live stock shipments solicited.
Call on or address,
Jenral A Kent.
General MnKr.
Headquortera at CLas. Lauer's.
HuvliiK luid i; One huvcst of until nil Ice- the
best in the world, I inn piepnred to furnish iu
uny iMiuutlty mid at bottom prices.
Dry Goods
llools, Klin. ts. Huts, KWt.
Fancij tjood, jfeiortf,
ICte., Km,, Ktc.
Second St., The Dalles.
ptesh Paint!
W. O. GiLiikkt hereby sends
His compliments to every friend
And enemy If lie has uny
lie they few or be they ninny.
The time for pulttttui; now lias come,
And every one desires homo
That looks fresh and clean and new,
An none but u (and painter can do.
I'ulutliiK, pupcriiiK slid glazing, too,
Will make your old house look quite inn,
He will take your work either wtiy,
Jiy the Job or by tho day.
If you have woik plvo him u call,
He'll take your oiders, lartte or small.
I'. O. Ilox No. t!(
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and relluble house
has been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been ru papered and repulnte.
and newly eaupeted throughout. The
house con't a in i) 170 rooms and is auppliet
with every modern convenience. Rates
reasonable. A good restaurant nttaehef
to the house. Frer bus to mid from til t
C. W. KNOWLES, Prop.
Three Men Burned to Death in an ()i
Well Shot Dead by a Masked
AsiiLA.M), iy., .uny 1:1. a report is
just received from Wise county, Va
!l .1 .. i' I . , I .
mat. a ngnt took: place yesterday, in
that county, between state troops and
the Mcemans gang of outlaws, in which
four soldiers were killed, and six out
laws mortally wounded.
ror several months Kleemans' boys,
four :n number, have acted verv badlv.
They are accused of participating in
triple murder some months ago. Doc
Taylor, one of the gang, was captured
and bung lor the crime. Two weeks ago
the governor pent a company of sixty
soldiers to assist the sheriff in arresting
the outlaws. Wednesdnv the soldiers
overtook them and a battle ensued
Four soldiers were killed. Oliver Flee
mans was also shot and dying.
Snintllnil a Number of California Hoii
OriiH rrs.
Santa Roa, Cal., Julv 21. James
Metzler came here a few weeks ago
and represented himself to be a hop
buyer for the Pacific Hop Company of
Seattle. One of the men he first con
traded with was J. N". Bailhache of
Ilealdsburg. He agreed to give Bail
hache an S-cent advance when the top
figure in the market was only 21 cents.
Bailhache consigned his hops on the
promise that the money would be lorth
coming right away, but it did not come.
He went to San Francisco and got a bill
of lading, and found that Metzler ob
tained his advance. J. McGill, a
Ilealdsburg grower, consigned- his hops
to Metzler, and, it is reported, mourns a
balance due of 000 from the smooth
agent. It is also reported that four car
loads went from Mendocino county, for
which the proper leturns have not been
made. While here, he so ingratiated
himself in the confidence of W. B.
Griggs, hotel clerk, that the clerk in
dorsed a draft of on his house, which
draft was dishonored, leaving the clerk
to put up the money at the bank where
the check was cashed. He played the
same game on the proprietor of the
Sotoyme house at Ilealdsburg, catching
him for 1100, and a Sacamento man is
if50 worse oil' for his acquaintance.
Griggs, the Santa Rosa man victimized,
corresponded with the Pacific Hop Com
pany, and the company in reply wrote
that they were sorry for him, but that
Metzler is a rascal, or, at least, had
proved so to them; that ho is behind
with them in commissions; had drawn
money in Ilealdsburg and Sacramento;
and Uhat his indorsers in those places
are in the same fix as Grigga. Metzler
has not been in these parts since his
last transaction with Griggs.
Nobl. Hred of I'ortueal' Kuler,
Worthy of an American.
London, July 21. The Lisbon corre
spondent of the Times says, while driv
ing from the railway station to his pul-
ace Thursday evening, King Carlos saw
a powerful man trying to kill a man ho
had thrown to the ground. The king
jumped from the carriage and seized the
arm of the large man, at the same time
calling to the man on the ground to
make bio escape An aide-de-camp ran
to the king's assistance. The big man
knocked down the aide and turned on
the king, who dealt him a hnrd blow on
the head with his walking stick. The
ruffian tried to draw his knifo and re
volver, but was overpowered by the
king, who delivered him to tho police.
The king was uninjured,
Killed by u .Mushed Mli.
Qijinuy, 111., July 21. Wednesday
nitfht S. P. Bradshaw was called to the
door of the residence of Mrs. Brecken-
ridge, in Kingston, 30 miles from this
city, by a mob of 200 masked men ami
shot to death. Ho was 2ti years old, and
had been it talesman for the Singer Sow
ing Machine Company, but on account of
stories of his association wltu Mm,
Breckonridge, and threats of a coat of
tar and feathers from tho residents of
that village if his visits were not stopped,
ho had been transferred to another dis
trict. The woman is about 2S years of
age, fall ly gjod looking, and with iusolii.
uting manners. A few weeks ago sho
enticed tho man into her Jioiiee, and
when ho was in her. room her husband
crawled from under tho bed and forced
him to sign a promisory note for .lii0.
For this act her husband is in jail.
Friends of the man had remonstrated
with him on account of his infatuation
for the woman. She was hero lookini'
for him only two days ago, and iu an
eflbrt to prevent their meeting his em
ployer sent him out on a business trip.
Bradshaw was well liked by his asso
ciates. Till? ItKl'IiY OF S1AM. of War lleponilx Upon What
AiiHurnr A V 111 Ho Mudn.
Banokoic, July 21. Pavie, the
French minister resident, handed his
country's ultimatum to Prince Deva-
wongse, the Siamese minister of foreign
adairs, today, and announced that in
case Franco's demand was refused he
would at once leave Bangkok to board
a gunboat. The blockade of tho Sia
mese coast, ho added, would be declared
at once. The opinion is general here
that Siain will pay in full the indemnity
demanded by France. It is doubtful.
however, if the French claims of terri
tory will be allowed. Much depends on
the response of Great Britian to the
effort Siain is making to gain moral or
material support.
rnoM an K.vr.Lisii standpoint.
London, July 21. The Bangkok cor
respondent of the Times says concerning
France's ultimatum : "Europe and es
pecially Great Britain should know that
the French territorial demand represents
0."),000 square miles. It includes the
province that Burmah ceded to Shim on
condition it should never be ceded to
any other power, and oO.OOO miles of
northeastern Siatn, into whicli. the
French have never advanced. In fact
France demands the dismemberment
und ruin of Siam. These French de
mands confirm what I slated from the
outset, namelv: France's attack on
Siam is in reality directed acainst Eng
land, although that country has hitherto
been loval and friendlv to her in Siam
ese affairs. "
A Drunken Father's Crime.
Tolkdo, O., July 21. Information
reaches here of the horrible brutality of
John Clegg, living seven miles south of
here. His wife recently deserted him
for another man, and he has been drink
ing heavily. Last night he came home
and seizing the youngest child, ti boy of
by the feet, dashed him against the
wall, cutting a terrible gash iu his head.
Tho child died in a few minutes. Mary,
the eldest daughter, aged Kl, was sim
ilarly treated. The second girl, Annie,
was also thrown against the wall. She!
will probably die. The fourth child, a
bov, was frightfully beaten. Clegg was
arrested ami locked up. A mob of 500
men attempted to break into the jail,
but the officers managed to get him to
another town.
A (Sieut t.'on venieiieo.
Worlds fair visitors travelling via tho
Northern Pacific Railroad, and Wiscon
sin Central line, ate landed at the Paid
Central station in Chicago.
This magnificent fire-proof building,
located in the heart of the city has been
fitted up as a hotel, run on the F.uropeun
plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely
furnished and each room is supplied
with hot and cold water, electric lights,
The charges for accommodations are
reasonable and parlies can secure rooms
in advance by calling upon agents of tho
Northern Pacific railroad.
By taking the Northern Pacific
through car line to Chicago, visitors will
avoid tho discomfoit of all transfer in
that city, and can ulso travel between
the Grand Central station and world's
fair grounds by trains which run direct
between tho two points. 2tdlwlui-7-12
A Million Friend-,.
A friend in need is a friend indeed
and not less than one million people
havo found just such a friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds. If you havo never
used this Great Cough Medicine, ono
trial will convincii you Unit it has
wonderful curative powers in all
diseases of Throat, Chc-t and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or money will bo refunded.
Trial bottles free at' Snipes ,S; Kiuer.-ly's
drug store. Largo bottles fiOe and tf 1 .00.
Ariel- limine III" Itrotliiii-s l.iiknn.,
Clehiird Miofniiulcrr Kills llliimelf.
MmTioi'OLis, III., July 21. Tho com
munity was shocked this evening by the
most dreadful tragedy over known in
this section. Richard Shoemaker killed
Richard Lukens, jr., George Lukens, bin
brother, and after seriously wounding
tho father of the two dead men, put a
bullet into his own body with a fatal re
sult. All the parties were men of high
social standing and well-known through
out Southern Illinois and a portion of
Kentucky. Richard Lukens, jr., mar
ried Shoemaker's step-daughter, Mis3
Lillian Jones, about three years ago.
Shoemaker had been her guardian, and
after the marriage was called upon for
in accounting of tho estate. Seemingly
he had run through a large sum left tho
girl by her father. Protracted litigation
followed and much bitter feeling was
the result. Recently a piano in the
possession of Mrs. Lukens was sold by
Shoemaker, and on its removal more
hot words were indulged in. The feel
ing has been greatly intensified bv this
last incident, and this evening, about
0:30, Shoemaker walked up to Lukens'
place armed with two revolvers of
large caliber. Entering tho yard he
opened fire upon Dick and George, who
were standing there. Tho former had
his babe in his arms. Both fell dead in
an instant, George with a bullet through
his temple, and Richard with one
through his heart. Their father, Rich
ard Lukens, sr., alarmed by the shoot
ing, ran out and met the murderer, who
was firing shot after shot into the dead
bodies. He fired a bullet into the old
man's thigh, and then, as a crowd had
collected, he turned and ran down tho
street two squares, when, suddenly
halting, he sent a bullet into his own
abdomen, and died iu a little while.
Shoemaker was about 40 years of age.
Ho leaves a widow and two children.
The dead men were aged P0 and 28, re
spectively, and each leaves a widow and
child. The father's condition is serious.
Will Have it I'reo Hide.
Omaha, Neb., July 21. At Hastings,
Neb., last evening :i gang of 75 men took
possession of a Burlington freight'train,
and when the conductor tried to eject
them thev resisted him successfully.
When tho superintendent was notified,
he directed the yardmuster at Lincoln
to make a special train of empty box
cars and accommodate everybody who
cared to ride. The train will bo run as
tar as the Iowa line. The men all
claim to come from Denver,
The Opium Hint;.
Fkancisco, July 21.
F. W. Pat-
A black morocco combination curd
cao purse, having a silver bowknot on
the outside and some small ch.iugo
within. Tho finder will please leao it
at A. M. Williams oc Co. 'a store.
terson and Thomas Burgh, tho former
an engineer and the latter a fireman ou
the steamer Haytian Republic, arrested
for complicity iu tho opium smuggling
at Portland, have been held by the
United States commission on two bonds
of $2,.00 each. It is understood that
tho men will waive hearing and will be
delivered over to tho authorities at Port
land for trial.
Ileel.irril i lloiix.
P.uus July 21. Baron de Korfl', an
attache of the Russian legation, said to
day that the statement (hat Russia's
support of Franco on every point in dis
pute in Siam was a hoax.
Iliieklen's A in li. i Suite
Tho best salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
soroH, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
lively cures piles, or no pay required.
It iii guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per bos'. For stile by Snipes .v. Kin
ers ly.
ElderS. S. Beaver, of McAllistorvillo,
Juiiiatta Co., Pa., says his wlfo is subject
to cramp in tho stomach. Last summer
she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhti'ti Beniedy for it, and wan
much pleased with tho speedy relief it
tiU'orded. She hti'i since used It when
ever necessary and f-uind that it never
fails. For sain by l.'i.keley & Houghton,
Sliiloh's euro, the Groat Cough and
roup Cure, is fur sale by Snipes .v Kin
eisly. Pocket rio contains twonty-livo
doses, only 25c. Childivu low it. Sold
by Suipon it Ivliiersly.
Got your baihing pants I'li'iu t, AN.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report.