Valuable Books Given A-vay ! ! FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE From TEfllHIflRIi or INTERIOR Points THE 1 McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for lmiin llnnitin u : 1 . . . 1 iiiii'ii wiiiiiii'. i i" in not? iu 111 i .nr i irni'iu II I I II I fill II III JLvetno wcnjr w ' iiuiu 1IU1 11 1 UU111U . fin n . UI Ifc HIUIIIHW Ml WW VMII1W M Ulfftlll cciW RHILROKD Is the lino tn tnkc TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. OR rs soon us vou have purchased of tis f-Y.00 worth of Pin rash, purchases, beginning this day, you will re- iilwiilnlolv free, the , . , eMIUUieu ...III.; vivt; "J " LIFE OF JAMES G. BLA1JN Ji, naui arifj Chicaqo nr vnnr choice of other nonular works, now on exhibition at our store. J It i tlu Dlniuc Cut Unute. It nil" Tlir ur'l ' e.stlutlleil l Mills every oxy in mi: we me AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. T-Ity SihvIiiI iiiTiiil"'!iieiit i with tin1 piibllHherc nt tine n( the beat MiiKii.Inn now pulillnlied e enabled ti make a uni.t ecoitl(iiinl oiler to send McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OUSTS YEA JRj f.VO CIIANdi: OF CAltS.) In addition to the above, -if you happen to be a lucky one. yon will receive j;;ni'; o everyone wi,, pin ,.,.tt.,e i wi.B i or.... e...ii..R ut..uH.ti.eruhyH..iori!.ii.R(.. a Free TICKET TO THE WORLD'S FAIR AND RETURN, and a Week s Ad- The Da)les m Chronicle We ofi'er for vour inspection, u line line o? Men's Oversliirts for 25 cts. Het tlmt eaii bo rmiitnu'teil, mul In which HcrmuniiMliitloni nie both Free nml Furiililuil for holileriof First mul Sironil elii Ticket. ami ELEGANT DAY COACHES 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT TMIB OUT AND SCND IT TO US. continuous line, eonncetinc with nil line, . jjj Pltl'l I'sllCI'S CI I JlO.A' I C ' L L nlliiR ill net nml uninterrupted !ervlru a rpi If vou have not ulreadv seen the be ks and received one of our Tickets, call at the" store, and we wil take measure in showing you the advantage of buying fron us. s h ru'lmnn Hleeiier rcM?rvatloii ran bo -tTiirrd j jj In nilviuice through miy npent of the road . jjj The Italics, Or KM HP LJLIU UU 390. 392. 394 Second St. )'oa will, please send la mij address I lie DAILY "H lfn.i"CL E for I'J months from dale, for which THROUGH TIGKETS MtasSjl 1 "&'ec 10 w rts-" n!Tlh u ?7'' l(''lr!'sl,)()(l Kim-land ami Kurope ean be jmtclmcil nt any 1 1 Hid I U0ll IH'C lo lldCC SCI I 10 1)11 (i dd'CCSS 01' I lCft l', i ticket otlice of the comiuny. ' ; . , .. , , , . , , V r. , , , n ; , i , ' i t c Full lifiir!itnti'ii. niuceniliie rate.-, time of ij train-., routes anil other details lurnlsheil on ( fjj niii'l.e.itlon to B W. C. ALLAWAY, ;R Ajrent 1) 1' v. A Nmv Co.. lieKulator oltiee. The fj I) i!li. Or . or !1 A l. HAl'.l.TOS, A't. tioiicrai J'i!!:i:er Act., l'urtlancl. Jna wilhbal e.vtra charge. Alci'LCI! ti'S AL-IC. IZ l.Yli, I commend nJ irilh the current ii-unber. Dale. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TIIK J)AI.I.K oi:i:ko Oregon Kruit. Enhesu- .i hundred and nvon'-.-tivi ind with statues and c1- utniib innumerable. Of thi inarrnin cent structure not a trace remains even of the foundation. Th: f 'Trmle of I)iun;. va- iiuir h'.r.nireil smd feet Iiini.-. rv feet broad H. C. NIELSEN i Clothier and Tailor. .'Vauc, ..'(titress l CALL AT OUR OFFICE Hlirt io thf oiitertnliiiiiR anil tlni'K UliiHtrati il M cCLURK'S MAGAZJN E, The Oregonian has done some excel lent service in the way of educating the masses on the silver question and to it we are indebted for a very simple illus tration of the results that would follow the adoption of free and unlimited coin age. It is notorious, ays the journal, that one ounce of sold will buy twenty- '.lAUr ounces of silver in any market in thfeiworld. But the ratio of our coinage ' is sixteen ounces of silver to one ounce . of gold. Can anyone possibly fail to tsae, therefore, that, if free coinage of , Bilver were allowed, he who has an ounce of gold could and would exchange t M for twenty-four ounces of silver, get 'iixieou ounces of the silver coined, pass i ' it into circulation at parity with gold kV .r. iir.l. nunria nf atK'or Inff fnr , his profit in the transaction? The' money-broker would do this as cer tainly as he were allowed the opportu nity, and the process would continue till no gold could be had; and, with .disappearance of gold the silver coin, dropping to the value of silver bullion, , would become the basis of prices, l.;i Orliie. During the prevalence of the irrippe the past seasons it was a noticeable fact that tho?e who depended upon Pr. : King's New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped ali oi the troublesome after effects of the inaiady. i This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid cures nCh our. in cases of la grippe, but in all diseases of throat, chest and lungs, and has cured cases of asthma and hay fever of long ' standilig. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at Snipes cc Kinersly's drus store. Jlonoy to I. nan. I I have money to loan on short time loans. Geo. W. Icowi.a.vd. Deoidedlv the Finest Line of which has anions itM'imtriliiitor the liiiwt fainnim autliorx in Mnerieii anil I.iiRlmui, iiirlinllm: Hiii'h writers as tin1 following Thomas llanlv, Hamlin (iarliuid, .1. T, Trnwbriifgu, I'rof. K. S. Ilulden, .Ii'iomi' 1J. .leronii'. Prof. C. A. Young, I'Vitnces Hodgson liurnett, H. 11. iiiiyesen, Geiits' K"uriiisli.ino; . Qoocls, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON'. THE DALLES, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrugated liullilliif: next Door to Court llotiii. i It. L. Stevenson, lUtdyard Kipling, I A. Conan Doyle, Octitvt- Tlianet, , William Dean Hiu'.i'li" ! l'.ret Hiirte. Clark Uus-ell, Joel Chandler HnrriH, Tht'odore K'oosevelt, .loaipiin M iller. (ilbert I'arkur, John DurrougliH, Itolmrt lliirr, Ilnnry M. Stanley, Archibald ForbeH, Andrew Lang, Sarah Onto Jewett, Dr. J. S. HillingH, W. V.. Henley, dipt. Charles King. Good lol, rrintliiR. If you have your job printing done at The Chuonicu: you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs j under the direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. Handsomely Fnvmstied Rooms to Rent by the Day. Week or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. Mrs. IJiibt. Lou in Stevenson, Cn mile I'lamuiarion, F. Marion Crawford, Lillie Chase Wynuui, Margaret Deland, Harriet Tre-eott SpoHbrd. Herbert D. Ward, Edward Hverett Hale, Elizabeth Stuart I'help-, Louise Chandler Moulton, F.a.'hinimlM'rof McCLURE'S MAGAZINE rontaiiii' two Imnilionicly IntiTviinTK with hucIi fainouH iinit as JuleH Verne. Archdeacon Furrar, Alphnnsi' Daudet, Frances Hodgson Hurnett, Thomas A. Fd'tHon, Cntntle I'lamuiarion, 'p; ... ,,.,,,,,. r.' u,,,,i.;.,u,,,, t.'.i,, ..,,.,1 i,-.....,. ii,,i.. French DalluoniHt, H. H. Itoyeseu, I'rof. (iruhnm Dell, anil many othurs, hiivo fiinilalu-il material for esiMrially jiriMinreil Inti-rvli-wH ivhluli ul.'I appear ftill iliiutrati'il in thin niiipiliu Kneh number contnlns two or thtcv uliort xtorlen by famotin aiitlior-, Milly llliHtratiil t-tnrle will aniar In early number b Williiim Dean Howells, K. L. StevenHon, Jiret Harte, aruh Ornit Jewett. Harriet I'reseott Spoll'ord, Octave Thantst, Francen Hodgson Durnett, Stanley J. Weyinun. Thomas Hardy, Uudyard Kipling, Joel 'Chandler Harris, Conan Dovle, Are you insured? If not, now is the time to provide yourelf and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarroiha itemedy as an insurance against any serious results from an at tack of bowel complaint during the sum mer months. It is almost.certain to be needed and should be procured at once. No other remedy cau take its place or do its work, 23 and 30 cent bottles for sale by Ulakeley & Houghton, druggists. T H E ARXIC FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM. ', Candies and Nuts at vliolMiile ( notation. TOli.VCL'O CHJAltS AND SWEKT DKIXKS Specialties WOO, WOOD. WOOD. F,neat peanut Roa3ter ,n The Daes Heat grades ot oak, fir, and slab cord ' wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. 2 3S" I mi PA At right side Peters fc Co. .Office second and Jefler , oh it..I rill I. II Jirs. obarr's son streets. WHS. H- FHflSEH, Propr. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, .Corner liar,., f.NVO.V STOI'K Y.UIDS, Chi-ag IH. . The largest and only strict- omuii-sion dealer in horses in the world, will hold his fir-t extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season l-HQy, on WIEIDIIIESID.A.Y, J-UIsrE 21. Entries should be made at onee. HORSES HORSES j HliNKY M. STAN'I.IV fll contribute, cfi eiully for yiuini; rwiilfr. a thrllllnph iuteri sliiij; htory of African Aiiventuri'. NATl'IiAL HISTOL'V AND ADVENTCUE. ThiTp will W scvi-ral artii'b." written by ttnymonii DUithoioyt, who Iiiih bvi'li i'iiIIimI by Mr. W. T. Stead the Inrit l:iti'rviowi:r In IjiKlaini. fr'nio niaterliil f tirulnli.-l him by Kurl Hugrbauk, of Ilum bnrK, thucreat aninial iuiorter anil trainer rhete artielea ileal with The Capturi! of Wild I'easts. The TnuiHportation of Wild DeftstH. The Training of Wild Deast1;. The Adventures and Escapee of Karl Hugenbeck. The serie will im.' llltiHtrateil l? an F.nj;lnh artiN. of iickiioIeili,'eil HklU In (IriiiUni; Willi aulmalK John lliT.itocoiiH. ('. 1" IIoi.iikr. lui i ( Aiiiiutt, nml other writers laiuoiis for their wort in this hulil, will cuiitribute t the niitsiulne. 1'IiOF Of Interest to Ixith Young and Oltl will be Jl. L. GAItNEIl'S AFRICAN HXIM'.DITION TO THH GOUILLAK. restaurant. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE BURHAM & Robertson Propriotars. CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. o-m-v. KJiuuius uat; uu imuu me imesi Liivery in eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Eigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Ako, cn furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freight or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wagou room, i IN- B-OGK-S. A. T I. C. NICZELSEN'S. Have You Seen Commercial Patronage Solicitei. T H E J. H. CROSS. At the Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. ;Hay, Graii?, peed ai)d piour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. 0tla ipcvicl for 3UgSs cvxxci 3Poxxltiy. fill goods delivered Free and Promptly. Spring Alillinery Goods AT us s,na si.,. ANNA PETER & CO. The California Winehouse, '. Is now open, and its proprietor will sell hU home- I .-..X.l.., 1 ll'J.v.. 1 !.. ;l 1 .. . jiuumru 1 1 xue ui pnees in mo reach ol evervbndv. jhcu, i.vm j i.uiiiii. iu tie itiunu. v f finely guaranteed t to be J'ure and J'ir.-t-Clas in every respect, I y. if J. O. MACK, FI(E WfflEg and LIQUORg ArranxementM have IkhMi initde. In coniieetioii with a leinllni; Kiik11i.Ii review, to publish I'rof. (mriier letter ileerlitlve oi hi.- )ieent t-xiHlltli)H to Afrlea, I'rof. luirner Ih noted the world over for the eurloiin ami Interesting inveHtluatloiiH ho is maklni,' lit the Mieeeh of liiinikeyH, fie Milled for Africa last September for the xako of further purnulni; hlh Ktuillex in the natliu limuitt of the Korilla. The illintriitloii for theae artielei. will iv from photograiiliK taken by I'm!, tinnier. The itunraziuc alto coiiUiiuh mint iutoreittiiK urttclvx under the followlni? eoiiiireheiilve heuili " The Edge of the Future." " Knowledge of ItmnediaU! Vitltie." " Newest Knowledge." " Thu Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We ure olleriiiK hlh Kpleiidid iniiKnzine with the Imi.v C niioNiw.t: for only ii:.V a year, payable ill advance or in monthly installment as desired. We make thin exceptional oiler In order that we may nenre ;a law numlM-r of new MlberH-rH, but ali who are already Hiibicril!rs may avail themselves of thl opportunity to neoure thin Kreat miiM-Unc. Fill up thu blank and m-imI it in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thin well-known Brewery is now turning out the best ilecr and Porter oaat of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, nnd only the first-class article will Ik placed oi the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest PutteniH and Designs in , 4rP'tuu! 7'atnters antl Paper HangorH. None hut the best brands of the Sherwin-W i mma and J. W. Musury'ri Paints used in all .ntr work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for AitiHtiry Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or ump mixture. A first class urtidu in nil colors. All orders promptly ittended to. Paint Shoo corner Thirdand Washington Sta., The Dallea, 0re"0B DOMESTIC Alio KEY WEST CICART.. THE CELEHflATED PAtJST OEER. numpson's Addition. C BECHT.- FRENCH'S BLOCK, I71 SECOND STHlil'.r, : .m hu Op. ffew Qolumbia THE DAL L.ES, OREGON. This Popular House lias lately been thoroughly renovated nnd newlj furnished throughout, and is no v bettor than over prepared to furnish the best Hotel lici'omuiodiitloiiH of any house, in the 'ily, and at tho very low rate of $1 a clay. First-Class Meals, 85c Olllco of the fast and eoinmodloiiH opposition Mag to Dufur, Ivlnt-sloy, Tygh Valley, Wa Initlii. Win in Springs and Prlnovlllo Is in (ho Hotel an ' ikthoiih go'u.g to PrinovlMu ciiti save ij'MU by i"iln on this f ia,;o lluu. All trains stop here.