The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 01, 1893, Image 3

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    l OURt
Summer Dress Goods,
. -
Saturday, JULY i, 1893.
Outing Flannels
Gloriana Suitings -20 .
Tuxedo Suitings -12 i
Scotch Zephyrines .10
Agents for Universal Mending Tissue.
I The Dalles Dailv Chronicle.
Ttl ,..rii, )l Till, IVH1TVIITWI I1T I III IIHIIt'N. liriTIIM.
lis "imiiiI-iuiixs mutter.
I, All vrHUIne.
in Out- it I' if for ill it lu-CTtlon, unci 5 Cents
b , ' . -.1....
wwr hum inr flu- I -u ,' i (it'll , iiiv-i iiirii.
Mfciui tnw j or win; nine uourei.
All lot iii iitflc"" rii'i'iviil later tlmn S o'oln
rill iijipwir ttio following ilny.
Wt-ntlicr I'nr-'t.
j.t zj n. m. itinitiri I, 11;.
J 'mm'
wi:.u ii ku
Mr.xitnum temperature, SC.
Minimum temperature, ol.
River. 31.1! feet alwve rero.
"Wind, calm.
fi'tsiVf UKDA Y, - - - - .lTLY 1,189:?
The Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
I'C found on rale al I. C. X-iekehen't utore.
Tim Local Nov I' I rlil la Horuo'iatlilc
lit' nK it tlouchty warrior;
lle'il trnvcloi liiraml ivlilu.
To her he mlkiil of WuU'rluu,
Kl'llIlhUipol lil'kldt,
01 lliiliiklnvm Tflei-Kiibir,
Krone of ciirniiKt; ml.
"Oh. you'll m enjoy our i-tifkynnls!"
The Chicago, iiiuldim talil.
Yule beat Harvard in the boat race
Admiral Tyron admiiw Ii'ih fault in the
Victoria difcaHtcr.
FtevenH' cxireHH will make tripe to
the 15-Mile celebration 3 nly 4th. Hound
trip 00 cents. I-eave ordern with wagon.
T).......i . ., n mm., r.n .1...
fSi Jtuuuu lull lu .-.ulu.ov v;uiJin wii unj
x4tb. Drays and cxpreea wugoiiH will be
1 1 1 A t . I
vii nanu eany in me morning lor puu-
Anthony Drexell, of tiie great bank-
i. r t ii i i .
lWl(H' !tM...WkflM
...1 . : I I J. a AT .
- r, -. -
I&iih given him the rej?iBturliip of the
iOregon City land oiiice. Winder if tho
girl will accept him now.
The Kegulator made the CaHcudeH In
li liourH und 13 ininutes yeuterday. Tlii6
!b the fastest time since the lhuny A ins-
worth covered the naiue courfce in 2 :21.
Ono of the horFew that jumped off the
ierry lwat at liitJH on Tuenlay of last
week wan waahed awhore next duy near
Winani JSrothere' fish wheel on this
JudiciouH Kummer pruning, or pindi-
.... 1 .1... A f .1... .........
..u . u IIIL 111 IfUlll I DIIUIII.I lUV ...
muku iiieui more iniuiiii.
IjjuH beatii will Ikj reerved at tlie HiK'cial
service at the MethodiHt Kpiucoital
, church next Sunday evening, for civic or
military organization!) which desire to
Eh attend in u body, provided timely notice
JH given to the pantor.
The county teachera' institute will
convene at Hood Kiver on July .'list,
w continuing until August 8th. Able in-
K ru -.ill !, !.. ...... ...I.. ...... .....I
nviitijuin ttii iu in in.i.t;iiuuiii;u tun
preparations are hying made for u thor
oughly good session,
A pretty good joke wus played the
other day in Tiie Dalles whea a young
fellow calling himself Michell, with an
unmistakable Irish broguo, entered the
fflce of the Times Mountaiueer, and
.claimed the editor as a long lost Irish
cousin. The joke lies la the fact that
Kditor Michell is :t thoroughbred
Johnny Hull and hates an Irishman ns
the Devil hrttes holy water, it is not
necessary to ay that, the little fl..i()
lonn wanted by the Iri3h cousin was not
negotiated. Goldumlale Pcntinel.
At Iho July racej on the t-tate fair
grounds there will lie a six-mile race for
ladies. They will change horse every
mile. Mies Daisy liiers, of Salem, and
Miss Keath.1 Price, of Turner, are the
first entries. It is expected that no less
than a dozen will start.
F. W. Taylor, while loading hay on
Wednesday on Chamberlain Flat, wx3
bitten by a rattlesnake on the back of
the hand. Mr. Taylor immediately i
plied a liberal quantitv of moistened
tobacco and lieyotid a abort spell of si'jk
ness 4tnd pain in the arm tins suffered
little inconvenience. It was fortunate
that the fangs did not strike a vein as
there was probably not a drop of "rattle
snake medicine" nearer tiian Grant, 15
miles Off. The snnfce had seven rattles
and a button and it is Tfeedleso to say
M ill never bite another Taylorjeatine
KrBltjcrowr' !etlm;.
The meeting of fruitgrowers was called
to order today by Mr. Win. Taylor, who
Hinted that Mr. K. A. Clark of'Kalem was
in attendance who would tfUite some
thing of interest to tliose present upon
the subject of fru!t handling.
Among thoee in attencance were
Messrs. Emil Schanno, G. K. Snipes,
V. II. Taylor and M. Hill of The Dalles
and Auios Hoot, Geo. SelHnger and W,
A. 1 1 uybamlri of Moaier. , .
fr. Clark stated that for many months
he had been writing for the Oregonian
relative to the best manner of handling
fruit in the market, and it wiib ii matter
in which he was especially interested
He stated that the Karlc Fruit Co., of
which he was a representative to the
.producers, was a Los Angeles firm who
inade it a study and a ImsL-iess to supply
all available markets with fruit, taking
aire to never overcrowd nny one market,
thereby securing the highest prices for
fruit. The senior member of the firm is
u. young man of singular capacity for the
business, who has handled as many as
sixteen cars of fruit u day, and all the
machinery of business is so conducted as
toionable the fruit producers to secure
th highest market prices for fruit
throughout the season. They furnish a
man to instruct them in all the details,
and tho company furnish pacr, boxes,
etc., which is paid for only out of tho re
ceipts of sales. Tho (Inn haw brunch
hoiihce in Chicago and Khiihih City, and
are represented by agencies in Jfoston
and New York. Tho business is bo thor
oughly conducted that a man if produc
ing only one box of fruit, can load tit the
shipping toint, and sharo the sumo bcu
elita and profits as the man who raiscH a
An ocean steamship 700 feet long und
driven by 40,000 horso jwwer is the
latest project in murino architecture.
It is said that the new steamer will
make 27 knots uu hour. Tho building
of huge monsters for imvul use has re
ceived u serious check in the disaster
which has overtaken one of Knglund's
crack battleships. It is to be hoped
that the limit may bo reached in the
building of ships for the merchant ma
rine before the lesson of overslr.e In
learned in the equally disastrous school
of experience.
Ask your dealer for Mesicau Silver
Stove J'olish.
Use Mexican Silver stove olish.
Mexican Silver stove polish causes no
Snow nn tlin Uurlnw Kuml.
- -
From a party who has just come over
the old Harlow road it is learned that
there arc 15 miles of snow from one to
ten feet deep on the Harlow rof.d, near
the Summit. Two small bands of
horses, which were being driven across,
were turned loose near the Know line,
waiting for it to 'disappear. There has
been no snow on this route at this sea-
son for many years.
Mr. Ed Wingate of Antelope is in the
M. W. Freeman and wife are in from
Mrs. Loraine Canlield'of Hovd is in
The Dalles today.
Misfi Van Wagner came up from
Ssalem lnnrsdav wun Mrs. .1. M. ratter
son, and will leave for Dayton today.
Mart. Donnell and S. Holton who have
recently purchased tlie I. C. Kichard
store in Goldendale, loft today for that
, J. D. Whitten of Kingsley called at
The Ghkonici.k office todav. IHa re
port on the crop outlook is not encour
aging, as the crops need rain and
warmer weather.
norm, akhiv.m.s.
Columbia. Mrs McKamey, Hood
Tiiver.; L Pointer, Canyon ; liobert
Kiley, (J ihayer, Herman derling, Port
land : i) J Kamalv, J.ylo : I: Koeeburg,
San Joe; David Tanner, Vancouver; K
C Ftuight, Prineville.; J A Cameron, J C
WeHtrott, iioise City.
FourtU of July.
The 'Regulator will leave her witarf on
July 4th at 8 a. in. .Hound trip tickets
to Hood River and Cascades, 50 couts.
IIuoil Klvor NewR.
T. J. 'Watson of Portland spent sev
eral days with his father this week.
O. T. Prather has added an awning
and fresh coat of paint to his building.
Mr. j!oorge Knapp of Oakland, Cal.,
formerly a resident of Hood River., has
been visiting with his son-in-law, Mr.
Virgil Winchell, the laot week. He left
on Monday to visit his daughter in
Mr. George Column hae taken charge
of the Langillo House for the summer.
J. H. Middleton of Portland gavo this
town a visit on lust Weduettduy.
Mrs. Jeratio Watt of Portland came up
on tho noon train on Thursday to visit
her mother, Mrs. I',. H. Smith.
Robert Copplo took a Hying visit to
Poitland and returned Friday,
Hood River will celebrate Julv 4th in
grand style. Will have base ball, foot
ball, foot races, horse races, and a
rooster race, Grand parade at 10
llurklL'ii'H Arnli'u Hulve,
Tho best salvu in the world for cuts,
bruises, soies, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, und all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per lox. For sale bv SiiIpch A Kin-
Fifty cents is a small doctor bill, but
that is all it will cost you to cure an or
dinary case of rheumatism if you use
Chamberlain's Pain Halm, Trv it und
you will he surprised at the relief it af
fords. Tho first implication will quiet
the puin. 50 cent' bottles for sale by
Hlakeley & Houghton, druggists.
Furnished roomu to rnt. Aimlvnt
the residence of Mrs. 0. N. Thornbury,
Second street, The Dalles, Or. tt
Tim Two Yrnm Term Clnp for Mare
Minn llntf tlin Council.
- .
The city council hckrthf ir regular
monthly meeting last night, a little in
ndvuncc of the usual time, which should
have been on the lid of July, on account
of the regular annual meeting, which
takes place on that day.
There woio present Hon. Robert
Muyp, mayor, and Councilinen ICreft,
Jolcs, l.iuer and Williams.
The resignation of Chas. Haight,
councilman from the first ward, on ac
count of removal from said ward, was
read and, on motion, accepted. - '
"""LIctTiises weie granted to the various
liquor firms to sell liquor in loss quan
tities than one quart, for tho ensuing six
Oidiimiiee No. 278 was passed, grant
ing to the Oregon Telephone and Tele
graph company the right to place and
maintain its pules, wires and lines in
and along certain streets, alleys and
public ways of Dalles City.
Tim names of 0. I.. Schmidt tind T. A.
Hudson were prcr-nted to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of Chas.
Haight. The vote resulted in a tie, and
will be concluded next meeting.
Tno following bills were then pre
sented and allowed :
I- Menefee, recorder $100 00
Dan Maloney, marshal 100 00
J F Staniels," street commissioner 73 50
I j Rorden, treasurer 25 00
Geo .1 Drown, eng (lie dent 80 00
J S Fish, lire warden 12 00
Dalles Water Works, water rent 32 00
Geo Ruch, judge of election ... 3 00
E Jacobsen, " " ... 3 00
J Doherty, " " .... 3 00
J Gavin, clerk of election 3 00
E P FitzGerald, clerk of election 3 00
Geo A Liebe, judge of election . . 3 00
J KPage, " " . . 3 00
J FSnedaker " " 3 00
Henry Smith, clerk of election.. 3 00
E II Merrill, " " . . 3 00
.1 H Crossen, canvassing election
returns 3 00
L S Davis, canvassing election
returns 3 00
Ii 1. Rranner, meals for judges
and clerks 5 00
Sinnott A Fish, meals for judges
and clerks 5 00
J H Hlakenev, team to Johns
funeral ' 4 00
Chronicle Pub Co, printing. . . . 23 00
Dalles Electric Co, limits offices. 3 00
" " " streets 250 50
" " " lire dept (i 40
Joles Hro, nidse. ... . . 4 70
anipes i; Kinersiv, muse u'o
Paul KreftA Comdse . . 115
Maier & Renton. imUe. 4 OS
Mays it Crowe, mdso 0 02
Geo J Hrown, cash advanced . . . 75
Dalles Lumbering Co, lumber 33 59
E Rigirs, labor 7 00
J W Hlakenev, hauling 2 50
Maier & Renton, milso 3 75
in pea x Kinersly, lwilse u Sj
Dr ILinehart, medical attendance 32 00
R V -libons, nteht watchman. . 75 00
G C Hills, night watchman GO 00
Times-Mountaineer, printing. . . 2 00
Umatilla Hous-e prisoners' meals 17 10
M Pruett, special police 7 50
Win Cuinmings, special police. . 2 50
loin JMalonev, attendance on
diphtheria case 14 25
On a motion of Alderman JoleB a vote
of thanks waa tendered the retiring offi
cers. These include the inavor and re
corder and half the councilmen, Messrs.
Wood, Haight and Williams.
The mayor before final adjournment
made u few remr.rks in a aledictory
strain, touching upon the uniform !mr-
mony which has .prevailed at all meet
ings during the lust two years, and the
satisfactory discharge of all duties im
posed by committee and general work of
the entire council
Go to N. Harris for fine prints; 20
yards for $1.
Get your bathing pants from S. & N.
Tho Pacific coast states are warm ri
vals at the Chicago fair. Oregon is in the
thick of it, with pears like pumpkins
and prunes almost as largo as foot-balls.
Hero are some of the signs over the
Oregon department : "Oregon the land
of the big red apple," Peaches 17,'... in
ches in Oregon," "Hoses bloom every
month in Oregon," "No cyclones, or
blizzards in Oregon," "Oregon is tho
home of tho prune," "Two bites to a
cherry in Oregon." Tho visitor must
not linger for any time within sound of
the Oregon man's voice or ho will be
come convinced that all other states are
barren deserts compared with the
bulmvund prolific groves of Oregon.
"Washington and Idaho rather caught
tho crowd until wo got opened up in
good shape,, ' said ho recently, "but peo
ple admit now that they never saw any
cherries lil;u those. Jf you didn't know
you would say they wore plums,
wouldn't you, now? See thoso apples,
three to a jar."
I'or limit.
Rooms to rent at Her, A. Horn's resi
dence on Ninth street. (l-23daw.
Dr. M. J. Davis Is a prominent physi
cian of Lewis, Cuss county, Iowa, and
has been actively engaged in the practico
of medicine at that place for the past
thirty-live years. On the 20th of May,
while in Des Moines en route to Chicago,
he was suddenly taken with an attack of
diurrhicu. Having sold Chamherlain'H
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoa Remedy
for the past seventeen years, and know
ing its reliability, he procured a 25 cent
Iwttle, two doses ot which i'omploteiy
cured him. The excitement and change
of water and diet incident to traveling
often produce u dlurrhieu, Every one
should procuio a bottlo.of this Remedy
before leaving home, For Mile by
Hlukeley it Houghton, druggists,
lave vnn TDicn nmicc tun CAiiKrn
wllh Klffrlro TMiiirnWi.' .''uii-W"!
dory will curonillJio'l r'tslii ?'ir
all of thi! ahovotnuMiK". . iM'Mho
fudor from Niron., .Milt"., Ilrnins. i 'Uun',
?l er vim iifi. Sli i jl- .H ''(
a . ..i... i. ..
i uiir .uciiii.r , r . i. r. . , .i.i.
pill I III", mill KCIMil'.il III i 'llttli.
tlioeuccMor nhir-oi'. r. .
orcxpiFtiri will Amir.-: i. . n : ,il
miro In our nmrvel' 1" m,
winch rtvpilrrs but. I in: : I ; 'i v I i"i
tho most Bkpptlc.'il, I ilLitioi'nii'.Mi.'' :l
foots you ma have u.i i. ' Ir;if'
yonrM!tcni (jfni'r -i1 .iiiit ,
which In Mrciricir ."-I t!m"
cnujcd yollmoaltlle, '.r 'u i t for' -.
If you replace Into 50"" 'iluut r
clempnts tl.irt rtr.iln'-.), V '.r. :n . .
nulrcil for viKorcinsri 1 r '., you
rctnovetho nmo mil iir. . inr i
nnd vltror wl I I How -a. '.!. 'I' t
in our plan un.1 troj'nii'.ii. .mi! 1
i7iinr:intpi) .1 fjuro r r 1' tun. .
0;ir "00 Mtco Imnfe THllEft OT.AHSES OF MFN,'' fiiouhi tm t-mi hy roui ,
I'llildli-.tiRcd nnd old innn, sent sciilnl, frro. Jr. Banilen'n KlPi lrli; licit 3 t,j xrlir.
nnwn huvo riwtoroil Ihoiumnitnto roliunt lionlth nnil vleor, after nil other trcritmpntu ful'-'i.. 0.111 . 1
Miown hy liunilttdM of cncitlirouiihoiit thlmtid other Htntnu.who would clnilly ti ntlfy, .ji.alioiadar j.
of nhoiu wu huvo ttroutf letters bearltirt testimony to their recovery after ui lug our Jsclt.
rrucsAi ncaii itv rnppr?
hiiri 1 r uicliio, (Jul., AtiKiitll.lfX.
1"r. A. T. Fandrn, lnr Sir : llnforolucpd your l;lt
I v.ns trouhl d with lot viKfir. VIUI .nknw,, nnd
idr.ioit 11 cmui'lrto Ions of power. I would net up with
1, v. ry Urnd ffulliuj, pone nchlng, ('tc.$Blucii ulm;
jo'ir helt I h ivd hud n niw lense of Hf '. Inowfiijoy
IitH li'.tter tlinu I linve fnrtnn Tfnrpaft. Ihiivothn
t. ot cunfi lnnce In jour trcmtnicnt. Von can nub
U ii thin I'tutHiucnt, ulio hnvftiithern wrltnor cull nn
uu.. Truly yours II. A. IIOWKN, SfiiindfflTurkSt.
l'or lnnil.OrHKun, April P) lbV.'.
llr. A. T, Rnnden. IiniirHir: tKotonoi f yourlmlt"
v.. ki nKO tor rhoumRtiiirn, from which 1 Kiidcrod
fornorul ynurH. Kortlioimtii moiithn f had r.ot
tifi-n i.hl.ito w rk. Your belt hft.p!acedmoln nlmot
fell ct hnalth In thn two wei'ks lliuve umd It. 1 can comlortiihlv, nnd feel llko a ncwinnn penPrally.
M. i:. HUailKrf, Proprietor International Hotel.
Tacoma. uh October il, lJS.
I).-. A.T Pnmlen.lJear Sir : I have hef n uslntj your
Klnctrio belt for Knoral niTTouH debility, nnd to-dav
f.wl bottiir than I have for five yearn. I hnvo gained
In vlf,nr (trllv. nod nm r.trnntr In nvnrrnnrt.
Yours uratof ally, CIIAH. LtTETKA.
LAMC BACK AND nilE!JfiA?!37l1r
Tortland t'J-rfTon.S. pu.'xnh-r Cfi. '"A'-
rr A .T flnnilpn. t)r.4r Sir - Yi:ili rif WMilir '. '
hard work, roralilrii'd with thfl strain cr.ichu fcore . 1
jar of 1111 enpino. RaTiimon ri'vcrncn of Knn .
from which I nulTi-ri'd for BOvtu jfar'. 1 o 1
that I could not bend my hack. HmiiII 'Jo -nlo.i 1.1
witci it. I iioiisiit oni 01 yo'ir iipii?, v. i -:n l
in idn of tw 1 dK. nnd 1 continued to 'v . rtr. lor ..'
raontlm. ImlnR pirfi'ctly niri-d. Tint ti"'.i) T'.' 1
a.'o.und 1 am n-ivel to-day ha 1 1:1 1 r u-. . ;r. lit '
know jour lii'lt well, anil I km w lo n u-' i. pli
liao l)Tn cured by It. Mnny o1heI noi
thnwould try it they would find It tin, -.,4 '
tho bet remedy in the world, I rn 1 ' twlh'.'i
perrnanently.nnd will boulad total'i'.Vit' i't . fnviii
wants to innu'ra ntioui P.
KOHl'-liT HUUIu:L.i;nnn.'!rIiol: T-irtlac!.
Everett, Wa'h, ,!l.i n H, lo.
Dr. A. T. Rnndei, Dear Ulr: Mc WPir'i.c vc-x-lv
It 1 havo been vreatly beneflted. 1 fen! mr old e 1
iruy fat rnturninr; nnd after .1 monih'a "i of tti'.i
belt I find tnyi-elf twice a.i v sornui an IjUmii, M7
memory i now nearly perfect, ana ouch my shu
for the better. I f el much etronse'th ' :v.f' '
inine the belt. Yours truly, HKMfj h'-HUl,!,
IiiftCcmptcteiralTaiilobattcrf.taadolntoabcltso as to bo eanily worn durlntr work or atrcit.iir.a IS.
clvea noothliiir, prnlonKed cm rent 3 whicU aro Instantly lult tlirouirhout all we ik parts, or wo '"rfcl.
$..1,0011. It has an Improved Klcctrlc HunpciiNory, the createat boon ever giren w.r,k n en, ana
we warrant, it to euro any of tho above weaknesses, anil toenlnrre shrunken llmb, or parts or .vouo ,
Iti fundi'il. Thi;ynreKradcdinstrentrtlitomectnllKtaKeaof reoiknepH In youiiir, nlilillo-MKOdo;o.u.
ju, ntul will euro the worst casts in two or three laouthe. Address for lull iuforaiatkm.
Wo uro determined io make large s;lei. therefore we will
make cuts in prices that will surprise yon. Here are
few prices to suit the hard times for the present:
20 yards Print Calico, for . . ..
3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for.
2 36-inch Linen Towels, for ....... .. -
3 Bathing Towels (Turkish), for
2 Fancy Tidies, for
Parasols, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and Embroideries,
Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c.
Everything in proportion. Save money while you have
the opportunity. at"This sale ia good for 30 days only.
Come and bring your friends. You won't regret it. Jfcjf
Cor. court ni. second sts.
K15 Dalles, Oregon.
Pi mill Sin Dr? Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Qepts' pciri?i5l7ii7$ (jood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
t,;;so,s!, H. Herbriiig.
gpririg Opening.
Owing to the lateness of the
season, we are a little late in
making our spring announce
ment. But we come at you
now with the Finest Line of
Gents' Furnishing Goods ever
shown in this city, and select
ed especially for fine trade.
Freeborn & Company,
(Kail Paper and Room mouldings
OldNuhbicbWS, . . ronTiao.OBiot