The Dalles My Chronicle. I OFFICIAL l'AI'KK OF DAUKS CITY. A!I WAffO COl'KTY. tared t the Postofflce nt The Dalles, Oregon, n sceond-clRss matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS. BY MAIL(rOnAGL rKBPAH)) IN AM AMCK. Wcoklv. 1 venr 1 SO C month? ' .1 ' Dally, 1 year " 6 months. . " t " Address nil communication to "THK CI1HON ICLE," The Dalles Orecon. 0 75 0 SO f. 10 S PO 0 50 I'.mt-Oltlee. orncK nouns rieneral Delivery Window Money Order ' Smuduy it ' ' a. m. to 7 l'. m, ,s u. m. to ! i. in, .u, m. to 10 a. m. Cl.OM.NG OF MAIL" trains polnp Kast . . 9p in. and M r.. m. 4 Vi.t tip. m. and :30ii. m. Mace for Goliletidale .... 7:;!0a. m. " " ITtnevilk . 8:3" " m. " "iniftiraud Warm Serine- .VOTn. in. " flavlncforlAleiV Hartland S: a. m. .. " ; Mitelope S HO a. in. Except Sunday. , fTrl-weekly. Tm-dnv Tlmrday and yatnrday. j ' Moudaj Weilno.-dav and Friday. SATURDAY JULY 1. ISO." MKTKOKOI.OOIOAli IlKPOKT, Weather bnreati, department of agriculture. Statu"" The Hallo, urep.n, for the month of June, W. Utltude. 4V i:i". U.npltudclSlf li' V wot. Altitude Hi', feet aho e sea level. TKMrfiit vrt'KE. ri'.Ecir'N DATK. I'd, 77; i:etirl(; covxen.. ;i Meati". i'.'I r,i 77 in1 mv 1 ri (M lix' . C.V 01 1 i fi! 71 I f-l 77 ' (VI I M fiR , fir,1 56 V . 6? On SO Ofi ! nil fill IVJ 71 .V 71 . 56 7(i 02 "i 1 5 2i ' m 65 00 65 (11 67 64 70 OS tsV 61 till 6: 76 t4 .-1 SO (51 0, S2.V.I.5 WfiO.O 4r,ivi s i,ci..V . lis 07 S M'fll.fti 561(15.0 WW. 6' W'67.0 Ii'iIAT.O, 41 ISO fi 47 50..V 47.VUV M01.C. fil 03.0! aolao.o 41!.ki b 42:.7.0! 4501. ft. 47 5.5! site 5! iWfi-.'.n! t..v 62.-V 60.5 61.6 6 0 47 62 4! 472.5 ,t6I. IS SO, as 41 ip lTi IS 21 16 S' 111 22 20 1 ! 28 20 33' .17. w; ii si is, "7 111 24, 81 2212,1300157, 7:i.7 MM) fit. 9 , .00 W .00 .00 .00, Oil .00 .on .00 .01 .00 .00 .00 Tr .00 04 .oo .(Hi .W .00 .1X1' .00 .00 01 Oil .00 .(1 .00 .1X1 IX' . .06 nmun mm mmltFP William Tell Your Father tlint rve pell SWEET. ORR St CO.'S Inclndinc rain, liall. sleet, and melted mow. f Frim maxinmm and minimum readlncs. Mnm than half the citv council re tired from their arduous and generally! Mean temperature, oi.o. ., ......... 1...;. !. fl Mean mav. temperature, tuanKiess uiuic." itn nit; iiicKnufc. i peraturc, .iO.o hut night. These are the mayor, Hon.) "f '!?: !!,", & Kobt. -Slavs. Kecoruer .Meneiee ana 'iot.ii precipitation Oouncilmeu Wood. Haicht and Wil liam menu inin. tem- Ki inches. iireatct preeipltntlon In any 21 eou-eeutlve Iiour, .in; naie, Ptl,JMn tprm nf mnniciiial Numher of, clear days 22: partly clouuy 1 nte of iiurora. m me. Time u-ed on thi form. Piiellie. Distant thunder and lichtnine In south on the p. m. of Jlth. Pa-el eatvardly. Lunar lialo ou 2"tu ann 2ii. i TU 1 Moon parhelia, at 9 p. in. on 2r,th. I XI i l.lsht frost in Idealities .outh on rreek on the nichts of ;;, 4. 12. 10. 20. 24. 20 ami 20. On 2Uth vegetable.- and grain injured more or less. .-AMl'Ll.. I.. UliOOKS, Voluntary Signal t'orjis Observer. Cajitain Sweeney, U. .S. A., San Diego, Cal., stys; "Shiloh's Catarrh, Kemedy i the first medicine 1 have , ever found that would do me any good." i Price oO ets. Sold by Miipes Kinersly. ! .in... i '1(11x1 v i lav- 6. o:i ulileli .01 or more nffina l.nan T.i trvitic tn 51 ltnf i V of . t .r..f i il tn H tm fell. u .. - i ' PrGWiiline direction of iml. westerly. men man ine one jusi uiuseu iui muse officers. Shortly after their installment in office came the tire in September, 1S91, reducing half the city to ashes, de stroying side-walks and cross-walks, the engine house, a large quantity of hose, and wrecking the fire engines to an ex tent that altogether entailed an immedi ate expense of thousands o: aouars. .Special police duty was required dui-1 ing the chaotic state of affairs following the conflagration to rid the town of fire bugs, thugs and thieves who flocked hither like vultures to a field of carnage. Recuperation was extremely difficult. Fire had destroyed in an hour what had taken years to accumulate, and a fire equiqmeut was demanded better than the service whose very inferiority had made such widespread disaster possible. After nearly two years as we look and compare what we now have with what we had on the night of the I'd of Sep tember the, retrospect ic pleasant. Three new hose hou?e have been built, including an engine house better in all i respects than the former one; the en-I gines have been repaired as good as j new at a cost 01 nunureas 01 uoiiars; 1,000 feet of new hose have been pur chased and the thousand and one inci dentals which swell the total have all been added item by item; twenty-five new hydrants and their placment and the connecting pipes have all cost. The result is that we have a fire service which any city might well be proud of, and which will stand as a monument to the efficiency of this council. The expense has run far up into the thousands, but it was demanded, and with the recent experience of the ravages of the fire de mon, none will deprecate it. The re tiring officers leave with the best wishes for themselves and the thanks of the community for their single-hearted ef forts for reconstruction out of desolation. An unusual offer ' the one that's made by the propri etors of Dr. Sage's Catafrli Kemcdv. Unusual, but made in good faith. It's a reward of C-tfOO for an incura ble case of Catarrh. If you have one. the money's for you. "ut you can't know whether "you have one, till you've tried Dr. Sage's Komcdy. Whal incurable by anv other means, yields to that. Iy its mild, southing, cleansing ami healing properties it cures the worst cases, no matter of how long standing. That's the reason the money can be offered. There's a risk abo'ut it, to be sure. Hut it's so small that the proprietors are willing to take it. The symptoms of" catarrh are, headache, obstruction of nose, dis charges falling into throat, some times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offen sive ; eyes weak, ringing in cars, deafness"; offensive rTrcath; smell i net taste impaired, and cencral i Only a few of theso likely to be present at j once. Vest Junipers, Pantaloon Overalls, liasvfittin2 Pants. Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip We are also Headquarters for .... Aden's, Boys' and Youth s debilitv. symptoms ciothijmg m 3 Dalles .AND Prineville r-jres Coutrli":, Itournens,&i'i,t 'in i Croup urompir': ri ; f.:i;.-l. end Aitimtu. i' rC'ci.i;:uilli.;i it h rival; hu'euiutlthon'i.TKSw.V" V failed: will rune r it t .keri ra t -i . ?- by Drucffteis on Rcnmiitf;. TV I -,r Hi. t or Chest, use aHlt.Qi. I'J.ASl 1.1;. l.: fer REMEDY. Have you ulurrhV Thi"remelr is ifiinmr. teed to cure you. Price SOcu. Jiiioctur trt Kor Kale ly Sulpeh 4: Klnerly. Stage Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. lac pulle" at C n. m. ever ,h, , ,i r i ..t I'rinevilie in tbirty-Mx iii !..' . :;p at ' a. m. eve rv dnv, and arm, ut The Diilli- in thlrty-Mx hours Car-ties the U. S. Mail, I'asscLgcrs and Excess i oniieets at Prii)""llle witb- Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. A' i'i:s rlosu connection at The Hallo uu!. . . :r,'in Portland and Kustem pon.ts. r.:r:soLs drivers. beet cccommtiaticcs along the read, nrst-class Coactes and Horses used. ! Liprssi matter tandled with special care, j STACK OFKICKS; ' 31. leliel A: Cn.V Stiir', I'rlneville. Ill every size, style and price. !k.PMISillll.4 YOUH ATTENTION Is called to the fact tka Hagh Glenn, 77i rc 7.v a tid. ut flu iAnr- ?,ioi u :, taken at its jiood u,r,is ou to for tit m. ' The poet unquestionably had reference to the L'lUHtillH Ilnuxe, i rii- i!ii h. ' The price of the Cosmopolitan has been reduced one-half and will henceforth be delivered by newsdealers at 12. cents per copy. It is a matter for congratula tion that the high priced magazines are warring ou rates. tiat has ueen a luxury too expensive for the toiling masses may now be enjoyed by all. The cheaper process of making high-toned illustrations of late years instead of the former expensive engravings has made it possible to place a magazine at a slightly increased cost over an ordinary newspaper. The greatly increased cir culation will compensate the publishers for the lessening of the price. Ask your Dealer -FOR THK- FADS OF THE DAY. Pkeserved ginger ib being fashion ably handed around with the ice course. The fashionable dogs in Paris at present are the big Trench poodle in black, brown or white, and the ungain ly Danish bourhound. A m;w notion which might be ap plied to borne of the restaurant menus for the benefit of customers untutored in Freu6h is to have the dishes num bered, as well as titled, in au unknown tongue. Tim latest fad to be indulged in by the seashore this summer is "pontho niancy," or fate by footprints. It has superseded palmistry, and now it will be possible to tell by the toe joluts and curves whether you are amiable or not, why you are not happy though mar ried, and all the rest. At a dinner given in Paris in honor of a young girl who had just entered fcociety, all the table furnishings, deco rations, and us many of the foods served us jxihsiblo, were entirely white. The jfuests were twelve young girls, all dressed hi white and with powdered hair. The bervauts wore white liver ies. Pkopli: who boast that they never did any harm are generally those who haven't done much good. Mir; The Snug. j W. H. BUTTS, Prop. I No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dallee Or. 1 This well known stand, kept by the 1 well known V. II. Butts, long a resi jdent of Wasco county, hae an extraordi ( nary fine stock of i Sheep Herder's Delight aod Irish Distorbanc in tact, all the leading brands of fin j Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and vou will come again 1 Dealer in Glas, Lime, Plaster, Cement and P.uilding Material of all kindf. -Currl tlm Kin cm Line of- Picture Mouldings Furniture & Carnets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these Roods out at greatly-reduced rates. MICIIKLHACH liKICK, - - I'NION ST. To bfc found in the City. 72 CJUashington Strec iLace Curtains, 1. 1 ' CLtAHfl STORY, The Dalles Gigar : Faetopy FIBST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. ?ubar; Hand Made M. A. GUNST & CO. SOLE AGENTS, PORTLAND, ORECON. ' ART TEACHERlnTf; A P ft l th Iteet Brands , J-VJ Xl.J.tkJ manufactured, and i Hoom S, Jkttinyen Building, orderu from all parts of the country filled Will j;lve I.i;!,hi Monday and Thursdays nf eich weet, ir o(t;ner if desired. W. E. GARRETSON. 01 on the shortest notice. Leaiio Jeweler.! j - -" 1 HOLE AOKNT I'OJl THK ! "OK KENT. Three nice furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire at Mr. lAuer'e store, Second street. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, .tame eacK, c. r - m v D1. SANDEN'S ELE wrtn ciectro-Maicnetlc I licit I All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Sere, id ht.. The Ille, Or. J. F. FORD, EYantrelist, Of IKn .Mollis, J(mi. wnt,.k undr dm., i.f ! March jvj3: F. 15. Mt. Mm. Co., Dufur, Oregon. 'jfiitkmen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our muu uiri, eigui una ono-lmlf years old MMP id , wh0 "a wiHtwl away to UH jhouikIs, is VflWfC.flH Ji,("? w,011, litrc011 JHd vigorous, and well SUIFlNSORVt fleshed up. S. It. Couu'li C'uru lmH li.n n.Sj;!:.r . . """10 """ renuitinirfrotn : " '-it uuui u t O Clll Clreil like ori-Miiiailouof linun nerve forwgt ticorli dial it Vmir C l r.. i , fai& ke!. away all hoarsei.esn from me. Mi 'tei'Li'S' Kye It to every one, with greetinge S&?Kf i.u fr'lJ' w8''nByou proH,,erit.v. we are ?JidiTa'V Lv 're.d'' '. W. thou. ours, ,M. A Mkh. .f. v v The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULR1CH & SON. WISEMAN. W.M. MAKDKKH. A. WESOLO, Thr Rflsmv TiiiiiR East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. J'rrrVct 'Jt UuurmiWiiitl. (Qiseman & Warders, Saloon and Wine Rooms Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. 5at'sfa('or? Ouarapteed. WINHNS Hi: Ni:V TOWN has Iwu on the old 'umi ground, at the Turkx and k J'ulls of Hood river, with luruu.MuiitlV iots.liroad n(rci'tMiil hIIi.i-n. i-iu.ii ,,n und iiurowittt'r.witlishadi'ln iifiifuhfrni, .'.,ifiTtdralniit,"',dclii;liifiii iiir.iintaln cliiimtu, tliuci'ittral iittraction as a mountain Mimmcr ftwirt fir all (in litlni? the iieuri-M town to Ml. Hood. It is iiniaralldir ah a iiwimifactiiiliiK eeiiter, beliiK the natnriil luntcr for 1,W solum- inilth of the .st (juliirand ilr tlinli'T, imisk'hbIiik inlllloii!i of horsi- power In its liaxliim,' stifamii and water-falli-, taiilly hiirniiscd. Whcro clu-up inotlvi- imnvr rxlxts, there tho inaiiri factorlcH will ccnt'T.Minoundcd by soil and climate Hint nmnot l.u exct Ilea anywhere for fruit and iinrieulture, and with tinmiiortiitlon already iiouted you will Und tliih the pluec M maken jH-ifcet home or pnyiiiB Invuhtiucnt See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. TITIiE PERFECT i W. RossWinans, The Dalles, Oregon. Northwest corner nf K'finif uiwl touri streelK. V. I" mid every uthtr iUU). EKS I " by W to, mtur. '"riiWu; S,.H ,., ......v. a iumure Kuamnite, 60 ccnt ptr bottle tiy till druwlU. . X7S k'lreH trect, J'OUTtAJiji OKI Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. 13 eggs. . . 20 eggs. . Address : .2.00 . a.oo R. M. UAKKJMAK, Endereby, Or. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs m Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Youhk & Kuef'